//------------------------------// // Chapter 12: The Sleeping Maiden and the Surface World // Story: My Final Pony Fantasy III // by Vimtrust5 //------------------------------// Sometime ago... "I wish to speak with you, Master..." "What is the matter, my pupil?" "It is about what you have given me... what you should have bestowed it upon the other two. Why have you given me this gift? I did not ask for this!" "You must understand--" "Enough! My destiny is my own to create! Not yours!" Aboard the now-airship Enterprise, our heroes were looking forward to see what the surface world beneath the Floating Continent had in store for them. It had been a strange journey thus far but none could prepare our heroes for what they were to experience next. "AAAH!! Wh-What is this cloud?! It's... it's draining my strength away!" Luneth cried. "Hold on!" said Ingus. "Our answers lie on the surface! We must reach it!" "I hope they reached the surface all right," Cid hoped. "And those ponies and the dragon, too... Warriors of the Light, you are our last hope!" After several minutes of braving the storm... *music fades out* "We're through!" said Arc. "Oh, thank goodness for that," said Spike. "I thought we were gonna get blown away!" The group ran to the starboard side and noticed something strange. "Is... is this the surface?" Luneth asked. "It's so... sprawling!" "Wh... What happened here?" "It looks like... like everything's..." "...covered in water." Indeed... The world in front of our heroes had been flooded. As far as the eye could see, the surface stood covered in endless water... as well as endless darkness. Just then, something caught Rainbow Dash's eye: an abandoned ship situated near an island in the middle of the ocean. Luneth and Twilight had noticed as well and after informing the others, they agreed to land the Enterprise on the island. Once outside, it was decided that they explore the mysterious ship. Well, except for one. *music fades out* "Rarity?" The fashionista was slumped over on the other side of the ship, panting heavily. Spike approached her carefully. "Are you alright, Rarity?" he asked. "If... if it's all right with you, everypony... I'll stay here... I'm a little..." The white unicorn slowly made her way inside the cabin and lay on a makeshift bed. With the party agreeing that she needs to rest, they had no choice but to leave her behind as they made their descent. Wrecked Ship Our heroes looked around, seeing that the vessel seemed eerily vacant and abandoned; some of the wooden walls rotted as did some of the floor. They were careful to avoid any dangerous areas as they explored the ship. "Hey, Twilight! Look!" said Spike as he showed her the contents of the chest he'd opened. The alicorn gasped: "Spike... isn't this...?" The design of the weapon could not be any clearer. The bell-shaped hilt... "It's a Blood Sword!" Memories of their previous adventure beyond the Crystals began to surface. The moment when Firion finally finished off Emperor Mateus and saved Flurry Heart from his grasp. Unfortunately for Twilight, this also brought back memories of the Emperor's ominous words... "Even if you defeat me, there will be others..." Arc patted Twilight on the back of her head, gaining her attention. He pointed in the direction of an old man watching over a young girl lying in bed, wearing a plain white halter-dress. "Oh! Oh no! Miss Aria, are we ever in trouble! Alas! Alack! If nothing is done, our own time will cease as well!" "'Time will...?'" "'Cease as well...?' What's that supposed to mean?" "Hey gramps," said Luneth. "Calm down. Just what's going on?" "The land," the old man exclaimed as he turned to face the party. "Darkness has covered the land and stopped our time! Miss Aria tried to stop, but... Oh, Miss Aria!" The girl then groaned. "We have to help her. I wonder if there's anything in the bag that can help!" "I know! I know!" said Pinkie Pie. She pulled out a potion and handed it to the old man. "What--?! Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or is there a little pink horse trying to give me something?" "First of all, I'm a pony, not a horse. Second, I think your eyes are just fine, silly-willy. And third, I think this potion can help her." "Oh, my! Have you come to... to kill me and Miss Aria?" "NO!" the Equestrians said in unison. "We've come here to help. To help save this world." A few minutes later, the group stepped aboard the Enterprise with their new ally in tow. Rarity was still recovering from her uneasiness; she awoke from her "bed," walked out of the cabin and was greeted by her friends as well as the mysterious maiden. "So there is life somewhere in this world," she said. "Not quite..." said Luneth. "You see, she's been asleep since the whole world stood still, waiting for us." "Oh, my stars...!" Rarity gasped. "To think that you've slept so long." "Yeah! And she didn't need to be kissed by a prince or anything!" said Pinkie. "My name is... Aria." "Well then, Aria darling. It's a pleasure to meet you." The group shared her story with Rarity. The white unicorn closed her eyes deep in thought, taking everything in. "My goodness... To think that you would awaken now, all because of the prophecy." "Yes... That's right." "So, what do we do now?" asked Spike. "First thing's first: we go to the next shrine and save the Crystal there." "Sounds like a plan," Rainbow agreed. "Let's do it." And so it was settled; our heroes alongside the mysterious Aria would venture forth to the resting place of the next Crystal and activate it. Meanwhile... "So... they have arrived," said Xande. The sorcerer raised his arms, calling forth one of his followers. "For what purpose do you summon me, master?" the creature said. "I entrust you a task of the utmost importance. There are those who seek to bring back the light to this world, believing they can restore the balance between light and darkness. They have come here to the surface via airship; it is likely they will reactivate the Crystal of Water first. Now go!" "Yes, Master. I will put an end to these interlopers." As the minion left, Xande then rested his eyes once more. He then felt a presence... one familiar to him. "Xande..." The wizard opened his eyes and lifted his head. "Do you know nothing of the creatures that have joined forces the Warriors of the Light?" "From what I have heard, they are mere equines that believe in the 'Magic of Friendship.' Hmph. As if such a concept exists," he scoffed. "Indeed... However, you must be wary... These creatures have meddled in the affairs of humanity twice: first they had revived Crystals from another world and placed themselves in a war against a mighty empire. They are not to be taken lightly..." "I know what these ponies are capable of; they have defeated my most loyal followers," Xande politely retorted. He then narrowed his eyes. "But he will exterminate them! He must. I will not allow anyone, not even mere pastel ponies or those children undo everything and send me into the abyss." After a few seconds, the mysterious voice fell silent, leaving the sorcerer by himself. He closed his eyes once more and began to meditate, believing his enemies would no longer interfere with his business.