partisans of Eqwuestria

by Ferencelvtars


(cough) "whe-where am I?" asked Ferkó, between two active coughs, when he regained consciousness. Suddenly, a turquoise blue light flashed with an incredibly strong brightness and warmth, and a pleasant feeling washed over Ferkó as if he were sitting by a fireplace, and he began to feel much better.

"Tell me, what are you looking for here, and how did you get in?" asked an elderly but thin voice.

"I-I don't know. I received a letter from someone called Sunset, Sunset, um... I can't remember the full name of Sunset, and I accidentally activated the portal or something, and..." Ferkó shook his head and suddenly got surprised. "Wait, am I a, horn, mane, HOOVES?" Ferkó suddenly wanted to scream and faint. "What, what is happening here?" he asked irritably.

"How do you mean?" asked a raspy female voice.

"We thought you came to rescue us," spoke a gentle childlike voice.

"Who are you, and why are you hiding in the shadows?" Ferkó asked, almost shouting.

Suddenly, light appeared again, the same turquoise glow, and the cell suddenly started to swim in light. "Are you happy now?" asked a lilac-blue-maned and tailed unicorn who showed signs of age, wearing a blouse-like outfit. Suddenly, a blue-bodied, red-chitined, turquoise-eyed bug-like pony, and an orange dragon appeared.

"Y-yes, but you... this can't be, Starlight?" Ferkó asked, confused and delighted.

"How do you know my name?" the unicorn asked angrily. Suddenly, her horn lit up and passed over it, almost blinding with light.

"Wait, Starlight, don't shoot!" he shouted, but it was too late. Starlight fired a beam. Ferkó suddenly thought of a magical shield to protect himself. He felt pressure, but not on his body, as if it were outside him, and when he opened his eyes, there was a shield in front of him, which suddenly collapsed. Starlight was ready for the next shot. Ferkó suddenly jumped and bit Starlight's horn. The unicorn's magic dispersed, and Starlight cried out in pain. Ferkó quickly spat out the horn and jumped to the ground.

"Listen, Starlight, I don't mean harm, but I don't know what's happening, and I'm afraid. Please stop," Ferkó said soothingly but with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Okay, let's assume you don't mean harm, but then why are you here?" the bug-like pony asked.

"That's a very good question, and I think Starlight knows the answer, Ocellus," Ferkó said with a mix of demand and question.

"First, answer something -" said the dragon.

"What, Smolder?" Ferkó asked confidently with a touch of sarcasm.

"How do you know our names, and what's your name?" Smolder asked with folded arms.

"Well, that's two questions, but it's understandable. My name is Scoald Bubble in your language, but it's pronounced Ferkó in mine, and I'd prefer if you called me Ferkó. As for the other question, I can't give an answer because it's too shocking... and too complex," he said uncertainly, but it was clear that his uncertainty was about how to phrase it rather than what to say.

"It's good to know that at least someone received my letter. I thought Sombra destroyed it before it fell into the portal," Starlight said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"What exactly is happening?" Ferkó asked.

"Well, to understand that, we need to turn back the wheel of time," Starlight said with a strong emphasis.

"So, are you using a spell that projects what happened into my head?" Ferkó asked, a bit annoyed.

"Actually, that's a great idea," Starlight said, somewhat uncertain.

Suddenly, a flash of light, and a massive metal door slammed shut, and Ferkó soon found himself back in the cell. A white-furred, blue-maned unicorn with dark green eyes, well-groomed but clearly hadn't seen a brush or mirror for a while, wearing dark purple armor with gold accents, was there. Ferkó suddenly found himself in a nearly transparent turquoise bubble. He didn't know what it was, but he didn't have to wait long for the answer. The unicorn brought some things that looked like hay and fresh water into the cell and then left after placing them on the ground. As soon as he left and the door slammed shut with a loud noise, the aura dissipated, and Starlight was left slightly panting. Interestingly, instead of the faint moonlight, a bit of morning sunlight filtered into the cell, which was almost blinding compared to the previous moonlight.

"Starlight, are you okay?" Ocellus asked nervously.

"Yes, I'm just a little tired," Starlight replied, still panting.

"Tell me, Starlight, the amulet will take me back to my world, right?"

"Unfortunately, this is a one-way trip," Starlight replied dejectedly.

"Fortunately, I brought my bag with me," Ferkó said, a bit fearful and angry.

"But I didn't see what happened, how you ended up here. Where are the others?" Ferkó asked in confusion.

"We don't know either. We were sleeping, and that's how they managed to capture us," Smolder replied while blowing smoke from her nostrils.

"Why are you still here? I mean, Starlight is a powerful unicorn. Why don't you just teleport out?" Ferkó asked.

"Look, Ferkó, I might be strong, but I can't challenge Chrysalis' throne, and the door is unbreakable, heat, and force-resistant," Starlight said sadly.

"Does the door only open with a key?" Ferkó asked in amazement.

"Yes," they all replied unanimously.

"Well, then we're getting out of here now," Ferkó said. He took out his knife, but accidentally dropped it.

"Oops, I forgot I have hooves," he said, surprised.

Ferkó turned inward as he read from the book and searched for the beat of his heart. He found it quite easily and charged his horn with a spell that suddenly sparkled as he levitated his knife.

"Is this normal?" he asked a bit nervously, pulling his neck away from the sparks.

"Yes, it's quite common among demi-unicorns," Starlight replied monotonously.

"What's a demi-what?" Ferkó asked strangely and then looked at his back, where he saw two featherless wings.

"Oh, great, I go through a portal, and I instantly become the lamest creature in the world. I'm a pegacorn! Super. But at least both my eyes are okay," Ferkó said a bit angrily.

Ferkó took out a butter and jam sandwich from his bag and accidentally pulled out the brooch in the shape of a peacock's tail, which fell to the ground and suddenly flashed with blinding blue light. When the light subsided, four pieces of jewelry lay on the ground, still shining: a black ring, a peculiar stiff hat resembling a unicorn's horn, the brooch, and a necklace resembling a fox's tail.