Mass Effect: New Beginnings (Remastered)

by lighting_spark

Chapter 4: New things

"I guess, but I haven’t been in a relationship with a girl."

"Thank you." Before I can do anything she jumps on the table and pulls me into a hug.

“Ummm, you know you just stepped in my lunch?” my half-finished burger now has a hoof mark in it.

“Ops, sorry.” She sat back down in her seat.

“It’s okay, I wasn’t hungry anyway.” That was a lie, I was starved.

“Soooo, what do you want to do today?

“I was planning on going to a library, I need to find something’s then I might work out.” I need to keep up my fitness, just because I’m not in the alliance anymore doesn’t mean I’m not going to keep fit.

“Ooo, can I come?”

“Well, if you’re my new gi-mare friend then why not.”

After she finished her lunch we set off towards the library, she told me about how she lives in a town called Ponyville. Really, do all the names have to be pony puns? She also asked me if I wanted a place to stay till I go back to the guard, though I’m not in the guard I might as well go along with that.

At the library I got a few books about history and geography and read them. I was surprised by a lot of the history such as the fact that the princess’s move the sun and the moon, I thought that they moved by themselves with the use of gravity, there was also a story about how one of the princess’s turned even and tried to make an eternal night. There was also a god of chaos that got turned to stone. After reading about their history we left the library and headed to the park.

“Hey, do you want to make a bet?” I wonder what type of bet she’s talking about.

“Okay, what’s the bet?”

“We’ll have a push up contest, whoever does the most wins” she throws up her are to further her statement.
“It can’t be a bet without… the bet.”

“Okay, if you win, I’ll take us out for dinner and if I win, I want a kiss” Really, that’s all?

“That’s all? Deal.” I got into my position, and she did the same in fount of me.

“Okay, we’ll keep going to one of us fails.”
“Alright, on go. 1, 2, 3, go.” And we started.
We kept up a rhythm in sync with each other. After about an hour of doing push-ups I started to feel the strain, she didn’t look any better than me. She had sweat pouring down her forehead.

“How *pant* many have we *pant* done?” she asked me between breaths.

“14,582, you are getting tired?” I asked with a smirk.
“No *pant* you?” I can tell she was lying.
“Kind of, you’re doing a good job by the way.” She blushed when I said that.

We kept it up for 10 minutes more till we started to slow. We both could barely stay awake from how tired we were.
“I *pant* keep *pant* this *pant* up.” I knew she was starting to fail, though I wasn’t doing well as well.
“You give up?” I was about to fall asleep if she didn’t fail soon.

We did it for another minute till we failed. We both fell at the same time and fell face first into the dirt.
“I’m just *pant* going to take *pant* a nap now.” And with that she fell asleep.

“I think I might join you” And with that I fell asleep too.

The hard stone floor didn’t give me any comfort, I opened my eyes and stood up. I looked down and saw I was a human again but where am I? I looked around and realized that I was on Earth before the reaper attack. I saw a playground with little children running around it. I was watching the children play for about ten minutes. Wow, I thought that I would never see this again.

I suddenly heard a load screech and saw a reaper land about a kilometer away. I went wide eyed and tried to warn the children, but nothing came out, I tried running but I couldn’t move. The reaper turned to us and stood there looming over us. The fount of it opened up and the red glow began to grow. Before I could do anything, the reaper fired, all the children’s scream where silenced and the burning laser cut threw them all. Suddenly everything went black, after a few moments it all came back but as the Earth I left a few days ago, the burning building glowing under the ash covered sky. The smell of burnt flesh lingered through the air. I could move now, I looked around seeing all the bodies of the army I helped make to fight the reapers. I soon saw the Normandy broken in half crashed through a building.

As soon as I saw it I ran towards it. I entered through a hole in the hull, I looked around and saw members of my crew and squad laying around in pools of their own blood.
I collapsed onto my knees in total horror. All my crew dead, my squad like that also.

I was just sitting there for some time, looking at my crew until I heard a voice.

“Shepard, why?” Grunts lifeless body just spoke.
“Why?” Garrus, he was pinned to the wall with a chunk of the hull lodged into his chest.

“Why?” Tali, she was missing her whole lower half.
All my crew and squad just kept on asking me, why.
I was just sitting there in total horror.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” I covered my face and began to cry.
I sat there for some time till I stopped crying, I looked down to see my modified M-6 Carnifex. I picked it up and held it in my hands, I put the barrel to my forehead.

“I’m sorry.” And with that I pulled the trigger.