//------------------------------// // Dreams Made Real // Story: Beyond // by Jay David //------------------------------// Spike had never been one for long journeys, even back when he was young. Trekking across the land, having to spend overnight stints on a train, he was never that enthusiastic about them, at least not until they actually reached their destination. However, while that may have made him an odd choice for this particular scenario, it was nevertheless someplace he needed to be. Standing at the very edge of the deck, he looked out to the far horizon. The sun had risen a while back, so he no longer had the most beautiful colours of the daytime sky to watch, but the open sea still had a feeling of awe for him. Thankfully, the waves were gentle today, and the silvery shape of their vessel made it through the waters at a decent speed, even taking into account the rather lacklustre winds they were having right now. Exhaling, he closed his eyes and allowed himself a moment of peace and calm. But, as was often the case with the young dragon, peace never lasted long for him, and soon his non-existent ears perked up as a voice called to him. "Good morning, Spike." Though denied his moment of quiet, he still smiled, looking over his shoulder to see a young mare approach him. A unicorn, yellow in her fur, with a curly orange mane and tail, the former of which was tied atop with a light-blue bow. As she drew nearer, Spike nodded to her. "And good morning to you, Pumpkin. Sleep well?" The young Cake chuckled briefly. "I know it's cliché to say that the sound of waves is soothing and helps with drifting off, but it really did. Has done since we set off actually." "Wish I could say I have. Dragons weren't meant to sleep on the move I think," Spike replied. "Heh, that explains the bags under your eyes," Pumpkin remarked, only to be shot with a glare from the drake. "That...you totally don't have!" The two eventually laughed together, staring out into the wide blue before them. After a full minute of silence, Spike spoke up again, albeit while keeping his gaze ahead. "I never asked, since I was just grateful she had somepony to come along with her besides me, but why sign up for this? It's not as if there's any guarantee we'll find something." Pumpkin nodded. "True, but hey, my best friend offers me the chance for adventure? Why say no to that?" Again, she looked ahead. "But you know, I think the main reason was...well...I guess I kinda felt like it was probably my only chance to really do...this sort of thing." After seeing Spike look to her with confusion, she explained. "You know, adventure? I grew up on stories on how you and your friends would do all these exciting things, save the world, go to new places, and I loved every one of them." She sighed. "But after a while, it felt that those stories would be the closest I'd ever get to experiencing those things myself. As something told to me by my parents. Equestria's been at peace for years, and sure, that's all well and good. But it also means that I'd never have the chance to actually be part of a story that gets told to somepony else one day." Slowly, she regained her smile. "So when she came to me and told me what she planned, I saw that as my chance." Spike had been listening carefully to her the entire time, then gave a single, slow nod once she'd stopped. "Yeah, I admit, I miss the adventures myself. Not being in danger, obviously, but being part of something big, something...that would change the world. You're right, those chances don't really come up these days." He smiled to himself. "Guess that's just a testament to how good my oldest friends is at her job." Then, he gave her a sterner look. "But, I'd be careful what you wish for, Pumpkin. Adventures always sound, until you live through them. Take it from somecreature who knows a thing or two about it." His smile returned. "You'll probably wind up wishing for your peaceful life back home before this is all over." Pumpkin smirked to him. "We'll see." In the moments of quiet that followed, she saw him start to walk away, and so decided to speak up again. "Oh, before I forget. My brother wanted to talk to you down below about something." Spike nodded to her, then carried onwards, heading now for the door of the ship that led down to the lower levels. The steps down creaked, adding to the usual sounds of a ship at sea, and before long he was down in the hold of the vessel, wherein was a number of barrels and other containers. There, looking them over and holding a parchment, was a young pegasus stallion, bearing creamy fur and a more spikey brown mane. Only once he was close to him did Spike finally speak. "News?" Sighing, Pound turned to face him. "Not the good kind, I'm afraid." Walking closer to him, Spike shrugged. "Pound, we've been over this. The Silver Oak was made by some of the best shipwrights in Equestria. She'll hold no matter how far we go." Pound shook his head. "It's not the ship, Spike. It's what's inside it." Getting the message, though very much not wanting to, Spike looked over the aforementioned barrels again, before putting his claws on his hips. "...How long?" Looking back to the containers himself, Pound laid it all out for him. "I've been keeping stock every day since we set off. Even with our careful rationing, we're in a tough spot. By my count, we can go maybe one more day before we reach the official halfway point of our supplies. After that, we'll have no choice but to turn back." A long exhale escaped Spike. "I was hoping...I dunno, that things would turn out differently." Pound nodded, then glanced upwards, to the ceiling. "So did I. But facts are facts, and she'll need to be told." In response to that, Spike began rubbing his temples. "They both will. I can say with certainty that your sister's gonna be really disappointed with this one." Another nod from Pound. "I know. She comes out here, hoping for adventure and excitement, and instead all we get is a long time out at sea before just turning around and going home without anything to show for it." Spike frowned. "No need to be that gloomy about it." "Truth is truth," Pound countered. "However sour it may be to hear." he gestured to the barrels. "I grew up with parents who made it abundantly clear to me how important it is to recognise when something just can't be done. To know what you have and what can be done with it. And right now, we're at our limit, no ifs, ands or buts about it." After a few moments, he sighed again. "I'm sorry. I guess...this upset me more than I thought it would." As before, he looked up to the ceiling. "Do you want me to tell them?" Thinking on that, Spike shook his head. "You can tell Pumpkin, sure. Me? I think it's best if I'm the one who lets my niece in on this." Having declared that, Spike once more began to leave the hold, heading back up the way he came and reemerging into the crisp sea air of the decks above. Craning his neck upwards, he spotted her standing atop the crows nest of the mast. With a flap of his wings, he launched himself, getting up to her within seconds. Fortunately, there was room for two up here, and after settling himself in, Spike looked to the youngest of their number. "You okay?" Flurry Heart had grown into quite the young mare since her early childhood, but right now there was no look of joy upon her face. Instead, there was merely a quiet sadness. She didn't even look to Spike after he'd spoken to her, but rather keeping her eyes set on the vast and endless waters they'd been travelling through. "We need to turn back, don't we?" Spike didn't answer, and that silence was all the response she needed. "I knew there was a chance of this, sooner or later." She hung her head, and only after having done so for a solid minute did she at last look to him. "Was I crazy, Spike? Coming all the way out here?" It was a tough question, especially considering the now-inevitable return they'd have to make. But even so, his natural uncle instincts was to try and reassure her. "No. Not crazy. You had good reason to make the journey." Flurry raised an eyebrow. "I had a dream, Spike. A vision in the night for a few days about some land past the edge of what we know, and all of a sudden I'm heading out there and dragging others with me!" Folding his arms, Spike leaned against the top of the mast. "Don't forget, you're an alicorn. Prophetic dreams aren't exactly unknown to others like you. And you're out of the ordinary even when it comes to those standards, having been born as one and all." Flurry looked away. "Always nice to be reminded how unusual and unnatural I am," she said quietly. Realising how his words had been interpreted, Spike was quick to respond. "No! That's not what I...!" But he stopped when Flurry looked back to him, this time with a smile. "It's fine, Uncle Spike. I know what you meant." She fell quiet for a time, but when she spoke again her grip on the edge of the crow's nest tightened. "Ever since I can remember, I've felt...like I was just...an oddity. Even alicorns, rare and otherworldly as they could be, seemed like they fit into the world and how it was supposed to work. But me? Everything about me was unprecedented. Like I was a surprise to the world itself, and it and I have been trying to find a real place for me ever since." Her eyes narrowed as she looked ahead. "Equestria, even as my home, my place of birth, felt distant to me in a way I don't think I can ever explain." Spike gently placed a claw upon her shoulder. "Did...did you ever tell your mom that?" Hanging her head, Flurry shook it shortly afterwards. "I've...often had a hard time talking to anypony about this, even family." A small smile came to her as she again turned to her companion. "Except you, Uncle." Spike continued to look to her softly. "Well, when we get back, you can make a start on having a nice, long sit-down with your folks about it." Flurry continued to smile to him for a short time, but eventually her expression became more solemn. "So, that's settled then. We are turning back." Spike looked down, towards the decks. "You know Pound. His numbers don't lie. So unless we just don't want to eat anything for the next few days, the sad truth is that this is as far as we go." He waited until Flurry gave him a quiet nod before speaking again. "If you like, I'll send the message home. I've sort of been negligent in keeping the folks back in Equestria up to speed about us anyway, so..." Flurry said nothing for a while, choosing to just look ahead. But then, as she did so, she began to squint. Confusion and uncertainty were prevalent in her right now, and it looked as though she wasn't sure of what she was looking at. But then, slowly, her eyes widened, and where once there had been an utterly defeated look, now her face was reinvigorated with hope and excitement. "Uncle...you might want to write about something else to them now." Spike wasn't sure of what she meant, and watched as she pointed straight ahead. Turning, he too looked to where she was now focused on, and his eyes widened shortly afterwards in a manner similar to hers. There, on the furthest edge of where they could see, the flat horizon had been broken by something unmistakable. Something Flurry knew exactly what to say about. "Land ho!"