A Screwy Reunion

by cosmicriff

Chapter 1

It was a bright sunny day in Canterlot. Many years had passed since Twilight’s coronation and she was settling into her new job as ruler of Equestria quite nicely. She was now about Luna’s size and had a small flowing mane from all the magic she had acquired, but was able to manage it much better than when she had both Celestia and Luna’s powers before.

“Emergency letter for Princess Twilight!” a worried looking teenage Spike rushed in with a scroll. Twilight calmly took the scroll from her assistant, thinking he was over performing for his new job, but her eyes practically bulged out of her head when she read it.

“A BABY!?” she exclaimed, her eyes going wide. “Fluttershy and Discord are having a baby!?!?”

Spike didn’t have time to react as Twilight shoved the scroll back into his hands and began looking through books and writing on another piece of paper.

“Spike! Get my carriage ready! We’re going to ponyville!”


Twilight could not stop talking on the way to Fluttershy’s

“What do you think it’ll look like, Spike? There’s never been any records of a baby draconequus in Equestria! Let alone a hybrid!”
“Well you don’t have to wonder much longer” Spike said. “Cause we’re here!”

Fanfare played loudly as the princess landed in Ponyville. Everypony turned and stared in awe at their new ruler in front of them, but Twilight didn’t want to waste any time. She made a straight beeline to Fluttershy’s cottage, where she said she’d be.

“Why do you think Fluttershy wanted to stay in her cottage instead of the hospital?” Spike asked.
“Something about it being more natural like her own animals I guess” Twilight replied


When she got there, her friends were already waiting outside the cottage.

“Hi girls! Are you all waiting for something?” Twilight asked.

“Well darling, it seems it’s taking a bit longer than expected.” Rarity explained. “We wanted to go in and offer support but, draconequi can get quite protective.”

“Speaking of parenting…” Twilight started
“How’s Little Cheesecake, Pinkie Pie?”

“Oh he’s just the cutsiest wootsiest little cheese ball ever!” Pinkie exclaimed.
“He reeeaaally wanted to come today. You would not BELIEVE what Cheese Sandwich had to do to get him to stay! That foal just doesn’t take no for an answer!”

Twilight giggled, when suddenly the cottage door opened with a creak and a tired looking Fluttershy with a disheveled mane popped out.

“She’s here everypony” she said in a meek, but proud voice.
The six friends all looked at each other and smiled before stepping into the cottage.

Discord was curled up on the floor, and right in the middle resting on his tail was the baby.

Her head was a dark reddish brown and her body was a light brown with light markings on her back like a deer. She had brown and yellow Pegasus wing and one bat wing like her father, but the bat wing looked reminiscent of Flutterbat’s wings. She had one deer leg and one bunny leg, and in the front, one light yellow bear arm and one light yellow hoof like Fluttershy’s. She had a long green dragon tail, and to top it off, she had huge rabbit ears almost the size of her body draping over her face.

Fluttershy’s friends could only stare in awe at the small creature. In a mix of amazement, curiosity, and just cause she was so cute.

“Well I’ll be.” Applejack said softly.
“That there’s the most unique lil critter I ever did see.”

“She is absolutely adorable.” Rarity chimed in

“She’s amazing.” Twilight said to her postpartum friend. “Have you thought of any names?”

“Well since she’s a mix of all sorts of woodland creatures, we were thinking of calling her Fauna.” Fluttershy answered.

“Oh that’s perfect.” Rarity commented.

Everypony went silent as the baby slowly started to move. Her eyes opened to beautiful pinkish orange orbs with light cream sclera.

Meanwhile, in the far dark corners of Discord’s chaos dimension, something had awoken. Something vengeful, as if it was triggered directly by the arrival of the new baby draconequus.


Fluttershy and Discord awoke to the sound of rain on their window. But not just any rain, chocolate rain, and the sky was pink with cotton candy clouds.

“Discord..” Fluttershy mumbled.
“Are you messing with the weather?”

Discord rolled over and groggily rubbed his eyes.
“That’s..not me dear. Could it be the baby?”

Discord teleported them into the baby’s room but only found her curled up fast asleep, as if she wasn’t even aware of what was happening.

“That’s odd.” Fluttershy commented
“If it’s not you, and it’s not Fauna, who could be causing this?” Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

They opened the door to find an annoyed Twilight, sopping wet with chocolate milk.

“I was called over here because of an emergency chaos report. I know Fauna’s just a baby, but you have got to keep her powers under control!”

“It’s not her!” Fluttershy defended
“I swear we have no idea what’s causing this!”

Suddenly they heard a crash of thunder and a high pitched cackle. They looked up at the source of the laugh to see a pink earth pony with a swirly white and purple mane standing on one of the clouds.

Discord’s pupils went small with fear.
“Oh no…”

“Remember me? Daddy?!


“Get inside!” Discord exclaimed.

“Do you know that pony?” Fluttershy asked.

“GET INSIDE NOW!” Discord hurried them back into the cottage.

“What is going on Discord!? Do you know that pony!?” Twilight demanded

“That’s not a pony!” Discord exclaimed.
“That’s Screwball! Back when I first tried to take over Equestria I got lonely, so I created a pony made of pure chaos who I could relate to and keep my company!”

“But you said you never had a friend before us!” Fluttershy exclaimed.
“Well the thing is, she wasn’t really my friend.” Discord started to cringe.

“Since I created her, she was kinda like my daughter, and she treated me like her dad.”
Twilight and Fluttershy gasped in unison.
“I guess the new baby must’ve awakened something in her and she’s come back for revenge!” Discord continued. “She was always bitter and distant ever since I was reformed but this must’ve been the last straw!”

“Do you think I could reason with her? If I can reform you maybe I can get through to her as well?” Fluttershy inquired.

“Well as you can see, she’s a bit more passionate about chaos than I am.” Discord replied. “Since I basically raised her, chaos is kinda all she knows.”

Fluttershy rushed into Fauna’s room and put her into a baby carrier on her back.

“Come on! We have to get the others and find the elements of harmony!” Twilight exclaimed as they ran off.