Trials of Sarah: A New Mark

by Zipp Storm

Sweet 17 for the Princesses

For more background information of this MLP AU: Read Trials of Sarah: Journey for the Royal Family

Author's Note: Takes place after Vol 2

The weeks passed and ever since the return of King Doug and Queen Delilah, things in Alola have been livelier than ever along with Dragonstone Kingdom as Sarah began her first day there with the Six Spirits by her side to provide some assistance for her as promised. Of course, after spending some time catching up with each other, David, Donna (former queen), and Tsukumaro and being told what they missed out on, it was clear that Doug and Delilah were still a little overwhelmed by everything that had changed in Alola in the last 500 years and when they were told that their daughter was returning their original kingdom to them while she watches over Dragonstone.

They were initially concerned for her when they realized she would be juggling so many responsibilities at once including continuing her job as a part-time nurse at the Pokemon Center, her new duties as the Dragon Princess and Dragonstone's new ruler, and her classes at the Pokemon School until she would graduate. But, regardless of having so much on her plate at the moment, the little princess took it all in stride as she worked hard with her family to remain down-to-earth without being overwhelmed by her workload, much to the royal couple's relief for her.

Her family was just as livelier with their new dragon companions as their newest members and as the babies they are, Axew, Deerling, and Bambi took a shine to Meleys, Dreamfyre, and Seasmoke while the partners of David and Donna (former queen), Flipper and Flicka, immediately hit it off with Caraxes and Vermax. They were all gentle with their small companions and their new riders with Marena giving her full support to them in their new lives, knowing that they would be happier with their new family despite the challenges that would come with raising them (even though they would also make good bodyguards for them so as to keep Viren and Team Eclipse from getting ideas to make a quick buck for whatever crazy dreams or ambitions they still have on them).

In the weeks that followed the heartfelt reunion between them and their daughter, the newly-returned king and queen were stunned when they came across their family's old castle and even more so when they discovered that everything in it has been merged with advanced technology. It was very familiar to them but at the same time, it was a world apart from the living conditions that they and their own parents were used to in their time and yet, they still loved to be home after so long.

As the threat of the combined forces of Team Eclipse and Dr. Zin is now a thing of the past for the heroes, the Teen Titans bid farewell to the royal heroine and her friends as they returned to their respective homes to continue their hero duties while the Power Rangers parted ways as well to return to their own homes (and, in the Dino Charge team's case, their home dimension). Even the Quest Team, after saying goodbye to the Ultra Rescue Rangers and the Cat Pack, left to return home to Palm Key for a long-awaited break but also remembered to keep in touch with them and their new family every now and again to know how they've been doing.

Now, it was the tail end of winter as early March came into the fray and Doug and Delilah were both sound asleep in their bedroom, the dawn breaking on this particular Saturday morning as small beams of sunlight started to peak through the curtains. Everything seemed peaceful as they continued to sleep until Swablu and Buneary opened the door and snuck inside without them noticing and jumped onto the bed to wake them up, Swablu doing so as she began to gently peck them.

"Good morning~!" the baby Cotton Bird Pokemon snag while cooing.

"Good morning, Aunty, Uncle!" Buneary cheered, the two of them getting the royal couple's attention as they jumped with a start and suddenly noticed the two Jungle Pokemon smiling brightly at them.

"Ooh, come on, you two, go back to sleep," groaned Delilah as she tried to fall asleep again and turned away.


"Uncle!" Swablu and Buneary pouted cutely as they tried to wake them up again.

".......Your daughter's Pokemon are awake," moaned Delilah to Doug, still sleepy.

".........Before sunrise, she's your daughter and they're her Pokemon," sighed a sleepy Doug as the two Jungle Pokemon kept on pestering them to wake up until they gave them a rough nudge and peck that startled them awake again as they continued to pout.

"Get up! Today's a special day for Mommy Big Brother Blitz told us about!"

"You promised you'd help us with a surprise for Mommy last week!" they begged, still pouting cutely as Doug and Delilah finally looked at them and took note of a nearby calendar to the right side of their bed and saw what looked like a specific day marked with a circle and a reminder of an event involving their daughter.

The two of them blinked and they suddenly gasped in surprise when they noticed that it was March 13th and what the circle and the writing on that day meant. Quickly jumping out of bed (while still in their pajamas on a humorous level), the four of them made their way to the ballroom with Swablu and Buneary leading the way as they cheered happily.

Upon arriving at the ballroom, they were surprised to see their parents along with Sarah's adoptive grandparents, Nikki, James, Tsukumaro, all their Pokemon, Ash and the Pokemon School gang and their own Pokemon, Lusamine, Faba, Wicke, Prof. Burnet and Kukui, the Island Kahunas, and the Island Guardians themselves putting up all sorts of party decorations and catering across the room. They also had the assistance of the Postwick Trio, Leon, Prof. Magnolia and Sonia, General Burke, Ben and Betty, Devon, Mayor Daniels, Cruise, Ravi, Commander Shaw, Smash, Zoey, Jax, Nate, and Steel along with their respective Pokemon to help with the preparations for the special occasion.

"Wow!" Doug gawked in surprise and awe as he and Delilah took in the sight of the decorated ballroom.

"Oh, it's wonderful!" Delilah cooed.

"Your Majesties, good morning," Olivia greeted happily.

"Ah, just the two we need. You're just in time to help with the birthday rush hour for your royal baby girl," smiled Hala.

"And, you need us to help you set all of this up for our baby girl while she's away?" Doug chuckled, seeing as everybody continued to work hard with the decorations and the catering including the cake and getting a pile of presents they have for Sarah together.

"That's the idea," Nanu remarked as he and Acerola helped the Beast Bots and Steel to sort out the pile of presents.

"We're all pitching in and we even got the Beast Morphers Rangers, their Beast Bots, General Burke, Mayor Daniels, Ben and Betty, and Commander Shaw to help put all of this together!" smiled Acerola as she and Mimikins giggled.

"Just for her!" Ash and the gang's Pokemon cheered as well.

Yes, March 13th was a very special day for Doug and Delilah's daughter, for that day was to be Sarah's 17th birthday - the day when she would turn sweet 17 made all the more special in the fact that she'll spend her first ever birthday with them and the rest of her family together, past and present since she was born 500 years ago.

Her chance to celebrate any of her birthdays with the royal couple was squandered when Lothor initiated his and Team Eclipse's first attack on them and all of Alola and commenced the Ultra Beast War while she was only two weeks old. Since then, after she was sent to the future for her own protection and left under Nikki and James' care, she's had her birthdays spent with them and their Pokemon and her Sweet 16th with them and all her friends the previous year. With everyone gathered in the know that this was to be her first-ever birthday spent with her real parents as well as her real grandparents now that the royal family is back together, they all wanted to make her 17th birthday the best the little princess has had yet.

"Oh, you all shouldn't have!" smiled Delilah warmly, greatly touched.

"Oh, it was nothing, Your Majesties," chuckled Ash bashfully.

"We insisted on doing this also to continue our celebration of your return weeks ago," Mallow added in agreement.

"It was our honor," Lana agreed, giving Doug and Delilah a polite and cute royal curtsy.

"And, if anything, we also extended the honor of Sarah's birthday to thank your daughter for everything she did along with her friends ever since they became Power Rangers and the Aether Foundation joined forces with us at Grid Battleforce," Zoey noted.

"They've done so many wonders for us and we never had the time to actually thank them for their help in dealing with Evox and his goons when we needed them most," Ravi smiled.

"Team Eclipse, Evox, and all the other goons that tangled with our friends and your daughter underestimated them every time they clashed and they paid the price, Lothor especially when he and his syndicate were finally wiped out," Devon remarked with a knowing look and smirk.

"Children, friends, thank you so much! Everything you did is magnificent and it all comes from your hearts, I'm sure our baby will love it all and appreciate everything you've done!" Doug replied gratefully and happily. "She's very lucky to have extended family and friends such as you after she was sent here when we had to save her from that monster. Speaking of our baby, where is she?"

"She's in the Pokemon Dragon Heart Dome; Tai Lung told us she got up bright and early as usual to continue her martial arts training. Right now, she's training with Star and Cobalt in intermediate-level combat via 5th-degree green belts, 6th-degree blue belts, and 7th-degree purple belts according to the Karate and Kung Fu ranking systems," Nate explained as he and Zoey helped with the catering involving the food, drinks, and the cake.

"Yeah, Tsukumaro's with her along with Race, Nebby, and the rest of her Pokemon and the others to keep her busy while we finish up," Burnet added, working on the birthday sign with Kukui.

"You think they can keep her occupied while we try to get everything ready on our end?" Ben asked.

"Sarah's very bright for a ranger and a witch her age and she's bound to realize what we're up to sooner or later," agreed Betty.

"I'm sure Tsukumaro, Race, and everybody else with her's got that covered," Kukui reassured with an amused chuckle. "Given that Brandon and the other Frontier Brains approved of Race's choice to be with her, she'll need all the time with her first dearly beloved as much as she can."

True to what the others already know when Tai Lung alerted them to her current plans for the day, the birthday girl in question was in the Pokemon Dragon Heart Dome and she was currently training with Star and Cobalt in intermediate-level combat. The rest of her Pokemon and her dragons along with some of her mythicals from her suitcase and Tsukumaro were watching her progress in her training as she managed to keep up with the two Lucario as best she could, the battle being a 2-on-1 matchup akin to Kung Fu and Wushu fighting sets featuring three people with or without weapons (usually in the same 2-on-1 matchup formation) and similar to the sparring match between Alyssa, Danny, and Max in A Father's Footsteps from Power Rangers Wild Force.

As of right now, Cobalt and Star had taught her how to better execute attacks such as the Back Fist, Elbow Strikes, the Hammer Fist, the Haymaker, and so on as well as the practical applications of each attack while they fought. In the midst of their sparring match, Sarah managed to land a Karate Chop (A.K.A. the Knife Hand Strike, a common yet effective attack in Karate) on them from both sides, the Shiny and regular Lucario retaliating with two Elbow Strikes only for them to be caught and then flipped over before they were pinned down.

The baby and younger Pokemon and dragons, the Cat Pack, and even the Dragonstone Patrol cheered while a flustered Cobalt and Star gathered themselves.

"How'd she do that?" breathed Star.

"Princess, you never cease to amaze us. You're getting better and more powerful all the time with your devotion to your training and even with your parents finally found, you didn't seem to lose your touch," Cobalt admitted as Sarah smirked at them.

"She never lost her touch for one minute ever since she started training during her private lessons with Uncle Tsuku and the Swords of Justice for the past whole year. And, that was not long after the Power Rangers Ultra Rescue was formed two missions ago, I really felt it!" remarked Star to her regular-colored and older counterpart incredulously as she groaned, trying to wear out the pain she felt.

"Alright, Sarah!"

"Way to stick it to them!"

"Yeah, practice makes perfect!" Brooke, Trooper, and Jazz cheered.

Unbeknownst to the princess, given he was the Chef Pup and the cook of the entire Dragonstone Patrol, Barley was called away by Sarah's friends and everyone else with them to help out with the catering for Sarah's birthday party.

"T-Thanks, guys," Sarah panted, helping her two Lucario up onto their feet.

At that time, after a short reunion with his family and getting their approval for him to be with his girlfriend, Race came to the castle to see how his girlfriend was getting on with her reunited family (while also being asked to keep her distracted by the others as they continue to set everything up for her birthday party). His family had managed to get everything from his old house moved to a new one Hala had graciously offered to him in Iki Town which was only two miles away from the castle. Currently, he was, indeed, with her and her family in the Pokemon Dragon Heart Dome and approached her with a towel and a water bottle at hand for her.

"Look at you, even though you're back together with your first lady and your pops, you're still crazy about Kung Fu practice. No wonder you're still working up a sweat now even though your madman uncle's now dead," Race remarked, handing her the towel and bottle.

"It's still crazy to me that you decided to live in Alola with me and the rest of us and retire from your duties as the Hoenn Battle Frontier Champion. I can't believe Scott and the Frontier Brains, even your own dad, would even allow you to do such a thing and give you their full support," Sarah commented as she wiped herself off and drank her bottle.

"I guess my crush on you and our hidden engagement sold them on that. And, since it was Aunt Anabel and Sis that knew that I would eventually have a girl someday while growing up before I met you, it was bound to happen and they didn't mind that since they're glad I got myself a future wife. They pretty much saw me through when they noticed how much I had changed after meeting you back in Kanto and everything we've been through," Race replied, a little awkward from Greta and Anabel's amusement over the subject of young love for him.

While they were talking, Swablu and Buneary sneaked into the Pokemon Dragon Heart Dome and met up with the others, giving them knowing nods and smiles as to tell them that the preparations were in full swing and they got Doug and Delilah to join in on the festivities.

"Hi, Mommy, whatcha doing?" Swablu asked cutely as she and Buneary joined the group and the former nestled herself atop her human mother's head.

"Oh, you know, just finally starting to settle into normal life as usual. I've just finished a sparring match with Star and Cobalt while training this morning," the princess answered.

"Now, that Team Eclipse and Lothor are nothing but bad memories, all of us now have free time and everyone else is planning to make the most of it, right?" Buneary questioned.

"Zayto and the Dino Fury team, obviously, went back to Pine Ridge to continue protecting the world from the Sporix while the Vikings and their dragons are back in Berk and the Quest Team returned to Palm Key. The other Legendary Rangers, we haven't heard from in a while in the last couple of weeks given their own duties."

"If you're not too busy, Aunty, do you wanna go see those nice Vikings and dragons?" Swablu piped up.

"What makes you wanna go to Berk all of a sudden aside from the fact that I've got plans to help them start learning what they've lost from their ancestors from today?"

"It's not going to be easy for you given that they now run on pride amongst many things today. The Six Spirits did mention that compared to their ancestors, they're really lacking in so much in terms of education and refined living if you can call it that," Race warned.

"In more ways than one, Pipsqueak," Eternatus jabbed from his usual spot in the grasslands section.

"That's where I come in; I'm thinking about setting up an island with a school close to Berk to give my friends and the other Vikings history lessons and teach them everything they've missed out on in the last 300 years. I talked it over with Sol and the rest of the Six Spirits last week when we first discussed what we're going to do first and they have no problem with that for a start."

"Are you saying 'school' like the School of Friendship Princess Twilight once started to spread the Magic of Friendship? Ooh! How lovely!" Discord remarked, joyfully appearing before everyone gathered in a teacher's uniform complete with the glasses and an old lady's grey hair wig on his head. "You haven't already made plans to pop by Berk and sneak a peak with them without me, eh?"

"Well, alright, you can come along, Discord. But, remember, there are two sides to every joke and the Vikings and their dragons have very different senses of humor so try not to cause any trouble for them and us while we're there, okay?" Sarah replied, throwing Discord a warning look which got him to quietly nod as he recognized that same look from Fluttershy and yet it had a stronger impact on him coming from the little princess.

"I think it's best if I tag along to help streamline things and keep our friend here in line, Princess," Tsukumaro recommended.

"I don't see why not. You wanna have some fun with us, Race?"

"If it means tailing you to bail you out as I've always done, I'm game if you are."

"You know, Sarah, if you're planning on spending a day with Hiccup and the others on Berk today, how about I join you?" Rotom-Dex requested as he floated up to her and displayed a video of a party on his screen. "There's so much more I want to know about Berk and I want to see how Vikings back then and now would celebrate birthdays compared to you guys!"

"Hey, don't leave me hanging! I'm ready for some of this Viking bonanza you're on about with them!" Liberty grinned, joining her owner.

"Yeah!" the Dragonstone Patrol and Cat Pack added eagerly as they went outside where Drogon was waiting for them after flying out of the dome.

"Hold it! Allow me, Princess, I'll be driving this time to not only repay you for your services but I trust that this ride I'll be providing on our way to Berk will be much more entertaining," Discord replied before the princess and Race, Liberty, the pups, and the Cat Pack could climb aboard Drogon as he snapped his right eagle talons and was now wearing a navy commander's suit and creating the Yellow Submarine from the Beatles film of the same name.

The sight of his creation thanks to his Chaos Magic garnered awestruck and amazed gasps from the younger and baby Pokemon that wanted to go with them and Drogon while the others were asked to stay behind and help look after the castle, proceeding to climb aboard with the Dragonstone Patrol, Shadow, Winter, and the Cat Pack tagging along. This was all part of the plan everyone else in the ballroom had in mind to keep Sarah's mind on other things while they finish things up for her birthday party and after they were told, Shadow, Winter, and the other dragons were more than happy to join in on the fun.

"Bye, guys, I'll see you later! Be good while we're gone now!" Sarah called as she, Race, Discord, Liberty, and Tsukumaro entered the submarine.

"Have a good time, children!"

"Make us proud, m'girl!" Rosa and Camo smiled as they and the rest of Sarah's family gathered all said their goodbyes as the submarine started and Drogon took off after it and they made their way to Berk.

"Wow, I've never been in a submarine before!"

"Yeah, this is cool!" Rory and Skiddo commented, looking over the submarine's interior in amazement.

"Looks kinda comfy," added an impressed Zoey.

"Not if you're like me and you hit rock bottom," complained Appletun as he and Axe appeared from a hatch on the floor of the submarine.

"Alright, passengers, grab a seat and buckle in as we take a Journey to the Center of Berk!" Discord joked as he manned the submarine while everyone else watched or explored the sub.

"Groovy, Puzzle Man! How do you start up this crazy craft and really get it going?" Liberty chirped, excited.

"It starts with the Attack of the Blue Meanies!" Discord began, acting like Old Fred as he grabbed an oil can from a nearby drawer and started only a nearby wheel just as some personal items belonging to him that had been stashed in there fell with a clatter.

"Or, suppose there are none of these Blue Meanie thingies in our neighborhood," Fennekin remarked innocently, tilting her head at him.

"Well, uh....... Then, why not look for a start-up switch and press it to start the party?"

Hoping that he found and made the right choice to do so by Discord, Cufant covered his eyes as he gently bucked a nearby purple button behind him and the submarine started up just as "All Together Now", performed by The Beatles began, "Hey, maybe this is it!"

1, 2, 3, 4, can I have a little more?

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, I love you~!

A, B, C, D, Can I bring my friend to tea?

E, F, G, H, I, J, I love you~!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, b-boom, sail the ship~!

Boom, b-boom, chop the tree~!

Boom, b-boom, skip the rope~!

Boom, b-boom, look at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~! (All together now!)

[x4] All together now~! (All together now!)

Black, White, Green, Red, Can I bring my friend to bed? Pink, Brown, Yellow, Orange, and Blue, I love you~! (All together now!)

[x4] All together now~! (All together now!)

Boom, boom, boom, boom, b-boom, sail the ship~!

Boom, b-boom, chop the tree~!

Boom, b-boom, skip the rope~!

Boom, b-boom, look at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~! (All together now!)

[x11] All together now~! (All together now!)


In the span of a song from The Beatles, the party finally arrived at Berk but little did Sarah know that their day out in Berk was another branch of the plan everyone else had for her and her party. Tsukumaro, in particular, had informed the Vikings about his goddaughter's birthday in the last five days leading up to then, requesting their help so as to keep as far from the castle as possible until she would return home at sunset (something that Hiccup, Zenna, their people and their allies were all too happy to help out with).

Of course, being the brainiacs that they are and touching on the subject of birthdays with Rotom-Dex's thirst for knowledge, they got the perfect thing ready to distract the birthday girl with.

For the Vikings of Berk, birthdays are as grand as they can be; there would be big parties held in the Great Hall decked with food and drinks a-plenty and the birthday boy or girl in question would ask the Viking chief whatever it is that they desire be it a weapon, livestock, or acres of land. For those from a chief's family including Stoick's, the celebration would be marked with the finest of everything their people can offer them from the finest mead to traveling bards that sing their songs and epics to them.

The Viking Teens in question along with the Six Spirits and the Mane 5, the Mighty Ones, and their Partner Pokemon (all of which were tipped off by Discord) were all waiting when Sarah and her family arrived.

"Princess," Ashia smiled as Sarah's entire party exited Discord's Yellow Submarine.

"Sarah! What's up?" Hiccup smiled as he and Sarah shared a high-five and Zenna shared a hug with her.

"How've you been?" Zenna quizzed happily.

"You buzzing and glowing now that your folks are finally back in the saddle with you?" Izzy buzzed excitedly.

"Great! Of course, it still took them a while to get used to being around technology from Modern Alola Culture Shock but they're settling down well in our old home," Sarah replied to the former female Viking underdog.

"Although, I do have to question every now and again how your father will learn to be more comfortable around electrical appliances given that he accidentally burned his hand while trying to make and pour a cup of coffee in the kitchen while we were having breakfast three weeks ago," Tsukumaro remarked.

"Hey, you gotta give him props for trying to down his first cup of joe even if it didn't go as he thought it would before we had to ice him," Liberty quipped, chuckling.

"That's new, where in the name of Thor and Thunder did you kids get a contraption like that?" Rajhu quizzed, noticing the Yellow Submarine.

"It's Discord's, he wanted to make the ride here entertaining and we did a musical number by The Beatles on the way," Sarah answered. "You can blame and attribute to the entire Beatles haymaker we were having on him."

Jhayli raised a confused eyebrow as he questioned, "Beetles, do insects of that kind know how to make music?"

"EW! Gross! Not those kinds of beetles, THE Beatles!" Buneary corrected, looking grossed out from the mention of an actual bug.

"Yeah, dude! The 1960s band spelled B-E-A-T-L-E-S and we did a groovy song of theirs while working with this baby," Liberty clarified as she continued to shake her behind while humming "All Together Now".

"O-Oh, I see........ Ahem, my apologies," Jhayli apologized sheepishly.

"Right...... So, how are you guys in Equestria, Sunny?" Sarah asked Sunny.

"Just trying to catch up with normal life and continue learning on trying to control our magic with Zipp and Pipp's family," Sunny sighed with a smile.

"We did explain to everybody about Discord and what happened to everypony back in the day when Opaline went on her mad quest for magic along the levels the alicorns of old had. Naturally, all of the ponies were thrown for a loop over how they really lost their magic and what became of Twilight and all her friends and her own family but the threat of Opaline returning has put them on edge," Ryu explained.

"We've been doing all we can to calm the ponies down and after we explained about your parents' return along with Discord being with the Six Spirits ever since he was booted out and mortally wounded, and with the knowledge that you'll be aiding in our homeworld's restoration with them, we hoped you would someday pay a visit and further contribute to Equestria's restoration," Tamu added.

"So, we've been looking through what we know about Equestria, what led it to its downfall, and the current geography since there's much more of the old kingdom we'll have to uncover," Hitch started. "With Spike, I thought it best if we find him and the other survivors from the first war against Opaline and have them come back."

"We don't know if there will be anything much of their old kingdoms in our time but at least we can give them a home," Zipp proposed while Pipp gave a knowing nod.

"We hope Hiccup and Zenna along with Toothless and Stryka can help us acclimatize them into their new surroundings once we find them," the younger Pegasus princess offered.

"Good idea! Anybody object to these fun times?" Discord questioned, getting knowing headshakes and small sniggers and smiles from the Vikings as he winked at them and they knew what he was doing according to their plan for Sarah as he went back to his submarine. "No? Well then, all aboard and get ready to sing along with The Beatles, ladies and gents! Next stop, Equestria!"

"Well, I hope it doesn't get me seasick or airsick if it flies," Hiccup remarked as they boarded the submarine while Sarah and the Mane 5 used their Unity Pins to open a portal to Equestria.

"You didn't have any problems with us flying on Toothless and Stryka before, bud," Zenna replied as she and Stryka entered and they closed the hatch they went down in before the submarine left for Equestria.

"Have a smashing good time, ya lot!" Gobber called while he waved before he and Stoick looked at each other and shared a wink before they gave a hearty laugh.

"Alright, everybody, she bought it!" Stoick smiled as the villagers cheered for the success of their part of the Alola group's plan.

When Sarah and her party returned to Equestria after crossing through the portal, she and Tsukumaro took up their pony forms again while Race was turned into a crimson-red Pegasus stallion while Hiccup and Zenna took up Earth Pony forms of their own. Their appearances in human form were carried over to their pony forms, the transformations also allowing them to keep his prosthetic left leg and her right eye patch, which got Toothless and Stryka cooing curiously at them.

"Okay, now I look like an ugly duckling," Race remarked awkwardly, looking over his new Pegasus form.

"Ooh, it's not easy being on four legs," Hiccup commented as he and Zenna started to wobble from their four pony limbs.

"How do you guys even do this? We can barely get any footing with these straw-like legs!" Zenna complained, eventually losing her balance and falling atop Stryka as the female Night Fury caught her as they plopped onto the floor.

"It gets easier when you start putting one hoof over the other," Sunny reassured before she got out a map from her saddlebags.

"We had it rough the first time we, Nikki, and James crossed over for the first time after Zekrom brought us here when he told us about the magic crisis involving Scarlet Nightmare but after a while, you get used to it," Sarah agreed.

"Will our parents still freak if we don't make it back by sunset?" Zenna questioned, trying to get back up only to plop back down onto Stryka as she still wasn't used to her new pony limbs (annoying the female Night Fury as she raised an incredulous eyebrow at her rider).

"Lucky for us, the time working here is the same as it was in Sarah's homeworld so we'll have you back home before sunset for your parents' sake. What's more, thanks to Discord, we have ourselves a map of Ancient Equestria so our first stop will be the Peaks of Peril and the isolated mountain range, home to the legendary Kirin - half-pony, half-dragon, and the most mysterious yet respected creatures known for their peaceful manners and unparalleled honesty and truth-telling. And, yet, they're the most powerful creatures if they're tipped off by any serious offense made towards them, allowing them to turn into what are their dark sides: Niriks, born out of pure fire and hatred for anybody that dares to provoke them which is why we must be extra careful with them, always."

"Alright, Kirin Country, I like that!" Zipp smirked with a cheer.

"Half-pony, half-dragon? The sparkles are gonna be colorful and bright and they're all gonna be GREAT! EEEEEEEEEEEE!" Izzy squealed in delight.

"This is gonna be all over the web when we find the very creatures we're looking for amongst them!" Pipp gushed, already thinking of ideas for a new livestream.

"Yeah, I think it's time for us to bring back a little piece of Equestria that had been lost forever and to time," Hitch smiled.

"Alright, everyone, we have a long way to go before Equestria can be fully restored back to how it used to be. It won't be easy but no matter what happens, together, we'll stand strong in any and all weathers and against the likes of Opaline should she return and others follow her example! Let's bring the survivors home, for Equestria!" Sunny declared, determined.

"For Equestria!" the rest of the Mane 5 and everybody else chorused.

After much traveling and another Beatles Song along the way, Discord drove everyone in the Yellow Submarine to the base of Equestria's isolated mountain range where the Peaks of Peril, the Kirin, and the survivors of Ancient Equestria were said to be, prompting everyone to disembark as Sunny became to go over what they've learned via the Friendship Journal and her and her friends' notes, "According to our notes and the Friendship Journal, one time, when Fluttershy and Applejack first came here to solve the friendship problem plaguing the Kirin, the former recalled that much of the area is covered in steep jagged cliffs and yet the interior of the Peaks of Peril is instead covered in dense forest and jungle."

"So, it may be Equestria's version of a remote mountain forest from Sarah's world that nocreature knew about and the Kirin made the interior of the Peaks their own?" Hitch clarified, getting a knowing and confirming nod from Sunny.

"Well, we can't risk crossing over by foot. If the Peaks really are as steep and rugged as they put it, it'll be too dangerous walking or running to them," Zenna noted.

"I guess this means we'll have to fly on over if we're to find the Kirin and the survivors as well as the Peaks of Peril," Hiccup realized.

"Yep, that's about it," nodded Pipp in agreement.

"Won't be much of a problem for us now that we've finally spread our wings," Zipp smirked playfully, flapping her wings.

"I guess we could have Drogon fly the rest of us over to the Peaks since the Yellow Submarine won't fit there if we try to go the rest of the way in it," Sarah relented as well before she turned to Discord. "Sorry, Discord, we'll have to take the Yellow Submarine back when we're finished here and we'll need to go the rest of the way without it. I don't know how the Kirin and the survivors would take to the submarine since they didn't much much about advanced technology back then."

"Hey, as long as this trip makes us happy, I'm peachy king," Discord said.

Without wasting another second, Sarah used her levitation to lift Izzy, Hitch, and Sunny onto Drogon while all of the non-flying Pokemon joined them on his back before they were joined by Tsukumaro, Hiccup, and Zenna while the rest prepared to fly (Discord obviously doing so thanks to his Chaos Magic). Carefully making their way up and through the mountain range bordering the Peaks of Peril and minding the actual peaks themselves while they searched throughout the dense forest and jungle surrounding them as they entered, they finally arrived at what looked to be a plant-based village built on and within hills or trees; they had reached the kirin village in the heart of the Peaks of Perils.

"Where are we........?"

"Wow......" Zipp and Izzy gasped in awe.

"I think we're in some sort of village, one made up of plants and holes in hills and within all these trees," Hitch deducted, looking around at the sight as his animal companions (who inadvertently tagged along with him throughout his and the Mane 5's run-ins with Sarah and her family and friends) also took in the sights and sounds of the kirin village before them. "It's beautiful, this must be the kirin village Fluttershy and Applejack were talking about in the Friendship Journal."

"This is beyond astounding and a find for the ages, this is going to be big!" Pipp gushed as she took photos of the flourishing flora around them, yet being unaware along with everyone else that they were being watched from afar.

"I'm jealous; no wonder you guys told us along the way why these Kirin lived here for so long," Toothless admitted, smelling the flora as well.

"What I like to know is how the Kirin, if they're around, survived and if Opaline failed to destroy them when she first tried to take over Equestria as part of her revenge plot," Stryka noted curiously.

"If she did, it would've been a disaster," Skiddo replied.

"Not unless she pisses them off enough to make them want to pound her," Piplup retorted.

"That would make sense," Snom admitted.

"And, they would be meanies themselves by being big bad Niriks even if it's just to defend themselves," Appletun remarked.

"That is if somebody actually makes them mad, very mad, about anything involving them," Fennekin added.

"Okay, Suns, we've made it to the Peaks of Peril and we found the village we were looking for. If Spike and these other creatures with him managed to hide out here after Opaline was kicked out the first time, where'd you think they might be?" Race asked Sunny as she looked through Discord's map.

"Who are you?" a voice called out, startling everyone as they looked around for its owner. "What are you doing and why are you here?"

"What, was, that?" shivered Phanpy as he and the baby Jungle Pokemon huddled together in fright.

".........Guys, I don't think we're alone out here," Shadow warned, he and Winter looking around cautiously for the owner of the voice that spoke out.

"Somebody's out there," Winter agreed, starting to snarl.

"I'll ask again, strangers.......Who are you and why have you come to our sacred village in the Peaks of Peril?" the voice rang up again, now more demanding and firm.

"........We're looking for a few someones, one of them is an old friend belonging to one of our own with us," Sarah informed carefully. "We don't mean you and anybody else here any harm; we come in peace and we just want to talk to you and your people.......!"

The owner of the voice that spoke out finally came forward as some bushes rustled and from out of the shrubs came an adult female Kirin, looking like a hardened ruler and with narrowed and suspicious eyes. The adult Kirin had an amber-grey body but with gold-grey scales on her hooves, her back, and the middle of her face while her mane and tail were of a moderate purple and turquoise-grey coloration, while her horn was more of a moderate shade of amaranth. Her name was Rain Shine, the current leader of the Kirins from the Peaks of Peril.

However, Rain Shine (who stood as tall as Princess Celestia in terms of her overall height) wasn't alone; joining her, following the possible yet convoluted mention of Discord (if Sarah's wording was anything to go by) was a small pack of creatures that turned out to be (to the surprise and shock of everyone gathered before them) the survivors of the first war against Opaline. The creatures in question were her Kirin subjects coupled with the remaining Yaks, Changelings, Griffins, Seaponies, and Hippogriffs; this also included Grandpa Gruff, Gallus' old caretaker, Queen Novo and her daughter, Skystar, Thorax and his brother, Pharnyx, and Prince Rutherford.

But, amongst all of the survivors standing before the heroes now was a familiar adult male purple dragon that had a cape on him and a muscular build in his current age and condition to go with his adulthood; it was Spike, Twilight's "son", first best friend, and her royal advisor/former assistant. All of them were surprised and yet suspicious of the newcomers to the Peaks of Peril and they didn't know what to make of the supposed "intruders" to their last safe haven hidden from the likes of crooks such as Opaline.

However, that all changed and the suspecting hostility was brought to a halt when Spike took a look amongst the heroes and found a familiar Dragonequus among them; the former baby dragon could hardly believe his eyes as he started to tear up. He blinked and rubbed his eyes, bewildered, shocked, and stunned yet relieved, happy, and filled with hope to see if the Dragonequus would disappear along with the heroes and if it was all just a dream but when they remained where they were and they weren't attacking him and the others with him, he started to cry.

He started sniffing as he whimpered and prepared to wipe his tears away once he and the creature locked eyes; Discord immediately approached Spike and gently wiped his tears away for him before giving him a gentle smile and nodded to the purple dragon.

"H-How.......?" Spike whimpered, unable to wrap his head around the miracle he was given regarding one of his friends.

"A friend of mine, Ashia, came to my rescue and nursed me back to health. I missed you, buddy," Discord smiled, also starting to tear up as he and Spike shared a long-overdue hug as the grown-up dragon started to cry.

"Me hardly believe it but what this, what are new ponies and creatures here?" gasped an astounded Prince Rutherford, seeing the Mane 5, the Six Spirits, and Discord's new family.

"Ponies, it's been so long since we heard anything about Equestria and the ponies themselves," Thorax blinked in utter surprise before he turned to Discord. "But, those creatures with them are a real mystery. Discord, I know this is sudden but who are those guys?"

"My new family, whom I owed my life to along with Ashia," Discord replied simply with a soft smile after he and Spike broke their hug and started to introduce his new family to the survivors and the Kirin.

"Spike, Your Majesties, Rain Shine, my dear Kirin and friends, may I present to you my saviors: the Six Spirits of Harmony, the beings created by the original king and queen of the Dragonstone Kingdom from across dimensions, King Blizzard and Queen Athi. The ponies with them are known as Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, Princesses Pipp Petals and Zipp Storm, and Hitch Trailblazer of Maretine Bay, Bridlewood, and Zephyr Heights. And, this lovely alicorn here is the daughter/offspring of our world's original saviors who defeated Opaline and kicked her out of our lands twice, King Doug and Queen Delilah Tomoe: Princess Sarah Tomoe."

The introduction of Sarah by Discord shocked the survivors (as well as the Kirin), all of them recalling the times when Doug and Delilah saved Equestria and the rest of the world from Opaline's wrath and were responsible for their being alive and living with their remaining fellow creatures. This revelation of their being married wasn't what they had expected, at all.


"You're the daughter of Doug and Delilah?"

"Are you really the offspring?"

"Princess of Alola in human world?"

"No way!"

"You're crazy!"

"That's nuts!"

"How is that possible?" some of the survivors including Spike gasped while the others were left in stunned silence.

"P-P-P-Preposterous! Doug and Delilah never told us they had a daughter on them!" Queen Novo spluttered in shock and disbelief.

"You never asked and even if they did, you wouldn't have known Delilah to be pregnant at that time nor would you recognize the symptoms of her being pregnant with their child and heir to their throne in the Alola Region in her world," Discord noted before he became lost in his own thoughts. "Then again, if they wanted to tell us, I suppose they would've kept her coming as a surprise if they found out if she was going to be a boy or girl back then."

"Alright, alright, you can play 20 Questions later, Discord. But, can we please get with the program before we lose the plot?" Sarah reminded, getting him down to earth again as she gently pulled him down from floating in the air and faced the survivors before giving them a curtsy. "Yes, my name is Sarah Tomoe: Sun Princess of the Last Alola Royal Family, daughter of my mom and dad: Doug and Delilah Tomoe, and the new queen of Dragonstone in my world."

She turned to Hiccup, Zenna, Stryka, and Toothless as they approached them, further shocking the survivors and the Kirin (although they were thrown for a loop when they saw Toothless and Stryka for this was the first time in years that they saw dragons other than Spike), "This here's Hiccup, his best friend: Zenna, and, don't panic or look too surprised, their Night Fury dragons: Toothless and Stryka."

Zipp noticed the Mighty Ones and all the heroes' Pokemon joining the group as she then smiled, "And, these guys are our Pokemon and the Mighty Ones: Tamu, Drake, Sena, and my big brother, Ryu."

"........That's impossible," Rain Shine breathed in astonishment.

Sunny then directed everyone to Drogon as she introduced him as well, "And, whether or not you remember the Mighty Ones if any of you met them, the big dragon with us, that's Drogon. He helped us get here to find you all."

"I, cannot, believe, it........ This is too good to be true," Skystar blinked, seeing the sight of Drogon, the return of the Mighty Ones, and the Pokemon standing before them alongside the heroes just as Wooloo and Ponyta trotted over to further comfort an overwhelmed and now-hopeful Spike.

"New pony have shiny magic heirlooms from Doug and Delilah," Rutherford blinked in surprise, also noticing the Sun Sword and Moon Shield strapped to Sarah's left side and back, both of them safely away from her wings so they don't get in the way.

"So, you noticed," Sarah replied, looking back at the heirlooms belonging to her parents.

"And, we have good news for you all; we're here to help restore Equestria to what it once was before Opaline came to power and destroyed everything Princess Twilight and her friends have all worked for," Sunny explained, further causing the survivors and the Kirin to gasp in shock and astonishment as they began to mutter amongst themselves.

"In case you are all wondering, Scarlet Nightmare and her shadow minions have all been destroyed by us and Sarah and her family and now, we don't have to live in fear of them anymore. Together, with all of you by our side, I know we'll do everything we can to bring back everything and everycreature we lost. And, with Sarah and her family including her real parents with us, there is a chance we can do it and we'll be happier than ever."

Everyone gasped in surprise; they thought they would never see Doug and Delilah again after the royal couple parted ways with them after they made the ultimate sacrifice to save everyone thanks to the efforts of the Mighty Ones, Discord, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and the Mane Six all those years ago when Scarlet and Opaline unleashed their wrath upon them.

"Doug and Delilah......"

"They're alive?"

"What happened to them?"

"Are they hurt, are they okay?"

"When did those meddling heroes come back?" Skystar, Thorax, Pharnyx, Novo, and Grandpa Gruff gawked, muttering with everyone else on the return of Doug and Delilah.

"Long story and one that involved a guardian of mine that they built for me for my fifth birthday before my madman uncle ruined my old life and a journey my family, friends, and I undertook to find them which led to me finding them in an underground shrine at an altar at my old homeworld," Sarah explained.

"No doubt that when they hear you're still alive and kickin' too, they'll want to help restore Equestria and meet up with you again," Zipp nodded. "And, I've no doubt you'll have the support of Bridlewood, Maretine Bay, and Zephyr Heights backing you up as well."

"But, Twilight and the others are gone forever, it's impossible to bring them back after Scarlet and Opaline killed them the way they did," Thorax moped miserably, Skystar, in particular, starting to cry since she knew she'll never see Pinkie Pie ever again.

"Opaline didn't just destroy the old Equestria we all know of, she also destroyed our lives and our homes....... Everything we once had back then thanks to Twilight and all of her friends including Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, it's all gone, we have nothing now. Maybe, our being here in the Peaks of Peril is meant to be this way; we don't have anything worth living for anymore. Not in this generation," Spike sighed heavily, having no hope of bringing back and igniting the legacy his pony family had left behind and with everyone else sharing his misery.

Spike found it hard to continue expressing why he and the others don't share the same enthusiasm and hope the heroes had for Equestria's restoration so he decided to tell them on the survivors' behalf by doing the only thing he knew how that could help him explain: break out into song.

[Play Carried Away - Lyle, Lyle Crocodile]

We had nights of endless music
We were dizzy dancing 'til the dawn
We were free, singing sweet harmonies with the city
But maybe that was someone else's song

Back to Earth again
You knew where this was headed and honestly, you're better off
Better here where you belong

You got caught up in the colors
You got wrapped up in the ride
You thought the feeling was forever
And the stars were on your side
It was lovely while it lasted
But it wasn't meant to stay
Still, you let yourself get carried away
I guess I let myself get carried away

As Spike sang, he recalled everything that led him to what are some of the best moments of his and his pony family's era of peace and happiness: his helping Rarity with Twilight's coronation dress the day she fully ascended as Supreme Princess of Equestria and his taking his place as her royal advisor and friendship ambassador, racing with Rainbow with his new wings, farming with Applejack, partying with Pinkie Pie, and assisting Fluttershy and Discord with her successful animal sanctuary. Everything back then was peaceful and happy for him after the Legion of Doom was beaten and he wouldn't have it any other way.

But then, Opaline came into the picture and she changed his life forever for the wrong reasons; in her mad tirade for power above all other creatures and her fellow ponies, she ended up killing and oppressing all that opposed her and posed a threat to her power such as the Equestria dragons that included the likes of Dragon Lord Ember and her father, the original Dragon Lord: Torch.

We got carried away, carried away
Got carried away, carried away

When Twilight and her friends sacrificed themselves and Doug and Delilah were thus forced to break the bad news to him, Spike was devastated and he hugged them while he sobbed before he was taken to the Peaks of Peril along with the survivors to stay there for his own safety.

So, we got mixed up in the madness
But, wasn't it a perfect mess we made?
Well, you live and you learn, you return to the safe and the simple
And, behind our walls, we fall back into place

Ever since then, Spike was broken and left in a huge slump in the weeks that followed once he settled in with his new friend, Autumn Blaze; he barely ate, he rarely ventured outside, often cried for minutes on end, he stayed in bed as he cuddled and looked at the photo of himself and his pony family and the memory book he and another friend of his, Starlight Glimmer, made as Twilight's coronation present. It was a reminder to the late Supreme Princess of their group's history as friends and family.

Back to Earth again
You're through with pretending 'cause this is how the ending goes
Now, you're here where you belong
We got caught up in the colors
We got wrapped up in the ride
We thought the feeling was forever
And, the stars were on our side
It was lovely while it lasted
But, it wasn't meant to stay
We just let ourselves get carried away

Thorax, Phyarnx, Novo, Skystar, Rutherford, and the grown-up Student Six did all that they could to lift his spirits as they continued on with their lives in their new home following the loss of all their old homes and kingdoms but they knew that the death of his adoptive family and friends had forever left a deep scar on him and everyone else that survived the war against Opaline. From that point onward, with the utter loss of Twilight and all their friends, none of their lives would ever be the same again.

We got carried away, carried away
Got carried away, carried away
Carried away (lost in the fantasy)
Carried away (of all we were gonna be)
Carried away, carried away

It was lovely while it lasted
It was never meant to stay
But, we let ourselves get carried away
I guess I let myself get carried away

The heroes were all stunned and heartbroken to see and hear that Spike truly had lost hope for Equestria and its intended restoration they intended to ensure with the end of Scarlet Nightmare and the brighter future they planned to make a reality if only to prepare for Opaline's eventual return and to give Equestria's ponies hope for the future and the world once he had finished. Drogon, Toothless, and Stryka along with Wooloo, Ponyta, and Draco couldn't help but feel sorry for the devastated adult dragon as they came forward and gently nuzzled him to offer him comfort.

Sunny could tell that losing his pony family and friends completely crushed Spike and, wanting to offer him her sympathies and give him hope, she approached him and then said to him, "I know it hurts a lot, Spike; losing someone you love is the greatest pain imaginable and nocreature is immune to it. A few years ago, I lost my dad when he tried to do what my friends and I have done but despite that, I kept on going even when I lost hope myself. In that sense, Twilight was doing the same thing to protect you and her friends did the same with everycreature else all those years ago and even if they didn't survive Opaline and Scarlet's attack, they would've wanted you to live on in their memory and you're doing so now just to keep the Magic of Friendship alive, right?"

Spike was silent as he stared at Sunny with tear-stained and heartbroken eyes and she continued, "When you were sent to the Peaks of Peril with the other survivors to live with the Kirin and throughout all these years, you had to live on for them and ensure that they stay together after the old Equestria was lost to the sands of time and it was you who did so through the Magic of Friendship, as we can see here. Even when you lost hope yourself, you kept the hope of everycreature else alive but as you've demonstrated and just as Sarah and her family have proven, friendship and love have always been magic. It just never left you......"

To prove that she's true to her word and in her encouragement to the conflicted adult dragon, Sunny proceeded to reveal her new wings and horn from the Unity Crystals to everyone with him in a flurry of sparkles, the refugees and Kirin all gasping in shock and stunned disbelief; the Earth Pony before them is also an Alicorn and she must've done something to earn them and be the first Alicorn Equestria has seen in many years.

Spike was also gawking in stunned silence as he eventually wiped his eyes and sniffed gently, his sentimentality growing as more of his memories of his time with Twilight and all their friends came flooding back to him.

Even though there were times when Twilight and the others would unintentionally forget about him and cast him off to the side on numerous occasions and he can be stubborn, cocky, ignorant, and prideful at times in his own misadventures, they eventually came to realize just how much they needed him and how much he needed them in return. He never knew how much they really meant to him until that fateful day during Opaline crossed the line with her crimes of power and conquest that resulted in her being kicked out and during the war following her return when she came back and, along with Scarlet Nightmare, killed the only parental figure and family he had ever known.

The adult purple dragon even recalled something Twilight had told him when she was forced to leave him in her old castle for his own safety and before she would leave him forever, "As long as you keep us close in your heart and remember all of the happy times we had all these years, the Magic of Friendship is forever. It will always protect you and any survivors left in this terrible war as long as you stick together and always remember that friendship is your greatest treasure and therefore, keep our dreams for a peaceful world alive."

"......Y-Yeah, I had to. I-It was the very last thing she said to me," Spike sniffed again before Sunny hugged him once more.

"No matter how much we wanted to, Young Spike, we can't change the past nor can we bring back Princess Twilight and your family and friends just as Thorax told us," Rajhu added sympathetically. "..........But, we can work for a better future, one that ensures that everything they taught about the Magic of Friendship will forever be remembered and Equestria and the world beyond can finally be at peace again."

"And, you'll always have your family and friends with you as long as you remember them and teach new generations about the Magic of Friendship and hold the memories of them close to your heart," Ashia agreed as Nuraiah approached him and handed Spike the Crystal Heart.

The ShiShi then spoke to the astonished dragon as she presented it to him, "The Crystal Heart was entrusted to Doug and Delilah by Shining Armor before he, Princess Flurry Heart, and the entire Crystal Empire were put into a deep slumber for their own protection. They managed to retrieve the spirits of all your friends and family that died and place them inside it for safekeeping, they're safe and at peace now."

"We don't know how we're going to bring them back without disturbing anything but if there is a way for us to do so, we'll take it, for your sake and everyone else's" Hitch promised, determined.

"Until then, you can have this to remember them by," Sunny finished, handing Spike the Friendship Journal she had been holding on to ever since it came into her and her father's possession years ago.

Spike was further stunned when he saw his, Twilight, and their friends' old journal that was still in good condition after all these years, the source of everything that they'd learned about the Magic of Friendship throughout their previous lives, trials, and tribulations and the cornerstone of the old School of Friendship and what it stood for (and, admittingly, an embarrassing source of conflict and controversy in Ponyville for a brief time amongst the citizens during that period).

However, as Spike continued to reminisce on old times and lament how things could've been for him and the other survivors had Opaline not done what she did and destroy their home the first time, Zipp suddenly started thinking. While she was indeed the more rebellious and the most outgoing and hopeful for the future between herself and Pipp in the new royal family from Zephyr Heights, she was also a deep thinker and a more inquisitorial sort of pony and she was getting thoughts on what could be a potential solution to bringing back Twilight and everyone else the heroes' new acquaintances had lost in Opaline's attack on Equestria without disturbing the balance between life and death.

While growing up, She and Pipp never lost anyone so close to them but one thing that they had sometimes questioned when nobody else at Zephyr Heights was about and when they were alone at home or with their mother was their lack of their father or a father figure. Haven was anxious about such a thought and she had never told her daughters what had become of their father but whatever it was, they didn't want to badger her about the subject and the three of them thus remained tight-lipped on the matter. Recognizing the pain Spike was still feeling after recounting everything she and the others heard in his song, she wracked her brain for ideas even though she knows that whatever idea she would have to bring back Twilight and the others from the dead would have disastrous consequences at the very least if nobody's careful about that.

Then, once she had an idea she thinks which will work, she turned to Sunny and suggested, "Sunny, there may actually be an idea......."

"What is it, Zipp?" Sunny asked curiously as Zipp came to her.

"I've been thinking, there might be a way to bring Twilight and the others back; something that Doug and Delilah knew about but one they didn't bother to tell everyone out of concern for them somehow," Zipp continued, surprising everyone within hearing range.

"Zipp, no, are you suggesting......?" Ryu asked suspiciously, not liking where his little sister figure was going with her current idea.

Zipp just nodded to her brother figure as she continued, "Now, hear me out. And, yes, I know this plan is bonkers as it's a total shot in the dark and we'll be treading a fine line with this one; we've just learned that after Scarlet and Opaline were banished from the land and after Equestria was sealed off from the rest of the world for their own protection, once Doug and Delilah were given the Crystal Heart, they had also retrieved the spirits of Twilight and her friends that died in the final battle and sealed them inside for their own safety. And, what's more, the Crystal Heart is an artifact that is powered by love and light from what Discord showed us, right?"

Sunny was surprised by what Zipp could be alluding to as she listened in and nodded and the inquisitive rebel princess continued, her direction towards Sarah as she questioned, "Sarah, is there another charm or spell you know that is somewhat similar to the Crystal Heart that can create a spiritual guardian?"

Sarah nodded as she said slowly (secretly worried about Zipp's idea as she remembered Sol's warning about what she was getting on about), "Yes, the Patronus Charm but it's normally used to repel these freaky creatures called Dementors from the Wizarding World when the witch or wizard finds and uses the happiest memory to make it come to life. But, that's really advanced magic and it's not magic taught lightly to underage wizards and witches; I mean, I was lucky to be sixteen when my godfather first started teaching me magic and it was the first charm I've learned from him. Besides that, not everybody in the Wizarding World can learn it easily."

"Young Zipp, I understand your feelings but I must object-" Sol warned before he was cut off.

"Relax, it's not that crazy-o-okay, maybe it is, it can b-but it just doesn't hurt giving it a shot, right?" Zipp insisted.

"Zipp," Ryu piped up, giving his sister a warning look.

"Trust me, Bro, I know what I'm doing. Now, given what we've known thanks to Discord, we know that Sarah's parents used both the Sun Sword and the Moon Shield to cast powerful spells so it makes sense that their heirlooms are makeshift wands which is why she was able to use them as well," Zipp began confidently before she turned to the Six Spirits. "You guys did mention that Animus Magic can't be used to bring back the dead but it can at least give their spirits a solid form and allow them to roam around, right?"

"Yes. But, what exactly are you on about, young Pegasus? Are you implying that we go back against the balance between life and death we have sworn to protect and not intervene in?" Ashia questioned, narrowing her eyes at Zipp with a warning look as well.

"Not that, no, just something that is a little workaround to that world order and The Bardo for the survivors' sake as well as Spikes and Discords. This might sound crazy and it may as well be but if you can use your Animus Magic to at least give Twilight and her friends' spirits solid forms that would allow them to roam freely without having to run the risk of upsetting that balance, at least they'll be Patronus Charms in their own right and give our new friends some peace of mind in a sense."

"You mean make Twilight and her friends become some sort of ghost that would allow them to go around freely without anything holding them back?" Pipp clarified, raising an incredulous eyebrow at her sister.

Zipp nodded before she turned to Sarah again, "What do you think, Sarah, is it possible?"

"It's complex but it is highly likely; my Mom and Dad's Pyroar Patronuses were able to manifest themselves and roam around Alola freely for years, fueled by their happiest memories of me while they slept. If we can use the right Animus enchantments, we can turn them all into Patronus Charms from their spirit forms so they don't technically upset the balance."

"That's true. Spirits do roam around the world in various forms and we have been able to do the same in our current state so the ponies your friend lost years ago shouldn't be different," Rajhu quipped after thinking on the matter.

"If it takes just that to see my dear sweet Fluttershy again, even if she's not meant to be with me in the flesh again, it has to be done!" Discord replied finally, wanting to see his love again despite the circumstances. "My friends, please do this; even if it's just once, I need to see her again and let her know that I'm alright again!"

".........You still love her after all these years, don't you?" Ashia replied quietly and in awe of Discord's determination and his greatest wish, seeing him nod firmly as he remained serious about wanting to see his lost love once more no matter what form she takes.

Spike's eyes lit up with hope after hearing Discord give his approval, turning to the others as he tried to ask them the same question and getting knowing nods and smiles from the Mane 5 and their party with them. Spike felt like crying with joy as tears started to well up in his eyes; with Sarah and her family's help, he can finally be able to see his loved ones again even if they won't be with him and the survivors and the Kirin among the living anymore.

The adult Student 6 joined him from his left and right, all of them sharing the same hope he and Discord were now carrying for the salvation of Twilight and all her friends as they started crying happily, even if they were meant to be in spirit form from now on.

"T-T-Then, w-we can see T-Twilight, again?" Ocellus sniffed joyfully.

"Yona......Yona so happy lost ponies be brought back again," added a tearful yet overjoyed Yona.

"If you want, you guys can also use the Friendship Journal and Twilight's memory book," Sandbar offered warmly. "They're all filled with the happiest memories and times that Twilight and her friends all had throughout their time long before all of this."

"That's perfect!" Izzy cheered.

"Thank you," Sunny thanked gratefully.

Gallus nodded warmly before he turned to the crowd in the back, "Who knows where Twilight's memory book from Starlight and Spike is?"

"I'll get it," Autumn Blaze chirped, immediately running to her house to grab the memory book and bring it to everybody before she set it down in front of Sarah as she stood forward with the Six Spirits.

"Sol, guys, it's going to take all of us to pull this off and we have to be careful; we're treading a fine line here and we need to make sure we have the right Animus enchantments pulled off so we don't disrupt the balance between life and death and get our heads ripped off," Sarah warned the Six Spirits.

"If that's how it's meant to be and given how much all of Equestria has suffered, I suppose it won't hurt to do the ponies and these creatures a favor," Zjhiben relented.

"It would've been something our creators would've done as well if they were still here," Nuraiah agreed with a soft smile before she brought the Crystal Heart over and placed it on top of the Book of Memories and the Friendship Journal.

"Alright, everybody, into your positions," Sarah noted as she and the Six Spirits readied themselves by forming a Big Dipper/North Star Even Star formation (Nuraiah, Ashia, and Sarah making up the handle and Jhayli, Nuraiah, Sol, and Rajhu forming the bowl) to perform a Patronus Ritual.

"Just hope you magical buttheads know what you're doing," prayed Smolder.

"We're ready!" Jhayli signaled, allowing Sarah to bring out her parents' heirlooms and hold them via Wingardium Leviosa.

"Here goes," Sarah began, concentrating her power through the Sun Sword and Moon Shield along with the Six Spirits and focusing them on the sword's Soul Summoning ability (once two beams of light had been drawn from both heirlooms and connected) and a gold and white stream of light and love connected with the Friendship Journal, the Book of Memories, and the Crystal Heart.

Making sure to not use the wrong Animus Enchantments in this case, the little princess and the Six Spirits all continued to focus their energies on the ritual through their current formation, their powers starting to seep into the Crystal Heart as well as the Friendship Journal and the Book of Memories. They were starting to show signs of strain as they quickly realized that bringing back Discord and Spike's lost friends/family in the form of Patronuses was taking up much of their energy but they had to continue for their latter two's sake as well as Equestria and the survivors.

Then, the Crystal Heart, the Friendship Journal, and the Book of Memories started to float until they were at head height (while the others, the Kirin, and the survivors watched in awe), the Six Spirits starting to chant as they continued the ritual and thus, signaling Sarah to begin the most critical part of it.

"Crystal Heart, heed thy call from thy heart! Unleash thou power and awaken the souls resting from within, restore them to Patronuses, and return them to their loved ones in years since past........! EXPECTO PATRONUM!!!!!"

Upon shouting the incantation and making her prayers to the Crystal Heart, the beams from the Sun Sword and Moon Shield grew stronger, and then, letting out a powerful yell coupled with her shooting both of her hands in the form of palms to the sky, Sarah unleashed her power. The pages in the Book of Memories and the Friendship Journal flapped like mad after they were opened and the Crystal Heart spun faster, the memories made inside them with each photo and entry displaying specific points of pure happiness from Twilight and all her late friends throughout.

Before long, the powers tapped into reached critical mass before the Crystal Heart unleashed a powerful wave of love and light upon the area as it knocked the heroes, Sarah, the Six Spirits, the Student Six, Discord, and Spike off their feet, hooves, and paws while everyone else shielded their eyes.

Eventually, the light started to die down after lingering for a few minutes before they eventually picked themselves up or allowed them to see what had happened but then, they all gasped in awe, shock, surprise, amazement, and overwhelming relief; before everybody, there stood the Mane 6 (as they were in the MLP FIM series finale and epilogue), Cadence, Celestia, and Luna in the form of arctic blue and whispy Patronuses, all of them free of any wounds they've obtained from Opaline and Scarlet Nightmare.

Nobody dared to move as they were afraid that the ritual would've been in vain and that the whole thing was just a dream or a dud running from an empty promise of bringing back lost friends and family for two hopeful souls and more.

Spike, stunned and shocked at seeing his mother figure again, couldn't help but shed tears of his inner turmoil fading away and overwhelming joy as he silently walked over to Twilight and stood before her. He tried to speak to her and express his happiness but the words he looked for died in his throat yet he didn't need to say them for Twilight just smiled warmly as tears also welled up in her eyes and she held his right cheek which he gingerly held before he sobbed softly and hugged her, feeling her spiritual form as solid as he didn't phase through her as he feared.

The new Patronus forms she and her friends had been given allowed the Princess of Friendship to return his adopted son's hug, feeling relieved that she would be able to touch and interact with him despite no longer being among the living.

"PINKIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" Skystar shrieked excitedly as tears fell from her eyes and she charged forward for a long-overdue hug.

"Skystar!" Pinkie cried happily as they sobbed in their embrace.

Discord, stunned that Sarah's idea had come to fruition, silently got up and approached his pony love. No words needed to be said between them as Fluttershy gave a heartwarming nod and the Spirit of Chaos embraced her while sobbing.

The rest of the heroes along with the Six Spirits and Sarah managed to pick themselves up or slowly sit up as they recovered from the blast, gasping in total shock, stunned awe, amazement, and disbelief as they took in the princesses, Twilight, and all her friends in their new spirit forms. They could hardly believe what had just happened yet they knew what they did concerning the impossible; they actually made Discord and Spike's lost family and friends into actual Patronus Charms.

The adult Student 6 was stunned into silence as they approached some of their old professors and the original three princesses and they were just as ecstatic to see them once more even if they are now spirits in solid form and nothing more.

"Princess," Tsukumaro said, approaching his goddaughter and helping her up as she crept onto her hooves albeit shakily and still worn out from the previous ritual with a groan.

"What happened?" breathed Luna, looking over herself in her new Patronus form.

"Luna?" gasped Celestia, getting her sister's attention while also looking at herself, speechless.

"Tia....... What's going on?"

"Sarah, you did it....... They're back, they're all back!" Sandbar cried excitedly, tears welling in his eyes.

"Professor Ponies and Princesses home!!!!!!!!!!" Yona screamed ecstatically as she stomped her elated heart off.

"Princess Luna," Gallus sniffed as he nuzzled Luna's chest and the former Princess of Night lovingly held him.

"Way to smack that no-magic trash out the window!" Smolder smirked.

"Your magic is incredible!"

"Nobody's ever been able to do something as crazy and beautiful as that, even with something like that pearl we used to have!" Ocellus and Silverstream praised.

"Where are we?" Rarity asked, baffled.

"Are we dead?" Rainbow questioned, concerned before she looked at herself.

"Ah don't think so, I mean, we were, but.........." Applejack began. "But, how?"

"What happened to us?" Cadence added, looking at herself in her new Patronus form.

"Your being brought back, you can thank Doug and Delilah for that," replied Gallus, smiling as he pointed to Sarah.

"Is that......?" breathed a surprised Luna as she sees Doug and Delilah's daughter before she slowly walks up to her.

"They had a daughter?" quizzed an equally-baffled Celestia.

"In the flesh," Smolder smirked with a proud nod.

Luna finally comes face to face with the Sun Princess and gently cups her face with her right hoof before she looked into her eyes and saw Delilah through them before she gave a soft smile and then said, "You have your mother's eyes, it's like I'm seeing Delilah when she was only a child."

"I don't believe it......... They actually did it," gasped an astonished Queen Novo.

"Alright," smirked Pharnyx softly with a nod.

"Do tell," Thorax smirked back in reply as Celestia came up alongside Luna and saw Sarah's eyes, recognizing them as Delilah's as well.

".........It's true, you really do have your mother's eyes," the former Princess of the Sun nodded with a smile. "You're the one who brought us back but in the way that we all are now?"

"Yeah....... But, I had help; it was a shot in the dark but I can't believe the ritual worked," Sarah panted, still feeling drained from using so much energy in the Patronus Ritual.

"Indeed. It was the princess herself and us, the Six Spirits of Harmony, that were all responsible for your resurrection and your transformation into your new Patronus forms,” Nuraiah confirmed as she and the Six Spirits approached the two former princesses. "Using the power of the heirlooms belonging to her mother and father and the correct Animus Enchantments, we were able to turn you into spiritual guardians through the Patronus Charm or more commonly known as 'Expecto Patronum'.”

"The ritual is, as the princess said, a shot in the dark given the stakes involved. But, through it and our efforts, we've managed to complete it and thankfully, not upset the balance between life and death,” Rajhu nodded.

"With that incredible ritual, she and her new friends managed to bring you all back through your spirits that her parents once salvaged after the war with Opaline years ago," Sandbar smiled warmly.

"Now, since she can't hurt you and you're technically living spirits, you're now free to roam the world as you please," Ocellus added.

The resurrected Mane 6, the former princesses, and Cadence were stunned but then, they began to be overwhelmed with joy and happiness that they were no longer in any pain and they can roam the world freely with no worries over Opaline hurting them should she show up again. This also meant that through their new forms, even if they'll be at peace, they can still act as Equestria's guardians to help save their former kingdom and the neighboring kingdoms of their old allies of ponykind from any other threats beyond Equestria's borders.

"No way........"

"Then, she really......?!"

"King Doug and Queen Delilah got married and they had a daughter destined to inherit the throne before a crazed madman tried to kill them before they were forced to send her to the future for her own safety over 500 years ago before they sealed him away and go into a deep sleep before she and her friends would meet and eventually become warriors known as the Power Rangers and battle with this cuckoo head and his minions before she would finally come back here after her first adventure to save Equestria from Scarlet Nightmare with her family and after finishing him off once he and his syndicate are toast?" Pinkie rambled before she took a deep breath, causing the heroes to have blank wide-eyed looks as they looked at each other in astonishment and a little bit of fear over the energetic pony.

".........Yeah, moving on," Sarah blinked awkwardly. "I know now that Spike and the others were still hurting from losing you all so I thought that by doing this ritual, I can bring you all back somehow without disturbing the balance between life and death in the process."

The new Patronus Ponies were still shocked and in awe of what Sarah had done with the assistance of the Six Spirits in response to the lingering pain and sorrow Spike and the other survivors had all felt when they died and soon, they even started to feel a growing sense of gratitude within them. Cadence was the first to voice her thoughts as she came up to Sarah alongside her aunts and gave a grateful and tearful smile to the little princess for the sacrifice she and the Six Spirits made for her adopted brother's sake and those of their remaining friends from long ago.

"........Sarah, thank you," Cadence said, giving a gentle hug before she broke it to face her again as her tears started falling. "I, I don't know how we can all repay you........"

"Well, my parents did promise your husband and daughter and your former subjects that they'd bring them and the Crystal Empire back in a new era of peace so, you can thank me later when we do that after Opaline's finished," Sarah replied, further giving Cadence hope and joy as she now knows that her kingdom and Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, and the Crystal Ponies are safe and will be brought back soon as she gave another thankful hug while crying happily.

"Princess, thank you so much. Of course, this new glow will take some getting used to but know that we are all grateful to you and you're the biggest inspiration to us all," Twilight added gratefully, she, her friends, Cadence, Celestia, and Luna along with a grateful and at-ease Spike bowing to the Sun Princess in appreciation.

"There's one thing I don't get; how did you knuckleheads find Discord and what happened to him?" Smolder questioned, eying the Dragonequus.

"Long story," Race replied simply.

"Yeah, I'm sure you're all in for a story sooner or later but for now," Discord nodded, checking a pocket watch that humorously showed Day, Afternoon, Dusk, and Nighttime on it, the hands showing that it was nearly Dusk. "It looks like it's time for us to head home."

The Dragonequus gave a sly wink to the heroes and Toothless and Stryka looked at the sun and noticed it was starting to set, showing it was nearly dusk. They nodded to their riders (who turned to the Night Fury pair) to confirm his words, Zenna smiling towards the survivors and the Patronus Ponies before saying, "Well, gang......."

"It's been fun," added Hiccup with a smile.

"Oooooooh! I get it, I know what that's all about! You're about to-MMPH!" Pinkie began excitedly, her Pinkie Sense tingling before Zenna and Hiccup panicked and quickly muffled the Party Pony before she could ruin everything, shushing her to be quiet.

"Okay, spill, what's with the wink and the muffling?" Applejack questioned with a raised eyebrow, Izzy shushing her before she gathered her, her friends, the survivors, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and the Six Spirits in a group huddle before she informed them about Sarah's 17th birthday, which they immediately understood (although Pinkie nearly exploded with joy in the process).

Twilight nodded in delight before she turned to the Sun Princess and said, "Sarah, you don't mind if we join you on your way home, don't you?"

"Oh, sure, you can come," Sarah nodded, agreeing to the proposal.

"Oh, I'm sure Doug and Delilah will be very surprised to see you again, especially since Sarah just got them back weeks ago once Lothor and his syndicate were finished and after that grueling fight that she had with a giant Dragon Pokemon who knew where they were," Sunny agreed, much to the Patronus Ponies' surprise as their eyes widened in bewilderment.

"Yeah, that'll be great!" Zipp cheered.

"Eh, what harm can they do?" Race relented.

"Then, all aboard that's going ashore! First, we drop our two friends and their dragons off at Platform 1 in Berk and it's onward and upward for homeward bound!" Discord announced as he led the way back to his Yellow Submarine while in a railway conductor's outfit and then a train engineer's outfit once they made it to the sub.

Once onboard the submarine (after getting the survivors and the Patronus Ponies to calm down once they started to take in the sight of the submarine and its exterior and interior), everybody climbed on board with Discord manning the helm and the wheel once again. As soon as they were ready, the Mane 5 activated their Unity Pins and opened a portal back to Berk and the Alola Region in Sarah's homeworld before they set off and the Yellow Submarine was kicked into action.

In the town where I was born lived a man who sailed to sea~

And, he told us of his life in the land of submarines~

So, we sailed out to the sun 'til we found a sea of green~

And, we lived beneath the waves in our yellow submarine~

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine~

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine~

And, our friends are all aboard

Many more of them live next door

And, the band begins to play

[Band Instrumental]

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine~

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine~

As the Yellow Submarine made its way to the Alola Region, the entire group made a short stop at Berk in order to drop off Hiccup, Toothless, Zenna, and Stryka, the former Viking underdogs promising to join them along with their friends later for the party once they get themselves ready.

Full steam ahead, Mister Boatswain, full steam ahead
Full steam ahead it is, Sergeant (Cut the cable, drop the cable)
Aye-aye, sir, aye-aye
Captain, captain

As we live a life of ease, every one of us has all we need~ (A life of ease, every one of us, has all we need!)

Sky of blue and sea of green in our yellow submarine~ (Sky of blue, sea of green, in our yellow, submarine, AHA!)

[8x to fade end] We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine~

Meanwhile, back at their family's modernized castle abode, Doug and Delilah (now in their formal attire after changing from their pajamas in the morning) along with everyone else with them had finished setting everything up for Sarah's surprise party. The entire ballroom was decked out with several balloons, streamers, ribbons, and even Kukui and Burnet's finished birthday sign, a giant table filled to the brim with the best homemade food by Barley, Zoey, and Nate, and even a giant birthday cake. There was even a stage set up for music and stage performances for the little princess by all her friends and family that had instruments at the ready on their stands along with a drum set, amplifiers, and microphones. It had never looked more beautiful and even the original king and queen couldn't help but marvel at how much different the transformed ballroom is with everything done for their daughter's Sweet 17.

"Well done, everyone, looks like everything's ready," Doug smiled, observing everything that had been prepared.

"It's perfect," smiled Ravi as his Lucario (having evolved along with Zoey's Scorbunny and Devon's Litten since the Beast Morphers Rangers' previous clash with Evox) gave an agreeing nod with a happy "Rio!".

"Sarah's gonna totally flip when she sees all of this," agreed Zoey, she and her Cinderace being just as ecstatic as the latter happily kicked and dribbled a soccer ball he brought along with him before he caught it and gave a wink.

"This is quite the big bang birthday for her given everything she went through," Devon smirked, his Incineroar sharing his smirk as he crossed his arms and nodded with a "Rawr!".

"This birthday party's going to be the best ever for Sarah!" Ash cheered.

"Much better than her Sweet 16th last year," Mallow agreed wholeheartedly.

"The best of the best!" Lana concurred.

"And, we'll finally have the original king and queen with all of us to share in on the fun!" Lillie cried, feeling just as excited as her friends.

"Mm-mmm! All that food and that cake sure look good!" Ben smirked, his and Betty's mouths watering at the sight of all the food made at the table.

"Yeah, it all looks so delicious!" Betty agreed, feeling hungry.

"Well, Barley, I got to hand it to you; you really do know your way around a kitchen being this Chef Pup of our daughter's new puppy team, don't you?" Delilah questioned Barley with a smile.

"Arf! Are you kiddin'; I was born for an apron no matter what century," smirked Barley proudly.

"And, that mountain of presents we've set up looks as cool as ever, even just as cool as me," Steel remarked proudly, seeing the amount of birthday presents that everybody gathered stacked on top of each other in a tower-like mountain.

"Gee, I really hope she likes all of this," Cruise hoped.

"Hoo-Hoo! Of course, she would! She's always been a party girl and did nice things for all of us when we first met her and her friends!" Smash reassured happily.

"Yeah! That girl's also got spunk and she's becoming like a real woman given everything she's doing for anybody and everybody in trouble!" Jax proudly concurred.

"Yeah, if she comes back soon, she'll be blown away by all of this!" Kiawe said, also feeling excited before he turned to Sophocles. "Sophocles, when is she coming back from her trip Discord noted us about this morning?"

"She should be coming home at sunset with the others right now," Sophocles answered, checking his Wrist Com's watch and timer featuring their leader's time away for the day.

Before long, Hiccup and Zenna arrived with their friends and the rest of the Berk Vikings and the Viking Teens' dragon companions via the teleportation function of their Wrist Coms to join the party with their own small gifts to offer for the birthday girl.

"Are we late?" Hiccup asked.

"Hiccup, you're here!"

"You're just in time," David and Donna (former queen) greeted happily, surprising their children as they watched the Vikings start to mingle with their old friends.

"Master Hiccup!"

"Miss Zenna, how wonderful to see you again, dears!" Doug and Delilah smiled brightly, coming forward to greet the former Viking underdogs, Toothless, and Stryka as the Night Fury pair purred when they started petting them.

"Hope you don't mind us crashing the party, had to get a few things for Sarah before she comes home," Astrid smirked with a wink as she and Skystorm came up alongside them with the rest of the Viking teens and their dragon partners.

"Of course not, although I hope you haven't forgotten the training Pops had given you for your last rodeo with Lothor and his crew," Doug smirked back.

"Hah! Piece of cake, we literally ran around in circles while your old man was drilling us and our dragons," scoffed Tuffnut with a smirk.

"It'll be even better when we start having fun and crashing left and right and the birthday girl herself kicks everything off, WHOO!" hollered Ruffnut as Barf and Belch gave celebratory roars with bright smiles on their faces.

"Oh, believe me, it will be fun! Fun enough for you all to watch it all crash and burn for your little baby by our hands!" scoffed a familiar voice before everybody turned to see Team Skull returning with Guzma at the helm yet again, their Pokemon brought out for a brawl.

"Aw, man! Not those clowns again!" Sophocles groaned in anger, he, Vikavolt, and Togedemaru giving annoyed glares at Team Skull.

"Team Skull!" Ash snarled, gritting his teeth as he and his Pokemon got into battle stances.

"What are you doing here?!"

"You can't come in here!"

"What do you want this time?" snapped an angry Mallow, Lana, and Lillie, their Pokemon preparing to fight.

"You better get out right now or I swear we're gonna fry you to a crisp with a flame as hot as an Infernal Overdrive!" Kiawe warned as Charizard, Turtonator, and Pyroar also didn't take too kindly to Alola's Pokemon syndicate barging in.

"We crashed, got a problem with that?" Tupp bragged as the rest of Team Skull jeered at the heroes.

"We heard that the princess was turning seventeen at this time and we're gypped that you all forgot to invite us!"

"We would've helped out with your little party for her, especially given what we have planned for her to celebrate her big day this time!" Zipp and Rapp barked snootily as the rest of Team Skull continued to jeer.

"We don't have to invite you because clearly, after all the trouble you caused, you weren't on our guest list!" Burnet snorted in disgust.

"So, you decided to come at us again after running away last time, eh, Guzma?" Kukui scoffed at Guzma, causing the Team Skull leader to growl at him. "Even after our last meeting, you still have a lot on your mind and you haven't worked up the courage to rise up to the challenge all the way with a full-powered Fly attack."

"So? I showed up to give the birthday girl the party she deserves, didn't I?" sniffed Guzma, still incensed by Kukui's words. "This time, I'm gonna give her and you a birthday smackdown that'll show you what I'm truly made of when my Pokemon and I don't run away from a fight!"

"You may believe that but are you really going to run away again like before under the excuse that you know when to hold back and let go or if you're actually afraid?" Kukui spat, not believing Guzma's words given their last encounter from the previous year.

Guzma stiffened and simmered with rage as he was stuck between a rock and a hard place, the sting of Kukui's harsh but truthful comebacks getting to him again which caused a bit of worry from Plumeria, even if she didn't show it.

"Alright, WE'LL FIGHT!" Guzma bellowed, prompting Team Skull to begin charging at the heroes.

"HOLD IT!" barked Doug furiously, holding out his hand and causing Team Skull to stop and gasp in shock as they saw Doug and Delilah approaching them with unimpressed and angry looks on their faces and with their Pokemon beside them.

"Who are you, what business do you hooligans have with our daughter?" Delilah asked suspiciously.

"Oh yeah, Pops? Who are you and why are you here in the princess' place?" Tupp snorted at the royal couple.

"We're here looking for the princess to wish her a happy birthday, Team Skull style! What about you, what does her birthday have to do with you?" Zipp sneered as the rest of Team Skull murmured in agreement.

"Hmph, if that's how you think, we'll tell you what's it got to do with us; I'm Doug Tomoe, and this is my wife: Delilah," Doug began calmly, his angry gaze at Team Skull not breaking. "We're the loving parents of our daughter and our heir to the Alolan throne, Sarah Tomoe."

Team Skull gasped again as they exchanged shocked murmurs with each other while a stunned and baffled Plumeria stated on behalf of her shocked leader, "The Last King and Queen of the Alola Royal Monarchy from 500 years ago!"

Doug nodded as he remarked, "You're quite right."

"............So, you're the ones our daughter labeled as Team Skull. And, you five in front must be those ruffians: Tupp, Zipp, and Rapp, you're their administrator: Plumeria, and you're the brute who's the leader of this platoon of horrible humans known as Guzma," Delilah snorted indignantly.

".........That's us. If you really are the Last King and Queen of Alola, I can see now where that brat got those eyes and her put-me-down attitude from," Guzma sneered, narrowing his eyes at Doug and Delilah.

"Mr. Guzma, this castle opens its doors to friends and family from all corners of Alola except you," Delilah continued. "Your barging in means you're trespassing; therefore, my husband and I ask, on our daughter's behalf, that you leave and let us continue with our business, now."

Guzma glared silently before he continued, "But, your brat humiliated us one too many times and that includes stealing those Lycanroc we had on us two years ago. So, if anything, we thought to wish her happy birthday through a match to end all matches in Team Skull's history that ends with a well-rounded victory for us at last."

"Lios!" Golisopod agreed, stomping forward and preparing to attack the still-unimpressed Delilah and Doug as he raised his right pincer before a lasso came in and snagged the pincer.

Golisopod was startled as he tried to yank at the lasso that caught him before he was reeled back with a panicked scream before he was eventually kicked and knocked into his own trainer. The shocked duo hurriedly picked themselves up with the help of their team lackeys before a voice rang out, "Well, well, well, I didn't expect to see you stooges again after so many months. But, if you think you can crash my party and drag my Mom and Dad into your stupid games just to get back at me and my friends without me noticing, you couldn't be any more wrong."

Everyone turned to find Sarah, her Pokemon and dragons with her, Discord, Race, his team, the Six Spirits, the Patronus Ponies, and the survivors standing at the ballroom doors, glaring at Team Skull with Applejack having a lasso on her at the ready.

"It's Sarah!"

"And, Sunny and her friends!"

"Discord, too!"

"But, what are those creatures?"

"Who are they?"

"Where did they come from?"

"What's going on?"

"What happened while she was gone?" gasped the party guests in surprise.

"Twilight, girls......."

"Celestia, Luna, Cadence......." a shocked Doug and Delilah breathed quietly, the latter holding a shaking hand to her mouth.

"There you are! About time you decided to show up, Little Miss Pretty Pants!" taunted Tupp as he, Zipp, Rapp, and their Pokemon prepared to fight. "Thought you weren't going to show up for your own little birthday bash tonight since you probably had a long day!"

"Tupp, Rapp, Zipp, I'm sure you don't want to do this if you know what's good for you. This is not the time and place to have a Pokemon battle in my house," Sarah began simply as she and her family stepped forward. "I hope you haven't planned on ruining my birthday because this is the day when I finally get to spend one with my real Mom and Dad."

She then turned to Guzma as she tsked and gave a knowing glare, "Guzma, I hope you haven't planned to run away again if you tried to hurt my Mom and Dad and beat me in another Pokemon battle."

"I'm not running away from anything this time, I've come to settle the score between us once and for all!" Guzma snapped.

"It sounds to me like you haven't learned anything from our first encounter last year when you battled Ash and I. By the looks of it, you seemed like you were all ready to curb tail and make a hit and run had you known beforehand that my family and I would be back from our little trip. As for what you told Mom, I was simply righting the wrongs you made when I caught wind of them starting with Dusk and Luna's parents; what's more, I forgot to mention this to you after coming back from our journey to find them, since my parents are back in the royal saddle, what they saw around our house and our region goes. If you really want to fight me and my friends, why don't you do that when the Pokemon League is approved and made ready? Then, you can test your Pokemon's strength and your own against us again."

"I can wait but I don't mind getting a few shots in on you before the tournament first! Golisopod, Razor Shell!" Guzma barked to his partner.

Golisopod shook the rest of the shock from Applejack's surprise attack off himself before he summoned Razor Shell and went to attack without any interruptions with Tupp's Salazzle, Zipp's Garbodor, and Rapp's Zubat joining him. But, Rainbow Dash winked and nodded at Gallus and Zipp, all three of them charging back at and splitting them up before they could go for a team attack, targeting Salazzle first and spinning around it in circles before she got dizzy and fainted from extreme disorientation.

"Damn it, Salazzle! You can't handle a little whirl-a-gig like that, get up and fight!" Tupp groaned, holding his head in frustration.

"I wouldn't bet on it, Tupp! Now, guys!" Sarah called, pointing at Team Skull.

Silverstream, Pinkie, and Izzy went next as they bounced around, luring the startled and flustered Houndour, Koffing, and Salandit belonging to the other Team Skull grunts. The troublemaking Pokemon didn't know what to do as they tried to keep watch over them, their fast and swift yet playful bouncing making it hard for them to even figure out where they were so they can attack.

"Nya, nya, n-nya, nya!" Pinkie taunted.

"We're over here!"

"Oh, Mr. Doggy! Peekaboo, where are you, I see you!" Izzy and Silverstream mocked cheekily while Rarity, Ocellus, and Pipp did the same with another group of the same Pokemon.

The two groups' distracting the mischievous and devious troublemakers for Pokemon gave Celestia, Luna, and Cadence enough time to blast them with their magic while they were least expecting them while Prince Rutherford, Yona, and the other surviving yaks proceeded to stomp at and bash them hard. The surviving Hippogriffs, Sandbar, Smolder, Novo, and Skystar were able to grab hold of the smaller Pokemon before they threw them like dodgeballs at their trainers, easily knocking them over or forcing them to dodge while they yelped in panic as if they were in a dodgeball tournament.

Thorax, Pharnyx, and the surviving Changelings instead decided to give the rest of the rogue Pokemon a good scare as they turned into large snakes and hissed at them, terrifying them as they screamed and immediately hid behind their trainers before they changed back. Rain Shine and her Kirin folk did the same but through their transformation to their dark selves fueled by negative emotions such as anger and rage, the Nirik, and that had the same effect on another group of Team Skull's rogue Pokemon.

Finally, when it all seemed to be done and dusted, Pinkie, Izzy, Rarity, and Pipp then forced the remaining Pokemon that weren't scared or jostled about to run and crash into each other, creating a pile of knocked-out Team Skull Pokemon as they had swirls for eyes or groaned in pain.

Once they finished, Silverstream and Izzy jumped up on top of the pile and threw giant hoof/claw-fulls of confetti as they shouted (with Pinkie joining in), "Ta-Da!"

"Oh, you have got to be joking," Plumeria groaned as she shook her head and held the bridge of her nose, seeing her and Guzma's syndicate taken out so easily by a menagerie of magical creatures they and the rest of Team Skull knew nothing about.

"No way!"

"But, that's impossible!"

"How can a bunch of ponies, eagle beasts, furballs, and pint-sized rats take down all of us in an entire hour?!" Zipp, Rapp, and Tupp spluttered in shock and disbelief while the heroes (sans Sarah, Race, and her entire family) were left in awe and amazement over what they just saw.

"Well, I think that settles that. I hope you don't mind walking out the front door now that you know what you're up against this time," Twilight remarked with a knowing glare thrown toward Guzma.

"Hmph, just a minor setback just because of your stupid parlor tricks. But, we're not beat yet, not even me," Guzma scoffed as a beaten and humbled Gosilopod picked himself up again despite his bruises and got ready to continue fighting. "I still got unfinished business with that little punk and there's nothing you can do to stop me until I got what I want."

"If I told you once, I told you a million times, Guzma; we'll settle this later during the Pokemon League!" Sarah spat finally before she gave a scoff. "You really don't understand that we don't want any more trouble from you guys after everything we all went through for the last couple of weeks, don't you?"

"You and Kukui stole my resolve when you had the nerve to tell me that I was running away from that battle we didn't get to finish, and now, I want it back and you're going to give it to me!" Guzma snarled, prompting Sarah to groan with a facepalm as she shook her head in exasperation at the arrogant Pokemon trainer.

Eventually, she decided to make a hard call as she faced Guzma and said, "Okay, I've had enough of this; I didn't want to do this to you guys, Guzma, but you all forced my hand. As your region's princess and future heir to the throne, on behalf of my parents, it's time for you and the rest of Team Skull to leave the Alola mainland and never come back until the Alola League starts. Then, and only then, will you have the chance to not only come back but also to prove if you're really strong and if you didn't run away from something as Kukui said there was the last time we battled and you bailed out on us near the end."

Everyone gasped in surprise and shock and even Team Skull was left bewildered and stunned by Sarah's declaration until she further explained, "Maybe some time alone with your Pokemon and to collect your thoughts until then will be the best thing you need right now. I'll have an island of your own ready for you but consider yourselves kicked out on *my orders*. My family and I won't stand for your nonsense nor would we continue to tolerate all the trouble you've been causing us and our people ever since you first came together so consider this your last warning."

"Last warning, are you kidding me?!"

"You're really overstepping it this time, Princess!"

"We'll show you what happens when you cross a line with Team Skull like that!" Rapp, Zipp, and Tupp snapped furiously.

"You'll all rue the day you kicked Team Skull out of Alola with your royal power, you brat! GET THEM!" Guzma roared, enraged as Golisopod, Zubat, Salazzle, and Gardobor prepared to do a team attack.

"Yona, Rutherford, would you mind showing our uninvited guests the door, please?" Sarah replied, sniffing at Guzma, Tupp, Rapp, Zipp, and their Pokemon before she winked at Yona and Rutherford, the two yaks smirking at her as they and their fellow yaks scraped the ground with their hooves.

Then, when they were ready, they charged at them as the former two cried, "YAK SMAAAAAAAASH!!!!!!!!"

The entirety of Yakyakistan's remaining yaks, Yona, and Rutherford did a U-Turn towards the wall in front of them as they came up to the startled quartet and their Pokemon and they knocked them into the sky, Tupp, Rapp, and Zipp along with their Pokemon and Gosilopod screaming as they were sent blasting off.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS, BRAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!" Guzma vowed as they all twinkled out of the sky.

"Anybody else from Team Skull would like to be next for another round of our friends' railroad special of Yak Smash?" Sarah warned the rest of Team Skull as the grunts quivered but tried (and failed) to stand firm under her warning glare.

"You little sneak!"

"You'll pay for that!" screamed two Team Skull grunts furiously as the remaining grunts prepared to charge at the princess and her group.

"Hold it!" Plumeria barked, giving an annoyed glare at the grunts and a knowing look at the princess.

"Forget it, we've overstayed our welcome and our boss and our resident Three Grumpy Old Stooges have proven that. Let's get back to Po Town and prepare to leave for our new retreat she'll be making for us. The boss will indeed settle things with her once the Pokemon League is approved and finished, and only then, will they settle things once and for all. It's not worth it so let's just take the princess for her word and let's bail this scene. You won this one again, Princess, but know that you'll learn to finally respect us once Guzma takes you on in the competition, either in the finals, the semifinals, or the quarter-finals, and we'll see who's the last one standing and who gets the last laugh or runs away."

"Big Sis, we'll never live this down if we scramble back home again!" a third grunt whined.

"She's never going to live this down if we leave her with yet another victory over us!" a fourth grunt complained.

"Let's just take her again and be done with it!" a fifth grunt suggested.

"Let's go!" barked Plumeria again as she quickly left, not in the mood to argue.

Her Pokemon also shared her sentiments as they left soon after with a huff, knowing they'll see her again once the Alola League is finalized and takes place later. That was enough for the grunts to groan and moan in defeat and annoyance as they all called back their beaten Pokemon and left the castle, never to be a nuisance again until next time as they shot glares and threw quiet curses at the princess responsible for kicking them out of Alola which added to their list of misfortunes done by her.

Once they all cleared out, everybody on the heroes' side cheered loudly and happily, leaving Doug and Delilah to approach the Patronus Ponies and the survivors as they were both still astounded that the refugees of the Peaks of Peril not only survived but their late friends had all be resurrected but now as Patronuses.

"How did you......?"

"You're, you're alive.....? All of you, but you're now-" the pair breathed, still astonished as Doug knelt down and gently caressed Luna's spiritual face.

"Your daughter and her friends were responsible for this," smiled Luna. "They made us into these creatures you call Patronuses with her own magic."

"And, now, we're literal free spirits, able to roam our world and anywhere else freely without having to disrupt the balance between life and death," Celestia added.

"I must admit, even I'm surprised what she did worked thanks to my sister; she figured out that by using their spirits sleeping within the Crystal Heart with the exact enchantments of their Animus Magic, the princess and our new friends, the Six Spirits, were able to use the Patronus Charm to turn them into Patronuses which was a workaround to the balance between life and death. Now that they're living spirits, they are now free to roam around, especially in our world without stirring up trouble. Even I forget how smart my sister truly is" Ryu admitted, impressed.


"Sweet!" Ruffnut and Tuffnut remarked, Barf and Belch giving agreeing and impressed roars.

Delilah and Doug were so astounded by what their daughter did for their old friends from Equestria with the assistance of her new friends that they brought Celestia and Luna together for a hug, the rest of the Patronus Ponies coming in for a group hug as the royal couple cried with joy. Even Spike and Discord couldn't help but join in as they felt like their hearts were complete again with the return of their lost loved ones as well as their old friends.

"Oh, Celestia, Luna, girls........" Delilah sniffed.

"We're sorry, we didn't mean to leave you as we did......." Doug added, trying to compose himself as he gently cried. "Our home, our baby, when Lothor attacked......W-we, we just forgot-!"

"It's okay, it's okay," Celestia soothed as she rubbed Delilah's back.

"We're back now, thanks to your daughter and her friends and you had a lot to worry about back then," Luna put in knowingly.

"Sunny and the others told us everything, we understand why you weren't back in years," Spike agreed.

They eventually broke out of their hug as Delilah gently held the adult purple dragon's face and caressed it as she asked, "Spike, how have you been? Have you been holding out alright with the others?"

"Yeah, I did....... But, with Twilight and the others dead for years before they returned, it's never been easy for me," Spike admitted. "I'm glad to say, though, I'm not the Last Dragon as I was afraid I would be. Turns out Smolder was also able to escape along with her friends when Opaline attacked the Dragon Lands years ago, they managed to save her after Ember sacrificed herself to save her before she could be targeted next."

"Did she?" asked a surprised Doug.

Spike nodded, "Now, that we're all together again, everything's going to be just fine."

"Yaks all happy for lost ponies' return."

"We're all happy to have them back."

"Even we Kirin are relieved for them to return."

"This has been the best day ever in a long time!" Rutherford, Thorax, Rain Shine, and Skystar smiled.

"As much as it embarrasses and pains me to admit, even I missed them dearly despite the trouble between us in our first meeting with Twilight and her friends years ago over something so petty as our people's Pearl of Transformation," Novo admitted with a solemn and small yet warm smile. "I think we even missed you badly despite knowing that you have things to take care of in this world including your daughter and that horrible man who dared to hurt you all."

"Now, now, Novo, it's fine. Our baby girl did away with Lothor and his syndicate weeks ago and thanks to her, we're back again. And now, the full restoration of Equestria will eventually begin in earnest. So, for all your sakes, you won't be alone in its eventual return to glory and the revival of your old neighboring lands and kingdoms," Doug reassured warmly.

Novo's smile grew as she had to agree, "Your daughter and her friends all took a real risk when they took the first step towards that restoration but speaking of her, when were you ever going to tell us you'd pop the question to your beloved?"

"We knew you both were close friends given your relationship but you being man and wife, when did that come around?" Pharnyx chuckled.

Doug and Delilah blushed heavily (much to their old friends' growing amusement as they chuckled) as they realized that they never bothered to tell their old friends about their marriage but they were saved from their growing embarrassment when Rarity spoke up, "Come now, Novo, Pharnyx. Shame on you two, why would you put them on the spot regarding their marriage, their storybook life leading up to the moment when they had a child? Everybody's entitled to have a bit of privacy concerning their marriage stemming from their private relationship until they would find it in themselves to spill the beans, eventually."

The former Element of Generosity smirked playfully at the pair with a raised eyebrow as she then said, "Need I remind you, Novo, when you told us about your life before the Storm King attacked you and the Hippogriffs, you went through a similar thing with your mate? And, Pharnyx, do you really want to pass up the opportunity to have such a lovely girl with who you would fall in love and share your love at some point in your life, or did you have a mate on you playing with you on that already?"

Novo and Pharnyx blushed and said no more but while Novo rolled her eyes playfully as she shook her head, Pharnyx stuttered as he tried to find an excuse but groaned in embarrassment as he facepalmed himself once he heard and saw his brother and some of their fellow Changelings within hearing range sniggering at him.

"Hey, Sarah, sorry your surprise was spoiled when Team Skull decided to drop by," Ash apologized as he, the gang, and their Pokemon joined the princess and Race.

"If they hadn't barged in as they did, we would've had it all planned out in full for you," Lillie agreed with a sheepish smile.

"Don't worry about it. But, I gotta admit, I wasn't expecting all of this even if my attention was on Guzma and Team Skull," smiled Sarah as she then gave a concerned sigh over the fate she delivered to Guzma and his crew. "I only hope I can understand why Guzma did what he and Team Skull did and what Kukui meant when he told him he was running away when the Alola League is ready."

"Yeah, now that you mention it, it's like Prof. Kukui knows something about him that we don't when he called him out after Golisopod returned to his Pokeball that day while he was battling you and Ash," Mallow agreed thoughtfully as she rubbed her chin.

"He did also say to Guzma that he was running away as he did with the Kahunas one time while they were starting out as trainers themselves as Team Skull left after our Galar adventure. But, I wonder what he meant by that," pondered Sophocles.

"I'm sure we'll find out when the Alola League is approved and ready for us to battle to see who's truly the top trainer in Alola," Kiawe put in with a smile. "But, for now, with them out of our hair again, why don't we start the party? I'd say our birthday leader's earned it!"

"Let's get ready to par-tay!" cheered Lana in agreement before she blew a party horn as their Pokemon all gave a hearty cheer and birthday poppers were popped.

"PARTY TIME!" Izzy and Pinkie shrieked in excitement, taking their Glitter and Party cannons and setting them off as streams, glitter, and confetti shot out.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SARAH!" everybody cried happily as the Mane 5 then sang their birthday song for Sarah titled "Party, Party, Party!".

"This giant birthday for our princess is going to go down as the BEST THING I've ever recorded in the growing modern history of Alola's Last Royal Family!" Rotom-Dex buzzed excitedly, not wanting to miss a single moment of the celebration as he recorded everything for his data files.

And so, Sarah's Sweet 17 was in full swing for everybody gathered as they sang, danced, talked, ate, drank, and partied the night away; the little princess was happily mingling with all of her friends, old and new, along with her family, getting the chance to talk to everyone who offered their congratulations to her in one way or another ever since her arrival in the world.

With some additional help from Tsukumaro, Zoey, Nate, and the Island Kahunas, Barley had cooked up an elaborate buffet fit for a royal family of the medieval period for everybody and once they dug into it, they all couldn't help but sing his and his team's praises. Cam and Arcia even went as far as to show everyone a roller skating park they'd come up with that had ramps, halfpipes, and a medium-sized pool in the center of it all, even offering everyone their own pairs of roller skates, leg warmers, and headbands to wear if any of them wanted to try the sport and the park out for themselves.

Naturally, being the party animals that they are, Ash and the gang immediately jumped at the opportunity and started to skate with their Pokemon joining in. Naturally, since they weren't as experienced as the rest, the Vikings did stumble a bit but they were able to get their bearings as the Mane 5, the Mighty Ones, and Zipp and Pipp's Helioseon, Freezeon, Seleneon, and Thundereon did their best to teach them while helping them learn how to maintain their balance on what the Vikings described in their eyes as "wheeled shoes". Zipp, obviously, led the way as she grabbed a skateboard and demonstrated whatever skating moves she learned such as a 360 Spin from either the right or left and a Half-Pipe Grab as the Viking Teens did their best to follow her lead (with sometimes disastrous results in the fun).

Everybody was even decked out in party gear and accessories with Sarah and the Viking Teens wearing Hip-Hop glasses, flowers, and more (courtesy of Izzy and Pipp), getting onto the dance floor and dancing away together as they laughed and hollered happily. They were even dancing alongside the adult Student 6, Spike, Skystar, Autumn Blaze, and the Mane 5 in perfect sync as the latter group continued to sing.

And, for the first time in many years, the survivors from Equestria's old ages were at their happiest as they also danced, stomped, clapped, cheered, and partied away with the Kirin, in particular, keeping the beat as they stomped in tune with the Mane 5 and their song.

Some of the Seaponies jumped, splashed, and swam about in the pool and even the Changelings, Griffons, and Hippogriffs (who decided not to be Seaponies anymore unless absolutely necessary in extreme circumstances) were flying about happily through some hoops placed in Cam and Arcia's skatepark with Zipp as she continued to show off her tricks.

"Enter Pony Hawk," Zipp would smirk as she rode down a ramp she was on and then kicked off on the other side while executing a 720 Left Spin in the air.

Aside from the wrestling contest that is a tradition for every Viking's birthday in Berk, the Vikings held a contest for the gutsiest of them to take on Sarah in hand-to-hand combat. Against the birthday girl, the Vikings of Berk were able to match her but only because Rotom-Dex showed, as he was recording, that Sarah was going easy on them and not using her full strength (none of her magic nor her ranger powers, just her enhanced abilities from her fused Lion and Solgaleo DNA).

Finally, it was time for cake and presents and Sarah was modest about them all in her delight once everybody got a slice or two:

With the Beast Morphers Rangers, Betty, and Ben, they made a Bo Staff akin to Lily's but made with Morph-X and Lion DNA.

Lillie even gave her a book called "101 Tips for Caring For Dinosaurs" to give her an idea of how to look after her dinosaur group on Isla Sona.

Nate made a pair of lion-inspired nunchucks in King's colors called Lion Chucks.

Aurora and Sophocles gave her a pair of high-tech glasses that enable her to see through walls and other objects which made it easier for her to get the drop on Dragon Hunters in Hiccup and Zenna's world.

Rajhu presented her with a spellbook that would aid her in her new Nephilim Physiology coupled with the promise of personal training from Raven and her Teen Titan counterpart whenever possible for the human sage.

Discord gave the princess the Alicorn Amulet, an Equestrian artifact once powered by dark magic that he managed to recover and purify so it would respond to her pure heart.

Then, Sol and Nuraiah presented Sarah with a magical six-legged female lemur that had short ears stuffed with white fur, large facial features, a round, small-nostriled snout and big purple eyes, a long black and white tail from her lower back, greyish-black fur along with white facial fur (her paws being in the same black and white pattern), and black fingers. Her name: Cuddlemonkey (whom Fluttershy quickly doted over upon seeing her).

Amazingly, she was discovered to wield and use the same Elemental Magic her new owner and Race were capable of from the sun, moon, sky, sea, stars, and earth.

And, finally, the Vikings of Berk had made and presented her with her very own Viking outfit; it was a brown hoodie that had darker brown sleeves and arm bracers (allowing for her wrists to be exposed so she can still wear her Wrist Com along with her left fingerless glove housing her Keystone and her Z-Power Ring) and inside the hoodie was beige fur that covered the top half of her body, a cloak fixed to the back, and metal shoulder pads on the shoulder bits.

Needless to say, Sarah was amazed and humbled by what was given to her and she couldn't have been happier (her birthday now ending on a truly high note when her real parents came to her and exchanged birthday hugs and kisses to further celebrate their return and reunion as a whole family along with Donna (former queen) and David, James and Nikki joining in so that the reunited royal family can properly thank them for raising their daughter/goddaughter in their place).

"Kinda crazy Sweet 17 for you, huh, Island Girl?" Race asked as everybody got back to dancing.

"Yeah, but it's all worth it to spend it with my real parents and all of you! And, I wouldn't have it any other way since this might be the best birthday party I've ever had!" Sarah replied as everybody continued to dance away and the party continued.

"What a Sweet 17 celebration our little princess just had! Even if Team Skull attempted to crash the party for a rematch, at least it all ended on a high note for our heroes and their allies and friends from across worlds and dimensions. With new memories being made, what else will Sarah encounter following the return of her real parents and the continued promise of a brighter future for Alola? We'll just have to wait and see once the festivities die down as the journey continues!”

Occurred Events

- Sarah turns 17 years old

- Sarah, her family, the Spirits of Harmony, Hiccup, Zenna, Toothless and Stryka find Spike and the survivors of Opalines' last attack in the Peaks of Peril along with Rain Shine and the Kirins

- Sarah uses the mechanics of the Patronus Charm to turn Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight and the Guardians of Harmony into solid Patronus Charms as her parents' Charms were

- The Berkians unveil new clothing for her to help her fit in

Sarah's Family Journal