//------------------------------// // Chapter 11. // Story: Star Trek: A Knights Gambit // by Sparky Brony //------------------------------// “Enterprise to Princess Celestia.” He can hear her clear her throat, suppressing the panic she must be feeling. “Celestia here.” “Are you ready?” Captain Picard asks. “Yes, Captain. I have a good connection with the sun. I am ready.” “Thank you. We will keep the connection live.” He looks at Data, getting a nod. “Okay, Enterprise to Princess Luna.” A long moment waiting, then. “Luna here, I’m ready to go.” “Thank you, Princess. Enterprise to Discord.” “Hmmpf, it’s enough I have to deal with your primitive communication devices. Yes, I am ready, the planet will remain intact.” Picard pinches the bridge of his nose. “Very well. We are bringing the ship into position.” He looks at the navigator. “One thousand meters orbit.” “Aye aye captain.” The massive starship slowly descends, and in a matter of moments, the details of the moon are quite easy to see from the viewscreen as the ship settles into the extremely low orbit. Picard walks to his chair and sits down, he fights to suppress his own nervous energy as he flips up his display and inspects the information on it. As the ship settles into the new orbit. “Okay, Bridge to Engineering, Geordie, engage the engines.” Down in engineering, Geordi LaForge acknowledges his captain’s order before tapping on his controls. “Okay, impulse reactors are taking the entire internal loads.” He inspects the displays before looking at the alicorn in engineering. “Princess Twilight, as we’ve discussed, when the energy levels are right, you need to moderate the conversion to your thaumic energy so you can channel the energy to Celestia, Luna, and Discord?” She she looks at the computer display before her. “Understood.” “Okay, ramping the engines to one hundred percent.” He slides his hands along the slider controls, the computer responding instantly. “Here goes nothing.” The lights of the matter/antimatter reactor core speed up as waves of matter and antimatter are fired from the injectors at the top and bottom of the core, meeting in the middle at the dilithium crystal at the heart of the warp core of the starship. The anti-deuterium passes through the crystal which directs the stream into a very small point, focusing the stream of particles at the point where the deuterium particles from the upper injectors impact. The two streams touch and a massive amount of energy is created, instantly absorbed by the additional deuterium from those injectors and flashing to extremely high energy plasma, which is routed by the electromagnetic field generated within the dilithium down the power transfer conduits. That plasma ends up in the plasma injectors in the nacelles of the great starship, energizing the warp coils, and with the computer not allowing the formation of a coherent warp field, the engines store that energy, glowing bright blue. But they won’t be able to store this much energy for very long. That energy has to go somewhere. Geordie nods. “Okay, we are at one hundred percent. Now comes the tricky part.” He taps his controls and the volume of the reactants increases further. “One hundred five percent.” He calls out. “One hundred ten.” On the bridge. Data’s hands are flying over his controls, without his work, the ship would be streaking off into warp. As it is, the energy is building up a warp field making the ship vibrate as that field expands into the massive crystal in the center of the moon they are orbiting. “Energy transfer will be starting in ten seconds, Captain.” Captain Picard nods. “Very well.” The reactor of the starship is heating up, that much energy not doing anything is causing havoc all throughout the ship. The computer compensates by shutting down non-essential systems, and working to control the overload. The vibrations slowly build in intensity as more and more power is being added by the massive reactor of the starship. “Power transfer starting.” Data announces as the warp field starts to interact with the massive crystal in the center of the Equestrian moon. At the same time, the main deflector dish fires, sending more energy to the planet, to be used by Celestia for her part in bringing the sun with them. An alarm grabs his attention, Geordie taps the com panel, trying to keep his voice under control over the din of the engine. “Engineering to bridge. We’ve got a problem!” Captain Picard’s voice comes over the speaker. “Go ahead.” Geordie looks at one display then runs across the room to examine a panel on the wall, “Captain, the reactor is running at one hundred twenty percent. Coolant efficiency is dropping, the cryoplant can’t keep up with the strain. Interior of the reaction chamber is approaching thermal limits! I’m going to have to power down or we will risk a breach.” “Negative, Celestia and Luna won’t survive the power loss.” Geordie looks at Princess Twilight, who is standing there, her wings spread. “We’ve got fifteen seconds till computer safeties kick in and we enter auto shut down mode.” Picard’s voice gets an edge to it. “Override the computer.” He sighs as he complies. “Yes sir, disengaging safeties, diverting raw coolant, this might buy us a few more seconds.” His gaze is fixated on the thermal readings, watching the arrow approach the end of the bar, and the number display continuing to rise. He looks down as the display errors out. “We’ve passed the redline, if they don’t finish…” Almost as though the core heard him, alarms start to sound. He flinches away, expecting the worst. In moments, the core glows bright white, overwhelming everything, and the blast pushes him back, he tumbles to the floor head over heels, expecting the oblivion of death. Then he takes a breath, then a second. His VISOR takes a moment to reboot from the onslaught of energy it had absorbed, then he sits up, surprised to be alive. “Ow ow ow ow ow hot hot hot hot…” Twilight hisses. All around engineering, crew is levering themselves up, blinking at the spectacle before them. Twilight Sparkle is standing in front of the main display console, her wings spread wide, her eyes glowing white, and her horn glowing nearly as brightly as the core. Twilight tosses her head. “Lyra, Minnie, Twinkle, help!” The girls run up, lending their magic at first. “Whatcha need Twilight?” Minuette asks first. Twilight gestures a foreleg at the core. “Lyra, take charge of repairs.” “On it, Princess.” Lyra turns and gestures to Minuette. “Minnie, take care of the crystal, those fractures look serious. Twinkle, patch those coolant conduits first, then help me with that rip. We’ve got to cool down the structure or it’ll just fail again, so be quick, Twinkle.” “I’ve got it, Twilight might have beaten me in the exams, but I still remember all the notes on temperature control magic, especially supercooling.” Twinkle says as she focuses her magic. “Okay, Twilight, I can handle the repairs, but you’ve got to push the plasma back into the chamber. Think you can control its flow into the transfer conduits?” Twilight grits her teeth. “No…worse…than moving…the sun.” She strains and grunts a bit. “Plasma is plasma.” Before the crew’s astonished eyes, the entire matter/antimatter reaction chamber is covered in the magical aura of the alicorn princess. The side of the core is completely blown out, to where you can see the high energy plasma being generated by the reactants inside the core. Geordie moves up next to the Princess. Apparently the shield the Princess is making is even deadening the sound of the core, it’s nearly silent in Engineering. “What happened?” Twilight blinks, though her eyes continue to glow. “Too much heat, too much pressure, the casing could only hold so long. Then it popped like a balloon. You know, the whole warp core breach thingy.” “You contained a matter and antimatter explosion…with your magic. We should all be dead. The radiation alone…” He taps his VISOR as he looks around. “The radiation?” “Is contained, shield spells are great that way.” She grunts a bit. “Lyra, start on the breach.” “I know, Princess. I’m working on it. This is a lot trickier than a simple fixit spell. Give me a moment, just concentrate on the shield, keeping us alive.” “Okay, coolant is patched, I’m beginning to scan the core casing for any other faults or weak points.” Twinkle Shine says. “The cryo lines are functioning, and I’ve managed to bleed off some of their heat to give us more time.” She walks around the core. “Here micro-fractures, here micro-fractures. I know you are around here, somewhere.” Minuette slowly moves closer to the core, her horn alight brightly. “Okay, I’m in the antimatter stream, I’ve got the crystal oriented manually, and I’m helping keep it together till we get everything patched.” “Good girls…” Twilight says softly as the ponies diligently keep busy. “Canterlot school for gifted unicorns!” the three cheer as they continue working. “Bridge to Engineering, what happened, power levels dropped by thirty percent.” Geordie slams his hand to his badge. “We had a core breach. Repairs are in progress, Captain.” “Keep me advised.” There is a pause, then. “Breach or failure.” “Breach, Captain.” Geordie shakes his head. “The ponies. The princess, I don’t know how, but she contained the explosion, and the others down here are repairing the core as we speak. They are actually holding a live matter/antimatter reaction in their magic, moving the plasma and controlling the streams.” Twilight grunts before tilting her head a bit at Geordie. “We’re doing our best, Captain. We’ll try to be finished in a few minutes, Captain.” Shaking her head and stepping closer to the reactor, Twilight calls out. “I’ll try to hold everything together. I’ve got to, for the ship, for my friends, for Equestria.” The captain wisely closes the channel so they can work. Lyra steps almost close enough to touch the core with her horn. “I’m glad I’ve been reading on your materials science, took me in directions we would never have gone. I’ve used some of the material in the deck to replace the lost material, transmuting it to match the structure of the reactor. It’s a patch job, but…” Lyra shakes her head. “I’m also converting the inner lining and adding in a new crystalline structure, give you another thirty percent heat resistance.” She glances back as the hole in the core finally heals. “That paper you wrote on thermal insulating properties of hyperdense crystals finally came in handy.” Lyra says with almost a smug look at the princess. “How you holding up, Twilie?” “I’m doing good. It tingles a lot to touch the antimatter.” She shivers. “Never felt that before.” “You’re telling me.” Twinkle Shine says, all her fur on end. “Crystal is ready.” Twilight huffs. “Don’t tell Lemon Hearts.” Lyra giggles as breached area glows as the mint green unicorn finishes up her work. “Yeah, she’d be upset that she missed it.” Twilight nods with a smile. Her eyes reverting back to their usual purple. She looks at the other unicorns. “We good?” Lyra glances at Minuette, who nods, she then looks at Minuette, who calls back. “One more. Got it, done. No more microfractures, good to go. Good to go, Twilie.” Twilight. “Okay, repairs are done. Twi, go ahead and ease off your shield. Let’s see if it holds.” “Okay.” The sound of the core starts to become more prevalent as the alicorn backs off her magic. Finally she lets her horn go dark. Though the core is still bathed in the color of her magic field. “I tied off the shield. Let’s see how that works.” Lyra leans against Twilight on one side and sighs before whimpering. Twinkle Shine moves to the alicorns other side and lays down with a soft groan. Finally Minuette half drapes herself over Twilight’s back, moaning, causing Twilight and Lyra to drop to the deck partly under her. “Wow, that was worse than class finals.” Twinkle Shine says. “You okay, Twilie?” “I can’t feel my horn… but I’m fine.” Twilight says with a sigh. “Everypony okay?” Minuette groans. “I can’t feel my legs, next time somepony tells me to grab antimatter and manually control it, stop me.” She lowers her head, huffing. “That was scary.” Taking a moment to catch her breath before she looks at Geordie. “Go ahead and give them the power they need.” Geordie moves over to his console and taps a few keys. “Okay, here goes nothing.” The din in engineering rises again as more reactants are fed into the core, increasing the power output. He presses on the com button. “Okay, Captain, repairs and reinforcements are complete, ramping up power.” Riker’s voice is more than a little shaky as he responds. “Understood, we are about ready to initiate the pulse.” On the planet, in the highest parapet of the Canterlot castle, Princess Celestia is absorbing the energy emitted from the main deflector dish of the Enterprise. She grunts at the strain, she knew that the humans had the ability to make a fantastic amount of energy so they can travel faster than the speed of light, but this amount astounds her. No wonder they were so confident that their weapons could break apart her planet. She had weathered the drop in power that had happened, but when it came back, she had gasped, the pain and pressure of that amount of magical energy sent to her was beyond anything she could even conceive. Her cutie mark is glowing, and her eyes are shining bright white as she uses her connection to the sun, something she usually only uses to gently guide the celestial body in its daily path around her planet, and feeds that massive energy into it, enveloping it in energy, allowing it to join them in their journey through subspace. She taps her communicator. “Celestia to Enterprise, I’m ready.” Discord is not having the most fun time this day, instead of spending time with Fluttershy or in his own chaotic dimension, he’s doing actual work. He’d chosen Fluttershy’s animal sanctuary for his part in this. Primarily because it’s in clear view of the Canterlot castle. Celestia had directed some of the energy the Enterprise was sending them towards him. Had he been allowed to by the continuum, he’d have more than enough to bring this planet along for the ride. But as it is, he gasps as the solar alicorn directs more energy to him as she finished up capturing the sun. He reaches down with his claw and paw and grabs the ground, directing the energy through himself and adding in what he can to enfold the planet, protecting it from the forces to come and ensuring the Equestrians have a long and wonderful life, and perhaps coming close to achieving what few have been able to do, to become Q. He glances at his communicator and it activates. “Discord here, I’m ready.” Luna is having the worst time, by far. In the same chamber she had spent a thousand years, she is standing once again, though this time, for a better purpose. The crystal running through the moon is absorbing the warp energy from the starship. And instead of dissipating that energy as heat, she must keep it contained. She grunts as she strains, the other crystals start to glow in response to the massive energy. She can feel what’s going on inside her moon. “Captain, , we simply must have more.” She says into her communicator. “Understood.” Captain Picard looks at Data, “Celestia and Discord are ready, back off the deflector dish and add that power into the warp field.” Data nods, too busy to devote processing power into speech. The raw information from the sensors is flashing by almost too fast for the android to read. He adjusts the flow to the deflector down as the warp engines glow even brighter. The crystal below them almost acts as an energy black hole, absorbing every joule of power sent to it. As they are working, the view around the ship slowly opens up as the barrier thins and dissipates. For the first time in many millennia, the Equestrian system is open to space. Princess Luna grunts as she directs the onslaught of energy to productive use for the crystal. “Engineering to bridge, even with the repairs and bolstering, we are at our limits, you need to initiate the pulse. It’s now or never.” Picard looks at Data. “Mr. Data.” He starts. “Understood Captain, stand by.” Princes Luna growls a bit. “Captain, I think we are ready, you should be getting feedback now.” Data nods. “Confirmed, Captain, the crystal has enough energy.” He taps on his board. “Princess Luna, sending the pulse, now.” Instead of warp energy from the nacelles, the command from the ops station on the bridge realigns the plasma injectors for the warp coils, instantly forming a warp field, with the energy stored in the crystal, the ship stays in place as the energy it had pumped into the crystal expands the warp field the ship is producing. In moments the field around the entirety of the three bodies. “Captain, the field is established, it’s up to them to give it that final push. We can’t do anything else here.” Geordie calls as he backs down the power from the reactor. On the bridge, Captain Picard nods. “Agreed. Helm, get us away from here, warp two.” He looks as the course is entered. “Engage!” The starships impulse engines briefly glow brightly as they push the ship away from the moon, reorienting the ship towards open space. The bright light from the engines converting into speed as the ship fully engages the warp engines and streaks off into the void. After only a few seconds. Picard nods. “Okay, that should be enough. Take us out of warp.” The ship slows, a few seconds at warp two, or eight times the speed of light, has the ship still within visual range of the equestrian system. Though the light from the system has to travel at merely the speed of light, the bridge crew is able to see their own ship from only a few minutes before. Data brings up the display through the enhanced subspace sensors. “Captain. The system is going into subspace.” As the crew watches the entire three bodies of the Equestrian system seem to elongate and disappear. All eyes focus on the android officer as he works his computer terminal. “They are moving at superluminal velocities, Captain. The warp field should take them safely out of the Betazed system.” That gets a huge sigh from the bridge crew. Captain Picard steps up next to his ops officer. “How is the system taking the stresses?” Data pores over the data flowing on his displays for a long moment. “According to our final readings before the planet entered the subspace inversion, the field created by the Equestrian moon is of sufficient strength. The bolstering by Discord seems to have shielded the planet from the worst of the transition.” He looks up at the Captain. “Though I suspect there will have to be some rebuilding of structures and the collapse of said structures will likely cause some loss of life.” Picard looks up at the screen momentarily. “I hope that the loss of life is minimal, the ponies should have taken heed of the warnings we transmitted before we attempted this.” Worf speaks up. “Princess Celestia did emphasize the potential of some catastrophic damage. The ponies tend to listen to their leaders fairly well. I have no doubt most of the ponies are in the open away from anything that could harm them.” Troi blinks a few times. “God speed for them.” She murmurs. Captain Picard straightens his uniform. “Subspace sensors?” “We are tracking the system through subspace, Captain. I recommend a heading of 128 mark 22, warp factor one point three.” Picard looks at the navigator. “Take that heading and engage.” The ship rotates and streaks off into warp. The minutes pass by agonizingly slowly for the crew with the exception of the android officer at ops. He continuously checks the progress of the Equestrian system through subspace as the ship keeps up with the stellar bodies in their travels. Data leans forward. “Captain.” Picard stands up from his seat. “What is it commander?” “The system is emerging from subspace.” Picard frowns, looking back at Riker. “That’s far too early. They haven’t cleared the system yet.” On the screen before them, the stellar bodies blink into existence as the starship powers down the engines. Picard orders standard orbit around the planet as the com chirps. “LaForge to bridge.” Picard glances up. “Go ahead, Geordie.” “Twilight and her friends did a fantastic job, but the reactor is at its limits. I recommend we power down, take the warp engines offline while we make more complete repairs to the reactor vessel.” Picard nods. “Make it so.” He looks at his ops officer. “Mr. Data, condition of the planet.” Data works his controls. “I am analyzing the incoming data Captain. Initial reading show the system has exited subspace much earlier than anticipated. The intention was to have the system exit outside the influence of the Betazed stars gravity. As they are now, they are roughly in the equivalent orbit of Jupiter of the Sol system. The direction of movement shows that they will orbit the star…” He pauses as he reads the numbers. “at a minimum of seven hundred thirty two million kilometers. More analyzing of the orbit will tell us the maximum distance. Their orbital velocity should be sufficient for this to be a stable orbit.” Picard sighs. “So, they are captured by the stars gravity?” Data nods. “Yes, captain. They are safe, and now a part of the Betazed star system.” A beeping from the tactical station has Picard looking back. “Captain, on the moon…” Picard nods and slaps his com badge. “Enterprise to Princess Luna.” Silence is all that answers them. Picard looks at his ops officer. “Life signs?” “Stand by, Captain.” He works for a long moment. “She is alive, but her signs are fading.” “Emergency transport!” “She is outside transporter range.” Picard whirls towards the turbolift. “Move the ship to transporter range. Chief Medical Officer to transporter two!” Inside the turbolift, there isn’t enough room to pace, so he simply taps his foot, trying to keep the nervous energy from erupting. As the doors open he dashes down the hallway and slows just before entering the transporter room. Beverly is only a few seconds behind him as they climb onto the platform. “Are we in position?” “Aye captain.” O’brien says. “Energize.” Their bodies glow as the energy dematerializes them, to emerge only a few seconds later down in the crystal cavern. Picard looks around before pointing. “There!” They rush to Princess Luna, who has collapsed on the dais where he had conversed with her not all that much time before. “Damn, Captain. She has magical exhaustion, something I didn’t know an alicorn could experience, given how much magic they possess.” She runs her enhanced medical tricorder over the prone princess. “She’s barely breathing. We need to get her to the ship.” “Agreed. Enterprise, three to beam directly to sickbay.” And in moments the transporter whisks them away. *** Captains log: Supplemental. Our efforts seem to have been a success, the Equestrian system is now in a stable orbit around the Betazed star. As we had agreed previously, the colony, now named New Hope, will flourish with contact with their home planet, only a few dozen light years away. Though there was certainly a price, Princess Luna continues to be in a coma, her sister and Princess Twilight are aboard, assisting the medical staff with supportive care. The system was in subspace for only forty-two minutes instead of the planned four hours. We have learned why via scans of the Equestrian moon. The crystal which has created the barrier which protected their home for thousands of years is now cracked, and will never work again. Also, as predicted, some structures on the planet did not survive the transport, though the loss of life was miniscule, thanks to the ponies heeding the advice of their princesses. The starship is once again peacefully orbiting the planet. Captain Picard walks into sickbay, noting it now has three long term guests, one patient and two other alicorns staying with her. Picard finds it interesting that the normally unflappable Celestia has been unnerved by the condition of her sister. Her wings hang limply and have definitely not been cared for properly. Twilight Sparkle is only marginally better condition. Celestia has continued her moving of the Equestrian sun, and their moon, from the Enterprise. He moves up to the solar princess. “Anything new?” he asks softly. She blinks a few times before turning her gaze to him. “I don’t know, Captain. Normally this level of magical exhaustion requires us to support her and feed her and allow her body to recover.” She sighs and nuzzles the prone body of her sister. “The medicine your doctors have given her, and everything else has helped. But she’s at death’s door. And I don’t know what to do.” Tears slowly spill down her cheeks. She crosses her horn with her sisters. “Please, Luna, come back to me.” She whispers softly. Picard watches the princess for a long moment before turning towards the medical officer’s office. As the door closes behind him, he looks at his chief medical officer. “Well?” Beverly Crusher closes out the tab on her PADD. “I have been reviewing every bit of medical information brought up from the planet. It’s like, she’s there in body, but not in soul. There really isn’t much we can do for her.” She leans her seat back. “I’m sorry, Captain.” Captain Picard sighs in frustration. “Well, Doctor any resources you need, use them. They need their Princesses.” “Understood.” He turns and exits the office, stopping in his tracks. In the few minutes he was in the office, several ponies and Discord have entered the sickbay. He nods to Twilight, who is standing with her friends. “Poor Luna.” Pinkie says softly, her normal exuberance muted. She looks at the others. “Can we help? Maybe sing a song? There is magic in the song.” Twilight sighs. “We can try, but I have a feeling it will be forced, and you know forcing this magic is the wrong way to go about it.” Fluttershy is standing next to Discord, a wing holding onto the draconequus. She sniffs a few times. “She’s lost in the dreams, Captain.” She reaches out her other wing to touch the princess. “But how do we bring her back?” “Well, don’t look at me, I’ve seen her dreams. I ain’t goin in there.” Discord snaps. “And we should probably keep miss sun butt out of there too, unless we want to deal with Daybreaker again.” Celestia glares at Discord for a long moment before subsiding. “Then who to help her?” Princess Celestia blinks. “She has an apprentice.” All eyes focus on her, she flinches at the scrutiny. “She was so excited when she found a new dreamer, she was planning on announcing her to you after this crisis. You were all focused on saving our world, such happy news could wait until a more appropriate time. She’s been working with her new apprentice for a few months. Dreamers are so fantastically rare, on the order of natural healers. Only a few in Equestrian history.” Picard steps forward. “Can she be summoned?” Celestia nods. Half an hour later, the door to sickbay opens, admitting a gray unicorn with a multihued mane and a crescent moon cutie mark with a star. She smiles and bows before the solar princess. “As you command, I appear, Princess.” “Moon Shadow, my sister’s faithful apprentice.” She inclines her head slightly in acknowledgement. “Princess Luna is stuck in the dream and requires your help.” The young unicorn mare’s eyes widen. “Me? Princess, I have but bare months of experience working with the dream. I haven’t even entered any pony’s dreams yet. Princess Luna has been teaching me the dream world, and all of its dangers. I’m not ready for that.” Picard squats down to be eye level with the unicorn. “I understand what you are saying. But she must be helped. Is there any way you can help another? Help them into the dream with her?” Her eyes dart from the Princess to the human back and forth rapidly. “Its relatively simple to insert somepony into the dream, but you have to have an emotional connection with that pony, you can’t just do that willy nilly.” He glances at Luna on the biobed. “ I don’t know if I know the princess well enough. But we have shared some time together. I would hope there was some connection between us. I have already volunteered to help.” “But you aren’t a pony. This is pony magic, a pony must go, otherwise you might get lost. I wouldn’t be able to, if I’m directing you into the dream. All my energy would be just keeping you in her dream.” Picard looks at the other assembled ponies. “I gather that we will need another volunteer.” Judging by the wilted ears and shifting hooves, nopony is leaping to join in. Though Princess Celestia slams a hoof down. “She’s my sister. I’ll go.” “No!” comes the cry from almost every pony, though Moon Shadow continues. “I’m sorry Princess, this is exceedingly dangerous. I couldn’t put both princesses in danger like this. Please, it should be anypony else. Has anypony been in the dream with Princess Luna before?” Twilight and her friends all flinch, tails and ears shifting in anxiety. Finally a small voice squeaks out. “I’ll go.” Everyone stops and turns to look, apparently the three foals that call themselves the cutie mark crusaders have entered sickbay with the rest. A small white unicorn with a poofy pink and light purple mane is standing there. “I’ll go.” She says again. “Over my dead body, Sweetie Belle.” Rarity screams. “You are far too young to be…” "She's come to me and the other girls in our dreams more times than I can count.” She looks at Rarity with a steely look, getting the older mare to pause in her rant. “She's helped me through some of the hardest problems I have had. At the same time though, I learned about her. I know Princess Luna possibly better than anypony but Princess Celestia. I have to do this, I have to help her, like she helped me!" Belle says stomping her hoof with a loud clack against the deck. Moon Shadow nods. “It might work. Princess Luna has said that I know just enough to get myself in trouble.” She chuckles. “Well, let’s get in some trouble then.” She looks at the other biobeds. “Let’s get you into bed and get started.”