//------------------------------// // Grimwood vs Calloway (Part 2) // Story: G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Ghoul School // by ponydog127 //------------------------------// Now that Grimwood had the ball again, it was Tanis’ turn to serve, and she spiked the ball good and hard, letting it and one of her wraps fly a good distance. “Looks good, Tanis!” Elsa commented, but Tug had the remote control all set to go. “I’ll make it look bad…” But before the ball could reach where Jamal was standing, it suddenly skyrocketed into the air! “That serve is loco!” “WHOA!!!” Tanis screamed as she was flown up with the ball. “Out of bounds!” Scrappy called out, ducking before he could be struck down by Tanis. “Way out of bounds!” Tanis got stuck way up in a tree, allowing the ball to come down into Tug’s arms. “Then it’s Calloway’s ball!” he laughed victoriously. “Hang on, Tanis!” Sunny said. “I’ll come up and get you.” “How can she do that? She can’t fly!” Winnie commented. “No, but like, Sunny can do something that can help her fly!” Shaggy explained. “Look!” At that moment, Sunny’s cutie mark glowed brightly as her horn and wings materialized out of thin air, causing the entire field to stop and stare as she flew up to get Tanis. “It’s okay, Tanis, I have you,” she reassured as the mummy climbed onto her back. “Now, hang on.” That’s when Sunny flew Tanis back down to her friends, causing the girls to surround Sunny with praise and admiration as her alicorn form faded away. “That was fang-tastic, Sunny!” Sibella exclaimed. “How did you do that?” “Sunny can turn into an alicorn whenever she feels like she’s helping somepony. O-Or in this case, some creature,” Zipp explained for Sunny, but then hummed to herself. “But what could’ve made the ball go haywire like that…?” XXXXXXX Later on, Tanis was again getting worried when she saw that Calloway had the ball again. “Don’t worry, Tanis,” Elsa assured. “We’ll get it back.” “Not unless this battery runs out!” Tug chuckled, and used the remote once again to make the ball dodge Winnie and tangle Sibella up in her hair, all while no one except Zipp and a certain kirin watching from the shadows knew what they were doing. “All the way with Calloway!” the colonel exclaimed as the score changed from 11 to 11 all the way to 11 to 12. “Zoinks!” Shaggy exclaimed, not noticing that Scooby had taken his hot dog till the last second. “This doesn’t look good!” “Tastes good,” said Scooby with a small smirk. “Shaggy’s right,” Hitch agreed. “We gotta catch up!” “Ketchup? Okay,” Scooby put a slather of ketchup on his hot dog. “Prepare for another salvo, Jamal,” said Tug, “with our secret weapon.” “Affirmative,” Jamal nodded and took his position. But just as he was about to serve it high, Scooby bit into his hot dog, causing ketchup to fly all over Jamal’s face, causing him to hit the ball lower. “Hey! I’ve been sneak attacked!” The volleyball hit the net at top speed, causing it to fly back and hit Tug in the stomach, which caused Tug to lose the remote… and the remote flew right into Scooby’s mouth as he swallowed his hot dog. “Nice work, Jamal,” Tug scolded with a frown. “Now our remote control is…” Scooby then hiccuped, causing the ball to start going out of control. “AWOL!” Tug finished, just as the ball bounced the colonel’s hat off his head. “Not only do we lose the ball, but I lose my hat!” “Excuse me!” Scooby politely said after hiccuping again, but this time, the ball hit the colonel in the rear end, causing him to fall down and allowing Shaggy to regain the ball. “Like, thanks, colonel. It is our serve. Right, Scoob?” “Right, Shaggy,” Scooby said before hiccuping again, causing the ball to bounce Shaggy before he fell to the ground. Zipp hummed to herself… now that Scooby had digested the remote, who knows what’ll do. They’d have to keep an eye on it during the game. XXXXXXX Soon, it was Winnie’s turn to serve, causing the score to be changed to 16 to 17… Then 19 to 17 Then 19 to 19. “Two more points, men!” the colonel held the trophy tight. “The victory is ours!” “We can beat these girls without military assistance!” Tug hit the ball, but when Elsa hit it back, the ball pummeled into the ground. “Wow!” exclaimed Baxter. “What a spike!” The ball then came out under Scrappy’s chair, causing him to be lifted up a little bit before coming back down. “That ball is out of bounds!” the colonel said. “But it hit in first,” Scrappy said back. “Grimwood’s ball!” “Rah-rah, Grimwood!” Scooby cheered, waving a pennant, which Matches accidentally burned. Meanwhile, Midnight watched the game from her hiding place, and was amazed by all the stuff that the girl ghouls could do. “Those girls are strong, Revolta!” “Just like their parents, Midnight,” Revolta told her. “Soon, I'll be more powerful than all of them.” “And,” Opaline added, “those ponies, especially Sunny Starscout and Misty, will be finished! And Equestria is MINE!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!” XXXXXXXX The game was now at 20 to 19… one more point and the girls would win! “Like, this is it, girls!” Shaggy gave the ball to Sibella. “Serve up a good one, Sibella.” “You bat I will!” Sibella saluted, just as Tug geared Grunt up with a jetpack. “This jetpack will set you up to spike that serve, Grunt.” “My pleasure. I'll pulverize them!” Sibella then spiked the ball, but thanks to Grunt’s jetpack, he was able to get to the same height to spike it back with great force. “Take that, you bat!” “I can’t reach it!” Tanis ran to get the ball. “I can’t look!” Misty covered her eyes with her hooves, just as Scooby hiccuped, sending the ball bouncing against the cadets’ heads… and right outside the boundary lines. “That’s out, colonel,” said Scrappy, “and so are you! Grimwood wins!” The girls couldn’t believe it… they won! After all this time! They hoisted Shaggy and Scooby onto their shoulders as the ponies pranced alongside them, joyously cheering. “You were fang-tastic coach!” Sibella cheered. “Ha ha ha ha… like it was nothing, really!” Shaggy said as Miss Grimwood approached the colonel. “I believe we get the trophy this year, Colonel Calloway.” “There must be some mistake!” the colonel said. “I won’t hand it over!” But, the floating hand took the trophy from him and handed it to Miss Grimwood, who handed the trophy down to Tanis. “Here, Tanis-- for your mummy case.” “Thanks, Miss Grimwood!” Tanis couldn’t believe it. Meanwhile, the cadets couldn’t believe their defeat, reacting differently but the same. “I don't get it. We had the tactics.” “We had the strategy.” “We had the equipment!” “But we still lost…” “Affirmative.” “No moping, men,” the colonel said, somewhat disappointed himself. “The Calloway code says ‘retreat with dignity’.” But Scooby’s hiccuping made the ball go haywire again, causing it to bounce away with the colonel. “It looks like the Calloway code just got broken,” Tug said. “Double affirmative,” Jamal nodded. Midnight watched the two groups depart, but wasn’t sure whether she should tell Opaline and Revolta about Sunny’s transformation power… sure, Opaline probably knew it, but Revolta didn’t. Soon, she made up her mind. “I gotta get back and report something else… Sunny’s transformations can wait another day.”