
by the star bringer

Chapter 4: A block and a hard place

Bored. Bored was the first feeling StarGazer felt. Rumble was visiting his family today so he was alone. “ well no use sitting in bed all day!” he spoke to himself “maybe I’ll see what Button’s up to.” StarGazer crawled out of bed and his cottage and followed the path all the way to button’s village. It was an unusual place for StarGazer as he had never been so far away from his cottage and see so many ponies in one place. he was hoping to find Button’s house but all the houses looked the same to him so he couldn’t tell who’s was who’s, it was all very confusing for StarGazer. But none the less he eventually found Button at the village’s arcade. When StarGazer walked into the arcade, he was in awe. Never had he seen such technology. He found Button on a racing game machine, Button was shocked to see StarGazer so far away from his cottage but he eventually got over it. After they played a few video games they decided to head on over to Button’s house but as they were going there Tender Taps stopped them. he kept hurling mean insults at them until they heard a voice in the distance.

“You leave them alone!” one of them shouted as three fillies ran over, one unicorn, one Pegasus and one earth pony. Tender Taps wasn’t fazed though as he kept throwing insults and them. Little did he know that StarGazer was a master of potions, so StarGazer through a splash potion at Tender Taps causing him to float up upwards into the sky. he eventually fell down and was filled with agonising pain, before he ran off. the fillies introduced themselves to StarGazer as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. StarGazer thanked them for standing up for him and Button before going home to his cottage. when he arrived he heard some rustling from the nearby bushes. when he went to check it and Apple Bloom popped out of the bush, “So this is where ya live?” she spoke “not gonna lie, it looks pretty!”. Just then Rumble showed up, when he saw Apple Bloom it put him on edge. StarGazer had to calm Rumble down and explain things to him, once he had fully listened to StarGazer he finally calmed down. As an Apology she gave them some apples before going on her way.