The Good Place

by emerald_shine

Chapter 1: Welcome. Everything Is Fine.

Flitter's eyes snapped open.

She looked around the room, surveying the tan walls, potted plants, and the nice leather couch she was sitting on.She tried to remember how she got there but when she attempted to remember, it all became so fuzzy.

The thing that stood out to her most in this room, was the large green letters painted on the wall in front of her reading, "Welcome. Everything Is Fine."

Flitter began to softly panic and then she slowly took a deep breath. As she let it out, she repeated those words in her head. "Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is-"

Her thoughts were interrupted when an older stallion wearing a sharp black suit walked in. "Flitter?" Flitter slowly nodded her head as the stallion smiled. "Come on in!"

Flitter got up from the couch and walked towards the stallion. He gestured to the door and she walked through it into an office space with a desk, a lot of cacti, and a strange bowl full of paper clips. The stallion walked in after her and shut the door. He sat down at his desk and gestured to the chair across from him telling Flitter to do the same.

"Hello, Flitter. It's nice to meet you. My name is Michael." He stuck out his hoof and Flitter cautiously shook it. How did this stallion know her name? Had they met before? "Let me make this simple." The stallion took a deep breath. "You are dead."

Flitter jumped up out of the seat. "What? I can't be dead! There's still so much I wanted to accomplish with my life!"

The stallion smiled. "Not anymore. Please sit down."

Flitter glared at him but reluctantly sat down. The stallion smiled. "Listen, Flitter. There's no need to worry about anything. You're in The Good Place. This world is your eternal reward for the good things you accomplished during your life." He picked up a file off of his desk. "It says here that you worked as the manager of the weather ponies and regulated when each region would get rain and made sure it was just enough to water the crop and nothing more. That's a lot of good. Definitely a lot of points."

Flitter held up a hoof. "I'm sorry? Points?"

Michael nodded. "You see, Flitter..." We waved a hoof and a chart appeared out of what seemed like thin air. He scrolled down on the chart and Flitter saw her name pop up with the number 5,973,290 next to it. "Every action you take in Equestria has a point total based on the amount of good or bad it put into the world. Just working where you did made you a gold mine's worth of points because you regulated the agriculture of so many different Earth Pony societies!"

Flitter nodded and smiled. "I didn't realize managing a weather company was enough to rack up all of these points."

Michael nodded. "Now, let's see..." He began flipping through the other papers in the file. "It seems you died after making contact with liquid thunder in the weather factory. Obviously, you know what happened next."

Of course Flitter knew what happened after that. Liquid thunder is one of the most deadly substances to pegasi. When a pegasus comes into contact with the electric blue substance, they're paralyzed and their powers come to a halt for a little bit.

Flitter realized that she must have touched the thunder and fallen through the cloud floors of the weather factory. "Why in Equestria would I touch liquid thunder? The only places where that stuff goes is the mixing vat in the storm room and the pipes leading to the cloud construction room."

"It seems that while you were walking through the storm room, one of the pipes was unstable and burst. Before you realized what happened, you were covered with the stuff. Of course, you passed out and fell through the cloud floor. You know, you really should put tiles on the floor of that room like you have in the cloud construction room."

"Was I the only one who died in that accident?"

Michael shook his head. "After reviewing the accident, it seems three other workers died at the same time as you."


"Ponies named Eventide, Silver Storm, and... oh my!"

"What! What's wrong."

Michael shook his head. "I don't think I should tell you the name of the last worker as it may upset you and this is supposed to be a place of eternal happiness."

I tilt my head. "Who could possibly upset me that much?"

Michael sighed. "If I tell you, you must understand that there's nothing you could have done to stop it from happening." I nod. "The last pony who died in that accident was your sister, Stormwalker."

Stormwalker? Nopony had called her that since Flitter was a little filly. Everypony else just called her Cloudchaser. She always said it sounded less edgy. "Cloudchaser's dead? That's impossible. She was a field worker! She should have been out arranging clouds for Equestria!"

Michael shifted in his seat. "It seems she was trying to talk to you and she followed you into the storm room and..."

"Dang it Cloudchaser! Always in the wrong place at the wrong time! Forking dumbash." Flitter's head tilted. "Fork? Fork. Fork. Why can't I say fork?"

"Ah yes. That there's the filter we've placed on all Good Place residents. You can't curse here."

"Ash. Fork. Shirt. Bench. Oh my goddess!"

Suddenly, a white pony with a beautiful blonde mane burst into the room. "Michael. Big problem. Sorry to interrupt but it seems that a few of the residents are arguing over who has the better living situation and it's causing another rift."

"Forking shirt Eleanor! I'm in the middle of welcoming a new resident."

"Geez! I said sorry. Forking bench." She walked out of the room and yelled back, "I guess I'll fix all this shirt by myself!"

Michael chuckled and looked back to Flitter. "As you can see, you weren't the only pony who enjoyed cursing. Anyways, there is something I should warn you about. I know how close you were with your sister which is why it is my unfortunate job to inform you that your sister will not be joining you here."

"What do you mean?"

"She's in The Bad Place, Flitter"

Flitter's heart stops. "Wh-What! What do you mean? We did almost everything together! There's no way she could've gotten even a point less!"

"Well..." Michael paused. "Would you like to see your sister's point total? I can give you an explanation if you wish." Flitter, nods and Michael claps his hooves. Right next to where Flitter's name and number was, was the name "Stormwalker" with the number 400,325.

"I don't understand! How could she have lived such a worse life than me?"

"She did a lot of things when you weren't with her, Flitter." He then turned towards the wall and spoke loudly, "Janet!" A pony appeared directly in front of him. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Yes, Michael?"

"Please fetch me the file of the life of a pony named Stormwalker."

"I can do that for you!" The pony pulled a manilla folder out of thin air. "There you go!" Flitter couldn't believe it! This pony looked normal but something about the way she acted was almost robotic.

"Thank you Janet." He waved a hoof and the pony disappeared. Michael looked at Flitter's confused expression and laughed. "Oh! That was Janet. You can call for her any time and she can bring you whatever your heart desires. Anyways..." He opened the file and began reading. His expressions changed from confused to surprised to a bunch of other emotions that Flitter couldn't exactly place her hoof on.

"I see." Michael closed the file and looked Flitter in the eyes. "It seems your sister led a very different life behind closed doors."

"Look, Michael. I just want to know how it's possible that I got such a high point total and hers was so low."

"Well, let's go through the major points. First of all, her job wasn't quite as effective as yours. She still gained quite a lot of points from her job, just not nearly as much as you did. In fact, more than half of her points came from her job. Other than that, she was certainly a nice pony. She gained minimal points from small actions throughout her lifetime. But I'm sure what you're more interested in is what lost her points."

"No shirt Sherlock!"

"Okay okay! First of all, she cut a lot of classes, she once vandalized public property with a group of friends, and she, no offense, was kind of... How do I put this... She was... A pony...who..." Michael's head was spinning as he tried to find a way to describe what happened without being to vulgar. "Offered services for money."

"Bullshirt! My sister would never do that kind of shirt!" Then, Flitter paused. There were always a lot of times that Cloudchaser was able to afford things that Flitter couldn't, despite Flitter having the better paying job. Flitter always wondered how she came up with the money. Now it kind of made sense. "What else?"

"Oh believe me. Those are the small things. She once attacked somepony for flicking a piece of paper at her. She broke two of his hooves and his muzzle. She embezzled funds from Cloudsdale Weather Corporation, and... oh my! She had a drunken affair with your boyfriend..." Michael paused surveying Flitter's hurt expression and cautiously continued, "On seven separate occasions."

"What the fork Cloudchaser!" Flitter felt a boiling rage in her stomach as she realized that everything Michael was saying was true. She half-wished her sister was in The Good Place just so she could beat the ever-loving shirt out of her.

She then sighed and said, "But her score is still pretty good! Why isn't she here with us?"

"The bar is very high for making it into The Good Place. In fact, as Equestria continues to grow, it becomes harder and harder to be a good person. That was actually something that me and my friend Eleanor learned. You already met her of course." Michael clapped again and a big data table popped up and began running numbers. Words then popped up reading, "Neighborhood average: 4,089,325

"I'm sorry, neighborhood average? What does it mean by 'neighborhood?"

"The Good Place is separated into millions of different neighborhoods. Each one houses about 322 people. I'm the architect. I'm the one who created the neighborhood and designed everything in it."

"Okay. So, is there any way for Cloudchaser to get here anyways?"

"I suppose you would be able to make a case to the high judge, but you don't even have a leg to stand on. The point total is so low that even millions of years ago, she wouldn't have made it into The Good Place."

"I suppose. I just wish she were here." Suddenly, Janet popped up next to Flitter. "If you wish, I can create a complete exact copy of your sister and she can stay with you to distract you from the fact that your real sister is being tortured for all of eternity."

"Janet! Out!" Michael sighed and waved his hoof and Janet disappeared. "I swear that mare drives me crazy sometimes."

Janet popped up and said, "Not a mare." and the disappeared.

Michael stomped his hoof on the floor and sighed again. "I'm sorry Flitter. I know this isn't what you expected in the afterlife but, I can assure you that you will be happy here."

Flitter sighed and kicked her hoof. "I guess."

"I can see that you're still conflicted in emotion. You know, Janet's offer will always be on the table. In fact, I might be able to pull a few strings to get you a visit with your sister."

"No, it's okay. I'm fine. Everything is fine."

Michael chuckled a little. "Come now! That's my slogan! You stole that!" He managed to get a small smile out of Flitter.

"Now then, would you like me to show you the rest of the neighborhood?"

Flitter nodded. Her mind was flooded with thoughts. Her sister wasn't who she had thought, but she knew one thing.

She was going to find a way to break her sister out of the Bad Place.