Flurry Heart and Sombra’s Little Misadventures in Babysitting

by Badguy400

Long Way Back

“Finally we can go home… “ Shining Armor groaned while he’s sitting down on his seat, finally happy that he and his wife are able to go home after going through such a long process of getting home and whatnot. Cadence, shaking her head as she’s quite disappointed in him, responded with; “and whose fault was it for leaving their passport at home? Hmm??? I thought so.” Shining Armor blushed, and then slouched down on his seat from either embarrassment, or from being ashamed… . Or both.

Basically what’s going on is that the Royal Couple are in a train, going to Ponyville to pick up their daughter Flurry Heart. After so many trials and errors in Saddle Arabia, the couple are finally able to go back home. Albeit not in a good mood as they probably got into a fight with each other over passports. Cuz of that, Cadence is mad, and Shining Armor is sad. That’s all.

“Ugh… I can’t stand it… .” Shining Armor said in frustration. “Why is there a crying foal on this train? At least our daughter isn’t a cryer. Least not anymore of course.” Unfortunately though, that only made things worse as the foal then proceeded to grunt, making the sound of what sounds like a huge wet whoopie cushion, before the foal sighs with relief, and then a huge wave of awfulness filled the room as the foal had messed themselves in their diaper.

“Oh the irony… “ Cadence said through covering her nose and trying her best not to barf due to the smell. “You’re right about one thing though Shining… . At least our daughter isn’t like that no more… . Who knows what horrors might await for us if she does… .” Shining Armor then replied with; “oh how I wish you hadn’t said that… “ before gagging and covering his mouth and nose; trying not to barf and trying not to smell the awful dirty diaper smell at the same time.

Soon after that the train had made its stop to drop off some passengers, and then left once every pony was settled. As for the mare who had the misfortune of changing their foal, she looked drained. Bright side the foal’s asleep. Downside, her seat was taken. So with that, she sighs, and then grabbed an empty seat in the back before taking a snooze. After all, who’d ever want to sit in the back right?
Few hours later…
“Ugh… . I’m beat… .” Cadence said while looking completely drained of energy. “Yeah… hehe… . Me too… .” Shining Armor replied; also not looking too good himself.

The royal couple are back at home, lying on their bed, and just staring up at the ceiling. Hopefully they’ll be able to get their daughter back. Hopefully… .

“Wanna pick up our daughter say; tomorrow night?” Shining Armor began. Cadence looked to be thinking of something, looks worried, and then replied back; “you sure that’s a good idea??? What if we forget?” Shining Armor just scoffed it off and replied; “relax… . What’s the worst that can happen?”

Unfortunately, after he said that, he got a letter; stating that the tracks are frozen, again. And that the trains are inoperable till then.

So with that, Shining Armor shouted a bad word out which started with an f, and then the couple went for their room. That’s all.