Double the Trouble

by Supernova08

Have You Tried Superglue?

“Sonata! Put the fire out!” Aria shouted angrily. A crimson blaze crackled over the stovetop, sending black smoke to fill the tiny three-bedroom apartment.

“I’m trying, Aria! How do you even put out a fire!?” Sonata yelled back.

“How do you even-!? Ugh!” Aria facepalmed. “We would never be in this situation if it weren’t for you!” 

Sonata gasped. “Not true! You’re the one who was supposed to watch the pan while I went to take a nap!”

Aria rolled her eyes. “It’s not my responsibility to keep you from starting fires,” she replied sardonically. Suddenly, both Aria and Sonata were shoved to the side. 

“Wah!” They both yelped in surprise.

“Move.” A few quick motions released a white gas from its bright red container. The user moved it in a sweeping motion and the fire was put out with a satisfying hiss. The leader of the sirens set down the fire extinguisher and faced her companions with a menacing glare.“You imbeciles! Are you trying to burn this place down?” Adagio's face was twisted with irritation.

“It was her fault!” Sonata and Aria said in unison, pointing and glaring at each other accusingly. 

“Nuh-uh!” Sonata retorted.

“Yes, it was,” Aria growled.

“No, it wasn’t!”

Adagio groaned. “I don’t care who started it at this point! Just open the windows and let the smoke escape.” All three ran to a different window, unhitching the latches and letting the cool outside air rush into the apartment. The smoke became increasingly less prevalent as it escaped into the atmosphere. 

Aria tossed the charred remnants of a frying pan into the garbage can, glancing at it with disgust. “Ugh, I hate this world, and I hate this apartment. If only we had our powers, then we could just charm whoever we want into giving us their house.”

Adagio clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. “Well if you haven’t noticed already, Aria, then you should note that cannot happen anytime soon. None of this would have happened if it weren’t for those stupid Rainbooms and that infuriating Sunset Shimmer.”

“Yeah! Those Rainbooms and this place are the worst!” Sonata chimed in. “Well, maybe except for the tacos, those are pretty great,” 

“Oh shut up, Sonata,” Aria replied.

Adagio put a hand to her forehead and shook her head. “You two are so annoying.” She made her way to the door. “I’m going out for a walk. Unless you want to smell like smoke, I suggest you follow.” Adagio left the apartment, leaving the remaining sirens to scramble after her.

With her hands on her hips, Adagio strutted down the sidewalk. She let the breeze rush through her curly hair and relished in the feeling of contentment that came every time a stranger made her way. Aria and Sonata copied her, trailing from behind at a close distance. Though they didn’t have their powers anymore, they wouldn’t allow what little remained of their pride to be shattered. Despite what others might think, the Dazzlings didn’t have much in common anymore, with their powers destroyed they were as different as the land, sea, and sky.

Adagio craved the feeling of dominance no matter where she went, without that feeling she felt lost. Even if it were only strangers, even if it were her companions with who she had spent most of her time within Equestria and this horrid world, if she was in control then everything would be fine. 

Aria hated feeling weak. Putting up a front and being on guard, sometimes even in front of her two best friends. Though she was a pessimist, Aria was quite confident that she could do just as well at being a leader as Adagio was.

Sonata didn’t always understand what was going on every second of the day, but that didn’t mean she was dumb. She was tired of Adagio and Aria making fun of her for not knowing things. It wasn’t her fault that she was so confused right?

It was a wonder why they all still stayed together. Was it because they were the only ones they had left to remind them of Equestria? Was it because they had nowhere else to go? Or was it because they really did care? It didn’t matter at this point, neither of them had plans to leave the other two and neither of them wanted it anyway. 

Nearing their destination, the Dazzlings could see the foliage of green trees and the entrance to where they wished to go. The neighborhood’s public park. The three companions often went here to calm down. It was where they went after their defeat during the Battle of the Bands, and it was where they went when the world around them became too overwhelming. They especially liked the pond that was located within the park. Because the ocean was quite a long way from where they lived, this was the closest the sirens would get to a large body of water. It reminded them of the sea they had once called home.

Kneeling and dipping her fingers into the cool water, Aria suddenly gave a shake of her head.

“Sonata, I can’t believe you set the stove on fire again. This is like the fifth time this month!” Aria then gave a critical expression. “Okay, I take that back, I can believe that.”

Sonata lunged towards Aria so they were face to face. “Hey! It’s not like I’m setting fires every day! Besides, this one was totally your fault. You were supposed to watch the pan!”

 “Will you two shut up about that already?” Adagio intervened. “Look, we have much bigger issues right now than burnt pans.” She reached into her pocket and grabbed a plastic bag holding all three broken pendants. Their blood-red color gleamed in the sunlight, catching Aria and Sonata’s attention.

“You brought those with us? I thought that those Rainbooms took them. I was wondering where they went,” Aria said, examining them. 

“Yes, now all we need to figure out is how to put them back together,” Adagio replied.

“But how? I thought they were broken for good!” Sonata asked.

“Everything can be put back together, nothing has to stay broken,” Adagio said with a smirk. “Now, help me think of ideas.”

“What about superglue? I heard the stuff works wonders,” Sonata suggested.

“No, Sonata, we will most likely need a magical solution, our only problem is where to find it,” said Adagio.

“But I thought this world doesn’t have magic, Adagio. The only exception being those annoying Rainbooms,” Aria added.

“Yes, that is a problem. However, I believe that there is still a way.” All three Dazzlings put a hand to her chin, thinking intensely. Suddenly, there was a large boom and the whole park shook. A shockwave only the Dazzlings could feel pulsed from the center of the park, making them stumble to regain their footing.

“Woah! What the heck was that!” Aria exclaimed. 

“I’m not quite sure, but did you feel that?” Adagio said, a growing smile on her face.

“Yes! It was magic!” Sonata shouted. Adagio ran towards the source of the mysterious shockwave, leaving Aria and Sonata in her dust.

“Hey wait up!” They both yelled. Aria quickly followed after her, Sonata trying her best to keep up. When Aria finally caught up with Adagio, she stopped quickly, leaving Sonata to crash into her from behind.

“Hey!” Aria tried to yell, but Adagio put a hand over her mouth.

“Quiet, you two.” Peering from behind a tree, the Dazzlings saw a spectacle they hadn’t seen in a while. A glowing, purple portal, with swirling magic on the inside was open. Beneath it was three figures sprawled out with their backs on the grass. Each was a woman about the age of a college student. One with long white hair tied into a ponytail with a turquoise band, one with short curly purple hair, and one with long brown hair and blond accents. All three of them wore gloves,  a tight body suit, and stunning eyeshadow. The one with white hair had a cape. The final thing the Dazzlings noticed was that each of them had a letter on their suits. White hair had an “I”, purple hair had an “S”, and finally, the lady with brown hair had a “D”.

The Dazzlings held their breath as the three mysterious ladies began to stir.

“Ugh, every bone in my body hurts,” The purple-haired woman said.

“Who knew interdimensional travel would be so taxing,” The brown-haired woman replied.

“Where even are we?” The purpled-haired woman questioned. “Come to think of it, this place reminds me of Earth.” She brushed her suit off. ”Is it possible that the spell simply sent us to Earth?”

“No,” The white-haired woman responded. “The spell was not designed to take us to Earth, only a place supposedly with magic. As far as I know, Earth doesn't have magic.” The white-haired woman sported an analytical face. She then lifted her feet off the ground and began floating, the others following her lead. “This means that there is magic here somewhere. Come on sisters, let us explore this place.”

Unbeknownst to the three newcomers, the Dazzlings were still watching from behind a tree with mixed reactions. Sonata’s draw dropped and Aria stared with wide eyes. Adagio, however, simply grinned.

“Girls, I think we may have found our solution.” The sound of Adagio’s sinister laugh floated along the wind.