Baby Hippogriff

by Tanuki

Chapter One

Terramar plucks out another claw full of white fluffy feathers. He breathes heavily as the pain erupts from his body, but he stays quiet. Tears pour down his face, but he muffles his sobs in pillows a few minutes later. Little did he know his father Sky Beak had been listening, and had been noticing all the feathers he hid under the bed, or in the pillows. Sky Beak sighs, and flies off leaving his son to his sobbing.

Sky Beak arrived to the shore, and screeched for his wife. A few minutes later, and she came to the emergency calling. "What is it Sky?" She asked in a worried tone. "It seems to be our son.. he seems stressed, and I've seen a few too many feathers.." Ocean Flow gasped, and immediately wanted to wrap her fins around her baby again, but knew he was to stay with his father this week. "He's worried because..?" she questioned, Sky thought about it for a bit. "Maybe because of having to choose between his two homes". They both thought of ways they could cheer their son up, but nothing came to mind.

Each day, and night Ocean Flow, and Sky Beak would search for something to help Terramar. Each time they came up empty clawed, or finned. Ocean Flow sighed in near defeat as Sky Beak finally found something. "Take a look at this..."

" ..Regression.. hmm... young.. mindset..... all ages.." Sky Beak watched his wife scroll through. "What do you think?" He asked. Ocean Flow looked at him, and then back to the screen. "I mean.. it's guaranteed to work.." Ocean Flow sighed again, and nodded. "We could try it for a week.." They both nod, and start figuring out what they need for each room in the house for both land, and sea. Meanwhile Terramar had cried himself to sleep.

Early the next day Terramar woke up to his father cooking. He was confused by why his father was home, and not off hanging out with his friends. He went down stairs, and was surprised to see both his parents downstairs working on breakfast. "Huh?" He said out loud as both his parents turned to him. "Uhh... sorry" before Terramar could say anything else a bowl of seaweed was placed in front of him. He was very confused. "Eat up dear, we have a long day ahead of us, unless you need help" said Ocean Flow in a motherly tone. Terramar was a bit more then confused now. "But I-" Before he could say another work Sky put a spoon a seaweed in his son's mouth. "There we go" he said as he watched Terramar chew and swallow the seaweed only for another spoonful to come.

After what felt like a few hours to Terramar, but had only been a few minutes breakfast was finally over. He sighed in relief, and went to go back upstairs to his room, but his father took his claw, and instead led him to his sister's room. Now he was very confused. "Why are weeee.." his words were cut off by more confusion, and a lot of shock as he noitced everything around him. "Umm.. dad, mom??" Terramar questioned. "Yes dear?" asked Ocean Flow. "What's going on?" He asked in a small whisper. "Well, your father, and I noticed a few changes here, and there with you... you seemed to be stressed" she finished setting him down on a changing table. "I.. well... I-" Terramar was trying to find the right words to say, but he couldn't find anything to say about this. His mother, and father began working with him to find out what would help. He understood they were trying to help him, but this was a bit over board. Terramar looked around the nursery like room, and began worrying, both his parents seemed to notice this. "Honey, everything okay?" His mother questioned. "I- umm.. yes.. just uhh.." small tears formed in his eyes. Ocean Flow, and Sky Beak were at his side in an instant. "Breathe Terry... breathe dear.. it's okay". Terramar began to cry, he didn't know how to put it into words, and felt scared to try to get his parents to understand. He eventually calmed down, but when he did he was exhausted. His mother picked him up, and carried him to his new bed. A crib.

Terramar woke up the next morning, and waited in the crib deciding it would be better if he just allowed whatever this was to just happen since he was unable to get the words out on how he felt without bursting into tears. He whimpered. 'What do I do now?' he thought to himself as Ocean Flow came in. He watched his mother make quick work of getting him out of the crib, placing him on the changing table, changing is diaper, putting him into a onesie, and finally setting him down. They walked into the kitchen, and Terramar was lifted into a wooden high chair. He was fed some fish paste, and a bottle of crystal clear water. After Terramar was fed, he was carried over to the shore. "What's going on?" he asked a bit worried about what will happen. "We're going to your second home dear". Terramar didn't know what to say, so he stayed silent as his parents when into their forms, he went into his.

Next thing Terramar knew is he was in a crib, and being rocked to sleep. Both Sky Beak, and Ocean Flow watched over him until they knew he was truly asleep. They left him alone to sleep as they went to their own room to talk.

"Do you think we're doing the right thing?" asked Ocean Flow to her husband. "He seems happier, and more relaxed, doesn't he?" "Of course he's happier" said Sky Beak to his wife. He brought her close, and gave her a hug trying to reassure her that this was for the best. They both smiled knowing that they were doing this for their son, their baby.