//------------------------------// // Reuniting with the Gang/Going to KISS World // Story: G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery // by ponydog127 //------------------------------// The Mystery Machine rolled down the highway that very same Halloween night on their way to KISS World, every group member except Fred was dressed like the famous rock and roll band. “Like, I can't believe we get to go to KISS World!” Shaggy laughed, dressed as the Demon (aka Gene Simmons). “And solve a mystery!” Velma agreed, dressed as the Spaceman (aka Tommy Thayer). “It’s like killing two birds with one stone.” “Yeah! Or two birds with one cat,” Scooby (dressed as the Catman, aka Eric Singer) popped into the conversation, and this led him and Shaggy to giggle. “Personally, I find their sideshow act a little juvenile,” Velma admitted. “But my mother told me to take a more active role in my friends' interests.” “Well, I'm pretty interested in Starchild. He's so dreamy,” Daphne put some finishing touches on her makeup, made to look just like Starchild’s. Fred let forth a scheming smirk, and drove a little off to the side so the Mystery Machine could drive through a pothole and and mess up Daphne’s makeup. “Sorry, everyone.” “You did that on purpose!” Daphne huffed, crossing her arms. “Huh-- now it looks like a shooting star! Make a wish, Scoob!” Shaggy said. Scooby paused to think for a second before coming up with the perfect wish idea. “I wish I was eating a Scooby Snack!” “Good one, dude! Uh, I wish I could breathe fire like the Demon. Bleh!” Shaggy stuck his tongue out. “I wish you’d all come to your senses,” Fred groaned before taking out a CD with a grin. “You don't see me acting ridiculous over my favorite group, the Ascot Five, do you?” He put the CD into the CD player in the Mystery Machine, and one of the Ascot Five’s most popular songs began to play. Men: Oh no no no… Don't tug my ascot Don't pull my ascot It’s not a scarf You can't have my asset 'Cause, girl, it’s mine-- But, no one else besides Fred seemed to be interested in the sound of the music. “Fred, please,” Daphne groaned, taking the CD out. “I’m just saying,” Fred shrugged, “I think they’re twice the band KISS is.” “But do the Ascot Five have an awesome amusement park?” Shaggy asked knowingly. “Yeah, awesome amusement park?” Scooby chimed in, making Fred groan under his breath. But then, Velma noticed something happening up ahead. “Jinkies! Freddy, stop the van!” Fred immediately stopped the van on the side of the road, and everyone stared to see a portal opening up before them... and then, six familiar figures stepped out of it. Six familiar EQUINE figures, to be precise. Scooby and Shaggy immediately recognized who it was, smiling at one another. “It's the ponies!” They, Velma, Daphne and Fred exited the van and ran toward their friends, who saw them coming toward them and they beamed upon seeing their friends again. “Wow, this is a surprise!” Daphne smiled as she hugged Pipp. “Are you guys back for another Unity Quest already?” “Apparently so. Whoa,” Pipp chuckled at the makeup 4 out of 5 of the gang were wearing. “What's with the new looks?” “Ooooh, and what's that?” Scooby pointed to Misty's new cutie mark, and Misty giggled slightly. “Well... THAT happened on our last quest. And it's not a sticker-- I got my real cutie mark!” The gang was delighted to hear this, and they hugged and congratulated Misty on such an amazing feat. “Anyway, about the makeup,” Velma said, turning back to the group. “We're on our way to KISS World for a special concert, and we thought we'd dress like the band since we're so excited for it.” But, since the ponies were from Equestria, they had no idea about the gang's new favorite band. “KISS?” Zipp tilted her head in confusion. “I've heard of all sorts of bands, but never a band called KISS. Who are they exactly?” “And do they really have an amusement park?!” Izzy squealed. “Like, they sure do!” Shaggy nodded. “Hey... why don't you guys come with us? We can teach you more about the band on our way there!” “What do you think, guys?” Hitch asked. “Why not?” Sunny shrugged. “We always have so much fun with these guys.” “And learning about music in this world could give us new ideas for the new amphitheater!” Pipp added before turning to the gang again. “Show us the way to your chariot!” XXXXXXXXX Along the rest of tbe trip to the amusement park, Daphne and the gang (except Fred) was teaching Sunny and her friends about KISS, and how they had been touring together for over 40 years. Needless to say, Pipp and her friends were incredibly interested, never hearing of such an amazing group before-- and they thought the Dreamlands, Electric Blue and Ruby Jubilee were amazing at Bridlewoodstock! But since they didn't have any KISS attire to wear, Pipp did a quick makeover and put everypony into their Bridlewoodstock concert attire, to match the occasion-- their first mortal world concert. Finally, they arrived at the KISS World parking lot, and the gang immediately got out and started walking toward the entrance. “It is so majorly groovy to be at KISS World on Halloween night!” Daphne said, and Shaggy nodded in agreement. “Listen to those crowds!” “Oooh, I’m so excited! I think I’m gonna freak out!!” Pipp said, doing a flip in the air as they trotted along... just before Zipp frowned and pointed to the gates. “Apparently, you're not the only one.” Everyone looked over to the entrance, which had many people coming out of the park screaming their heads off. “Like, dude, don't most people usually run towards awesome rock concerts?” Shaggy wondered. “Not at an Ascot Five concert,” Fred spoke. “Everyone walks in a calm, orderly fashion.” Suddenly, two of the screaming bystanders approached Shaggy and Misty in a fit. “Oh my gosh, she’s so terrifying!” screamed one, causing the second to nod. “The scariest witch ever!” “Witch?!” Shaggy cried out. “With the red mist!” said the first. “And the creepy laugh!” added the second, causing the first to grab Shaggy by the shirt. “Save yourselves while you can!” he said before the two screamed and ran off. “Waaait a minute,” Misty shook her head before counting off the members of KISS on her hoof. “The Demon, the Starchild, the Catman, the Spaceman… ohh-ho-ho! PLEASE tell me they added a witch!” “Somehow I doubt that. In fact, it's probably the reason we're here,” Velma explained. “Not me. I’m here for the funnel cake,” Scooby chirped cheerfully. “Either way,” Hitch said, “it might be something worth investigating.” “Come on, gang,” Fred urged the others. “Let’s get to work.” “Ooh, should I sing Where'd It Go first?” Pipp asked. “It feels good for a mystery solving vibe setter!” “Not right now,” Zipp said, and this made Pipp reluctantly sigh. “Point taken...” With that, the gang moved toward the entrance, which was bombarded with security guards. “Like, excuse me, ma’am,” Shaggy called out to one of the female security guards. “Sorry, park’s closed,” the security guard told them. “But we’re here to solve a mystery,” Hitch said. “I mean... they're not called Mystery Inc for nothing.” But the security guard didn't seem too convinced about the matter. “Sure you're here to solve a mystery. You always wear makeup when solving crimes?” Pipp gasped, appalled at that. “I should HOPE so!” “She means your looks and the KISS makeup,” Velma clarified. “No, we're just excited about the concert tonight. But we're the mystery solvers you called for.” “I am Delilah Domino, chief of security. Why would I call mystery solvers?” asked Delilah, raising an eyebrow at the group. “What? But Daphne took the call,” Fred asked as he looked to the redhead with a smile. “Right, Daph?” “Well...” “Daphne? Is there something wrong?” Zipp asked, getting out her detective tone of voice, leading Daphne to confess. “The thing is, no one actually called for our help.” “WHAT?!” everypony cried, shocked at the act. “But when I heard KISS was throwing a special Halloween concert, I just had to come. I mean, look at that poster of Starchild,” Daphne pointed to such dreamily. “He stares at me wherever I go.” “So does the Mona Lisa, but you don’t see us on a plane to Italy,” Shaggy said, leading Misty to become confused. “What's a Mona Lisa?” Sunny looked over at Daphne with a disappointed look. “Daphne... nothing good ever comes out of lying, even if it's something to get your friends to go to a concert with you.” “Why didn’t you tell us the truth? We all would have come,” Velma said. “Not me,” Fred said with a smirk. “Exactly,” Daphne pointed out. “But once we got here, I knew we'd all have a good time. The odds were pretty good there'd be a mystery for us to solve. I mean, we're the Scooby gang, and it's an amusement park-- heh, right?” Suddenly, Delilah found an opportunity to speak. “Wrong, it’s a closed amusement park. And chances are, there won’t be a Halloween concert either. So go home.” “Aww, please, Ms. Domino?” Misty asked. “We were all really excited to see our first concert. And, well... we may be useful in helping in this case.” “My decision still stands,” Delilah frowned. “And I don't take orders from horses. So please-- leave before I have to force you off the premises.” “But we’ve come so far!” Shaggy argued. “Couldn't we at least have some snacks for the road? Maybe some rocky road?” “Out!” XXXXXXXXX Reluctantly, the gang headed back to the Mystery Machine to change back to their regular looks and wipe off their KISS makeup, although they did need to come up with a plan. “All right, time to get serious,” Velma put her glasses back on. “It seems KISS needs our help.” “Like, I’m not guitarist, but I can play a mean armpit,” Shaggy said before demonstrating such. Pipp shuddered at that, frowning. “I love you, Shaggy, but... absolutely not.” “Pipp's right. Not to play music, Shaggy. To solve the mystery,” Daphne said in agreement. “Well,” Fred spoke, “looks like we’ll have to sneak in.” “You’re okay with this?” Sunny asked. “Of course I am!” Fred told the apricot mare with a smile. “It’s a mystery, right? And solving mysteries is what we do. Now all we have to do is head inside.” XXXXXXXXX Meanwhile, Delilah had found Mr. Goldman nearby after she got those kids out of her hair. “Caught some kids trying to stay in the park, Mr. Goldman, but I got rid of them,” she said, and this caused Mr. Goldman to groan in exasperation. “I can’t believe we’re chasing customers away.” “I know, but we went over this. Until we solve this witch mystery, it's safer to keep everyone out,” Delilah told her employer. “Now, don't get crazy, Delilah. Just stay calm because I'm gonna be very honest with you,” said Mr. Goldman, “I called for some backup.” “Backup?! You must be kidding!” Delilah blurt out in shock. “Mr. Goldman, I am the chief of security. I think I can take care of this… unusual situation.” “Time is not on our side,” Mr. Goldman told her sternly. “The witch has scared away too many people. Tonight's Halloween concert is our only chance to bring them back.” Delilah groaned and stomped away, but what she didn’t realize is that the gang was listening to them through the KISS cutout nearby. “Did you hear that?” Velma asked, leading Daphne to nod. “We got here just in time!” “Come on!” Zipp quietly urged, and the gang ran the way Mr. Goldman went. But as the others went to check out the supervisor’s office, Shaggy and Scooby and the unicorns stopped before a water-shooting game nearby. “Hey, Scoob!” Shaggy said. “Bet I can beat you in a water-gun shootout!” “Oh yeah? You’re on!” Scooby said, and the two darted away with Izzy and Misty on their heels. XXXXXXXX Meanwhile, the others had made it to the window of the supervisor’s office, and were now spying on Mr. Goldman through the window, as he was currently talking to another man. “Chip, you don't understand. If KISS doesn't perform tonight, I will lose the park!” “That's not my concern, Manny. All I care about are the concert tours,” the other man, by the name of Chip, said selfishly. “Every one of these cities translates into dollar signs. You know what happens if I lose these cities?” “You have more time to take your kids to KISS World,” Mr. Goldman said with a smile. “No, it means I lose money,” Chip frowned. “Every time KISS comes back into the park, it means they're not on the road performing and I'm not selling their merchandise. So forgive me, but as far as I'm concerned, this park can wind up in a toilet. Preferably this KISS toilet.” He looked to the flushing toilet beside him, and after it got done flushing, the Demon's laughter was heard. “Because I don't know how I'm gonna unload this thing.” XXXXXXXXX At the same time, Shaggy and Scooby were still in the middle of their water-gun shootout, and Izzy and Misty happily watched from the side. “Looks like Spaceman is spaced out,” Shaggy said with a laugh. “Onto Starchild!” “Ha ha! One Catman down, and one Demon to go!” Scooby nodded before they went back to their game. But after a minute, Scooby and Izzy's ears twitched when they heard someone coming toward them, and they turned to see someone that looked exactly like the Demon standing next to them, with his arms crossed. Izzy blinked in confusion as she looked to the Demon target, then the person standing beside them. Was she growing crazy? The Demon roared, sticking his tongue out at them, but Izzy thought this was another target, and encouraged Scooby to blast water right at his face. Needless to say, the Demon was not pleased, and roared right at them, causing them to scream and bolt. “Girls, Shaggy, Scooby!” Fred cried as they ran past the others. “Wait!” But it was too late-- the four runners had bolted right into Delilah Domino, who was not pleased to see them in the slightest. “You?! I thought I told you kids to stay out!” Shaggy, Scooby and the unicorns were pulled off their feet as the supervisor came outside to see what the calamity was. “Hey, hey, hey. Whoa! Whoa! Calm down,” he said. “I'm Manny Goldman, the park supervisor. What's with all the ruckus?” “Well, Mr. Goldman,” Sunny tried to explain, “the thing is, my friends were--” “It's these nosy kids again,” Delilah tightened her grip on Scooby and Shaggy while Misty and Izzy tried to not look frightened. “Fortunately, I used to work for a government defense company... so I know how to take down intruders.” Shaggy shuddered at the thought. “Like, she's not kidding!” “Sorry, everyone,” Velma said. “We're just trying to help.” “We overheard that the park is in trouble,” Daphne added. “And seeing how we're such big KISS fans, we'd like to do all that we can.” “We've got it under control, missy,” Delilah sneered. “Thank you very much.” “But it's way too much for one small team of security to take on alone,” Zipp said. “And besides, don't you want the fans to come back to the park?” “Oh, they'll come back,” a voice said, and a smoke bomb exploded, resulting everyone to duck, and when it died down, the legendary band KISS was before them, striking poses with four different colored bat ponies. “...to see us!” The ponies blinked in shock for a few minutes, trying to take all this in. And they were sure this mystery would be an interesting one to say the least.