//------------------------------// // A Little Bit of an Issue // Story: Flurry Heart and Sombra’s Little Misadventures in Babysitting // by Badguy400 //------------------------------// Sombra has Flurry Heart on his back because she’s feeling tired from walking; despite the fact that they just left, and that they only walked one mile… . Regardless, Sombra didn’t mind carrying her, and was overall happy that she’s still feeling young for whenever she can. Because he knows that when she’s older, she won’t be able to act as young as she was anymore… . Regardless, if the situation calls for it, then Sombra will be there to help her feel better anyway possible! Even if it meant giving Flurry her old plushie for old times sake, and also reading her a bedtime story too, if she requests one that is… . Anywho, Sombra and Flurry Heart are currently almost at Sugarcube Corner. The reason is that firstly, he needed something to drink because he’s starting to feel tired from carrying Flurry Heart for too long; especially with the added weight of her backpack on her back. Secondly, Flurry Heart wanted to apologize to the Cake Twins because she just realized that after all this time, she didn’t even once apologize for breaking one of their toys as a means of getting the two twins to share when they were fighting over it when the three of them were infants. And lastly, because Sugarcube Corner has breakfast for all hours surprisingly… . So because of that, the two of them decided to take advantage of it, and started their course towards the bakery. Unfortunately, before Sombra and Flurry could even get to the front door, they saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash arguing at the side of the bakery. Both curious and worried, they headed towards them instead. Now in front of the two ponies, Sombra began to ask; “so what’s the problem here… ? Cuz I’m sure that no pony else heard you two ramble on and on like that.” Rainbow Dash looked pretty steamed from anger, and then growled in response, before replying with; “AJ here just can’t seem to realize that I need to practice! I mean… she’s been sending me scroll after scroll non-stop. It’s ridiculous!” Applejack then got in front of Rainbow while looking at Sombra, and then said matter of factly; “in my honest opinion, I thought that she was asleep, or dead… . I mean sure it’s been only a few days… but still! It felt like weeks since I’ve last heard from her… . And I was nervous.” Rainbow Dash put a hoof to her forehead and groaned loudly; having been feeling annoyed by her friend’s worried antics for nothing, and then said apologetically, but yet also sounding annoyed; “I’m really sorry about this… . I’m sure that this lil farm pony didn’t know that I’m still here! I mean after all, I can’t be that hard to take down… . Am I right?” Having taken offense over what Rainbow had called her; Applejack started to growl, and then shouted before getting ready to attack Rainbow; “if I didn’t know any better, then I’d say that what you just called me can’t go unanswered Rainbow… . So get ready for a fight!” Rainbow’s face then got that look of terror when she knew she messed up, or is about to get a beating, and then replied with; “uh oh… “ before starting to fly above the sky, and away from her attacker. Growling again, Applejack began to chase her whilst shouting; “I’m gonna get you for this Rainbow… ! You’ll regret ever calling me that! Mark my words!” Standing there stunned, Flurry began to ask; “should we… ?” before Sombra interjected, and said; “let’s leave… “ before both ponies ran to the bakery. In the background, Applejack is still chasing a flying Rainbow whilst shouting; “you get back here you ol varmit!” Flurry Heart is currently playing with Pumpkin Cake by doing teatime with her; much to the dismay of Poundcake, who’s in a teatime outfit that his sister Pumpkin made him wear. He didn’t like it, but he’s fine with it as long as there’s no makeup involved! Ever since that incident when they did the exact same thing four years ago… , only that Flurry Heart wasn’t there, and both of them figured out why only grownups wear makeup. The taste alone can make them gag just by thinking about it. “So… . How’re the Twins?” Sombra asked with a concerned look to him. Are they… ?” Mrs Cake placed down some pots that she was cleaning at the kitchen counter, approached to the front counter, and then replied; “oh they’re fine… . It’s not like they’ll remember any of it!” Sombra snickered, pointing to Poundcake in a dress, and said; “yeah… . Yet I’m definitely sure that they’ll remember that.” And then he began to get into hysterics with quiet snickering, trying his best to contain his laughter. Mrs Cake gently slapped him on the arm with a dish cloth, and then replied; “oh hush now! I’m sure if you had to wear something embarrassing, you wouldn’t want others to find out too… . Right dearie?” Sombra stopped since he knew that she got a point, and then sighs before looking apologetic. “Yes mam… . I’m sorry.” Mrs Cake smiled, and said; “that’s all I wanted to hear… “ and then went back to the kitchen to check on the customer’s orders. Few hours later… . “I’m bowred… .” Flurry Heart started to whine. “Me too!” replied Poundcake; whom is looking equally as bored. “Even though I was having fun with this game!” “I wasn’t!” replied Pumpkin Cake while she’s wrapped up in a blanket, and covered in face paint and bits of feathers. What game were they playing is a mystery since kids have been known to play games that have random rules or something else along those lines… . “Let me go!” Pumpkin Cake demanded, apparently almost getting even more frustrated than she already was before. “Not until you apologize to Flurry’s plushie.” Poundcake explained; pointing to the only plushie that isn’t one of theirs. “Okay… I’m sorry Mr Snuggles… “ Pumpkin Cake said while looking at a plush toy monkey dressed in formal attire. “Now would you please let me go?!” Poundcake nodded and unraveled the blanket so Pumpkin Cake could be set free. “Thanks… “ Pumpkin replied as she then got up to dust herself off and stretch. “Don’t mention it.” Poundcake replied while cleaning up a little bit since he isn’t done playing just yet. “Can we go see sombwa… ?” Flurry Heart asked. “I’m bored… .” Pumpkin Cake sighs; having grown tired of Flurry’s whining, and replied with; “you’re always bored… “ while also tidying up a bit herself so the mess they’ve made won’t be much of a problem. “Besides… . I don’t think Sombra would want to play with you. I mean… . With you constantly whining and crying about over the littlest of things… .” Flurry Heart took quick offense to that, and shouted; “that’s not true!” And got a look that reads; “I’m gonna hurt you… .” Pumpkin Cake smirked, then said; “oh… ? Then what was that whining about being bored hmm??? Sure sounds like whining to me… .” Poundcake then got angry, and demanded; “alright that’s enough sister! You’ve made your point… . Now leave her alone!” Pumpkin Cake just laughed at that scene her brother was making, and said; “oh look… . The little knight is defending her princess… . Sure… . I’d say you’d make a great knight!” Sombra approached Pumpkin Cake and shouts; “alright that’s enough!” With Mrs Cake trailing behind. “Honestly… . Couldn’t you think of anything better to do other than making fun of her??? I mean… , she didn’t do anything to you at all personally… . And even if she did, then she probably didn’t mean it at the time.” Mrs Cake approached in front of her daughter, and demanded ; “now young lady… . I know that you and Flurry both had your differences ever since you and your brother first met her… . But that doesn’t mean you can just be mean to her for what she did to you in the past.” Pumpkin just scoffed, and said; “in the past… ? Well what about just now??? Huh??? I mean after all… .” Pumpkin then turned to point at Flurry Heart, and said; “she did after all wrap me in that blanket so I couldn’t move… .” Sombra looked towards Flurry Heart, and asked; “is that true… ?” Flurry Heart then sighs, nods, and then replied; “b-but I thought that we were playing a game… ?” Poundcake then replied with a slight chuckle; “oh we were… . Until Pumpkin decided to get angry because she thought that you had it too tight for her for when you were rolling her up in that blanket.” Sombra just sighs, and says; “you know what??? I heard enough. Clearly you two can’t be friends anymore because of your constant complaining about what she did to you and your sibling in the past. I mean sure she broke a toy that you two were fighting about… . But in her honest opinion, she was just trying to get you two to share the toy. I mean after all… . She thought that hey, if breaking something in two helps you share food with someone, then maybe that same principle applied to your toys… . Wouldn’t it?” Pumpkin Cake sighs, and then says with a blush; “I mean… sure… . But… .” Sombra interrupted with; “but what hmm??? But what… ?” Sombra said; his voice raised from anger. “I-I… . I-I… .” Pumpkin Cake began nervously. Unfortunately though, before she could say anything else, she heard what sounded like hissing, causing her to look down. Sombra sighs, looks to Flurry Heart, and asked; “was that you???” Thinking that she might’ve had an accident. Flurry Heart shook her head, and responded; “I’m clean… . Honest!” Just then, the group heard sniffling, and saw that Pumpkin Cake was crying; due to the fact that she had an accident; which is unfortunately noticeable by the puddle at the bottom of her backhooves. Concerned, Sombra asked; “what happened?” and knelt down. But also kept his distance for just in case of any potential tantrums or additional accidents. With tears in her eyes, Pumpkin Cake replied; “I-I got scared… . A-and then I… . Uh oh… .” Unfortunately, Pumpkin Cake’s puddle grew larger as she just had another accident, and then soon after that, she began to cry. Mrs Cake sighs, and then groans before saying; “this is just great… .” She sighs again before starting to rant; “I mean… . We just had them potty trained years ago… . Out of all those years… now Pumpkin has an accident? I mean… I was expecting Poundcake, but still… .” “Hey?!” was Poundcake’s response since he heard all that. “Okay enough!” Sombra replied before picking up Pumpkin Cake carefully. “Poundcake, help me warm up a bath for your sister. Mrs Cake, find some cleaning supplies for that puddle. And also… .” Sombra approached her before asking sincerely; “Please don’t be mad at your daughter… . It wasn’t her fault. She was just scared… . If I’m being honest, I’d have an accident too if I was severely frightened like that… .” “You would???” Pumpkin Cake asked. Sombra chuckled, then replied with; “not necessarily… no… . But if I had a full bladder, then a little… .” Pumpkin Cake giggled, and then said; “eww gross!” before laughing. Mrs Cake chuckled while shaking her head, and said; “okay that’s enough you two… . Go get cleaned up! I’ll just stay here and clean up. Now run along now… .” Sombra and Pumpkin both nodded before Sombra began walking towards the stairs. However, before they left, Mrs Cake asked; “oh and do please be careful Poundcake… . Not too hot now. You wouldn’t wanna hurt your sister now, would you?” Poundcake just rolled his eyes with a smirk, and said; “hey, if anything, I should worry about her hurting me.” Pumpkin smirked also, and started growling playfully while reaching for her brother. “See?” Poundcake replied before Pumpkin Cake giggled. Mrs Cake just chuckled while shaking her again before getting up to get the supplies. Flurry Heart soon followed Sombra close behind because she doesn’t wanna feel left out. “You okay now… ?” Sombra asked while kneeling down by the edge of the tub. Pumpkin nods with a blush to her cheeks and replied; “t-thanks Sombra… . I-I-I really mean it… .” Sombra then nods in return, before beginning to rub shampoo on Pumpkin’s head while she’s in the tub. Flurry Heart whimpered a bit, and then started to say; “I’m sowwy for being mean when we wewe foaws… .” Pumpkin just snickered, and said; “hey… it’s okay now… honest! We get it!” Pumpkin chuckled a bit before continuing, “we didn’t know that that’s what you were trying to do… . But then again me and Pound were still babies too… . So I guess we didn’t know any better… . Hehe… .” Pumpkin then blushed some more before finishing, “sorry for the misunderstanding… . And the uh… , m-mishap!” Flurry just smiled, and then said; “it’s okay… . I have accidents too… . And besides!” Flurry then got close to Pumpkin before replying; “I could use the sweets you two were throwing at me.. ! They were delicious!” Getting the joke, both Pound and Pumpkin Cake began laughing; along with Sombra following behind. Mrs Cake knocked on the door frame behind them, with Poundcake on her back since he misses it when he gets carried like that. Mrs Cake then said with a warm smile, “well now… . Aren’t you three getting along now.. .” Both Flurry and Sombra nodded, but Pumpkin blushed with embarrassment and looked away. “Not looking sis… . Don’t worry.. .” Poundcake said while looking away also, as he’s quite aware of privacy, and also because of the fact that he shouldn’t be here because his sister’s in the tub. Well sure ponies normally don’t wear clothes, so this is mainly a privacy reason… . That’s all. “We’re getting along here. No worries!” Sombra said, holding his shadow hands up as a means to appear less threatening. Mrs Cake nods, looks to her daughter, and said; “you know it’s okay if you have accidents honey… . Everyone has them.” Flurry Heart nods and points to her diaper, signifying that even she has accidents every once in a while… . Even if it’s sometimes more than once too. Poundcake then nods, and replied, “if I’m being honest here sis, I still remember that one time that I decided to eat something spicy during our trip to the pool, and my stomach wasn’t having it! Truth be told… it was pretty hilarious.” Poundcake ended his sentence by laughing. Mrs Cake scowled at her son with a glare, and slowly shook her head. This prompted both of the Cake Twins to start laughing; having remembered of their fond little memory together. Mrs Cake sighs, and then turns to help with finishing Pumpkin Cake’s bath by pouring water over her head so that way she can get any lingering soap or shampoo off or her daughter’s body. “There we are… all clean!” Mrs Cake then picked her up and quickly wrapped a towel around her so the boys wouldn’t see her. Blushing, yet smiling, Pumpkin Cake said; “thanks mama… .” and then waited to get dried up and have her ears and nose cleaned. Taking that as their cue, the three ponies left while the mother and daughter said behind to condone their bathroom rituals… . Meaning drying up Pumpkin Cake and cleaning her ears and nose with cotton swabs. “Well that could’ve been a lot worse… .“ Poundcake trailed off while walking down the stairs. “How so… ?” Sombra replied while walking down the stairs with the other two ponies. Poundcake stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and then looked to Sombra solemnly before sighing, and replying, “ever since we got captured by those bandits, my sister has been having accidents nonstop soon after we got back home… . We’ve tried everything, but it just didn’t seem to work… . Most of the time it only happens for whenever she gets afraid of something… . Well… more than afraid really… . A-and at other times it just… happens… , without her even realizing it. I’m really starting to feel bad now… . I just wish… .” Poundcake was stopped by Sombra, whom then replied, “hey kid, it’s not your fault, really… . I understand now… .” “Y-you do???” Poundcake replied. “Yeah!” Pumpkin Cake said from behind. “You’ve done all that you can to protect me from those bandits! I mean sure I got an accident problem ever since… . But it really wasn’t your fault. I really do appreciate it for when you’ve defended me like that… . I really do! So please brother… , whenever you feel like it’s your fault, just know that it never is your fault, and you are never to blame at all… . Okay?” Feeling better now, Poundcake then replied with a slight tear to his eye; “thanks sis… .” and then ran to slightly tackle her into a hug. Little surprised, yet also relieved that he didn’t fully tackle her, Pumpkin Cake then returned the hug, and then said; “you’re the best brother ever… .” and then the two remained like that for a little while. After that, the four ponies then got back downstairs to play a game with each other; with Mrs Cake watching from afar, and shaking her head with a smile before returning to the kitchen to make some dinner for her children, and guests. Some bites and some crumbs later… . “Wow that was good… .” Sombra said. “Who knew that she could cook?” The Cake Twins raised one of their hooves each in unison, and then laughed. Sombra rolled his eyes, and said sarcastically; “oh hahaha… . That’s funny.” before going back to eating his meal. Flurry Heart then decided to flip one of the carrot sticks that was on her plate into her mouth, and succeeded. After that, she then got it out so that way she’ll dip it into something before eating it. Cuz after all, kids of any kind have been known to hate eating veggies… . So the grownups would occasionally have their kids dip their vegetables into something, so that way it’ll taste great, and to also have kids eating their vegetables… . That’s all. After everyone ate, they then went to do their own things before the night is over… . The Cake Twins went to their play area to play dragons and knights, which involved a dragon plushie, and a wooden sword. Meanwhile Sombra and Flurry Heart are playing flight; which involves Sombra lifting Flurry Heart high into the air, and with Flurry Heart giggling and flapping her wings while she’s being held up; pretending to fly. Soon after that, everyone went upstairs to get ready for bed. Half an hour later… . “I can’t sweep… .” Flurry Heart said as she’s lying on one of the Cake Twins’ beds. “Us too.” the Cake Twins said in unison while occupying the other one. Sombra sighs, and then says; “well… neither can I… . Mostly because of you three saying that for the past half hour.” The three kids all frowned and looked down in shame. Sighing again; not just due to exhaustion, but also to keep his cool, Sombra then looked at them, and asked; “Well what do you wanna do??? It’s getting pretty late.” The three little ponies looked to be thinking of something, but couldn’t think of anything and shook their heads no as a means to say that they’ve got nothing. Sighing, knowing that this is a little too premature for them, Sombra suggests this. “How about I read you three a bedtime story for the night. Huh??? What do you say?” The three instantly gathered together and looked at Sombra in anticipation. Shocked, surprised, stunned, and so on, Sombra just stood there blinking his eyes; before regaining his composure and starts sitting down so he’ll be able to get comfortable to tell them a little story before bed. “And Gusty the Great ran off into the sunset, wondering what other adventures that she’ll have in the future… . The end.” Sombra then saw that the three little ponies are asleep. Seeing the site as cute, Sombra then smiled, got up, and then went to leave the room… . But not before fixing the blanket for them, and then turning the nightlight on in case some of them might have a fear of the dark, and slowly closed the door before going downstairs; searching for his own room to sleep in for the night. “Tomorrow will be a good day… “ Sombra wondered. “At least… I hope so… .” Soon after, he found where he could sleep, and then went inside to go to bed. Unfortunately for him, tomorrow will be a very long day… . Here’s to hoping that he’ll handle it. One way or another… .