As the Apple Blooms

by The FraudulentBrit

Meanwhile in Canterlot City...

As the Apple Blooms

Respite 5; Meanwhile in Canterlot City…

Three Days Earlier….

“And then she just punched her in the face!” Applejack angrily ended her story. The day before, she had received a phone call from Ironhide about Apple Bloom. Apparently, the young girl had gotten in trouble for following an Anon-A-Miss victim (Roseluck if she remembered correctly), and following an argument, Apple Bloom had slugged her right in the face. And now, the older farm girl was informing Granny Smith and Big Macintosh on what she’d already learned.

Sighing, Granny Smith said, “And to think things were goin’ so well.” Upon hearing this, Applejack spoke up, “Honestly, Ah think we gave her too much credit thinkin’ she’d behave!”

Big Mac, on the other hand, just sat there, taking everything in. Concerned, Granny Smith asked, “You alright Big Mac?” The eldest sibling shook his head as he answered with a simple, “Nnnope.” When the old woman rested her hand on his shoulder, he let out a gentle sigh as he asked a question.

“Granny? You think we made the right choice?” When neither his grandmother nor his sister could provide an answer, Big Mac continued, “Ah mean, how long has it been? Three months?”

Groaning, Applejack replied, “For all Ah care it could be a million years, and it don’t change a thing!” Stunned, Granny Smith asked, “Applejack! How could you say that about your sister?!”

Unable to contain her anger any longer, Applejack furiously shouted, “SHE BETRAYED US!” Big Mac immediately defended his sister with, “No she didn’t! All she did was post those secrets on the internet!” The orange girl shot back with, “Are you forgettin’ about that smarty pants doll?”

Annoyed at her grandchildren’s argument, Granny Smith stepped in between the two teenagers and found herself shouting, “That’s enough! Ah get it, Apple Bloom made a dumb mistake!” When both Big Mac an Applejack calmed down, the family matriarch continued, “But Ah have to remind you two that we all agreed the best thing to do was send her to Ironhide.” She then let out a sigh of regret as she finished with, “Besides, your uncle is probably dealin’ with her right now.”

For a brief moment, no one moved or said anything. Eventually, however, Applejack groaned as she stomped off. Granny Smith turned to her granddaughter and asked, “Where do you think your goin’ young lady?” The blonde girl simply answered, “Ah’m goin’ to clean the barn out!” She then stormed out the door, slamming it on the way out.

Sitting back down in her chair, Granny Smith took a deep breath as she held her head in her hands. Big Mac walked up to his grandmother and asked her, “You alright?” The older woman lifted her head as she answered, “Ah don’t know what to do. Apple Bloom got in trouble and….” She paused for a moment before shamefully continuing, “Applejack still hasn’t forgiven her.”

“Ah know.” Big Mac sorrowfully replied. “Even before this, AJ wouldn’t even let me talk about Apple Bloom around her.” Sitting down next to his grandmother, he bluntly said, “Ah think this whole thing hit her harder than we could’ve imagined.”

Turning to her grandson, Granny Smith asked, “Can Ah ask you an honest question?” When Big Mac nodded, the older woman continued, “Do you think sendin’ Apple Bloom away was the best idea?” As the teenage boy recoiled in shock, she explained, “Ah mean, Apple Bloom needed to learn a lesson, but Ah’m startin’ to think sendin’ her away was too extreme.”

Big Mac sighed as he replied, “Ah know. Ah miss her too.” Once again, the eldest Apple sibling had found away to say so much in so little words. Granny Smith found her eyes start to sting as she realized just how much she missed her eldest granddaughter. Of course, Apple Bloom was in another state with people she hadn’t known about six months ago.

Realizing she was starting to crack, Granny Smith rose up and informed her grandson, “Ah’m thinkin’ it’s time Ah start fixin’ supper.” She then let out a gentle sigh as she asked, “You mind givin’ your granny a hand?” The eldest Apple sibling let out a gentle chuckle as he happily replied, “Heh heh. Nnnope.”

The Next Morning….

Entering her car, Applejack let out a sigh of relief. “Finally, time to have a little fun.” She said to herself. Revving her car up, she began to mentally prepare herself for the day’s events.

A few days earlier, Rainbow Dash had invited the girls to her house for a little fun. Though neither Fluttershy nor Pinkie Pie were able to attend, Rarity would be able to stop by. Even better, Twilight (or rather the Twilight of this world), had agreed to stop by and hang out. Though she had been more sociable with Sunset Shimmer, the lavender girl still considered the five girls friends, something Applejack was thankful for.

Driving down the streets of Canterlot City, Applejack took a deep breath as she began to think. ‘Just… Why Apple Bloom? Why did you have to go and do all this?’ No matter how much or hard she thought about it, she just couldn’t think about why her sister would go behind her back, steal her secrets, post them online, and blame all of it on Sunset Shimmer. Sure, there was the jealously, but why didn’t she just go to her first?

Shaking her head, the orange farm girl angrily muttered, “Damnit Apple Bloom. Ah just hope you get what’s commin’ to you.” She then forced the image of her sister down into the deepest recesses of her mind. After all, she had more pressing matters to attend to.

Rainbow Dash’s Home

“Girls! Ah’m here!” Applejack called out as she entered the home of her old friend Rainbow Dash. Already, she found Rarity and Twilight chatting with each other. Walking up to her friends, the orange farm girl greeted them with, “Hey Rarity. Howdy Twilight.”

Rising up to greet her friend, Rarity replied, “Good to see you darling.” She then wrapped Applejack in a warm hug, one which the blonde girl returned. Once they finished, Rarity asked, “So, how have you been dear?” The orange farm girl replied, “Not too bad, except for the fact that Apple Bloom got in trouble.”

Stunned, Rarity inquired, “Oh my. What did she do to get in trouble?” Applejack growled as she answered, “She ran into Roseluck and apparently, they got into a fight.” Just thinking about this again made the farm girl begin to tremble with subtle rage.

From behind Applejack and Rarity, Twilight asked, “Wait a minute. Isn’t Roseluck a student at Canterlot High?” Turning to the look alike, Applejack answered, “Yeah. Apparently the girls made some post about Roseluck’s parents divorcin’.” She then walked up to Twilight and said, “Oh! Pardon me. Good to see you Twilight.” The lavender girl smiled as she replied, “It’s alright. Good to see you too Applejack.”

At that moment, the three girls heard Rainbow Dash’s voice call out, “Hey guys!” Applejack turned to see her cyan friend, dressed in her normal outfit of a tee shirt, open blue button shirt, pink and white stripped skirt, and blue tennis shoes with rainbow socks, approach them. Walking up to Applejack, Rainbow Dash asked, “’Sup AJ?” The orange farm girl extended her hand as she answered, “Save for Apple Bloom gettin’ in a fight, not much.”

Upon hearing this, Rainbow Dash sighed as she replied, “And on today of all days.” Confused, Applejack asked, “What does that mean?” The rainbow haired girl began to scratch the back of her neck as she answered, “So, it turns out I forgot about a tiny deal I’d made with a certain someone who happens to be related to Apple Bloom.” Before Applejack could ask anything else, Twilight spoke up with a simple yet surprising answer.

“Apparently some girl named Scootaloo is going to stop by in a bit.”

As Twilight said this, Applejack sighed in frustration. Realizing that she’d made a mistake, Rainbow Dash began to plead, “I’m sorry Applejack. I totally forgot about all this, but I promised Scoots we could hang out today.” Twilight then walked up to Rainbow Dash and asked, “Uh, who is Scootaloo again?”

Sighing in frustration, Applejack answered, “She was one of Apple Bloom’s friends.” As Twilight realized the implication of this revelation, Rainbow Dash explained, “Scootaloo is kind of like my little sister. She….. I guess the best way I can put it is she’s someone very important to me.”

Rarity then walked up to Twilight and explained, “To make a very long story incredibly simple, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were the ones behind that whole “Anon-A-Miss thing.” Twilight then asked, “Wait, you mean your sisters were the ones behind that stuff before the Friendship Games?”

Before Rarity answered, Applejack asked, “So when is she gonna be here?” Sighing in resignation, Rainbow Dash answered, “I just got off the phone with her. She’ll be here in a few minutes.” The orange farm girl could only raise her hands in the air in frustration as she walked back towards the couch and slumped down.

For better or worse, today was going to be a lot more interesting.

Ten Minutes Later…

Sitting on the front porch, the four girls waited for the inevitable arrival of a certain younger girl. Not wanting to address the obvious, Applejack turned to Twilight and asked, “So, where’s Spike?” The lavender girl answered, “He’s at the vet. He got into some chocolate my brother had bought for Cadence.” Surprised, the cowgirl replied, “Ouch. Somethin’ like that happened with Winona once.”

“Wow.” Twilight remarked in shock as she readjusted her glasses. “I hope she didn’t get into too much.” Applejack allowed herself a brief giggle as she added, “Thanks. Ah’m sure Spike is doin’ alright.” Letting out a sigh of relief, the lavender girl answered, “Thanks.”

At that moment, Rarity called out, “Darlings! There’s a car approaching.” Indeed, a black sedan began to approach the house. Rising up to her feet, Rainbow Dash spoke up, “There’s my girl.” She then turned to her friends and said, “Be back in a flash.” As the rainbow haired girl made her way to the driveway, Rarity turned to Applejack and asked, “You alright dear?”

Shaking her head, the orange cowgirl replied, “Ah’ve had enough trouble with Apple Bloom lately. Findin’ out we’re gonna be around one of her friends is just…” Pausing for a moment, she finished with, “It’s a complicated feeling.”

Resting a hand on Applejack’s shoulder, Rarity replied, “I understand the feeling. Ever since Sweetie Belle was sent off to Wales, I’ve found myself worrying about her. It doesn’t exactly help that Trans-Atlantic communication costs a small fortune.”

Before Applejack could say anything else, the sound of Rainbow Dash’s voice called out, “Hey guys!” Turning around, the farm girl noticed her friend was accompanied by a very familiar girl. This younger girl was had orange skin, short purple hair, a purple pupils. She was dressed in a dark gray jacket, light blue shirt and socks, green cargo shorts, and dark gray boots. The final detail was the turquoise scarf that was covering her neck. There was no doubt as to who this girl could be, no matter how much Applejack wanted otherwise.

Twitching her head to the left, the young girl meekly raised her hand as she greeted, “Uh, hello.” Walking up to her, Twilight extended her hand and asked, “So, you’re the mysterious Scootaloo I’ve heard so much about?” As Scootaloo meekly looked away, Rainbow Dash interrupted with, “Yup. This little trouble maker here is my honorary little sis.”

Applejack, on the other hand, found herself unable to look away from Scootaloo’s neck. ‘Why is she coverin’ it up?’ she thought to herself. After all, the younger girl was still clearly having trouble with that twitching tic of hers, so why was she trying to hide the visual proof of her actions.

However, she wouldn’t need to ask herself, as Rarity walked up and asked, “I hope I’m not invading your personal space, but is there something wrong with your neck?” The moment the white girl finished this sentence, Scootaloo turned deathly pale as she hid herself behind Rainbow Dash. Resting her hand on the younger girl’s shoulder, the Cyan teenager reassured her honorary sister, “It’s ok kid.”

Turning her attention back to Rarity, Rainbow Dash solemnly explained, “Look, right now Scootaloo doesn’t want to talk about it, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t pressure her on it.” Confused and concerned, the purple haired fashionista asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it darling?”

From behind Rainbow Dash, a new voice, this one of an adult man, spoke up with a firm but gentle, “If Scootaloo doesn’t want to talk about it, she doesn’t want to talk about it. End of story.” Turning to see who it was, Applejack found herself staring at a light blue man in yellow clothing approaching the group. As he stopped, Rainbow Dash introduced him to the group, “Girls, this is Mr. Cheetor. He’s Scootaloo’s…..” She paused for a moment as she struggled to come up with the best way to describe the situation before she added, “Think of him as a cross between a social worker and a therapist.”

Both Rarity and Twilight found their jaws dropping. Consumed with surprise, the lavender scholar asked, “Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Hold up. What happened to her to require a social worker and a therapist?” Upon hearing this, Cheetor explained, “Well, the social worker half is, partly, to keep an eye on her due to that whole “Anon-A-Miss” thing.” After pausing for a moment, the light blue man continued, “And as for the therapist, that’s a long story.”

At that moment, Scootaloo spoke up. “Uh, Rainbow Dash?” Turning to face the younger girl, everyone found her holding a video game controller. The Rainbow haired teen cracked her knuckles as she smirked, “Oh yeah! Who’s up for some action?”

One Hour Later….

As the four older teens competed against each other (Specifically some sprite based fighting game), Scootaloo called out, “Rainbow Dash! Behind you!” The cyan teenager quickly rotated her character and unleashed a devastating combo, defeating her opponent. Letting out a sigh of relief, Rainbow Dash replied, “Thanks squirt.”

On the other hand, Rarity sighed as she complained, “I don’t know about you girls but I, for one, have had enough for one day.” She then turned to Rainbow Dash as she remarked, “I don’t understand how you could spend so much time playing these things.” Shrugging, the rainbow haired girl simply replied, “Guess sometimes I just wanna sit back and let off some steam.”

Applejack, however, was simply feeling relieved. Just being able to hang out with her friends and distract herself from everything. No worrying about Apple Bloom, no worrying about school, no worrying about chores on the farm. Just a chance to relax.

Of course, Applejack found herself momentarily setting her sights on Scootaloo. Once again, the younger girl’s head was twitching, this time her scarf slinking down a little bit. There, the orange farm girl got a glimpse of the discolored skin on her neck. Realizing she didn’t feel the scarf around her neck, Scootaloo quickly tried to cover it back up, twitching her head again in the process.

Before Applejack could do anything else, Rarity gasped as she exclaimed, “Oh my goodness! Scootaloo, your neck!” The younger girl immediately backed away as Rainbow Dash placed herself in between her friend and younger sister. Raising her hands, she began to speak, “Rarity, it’s alright. There’s no need to be concerned.”

As Scootaloo readjusted her scarf, Twilight asked, “What’s going on? What’s wrong with Scootaloo’s neck?” The younger girl gulped in fear as she held on to Rainbow Dash’s arm, leading the older girl to reassure her, “It’s ok Scoots.”

Realizing where this situation was heading, Applejack sighed as she spoke up, “Oh, for goodness sake Rainbow Dash! You gotta tell ‘em!” Rainbow Dash, however, found herself unwilling to reveal the truth.

Instead, Scootaloo took a deep breath as she explained, “I did something stupid.” As all eyes turned to her, the younger girl trembled as she continued, “After the Anon-A-Miss thing, Rainbow Dash chewed me out about it.”

The Rainbow haired girl quickly added, “During that conversation, I said some things that….” She found herself starting to choke up before continuing, “I said some things in the heat of the moment that I regret. The kind of things you never say to anyone, let alone someone you love.” Upon hearing this part of the story again, Applejack found herself consumed by a pang of guilt.

Scootaloo then continued, “It didn’t help that afterwards, my mom and dad said they were cancelling their visit because of it. I was so angry at myself that….” She then looked away in shame as she held her arm, tears starting to form in her eyes.

Rainbow Dash then continued, “That night, her aunts heard a thud from her room. They found her on the ground with a broken rope around her neck.” As Twilight and Rarity held their hands up to their mouths in shock, the rainbow haired girl began to sniffle as she added, “The other half was attached to her ceiling fan, which was lying on the ground next to an overturned stool.”

Twilight and Rarity put the pieces together and realized what they were implying. “Oh my goodness.” The purple haired fashionista whispered as she began to feel her eyes water. “Scootaloo, please tell me you didn’t try to…” She couldn’t will herself to say the words.

Scootaloo could only shake her head as she struggled to keep herself together. Barely able to keep up a strong face, she let out a weak giggle as she quipped, “Obviously it didn’t work. Aunt’s Lofty and Holiday found me and got me to a hospital.” Her head twitched again, much to the younger girl’s annoyance. This time, however, the young girl did something unexpected. Taking a deep breath, Scootaloo removed her scarf.

There, clear on her neck, was a patch of skin that resembled a long bruise. Pointing to it, Scootaloo tearfully explained, “Apparently there was some damage to my nerves. It’s why my head keeps twitching.”

At that moment, she broke down, needing to be consoled by Rainbow Dash. Holding her little sister tight, the older girl reassured her, “Its ok squirt. I’m here.” As Scootaloo cried into Rainbow Dash, both Twilight and Rarity found their own eyes beginning to bleed tears.

At that moment, Mr. Cheetor joined the group as he explained, “That’s where I come in.” As everyone turned to him, he explained, “I was assigned to help keep an eye on her and help her deal with everything. I see her once a week and work with her aunts and Rainbow Dash here to help her on the path to recovery.”

Applejack then walked up to Rarity as she said, “Ah was the first one Rainbow Dash talked with about all this.” Rainbow Dash then added, “You remember that time I had to leave to get some medicine? That was for Scootaloo to help with her tic.” As she held the young girl close to her, Rainbow Dash finished with, “I haven’t told Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie yet because I don’t know how they’d react.”

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Rarity squeaked out, “I can’t believe this! Oh Scootaloo!” She then joined the two surrogate sisters in their hug, followed swiftly by Twilight as well.

Applejack, on the other hand, just couldn’t will herself to join the impromptu group hug. Just looking at Scootaloo reminded her too much of her disgraced younger sister. Groaning to herself, she could only mutter to herself, “This is all your fault Apple Bloom.”

Sweet Apple Acres, A Few Hours Later….

Pulling up to Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack threw her head back as she sighed in relief. “Finally back home.” She said as she took a deep breath. While she loved seeing her friends again, she just couldn’t be around Scootaloo without feeling uncomfortable. “Ah don’t know if it’s that scar-thing on her neck or her twitchin’, but that girl just creeps me out.” Applejack muttered as she shuttered. Of course, her physical condition wasn’t the only thing that bothered her. Just being around someone who caused her so much pain was troubling.

The worst part was just how friendly Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were. While the younger girl was noticeably more vulnerable, for the most part, it was as if things between the two girls were just as close as ever, if not more so. Unable to contain her confusion and frustration, Applejack just groaned, “Ugh. Why couldn’t those girls just keep their noses out of trouble?!”

Knowing she wouldn’t find the answers to her endless questions by sitting in her car, the orange farm girl exited her car and began to walk towards the farm house. Considering what time of day it was, Granny Smith was probably starting to cook supper. “Maybe Granny Smith needs some help tonight.” Applejack said to herself as she opened the front door.

The moment she entered the foyer, Applejack found both Big Mac and Granny Smith were already waiting for her. Both her brother and grandmother were clearly unhappy, with the former even crossing his arms. Confused, the orange cow girl asked, “Uh, what’s up?”

Though Big Mac didn’t say anything, Granny Smith provided an answer when she pointed to her granddaughter and bluntly ordered, “Apple Bloom’s room. Now!” She then pointed to the stairwell as she glared even harder at her granddaughter.

Applejack gulped as she began to turn pale. How could they have found out about it? After all, it wasn’t like they’d just dwell in Apple Bloom’s room, right?”

Her train of thought was derailed as Granny Smith raised her voice and exclaimed, “Ah said now young lady!” Nodding in defeat, Applejack began to ascend the stairs, her grandmother and brother following her.

When the three Apples arrived at Apple Bloom’s room, Big Mac walked up to the door and opened it, revealing the contents. Applejack knew where this was going and tried to look away, but her brother grabbed her by the shoulder and forcibly rotated her so she would be unable to avert her eyes.

To say that Apple Bloom’s room had changed would be an impossibly simple oversimplification. The curtains had been from the window and ripped and the bed sheets were also scattered around, exposed threads revealing they too had been destroyed. The younger girl’s dresser was desecrated, as clothes laid on the floor and the drawers were reduced to piles of splinters. Even the bed was clearly broken, with the mattress leaning against the wall as the bed frame sat broken down the middle, collapsing inwards like a sinking ship.

Turning to face her now disgraced granddaughter and angrily asked, “You wanna explain to me why Apple Bloom’s room looks like a bear ransacked it?” Applejack tried to speak, but found herself too consumed by shame to answer. Instead, Big Mac spoke up, “Ah found it like this this mornin’. The settled dust means it must have happened in the last day or two.” He then turned to Applejack and asked, “There any reason you’d be angry in the last few days?”

Sighing in resignation, Applejack answered, “Ah was angry at Apple Bloom for gettin’ in trouble and….” Pausing for a moment, she simply finished with, “Ah lost control.”

Walking up to her granddaughter, Granny Smith chastised her with, “That doesn’t explain all of this!” As she pointed to Apple Bloom’s room, the older woman continued, “Ah get it, you’re angry with your sister, but Ah cannot excuse this unacceptable behavior!” She then crossed her arms as she added, “As of right now, you won’t be continuin’ the research project on your uncle. Instead, you’re fixin’ all of this. Anythin’ you can’t fix, you’re replacin’.”

“That ain’t fair!” Applejack complained. Granny Smith immediately cut her off with, “Don’t you dare whine about what’s fair!” She then walked off as she finished with, “Ah’m goin’ to fix supper. Applejack, you’re not eatin’ ‘till you get her floor cleaned up.” Big Mac followed, speaking a single disappointed, “Eeyup.”

Now alone in her sister’s room, Applejack groaned with frustration as she mumbled to herself, “Why Apple Bloom? Just why?” However, for the first time in so many months, she couldn’t blame her younger sister any more. Instead, the middle Apple sibling began to wonder if her grudge against her sister was actually negatively affecting her.

Instead, Applejack simply scoffed the idea away as she began to pick up the many tattered sheets, unwilling to accept the possibility that Apple Bloom wasn’t the black and white villain she’d convinced herself she was.