//------------------------------// // Weeks of Peace // Story: G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Ghoul School // by ponydog127 //------------------------------// The Mane 5, Sparky and Misty had been back from their last adventure in Warnerstock for weeks now, and there had been no sign of the evil alicorn from Twilight Sparkle’s era that Misty previously served. Misty and her new friends had previously helped their first new friends that they helped, the Warner Brothers and their Warner Sister, gain new elemental powers that they used to free the kingdom from Opaline’s clutches, and after they had gotten back, they waited for a sign so they could beat her again… but nothing. Misty knew better than to think Opaline wasn’t going to attack anymore… she knew her former adoptive mother too well. But, she wasn’t worried-- with her friends having their magic, she was sure that they could beat her again next time. All she wished was that she had gotten out into the world sooner… so she could discover her own cutie mark and special talents. Instead of spying and planning to seize Sparky from the ponies she cared about, she could have been finding another way to get her cutie mark… without having to depend on Opaline. But there was no sense in dreading on the past… she had a better future to look forward to. All she hoped was Opaline wouldn’t spoil it for her or her new best friends. XXXXXXXXXX Meanwhile, in all the weeks that she had been cooped up in her castle, waiting for the ponies to be sent somewhere else, so she could potentially get more power, Opaline had grown restless. Why hadn’t the Unity Crystals activated anymore? When were they going to go on another mission? The fact that it hadn’t happened in WEEKS was enough to almost drive Opaline to her breaking point. Finally, one day while looking all over Maretime Bay for the ponies… she let out a scream of anguish. “CURSE YOU, TWILGHT SPARKLE!!!” Opaline screamed, flinging a potion bottle against the wall, shattering it. “CURSE YOU, SUNNY STARSCOUT!!!!! I WILL GET MY DRAGON FIRE, AND THERE WILL BE NOTHING YOU OR YOUR FRIENDS CAN DO TO STOP ME!!! AAAAAAAAGH!!!!!” She shattered another potion bottle right next to Misty’s quarters… well, right next to where Misty’s quarters would have been. “Ugh… if it weren’t for that pathetic markless mare,” Opaline scowled after calming down a bit, “I would have that dragon and be more powerful than Sunny Starscout and her friends silly unity magic. I just need to gain another ally. Someone who will help me gain my goals. Not like that Simone Lenoir or Lena Dupree.” But the question now was… how…? XXXXXXXXXX At the same time, Pipp, Jazz and Rocky were practicing Pipp’s new single, Every New Day is the Best Day Ever before their concert at Mane Melody the next evening, and the others and Sparky were happily dancing along. Pipp, Jazz and Rocky: Every day's so bright, every day's full of magic Every day feels right, every day is a classic And just when I think it can't get any better Every new day is the best day ever Whoa, oh-oh, oh, oh, it's like, it's like Every new day is the best day ever Whoa, oh-oh, oh, oh, it's like, it's like Every new day is the best day ever! The ponies wildly cheered and stomped their hooves after they finished the song, along with Sparky’s sweet little babbling. “Thank you! Thank you! Mwah!” Pipp blew them a kiss. “I love you too!” “That was great, Pipp!” Sunny smiled. “What better way to celebrate not seeing Opaline for weeks then with a concert?” “Speaking of Opaline, what did you tell them about Opaline’s little stunt in town a few weeks ago, Hitch?” Zipp asked. “Oh, I told them it was all a prank by some foals and I would put them to justice,” Hitch said before letting out a sigh. “I wish I didn’t have to lie to them.” “It’s only for a little while. Until we’re sure that Opaline is eliminated for good,” Sunny said, “we have to keep this between us.” “Besides… Opaline could strike again at any second, and put another world in danger!” Misty said from the window. “We have to be ready. I… I mean… you guys have to be ready.” “...you have to be ready too, Misty,” Jazz pointed out. “Yeah!” Izzy nodded. “We can’t do this without you!” “I don’t know about that,” Misty shook her head. “I mean… I made this whole thing possible with Opaline… allowed the chance for her to come back. What if I just mess things up even worse?” “Misty, you won’t know unless you try… just like we’ve been trying to help you find your talent and cutie mark,” Sunny told her. “And that’s been going SO well,” Misty said sarcastically. “Like, when I delivered smoothies for you? I came so close to flopping Posey’s order right on her! Or when I tried to style Pipp’s mane and it looked like a mop that had been caught on fire?!” “Heh heh heh… I know you were trying your best, Misty,” Pipp said after chuckling nervously. “We’ll just have to keep trying.” “...yeah,” Misty nodded, completely losing faith in herself. “...okay…” The other ponies looked at each other sadly, but before they could respond, Sunny, Hitch, Pipp, Zipp and Izzy’s cutie marks began to shimmer with unity magic, causing Zipp to sigh. “So much for a few weeks of relaxation,” the white pegasus shrugged. “Looks like we have a job to do.” Sparky blubbered and hugged Hitch’s leg, not wanting him to go. “I know you wanna come with us, little guy,” Hitch said, “but it’s too risky now that Opaline knows about your dragon fire. Jazz, Rocky? You feel like looking after him till we get back?” “Sure thing,” Rocky smiled. “You can count on it!” Jazz took Sparky into her hooves. “All right, ponies,” Sunny said. “To the Brighthouse!” XXXXXXXX Sunny and her friends galloped to the Brighthouse at top speed, all while Izzy and Misty shared excitement as to where they might be going… and Misty hoped that Opaline wouldn’t notice they would be gone. Soon, they reached the Unity Crystals, and Misty held Izzy’s hoof while praying to herself. “Please let it be somewhere nice and cozy, please let it be somewhere cozy… and with friends we know…” “Maybe we’ll get to see the Warners a third time!” Izzy chirped. “After all, the third time is the charm. Or is it the 1,000,000th time is the charm? I can never keep count.” “Wherever we’re going, brace yourselves, everypony!” Hitch said as the Unity Crystals started to glow again. “Here we go!” The Unity Crystals then teleported the group away… unaware that Opaline had seen everything from her pool. “That’s it, little ponies…” she smiled. “Go on your little adventure… but I will be watching from the shadows… waiting for the right time to strike.”