//------------------------------// // Confessions of a Rat // Story: As the Apple Blooms // by The FraudulentBrit //------------------------------// As The Apple Blooms Part 78; Confessions of a Rat To most teenagers, the act of cleaning an old shop front could only be described as one of, if not, the most tedious and boring chores one could be tasked with. Thankfully, Apple Bloom was not like most other teenagers, at least when it came to menial chores around the house. As she scrubbed the wooden floor, the former farm girl found herself consumed by her work, focused intensely on a rather stubborn stain that refused to go away. “Come on, you’ve been annoyin’ me for long enough.” She angrily muttered to herself as she scrubbed the stubborn stain. Apple Bloom was just thankful that right now she only had to worry about a dirty floor and dusty shelves. The previous night, the former farm girl and Sideswipe practically ran from one side of town to the other in a desperate search for Marble Pie. After finding her (and dealing with her less than kind father), they’d spent the rest of the night comforting the gray geologist with her sister. Now that it was a new day, Marble was taking the time to reconnect with her sisters, leaving the others to their own tasks for the day. After what seemed like an eternity, Apple Bloom finally removed the cursed stain from the hardwood floor. Wiping the sweat from her brow, the former farm girl complimented herself, “There we go. You’re gettin’ good at this Apple Bloom.” Before she could move on to another stain, the red-haired girl was distracted by the sound of Chromia’s voice, “I had a feeling you’d be in here.” Turning to face her aunt, Apple Bloom playfully replied, “Well, Ah do try to do what Uncle Ironhide tells me to do Aunt Chromia. Besides, Ah know better than to try skippin’ work.” The former farm girl shuddered as she remembered her encounter with “the belt” when she refused to clean the barn as she was told when she was younger. Smiling, Chromia continued, “I was just going to tell you that I’m on lunch duty today, and I’m thinking of making some sandwiches.” Apple Bloom lit up as she asked, “Ooh! You need a hand?” The older woman replied, “I would appreciate the help, as long as you’ve got everything done over here.” The former farm girl took a moment to inspect the floor, trying to find any noticeable stain or marks, only to find nothing. Confidently crossing her arms, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah think Ah’ve got everything clear over here.” Chromia nodded as she began, “Alright. Now if you’ll follow me, we can start with…” She was distracted by something behind the former farm girl as she awkwardly asked, “Arcee?” “Arcee?” Apple Bloom asked. “What does Arcee have to do with makin’ lunch?” After all, Arcee didn’t live at the chop shop and hadn’t stopped by for a request for anything. Of course, this led to the former farm girl thinking, ‘Stoppin’ by?’ Turning around to face the front door, Apple Bloom found that Arcee was approaching from her parked car. Thinking quickly, the former farm girl opened the door for the pink woman. Walking up to her, Arcee remarked, “Why thank you kindly Apple Bloom.” She then turned to Chromia as she continued, “Hello Chromia. Good to see you again.” Extending her hand, Chromia replied, “Good to see you too. What brings you over to this neck of the woods?” Shaking her friend’s hand, Arcee answered, “Well, I need a little help. I ordered some new furniture for the house.” She then leant into Chromia’s ear as she quipped, “It was starting to fall apart.” As Chromia and Apple Bloom took this in, the pink woman continued, “While everything arrived today, the cheapskate I bought it from didn’t offer to help one bit. And with Rattrap not exactly….” Pausing for a moment to consider the right way to phrase her son’s condition, she settled on, “… possessing much in the way of muscle mass, I need some help getting everything in.” Arcee took a deep breath as she asked, “You think you guys might be able to help us?” Apple Bloom didn’t hesitate to reply, “Ah’m willin’ to help out.” The former farm girl then turned to face her aunt as she added, “Only if it’s ok with you guys of course.” Thankfully, Chromia replied, “The boys might be a bit busy, but I know I’m more than willing to help out, and I can ask Sideswipe if she’s up to it.” Relieved, Arcee asked, “Thanks. When can you guys be over?” Pondering over this question for a moment, Chromia answered, “We don’t have any immediate deadlines, so I suppose we could be over in a few hours.” Nodding, Arcee replied, “Thank you. You girls are a lifesaver. I’m gonna head home and tell Rattrap. Hopefully we can get the light stuff in by the time you get there.” Chromia replied, “No problem. Besides, it’s always good to get out of the house every now and then.” Now that everything was settled, Arcee departed the shop front as she bade, “See you girls in a few hours.” Once the pink woman was gone, Apple Bloom let out a small sigh as she quipped, “Looks like Ah better pick up the pace to finish everythin’ around here.” Before she could say anything else, Apple Bloom heard (and felt) her stomach rumble. The former farm girl let out an embarrassed chuckle as she corrected, “Of course Ah could go for lunch first.” Smiling, Chromia replied, “Come on. Let’s get some lunch ready.” With that, aunt and niece made their way to the kitchen, intent on making a nice lunch for everyone. Arcee’s Home, Three Hours Later…. As the family’s red van pulled up to Arcee’s house, Apple Bloom was quick to notice a moving trailer placed comfortably in front of the pink building. On the lawn sat a brand new couch, two comfort chairs, and a wooden/glass cabinet that one would use to store fancy porcelain. Taking it all in, the former farm girl quipped, “Looks like we all got our work cut out for us.” From the other side of the van, Sideswipe confidently straightened her vest as she replied, “Nothing I haven’t handled before.” When Apple Bloom turned around to face her sister, the pale biker continued, “I often had to clean up after dad’s temper tantrums. That means rearranging everything on your own.” Once the van was parked, Chromia turned around as she added, “Well, this time you won’t be doing anything on your own. I don’t want either of you getting yourselves hurt.” Both girls nodded as Apple Bloom replied, “Ah understand Aunt Chromia.” The older woman smiled as she continued, “Alright then. Let’s not keep Arcee and Rattrap waiting.” As everyone exited the red van, Arcee made her way towards the trio, followed closely by a nervous Rattrap. The scrawny teen was dressed in a gray tee shirt, khaki colored shorts, and black and white sneakers while his hair was unkempt and sweaty, a sign he’d been physically exerting himself. Making her way up to his friends, Rattrap greeted, “Hey Apple Bloom. Hey Sideswipe. Great to see you guys again.” As he extended his hand, Apple Bloom pulled him into a hug as she enthusiastically replied, “Good to see you too buddy! Come here!” Though he was momentarily caught off guard, Rattrap relented and hugged his friend back. Once they finished their hug, Sideswipe asked, “So, what do you need help with?” Rattrap pointed to the sofa resting on the lawn as he began, “So Arcee wants that couch there as part of the centerpiece of the living room, but first we gotta get rid of the old one.” He then held onto his arm as he dejectedly added, “Apparently I’m too weak to help her.” From behind her, Apple Bloom heard an exasperated Arcee reply, “We already went over this Rattrap. Your still significantly underweight, and I don’t want you straining yourself.” The scrawny teen wiped a few beads of sweat from his brow as he replied, “I know.” Thankfully for the scrawny teen, Apple Bloom reassured him, “It’s alright. You can always act as our eyes for gettin’ things where they need to be.” Rattrap gave a small smile as he replied, “Thanks.” Sideswipe then asked, “So, we gonna stand around and twiddle or are we gonna get this done?” Turning to face her sister, Apple Bloom replied, “Yeah! How hard can it be?” Ten Minutes Later… “Ok, a little to the left….” Rattrap instructed as he tried to guide Apple Bloom and Sideswipe out of the front door. Both girls were carrying the de-cushioned couch out of the house. As they almost collided with the wall, Rattrap warned, “No, your left.” Sideswipe glared at the scrawny teen as she practically growled, “We are going to the left!” Apple Bloom warned, “Come on! We can’t stop now. We gotta get this thing outside before….” The former farm girl found herself quickly losing her strength as her arms began to give out. ‘Come on Apple Bloom.’ The red-haired girl thought to herself. ‘Just a few more feet and then we can set it down.’ Sure enough, once the trio made it past the front door and down the front porch, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but blurt out, “Sorry! Ah gotta set this thing down!” With that, she set down her end of the couch, sending it straight down to the ground.” As Sideswipe gently lowered her end of the couch, Apple Bloom apologized, “Sorry Sideswipe. Guess mah arms aren’t as strong as mah legs.” The pale biker made her way up to her sister and rested her hand on her shoulder as she reassured her, “It’s alright Apple Bloom. Not everyone can have my superb strength.” She then struck a bodybuilder’s pose as she kissed her biceps, leaving Apple Bloom and Rattrap flabbergasted as they realized just how muscular Sideswipe was (at least compared to themselves.) From behind the trio of teens, Arcee called out, “You kids need us to take it from here.” Turning around, the former farm girl found the pink woman and Arcee making their way up to them as the former requested, “You mind getting that end?” The blue woman nodded as she replied, “I don’t mind one bit. As Chromia and Arcee carried the older couch towards the moving trailer, Rattrap remarked, “While they’re doin’ that, I think we might be able to get the chairs. Come on.” He then led his friends towards the two chairs resting near the trailer as he added, “I can show you guys where Arcee wants them.” Apple Bloom made her way towards one of the chairs and picked it up as Sideswipe lifted the other one. Once they had both chairs secured, Rattrap called out, “Alright. Follow me.” As both girls followed their friend, the scrawny teen continued, “Ok, we’re thinking of setting them on opposite sides of the coffee table.” As they entered the front door, Rattrap gently guided them with, “Alright. You’re doin’ good. You’re good. You’re good.” Once they were in the living room, he ordered, “Apple Bloom, you set your chair over here. Sideswipe, set yours over there.” Once both girls set their chairs down, Rattrap apologized, “Sorry I can’t help with much more other than orderin’ you guys around.” Apple Bloom rested her hand on the scrawny teen’s shoulder as she reassured him, “It’s alright. Ah’m just happy to help.” As Rattrap smiled, Sideswipe quipped, “Yeah. Besides, I’d have probably just dumped everything all willy nilly.” Feeling a little better, Rattrap continued, “Alrighty then. Now, next we’ll need to…” Ninety Minutes Later…. Finally setting the last piece of furniture (specifically a footrest for one of the comfy chairs) down, Apple Bloom wiped the sweat from her brow as she quipped, “Who needs a gym membership with chores like this?” As Sideswipe and Rattrap gave her confused looks, the former farm girl scratched the back of her neck as she sheepishly chuckled, “Ok that one was kinda corny.” Rattrap walked up to her as he replied, “Eh, coulda been worse.” The tranquil moment was ruined when the three teens heard the sound of Arcee screaming in fear. Rattrap’s pupils immediately shrank as he nervously muttered, “Not again.” He then darted off towards his guardian, followed by a concerned Apple Bloom and Sideswipe. As they ran, the former farm girl asked, “What’s goin’ on?” After a few moments, Apple Bloom found her answer. Sitting right in the middle of the foyer, munching on a discarded cracker, was none other than a gray rat that could only be Rattrap’s pet Munchy. Off to the side stood a petrified Arcee, the pink woman’s face having turned almost entirely white. And standing next to her, trying to calm her down, was Chromia, who was also somewhat unsettled by the sight of this small rodent enjoying his snack so brazenly in the open. As the three teens made their way closer to them, Arcee glared at her young ward as she angrily barked, "Rattrap! What have I told you about keeping your little friend in his cage?!” The scrawny teen knelt down and extended his hand, allowing Munchy to crawl up his arm and up to his shoulder as he apologized, “Sorry. Guess Munchy wanted a snack.” He then looked lovingly at his little rodent, who nodded as he gobbled up the last morsel of his cracker. Tiptoeing up to her friend, Apple Bloom nervously asked, “Munchy gettin’ up to trouble?” Nodding, Rattrap replied, “Yeah. This little guy here is a bottomless pit, and once he gets hungry, nothing gets in his way.” He then booped the little rat on the nose as he playfully asked, “Don’t you?” The admittedly adorable moment was ruined when Arcee crossed her arms as she ordered, “Fine. Just please take him back to your room?” Nodding in defeat, Rattrap replied, “Alright. Come on Munchy.” He then turned to Apple Bloom as he asked, “You wanna see my room?” Apple Bloom replied with an enthusiastic, “You bet!” she then turned to Sideswipe as she added, “Come on.” The pale biker shrugged as she playfully quipped, “Eh. I don’t have anything better to do right now.” Smiling, Rattrap bade his friends, “Come on. Follow me.” The three teens then made their way to Rattrap’s room as Arcee turned to Chromia and began, “Sometimes I wonder why I let him keep that rat. I know he keeps it well fed and everything, but mice and rats just creep me the hell out and….” Rattrap’s Room… “So, what do you guys think?” Rattrap nervously asked as Apple Bloom and Sideswipe entered his bedroom. The former farm girl couldn’t help but admire just how surprisingly organized everything was. His bed was nestled in the far corner, there was a writing desk that housed a glass cage for Munchy on the other side of the room next to the window and laying all around the floor in simple stacks were countless books on botany and farming. “Ah gotta say, looks like someone’s been busy readin’ up on farmin’.” Apple Bloom complimented as she took everything in. Making his way to the glass case, Rattrap opened the cage and allowed Munchy to crawl back into his “home” as he replied, “Thanks. After spendin’ so long scroungin’ for food, I wanted to make sure I’d always have somethin’.” He then let out a gentle chuckle as he added, “That and Arcee says she wants me to build up muscle mass.” Sideswipe then stepped forward as she asked, “Speaking of food, I heard you were growing a garden. That true?” The scrawny teen lit up with delight as he asked, “Wait! You wanna know about my garden?” Momentarily caught off guard, the pale biker regained her composure and, straightening her vest, replied, “Yeah. Apple Bloom said you were practically a farmer.” Smiling, Rattrap began, “Well, ever since I got Munchy here to stop trespassin’ in my gardin’, everything has been easy peazy lemon squeezy. My tomato plants are producin’ bigger and bigger tomatoes, my sunflowers are doing great, and my first yield of potatoes was a massive success!” He then let out a gentle chuckle as he continued, “Of course I spent a while fretting over the potatoes gettin’ something called blight. Arcee says that blight ruined the potato crop in several countries, particularly in…” Stopping himself, Rattrap apologized, “Sorry. Guess I just got a little carried away.” Thankfully, Apple Bloom reassured him, “It’s alright. And if Ah may, watchin’ you getting’ so excited about farmin’ was kinda cute.” Almost immediately, Rattrap began to blush as he stammered, “C-c-cc---cute?” Before Apple Bloom could say anything in response, the scrawny teen raised his finger as he asked, “One moment please.” He then made his way out of his room and, out of sight of his friends, began to fully flush his face bright red as he muttered to himself, “Ugh, why now? Why does bein’ around Apple Bloom make me feel this way?” As he struggled to calm down, Rattrap was distracted when he heard the former farm girl ask, “What do you mean Ah make you feel this way?” Jumping up in fear as he realized Apple Bloom had heard him, Rattrap asked, “What are you doin’? I thought I said I needed a minute?” Shaking her head, the former farm girl bluntly answered, “Ah guess Ah just have good hearin’. Either that or you weren’t as quiet as you thought.” As the scrawny teen, Apple Bloom asked, “But you said somethin’ about feelin’ weird around me. Ah haven’t done anythin’ to push you away, have Ah?” Starting to slightly panic, Rattrap tried to reassure her, “No! You didn’t do anythin’! At least, nothin’ bad.” As Sideswipe silently joined the two, Apple Bloom replied, “Uh, that’s good? Ah think?” However, the scrawny teen’s mood changed from nervous to resigned as he remarked, “But I guess I better get this off my chest.” As Apple Bloom and Sideswipe took this in, Rattrap began, “Apple Bloom, after you found out I was…. Ya know….” Pausing to compose himself, the scrawny teen continued, “….Livin’ off the streets and you and your uncle introduced me to Arcee, I’ve been having these…. Weird feelings about you.” Confused, Apple Bloom asked, “What do you mean by feelin’s?” Taking a deep breath, Rattrap elaborated, “I mean…. Feelings feelings. The kind of feelings you get when someone means a lot to you.” Feeling his eyes water just a bit, the scrawny teen continued, “Like, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head for months. Just thinking about you makes me feel, I dunno, good?” Finally mustering enough strength to admit his feelings, Rattrap said what had been eating at him for so long. “Apple Bloom, I like you.” Apple Bloom’s eyes widened as she realized just what Rattrap had admitted. ‘He’s got a crush on me.’ The former farm girl thought to herself. As she took everythin’ in, Sideswipe couldn’t help but quip, “Wow. Honestly, I should have seen this coming.” Needless to say, both Apple Bloom and Rattrap gave the pale biker glares that basically screamed “Shut up.” Sighing to himself, Rattrap continued, “I’m sorry. I’ve been sitting on this whole thing for a while and, well, by the time I realized how I was feelin’, you said you had a boyfriend, and I didn’t want to get in between you an’ Tender Taps and once I met him, I realized he’s actually really cool and….” “Rattrap!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, momentarily startling her friend. Sighing, the former farm girl rested her hands on Rattrap’s shoulders as she replied, “Rattrap, Ah’m honored you feel that way, but even if Tender Taps and Ah weren’t….” Pausing for a moment, she continued, “Ah just don’t see you the same way you see me.” Apple Bloom wasn’t lying. While she cared for Rattrap, she just couldn’t see herself as ever being in a relationship with him. The scrawny teen was simply too emotional, easy to anger, and in truth she knew he had more pressing issues to attend to than a relationship. Sadly, Apple Bloom didn’t need to say anything, as Rattrap read her face and dejectedly interrupted, “I knew it wouldn’t end well. I just needed to get if off my chest.” Feeling her own eyes start to water up, Apple Bloom shook her head replied, “Just because Ah don’t like you in a romantic way doesn’t mean Ah don’t love you!” As Rattrap took this in, the former farm girl reassured him, “Ah know this might be a little corny, but Ah can’t help but think of you as somethin’ like a little brother, or just a brother in general.” As Rattrap took this in, Apple Bloom continued, “Ah know we haven’t had many opportunities to hang out, but ever since we met Ah’ve been frettin’ about you, kinda like how Ah fret about Double Shuffle. Just….” Taking his hand, the former farm girl reassured him, “Ah guess Ah don’t really know just quite the right way to phrase this, but Ah do care about you.” Smiling as he began to sniffle, Rattrap pulled Apple Bloom into a massive hug as he happily squealed, “Thanks Apple Bloom!” Hugging her friend back, the former farm girl reassured him, “You’re welcome Rattrap.” Even Sideswipe couldn’t help but shrug as she quipped, “Oh what the hell?” and joined in on the hug. Once everyone released each other, Rattrap apologized, “Sorry for gettin’ all mushy. Guess even after all this, I still have new things to learn about havin’ friends.” Apple Bloom let out a gentle chuckle as she reassured him, “It’s alright. Take it from me, anyone can use a lesson on friendship anytime.” Sideswipe then quipped, “You know, maybe someone should open something like a school of friendship.” As Apple Bloom and Rattrap gave her confused looks, the pale biker shrugged as she continued, “Ok, maybe that’s not a great idea after all.” All three teens couldn’t help but laugh at this remark, thankful that they’d gotten the day’s quota for emotional turmoil out of the way. A Short While Later… As Chromia and her daughters made their way towards the family’s crimson van, Arcee called out, “Thank you all so much for helping out today. You guys are a life saver.” The scrapper matriarch nodded as she replied, “It was no problem Arcee. We need to do this again.” She then paused for a moment as she added, “The hanging out part.” Apple Bloom then turned to face Rattrap as she added, “Same here. If you ever wanna hang out, you know how to find me.” She then gave him a playful nudge as she quipped, “Ah can show you what it’s like havin’ a sister.” Smiling, Rattrap replied, “I think that sounds like a plan.” The playful moment was ruined when Chromia called out, “Come on Apple Bloom. We need to hurry home or Ratchet is gonna get crabby.” Sideswipe then added, “Yeah. Last thing we need is him holding dinner up by going on about being punctual.” The former farm girl nodded as she replied, “Alright. Just a moment.” Pulling Rattrap into a final goodbye hug, the former farm girl reassured him, “Take care of yourself buddy.” The scrawny teen hugged her back as he happily replied, “You too Apple Bloom.” Once they finished their hug, Apple Bloom gave a final, “Keep Munchy out of trouble.” With that, Apple Bloom, Chromia, and Sideswipe entered the family’s red van and departed, all while Arcee turned to Rattrap as she remarked, “What are we gonna do with your little rat friend?” The scrawny teen replied, “Well, for starters, we could….” The Chop Shop…. Once the van pulled up to the chop shop, Apple Bloom exited the vehicle to be greeted by a familiar black ball of fur running up to her and leaping into her chest. As she fell backwards, the former farm girl laughed as she replied, “Good to see you too Sparkplug. You really gotta stop leapin’ into me like a cannonball though.” The highland terrier simply kissed his “master” in the face as she replied, “Alright. Ah love you too.” The happy moment was ruined when Ironhide emerged from the chop shop as he called out, “Hey, you girls might want to wait out here for a little bit.” Confused, Sideswipe asked, “What’s going on?” The family patriarch scratched the back of his head as he nervously began, “Well, apparently Wreck-Gar began having some technical issues and….” He was interrupted by the sound of a chainsaw revving up from inside the chop shop. Before Apple Bloom could ask what it was, she heard the sound of Wheeljack angrily demanding, “Put down that chainsaw and listen to me!” All Apple Bloom could say was, “Ah got a feelin’ this isn’t normal.” Shaking his head, Ironhide replied, “You can say that again. You ever seen Wreck-Gar go crazy like this?” Apple Bloom and Sideswipe looked at each other as the latter grumbled, “Not this again.” The family patriarch immediately asked, “You mean that tin can did this before?” Before either teen could answer, Wreck-Gar barged out of the chop shop, his eye once again turned yellow and chainsaw in his hand as he manically cackled, “Let’s tear this place a new arsehole!” The metal man then began to charge right at everyone. Only to run out of power and collapse to the ground, miraculously avoiding the chainsaw’s blades.” As Ironhide made his way to the chainsaw and powered it down, Wheeljack emerged from the chop shop as he asked, “Did he run out of power again?” Apple Bloom nodded as she replied, “Yeah, and not a moment too soon.” Of course, this led to Chromia storming up to the maverick mechanic as she furiously declared, “You and I are gonna have a long chat about Wreck-Gar mister!” As Chromia dragged Wheeljack away by his ear, Sideswipe asked, “Wheeljack’s in trouble, isn’t he?” Ironhide nodded as he replied, “That would be an understatement.” The family patriarch looked down to the powered down robot as he asked, “So what do we do with him?” Apple Bloom stepped forward as she replied, “We better get him to Wheeljack’s workshop an’ get him some juice.” She then paused before adding, “Once aunt Chromia is done with Wheeljack of course.” Letting out a gentle chuckle, Ironhide ordered, “Alright girls. Let’s get Wreck-Gar back to the workshop.” As everyone helped lift the metal man, the family patriarch asked, “So, how’d everything go with Arcee and Rattrap?” And so, Apple Bloom filled her uncle in on the day’s adventures as they and Sideswipe carried Wreck-Gar towards Wheeljack’s workshop, hopeful they could get him there before Chromia finished chewing Wheeljack out about his creation’s mechanical issues. Whichever group finished first was anyone’s guess.