//------------------------------// // You're Fired // Story: Masked Justice // by aggressive cornelius //------------------------------// Date: Thursday, March 11th Cheerilee pointed to the math equation on the board as she continued to explain it “...and with that we get the answer which is? Scootaloo, would you like to give it a try?” she asked. The pegasus didn't hear her since she was too busy staring at the clock and tapping her hoof impatiently. She frowned and cleared her throat “Scootaloo!” she said with a slightly raised voice. “Huh?” Scootaloo asked as she finally tore her gaze from the time. A few snickers came from the other students but she ignored them. Cheerilee sighed as it was obvious that the pegasus hadn't learned a single thing all class “Do you have somewhere to be that's more important than class?” she questioned. A smile grew on Scootaloo's face “Actually-” “Scoots!” Apple Bloom hissed. Scootaloo groaned in annoyance “No ma'am.” she answered in a bored tone. Cheerilee knew that she didn't really mean that especially since the filly's eyes almost instantly returned to the clock. The school teacher pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath “Why don't we end class a bit early today, it's only a few minutes away.” she said. The students gasped happily before jumping out of their seats and dashing out of the door. Scootaloo gestured Sweetie and Apple Bloom to follow “Come on! We have to hurry!” she called back to them before dashing with the two following behind. Cheerilee wasn't very happy about how quickly they cleared the room “You'd all better be ready to learn tomorrow!” she called after the class but it was unlikely that any of them heard her. Apple Bloom caught up to Scootaloo as they ran through Ponyville “Why are we runnin'? Spike should be watchin' ta make sure that Filthy sees the cards, we shouldn't be in a hurry.” she said. “I want to see it myself though! I can't help it, I'm excited!” she said. Sweetie struggled to keep up with her more athletic friends “Can we take it a little slower?” she asked but the question fell on deaf ears. Once they arrived at the market, they saw confused ponies gathered in groups. Every group had at least one calling card. They spotted Spike and approached him “Hey Spike. Did Filthy see it yet?” Sootaloo asked. Spike greeted them with a smile but shook his head “A lot of ponies found them but not- wait, there he is!” he said as he noticed the rich pony entering the market with his wife. Scootaloo couldn't stay still due to her excitement “Alright, just in time.” she said as the four of them hide behind a nearby unmanned stall. Spoiled Rich glanced around at the ponies who seemingly abandoned their stalls to talk “What is wrong with these slackers? What could be so important that they need to discuss right now?” she complained. Filthy was also interested since they all seemed to be staring at something he couldn't see “Well let's see.” he said. He walked over to a group of ponies and tapped a stallion on the shoulder “Excuse me sir, what is it that you're looking at there?” he asked as he pointed down at the red card in his hooves. The stallion gasped once he recognized Filthy. He looked down at the card and back up to Filthy before holding out to him “I uh, think this is for you.” he said. Filthy thought that was strange but still took the card. He noticed that the letters were all cut out of a magazine and read “Filthy Rich, slave driver and CEO of greed. You ruin hard working ponies with impossible deals and work your employees to the bone. We can't turn a blind eye to your actions so we decided to steal your heart and destroy your distorted desires. Signed, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts.” he said. Spoiled gritted her teeth in anger “Who did this? This is libel! Show yourself, we can sue for this kind of defamation!” she yelled. Filthy chuckled and shook his head “Calm down, I'm sure this is nothing but a harmless prank rather than a real threat. Nopony will steal my heart, that's just crazy.” he said. Spoiled turned to the pony who gave them the card and glared at him “Dispose of all of these cards, now!” she commanded. The stallion shrunk back from her raised voice and nodded “Y-yes ma'am.” he said before dashing off to find the rest of the cards. Once no one was looking, Filthy frowned down at the card in his hoof. He dropped it to the ground before stomping on it. The three fillies and dragon who were watching from the empty stall suddenly felt a slight dizzying feeling, almost like a toned-down version of entering the metaverse. The world darkened around them and they saw that Filthy Rich had been replaced by his shadow self. He glared down at the crumpled cardstock at his hooves with his glowing yellow eyes “Steal my heart? I'd like to see them try.” he threw his head up towards the sky “Come on Phantom Thieves! Come, and we shall handle our business once and for all!” he shouted. In a flash shadow Filthy was gone and everything was back to normal. Spike rubbed his eyes to check is something was wrong with them “Did...did all of you see that?” he asked. Apple Bloom nodded “Ah did, but ah don't know why ah did.” she said with a puzzled expression. Scootaloo notice the other ponies around going about their business as if nothing happened “I don't think anypony else saw it, just us.” she said. Sweetie hummed in thought “Do you think it has to do with our connection to the metaverse?” she suggested. Spike started thinking on that idea but quickly shook it off “We can think about that later. If the treasure appeared then it won't stay that way for long. If we're doing this, it has to be now.” he said. Apple Bloom nodded “Then let's get to the clubhouse and grab all of our stuff.” she said. After a short amount of time the group had arrived at the clubhouse and quickly gathered their weapons and the saddle bags carrying their potions. Apple Bloom took out the ruby and glanced between her friends “We don't know what Filthy has planned for us once we get there. Are we all ready?” she asked. Scootaloo smirked in excitement “Bring it on.” she said. Spike chuckled before nodding “I'm ready too. I really think we can do this.” he said. Sweetie gave a sweet smile “As long as we're together, I know we'll be okay.” she said. Apple Bloom then spoke the keywords to the ruby and the now familiar dizzy feeling washed over them. When their vision cleared, they saw the tree stumps and the huge factory standing in the middle. Apple Bloom was quick to use the ruby once again to teleport to the safe room. Before heading out, they jumped onto the boxes around the table for a quick meeting. She turned to Spike “Do ya think there will be anythin' different here since we sent the callin' card?” she asked. He shrugged with a shake of his head “Nothing that I remember from the book, but Filthy does know that we're coming so security might be tighter than usual.” he said. Sweetie rubbed the back of her neck with a nervous smile “Maybe calling him out so publicly wasn't a good idea, but now we can't turn back.” she said. Scootaloo pounded her fore hooves together “Whatever, grabbing this treasure will be easy. Let's get out there already!” she said. Apple Bloom chuckled “Well ah can see that ya have no second thoughts but yer right.” she held a hoof towards the middle of the table “We'll get this done fer sure.” she said. Scootaloo threw a hoof out to meet Apple Bloom's “You got that right!” she shouted. Sweetie added her hoof to theirs “As nervous as I am, I believe too.” she said. Lastly Spike laid his claws on their hooves “I'm starting to get excited too. I'm glad to be here with you all.” he said. Apple Bloom glanced between her friends “Phantom Thieves on three.” she said. “One...” Sweetie started. “Two...” Sootaloo continued. “Three...” Spike said before they all looked back to Apple Bloom. They all threw their respective limbs into the air “Phantom Thieves!” they shouted. With that, they exited the safe room to the factory floor. To their surprise they didn't see any shadows waiting for them or guarding the spiral staircase. Scootaloo glanced around with an eyebrow raised “I was expecting some guards right off the bat.” she said. Spike chuckled “You sound disappointed.” he said. “Kinda.” she admitted. Sweetie was more relieved to see the lack of shadows “Maybe Filthy didn't have enough time to tighten the security. Either way I'm glad.” she said. Apple Bloom was still suspicious but lead the group up the stairs towards the CEO's office. They stood outside of the door to the hallway. Apple Bloom took her hammer and shield in hoof “Ah think Filthy probably has this hall guarded.” she said. Scootaloo nodded “That's probably why there weren't any shadows anywhere else, they're all behind this door.” she said. Spike and Sweetie readied their weapons for the onslaught they'd likely face on the other side of this door “We're ready.” they said. They then opened the door and ran in but quickly stopped when they noticed the hallway was empty. Scootaloo sighed and put her combat knife away “Did he give up or something?” she wondered. Spike hummed in thought “I do find it strange that he's not trying to stop us, but maybe this will just be easy?” he said. The group made it to the end of the hallway with noting showing up to stop them so they headed into the office. Like the rest of the place this office was empty as well. The light that hung over the large desk was now gone. In it's place was a framed picture on top of the desk. It had a slight unnatural shine to it. Apple Bloom approached the frame “Is this the treasure?” she wondered out loud. She turned the frame around to see a picture of a smiling Diamond Tiara. Scootaloo frowned “Not any kind of treasure I'd want.” she said. Sweetie noticed the multi-colored gems that ran along the frame's trim “The frame itself is kinda pretty.” she said. Apple Bloom sighed “It don't matter what the treasure is. We just have to get it out of here so Filthy's distorted desires will disappear.” she said be for taking it in her mouth. She led the others out of the office and they ran down the hallway in hopes to get out as fast as possible. Their hopes were dashed when a shadow landed directly in front of Apple Bloom, barely missing her with it's hooves. The filly yelped in shock, causing the framed picture to go flying behind her. They turned to see Filthy Rich catching the treasure. He looked down at it and gave a victorious smile “The plan worked perfectly.” he said. “Plan?” Spike asked while glaring up at him. “My plan to catch the Phantom Thieves in the act. If I knew it was just you kids, I wouldn't have gone through all that trouble.” he explained. Scootaloo ground a hoof on the floor and growled “So that's why this place was empty, it was all a trick.” she said. Filthy turned away from them “Correct, but now that I know that you're no threat I'll leave you to your fate.” he turned to a shadow next to him “Make sure they get their punishment while I return my treasure.” he said. He was about to walk away but stopped when Sweetie spoke up “Ho-how could you do this? Ponies are suffering, and you can't even bring yourself to care!” she accused. He stayed quiet for a few seconds “It's how the worlds works. Ponies screw each other over to get ahead. Sunshine and rainbows don't keep a steady stream of bits coming in.” he said. Apple Bloom gave the ground a stomp while grinding her teeth “That's a lie! Yer just making' excuses for yer actions! Ya just don't care 'bout nopony but yerself!” she shouted. That actually got Filthy to turn back towards them. Fury filled his eyes as he stared them down. He gave the framed picture to the shadow accompanying him “On second thought, hold on to this. I'll handle this one personally.” he ordered. The shadow bowed in respect before taking the frame and stepping back. Scootaloo scoffed “Just you? Are you trying to make this easy for us?” she taunted. Filthy's mane started to spike up and harden. His coat started to turn a dark gray “You're right, this will be easy...for me.” he said before he started to grow. His now dark gray coat completely turned to iron. His mane stood sharp like blades as it too turned to iron. He finally stopped growing when he towered over the kids. He sat down and held his fore hooves out as they started to morph. His left hoof became a metallic claw while his right became a saw blade. Scootaloo stared up in shock “What in Celestia's name...” she said. Apple Bloom took a deep breath to calm herself down before taking her hammer and shield in hoof “Ah guess we have ta fight him.” she said. Scootaloo turned to her with a questioning expression as if she didn't think she heard her correctly “We're fighting that giant thing? For real?” she asked. Spike fought against his instinct to run and tightened his grip on his daggers “We don't have much choice, he has the treasure.” he said. Sweetie shut her eyes tight in an attempt to banish the fear from her mind. She opened her eyes extended her metal claws “Ponies are counting on us. Apple Bloom is counting on us.” she gritted her teeth “I can't be afraid.” she concluded. Scootaloo looked between her friends before chuckling “You're pumping me up now! We're gonna topple this beast!” she yelled with newfound confidence. The gigantic, robotic Filthy began to speak “First you trespass on my property, then you create chaos in my factory, now you threaten to take my treasure? I'm going to make sure I'll be reimbursed for everything you put me through!” he shouted. He then raised his metallic claw before bringing it down towards the four. They quickly dispersed in different directions causing the claw to smash into nothing but ground. Sweetie charged and scratched at his iron coat doing almost nothing. He opened his mouth and blew fire down at her. She gasped but couldn't escape in time. The fire enveloped her as pained screams rang out from the flames. Once the attack ended, Sweetie was on the ground with her hooves held to her head in an attempt to stop the dizziness. Filthy tried to capitalize on the chance by raising his saw up. It was sent down towards the downed filly but a strike of lightning to the saw was enough to send it off course. The saw landed a couple feet from Sweetie and stuck in the floor. Apple Bloom helped her up “Do ya need healin'? Ah got the potions.” she said. Sweetie shook away the pain and gave Apple Bloom a grateful nod “Thanks Paladin, but I'm okay. Save them.” she said. Filthy finally dislodged his saw from the ground and raised it again. Sweetie took her AR out and fired a quick burst at his face causing him to recoil from the pain. Apple Bloom got her attention “it's dangerous fer ya ta be this close Hoodlum. It be better if ya attacked from afar.” she said. Sweetie knew that she was right and nodded before retreating a good distance away. Scootaloo watched as Apple Bloom was the only one up close to the colossal Filthy “I'll go help Paladin.” she said. Before she could dash off, Spike stopped her with a claw “No! I'll do it. Fire won't affect me much so it'll be less dangerous for me.” he said. Scootaloo sighed but backed up “Fine, you have a point. I'll still support you with some speed though.” she said before summoning Earheart to speed Spike up. They gave each other a nod before he took off. Apple Bloom jumped out of the way of the metallic claw before seeing the saw coming her way. She held her shield out in protection and was struggling to keep the saw back. Spike jumped and slashed through the saw. With lightning speed, he turned around and gave another slash. He recoiled and tried to counter with another strike from his claw. Ice formed on various places along the leg which stopped it in it's tracks “Now Aviator!” Sweetie Shouted with her mask held in her hoof. “Got it!” she said before ripping her goggles off and summoning Earheart. Sharp winds were sent which hit as Sweetie's ice shattered, adding to the damage. Filthy growled in anger “I will not be made a fool by foals!” he yelled. He then aimed his head down towards Apple Bloom and Spike before opening his jaws. “Fire” Spike guessed “Get behind me” he called to Apple Bloom. She ran behind him as he prepared to block as much of the flames as possible. To his surprise fire never came out, instead the mouth sparked slightly before an electric blast was fired. Spike gasped before he was electrified. He clenched his fist and let out a scream as he tried to endure the attack. When it ended he fell to his knees, breathing hard. “Drake!” Apple Bloom called in concern. She dug through her saddle bags for a potion but the two of them were smacked away by Filthy's metallic claw. Sweetie pulled her mask off but hesitated on who to heal first. Because of her hesitation, Filthy was able to send his saw towards her. “I'm coming!” Scootaloo yelled as she jumped in front of Sweetie and got send a few feet away from the saw. Sweetie then quickly decided to heal Spike. As they were trying to recover, Filthy let out a laugh “Now you realize the mistake you made by coming back.” he said. Spike slowly made his way back to his feet “T-this isn't w-working. We need a plan.” he said. Scootaloo dizzily made her way over to them while holding her head “I have a plan, I'm gonna pay him back twenty-fold for that.” she said. Sweetie hummed in thought “How can we defeat him though? We just don't have the power to damage him.” she said. Apple Bloom glanced up and gasped with a smile “Ah got it!” she announced. “What?” her friends asked. “Just keep him distracted, this has ta work!” she said. Scootaloo seemed to gain her energy back “Leave it to me.” she said before speeding herself up and running back into the action. Spike took his daggers in his claws again “Come on Hoodlum, we have to help before she gets herself killed.” he said before the two ran to join her. Scootaloo sidestepped a blast of fire before sending her sharp winds up towards his face “Come on! Show me what that useless machine can do!” she taunted. Filthy growled and raised his saw. Suddenly his eyes were iced over, blinding him. He then felt revolver rounds hitting around his face. He swung his arms wildly towards where the bullets were coming from. Spike panicked as he tried not to get crushed, Apple Bloom took her crossbow in her mouth and aimed high above Filthy's head. The large crystal chandelier hung dangerously over the machine. One good shot would be all it took. She calmed her breath as she tried to line it up. Once she was confident, she bit down on the trigger. The chandelier was suddenly dropped and crashed into the blinded Filthy with tremendous force. The entire chandelier shattered and a crack appeared on Filthy's forehead. Apple Bloom noticed this and pointed “There! Hit him right there with everythin'!” she ordered. “Coming right up!” Scootaloo shouted back before sending some winds to the crack. It was enough to enlarge the crack. Spike ripped his mask off “Full power Butch!” he commanded as a fireball crashed into the crack, spreading the cracking further. Sweetie summoned Fagin “We're doing it!” she squeaked. An icicle formed over her before shooting and weakening the metal even more. Apple Bloom knew that it couldn't take much more. She couldn't help but smirk as she slid her mask off “Ya know what ta do Galahad.” she said. Once the persona formed, he crossed his arms and charge forward. He bashed into Filthy's head. The cracking started spreading all over the metallic body. It then all started to fall apart. Once the entire robot had fallen apart, all that was left was a downed Filthy Rich surrounded by scrap. The fillies and dragon all put their weapons away and approached him. He was still alive but he obviously wasn't a threat anymore. He weakly looked up at them before hanging his head in defeat “That's it. I give...you win. Just finish it.” he said. The four looked to each other before returning their gazes to the pathetic looking stallion. Apple Bloom gave him a sympathetic look “We won't hurt ya anymore. That wasn't our goal.” she said. “Your goal?” he asked. He turned to his right to see the framed picture of Diamond. He managed to walk his way to it. He sighed sadly at the sight of it “I'm sorry. I failed you.” he said. Scootaloo tilted her head “Is that really your treasure? I mean, I know that's your daughter and all but I'm sure you have other pictures.” she said. “It's not the picture, it's the frame. Diamond made it herself for my birthday a couple years ago. Of course she had help from a few maids and butlers but she still made it. It was the first time she made something for me. I don't get to see her often because of business, but seeing this on my desk it...it keeps me going.” he said. He took it gently in his hooves and clutched it to his chest “Please don't take it from me.” he pleaded. Apple Bloom laid a comforting hoof on him “ah know it's important ta ya, but we need ta change yer heart. Yer hurtin' ponies. Bein' unfair ta them. Ah'm sure that ain't what ya want ta be teachin' yer daughter.” she said. His grip on the frame lessened “Y-you're right. I got so wrapped up in my business that I forgot how to treat ponies. The apples are dear friends, how could I do this to them. I doubt they'd ever forgive me.” he said. Sweetie offered him a smile “Of course they will. If you apologize, you'll get past this I know it.” she said. Scootaloo nodded “Friends fight and get angry at each other sometimes. Trust me I know. But if you're really friends, you'll make up.” she said. Spike chuckled “I've seen my fair share of squabbles between friends, being the assistant to the princess of friendship, and it all works out in the end.” he said. Apple Bloom flashed a big smile “Ah already forgive ya, and ah know mah family so ah know they'll forgive ya too.” she said. A smile found it's way onto his face “Thank you...Phantom Thieves.” he took one last look at the picture in his hooves before holding it out towards the young apple “Here, take it. It's the least I can give you for setting me right.” he offered. She gratefully accepted the frame. He then began to glow with a golden light. The light grew brighter until the stallion was no longer visible. It then disappeared along with him. Scootaloo raised an eyebrow and looked around “What? Where'd he go?” she wondered. Apple Bloom gave a knowing smile “Ah think he's off ta do the right thing.” she said. Before anyone else could speak, a tremor started. Sweetie gasped “What happened? Did we do something wrong?” she asked with urgency. They then saw the area around Filthy's office start to crumble into pure blackness. Spike took a couple steps back in shock “Run!” he shouted before dashing off. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo quickly started passing him and Sweetie struggled to run beside him. They descended the spiral staircase as it fell apart. They eventually made it out of the factory and made a mad dash for the exit to the metaverse. Scootaloo looked back to see the crumbling nipping at the heels of Sweetie and Spike “Kick it into high gear you two!” she shouted back at them. Spike tried but didn't speed up at all “I don't think I have high gear!” he wheezed. Apple Bloom noticed the gate ahead that marked the exit “It's right there! Keep runnin'!” she ordered. In a flash they felt the rays of the sun again. They skidded to a stop and began trying to catch their breath. Scootaloo was the first to recover from their run “Why did that happen? The whole place just collapsed.” she said. Spike was bent over with his hands on his knees, panting “I think it's...because Filthy's shadow...left.”he manged to get out. Sweetie laid on her side in an attempt to rest her legs “So his palace is just gone?” she asked. Apple Bloom hummed in thought as she took the ruby in hoof. She wanted to test something “Filthy Rich, Sweet Apple Acres, factory.” she said. At the words, the four of them tensed. After a few seconds they all relaxed again “So it is gone, like really gone.” she said. “That's good right? Filthy should be fixed now, right?” Sweetie asked. Apple Bloom's face turned grim “Hopefully but remember what Spike's book said. Most of the ponies who had their treasure stolen...didn't make it.” she said. Scootaloo hung her head before shaking it “No, we did everything right. He'll be fine, I know it.” she said. Sweetie nodded in agreement but didn't seem as sure as Scootaloo “I'm sure you're right, but we should make sure tomorrow.” she said. Spike seemed to remember something “Speaking of the treasure, where is it?” he wondered. The others hummed in thought as they searched around for the framed picture. While they saw no frame, they did see a loose picture lying face down. Apple Bloom picked up and the other crowded around to see. It was the same picture of Diamond Tiara that was inside of the frame. Scootaloo sighed “This is all we get of the treasure, lame.” she said. Spike chuckled “Remember that this wasn't about the treasure...” he paused and turned to the picture “But what should we do with it? We can't just leave it here.” he said. Sweetie joined in at staring at the image “Maybe we should just give it back? I mean they-” “What are you creeps doing!” yelled an accusing voice. They froze and slowly turned their heads towards Diamond Tiara's furious face. She pointed to the picture “Answer me! What are you doing gawking at a picture of me!” she demanded. Apple Bloom's mind raced for an excuse that sounded believable. She came up with nothing “W-what are even doing here?” she asked. Diamond's glare deepened “If you must know, Silvy wanted to get out of the house because her dad was being a jerk so we went on a walk. Then we stumbled on you clowns drooling over a picture of me!” she shouted. Apple Bloom glanced behind the pink filly to see Silver Spoon. She almost didn't notice her with how quiet she was being. She even seemed to be hiding slightly behind her mane, which was hard due to it being in it's usual braid. She started to open her mouth to address the out of character pony but was interrupted by the picture being snatched from her. Diamond held the picture close to her chest so they couldn't see it anymore “I don't know how you got this but if this happens again, I will press charges.” she then stuck her nose up and started trotting off “Come on Silvy!” she called. The gray filly looked as if she was snapped out of a trance and quickly followed her friend “C-coming!” she said before taking off. Apple Bloom watched them walk away “Did...did y'all see that?” she asked. Scootaloo sat down and crossed her fore hooves “What? Diamond Tiara thinking we were creeping on her? Yeah, I saw it.” she grumbled. After a few seconds, Apple Bloom shook her head “Forget about it. We should go home and get some rest.” she said. Right on cue, Spike stretched and yawned “Good idea, I'm beat. Let's meet again tomorrow.” he suggested. The others agreed and they separated for the night. Date: Unknown Apple Bloom's eyes opened to see a mostly blue room from her caged view. She sighed as the sight was becoming more familiar “Why am ah back here?” she asked to the Stallion who was silently reading a book. After a few seconds the book softly closed and he finally addressed her “Apple Bloom, I see you made it through the trial.” he said flatly. She smirked in pride “Yeah, in yer face. Me an' mah friends avoided that bad endin' ya were talkin' about.” she boasted. A hint of an amused grin graced his face “You think Filthy Rich was the tragedy I described?” he asked. Apple Bloom's ears flopped against her skull “Not...anymore.” she muttered. Index shook his head “tsk tsk tsk. Don't get a big head from one victory. You'll need to get though much more to change fate. But that's enough for now, leave me.” he said before returning to his book. Apple Bloom felt a sleepy feeling wash over her. A thought came to her and she tried to fight though it “w...wait! You know things r-right? Like the past and future?” she asked. His gaze didn't even rise from the pages “do not mistake me for a magic 8-ball, I do not give out predictions.” he said. Apple Bloom knew that she didn't have long before she was forcefully removed from this room so she tried to get to the point “Did something happen to Silver Spoon?” she shouted. That actually gained a reaction from the stallion. He glanced up from his book, after a few seconds he finally spoke “Everypony has a story, if you want to know it then read it yourself.” The filly frowned before succumbing to the force pushing her to sleep.