G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Ghoul School

by ponydog127

Ballet in the Morning/Introducing the Calloway Cadets

The first night at Miss Grimwood’s Finishing School for Ghouls was actually a lot better than the group expected-- the beds were well furnished, there was a working shower, everyone there may have been a little creepy at first, but they were actually really nice, and having Shaggy, Scooby and Misty already passed out really helped their sleeping. 

But, Misty knew that today would be the day that she would tell Shaggy and Scooby about Opaline… and how she could be coming for them next.

That same morning, Scrappy and a majority of the ponies were up already, and after watching as Matches set a rooster’s tail on fire after it woke him from his sleep, they approached Miss Grimwood, who happily greeted them. “Ready for some early morning exercises, all?”

“You betcha, Miss Grimwood!” Sunny responded happily. “Want us to wake Shaggy, Misty and Scooby?”

“No, don’t bother,” Miss Grimwood said. “I've left them a wake-up call.”


Misty had bunked with Shaggy the previous night before, but she would sleep with Scooby the next night, in order to make him feel comfortable. As they were sleeping, Miss Grimwood’s floating hand flew in and shook Shaggy on the shoulder. “Like, g-g-go away…” Shaggy muttered in his sleep. “I’m sleepin’.”

But the floating hand would not rest, moving onto Misty and trying to shake her awake. “Come back… come back in an hour,” she muttered. That’s when the hand decided to take more drastic measures, reaching for an alarm clock and letting it ring right in their ears. “YIKES!!!” Shaggy and Misty screamed, leaping into the canopy above their bed. “Okay! We’re up!” Misty cried as she dangled from the canopy. “We’re up!!


Meanwhile, Scooby was fast asleep in his own bed, while Matches tried to pull the covers off of him to wake him. When that failed, he set his eyes and his fire breath on Scooby’s tail.

That caused him to wake up with a scream, to which the others heard outside his room. “Sounds like your uncle Scooby’s up and at ‘em!” Zipp said to Scrappy, just as Scooby bolted from his room, screaming in pain, and immediately put his smoking tail into a nearby fishbowl. “Ahhh…”

As Scooby rested his aching tail in the bowl, Scrappy noticed a small figure swimming out of a cave in the bowl. “Gee, Uncle Scooby, you woke up the goldfish!”

“I don’t think that’s a goldfish, Scrappy,” Hitch answered. “That looks like the girls’ pet piranha!”

“Piranha?! Uh oh!” Scooby yelped and tried to flee, but the piranha bit down on his tail, causing him to scream in pain, running into the next room, where Pipp was preparing the girls’ tutus for their first lesson. “Okay, girls. Miss Grimwood said you’d be taking ballet lessons this morning.”

That’s when Scooby leapt into the next room, yelping and barking in pain and jumping around, much to Pipp's surprise. “This must be a new step,” Elsa commented before mimicking Scooby’s movements. “It’s a real howl!” Winnie exclaimed. “Awooo-ooo-oo-ooo!”

“Careful, Winnie!” Tanis warned. “You’re tappin’ on my wrappin'!”

“Ohh!!” Phantasma giggled as she and Sibella followed Scooby around the room. “How am I doing, Sibella?”

“Oh, fang-tastic, Phanty,” Sibella complimented as the others watched, slightly amused by the actions. “Looks like Scooby's gotten the ballet class started, Shaggy,” Miss Grimwood commented. “Like, he’s always been light on his feet,” Shaggy agreed… right before Miss Grimwood handed him a tutu as well. “You take over now, Shaggy.”

However, the thought of wearing a tutu made Shaggy instantly shake his head. “Uh, like, you’re the boss, Miss Grimwood!”

“And a tutu for you too, Scrappy,” Miss Grimwood insisted, handing him a smaller version of what she handed Shaggy. “Me?” Scrappy asked in surprise. “Tutu?”

“Don’t worry, boys-- Pipp’s the best dance teacher around!” Izzy said as she and Sunny pushed them forward to join Scooby. “She’ll have you up on your tippy-toes and tippy-paws in no time!”

Soon, the music began, and Pipp began showing Shaggy, Scooby and Scrappy how to do the perfect ballet moves. “Why do we have to dance around in a dress, Shaggy?” Scrappy asked, not liking the dress part. “Well, uh… like, uh… because, uh…”

“Because ballet will make my little ghouls limber,” Miss Grimwood explained. “Like, limber! Exactly what I was thinking!” Shaggy started a wild pirouette, causing Scooby to get caught in it too. Then, the music (controlled by the floating hand) slowed, causing the group to do graceful, slow leaps in the air. “Tempo!” Miss Grimwood reminded. “Tempo!”

That’s when the tempo really started to pick up, causing the dancers to merrily pick up the pace.

And, to Shaggy, Scooby and Scrappy’s surprise, they realized that the ponies were right-- this was fun!


But little did they know, that the boy cadets at Calloway’s Military School were watching them through a high-tech scope. “I've made visual contact by scope,” said Miguel, one of the cadets. “It looks like those girls are doing some sort of weird ritual.”

“I’m not surprised,” Tug added. “It's Halloween all year long at that old Grimwood place.”

“Hey! They’ve got some new students!” Miguel noticed Scrappy, Misty, Scooby and Pipp dancing through the window. “Couple of real horses and dogs.”

“Hey, lemme see, Miguel!” Grunt, one of the larger cadets, made his way over. “Careful, Grunt,” Miguel warned. “That new scope has a…”

But Grunt’s large pushes caused the scope to fall over. “...triggerrrrrrr!!” Miguel finished, shaking violently, just as Baxter, the smallest of the cadets, noticed someone coming. “Tug, it’s-- it’s Colonel Calloway!”

“Attention!” Tug shouted, and all the group made their salutes as the colonel walked past. “At ease, men,” he said, approaching the still-shaking Miguel. “I said ‘At ease’, cadet.”

But luckily, Grunt was able to help Miguel stand up right again. “Thanks, Grunt. I needed that.”

“I see you've been observing your opponents,” the colonel said as he looked through the broken scope. “Yes, sir,” Tug responded. “Calloway cadets are always prepared.”

“But you haven’t been practicing,” the colonel scolded, bouncing around the volleyball, “and I'm challenging Miss Grimwood's school to our annual volleyball match.”

“No problem,” Grunt assured. “We always beat those girls.”

Then, he served the ball so hard that it bounced off several trees, nearly knocking everyone over in the process, and straight through the hedge onto Grimwood territory. “As you can see sir,” Tug said as he and Grunt helped the colonel stand, “Grunt has a dynamite serve.”

“So I noticed,” the colonel brushed himself off. “It’s all in the wrist sir,” Grunt said. “You could use some work on your control. Keep practicing, men.”

“Yes sir!” the boys saluted as their colonel walked off. “Our ball is now in Grimwood territory,” Jamal spoke. “Recommend a recon patrol to retrieve it.”

“Good idea, Jamal,” Tug agreed. “Front and center, Grunt. Lead the way!”

“CHARGE!!!” Grunt shouted, charging right through the hedge with the other cadets to follow. But as they found their ball, they realized someone else found it first… and it was a fiery little dragon who didn’t like Calloways on his territory.