G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Ghoul School

by ponydog127

Storming the Castle/Mirror Mayhem

While Midnight Breeze sang her song of sadness, trying to remind herself of her mother and her sister, our group of intrepid heroes finally made it to Revolta's castle, which was just as gloomy and creepy as they thought it would be.

As the others stood outside the door, Shaggy and Zipp tugged at the lock with all their might, but to no avail. “Phew... this pad is really locked, you guys,” Zipp panted, but Scrappy merely patted Matches on the head. “Matches will take care of it. Won't you, Matches?”

That's just what Matches intended to do-- he marched right over to the lock and breathed a mass amount of fire on it, but when the fiery light finally cleared, the lock was still in tact. “Zoinks!” Shaggy realized. “Like, this lock must be flameproof!”

“Allow me, Shaggy,” Scooby volunteered, moving toward the lock. That's when he fidgeted his tail into the lock a bit, moving it around until he was able to open the lock with ease. “Bingo!”

“Whoo-whee! That is one talented tail, Scoob!” Pipp took a picture, and this made the Great Dane giggle in amusement. The group slowly pushed open the doors, trying to avoid making any loud noises while heading into the dark enclosed space. “Gee, this place is humongous!” Scrappy spoke. “Scrappy's right,” said Hitch. “If we're ever gonna find Misty and the girls, we're gonna have to split up.”

As Scrappy, Matches, Sunny and Izzy walked off in one direction, and Hitch and Pipp in another, Shaggy chuckled nervously as he, Scooby and Zipp were the only ones left. “Like, I was afraid he was going to say that.”

“Me too,” Scooby nodded fearfully. “Come on, you chickens,” Zipp pushed Shaggy and Scooby away from the doors. “Let's find our friends and get out of this place.”


The three friends slunk through the hallways of the castle, looking for any sign of where the girls may be. As he walked behind Zipp, Scooby suddenly noticed a covered item on the wall nearby. When he uncovered it, he found it to be a tall mirror, but when he looked closer at it, his reflection had a horrifying, MONSTROUS appearance. “SHAGGY!!!”

“Like, what's the big idea, Scooby?” Shaggy asked the frightened dog as he pushed them in front of the mirror. But Scooby only responded with two words. “Mirror monster!!”

“Oh, relax, Scoob,” Zipp said as she and Shaggy were naturally unfazed by their monstrous mirror reflections. “It's only a mirror.”

Shaggy even made a couple of funny faces in the mirror to prove it. “See? It's just a silly reflection
like they have at the carnival. It makes you look weird, but it can't hurt you. ”

But something behind them immediately made Scooby volt out of fright. “Scooby, come baaaack!!!”

Turns out, Zipp and Shaggy's monster reflections actually pulled them inside the mirror, and this allowed THEM to jump out of it. “Hey!” Zipp cried, placing her hooves on the mirror. “Let us outta here!”

But Shaggy's mirror monster only cackled before Zipp's reflection smirked. “Why should the heir of the Zephyr Heights throne let some PEASANTS out? I am the future queen! You will all bow down before me, just like all the world will! Mwah ha ha ha ha ha!!!”

And just like that, the mirror monsters left them alone. “Oh no... that's not my mirror MONSTER... that's the version of myself that is totally opposite of me! Our friends are in trouble!” Zipp tried pushing against the mirror. “Come on, Shag-- if we don't get out of here, that twisted me will have all my friends twisted around!!”


Meanwhile, the Grim Creeper had Tanis mop the hallways until Revolta was done with her potions, and was watching her every move, making sure she did it perfectly. “That's it. Revolta likes a clean lair. Hey! You missed a spot!”

“I obey only Revolta,” Tanis picked up her mop and bucket and walked off, leaving the Grim Creeper to groan. “Ohhhh, never mind! It'll soon be midnight anyway. And where did that pesky Midnight get to this time?”


At the same time, Elsa was about to polish the mirror when Zipp and Shaggy's reflections appeared inside it. “Elsa!” Zipp sighed in relief. “Thank goodness!”

“You've gotta warn Scoob,” Shaggy stated, “that the two of us following him isn't us!”

But Elsa mindlessly began to polish the mirror again, responding with something Zipp never expected. “I only obey Revolta!”

“Revolta?” Zipp asked. “Who's she?”

“The witch of the web,” Elsa responded mindlessly. “At midnight, she makes us part of her evil team forever.”

At that moment, Shaggy felt like the realization was hitting him like a high speed train-- the girls were bewitched! “Zoinks! Come back, Elsa! Like, don't listen to Revolta!”

“Listen to your gym teacher!” Zipp added, but Elsa had already walked away, leaving her to groan in frustration. “Great... now how are we gonna get out of this so we can warn the others?”

“Like, I think I found a way,” Shaggy pointed out to the pegasus princess. “Look!”

As it turns out, Misty was mindlessly walking their way, sweeping the hallway before Tanis came and mopped the halls later. “Misty! Over here!” Zipp cried out. “You gotta help us get outta here!”

“I obey only Revolta,” Misty said in a brainwashed voice, and Zipp felt her heart sink. This couldn't be real, but then again... it was.

Misty was under Revolta's spell too, and it was all Zipp's fault.

She was the one who yelled at her, and sent her off alone, not knowing that they were being watched by the so-called "Witch of the Web".

Zipp felt her ears pin, and put a hoof against the glass, even though Misty couldn't put her hoof on hers. “Oh, Misty... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have been so hard on you because you told Scooby and Shaggy about Opaline first. I was the one who made you uncomfortable to tell me, Sunny and the others to begin with. I was just so focused on protecting magic from Opaline, I... I just... accepting you as a friend. But Misty... please, you have to snap out of Revolta's control. We need you... and with or without your cutie mark, you're one of us. Please... just wake up, Misty... wake up...”

Tears began to well in Zipp's eyes, and she rested her forehead on the mirror with some light sobs, while Shaggy could only watch in sadness. But, that look of sadness wouldn't last for long.

Suddenly, Zipp's cutie mark started glowing, and it sent magic out of the mirror and toward Misty's eyes, making them glow a bright gold before they went back to normal. That's when Misty groaned and shook her head. “Zipp...? Shaggy...? What are you doing on the other side of the mirror?”

“Misty!” Shaggy exclaimed, and Zipp's head immediately shot up. “You snapped out of the web witch's brainwashing!”

“I... I guess I did...” Misty rubbed the top of her head. “But... what happened? Where are we?”

“Long story, but we'll explain later,” Zipp told the unicorn. “Right now, you gotta help us outta here before our mirror monsters reek havoc!”


Meanwhile, Scooby crept down the hallways, unaware that Zipp and Shaggy's mirror selves were following him... until Shaggy's mirror monster started tickling him. “Cut it out, Shaggy.”

That's when Shaggy's mirror monster chuckled menacingly. “Scooby-Doo?”

“Yes, Shaggy?”

“We're... after you!”

Scooby quickly turned and began to flee, seeing that this was NOT the real Shaggy and Zipp. “Zipp! Shaggy!”

“They can't help you now... nopony can help you now!” Zipp's anti-sparkle self cackled. Scooby then moved onto four paws to try and run away faster, and eventually, he ran into Tanis, who was still mopping the floors. “Tanis! Help!”

“I obey only Revolta,” Tanis said in a brainwashed tone, and Scooby sighed... that meant he would have to take matters into his own paws.

As the mirror monsters rounded the corner, they were shocked to not see a big brown dog, but TWO mummies mopping the floors. “Hey, did a big, ugly dog go by here a minute ago?” Shaggy's mirror monster asked. “Ugly? Uh, I mean... yeah!” Scooby nodded in the opposite direction. “That-a-way!”

“Thanks!” the mirror monsters growled before they ran off. “It worked!” Scooby giggled and continued to mop, thinking he could keep up the act for a while longer... before he bumped into the mirror monsters again, making Shaggy's monster growl. “You can't fool the mirror monsters! RAGH!!!!”

Scooby screamed and ran off, tossing the bucket onto Shaggy's mirror monster's head, with him struggling to get it off. On the other side of the hallways, Sunny and Izzy heard Scooby's screams for help down the hall. “It sounds like Scooby's in trouble!”

“Yeah!” Matches nodded, and they all ran in the direction of the mirror monsters... right past the mirror where Zipp and Shaggy (the real ones) were trapped in. “Sunny!” Zipp cried, pounding the mirror. “Izzy!”

“Zoinks!” Shaggy panted. “I've spent a lot of time in front of a mirror, but never this long behind it...”


That's when the group finally saw the mirror monsters struggling to get the bucket off, and Shaggy jumped onto the monster double of Scooby's best friend. “I'll help you get that off, Shaggy.”

Scrappy heaved to get it off, and finally he was able to, much to the mirror monster's relief. “Thank you!”

“Hey! You're not Shaggy, and you look better with this on!” Scrappy stuck tbe bucket back on, but the imposter would not let him go, and the Zipp imposter had both her hooves on Izzy and Sunny, holding then down by their tails. “Let us go, you imposters!” Sunny strained. “I'm warning you!” Scrappy warned. “Let me go, or prepare to splat!”

“You don't scare us!” Zipp's reflection sneered... just before Matches set fire to their rears, sending them running as they dropped their captives. “Gee, I think they got the message, Matches,” Scrappy spoke. “But just in case...”

That's when Matches blew a second round of fire, and Scrappy smiled proudly at this. “Nice work, Matches! Now we'd better find the real Shaggy and Zipp, and my uncle Scoob.”

“Good idea, Scrappy,” Izzy said as they walked. “Gee, it makes me wonder where those imposters came from...”


Turns out, the mirror monsters had gotten so terrified by Matches' fire, they leapt back into the mirror and sent the real Shaggy and Zipp outside. “Guys!” Misty cheered. “You're out!”

“It's about time too,” Shaggy pointed out. “Come on, let's find the others.”


At the same time, Scooby was still in his mummy disguise, creeping down the halls when he heard voices. As he turned to see who it was, he accidentally hit a torch, causing the wall to turn just as Hitch and Pipp passed by. “Gee...” Hitch hummed. “I-I thought I heard something.”

On the other side of the wall was Revolta's lair, and Revolta, Creeper and Midnight saw Scooby in his disguise. “What are you doing in here?” Revolta spat, thinking that Scooby was Tanis, while Midnight knew better. “Are you through mopping the corridors?”

Seeing Midnight quickly nod behind her mistress, that led Scooby to nod as well. “Yeah.”

“Then you and the kirin start over there.”

“I obey Revolta!” Scooby turned and walked off so he and Midnight could talk alone, and the Creeper was hit in the head with Scooby's mop. “There's something funny about that mummy.”

“Stop dawdling, Creeper. Midnight approaches, and this potion must be ready.”

As the Creeper handed ingredients to Revolta, Midnight finally got the chance to turn to Scooby as they mopped. “Scooby, what are you doing here?!” she whispered. “If Revolta finds out who you really are, you could get in big trouble!”

“We had to come and find the girls,” Scooby whispered. “What about you...?”

Midnight was about to respond, when the Creeper accidentally grabbed Scooby's tail, thinking it to be slimy salamander tails. “I knew this was no dummy. I knew this was no mummy!” he declared, whipping off Scooby's disguise, making Midnight gasp in horror. “It's that meddling dog of the Grimwood's!”

Revolta inspected Scooby for a moment, scoffing to herself. “He's too stupid to have come alone.”

“Stupid?!” Scooby barked. That seemed to be the final straw for Midnight, so she leapt up and got in front of Scooby so her mistress couldn't hurt him. “He ,is NOT stupid! He's the sweetest, bravest, kindest dog in the world and I'm happy he and his friends saved my life back in the Barren Bog! Cause you two would have just left me back in the bog to be eaten by alligators.”

Revolta stared at the kirin for a few moments, just before she gave the kirin a menacing glare. “So... you have betrayed me,” she sneered as the Creeper grabbed her leg. “Dispose of them, and any more of their foolish friends.”

“Yes, Revolta!” the Creeper said as he took them away, and Midnight and Scooby looked incredibly worried... what could they do now?


At the same time, Misty, Shaggy and Zipp found Winnie and Sibella dusting some of Revolta's items, screeching to a halt. “Winnie! Sibella! Like, thank goodness we found you,” Shaggy said before gesturing to his watch. “It's almost midnight. We've got to get out of here before you get revoltized!”

“Whatever that is,” Misty stated, “it CAN'T be be good!”

“We obey only Revolta,” the girls said before doing their duties. “Ohhh...” Zipp groaned, slapping a wing to her face. “What a revolting development that is.”

“HELP!!!!” Scooby screamed, and this made Shaggy and the girls' eyes widen. “Zoinks... sounds like Scooby needs me more than I do!”

Shaggy and the girls immediately bolted off, and Scooby screamed for help again alongside of Midnight, and Pipp (after she and Hitch joined with Sunny's group), who heard Scooby screaming first, gasped. “That's Scooby! And he's in trouble!”

“Hang on, Uncle Scooby!” Scrappy cried. “We're coming!!”

That's when the group met in a circular room with a cold metal floor, but they didn't see Midnight anywhere. “I'm so glad you came to help your friends.”

Everyone gasped at seeing the Creeper dangling Scooby and Midnight above them by just their tails, looking utterly terrified. “HELP!!!” Scooby screamed. “Fellas!”

“Put Scooby and Midnight down, you big meanie!” Izzy stomped her hoof fiercely. “I've just begun to be mean!” the Creeper cackled, and opened a lever, which caused a hole in the floor to suddenly open up. “Zoinks!” Shaggy cried. “I'm beginning to get the idea.”

“Like I said, the fun is just beginning!”

And just like that, the Grim Creeper plummeted a screaming Midnight and Scooby into the waters below them, angering Scrappy to his full extent. “Hey! You can't do that to my uncle Scooby!”

“Or Midnight!” Sunny declared. “Don't worry, you'll be joining them.”

“No!!” Midnight cried. “STOP!!”

But the Creeper pushed the lever down all the way, causing everyone to fall into the water with a massive splash. This caused the Creeper to cackle again. “Farewell! Hee hee ha ha ha ha ha!!”

“Nice try, buster!” Scrappy spoke. “But we know how to swim!”

“So does the giant well-dweller!”

“Well-dweller?!” Shaggy exclaimed before he and Scooby noticed the water bubbling. “Shaggy! Look!”

Out of the water, cackling maliciously, emerged a huge purple sea monster with three green eyes and sharp teeth. “Zoinks!” Shaggy wailed. “Like, I don't think this well-dweller means well, Scoob!”

“Ha! This second-rate sea serpent can't scare me,” Scrappy boasted. “Turn up the heat, Matches!”

But Matches couldn't get any dragon fire to emerge, making the group that much more terrified... it seemed as if they would be finished, ro the bad guys would win...

...and Revolta would go after Equestria next.