//------------------------------// // A birthday Party Like No Other // Story: Behind Blue Eyes // by Jay Watson //------------------------------// The week has come to an end at the School of Friendship as the Friday afternoon school bell released its occupants to a welcome weekend. Starlight and Sunburst heard from their office the excited students chatting and hurrying out the exit, eager to head home for the weekend. “See you girls on Monday!” Rarity sort of sang-out to her fellow teachers as she, too, hurried out the exit with a wave goodbye and off to the fitting appointment she had scheduled for her private client. “We will.” Fluttershy headed back to her office to finish up her grading of tests before heading home. The two resident earth pony teachers of the School of Friendship entered the head mare’s office, in search of the head mare herself or the school’s vice head stallion. For Pinkie Pie and Applejack, they found both there already. “…and E.E.A. reports should be ready for submission by then. So long as we get them in by-” Sunburst caught sight of the two friends entering the office, interrupting his explanation and causing Starlight Glimmer to look up. “Oh, hey you two? What’s going on?” The head mare asked with an unassuming smile, unprepared for what came next. “Attention Starlight Glimme-r-r-r-r-r!” Pinkie Pie roared in triumph through a large bullhorn as she suddenly bounded up on top of Starlight’s desk, startling the head mare and sending the paperwork on the tabletop scattering about. “Oh no, the reports! The reports!” Sunburst went chasing after the loose paperwork, surprised as well from the pink earth pony’s sudden outburst, believing she might have overdosed on too much sugar and was about to explode from it. “It has come to my attention that according to this calendar,” Pinkie jumped down off the desk and spun Starlight around in her high back chair to then point up at the calendar on the wall behind them, “that it’s your birthday next Saturday!” “Ye… yes, it is, Pinkie.” Starlight pushed herself a little deeper in the chair, wishing to get some distance from the intense antics of this earth pony. Pinkie swooped in uncomfortably close face to face for Starlight’s liking before continuing on. The unicorn tried desperately to sink deeper into her chair still, Pinkie not understanding the concept of ‘personal space’. “Then it is my duty to inform you that there is to be a birthday party for you the likes that no pony has ever seen before!” From out of her insane amount of curly mane hair she produced an itsy-bitsy sized confetti party cannon and proceed to pull the firing cord with her teeth, shooting off from the cannon a tiny number of confetti and a ceremonial toot of party horns and whistle. Applejack, chucking softly at Pinkie’s enthusiasm, added to the details of what they wanted to do for Starlight. “We we’re thinkin’ of having it down on the farm with my family an’ all. Plus, me an’ the girls never did get the chance ta’ throw ya’ that ‘New Head Mare’ celebration neither. We could combine ‘em both into one big party.” Starlight was flattered by Pinkie and Applejack’s offer, but she demurred. “It’s nice you want to have a party for me but I’d think I’d rather spend the day at Ponyville day spa. They have a new relaxation regiment I wanted to try out. After the semester we’ve had together, I could use some relaxation.” While Applejack was a bit surprised to hear the decline, Pinkie was in outright shock. “Wh-h-h-h-a-a-a-t?!” Pinkie screeched as she clutched her head with both her front forehooves and reared back in horror of hearing what she just heard; her eyes wide in surprise. =====*****===== “No party? No…party?!” Pinkie couldn’t believe it. Her ears were burning in disbelief as she choked on the words. “Not since I was little. I like going to other pony’s parties. I keep mine in the quiet.” Starlight helped Sunburst out with collecting the loose paperwork that was strewn about the floor. Both of them using their unicorn magic to bring the sheets into neat and orderly piles once more on her desk. Now they just had to reorganize all of them again. Starlight left the office so as to check the doors and windows around the school before locking the building up for the weekend. Pinkie Pie followed after Starlight. She quizzed Starlight about this or that, trying to figure out why her friend didn’t want a party. Though bubbly and inquisitive, it rubbed Starlight the wrong way by Pinkie’s persistent questioning. “Pinkie Pie, enough!” Starlight snapped with slight annoyance at the pestering, looking at the pink earth pony. Her sharp rebuke caused a wounded look on Pinkie’s face to appear. Starlight softened her demeanor. “I think it’s nice you want to throw a party for me but I’m going to spend the day at Ponyville day spa with the coupon Rarity gave me, read some of the new Daring Do book Rainbow Dash lent me a month ago that I still haven’t read yet and just take it easy.” “I didn’t mean to snap at you.” Starlight apologized, not wanting the weekend to start off bad for either one of them. “Oh, that’s okay. I was just hoping to get the chance to create a file of you for my records of all the ponies I know.” Punkie bounced back quickly, not holding it against Starlight. She followed after Starlight still, watching as the head mare of the school checked the last exits. “Records? What kind of records?” Starlight could only guess what it was about. They headed back to her office as Starlight wanted to get an early start to her weekend. “Oh, just your favorite likes and dislikes of deserts and treats and things like that. I have one for nearly every pony in Ponyville. That way, they always get the cake or treat they most love on their special day.” She was glad to fill her friend in on what her system was about. Starlight decided to offer up one small detail about herself she knew Pinkie would appreciate. “Well here, you can add this in your file to start; my favorite cake is yellow sponge cake with strawberry fruit filling in the middle and covered in vanilla buttercream frosting. How’s that?” Pinkie was satisfied. “Yea! A first entry to Starlight’s file for my party planning filing system! I’m going to go right now and begin writing this up!” She bounced away happily, eager to get started on her new file. =====*****===== “Any ideas why, Sunburst? I mean, I’ve never heard of any pony avoiding their birthday celebration.” Applejack queried the stallion about Starlight’s coolness to the idea of celebrating, wondering why Starlight avoided it so much. “I can’t really understand why she would. We’ve gone out on plenty of dates and celebrated together all of Equestria’s holidays. But this was the first birthday of hers I was looking to celebrate with her since moving to the castle.” Pinkie and Starlight returned to the head mare’s office to find Applejack and Sunburst waiting for them. “All set?” Sunburst was eager to get out of the school this afternoon. He had planned evening’s meal for Starlight at a local restaurant and a night of comedy at the Chuckle Bucket club to watch Maud Pie’s newest routine. “The school is locked up and all secure.” Starlight used her magic to summon her carry bag from off the nearby couch and slipped it across her back. “Let’s go.” The four of them exited out the main entrance of the school, Sunburst and Starlight used their magic together to lock the front doors with a spell, keeping it safe. “You two have a good weekend and I’ll see you on Monday.” Starlight waved to her friend as she and Sunburst headed away from the school, crossing the small footbridge that spanned the small stream that surrounded the building and headed for the castle. “I couldn’t get Starlight to tell me why she didn’t want a party.” “Sunburst wasn’t much help, either.” Applejack confessed, tapping her chin with a forehoof, confounded by this. “Maybe Maud knows. She and Starlight are besties, after all. We could go ask her if she might know why.” Pinkie had a moment of insight, believing her eldest sister would have a clue. They two friends visit the eldest Pie sister’s cavern abode; Ponyville Adjacent. Maud was examining some new rock samples and going over a geological surveying map when they arrived. She made time for her guests like any good host. “We were wonderin’ if you could maybe tell us why Starlight don’t like havin’ a birthday party. We know it’s not really your thing, Maud, but we didn’t think Starlight felt the same way.” Applejack had thought Starlight liked celebrating things like this but was a bit perplexed by this revelation. “I really couldn’t say. Starlight and I don’t talk much about personal things, we prefer to just enjoy each other’s company in some shared interests.” Maud was still looking at her samples when speaking, still focused on her work. “But, you two are the bestist of best friends. She must have said something about her birthday at some point.” Pinkie hoped Maud had some small tidbit of information she was overlooking. The last resort would be to go and ask Twilight if maybe she knew something. “She never has, at least not to me.” Maud only glance over at them briefly. “Sorry I couldn’t help you more.” Pinkie and Applejack leave Maud to her studying, striking out on their first inquiry. “I think I know who else we can ask?” Applejack paused her step just as they got to the exit of the cavern, suddenly remembering. The two distant cousins headed back into town, heading for their next pony of interest. The signs posted along the main thoroughfare of the town led them right to where they needed to be. “Fillies and gentlecolts, the great and power Trixie would like to thank you all for coming and bid you all a wonderful weekend!” Trixie Lullamoon ended her bi-weekly Friday afternoon performance of illusionary magic, honing her craft with the aid of real magic taught to her by Starlight. She missed having Starlight as her assistant, but she soldiered on to create a new solo show. Spending every waking spare moment away from her duties as student counselor of the School of Friendship to hone her craft, Trixie’s new show had developed into something of a local attraction, her audience gaining five or six more viewers with each performance. Trixie glowed with the accolades from the small but enthusiastic audience that returned again for another appearance by the unicorn mage. The curtain went down on the stage and the ponies who were watching departed, passing by Applejack and Pinkie, chattering among them on how awesome the show was and them planning to come back again for the next showing. Applejack was, at first, resistant to having Trixie working at the school. Almost downright hostile to the idea, convinced that blue unicorn was unreliable and absentminded, utterly incapable of the responsibilities of being the School’s counselor. But Trixie had proved herself over the past months and won over the reluctant Applejack. Of all of Twilight’s friends who taught at the school, she’d been the last and toughest to convince. But once Trixie succeeded, Applejack had been, as Pinkie once joked, ‘rock solid’ supporting Trixie. The two earth ponies waited backstage for the star to appear from off the stage. The unicorn trotted over to them, spotting the waiting pair off to the side. She was smiling broadly from another well-received performance. “Let me guess, you’ve come to get the great and powerful Trixie’s autograph, right?” Trixie magically summoned from off the nearby table two show programs, holding them up in the air so she could put her signature on each. “As friends, I’ll let you have them for half the cost of regular fans; just ten gold bits each!” “Uh,” Applejack gently brushed aside the two programs floating in the air in front of her and Pinkie’s face, “that’s not what were her about.” Trixie was a bit stunned, believing her new co-workers were now here as fans. “Then, what was it you wanted to see me for?” “It’s about Starlight.” Pinkie reached into the insane amount of bouncy red curls atop her head to fish out a small pocket notepad and pencil. “In my party-planning files, I have a record of every pony in Ponyville when their birthday is.” “I’m sure ya’ know, next Saturday is Starlight’s birthday an’ we were plannin’ something special for her, but she just told us she don’t like celebratin’ birthdays and didn’t want a party.” Applejack and Pinkie followed Trixie to her wagon parked behind the makeshift stage, filling Trixie in on the plan. “Can you believe that?! No party?!” Pinkie was still in shock, wondering if Starlight had been influenced by Maud to avoid parties. “We need to know if can tell us anything she might have said as to why she doesn’t want a party. Don’t skip any details.” She was ready to write down anything Trixie had to say, clenching the pencil in her teeth in preparation. “It is?” Trixie stopped what she was doing to look over at the two guests, caught off guard by Applejack’s fact. “The great and powerful Trixie had no idea.” Applejack blinked a few times, stunned that Trixie was unaware. “But,” Pinkie took a step forward, flipping the pencil out of her mouth and having it caught in her red curls, “you and she are bestest buddies. She never mentioned it? Ever?” Trixie finished putting her cape and wizard’s hat away in her travel trunk before using her magic to levitate it into the back of her wagon. She tuned back around to face Applejack and Pinkie again, pondering more on this topic. “Come to think of it,” she rolled her eyes up as she thought more, “I can’t recall her ever talking about it. I remember her asking me once when my birthday was, but she never told me when hers was.” “Sounds to me like some pony got something to hide, but why?” Applejack tapped her chin with a forehoof again, trying to make sense of it. Trixie collected up a few more of her props from the stage and moved them inside her wagon before strapping into the pulling harness. “She did recently go visit her dad in Sire’s Hollow. Maybe you could go talk with him and find out.” “That’s great idea, Trixie!” Pinkie cheered. “I guess we could do that. I was thinkin’ maybe we ought to ask Twilight ‘bout this. She was Starlight’s teacher for all those moons before leaving Starlight in charge of the school an’ all.” “Oh, don’t bother Queen Twilight with something as minor as a birthday party. She’s in charge of ruling Equestria now and really can’t be bothered with such trivialities.” Trixie headed away with her wagon, wanting to get to Ponyville train station where a special flat car was arranged for transport of her wagon to Neighagra Falls for a show tomorrow night. “Let the great and powerful Trixie know Monday if you find anything out.” Trixie headed away from the two earth ponies, leaving them to wonder what to do. “I guess we’re takin’ a train ride to Sire’s Hollow tomorrow, Pinkie. I’d like to know as soon as possible so we can get started on your party plans.” Applejack was a bit weary of ‘going over Starlight’s head’ like this, perhaps touching onto a subject neither Starlight nor her dad wanted to talk about. “Road Trip!” Pinkie was excited to go, having met Starlight’s dad last winter for the first time. She found him to friendly and easygoing. Surely this would be an easy task to complete. =====*****===== The train from Ponyville came to a slow chugging stop at the platform to Sire’s Hollow, the doors of the passenger car opening to allow the riders off. Onto the platform stepped Pinkie and Applejack, glancing about to find the way into town. “Let’s go!” Pinkie was already bouncing away from the platform and heading for the town, ready for the job this morning. Applejack followed after her, having the address of Starlight’s dad in her side bag she wore. She pulled out her notebook with the directions to the Glimmer home, getting her bearings straight. Heading into town, passing by a large bronze plaque with the phrase: ‘Welcome to Sire’s Hollow’ emblazoned on it, they stopped at the intersection of Dartmoor Street and Wensleydale Avenue, crossing the street and quickly headed up further the avenue, away from the small main street area. Passing two streets and taking the third left onto Sycamore Lane, they arrived at house number two-thirty-seven; Starlight’s foalhood home and the residence of Firelight Glimmer. The duo stepped up to the front door, giving the doorbell a quick push or two. In only a few seconds, the door opened and they were greeted by the homeowner. “Mr. Glimmer, sir?” Applejack respectfully took off her hat when addressing Starlight’s dad. “Yes? Oh, wait a moment. I remember you two; it was as Princess Twilight’s party we met, wasn’t it?” Firelight’s memory was jogged at the appearance of the two earth ponies just then. “Right. I’m Applejack an’ this here’s Pinkie Pie.” She stepped aside to allow Pinkie to move closer. “Hello!” Pinkie was as bright and chipper as ever, waving at Mr. Glimmer. Firelight stepped back to allow them in. “You’re friends with my daughter at the School of Friendship. Please, come in. Can I get you two anything? A cup of coffee or some tea, perhaps?” He was a gracious host and led them to the living room to sit. “That’s mightily kind of you, sir. A cup of coffee with two sugars and no milk would be fine.” Applejack took a seat on the couch with Pinkie. “Nothing for me, thanks.” Pinkie was already way too awake this morning. Applejack wondered what happened if Pinkie actually had a cup of coffee, believing the caffeine would wind her up ever more then she naturally was. “Ah, an earth pony who appreciates a good cup of black coffee in the morning. I can relate to that. I’ll be right back.” Firelight quipped as he headed back to the kitchen to get the coffee off the stove and rejoin them in the living room. “Here you are. I hope you like a blended coffee flavor; I only had the strong Vanhoover roast in the house.” He tried to apologize for being ill-prepared to host at the moment, but Applejack waved it away with a smile. “It’s nothin’, really. Coffee is coffee in my book.” Applejack was glad for the hot cup of coffee, missing her breakfast cupful this morning and needed a small pick-me-up. “Well, what can I help you two ladies with?” Firelight sat down in the comfy chair across from his guest, wondering what could have brought them all the way from Ponyville to Sire’s Hollow. “We wanted to ask you about Starlight.” Pinkie didn’t waste any time in getting to the reason for their visit. That got Firelight’s attention. “What about Starlight?” Applejack felt a little funny about asking but there were here for answers, and it needed to get asked. “Well, bein’ Starlight’s friends, we were plannin’ a nice shindig next Saturday with all of her friends from Ponyville. We wanted to show our appreciation of the bang up job she’s doin’ at runnin’ the School of Friendship and her birthday ttoo. We were thinkin’ of makin’ it extra special.” Firelight’s eyes widened a little, hearing this. “Oh, really.” “Yeah, a real blowout with balloons and colorful streamers and party favors and a big cake and ice-cream and-” Applejack planted a hoof over Pinkie’s mouth, hearing the pink pony’s excitement of what they had planned. “I think Mr. Glimmer knows what’s involved with a party, Pinkie.” She turned again to face Firelight. “We went asken’ her what kind of cake she liked for her birthday party, she said she didn’t want a party, or any kind of celebration at all.” “I see.” Firelight instantly knew and understood why two of his daughter’s friends were now here. “We were wondering if you knew anything about why Starlight is so tight lipped and secretive about that day.” Pinkie wanted to express her love and friendship for Starlight and not being to express it through a party and having fun was very hard to understand. Firelight Glimmer leaned back into his chair and gave a small sigh, having wondered if this day was ever going to come and now it had. “Starlight has always been a private pony and I’m not sure how she would feel if I told you anything about her past, especially her foalhood. Some of those were…” he paused to find the right words before continuing, “very difficult times for her.” “She an’ I have talked, but never about when she was a youngin’.” Applejack was sure she and Pinkie could help. Firelight continued. “She went through a lot as a youngster that had a pretty bad effect on her, as I’m sure you two can recall.” “Oh, you mean how she didn’t like celebrating Hearth’s Warming? Twilight and Spike had helped her get over that.” Pinkie remembered the winter celebration of a few years ago that Starlight had first celebrated with her and their circle of friends. “I was very grateful for the princess’ invitation this past winter to her castle for her party, it allowed Starlight and I to talk about things that were long since buried away and to come to a better understanding with each other.” “About what, if ya’ don’t mind me askin’?” Applejack didn’t want to pry, but she wanted to get to the root of the issue. She started second guessing her request when she saw the pained look on Mr. Glimmer’s face. “She might not have told you but, she lost her mother to cancer three days before Hearth’s Warming when she was only eight years old.” He confessed, still finding it hard to tell any pony even after all these years since. “Oh no!” Pinkie Pie gasped as she threw her forehooves over her mouth, shocked to her core as her heart went out to Starlight. “I’m… so sorry for ya’!” Applejack felt simply awful for having made Starlight’s dad tell them that, regretting her decision. But Firelight Glimmer didn’t hold it against them. They were his daughter’s friends and understood they were trusted ponies who knew how to keep information to themselves. A sad smile came to the stallion’s mouth, waving off their concern. “It was a long time ago and she and I have mended that particular fence between us. I know it was why one of the reasons she avoided coming home and celebrating during the holidays for a long time.” “Being a single parent trying to raise a child was difficult, having to leave for work early in the morning while my little Starlight had to take care of herself so much of the time. She had to endure a lot on her own; I did what I could as a parent but…” He trailed off, still wondering to this day if he had done enough, in spite of their recent reconnecting as family. Pinkie and Applejack could only imagine what Starlight might have experienced in her younger days, leading her in a way that led to what it did. “Was it hard for her?” Pinkie could only imagine the pain Starlight must have carried in her heart for so long and it brought a tear to her eye when thinking about it. “Well,” Firelight sighed again before continuing, “there was one occasion in particular; it was the first Saturday in September, the weekend before school starts for colts and fillies all over Equestria. I had something important to do with Starlight before she was to start school that Monday.” =====*****===== Starlight is at the train station with her dad and Sunburst and his family, seeing him off as he leaves for magic school in Canterlot. She’s happy for him, but she’s losing a good friend; the colt from next door. While their folks chat, Starlight wishes him good luck, but Sunburst could see she was sad at him going. Sunburst’s parents got the two of them to stand together for a last picture together. But some of the other new students at the school waiting on the platform ‘photobombed’ the snapshot, spoiling the moment for Starlight. She and her dad watch from the platform as the train pulled out of the station and head down the track. Saying goodbye was the hardest thing she’d had to do in her young life and how it hurt. Her circle of friends got that much smaller. She and just two other foals from her neighborhood still hadn’t got their cutie marks, making Starlight just that much more anxious about her future. Months pass and no letter from Sunburst comes to her home. She wonders if he’s forgotten all about her, wondering if having a cutie mark made him forget about her because she didn’t have one. Most of the foals in her neighborhood of Sire’s Hollow had their future somewhat figured out, but she was a ‘blank flank’ and didn’t know what she was supposed to do or be. That following spring season was Starlight’s ninth birthday. Firelight had planned a small party for her with the neighborhood youngsters invited. He took the day off from his job to run the party, decorating the Glimmer house in festive colored streamers and balloons and setting up various party games. Despite his efforts to make the day special for Starlight, none of the youngsters came. A pegasus filly named Whisperwind had gotten her cutie mark just the day before and her family was throwing an impromptu celebration for her. As one of those ‘milestone’ moments in ever pony’s life, it was celebrated and encouraged all to share in the moment with the lucky pony. Starlight was heartbroken that her party was passed over by those she thought as friends and classmates. Her dad commiserated for her when this should have been a happy day. Relief came in two forms; a magical birthday card sent from Sunburst that Starlight was thrilled to get and her good friend from across the street, Rosebud Thornebush; a cheery reddish-brown colored earth pony who also didn’t have a cutie mark, who came to her party. Knock! Knock! The sound of a hoof knocking at the front door got Starlight’s attention. She hurried to the door and excitedly flung it open. “Hi Starlight! Happy Birthday!” Rosebud had Starlight’s gift in hoof, presenting it to her with a big smile. She was happy to celebrate with Starlight, she had accepted Starlight’s invitation first and would not renege on her rsvp. Besides, Rosebud didn’t even really know Whisperwind beyond the schoolhouse or playground. Starlight was her good friend; they had spent many afternoons playing together. Spending time together; that was more important than a party for someone she barely knew or talked to. This buoyed Starlight so much. At least she still had one friend she could rely on. The two girls got to enjoy Starlight’s gift from her dad: a kit for building kites. They eat cake and ice cream, celebrating Starlight’s birthday, playing a few games of Dragon Pit and then headed outside to work on the kites. Even if it wasn’t a big party, just having Rosebud here to share with made Starlight happy. Rosebud never mentioned any other filly’s names or said anything to remind Starlight about cutie marks. Her whole focus was talking with and working with Starlight on assembling the two kits and then going to the park to fly them. When the get to the neighborhood park, they have virtually the whole place to themselves. With the buck-ball field empty, it made the best spot to get their kites into the air. With a little aid from a little of Starlight’s magic, she and Rosebud got their kites up off the ground and into the wind, soaring high above them. Rosebud and Starlight enjoy themselves and Rosebud confesses to being a little envious of Starlight, for she had magic to help her. Starlight never imagined Rosebud envying her in any way. If anything, Starlight envied Rosebud’s naturally happy-go-lucky bright as life bubbliness. Nothing ever seemed to get Rosebud in a bad funk in any way; nothing seemed to phase her sunny disposition. Rosebud shared with Starlight something she’d learned from an uncle. “Never waste time. That’s the precious stuff life is made from.” Rosebud explained herself more. She had the choice of what to spend her time doing and so she chose to spend time with Starlight because Rosebud knew she’d have more fun at Starlight’s party. Rosebud encouraged Starlight to think the same way; make good choices with what she spent her time doing and not spend time thinking bad thoughts or have bad feelings. That night, at bedtime, Starlight asked her dad if he thought she was ‘broken’ or ‘defective’ for not having her cutie mark yet. He had gotten his mark when he was younger than she was now. Her dad was very worried that his daughter thought of herself as such. He was lucky when he was young; he found his passion with books and bookmaking very early on and it led him to apprenticing for the family’s small but successful printing company. He explained again that cutie marks can’t be forced or made to appear when the pony desires it. When Starlight finds her passion, the thing that drives her, her mark will appear. She promised him she would try to be/think more positively and not let the day’s experience sour her. As a last gift, and surprise for his daughter, he presented her with a special gift; the latest print release from his company; Up, Up & Away; Dr. Hooves guide to Kites and the Science of Flight. Inside the front cover was a personal message from the author (telling her to reach for the stars) to Starlight along with his autograph. This was a very special gift and she would treasure it. Starlight fell asleep reading it, intrigued more about kites and how the air effects flight. =====*****===== A few weeks later, Starlight was again in the park flying a new style kite she’d built from a drawing in the book she’d been reading, called a box kite. The other foals seemed to be impressed with her creation and how she made it soar so high. Starlight got to speak in ‘scientific’ terms of kite design and how the wind and Jetstream effected how the kite flew. She seemed to be making a good impression on those near her, but Whisperwind showed up at the playground, bragging about her cutie mark still. She was telling every pony and any pony there how she was going to Cloudsdale to study ‘real’ flight and maybe someday becoming a Wonderbolt. Starlight felt upstaged by Whisperwind, going on like she was. Starlight claimed she would get to Cloudsdale before Whisperwind would; she would fly her kite high enough to reach the fabled cloud city and then climb up the string and be the first unicorn to do so. Childish boasting? Certainly, but Starlight did not like when others tried to get in on her moment in the spotlight, no matter how small a spotlight it might be. Starlight let out even more twine on the kite, now flying almost twice as high than before. The wind shifted and sent the kite into the nearby high treetops, snagging it and a good deal of twine. Some of the other foals snickered at her dilemma, getting it out without damaging it. One of the fillies asked Whisperwind to get it down for Starlight, as a friend would help her if they could. But Starlight tells them she doesn’t need help, she can get it free with her magic. She stood there, trying as best she could to use her still-undisciplined magic skill to unsnag her kite without damaging it, hopefully. Having everyone watching her was very unnerving and she felt under incredible pressure to succeed. Whisperwind quips that Starlight’s cutie mark should be a kite, something harmless and a toy; saying she had nothing more to offer in her skill. Some of the girl's giggle at the insult, making Starlight that much more upset and unfocused. She tried again and again to free the kite, but she could not reach out with her magic power strongly enough, Whisperwind added that too bad Sunburst wasn’t here. His magic would be strong enough to get it down. That just stung Starlight more and she became angry. The rush of emotion while still casting her spell caused her to yank very hard on the stuck kite. They heard a loud crack and the sound of paper tearing, realizing Starlight had yanked too hard on the kite with her magic and damaged it. Starlight, fearing the worst, tenderly removed the kite from the remaining twig or two that hung up the kite’s tail and brought it down to the ground in front of them. Now Starlight was more upset; looking weak with her magic in front of others and foolish for damaging the kite she and her dad had made together. It took more than a week of spare time between them to complete the project and here she had wrecked it two days after finishing it. How could she tell her dad what she’d done? Several spars of the kite structure were broken and two of the sail panels had been torn beyond repair. Another filly who had her cutie mark comments that maybe Starlight’s cutie mark should be a pile of trash, since she’s good at turning toys into garbage. A few more girls snicker at the comment, but Rosebud stood up for Starlight. Rosebud dares them to mock Starlight to try to make a kite as fancy as Starlight’s; if they couldn’t make one as good or better the Starlight’s maybe they shouldn’t say bad anything about it. Rosebud wouldn’t let others get away with such behavior, but Starlight took it wrong. She snapped at Rosebud for getting involved/sticking up for her and said she didn’t need anyone to defend her. Horrified she had yelled at Rosebud in her anguish, Starlight quickly gathered up her damaged kite and roll of twine and unceremoniously hurried off for the sanctuary of home, out of sight of her peers where no one could see her cry. “Blank flank! Blank flank! Starlight is a Blank flank!” The other fillies teased her more, causing her to choke on the tears as she ran home. Upon returning home that afternoon from work and finding his child lying on her bed crying, he went to her side to see why she was so upset. She pointed to the damaged kite on her desk, convinced it was beyond repair and apologized for wrecking the kite after all the hard work they’d put into making it. Firelight examined the kite remnants and was sure it could be fixed in no time. Starlight was more upset over wrecking something he had worked on with her and she’d been irresponsible with it. He could see in her face there was more to her upset then just a damaged father/daughter project. It took a little prying but she confessed how the other girls teased her, about not having a cutie-mark yet and laughed at her when she got the kite stuck up in the tree and couldn’t use her magic correctly to get it out. Starlight’s anger about cutie marks and her obsessing over it was becoming more worrisome to Firelight. She was focusing so much on getting it rather than exploring her world more and finding her passion. He tells her again that she will gain her mark, sooner or later, that every pony does and not to worry so much about getting one. She can’t force it to happen; it was a natural phenomenon. He encouraged her to forget about the girls who bothered her; telling her just because they have a mark didn’t mean they were any better than her, only at the beginning of a different path of life then her. “I’ll show them! I’ll show them all!” She swore, anger in her heart as she lay on her bed, staring out her bedroom window, the words from those girls still ringing in her ears. It made sense, when looking at it like that, but for Starlight the fact of not having the mark didn’t make it less troubling, only her need to focus her mind on something to escape her thoughts. Again, Starlight found relief in her reading her book of flight and the science behind how kites stay in the air. She could lose herself in the subject and be on another level of thought; being on the ‘inside’ of how the natural function of the wind affected her world and understanding a small part of how it works She could feel part of an exclusive collection of ponies who knew this too and could relate. =====*****===== Firelight finished his story to the two visitors, giving them some information to his daughter’s troubled younger days. He could see they were deeply moved by the story. “I had no idea Starlight’s been through all that.” Applejack’s heart sank a little when hearing the tale. Pinkie was bawling terribly, with two fountains of tears streaming out of her eyes. “That was the saddest birthday party story I’ve ever heard! No pony should have a sad birthday!” Pinkie could not stand the idea of any pony throwing a party only to be abandoned by their guests. “It happens, Pinkie.” Applejack tried to shield herself from the flow of tears Pinkie was expelling, breaking the news as her cousin was so distraught by the story. “After that, I can honestly say we never celebrated her birthday again. I think one time, years later, I asked if she wanted some kind of small celebration, but she quickly put down the idea. She wanted nothing to do with it.” Firelight wished so much his daughter’s terrible experiences had not sent her down the dark path that it did but was ever so grateful for her Highness to save Starlight from her terrible fate. “This did clear up some ‘bout Starlight not likin’ birthday parties an’ all.” Applejack understood better now but was stumped as to how to get Starlight liking celebrating her special day again. “I always felt it were moments like that was why she withdrew from me and every pony else in her teenage years; isolating herself so much. It scarred her. I do hope I didn’t dampen your spirits from my retelling. That wasn’t my intention.” He apologized for the rather somber tale but knew it would help his daughter’s friends somewhat. “No, sir, it didn’t. But it did give me a crux of an idea. I think I might have a way to get Starlight to want to celebrate her special day again.” Firelight could almost see the gears working inside Applejack’s head as she concentrated on resolving this issue of Starlight’s. The farm pony once more tapped her chin with a forehoof, her mind a flurry of thoughts. “Well, I hope you can. Starlight deserves a nice celebration with her friends. She’s come so far and now is in a good place for her future, especially now that she’s head mare of the princess’ school.” Despite the somber story, Firelight was buoyed by the fact that here were two of his daughter’s good friends, so caring for her, that they wanted to help her reconnect with a good feeling and be a part of their lives more. “What did you have in mind, Applejack?” Pinkie honked back her runny nose, seeing how hard Applejack was concentrating, formulating a plan. “Not sure yet, but I think it’s time we went an’ visited Twilight in Canterlot. I’m thinkin’ she might have the key to helping us.” The two ladies thanked Firelight Glimmer for his hospitality and headed back to the train station. They would have to wait an hour or so for the next train to Canterlot. The day’s train travel looked like it was going to go on for a while longer. =====*****===== “Your Highness,” the guard at the door interrupted Twilight’s quiet reading as she sat on her thrown. Twilight looked up from the document she was pouring over for the third time. “Yes?” The young ruler of Equestria rubbed her tired lavender eyes with the back of her foreleg as she looked up. “You have two members here from your Council of Friendship to see you.” He dutifully reported. Twilight smiled, hearing who it was to see her. “Send them right in.” She stood up from her throne and descended the steps, wanting to greet them. The guard opened the other door and allowed them entrance. “Twilight!” Pinkie yelled out, bounding in to the throne room while Applejack followed after. “Howdy, Twi!” “Hey girls! What’s up?” The young queen embraced her council members warmly, happy from the distractions of ruling a queendom. “Thanks for the wonderful sunshine today, Twilight! It’s so beautiful to stare at!” Pinkie let go of the queen, allowing Applejack to finally hug Twilight too. Twilight chuckled a little at Pinkie’s comment. “Glad I could provide it for you. I still need to use the amulet given to me by Celestia to help; I’m still pretty rough with my timing of raising and setting.” “Really? I haven’t noticed any difference in the sun and moon rising or setting.” Applejack knew just what to say to support her friend. The smile Twilight had was the silent ‘thank you’ for Twilight’s good job at her duties as ruler. “What was it you girls wanted to talk to me about?” Twilight saw how the smiles on her friend’s expressions dimmed a little, as if something more pressing was on their hearts. “Actually, it’s some pony me and Pinkie wanted to ask you about.” Applejack began to explain what she and Pinkie had been planning for Starlight’s birthday, filling Twilight in on what they’d learned from Firelight Glimmer and the germ of an idea of what she and Pinkie wanted to do. Twilight listened to what Applejack and Pinkie proposed, understanding what was involved and what Starlight’s reaction might be. “I see how much you girls want to help and I think it’s sweet, but I don’t know how Starlight might react. She might get upset by the situation.” Twilight paced abut in a small circle at the base of the staircase, contemplating, while Pinkie sat on the last step and Applejack stood by and watched Twilight’s pacing. “What if we got Sunburst on board with the idea? Would ya’ help out then? I mean, ya’ said she’d already written out the right kind of spell before. All ya’ have ta’ do is change it up a smidge to make it work.” Applejack was willing to do whatever was necessary to win Twilight over. She needed Twilight’s magic to do it; Sunburst, Trixie and Rarity had nowhere near the power required to perform the spell or make the changes to it. “Please, Twilight? It’ll work. Trust us.” Pinkie knew in her heart it would, she just had to trust them. Twilight paced about for a few seconds more before pausing to render her decision. “Okay, girls. If you can convince Sunburst to be a part of this, I’ll help out.” It was as far as Twilight was willing to go, for now. It seemed like such a little thing then, not really thinking about it and Starlight never talking about it either. Twilight wondered about this during her pacing about the floor of her throne room. In all the time she had spent in her castle with Starlight and then time spent working alongside her at the school, not once did Starlight ever mention when her birthday was. It was only after Ponyville had celebrated Maud Pie’s non-appearance surprise birthday party did any of her friends bother to ask Starlight when hers was. It was a small but important point of friendship Twilight felt maybe she’d overlooked. “You can count on it!” Applejack was sure she could convince Sunburst, she was smart enough to see the long-standing infatuated looks the two would give one another when they thought no pony else was looking their way. “We won’t let you or Starlight down.” Pinkie wanted very much to help out with this, especially if it helped a friend out. “Fine. You two let me know when you have everything prepared and I’ll have the spell scroll ready for you.” Twilight would help if possible, still a part of her friend’s lives. But reality soon interrupted her moment of happiness. “Excuse me, you Majesty,” another guard came to the throne room door once more, getting Twilight’s attention back to her duty. Sher gave a small sigh. “Yes?” She smiled at her royal servant, ready to listen. “The envoy from Maretopia is here to see you.” “Guess duty calls, huh?” Applejack spoke with a small sigh, already having to let Twilight go back to being Queen Twilight. “Thanks for the work break, anyway. You’re always welcome to drop by.” Twilight waved to them as she had to leave immediately and get back to her duty. “C’mon, Pinkie. I think we’ve got our bases covered for now.” Applejack felt her and Pinkie’s plan was more than half done already. All there was to do was get every pony agreeing on the plan and making sure Sunburst was a part of it. “We-e-e h-e-e-e! That is going to be the best party ever!” Pinkie’s mind was already a whirlwind of activity in coming up with her birthday plans. =====*****===== Over the next week, Applejack tells the rest of her friends what she and Pinkie came up with as a plan for a party for Starlight. When she and Pinkie explained what the party was about and why, all of them were moved by what they had in mind and eagerly wanted to be a part of it. Rarity came up with the idea of having Sunburst and Starlight act as curriers for her fashion boutique; she sends them on an errand of delivering some finished items to her customers in Sire’s Hollow. Sunburst had the idea of making the last delivery for them to make would be to Starlight’s foal-hood home. Rarity had a gift of a new dress she had been planning for Starlight from some time ago and it was ready. She wanted to be there for presenting it to Starlight. With every pony on board with the plan, they were poised to surprise Starlight like she’d never imagined. The week passed quickly for the friends, getting everything ready at Firelight Glimmer’s home and their presents shipped there in time. Starlight had no idea what her friends had planned and she assumed they were telling the truth about their weekend plans. Each of them was going to be busy or out of town for one reason or another. When on Saturday, Rarity put the plan in motion by requesting Sunburst make an urgent in-pony delivery for her to an important client. Feigning at having no plan for the afternoon, he accepts and asks Starlight if he’d like to join her for a short out on a nice day. Still unsuspecting, Starlight agrees to go along, wanting to get out of the castle and just ‘do something’ not school related today. Rarity made sure to give them four deliveries to do, convinced Starlight would not figure out what was up. It also gave the friends time to get to their destination on time and be prepared. Sunburst and Starlight had a pleasant enough late morning excursion by train to the nearby town of Bridleville to deliver two of the packages to Rarity’s customers. Each mare whom Sunburst delivered to was thankful for the personalized service. He and Starlight stop off at a small café for a morning tea and a pastry, sitting alfresco an enjoying their time together. Thought Sunburst knows it is Starlight’s birthday, she hasn’t mentioned it. She is enjoying the outing and spending time away from work with Sunburst. After the small break, they have two packages left to deliver. Sunburst pretends to be upset that he and Starlight have to go to Sires Hollow to deliver the last two. Starlight’s is only mildly disenchanted with the idea of visiting her old hometown but is not against it. This was making Sunburst’s job a little easier, though he still played up a bit how he didn’t want to go there and maybe run into his folks. But Starlight seemed easygoing about it and didn’t mind. The train ride was only another ten minutes further up the line and they were soon at Sires Hollow’s train platform, exiting off with a few other passengers. They head for the first address; it’s on the same road as Starlight’s dads’ home. Starlight is a little bit antsy about her dad spotting her, being so close to her foal-hood home. When Sunburst shows here what the last delivery was, it turns out to be addressed to Starlight. She is not sure what is going on, but Sunburst asks her to ‘deliver it’ to the address on the package. Curious but still cautious, she would do what Sunburst was asking. He walked right alongside her as they head down the street, reaching her father’s house. Both she and Sunburst can see a magical aura enveloping the entire house. Sunburst urges her to go on ahead, to step through the magic bubble first. Hesitatingly Starlight does, followed by Sunburst. Starlight is momentarily surprised to find she and Sunburst have regressed in age, back to being young foals of nine or ten years old. She doesn’t understand what is going on. But Sunburst encourages her to go to the front door and go in. She does and she is greeted by a loud cheer of ‘surprise!’ from a gathering of youngsters who were waiting in the living room. Starlight is speechless; here are all her close friends, now reversed in age to the same as she and Sunburst, the whole downstairs of the house was decorated with party decorations and a large banner that hung over the dining room table announcing, ‘Happy Ninth Birthday Starlight!’ Attending were all the teachers from the School of Friendship, Queen Twilight, Maud Pie with her boyfriend Mudbriar and Trixie Lullamoon. They were decked out in party hats and threw confetti at Starlight in celebration. A moment or so right after, there came a knock at the front door. “Well, open it and see who’s there!” Sunburst encouraged Starlight with a smile, eager to see what she would say. Still a bit stunned by all this, Starlight turned around and opened the front door, her mind completely blown in an instant. “Hi Starlight, happy birthday!” Rosebud Thornbush was just as bright and cheery as Starlight remembered, standing there and balancing her gift for Starlight on top of her head. It was so surreal to Starlight, as if walking through a waking case of Deja-vu. She opened the door and was given a huge hug by Rosebud. The two of them not seeing each other for a number of years; not since their early teen years. Sunburst explaind what this was about; he wanted Starlight to have the ninth birthday she was supposed to have instead of the awful one she’d had. Starlight was choked up with emotion, having her friends there to love her and support her. Pinkie Pie came bounding out of the kitchen, the only friend of hers who was not young appearing like the rest of them. Pinkie was acting as hostess of the party for Starlight. When Firelight stepped out of the kitchen, he had also reversed aged too. He wasn’t little like Starlight or her friends, he was a younger stallion, and appearing much like the dad he was when Starlight really was nine years old. Starlight ran over to the pink earth-pony, hugging her as tightly as her little forelegs would let her. “Thank you, aunt Pinkie!” Pinkie saw how choked up Starlight was at this second chance of getting this birthday do-over. Pinkie Pie felt her emotions triggered by seeing her friend so happy. “You welcome, Starlight!" She thrilled to make this possible, her perception proving correct to what her sister’s best friend would have accepted as a ‘party’. “C’mon, Starlight! The steady and accurate Trixie wants to play ‘pin the tail on the Princess’ with you!” Trixie was pulling at Starlight’s foreleg, wanting them to get started as their time together today was limited. Pinkie kept them entertained while Firelight Glimmer got to watch his only daughter carry on so carefree and happy with her friends. He snapped off a number of pictures from his camera, preserving many funny and endearing moments of them all running about and posing in an assortment of funny and silly poses and expressions. Pinkie watched how much Twilight seemed swept up in merriment, enjoying her time away from her royal duties and carefree for an afternoon. BOOM! “We have a winner!” Pinkie shouted as she set off her party cannon and the room was showered with confetti, all of the youngsters laughing and cheering now as they scrambled to pick up the candies and small toy prizes that fell from the piñata that had been split open by Applejack. It was a fun afternoon as Starlight and her friends got to be young again for a few hours, forgetting about duty and responsibilities of adulthood and able to enjoy themselves. Even Maud and Mudbrier got into the fun, smiling when having a go at some of the activities Pinkie had planned. To Firelight Glimmer, it seemed Pinkie was enjoying being the party planner and watching her party plan go off flawlessly as much as Starlight and her guests were having a blast participating in it. Finally, Pinkie brought out the cake with the candles lit, all of Starlight’s friends and her father sing happy birthday to her. They cheer and call out for her to make a wish and blow out the candles. “I don’t have to wish,” Starlight looked around the table at her seated friends, “because nothing could ever top having all of my friends here to spend the day with me.” It was Starlight’s favorite cake, golden sponge cake with strawberry frosting layers. Every pony gathered enjoyed in the treat, even Starlight’s dad. He stood in the doorway to the kitchen and watched as he ate his slice, taking more pictures in between bites of cake. When it came to the gifts, they were obviously for her ‘adult’ state and not a child’s gift. Most impressive was Rarity’s gift of a lovely formal dress to Starlight, stunning the birthday filly. “Darling, don’t you recognize it? It’s the one you had designed with me but only started to make in my dress shop all those moons ago. It had been languishing around unfinished in a drawer so I thought I’d finish it for you to the original pattern you’d created.” Starlight had forgotten about it and was so happy to see her dress now done. “Thank you so much, Rarity. I can’t wait to see myself in it.” Starlight had long forgotten about this, never one to be handy with the needle and thread. The last gift was the one Sunburst had brought and Starlight had on purposely waited for the end. She removed the gift from the brown paper shipping wrapper he had cleverly disguised her gift in, eager to see her reaction. Wait…! Wait…!” She suddenly bolted from the head of the table and went scrambling up to the second floor of her father’s house to her old bedroom. Starlight threw open the door to her bedroom and frantically went through her old desk drawers, desperate to find something she’d held on to for a very long time. There, tucked inside the front cover of an old coloring book, she found it; the birthday card. She had saved it and the envelope it had been sent in, finding the evidence she was looking for. She hurried back downstairs to her assembled guests, presenting the card and envelope to Sunburst. “You…you sent this to me that day; I remember. It had this little flap of tape on the back with a piece of the wrapping paper still stuck to it.” She was trembling when she brought the envelope to the package and find that the card he had sent had been originally taped to this very gift; the paper fragment stuck to the tape fitting perfectly where it was torn from. Sunburst was blushing slightly. “My magic wasn’t strong enough then to magically send you your present, I could only send the card. I’d been holding onto this for a while and hoped to find the right time to give it. This seemed like the best time I could imagine.” This was why he got behind Pinkie and Applejack’s idea; he would finally have his day to properly give it to her like he had desired all those years ago. He had been so upset to miss her party back then because he was away at magic school and couldn’t get back to Sire’s Hollow. Everyone gathered around the table leaned a little closer as Starlight first showed them the original card Sunburst had given her and then carefully open the wrapping paper of his gift. Once more, the tears came back to Starlight’s eyes when she saw what it was once out of the wrapping paper. “I hope you like it; Hasbro didn’t make this deluxe version of Dragon Pit for long. It has the bonus eight-bit sound module for more real-life dragon roars and game effects….” Sunburst began to explain to Starlight, but she didn’t care at that moment. It was the fact that he had bought this and kept it for her all those years ago; because it was the boardgame they loved to spend time playing together. Because it was ‘their thing’ and no pony else’s. The emotions of that disappointing day all came rushing back to her now; how she’d felt abandoned by all those other kids who’d said she was her friend in school but really weren’t, who wouldn’t have given her the time of day if she asked. She clutched the game box to her chest and started to cry; a pitiful wheezing kind of sound. Starlight’s friends all gathered around her for a group hug with Sunburst and Rosebud being the first ones to embrace her, feeling Starlight tremble a little in their forelegs. “It’s okay, Starlight. It’s okay.” Fluttershy assured her unicorn friend, empathizing with her. “Why were the other kids just so mean to me?” It was more of a rhetorical than any real question she was asking of her friends. “They… they just didn’t give themselves the chance to get to know you like we did. They didn’t want to try or were too afraid to.” Twilight explained as best she could with tears pooling in her eyes too. It was intensely emotional for Starlight and all her friends, helping to exorcize the demon of Starlight’s pain from her heart. Harrumph! “A bunch of lunkheads, if ya’ ask me.” Applejack didn’t sugarcoat her feelings. “Clearly, they were of inferior intellect if they couldn’t see the value of your friendship, Starlight. It was obviously their loss.” Leave it to Mudbriar to add just the right thing to keep the moment light enough to cause a ripple of muffled chuckles among the gathered young ponies. Starlight held onto them all tightly for a minute or so, crying out the last tears of old pain and unhappiness, letting go at last. The dark clouds parted from her heart, allowing the light to bring about tears of happiness that her good friends were here with her now. “I’ve never felt so lucky to have friends like you as I do right now!” Starlight confessed to them, looking at them now as her voice cracked terribly. They all giggled a little. She finally released them from her hug. They all had glassy-looking eyes, all of them moved by being here and wanting to share this moment in time with her. “Thank you, thank you all for being a part of this.” “Well,” Sunburst interrupted the moment, slowly going to a small hidden pocket withing his cape to retrieve something, “the gift-giving isn’t quite done.” He turned to present Starlight with a black velvet-covered jewelry presentation box, a funny look in his eye as he handed it to her. Both Pinkie Pie and her father stepped closer to watch what was happening. She put down the game box on the table. “What is it?” Starlight felt a pang of excitement course though her body, caught completely off-guard by this gift. She took it from him and slowly opened the lid, gasping sharply at what she found awaiting her inside. “I…love you…. Starlight Glimmer.” His voice trembled slightly when confessing his heart to her. There. He said it. Right in front of all their friends too. He moved closer to hold her forehooves in his, looking into her eyes and holding her captive. “I knew we were meant for each-other from the first day I met you and I never wanted any other mare in my life.” This was an unexpected ‘gift’ from Sunburst. They had been dating fairly steadily since taking the positions of head mare and vice head stallion at the School of Friendship, working together bringing them closer. He was ready to take their relationship to a deeper level. Using his magic, he levitated the gift up out of the box so as to attach it around Starlight’s neck. It was a solid gold braided neckless with small diamonds fashioned into the shape of a heart with a small ruby at the center of the piece. Maud was impressed by the collection of extremely hard and rare stones. She leaned in closer still to examine them, wearing a handy eye-loop she kept on her at all times for just such emergencies like this. “There’s at least five carats of diamonds in that pendent and the chain appears to be pure gold.” She looked at Starlight, still deadpan in expression. “You’d better accept it before Trixie makes a move on him.” Starlight looked over and passed Maud’s shoulder, seeing Trixie looking back with the biggest grin on her face Starlight had ever seen. Was she thrilled for her or drooling over the gift Sunburst had presented? Starlight didn’t need Maud’s prodding. “It’s beautiful. Thank you so much, Sunburst.” She looked down admiringly at it around her neck, feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. She did the only thing a little filly could do at that moment for receiving a gift like this from her long-time special colt. She leaned over and planted a kiss right on the side of his muzzle, making sure to make a loud ‘kissing’ sound when do so. Sunburst blushed at the display in front of all of them but was glad it was out in the open now and he and Starlight didn’t have to hide their relationship. “The great and powerful Trixie knew it was only a matter of time until it happened! Forces more powerful than the very element of magic could not prevent it!” Trixie had fun trumpeting this moment. All of Starlight’s friends had seen and watched the way the two of the acted around each other, the attraction between them so clear to everyone in the school. It was something of an ‘open secret’ to them. The party lasted to four p.m., when Twilight and her guests had to part ways with Starlight. Pinkie had even come up with a personalized gift bag for each guest to remember this day by. It was the best ending Starlight could have ever dreamed of. Each one of her guests gave her a big hug in goodbye, happy to have been a part of her special day. Starlight, in turn, thanked them for making it so special. Twilight was the last guest to leave, wanting to say something personal to Starlight. “This was a fun afternoon and I really enjoyed myself, Starlight. I just hope I can get away again for something like this again in the future.” The alicorn princess knew that having the responsibility of being ruler was going to make it impossible to get away for a few hours with some close friends. Starlight was touched to have given this small piece of remembrance to her friend, understanding Twilight’s position and how they were seeing less and less of each other as of late. Starlight gave Twilight an extra tight hug in gratitude and friendship, blessed to have shared this time together. “Hey, just remember; I have an ‘open door’ policy at the School of Friendship and if her Royal Highness needs to ‘inspect’ the school and make sure everything was ‘running smoothly’, she should stop by whenever she wants.” Starlight would provide a convenient cover if Twilight wanted to escape Canterlot for a while and hide out, aware of the pressure Starlight was under. When Twilight walked away and exited the magic bubble that was surrounding the Glimmer home, she reverted back to her alicorn form and the magic bubble itself popped with a delicate pop sound. Starlight and Sunburst instant revert back to their adult pony forms as well. Starlight and Sunburst stayed to have supper with Firelight, pleased to share their moment of commitment with Starlight’s dad. During the meal, he openly asked when the wedding date might be, seeing how much closer they were now. Both could not answer definitively but felt surer about their relationship than ever before. Firelight mentions he’s not getting any younger and would adore to have some grand-foals to dote over. That makes both Starlight and Sunburst rather nervous and uncomfortable right then. The following Monday back at the school, all of Starlight’s friends could see there was a happy spring in her step as she trotted smartly down the hallways, a veritable ‘glow’ of happiness radiating from her. She wore the necklace proudly, one or two of the student’s eyeing it and asking her about it. Starlight had never felt so happy or fulfilled in life as she had right then. The stars in the heavens had finally fallen into alignment and her destiny was lay out before her. With the first successful semesters of guiding the School of Friendship now under her belt, she could confidently say she was ‘on her way’ with the stallion she loved most of all right beside her. With all that had gone right in so short of time in her life, she felt on top of the world and nothing was out of her reach.