//------------------------------// // The System's Rigged?! // Story: Equestria Ninja Girls: No Straight Roads // by RainbowRaptorDash1 //------------------------------// Shortly after reading what was posted, everyone headed towards where they said the stadium would be. Although when they got there, to say it was grand was an understatement. "Whoa... So awesome." Casey, Rainbow and Indigo said at the same time. "Oh I know, and the decor is amazing." Rarity agreed. "You sure this is the right place, Donnie?" April asked. "It's the only stadium in the city that they're holding their auditions." Donnie responded. "Think that they'll allow us in here?" Karai noted. "Oh, I think so." Keno answered as he looked at the poster. "According to this, any newcomers who visits this city for the tenth day, has to pay everything, but if you're a newcomer, you get free access to everything." When all of a sudden, they heard a bit of babble, which came from none other than Rarity and Pinkie Pie. "Did it say... free?!" Applejack had a dread look on her face as she said, "Oh boy, ah know that look." "That means I get to shop for free!!!" Rarity squealed in excitement. "And I get to eat so much cake for free!!" Pinkie added as it suddenly clicked to Mikey too. "And that means...FREE PIZZA!!!" "And free tacos!!" Sonata shouted in excitement. "See you later!!" Rarity, Pinkie, Mikey and Sonata bid farewell as they instantly darted off. Everyone else on the other hand had deadpanned expressions while some flexed their eyebrows as they saw them off. "Please tell me I'm not the only one who knew they were going to do that." Shinigami hoped. "Nope, you're not the only one." Sunset confirmed. "Applejack, is that you?" A voice asked as everyone turned around and they were surprised to see none other than Countess Coluratura. Or otherwise known as... "Rara?!" Applejack gasped in excitement as she ran over and hugged her friend, with the latter hugging her back before they broke the hug. "It's so good to see you." "Wait, you know her, Applejack?" Sour Sweet asked in surprise as they came over. "Course ah do, Rara and I have been friends since we met years ago at Summercamp." Applejack smiled. "We still kept in contact over the years, not to mention the occasions I visit. If my old manager hadn't gotten in the way." Coloratura added. "Old manager?" Sunny Flare asked. "I'm surprised you didn't read about it. Her previous manager made her work like a slave, but he got fired last year because the Record Company had enough of his greed and obsessions." Sugarcoat informed. "That sounds about right." Applejack nodded before focusing back on her friend. "Rara, what are y'all doin here?" "It's the strangest thing. I was busy trying to come up with a few new songs for my next album. But... I..." Coloratura tried to explain. "You had writer's block?" Fluttershy guessed, which surprised Coloratura as she asked, "Uh, yeah, how did...?" "We're in the same spot y'all were. We wanted to come up with something new too, but unfortunately we're a bit stuck ourselves." Applejack said. "Same with myself and Vinyl." Octavia added, with Vinyl nodding in agreement. "Anyway, while I was thinking, a random portal appeared from out of nowhere and I got sucked in." Coloratura finished explaining. "Hey, that's the same thing with us." Indigo Zap informed. "Do you girls have any idea what's going on? Or guys?" Coloratura asked. "Beats me, we're just as clueless as you are." Leo answered as Coloratura looked at the group before looking confused. "Wait, weren't there more of you from what Applejack told me through her letters." Coloratura noticed as the others looked at her in surprise. "Don't worry, she promised to keep our secret. Ah have been telling her about how we got magic and saved the camp an all." Applejack assured before turning to her childhood friend to give her some answers. "Anyway, we were all comin' here, but until a certain friend of ours..." AJ started off before she leered at Keno, who chuckled sheepishly "...read an add about what some of us could get for free, which happens to be a few of our friends' trigger words, ended up rushin' off tryin ta get their hands on those." "Pizza, Tacos, Cakes and Fashion?" Coloratura listed with a flexed eyebrow. "That's the one." Applejack confirmed. "Okay, before anything else happens, how about we check things out from inside." Lemon Zest suggested. "Good idea." Adagio answered before Aria stopped her. "What's that?" Aria asked while pointing at a large TV screen that everyone was watching which showed a man with lime green skin, red eyes and long blue hair with turquoise ends, as the hair let down, while his sideburns extend down his chin in the shape of facial hair. The man was wearing a bright green shirt that shows part of his chest near the top, a thin black necklace with a gold pendant, ankle-length teal pants with light blue patterns, purple loafers with white soles, an open black jacket with three gold buttons and a black glove on his right hand. "Please state your names and introduce yourselves briefly." A camerawoman said before a random guy with the same skin color as the other guy, having purple hair while wearing yellow bass guitarist clothes and semi-fingerless gloves on both hands was suddenly pushed to stand next to the other guy, while had a flustered look on his face when suddenly, a random person was moving below the screen. "Dedede. Dedede. Dedededede." A voice noised sound effects before the person popped up in the screen, showing a young woman with orange skin, magenta eyes with flower-shaped pupils, and pale yellow hair with three small pigtails and braided side bangs while wearing a sleeveless red dress with a dark red underlayer, black knee-length shorts, a black fingerless glove located on her left hand, black shoes with the toes and heels cut out and purple trim, two armbands on her left arm, and a black choker on her neck. "Heya!! The name's Mayday!! I wield the guitar!! And he is..." "Zuke." The guy with blue hair said, though partially shy and partially mellow. "And he plays the..." Mayday continued. "Drums." Zuke simply added as he showed everyone his drumsticks. "Whoa, sweet sticks." Donnie noted when he marveled at the advance looking sticks. "And on my right is..." Mayday said when she showed the guy next to him. "Yolo R. I handle the bass." The guy with the purple hair introduced himself. "Pishhhhhh! And together, we’re Bunk Bed Junction! Woooo! Hey, guys. There sure has been quite a lot of electronic music in this city lately." Mayday commented. "That’s true, May." Zuke confirmed. "Heh, got that right, little bro." Yolo agreed. "But you know, this city lacks a certain something. Don't you think?" Mayday asked. "Absolutely May." Zuke nodded. "Something that had been missing a long time, before we took up our instruments." Yolo added. "Luckily for you guys, we have the perfect fix. Why don't you tell em Zuke?" Mayday smiled as Zuke suddenly stammered a bit, but thankfully, Yolo took over for him. "Easy to say, May, we’re Bunk Bed Junction and we’re gonna bunka, we’re gonna junka, and we’re gonna BAM in yo faces!" Yolo whooped. "That’s right! We’re bringing back rock! This long-forgotten art used to be the backbone of Vinyl City, you know? So be ready to listen to our super tasty riffs of-" Mayday tried to say before she was cut off but the camerawoman. "Okay, cut. That's a good take." "Oh, already?" Mayday asked before the feed was cut. Needless to say, the group were interested to see how they would perform. "Hmm, they seem nice." Fluttershy noted. "Still, I wonder what they meant by brining back rock?" Casey asked in confusion. "Come to think of it, when I was walking down the street, i heard many different types of music playing, but I've never heard one piece of rock music in any part of the city." Coloratura remembered. "Okay, that's definitely weird." Sunset admitted. "Come on, let's go see how the contest is." Rainbow Dash declared with eagerness in her voice. "Well, beats standing around doing nothing." Raph shrugged. "My thoughts exactly." Sugarcoat agreed as everyone walked inside. The group soon found their way towards the stadium seats and were trying to find front row seats. "Whoa, looks like the audition is already starting." Casey noticed. "How many have they already gone through?" Shinigami asked as April used her mind reading on one of the audience members to know. "According to them, there's about twenty people that came to audition. And so far, fifteen have already finished." April listed. "So we only have five more to go." Rainbow said as she sat down, with the others joining in. "I hope that they at least brought a proper show." Aria added while she ate some nachos. Meanwhile, from backstage, Bunk Bed Junction was walking down the hall and making their way to the arena. "How could you forget your lines, Zuke?" Mayday lightly scolded. "Yeah, bro, we've been over this. It's bunka, then junka, and then bam in your faces, we've been over this like, ten times already." Yolo agreed. "I can't help it, as soon as the camera started rolling I was just... wow, the lights were just so intense, man." Zuke sighed. "It had nothing to do with the lights, bro. See May, I told you he wouldn't get his act together in front of a camera, you know he's not comfortable speaking to a crowd." Yolo said. "He gets comfortable when he plays." Mayday remembered. "Playing music and talking to an audience via interview are two different things, we've been over this." Yolo reminded. "Fine." Mayday sighed before turning to Zuke. "Don't screw this one up, okay? We have to look good in front of the world." "Yeah, I hear ya. Maybe this time I'll..." Zuke started to say before Yolo interrupted. "Like you're one to talk May. Remember what happened last year? The only reason we were able to get us into this audition was because of me. So you owe me for..." Yolo tried to remind before Mayday cut him off. "Shh, quiet." Mayday shushed when she heard the noise outside. "We're almost there. Remember, be nice to the judges." "Again, like you're one to talk." Yolo repeated as the three of them walked up to the arena. "Well this is a disappointment." Rainbow groaned in a bored expression. "Yeah, no kidding. The last performers' stinks." Casey agreed. "Master Splinter could do better than that. When he used to play, that is." Raph added before grumbling that second half. "The judges are the hardest ones to please. Especially that one." Applejack noted when she and the others looked at the Judges before Donnie's eyes widened at one of them. "Whoa, that's Tatiana." Donnie gasped. "Wait, as in head of NSR?" Leo asked. "That's right. I wonder what she's doing here?" Donnie wondered. "Probably to look for artists worthy of her time. I should know, I felt the same way when I was auditioning." Coloratura said. "Hey look, here they come." Spike noticed as he pointed at the arena with everyone looking down and saw Bunk Bed Junction walking to the center of the arena. "Are you ready?!" Mayday cheered. "Why hello you two." Tatiana greeted while looking down at them. "Wow." Mayday awed when she was surprised to see who was up there. "Hello, Tatiana!!" "Right." Tatiana responded with an uninterested tone, which the Turtles and others caught on. "And you are?" "We're Bunk Bed Junction." Mayday answered as she and the two guys posed. "Bunk Bed Junction?" Tatiana repeated in confusion. "Yes!! Because you see, NSR needs more fans." Mayday confirmed. "So we're going to build a new junction right into your highway, so that more people can join this awesomeful party!!" Yolo explained. "Bunkbed Junction, Woo!!" Mayday finished. "Huh, I like her, she certainly has the enthusiasm." Karai smiled "Agreed." A voice agreed as the others yelped when they saw Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Mikey and Sonata with a ton of cakes, pizza, tacos and shopping, with the others gawking at what they saw. "How did you move so fast?!" Raph asked in shock. "Please, a good lady knows when to speed up when it comes to shopping." Rarity answered before she flipped her hair a bit. "And have you met us?" Pinkie and Mikey asked rhetorically, with Sonata nodding in agreement before they sat down and watched the show. "Clever." Tatiana said with disinterest again. "I hope you put much thought into your music as you did with your band name." "Hey, come on, that's just insulting." Rainbow groaned. "Rainbow Dash!!" Rarity and Applejack scolded. "What? I know most band names don't sound cool and all, but remember how people said the same thing about our band name?" Rainbow Dash reminded. "Oh, right." Fluttershy muttered, remembering how everyone didn't like the name back then. "So what will you play for us, today?" Tatiana asked. "Oh, it's something this city needs!! We're playiiiiing!! Rock!!" Mayday answered in excitement "Say again?" Tatiana asked. However, when Leo looked at her, he noticed how her eye twitched at the mention of it, which made him flex an eyebrow at that. "Rock!! We're here to bring it back to the top!! Just like how Kul Fyra did a long time ago." Yolo confirmed. "Hey, guys, check it out." Leo whispered, gaining the rest of the group's attention as he pointed at Tatiana. "Is it just me, or does she look off when they mention the word, rock." "Come to think of it, her eye did twitch a bit." Karai noticed. "And she gripped her fist." Shinigami added. "And that she looks like she's hurting from even being mentioned about it." April said. "Yeah, especially about Kul Fyra." Casey agreed as Tatiana cleared her throat. "Really? Very well then, show me what you've got. It's time to..." Tatiana started off before the audience finished with a shout. "START!! THE!! ARENA!!" "Awwwww yeah! Let’s rocketok!" Mayday whooped before enemy drones appeared as Mayday attacked and beat them with her electric guitar before she used her instrument’s music to transformed a case into a pole with horns at the top that roared. "Good." Tatiana said before turning her attention to Zuke and Yolo. "And what about you, other guys? Do you two just flaunt your hair all day?" "I play the drums." Zuke answered. "I take the bass." Yolo added. "Mmhmm. Initiate the second phase." Tatiana ordered. "Show ‘em, Zuke and Yolo!" Mayday cheered. "Yeah, I got this." Zuke agreed. "Let’s go, little bro!" Yolo smiled as he alongside Zuke fought and defeated more enemy drones with their drumsticks and bass guitar while reflecting attacks before he transformed two cases into horns, with one of them being blue and green, having two horns that tooted with the other becoming green and yellow, having three horns that boomed. "Very good. Now let’s see the three of you use those skills to power up the Qwasa. Initiate the final phase." Tatiana said. "Alright, let’s do this!" Mayday smiled as the trio then fought and beat even more enemy drones and transformed more cases. "Whoa, those guys are good!!" Pinkie Pie said in amazement. "I didn't even know that was possible!!" Twilight awed in surprise. "I know, right?!" Spike agreed in excitement when he saw them performing. "Now THAT was metal!" Casey smillled Then the trio pulled the showstopper as Mayday was playing fully on her guitar, Yolo was playing his bass with precision, and Zuke was playing his drums that appeared from out of nowhere. "Wow!!! That's amazing!! I wish I could learn how to do that!!" Pinkie exclaimed. Soon enough the three of them did a pose once they were done playing, which caused everyone in the audience to cheer, even the Turtles, Rainbooms and their allies. "That was awesome!!" Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap cheered in unison. "That was the best performance I've ever seen!!" Lemon Zest smiled. "Aw, if only we didn't have writer's block, we so would've played down there too." Pinkie pouted. "Same here, if we do one day form a band." Mikey agreed. After the audience was done cheering, Mayday, Yolo and Zuke stood tall and proud. "Yeah!! We did it!! We finished the course!!" Mayday whooped. "Thank you!! Thank you!!" Yolo smiled as he waved to the audience. "Oh, there's so much electric in this room!!" Mayday noticed. "How do you think it went?" Tatiana asked in an uninterested tone. "Brilliantly." Mayday answered. "We hope we passed the audition." Yolo added. "Thought you'd say that." Tatiana noted before she turned to the other judgdes. "Fellas, what do you think?" Suddenly, one of the judges gave them a red X, which shocked the Turtles and group. "Well, one out of six aint' so..." Mayday started to say before they suddenly got another X. "Heeeeey, now wait a minute there..." Another X. "Can you just listen to..." Yolo tried to ask before another X came long. "Zuke!! Say something!!" Mayday whispered loudly. "Uhm... Ta-da?" Zuke said in confusion. "Seriously?!" Yolo asked, which they ended up getting another X. "Hey, what gives?!" Rainbow deadpanned. "Yeah, they gave a great audience!!" Indigo Zap agreed. "How can they just turn it down like that, Yo!!" Casey gasped in disgust. "That woman's worse than Simon Cowell!!" Keno noted. "For realsies!!" Sonata agreed. "Hold on, hold on." Tatiana said, catching everyone's attention. "I'll be blunt. You came here, for us to judge you. And it looks like my artists have spoken. You have no future in the show business." "What?!" Mayday gasped in shock. "But...but we passed the arena...." Zuke pointed out. "We did everything you asked us to, and we did our best!!" Yolo agreed. "We reserve the right to reject you. Even if you finished the course. We, have the final say in everything." Tatiana responded "That's not fair!!" Mayday growled. "That's an abuse of power!!" Mikey shouted before his brothers grabbed and pulled him down in order for him to be quiet. "Please. We run on talent, not on fairness. This audition is held to find the next best musician, who meets our standarts in excellence. And you, certainly didn't qualify." Tatiana scoffed, angering Mayday enough to lose her cool. "Well, that's rich coming from a bunch of wannabee artists!!" Mayday responded. "Mayday!!" Yolo yelled in shock as the entire audience gasped at what she said, even the Turtles, Rainbooms and friends were shocked by what she said. Finally, Tatiana gave them an X too. "See that X? It means you're done. If I were you, I'd swallow my pride and use this time to rethink my career." Tatiana coldly advised. "You can't do this to us!!" Yolo growled. "I just did." Tatiana retorted in bitterness, one that Leo recognized. "No!! I'm an artist!! I'm a performer. A performer!! I belong on this stage!!" Mayday argued. "Okay, I've heard enough. Thank you very much, off you go." Tatiana shooed off. "You haven't heard the last of me!! Okay?! What do you know about rock?! I've bet you've never held a guitar in your life!!" Mayday shouted. "Okay, even I think this is getting out of line." Mikey noted. "Little brother, for once, I completely agree with you." Raph admitted as Tatiana stood up and had that bitterness and anger in her face, which Leo noticed. "Something's definitely off." Leo muttered. "Okay, listen, honey. You think, you can just walk in here, and drag us all into your little fantasy? You are so naive to think that rock, is still relevant. Stop living in the past!! There's only one music in demand right now, and that is..." Tatiana started as she extended her arms and showed all other performers behind her, "EDM!! The age of rock, is over!! EDM rules this city." And suddenly, Mayday ran up to Tatiana and pointed her finger at her. "Oh yeah?!! Well how about you!! Take all these X-es and shove it up your...!!" Suddenly, security came and took them away. "Come on guys, we'd better go." Sunset suggested. "Agreed, let's go." Leo nodded as everyone left, with Leo looking at Tatiana one last time before leaving. Right outside, Bunk Bed Junction were tossed outside. Though Yolo and Zuke were still standing, Mayday was on the ground. "Great job, Mayday!! Once again, you got us kicked out without making a solid case!!" Yolo groaned. "Yolo, they denied us from playing from the beginning and we didn't even know it." Zuke replied, trying to calm him. "Pff, whatever." Yolo scoffed as he crossed his arms. "They can't do this to us!! It's not cool!! It's super not cool!!" Mayday growled while sitting up. "Can't believe they called us 'Naive'." Zuke noted. "I can't believe they claim that we still live in the past. Pff, the only thing that's not wanted is Disco, you don't see them complaining." Yolo added. "Right?! That was bulldozer, bulldozer, you hear me?!" Mayday said. "I feel you man, I do." Zuke responded, trying to calm the situation. "Listen, I know this didn't go as you planned..." "You think?!" Mayday asked rhetorically. "But... it's not good getting worked up over an empty stomach. Why don't we head back first and grab some burgers? On me." Zuke sugguested. "Ugh!! Fine." Mayday groaned "Need some help?" A voice asked as Bunk Bed Junction turned to the voice and saw a large group of people going to them, which at first surprised them, but not as surprised as they were when seeing walking turtles that look human. Sunset walked over and offered to help Mayday up whiled smiling, to which she accepted, allowing Sunset to pull her up. "Who are all of you?" Mayday asked as a new adventure would soon begin.