//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: The Remaining Lights Within the Darkness // Story: Your Name Across The Multiverse // by DATONETWIxDASHFAN //------------------------------// Bolt was staring at the monster, who was ready to attack again. The slime was building up and forming a giant fist aimed at her. The first came down, crashing into the slime, but nothing happened. The first was gone, the monster was confused, and Bolt laughed. "You're kidding. This is all you got, ugly?" laughed Bolt as her eyes shone bright blue. Another slime fist was moving towards Bolt, but it was burning as it got close to Bolt's aura, who was waving her hoof and smiling smugly. The slime monster roared in anger and sent every single slime at her. The ooze was coming from all directions, but none could reach her. Bolt was floating in the air as the ooze surrounded her. She looked around and smiled. "Alright! This is fun! Come on!" challenged Bolt as the ooze burned, melted, and evaporated around her. "Oh, you're done," said Bolt, as the ooze was gone and the ooze creature was staring angrily and studying Bolt. "So, what's next?" asked Bolt, still smiling. The giant monster raised its front left leg and slammed it down. "Is that the best you can do?" asked Bolt, who was waiting to see what would happen. Suddenly, the monster, in smaller form, wearing a melting jacket and having a black, melting halo above its head, was in front of her and grabbed her. "What the heck!" shouted Bolt as she struggled to break free, noticing this new creature wasn't burning away like the other slime attacks she countered. "What is going on!" asked Bolt, looking at the creature and seeing its melted mouth moving. "Rainbow," said the creature as it opened its mouth and gathered twisted rainbow energy, pointing it at Bolt's face. "That doesn't answer my question," replied Bolt, watching the rainbow energy slowly change into a giant rainbow orb. "Rainbow..." spoke the creature once more. "Okay, you got one shot." "BREAKER!" finished the creature as it shot the energy orb into Bolt's face. "What the..." said Bolt as she quickly used element control and teleported away from the creature's attack. She reappeared above and sighed with relief as she saw the colossal laser beam wiping out the slime in that direction, as the whole universe was an endless sea of black slime. "Damn it, that was close," smiled Bolt as she watched the beam disappear and the creature, which was still wearing a black melted jacket, turn its attention to her. "Rainbow...Breaker," said the creature as its halo changed to a rainbow halo, sparking and shining brightly. "What are you, a parrot?" laughed Bolt as she saw the creature charging another attack, so she teleported away as the beast fired the attack again. "Come on, tell me something; I don't know," said Bolt, who was watching the creature, who was following her movements The creature roared in anger and started to move towards her. "Oh, come on. You're not a huge slime monster anymore; try speaking for real." grinned Bolt as the creature flew towards her and was still gathering rainbow energy. The halo was now sparkling, and a second rainbow halo appeared, shining and changing into a different color. "Rainbow...Breaker." "Oh, you are a parrot." "RAINBOW BREAKER!" "Oh, shit!" The creature shot its rainbow attack at her. As she dodged the attack, the beast was still firing its rainbow beam nonstop, and Bolt dodged the endless beams. "What a waste of time," said Bolt, tired from teleporting and not knowing when the creature would stop. "Rainbow...Break...er," spoke the creature as its halo started changing again, and the color was no longer rainbow. "Great, you're starting to get the hang of it. Come on, say something." grinned Bolt as the creature roared once more, but this time, its voice was different. "Rai...bo...Bre...k...er." "Wow, you're learning. Maybe we can be friends after this." "RAINBOW...BREAKER." "I'm sorry. Can you speak up?" "RAAIIINNNNNNBOOOOWWWWW..." "Wait, what?" The creature opened its mouth. Its halo was now sparkling, and its color was deep black as it slowly hovered over the creature's widening mouth. "I don't think you should do that," said Bolt as she watched the creature's mouth, now detached from its joints and hanging freely. The creature roared and created a black ball of energy. The creature fired its beam through the halo, which hit the beam and made it grow larger, as the energy was now a large black ball. "Oh, shit!" said Bolt as she realized what the creature was doing and knew it would be hard to avoid, as the attack was now more significant than it was before. She knew she couldn't avoid this one, even with element control. She closed her eyes and started to glow with energy. This move might save her butt, but she needed to charge fast, or she's toast. "Alright, you big ugly, let's dance!" shouted Bolt as the beam came, and her aura strengthened. The black beam and golden aura collided, and it was a struggle. Both were trying to push their energy and power forward. "Come on, give me everything you got," taunted Bolt as the creature roared. Its black energy was getting stronger, and the black halos were joined by another halo. The third halo was now a deep, dark red and floated over to the creature as it was going into the beam, making it darker. "Oh, hell no!" shouted Bolt as she saw this and could feel her power going down. "Damn, even in Super State 2, I can't do much... No! I need to start attacking rather than dodging! Let's do this! Light Speed Fast with Element Control!" shouted Bolt as she blasted through the monster's beam within a blink of an eye, splitting it in half and landing a solid punch in the monster's face, blasting half of its melting face into nothingness. "You want some more, you ugly, fat, drip ink!" shouted Bolt as she fired a small blast of rainbow energy, which made a massive crater on the creature's head, leaving it headless. The headless monster was in shock, as its halo now had four halos: two bright pink and two light blue. "RAINBO," said the headless creature, whose voice was now different and more profound. "Let me guess, Rainbooowbreaker, am I right?" taunted Bolt, who was grinning and not showing any fear or tiredness. "RAINBOOOW...BREAKER," spoke the creature, whose voice was now a much deeper version of the previous voice. The four halos were now floating, and the colors changed again. The halos were now a mix of all the colors, and Bolt was sure they weren't supposed to be like that, as the halos were slowly changing into a dark purple. "Rainbow...Breaker," said the creature, its voice much more profound and echoing. Bolt knew that if she didn't attack, the beast was about to fire another deadly attack, this time to end her. "I'm not going to let you do that, pal," said Bolt, as the dark purple halos became a dark and glowing energy ball ready to be shot at her. Bolt quickly gathered much of her power and focused on the monster, its dark energy, and its halos. "Light speed fast, with element control!" shouted Bolt, as her whole body was now a blinding yellow and light green aura, but as Bolt did that, the Rainbow Comet that was behind the creatures was slowly fading into black, as the rainbow tail was becoming black and fusing with the purple halo attack. "I'm ending this, you ugly piece of ink trash!" shouted Bolt, rushing at the creature as it fired its beam, which was now black and purple and headed straight at Bolt. Bolt was now a blinding light, moving faster than light, and her body was glowing much brighter and stronger than before. "You're dead, monster," growled Bolt, who was charging straight at the beam. "RAINBOW BREAKER!" screamed the creature, as its attack was growing in size and strength. "ELEMENT CONTROL!" shouted Bolt. As her eyes shined a lighter blue aura and her body was covered in a rainbow aura, she flew at the beam, breaking the barrier of light and speed and creating a shiny Sonic Rainboom. "You're done for!" laughed Bolt, who was laughing, pushing her way through the beam and getting close to the monster. "I've got you!" said the headless creature as its head reformed. It smirked as Bolt was almost face-to-face with it, in shock that it spoke for the first time. "What-" said Bolt as she was suddenly cut off, as the smirking creature created a very tiny black-red orb between them. Within seconds, the orb suddenly grew into the most enormous energy orb Bolt had ever seen; she was a little dot compared to it. "Oh, I'm so screwed," said Bolt, who was in pure shock and had her jaw open. The considerable orb was growing, and Bolt was losing the pushing fight as she caught it as the monster pushed the orb. The orb was blasting Bolt back and was still growing. "You're not already giving up, are you?" asked the creature, as the orb was covering Bolt's entire body, and she was giving it all to avoid being engulfed in it. Bolt was struggling not to give up; she couldn't, she wouldn't, but she couldn't think of anything to get out of this one. She couldn't use combined light speed and element control to get this one. The orb was too close and massive; it was helpless, as she could only push back the orb. "Why aren't you attacking, Bolt?" the monster asked, staring at her within the orb and seeing her struggling. "How do you know my name, monster?" "I saw your life and your story when I visited your universe. You're a lot weaker than I thought." "Shut up! I can take you down, monster!" "Do you believe that?" "I'm going to kick your butt, pal!" "No, you can't, and you won't." "I will, and you can't stop me!" "I'm stronger than you will ever be. You're just a weak, puny Pegasus who believes fighting so-called gods, machines, and powerful monsters will make you strong and a great hero." "I'll win this, monster! Like I always do! Just watch!" "I'm watching, and all I see is a weak, pathetic excuse of a hero, a failure, a worthless nobody. A copycat of the real thing." "SHUT UP!" shouted Bolt as the giant energy sent her far away from the creature, and the orb was starting to become unstable as the power blasted out of it. "Weakling," whispered the creature, whose voice was much more profound and distorted. Bolt was breathing heavily; her mind was filled with anger, pain, and confusion. Her body was in a lot of pain, and she was losing hope, and the element emeralds were almost out of power like they were being drained. Was it because the emeralds were giving it all to repel the attack for the first time ever? She can't stop and give up—not now, not ever—but for the first time in her life, she was scared. Meanwhile, the others were speechless, watching the battle before them. The Heat was screaming for Bolt to teleport away or do something. "Bolt, please..." cried Heat as she saw her friend, whose aura was slowly fading, as she was getting engulfed in the considerable energy orb. "There has to be something, anything, we can do to help her," said Terra, whose voice was filled with fear. "She's trying her best to push back a hypergiant like the sun," Flare replied, feeling helpless; even she couldn't do much to repel that attack. "It's almost the same size as the UY Scuti. Even if she somehow escapes it, the orb is starting to become unstable. The blast will kill her and us," said Wanda as she accepted her fate and took out her photo of her mother. "So, this is the end, then?" asked Aaira, whose eyes filled with tears as she saw Bolt was now in the orb. "No, Bolt wouldn't give up, nor would I." Heat replied sternly and severely as she turned to the group, "Wanda, use your barrier; I'm going to stop casting this energy barrier around you guys. I need to help Bolt!" "It will kill you! Even you can't handle the blasting power of a hypergiant!" shouted Wanda, horrified that Heat would try tHeatke on that orb; even Bolt couldn't. "Bolt won't survive unless I help her! Even if it means I have to give my life for her!" shouted Heat as she was formiHeatlazing flames around herself. "But Bolt will-" tried Wanda, who Heat stopped. "I know. I don't care! If Bolt dies, so will I!" shouted Heat, whose body was Heatfully covered in fire, as her face was severe. "Heat," whispered the group, shocked by her words. She would rather die beside the pony who means the world to her. "Wanda, activate the barrier," ordered Heat, whose voice was heated and showed no emotion. She was about to fly away from the barrier when everyone could see a rainbow pillar of light in front of them, as the ground returned and the crater was back. "What's going on?" asked Berry as she and everyone else covered their eyes. Back with Bolt, her body could feel the surface of the energy orb as it was starting to burn her body; her super-state was taking damage. "Don't give in," said Bolt, as she was breathing heavily and her body was in so much pain. "There has to be a way!" Bolt closed her eyes as she focused, but then a voice spoke out. "You're not giving up, are you, Bolt?" the voice asked in a deep, serious tone. Bolt could see Shadow Dust, her fake lookalike, rival, and friend, as she stood there with her arms crossed. "Don't give up! You are Bolt!" said another voice, as Bolt could see her little pal, Scoots the griffon, as she stood next to Dust. Soon, Bolt could see all her friends, her enemies who turned good, and even those who hated but respected her, standing there, cheering her on. "You can do this!" Anna, her pink pony friend, smiled and nodded at her. "Don't give up!" shouted Discord, smiling and cheering her on. "Come on, you can do it, Bolt!" shouted AJ as she pounded the ground with force. "Everyone..." whispered Bolt as she started to cry. Her friends were all here, and they were supporting her. She could see Heat and was smiling, shouting for her to go. "You're Bolt, the most stubborn Pegasus alive!" cried Heat as tears fell from her eyesHeathat's why I love you!" Bolt's eyes opened wide as tears were falling out; her face was red like an apple, and her eyes shone as she was back in front of the energy orb. "I can't lose here! Not now, not ever!" said Bolt as she smiled. She felt her power returning, her aura coming back, but something else was happening. The emeralds were somehow floating around her and beaming with a strong glow, like they were cheering her on as well. "This is my destiny, and no one, not even some monster, will get in my way!" shouted Bolt as the seven-element emeralds, the source of her power, were beaming brightly and glowing much more than before; it was so bright that their light almost could be seen on the surface of the giant orb. "You're not giving up, are you? It seems I have underestimated you; after all, you remind me of 'her'..."  said the creature, its eyes narrowing. Grinning, it hovered above the orb. Bolt started to think back, back to the day when the Ark almost crashed into their planet. She remembered how she and Dust stopped it, but even in her super state 2, would it be enough for her to pull it off herself? Even on this scale? "If this works, I could get out of this, but no doubt the emeralds will completely be drained," said Bolt, as the emeralds were helping her push back the orb. "Element control, with a boost of state 2," mumbled Bolt as she was ready to unleash her teleporting move. "Element..." whispered Bolt, as her whole body was a blinding yellow aura. "Control!" shouted Bolt as the seven emeralds started to float around her and spin, releasing everything they had as they and Bolt sent an energy wave that almost covered the hypergiant energy orb. They were pushing with everything, and soon Bolt could feel her state 2 form, depowering her back to her normal super state. Even with that, she kept pushing the wave across the giant orb, but soon, the emeralds started to go dim and gray. One by one, the emeralds went dark and lifeless. Bolt could feel it; her super form was also about to go. "No, not yet!" cried Bolt, as the wave was moving slower and slower as it almost covered the orb surface, but as the last emerald went out, so did her super form, and she was back to being normal. Her body was hurting, her lungs were burning, she could barely breathe, her legs were tired, her eyes were barely opening, and she was using all her power not to pass out, but she pushed through it all as she grabbed the once blue emerald and screamed to the heavens. "I'M NOT BACKING DOWN! THAT'S WHAT LOYALTY IS!" The emeralds surround Bolt, and in Bolt's hoof, the blue emerald started to glow once more but started to crack as they fired off one last energy burst, completely covering the orb and teleporting it away in a flash. She could see a tiny dot within the darkness, appearing and disappearing, as that was where she sent the orb. She did it. "I-I did it," cried Bolt, as her whole body was in pain "Not yet; you haven't," whispered the creature as she floated to her. Back with the others, they could see Bolt teleporting the hypergiant energy orb away and, simultaneously, seeing a Bolt lookalike standing in the crater. "Bad timing, another version of "me" showed up," said Flare as she watched the newcomer look around and finally look at them. "It looks like we're back." "Back? Wait. Are you the pegasus mare that was teleported away when those shards fell?" Wanda quickly asked as she hurried over to the Pegasus, who was wearing a cool-looking blue jacket. "You can say that," replied the mare as she looked up and could sense "her" and Bolt. "Sorry, no time to chat. Going to give this to Bolt before "she" finishes her off," said Pegasuse as she took out a substantial green emerald, causing Heat to ask her where she got thHeatrom, as she knows it's the Master Element Emerald. "AJ and the rest of Bolt's friends gave it to me. I got to go!" Everyone watched as a rainbow halo appeared behind the mare's back. Two long wings burst through her jacket, and she took off like a speeding rocket. Bolt could see the emeralds were done. They lost all their powers, were completely dark, and had cracks around their surface. "Thanks, old friends..." said Bolt as tears fell out, and her whole body felt like jelly. "You really are something," said the creature, its eyes looking down at her, a huge grin across its face. Bolt could feel herself slipping into the darkness as her whole body was in pain, and she couldn't support herself. "Breaker..." said the creature as its mouth opened. Dark energy was forming and blasted towards the defenseless Bolt, but it was quickly reflected by the mare that appeared. The creature and the bigger version of it behind it went wide in surprise. "You! Can't be!" said the creature as it stood there and watched the mare hover near Bolt, who was breathing heavily and could barely open her eyes. "You can do it, Bolt!" cried the mare, who was holding the master emerald, and the rest of the emeralds slowly floated to their master version. "Something tells me you know what to do with this. It's from your friends." Bolt could hear her voice as her eyes opened, and she could see the giant emerald in front of her and the smaller ones floating around it, almost like they were recovering their powers. "The emeralds...the master emerald..." said Bolt as she weakly smiled as she raised her hoof to touch the emerald, but the moment her hoof touched it, the master emerald started to glow, and the smaller ones began to glow. They started to float around her, with their colors returning and their surfaces being fixed. "Bolt, you can do it; don't give in to fate and keep flying." cried the mare, whose eyes were filling with tears as Bolt closed her eyes, and the emeralds, one by one with a flash, grew to the same size as the master version and were slowly spinning around Bolt, who opened her eyes and smirked at the slime monster. "You can't win!" roared the creature as it fired a dark blast towards the pair, but the master emerald quickly stopped it. "My loyalty to protecting others will never waver; I fought machines, monsters, and gods. They were indeed mighty, but I always stand on top." Bolt said as the emeralds started to spin faster. "What can one mote of golden light illuminate within the dying universe abyss? Countless stars. Countless worlds. Countless lives. Are all going to break by me, all brought to nothing? To be broken, that's why I was created!" shouted the creature, but Bolt and her lookalike could see tears in its eyes. "The reason why I am here is..." replied Bolt. Her body glowed like a white star, and her aura shone like a rainbow. Soon, the giant emeralds fused into Bolt's body and created a giant rainbow star, revealing within that shining star was Bolt. Her skin was white now, her eyes were red, her jacket became black, and her mane was long and silver white with bits of lighter rainbow colors. "You are not the one who will decide the fate of the multiverse!" Not even in a second, Bolt was behind the creature, with her arms crossed, looking back at it as the beast was shocked. "H-how! That power!" cried the creature, as Bolt didn't reply and just kept looking at it with anger in her eyes. "You fought me in my super and super state 2. Now you face me in my hyper form," said Bolt, as her voice had a deeper and more serious tone. "YOU DARE COPY "HER"!" screamed the monster as it tried to turn around but blasted away while Hyper Bolt didn't move her body once. Bolt shouted out to her lookalike and asked her name. "It's Rainbow Blitz. The cause of this mess." "Mess? What do you mean?" "Well, long story short, I'm not from this universe. My universe is up there," said Blitz as she pointed to the Rainbow Comet. "The comet?" asked Bolt, who was looking at the comet. "The comet, the Rainbow Comet, is not just a comet; it's the remains of a dead universe. My universe," said Blitz, as she explained to the super-powered Pegasus. "Wait, wait, a deadPegasusse?! What do you mean by that?" asked Bolt, whose mind was racing. "I'm here and now because there's still a spark left in her. Her dying hope," replied Blitz as she could seePegasusnster returning, "to save her. To remember her, the real her." "The "real" her?" Bolt said, but she quickly guessed what was happening here, as she had seen this before in her past adventures. "I get it. Someone was corrupted and became that," said Bolt, pointing to the slime monster. "Correct," replied Blitz. "Okay, let's go, but let me blow off some steam first," said Bolt, who could feel her rage returning, and it was getting ready to combat the monster again. Blitz nodded, and with that, the pair charged at the slime monster roaring in the background. Its eyes were filled with hate and rage; it was screaming at why Bolt was copying "her" and why Blitz was here, but Bolt quickly punched it in the gut. "I like it when you just say repeated rainbow breaker," said Bolt, who was punching the slime creature's back with a glowing rainbow fist while Blitz was letting her do all the work as she needed to head to the comet. "It's not over! I will win, Bolt! You can't stop me!" roared the creature as its fist slammed against her. "Don't count on it," said Bolt, her right arm glowing bright. She slammed it against the creature, sending it flying back and crashing into the comet's surface, creating a crater. "Why are you copying her, Bolt?" said the creature as its eyes narrowed at her. Then it could see the rainbow trail following Bolt, and the fact that her whole body radiated with light made it madder. "No clue what you are on about!" said Bolt, rushing at it, her hoof slamming against the creature's face and sending it flying more profoundly into the crater. "YOU ARE COPYING "HER"!" roared the creature. Its voice could be heard across the comet's surface, echoing across the multiverse, as the walls of between cracked against the sea of black ooze. "If you want me to copy someone, how about this?" said Bolt, her body shining with rainbow colors and creating a rainbow halo in her hoof. As the monster looked up and was shocked, a figure could be seen, a figure that was all too familiar to the slime creature, a figure that was like a reflection of Bolt. She looked over to Blitz, who was behind Bolt. "Why did you come, Blitz? It would have been best if you hadn't come here, not after what happened to everyone...to everything," whispered the creature, looking at Blitz; its eyes were full of sadness. Bolt slammed her hoof into the slime monster, breaking the comet surface and revealing a hollow center. Within was a small floating dead city. Bolt entered the hole, followed by Blitz, who spoke like a piece of the monster was floating near. "To undo my mistake, This time. I'm going to save you." The creature shed a tear before its mass started to cover the broken comet's surface. "It's already too late, Blitz. I can't be saved anymore. All the worlds are going to break, breaking by me. And there's nothing that can stop it." replied the slime monster, its voice echoing across the hollow world. The darkness covered the city as the hole was covered, leaving Bolt and Blitz the last remaining lights in the darkness. The other four lights appeared in the town, and soon, more lights filled the dark city as prism windows appeared across the cityscape. end of chapter 7