//------------------------------// // Chapter 18 // Story: Lone wolf in Equestria // by Xinrick //------------------------------// I stared at Azule. After she calmed down and adjusted to the situation, I was helping her learn her powers and learning from what she did. She managed easily enough to create a bubble. Turns out she can also make them explode. And water, as anyone with a basic understanding in science will know, when shot with enough speed and force can slice through stone and metal. She applied that to an explosion of water and now there is a hole the size of Canterlot on the beach… "That was fun." She smirked. "Holy hell." I said in shock and awe. "That is…a lot of power…" "Wonder what happens if I make the bubble bigger?" "I'd rather you didn't. Cause you just made a hole the size of a major city right there." "Fine… so, got any other ideas?" "Well, we can start with more subtle stuff, like feeling the push and pull of the water." I said, as I used what I've gathered from watching her and started to do some motions to feel the waters push and pull. "Okay… like this?" She asked, pushing her hand out towards the ocean… the water retracted a good forty feet and formed a wall away from her for maybe a mile or two. My jaw dropped. “Uh…okay now carefully pull it back.” I said worriedly. She put her hand down… and the water came down rushing. I yelped in terror as it crash at us… and moved around us. More specifically, Azule, and I was thankfully in the vicinity of her apparently passive blocking of this literal tsunami. “Okay…so what we need to do is control.” I said carefully. “Cause you being able to do that is…a bit dangerous for the planet.” "Okay…" She said, the waters receding. There was a random bathtub that landed next to us. “Uh…that’s random.” I said with a frown, looking over to the random ass bathtub if there was something in it. There wasn't. Hmm. "So… how do I control?" She asked. “Well…” I hummed. “So…do you know what a Waterfall is?” I inquired. "Yeah. When water falls, usually off a cliff side." “So imagine your power is the water running down that cliff like a raging river…I need you to envision the flow of the water calming and slowing till instead of it being a raging torrent it’s more like a gentle stream.” "... how?" Ugh… right. When she was alive I doubt a dam or faucet existed… “Do you know what a Beaver Dam is?” I asked. "What's a beaver?" I sighed. “Right…” I muttered. “Imagine there’s a wall with an opening in it that can be raised and lowered to let water through.” I said, using my spirit energy and some water bending to give her a visual aid to understand what I was talking about. "Oh… alright." She said. She then mimicked me perfectly. “Yeah, just follow my lead.” I said, taking about a glass worth of water and trying to show her control with it, remembering that Water Bending was a style of Tai Chi which I did dabble from Rust's constant training with me knowing at least every martial art available. She followed, mimicking my movements… and creating a towering whirlpool that went up into the air… not down. “Is that normal?” She asked. “That’s because you're still using too much strength, I want you to take that towering whirlpool and start to lower it, I want you to feel yourself pulling back your power through it.” “Uhhhhh….” She said. She then managed to make it go down, but now it was a normal whirlpool that began digging into the shore of the beach and wasn’t stopping. “... Is that alright?” "No, it's not." I frowned, trying to get the stupid thing to stop. "How can I teach you to hold back…cause so far you've shown great power but none of the restraint…" “Heh… to be fair I’ve also never used these powers before so the fact I’m able to do anything is impressive…” She laughed weakly. "While true…" I sighed. "I'm sorry if I'm being tough here, just don't want you hurting yourself or others by accident." I said carefully, calming the waters thankfully. "Well…last thing I can think of is trying to explain this…how much do you like swimming?" “I’d go swimming all the time. It was fun and I always try and grab a fish or something while I’m swimming.” "Alright, so let's say your strength is your swimming speed, and currently you think your going your normal speed but are going full speed, I need you to imagine your power as yourself swimming, and I need you to slow it down." I explained carefully. "Slow and steady towards a small fish, to keep your power small, calm and relaxed." “Oh… Okay.” She said, lifting her hand up and around, making a small stream float through the air and making shapes and such.  "That's it, slow and steady, do you feel the difference?" I inquired. “Yeah. More like when I let the waves carry me than when I put effort into it.” "That's good." I nodded. "Remember the feeling, it'll help you in the long run." “Okay.” She said with a nod. "So, while we're busy training, tell me a bit about yourself." I said. "I…know it's still a sensitive subject, but I'd like to know who you are, Azule." “Well, when I was alive I was twenty two, I was born in the early spring. First learned to swim when I was five, I really like coconuts and fish roasted in banana leafs, and that’s about it.” "What do you like about swimming?" I inquired. "I've just always liked the feeling of the water." She shrugged. “That’s fair.” I nodded. “Did you have any dreams besides seeing the wider world? Like did you want to do something special?” "Hmmm… well, I guess I always wondered what meat tasted like. Growing up all we had to eat were fish, squirrels, craps, and the occasional bird but never anything like pork or beef or things like that." “Well, I can cook you up some pork if you want.” I said readily.   "Oh! That sounds nice." “Yep.” I said, walking over to the woods. “Help me get some firewood, while I probably won’t be able to season it properly, a campfire cooked pig is always delicious.” I said with a smile. "Okay!" I spent only a little bit of time hunting for a wild boar before getting one. I quickly washed, skinned and gutted it. Hmm… maybe there's some wild herbs and spices around here… I found something useful and came back to Azule… There was some well cut up logs next to her… and several various moldy, wrecked ships. Some I noticed had skeletons on them, clinging to the sides or spilling out the holes in the ships. “Uh…where did you find those moldy wrecked ships?” I asked worriedly. “Oh well I was using water to break apart the trees then I remembered that plants drink water to, so I tried and turns out I can manipulate the water inside the plants so I did that to break apart some trees and pulled water out of them to dry them into good firewood, and then I wondered how far I could use this and turns out there’s a lot of sunken ships around this beach.” “Uh…huh…” I blinked .”Well…that’s great to know.” “So, let’s get cooking!” She said, pulling out some coconuts and some herbs, what I think is some kind of seaweed, and bugs… she then began mixing and mashing them together into one of the coconuts that was cracked open. “Smart idea using the coconut as a mortar.” I admitted, setting up the fire pit and getting the fire going. “Yeah. My family used them as bowls, cups, mixers, lots of things.” She said, tasting her mixture. “Ah. Just like dad used to make.” “Mind if I try the mixture?” I asked, wondering how it tastes and if it’ll go good on the pig. She nodded, handing me the mixture. The smell was… bitter and… sour and… possibly already fermenting… I gave it a taste… a horrible saltiness with a disgusting bitter and almost rotten flavor… Oh fuck something just wiggled on my tongue! I spat it out fast. “That’s fucking vile!” I coughed. “The fuck did you put in there?” “Seaweed, some beetles, ants, crab guts and a pinch of tree bark mold.” I stared at her. “It’s an acquired taste.” She shrugged. “Dad made this every so often to cook with the fish or as a dip for the fish or to start a broth when we got some shelfishes for soup.” I stared at her a little longer…”No.” I said, grabbing the concoction of Satan’s ball sweat and burned it. “I am not putting that on good food, here’s what actual seasoning is.” I said, grabbing another mortar coconut and pulling out seasoning’s from my Assistant, making a simple but tasty meat rub. “Two million years have done a lot of things to seasoning, especially when said seasoning isn’t fueled by actual mold that you shouldn’t eat.” “But it’s tasty!” She whined. This lady… I’m about to blow her mind with this food… “Lady…you are going to probably produce a small river with my cooking.” I said, the lewd joke probably going to fly way over her head here as I started to get the pig on a spit and cooking it. “Why would I make a river over some food? Can I even do that?” She pondered. Called it… “It’s a joke that you obviously didn’t understand.” I shook my head, starting to put the rub on the pig carefully as I spun it to get every nook and cranny I could as the fire was slowly cooking it. “Fine. Wonder if I can find my dad’s old smelly water stash…” She hummed. “That sounds disgusting, and you better not go near it. Even if you're undead, that could still be festering something fierce in this world of magic.” I stated. “Maybe, some were good. Dad was always mixing and doing stuff when there was excess food to mess around with. He once found these really sweet fruits from a tall tree and learned the fallen rotting ones when he mixed them in water and put them in sealed clay pots made either something strong and tasty or bitter smelling and very strong.” Did… so he made either wine or vinegar? Both? Huh… “Right…so either your father was figuring out how to make Vinegar, which is not something you should drink pure, or Wine somehow, which is an alcoholic beverage.”   “All I know is they smelled strong, burned when you drank them and if you drank enough you either got really sleepy or really silly. I’m gonna see if there’s still a stash.” She said. Before I could stop her she was already gone. “Oh god help me…” I groaned, just making sure to keep up the cooking. I sat here and kept the fire going even along the roasting boar and after about ten minutes, Azule came back carrying a very old, very dusty and dirty clay pot that was just a bit shy of being the size of a stew pot. “Found one! He’d bury them since apparently he learned that in direct sunlight after so long they’d explode.” She chuckled. I looked at her incredulously. “What…never mind.” I shook my head. “Just…food is getting closer to being done.” She nodded, gently feeling the clay pot a bit. She must be remembering her dad… She sighed, gently pulling off the lid. A hiss-like noise of released pressure was shot out, almost blasting the lid off. Whatever was in there was also glowing with a bright golden light that shines out into the sky like a floodlight. “Well they’ve never done that before…” She hummed. “That…looks strange.” I hummed, deciding to use Scan to see what’s filling that clay pot. Scan Complete! Substance: Divine Liquor Created by fermenting magic rich fruits for many thousands of years. Woah… her dad must have like, lucked out with that one- And she’s already drinking a cup of the stuff. “Alright…so that is Divine Liquor, which he lucked out in fermenting magic rich fruits, it only takes a many thousands of years to properly ferment.” I explained. She drank her coconut cup of it. Once she did she blinked… “Woah… papa made a real good one… it’s a.. Itsh all sweet and… sweet!” She said with a mix of hiccup and giggle.  One cup and she’s already wasted? Or at minimum drunk… “Can’t be that strong right?” I hummed, gently taking some from the pot and pouring it into a clean coconut cup and took a swig of it. Huh… hang on… this tastes exactly like that stuff I drank from the flask Grover gave me- Oh shit! Ouch… agh the headache this always gives me… Damn it… okay, note to self, never touch divine liquor again… god help me I better not have done something stupid… oh god did I do someone?! I groaned as I tried to lift myself up…but felt something was coiled around me and…thing’s were sticky…”Fack…” I thought to myself, opening my eyes as I saw a…rather content and sleeping Draconequus Arrancar coiled around me, her head on my chest… Shit… Agh… is it just when I drink that I get horny or is it the divine liquor cause if it is, then that explains a lot about ancient god lore… “Feck…didn’t mean for this to happen…” I muttered, even as I gently stroked Azule’s hair out of habit when it came to cuddle times with my many significant others. “Hmmm… my head hurts… and my crotch is sore…” She groaned as she began to wake up. “Your head hurts cause that’s a hangover…and uh…the crotch being sore is…because of…uh…” I blushed, trying to find the right word here cause just saying ‘we drunkenly fucked like animals’ wouldn’t be the best thing to say. “Hmm…” She groaned, forcing her eyes open as she brought her hands to her eyes and rubbed them. “Ouchie… Huh? Why am I coiled around you like a snake? Or when mom and dad… wait… did… did we… mate?” She asked. “Yes…we did mate while drunk.” I sighed. “And you coiled around me like this is what’s known as ‘cuddling’.” “Oh… So… am I your wife now?” … Well that’s an unexpected twist… “Uh…there’s more to a relationship than just fucking once and you becoming my wife but…I’ll show you how it all works and a lot of other things.” “Alright, but I don’t get it, does mating with someone not make you two bound to one another?” Wow she is talking some old stuff… or something… “It’s been a long time since this, and while mating can be seen as such a thing, where we are bound to one another, there is the emotional bond that has become more important than just the physical.” I explained. “Don’t you need an emotional bond to do the physical stuff? I’m confused… Ouch… hurts to think…” “You do need the emotional bond.” I said, bringing out from my assistant a hangover cure cause when me and Grover got drunk I made sure to grab these. “Here, drink this, it’ll help cure your Hangover.” “I feel funny…” She groaned… Then threw up… right all over me… “Ouch… burns coming up… why is some of my vomit white?” …EWWWWWWWWWW! To be continued...