Fusion Falls (old version)

by madhat886



With so much happening in the town of Gravity Falls, the people living there had gotten use to many odd things. Fix-It-Felix has been busy in fixing all the damage the dinosaurs had caused to the town making it look good as new. Even with all what has happened in the past month or so, people continue to come to live in Gravity Falls thanks to all the new jobs being found in the surrounding area around the valley.

Speaking of the dinosaurs, there are still wild ones running around in the forest. The ones still in the mine are being dug out as the search for survivors in the mine is still underway. The authorities are very interested in the lab that the fast food soldiers were using. The pig farm is being stripped of all the equipment in the lab under it, with ownership up in the air after the doctor who owned it got away. The manger of the pig farm Hoggish Greedly, is trying to get ownership as he had no idea what the doctor was doing. Then there are the two Cauldrons where the machine animals had been coming from. Seeing how they need an expert in why there are two cauldrons in the same location, Alloy was called in to oversee the operation.

Thanks to Sunset hiring earthbenders and even getting Korra to lend a hand and paying her, the sentient dinosaurs now all have homes near Ponyvile. Which is now under the leadership of pony Mr. Scotsdale who is handling being mayor quite well, with the mass arrest of so many ponies in Ponyvile who had destroyed the building project of Sunset and those who were hiding them like the former mayor. Ponyvile now was smaller with empty homes, and with robot police now patrolling the streets the ponies couldn't do anything about all the changes being done.

As for Anne and the frogs, seeing how they have no place to go. Sunset gave one of the empty farms to the Planters as she needed someone to farm the empty fields. The farm is an experimental robot farm where a group of a dozen Mr. Handy robots do all the farming. Sunset got the idea after hearing about how in the world where the robots came from there was a Graygarden that was a fully automated hydroponic garden being run by Mr. Handies. The Planters, Hopediah, Sprig, and Polly Petunia are there to make sure that the robots are working and to give them orders when they run into a problem.

Sunset is also having Frobo repaired at the local Robco factory. Studying what’s left of the frog robot to learn what they can. The news of a entire army of robot frogs under the command of the newt king Andrias wanting to conquer Earth has gotten a lot of buzz with the government.

As for Anne she’s staying at the summer camp for the meantime. She had called her parents and told them what happen as well as calling her friends Sasha Waybright and Marcy Wu parents about what happen to them. Now she’s seeing Stump who is a trained therapist to help with all the things that she’s been through.

Speaking of the camp the swamp creature who was a normal human girl before the doctor experimented on her, showed up near the camp. Her name is Amanda who can’t remember much of her human life. She’s now living in the lake with the other water breathers and spends time on the floating town lead by Canyon.

There is also the supervillain Crow who has setup shop in the Fire Kingdom. The Fire Kingdom thanks to being underground with lava, became a industrial powerhouse in the region. The lava flows are mined for the valuable minerals, and with it being a natural forge many smelters and metalwork's are found in the Fire Kingdom. As well as being a Geo-thermal power plant that not only helps to power the entire state but also the surrounding states as well. Crow using his engineering skills quickly setup shop in creating a factory to produce war machines, which he sells to the government.

Crow and Becky learning how this world works and when Crow tried to kidnapped Sunset, he was quickly dog piled by her sisters. Then he tried to kidnap the other princesses, which the princesses around the Candy Kingdom just treated it like how the old Ice King use to do that to them, and Fin and Jake enjoyed fighting him. Of course, trying to kidnap Fire Princess just resulted in her throwing fire at him.

Then Crow tried to kidnap the pony princesses, which resulted in him getting ahold of princess Celestia. He tried to kidnap Luna but Sunset and her family kept him from doing so, and then there's Candance but all she did was treat him as a babysitter for prince Fury Heart the son of Shining Armor and Crysalis. Handing Fury Heart over to him with baby supplies, leaving Crow having to look after the young prince. So, Crow just went for the sun princess.


Crow's new base -

"What you mean you don't want her back?" Crow ask having prepared his base for a assault by the heroes to get Celestia back and has Sunset on video screen to give her his demands.

"She doesn't do anything around here in the first place," Sunset said who is doing paperwork in her office.

"So you're more then happy to let her stay in the cage?" Crow ask pointing to Celestia in one of Ice King's old princess cages.

"She can free herself," Sunset said.

"Wow you and her, have a really bad mother and daughter relationship," Crow said.

"You're thinking of my human parents who I care about, my pony ones still on the fence but for Celestia. I can't bring myself to care for her as she couldn't be bothered to care for me when it would had matter," Sunset said.

Causing Celestia who is listening in to hang her head in shame.

"Sunset have you seen Unico?" Luna ask bursting into the room. Ever since Unico has been living in the castle, Luna has all but adopted the little unicorn.

"Oh, the baby unicorn? He's over here," Crow said.

"What?" both Sunset and Luna ask.

"He got on my ship after I kidnapped Celestia," Crow said.

"Where is he?" Luna ask.

"Stuck him in the daycare," Crow said. He brought up a screen showing Unico playing in the daycare with the other children. He's playing with a keyboard trying to make up a song.

"I'm going over there and pick him up," Luna said leaving the room.

"So, you're not going to come rushing over to save Celestia?" Crow ask.

"Using her as bait?" Sunset ask.

"Yeah, I tried to power my doom cannon and she doesn't work," Crow said.

"On the subject matter the only reason why a swat team isn’t breaking into the room right now is because of the princesses around the Candy Kingdom already use to being kidnap. And that I simply don’t care about you taking Celestia,” Sunset said.

“Tell me about it,” Crow said wanting to be a villain like in his world, but he has to play by the rules of this world or he will be facing being imprison or facing a bunch of law enforcement. "Most of my kidnappings is more for the show Discord put together with Fin and Jake coming to save the day."

"You're getting paid to get your butt kick," Sunset pointed out.

"True," Crow said.

"How's the project going?" Sunset ask as the real reason why Crow is allowed to run around free besides being a villain who follows rules of engagement. Is because of his device he created to open portals to other worlds, which he was using to get back to his. His attempts while underground in the sap mine and the void leaking out, caused portals to opens up now and then.

His base is more of a research center in studying and perfecting the portal technology. Also, thanks to Becky made some deals in making weapons and equipment either for companies that sub contract them to make their brand or selling right to the government. Which is mostly making ammo, rockets, bombs, and missiles.

"That professor Membrane is studying it and we're comparing notes," Crow said.

"Good, being able to open portals will come in handy later. It cost lots of resources to travel around in the universe and having a portal even if its limited will cut travel time down. As long as it can be done safely," Sunset said.

"Portals are something that villains in my world have been trying to master with only those who have the power in the first place able to have control and no accidents. Like that that movie with the fly thing," Crow said.

"Which is why I want it to be safe and like how Kronika can open portals anywhere she wants," Sunset said.

"And don't forget when," Crow said.

"Please using time travel like that will just cause nothing but trouble with the only way to stop out of control time travel is by going way back in the past and stop people from advancing in the first place like in Rick and Morty," Sunset said.

"Oh, you saw that episode with the snakes?" Crow ask.

"Like it," Sunset said.

"Got to admit you're like princess Tephra," Crow said.

"Who?" Sunset ask.

"She's a villain princess," Becky said appearing on screen. "She's an ogre princess of the Lava Kingdom and rules it with an iron fist. Like how you're ruling over the ponies."

"Only with the older ones. I'm putting all the work in the kids so that they unlike their parents won't be hard set in their ways and learn how to deal with things that they can't control. Celestia went and baby the adult ponies so much that now in a world they can't control and have no magic. They can't deal with anything and are screaming their heads off, with only a few able to deal with it," Sunset said. "Which is why I'm putting all of my energy in the young ones and if the adults don't like it, it's not like they're the only subjects I'm ruling over. My approval ratings with all the non ponies living under my rule is very good. Besides the only reason why there is even a kingdom in the first place is because of the deal I made with the government in the first place. And I find it very unlikely either Luna or Candance would be able to handle all the paperwork I'm doing and deals making just to keep it going."

"What about her?" Crow ask pointing to Celestia.

"She hasn't done anything of worth since the merge happen. And even before that she left all the most dangerous tasks to Twilight and the others. Then there are the arm forces which are a complete joke," Sunset said.

"We saw the video of the so fake dragon eating up the ponies while all the soldiers were hiding behind things, even one hiding behind a puppy. I can't believe they fell for that," Becky said.

"Equestria would be the kingdom that villains starting out would go to first to begin. And I'm talking about the kids of villains," Crow said.

"Old Equestia is more of a level 1 starting off point," Sunset agreed.

"But anyways you're more of the villain type," Crow said.

"Of course, I am," Sunset said shocking Celestia who is listening in. "I'm the token evil teammate. Who operates entirely within the law, that allows me to strip away the rights that the ponies use to have that allowed them to just go around taking any land they wanted even if another race was there before. Not to mention having more rights then other races. So, to the ponies the adult ones anyways I'm the villain."

"So why are they not revolting? Or want Celestia back in power?" Crow ask.

"As bad as I am to them, Celestia abandoning me is far worse of a taboo. And that she had all the chances of making things right and she never did it when it would have matter. And now that she lost everything is when she's trying to make a bond with me and be the mother I needed. Which is now a moot point since I have a family already who even learning I'm not their Sunset still accepted me into their family, and my pony family there are still my pony sisters. Celestia has proven that she can't handle anything in this new world as she stayed in power for 3 months after the merge and everything was falling apart. Which only stop after I took command," Sunset said.

"It wasn't that bad," Celestia said.

"Most of Equestria was in flames, the farmlands were dying the other races were on the brink of lynching the ponies, and Equestria was about to be invaded by the US army. I fix it all after taking the throne in less then an hour with a cake," Sunset said.

"How?" Becky ask as she and Crow tried to figure out how that happen.

"Dethrone Celestia, with both Luna and Candance backing my claim as her daughter. Talk with the president and cut a deal with her over some cake. Got Equestria to be a kingdom but apart of the country and follows the federal laws. Which the other kingdoms follow suit. Now I’m busy modernizing my kingdom and tearing down the old ways that don’t work in this world and selling off what I can to pay off the billions I owe to all the banks I took loans from. Which is where you and your portal machine comes in,” Sunset said.

“Going full on evil ruler and takeover?” Crow ask.

“Nope, make trade deals and offer a vacation destination for heroes and villains,” Sunset said.

“Only looking to make money?” Becky ask.

“You have any idea how much stress and pressure I’m under in keeping this kingdom together and cleaning up all the messes that Celestia left for me to deal with. The only one who I can relate to is Steven Universe who had to deal with all the problems that his mother Pink Diamond left for him. But he’s off world ruling along side with the other diamonds in the new Gem empire. But unlike him I only have Luna and Candance to help with the workload. Even then there are only things I can do as they're just out of their depth. And that's only running a backwards kingdom and dragging it into the modern age kicking and screaming. It's way too much work already," Sunset said.

"Lots of stress?" Becky ask.

"I'm taking pills for high blood pressure," Sunset said.

"So no being the villain?" Crow ask.

"I'm already the villain. With me being the only one who can do this job, I'm too important to be gotten rid of," Sunset said.

"Then why are you learning to fight from all of those videogame characters?" Crow ask.

"Because unlike Celestia I'm not going to be helpless when I have to fight," Sunset said.

"Really?" Becky ask.

"She was powerful but when she tried to fight the Changeling queen she was quickly beaten. Which is why I'm training in many forms of combat, thanks to having so many different fighter game characters running around. I'm able to learn from fighters who can still use their reality breaking fighting styles and those who use magic while fighting," Sunset said. "Speaking of which what about my special project?"

"Hey it takes time with what you ask for," Crow said.

"How long will it take?" Sunset ask.

"About 2 to 4 weeks and Professor Membrane is still working on the design so it will work without it being too complex. Alot of villains tried to create weapons like what you're asking for but is way too complex for them to use," Crow said.

"From what I can gather from the plans you gave us you been planning on creating this weapon for some time," Becky said.

"I been trying to have my ultimate weapon built since learning about Bill. I tried talking with a Shigure Kosaka (Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple) in Japan who only uses a traditional forge and materials who said is superior to state-of-the-art techniques and materials. But it's only true when in the world she came from, she is still gifted but her weapons aren't the type that can cut through anything and never needs to be sharpen or oiled or anything else. All of her weapons that use to be able to cut through just about anything without so much of a dent or a notch on the blade, suddenly aren't unbreakable anymore. Professor Membrane is my best bet in creating a legendary weapon that's a blend of science and magic. That or put up with Excalibur," Sunset said. (1)

"Who?" both Crow and Becky ask.

"Excalibur is a living weapon that takes the form of a sword. Anyone who wields him is pretty much unstoppable and unlike other such weapons anyone can use him. The problem is that he is completely insufferable to be around which I'm guessing he does so only those who are like King Arthur will wield him," Sunset said. (2)

“Really now,” Crow said thinking about the weapon.

“Location is in Iceland in an underground hot spring. It’s also a tourist spot around the cave because of the hot springs and hotels,” Sunset said.

“You’re just telling me?” Crow ask.

“Yes,” Sunset said.

“Really that bad?” Becky ask.

“He wouldn’t be the first villain to try,” Sunset said.

“Why are you treating us like this?” Becky ask.

“From what that robot of yours told Jenny. You Crow are like Bowser where you’re on the verge of conquering the world only to stop so you and your prisoners can go for a tour in a museum,” Sunset said.

“What? We villains can be perfectly civil,” Crow said.

“And going go-karting and playing games with the princess you normally kidnap. Also Bowser wants to know if you’re interested in the next Wacky Race?” Sunset ask.

“I’ll be there,” Crow said.

“Sunset you’re being too friendly with these villains who haven't reformed,” Celesita said.

“You said the same thing about Discord,” Sunset said. “Besides, I’m doing what you always told me to do. Make friends just not the type you like. And yes they're villains but that's not that bad.”


Ponyvile -

At the Apple farm Applebloom and Double D is brokering a billion-dollar deal with a Griffins and Dwarf conglomerate. They’re testing the first non-human plasmid trail runs. The test run would use water down doses that would take several months to finish, to avoid anyone transforming into a splicer. There already are cases of splicers appearing from those who took too much plasmid at once.

Also learning that the sap they been mining came from a version of the tree of life. They're working with many gods of nature and plants to bring the tree back to life. They would be able to harvest all the sap they want as long as they keep the tree healthy. So far it's slow going in bringing the tree back to life. It turns out the tree is the oldest tree of life there is, coming from a dinosaur god of all things. Even with the dinosaur gods going with the intelligent dinosaur race that prayed to them, the tree of life they created still lived on. Till the humans of the cult that discovered the tree and killed it in the hopes of becoming immortal, which just poisoned them instead.

Applebloom is also treating Applejack better since their talk and Applejack finally admitting to herself what she failed to do. Twilight is also putting Applejack and the rest of the five in a rigorous exercise and combat regime. They all need to get back into shape. While trying to repair their relationship. Twilight has also been helping to keep the wild dinosaurs still being hunted down out of Ponyvile.

Sunset has made a deal with Jurassic Park, where the park where the dinosaurs are going to be kept be apart of the Jurassic Park company. So that the equipment and workers who know how to care for dinosaurs could be sent over. The island where the main park is located was in danger of being destroyed by the volcano waking up. Till Pele the volcano moved the hot spot to the seabed so that a new island was formed nearby. Which made a grand sight as guest could watch as an island grew out of the sea, several miles away.

Sunset also has been buying up assets and stocks after the fallout in the financial world after so many big-shots and corporations got canned or arrested in the 'Fake A.I. Scandal'. The fallout and backlash of the fake A.I. attacks reached global levels as many countries are now trying to figure out how many A.I. attackers are real and not fake so that some companies could make money or ruin rivals.

Jenny had briefly been called to Paris to talk to Henri Crosteau and agency director Charles Goodwin. She wouldn't say what the meeting was about. But Jenny did bring the wonderful news that after so many screw ups and her father being kicked from office for gross incompetence and abuse of power. Chloe was kicked out of the Miraculous hero group and was on probation until she cleaned up her act. Seeing how Hawkmoth has become a good guy in helping to fight the Nazis in France there is hope for her.


Canterlot -

In the castle’s garage is the workshop of the newest castle staff member a man named Chumbucket. He came out of the sap mine in a sup up car he calls the Magnum Opus. He came out of one of Crow’s portals from a post-apocalypse Australia, just as he and the car were falling off a cliff. Chumbucket a hunchback "blackfinger" mechanic who was once the pride of Gastown until he began to have visions of the Angel Combustion, who implored him to build a body for her. The result was the Magnum Opus, but it needs far more work. He’s also a Gadgeteer Genius seeing how he managed to build the Magnum Opus, a harpoon gun, a collapsible sniper rifle, and an explosives attachment for the harpoon, all out of scrap.

Sunset heard about the strange man and the car from rescue workers looking for survivors in the sap mine. She asked her sister Izabella who works as an autoworker, along with her other sisters Euspeth, Davina, and Ardbey who work in the auto shop of Wal-Mart to look at the car. They were impressed with how well the car ran when it’s made out of junk parts.

Sunset hired him as the castle’s mechanic, giving him room and board in exchange for him keeping the vehicles and other machines up and running. As well as working at the racetracks to work on the custom go-karts for the Wacky Races. The original Magnum Opus is now on display inside one of the resorts.

“The parts are here,” Izabella said as wheels in two boxes that been delivered to the castle.

“Yes, more parts for the new Magnum Opus,” Chumbucket said working with the sisters in creating a new and better Magnum Opus using shiny parts.

Since coming to this new world Chumbucket has been learning lots of things. That he only half remembers as he was young when the fall came to his world. He enjoys working for Sunset, get to work on all kinds of cars and work on the new Magnum Opus. Opening the boxes Chumbucket saw the auxiliary tank and the special supercharger that uses exhaust gas flow to boost engine horsepower finally came in. Sunset wants him to build a better Magnum Opus with her sisters helping him so she could enter it into a car show. He wouldn’t fail her, he would create a better Magnum Opus.


Mystery Shack -

Things are slow at the shack thanks to what happen at the sap mine, and that the area has been closed down. There are still wild dinosaurs running around in the forest. Hunters and robots are busy hunting them down, which is why the road to the shack and the surrounding area is closed down. The authorities didn't want people anywhere near the forest till all the dinosaurs have been hunted down and relocated to the new dinosaur wildlife park.

So, while the shack was closed Stan took the time to fix things up and setup new exhibits. Eda was also setting up her home to be like the shack seeing how much money Stan is making. The first floor of her house is now a magic museum, displaying magical items that Stan manage to get his hands on and have no place to put them.

Eda was looking over a witch's caldron that Stan brought. From what Stan learn from the seller, the ancient caldron use to be owned by a family of witches that made a living by making potions. The caldron is cast from special metals to withstand the caustic ingredients used for the concoctions. Which Eda can tell that much of the magic used in the potion making came from the pot itself. Of course, that was before the merge and the pot is now just an ancient pot. But Eda did point out that back in the Boiling Isles the pot would fetch some big bucks.

“Well can you use it?” Stan ask.

“Sure I can use it to brew some potions and spell casting,” Eda said looking over the pot. "Or I can just pour that bottomless bottle of cough syrup into it and sell it as a magical cough syrup."

"Good thinking and we can use some cheap jars or bottles," Stan said.

Dipper was doing an inventory check on all the merchandise, seeing how he has lots of free time to himself. The shack while closes is still visited by the hunters who needed to get something. Or use the portable toilets.

"Cool look at this," Luz said as she held up a strange gauntlet that had a blue round gem on the part that rested on the back of the hand.

"Got that from overseas. It's called the Scepter. The seller has no idea what it does," Stan said.

"I looked it over and it would had been able to make copies of objects if it wasn't powerless in this world," Eda said and looks at Stan. "And no I can't repower it."

"Nuts," Stan said wanting to make lots of copies of stuff he could sell.

"Hey guys," Twilight said entering the shack.

"Hi Twilight," Wendy said restocking the drinks in the fridge.

"There's a bat!" Soos shouted as he runs out of the kitchen.

"A bat? Dipper go and scare it away," Stan said.

"Grunkle Stan why don't you ever have Mabel do any of the chores? Why is it always me?" Dipper ask.

"Because I said so!" Stan said.

"Look, Grunkle Stan... I know that you're only pushing all this work on me to 'toughen me up' and make sure when the 'world hits, I hit back'. I don't need it after what I been through," Dipper said.

Stan turns around angry. "SOOS! You blabber mouth! I'm cutting your pay!"

"No! Soos didn't squeal!" Dipper said and quickly explains how he saw it in one of his 'flashforwards', which Soos, Eda and Luz listen in too.

"I heard of this happening but only when there's time magic being used," Eda spoke up.

And before Stan could give a respond of his own. "Look, I appreciate the sentiment behind what you're doing. And I'd be lying if it hasn't helped me get in shape."

"Thank you for his six pack by the way," Wendy says suddenly, then gives Dipper a wink.

Dipper blushes but coughs it away. "Right, anyway. As good as that is, that doesn't excuse you letting Mabel off easily and making me do all the work! Why doesn't Mabel get any work?"

"What, come on! She tough enough..." Stan said.

"We're not talking about toughness!" Twilight said.

"We mean like discipline, responsibility..." Wendy said.

Stan shrugs dismissively. "Eh, never heard of them."

"Me either," Eda adds.

"Ahmen!" Mabel said who is busy watching T.V. on her belly on the floor with Waddles.

"Dang it Stan! Do I need to remind you that things with Mabel are getting worse and worse?" Dipper ask.

“It’s not that bad,” Stan said.

“Say that to Tyrone,” Dipper said causing Mabel to stiffen hearing his name. “Mabel needs to learn to take responsibility for her actions as she’s the reason why Tyrone was brought to life.”

“Hey that’s a low blow,” Stan said.

“So what? She just went and did what she wanted without thinking of what happens afterwards and look what that got her. We now have a brother who is a complete monster who can’t feel anything, both physically and emotionally. What Pacifica saw while she was connected to him horrified her and she’s seeing Stump because of that. And she did it again when she went after Waddles, the only good thing was that if she didn’t acted as the idiot character is that we ended up saving the people who ended up in the mine. But she needs to learn to take responsibility for her actions,” Dipper said.

“I didn’t want that to happen,” Mabel said haunted by what she did because she wasn’t listening to what Dipper and Twilight said.

“Well you did and now you have a immortal metal me who wants you dead all because you don’t take any responsibility or have any discipline,” Dipper said.

“I handle the bat,” Mabel said walking off into the kitchen.


Outside -

Laying flat on the ground a figure dress in Marine armor over a Marine wetsuit. Unlike the standard or polymer combat armor, this variant relies on a combination of hard and soft armor to provide protection. The torso assembly consists of a tactical vest from ballistic fiber covering the entire torso from the groin to the shoulders and neck, supplemented by tactical rigging combining hard ballistic armor with a powered survival system and a belt with four multipurpose pouches. Arms are protected by sleeves from the same ballistic fiber, combined with hard armor covering the shoulders, forearm and dorsal side of the hands. The hard armor is shaped to provide additional protection from the front when aiming and double as attachment points for additional carry pouches. The legs are protected in the same way, with the added benefit of thigh pouches and a pair of stabilizers on the shin. The helmet is derived from the standard combat armor variant, coming with a polarized visor, filtration mask and additional carry strap on the back of the head. Together, they combine to provide a heavy duty set of combat armor that covers almost the entire body in heavy armor, excepting necessary articulation points.

The figure is watching everything that's happening in the shack through the telescope of the cosmic cannon. The cosmic cannon has 3 different settings in what it fires, sonic, laser, and cryo beam. The figure aims the weapon's sight on Mabel, a finger tightens slightly on the trigger.

"No, you still have a part to play," the figure said getting up and walking into the forest.


Back in the shack -

Dipper demands once more why Stan seems to favor Mabel, while she’s busy in the kitchen handling the bat.

"Well...," Stan looking uncomfortable and saved by Eda who interrupts him.

"Come on Stan, it's nothing to be ashamed of. It's VERY common for most guys to be unable to discipline girls properly...," she turns to Wendy. "Why do you think he never called you out for slacking? Old Stan talks toughs, but when it comes to the ladies he falls apart in our hands faster then soggy bread...!"

Eda says that last bit with a mirthful chuckle. Which Stan, looks at her baffled... then looks grateful... then looks embarrassed at the full ramification of her implication...

"So it's double standards? Where no matter how bad Mabel acts it's ok for her because she's a girl?" Dipper ask.

"Sounds like how so many from different Japan worlds, where it's ok for girls to treat boys anyway they want but it's suddenly wrong when it's the other way around," Soos said.

"Remember when a bunch of them came here to try to get their powers back and maintained the mindset where it's ok for them to do it but wrong when anyone else does it," Wendy said.

"Oh man, they really were surprise when they were arrested," Soos said. (3)

"Also reminds me of how Lincoln's sisters got away with everything and if he did anything he would always be punish while his sisters didn't," Dipper adds.

"At least you only have to deal with one sister," Luz said having learn of the abuse Lincoln went through with his family. With only because their house falls in The City's side, and the laws of The City are just bad. Till It all came crashing down and The City is still being rebuild.

"Well Stan I'm not going to put up with double standards anymore. And you shouldn't be letting Mabel get away with things just because she's a girl. I seen how you let Eda walk all over you as well. Aren't you tried of that?" Dipper ask.

"Dipper, I get away with walking all over Stan because one, I'm his wife. And secondary when he starts complaining about what I'm doing like taking his customers away from the shack. I just make it up to him," Eda said.

"How the only thing Stan likes is money," Mabel said coming out of the kitchen after chasing the bat out of the kitchen by opening both the back door and windows.

"Sex," Eda said offhandedly.

"EEEWWWW," the kids all said with the older ones looking disgusted.

"Why did you say something that I can't ever unhear?" Twilight ask revolted.

"Let's watch tv to get rid of that from our heads," Soos said with everyone agreeing.

Stan silently thanks Eda for covering for him while everyone focuses back on the T.V...

"Don't thank me, that may not be the main issue here... but it IS an issue with you... whether you want to admit it or not...," Eda whispers back and gives a playful wink.

Stan groans... but goes back to watching the TV...

Gideon's commercial shows up. Ever since his court hearing where he got off be claiming to being controlled by a mind demon. Gideon name and popularity in Gravity Falls fell, with fewer and fewer people showing up at his shows. Mostly out of towners who stop by to see what’s going on. All of his hidden cameras are still operational, but people are wearing them less and less with some even throwing them away. Gideon’s commercial ends showing the shack as a new location for the tent show.

"Should we be worried about that?" Dipper ask both confused and concerned.

"I don't think so...," Stan shrugs and looks like he's struggling to remember something. "Eh, whatever. The deed to the Shack is in my safe and only I know the combination."

“And me,” Edd said.

Suddenly they heard something in the back room. Walking over where the noise coming from, Stan slam open the door. Inside they found Gideon who is fiddling with the safe, then he sees the gang come in.

"Well, Mr. Pines! Looks like our game of Cat and mouse continues. But who is the cat and who is the mouse? That is the question!" Gideon said.

Stan just looks at him for a moment. "Not this again.”

“I’ll handle this,” Edd said casting a spell that teleported Gideon out of the shack.

“Gideon has been trying get the shack for weeks now,” Stan said.

“Really I haven’t seen him,” Dipper said.

“Yeah, me neither not since the court hearing,” Mabel said.

“Well, he has been trying to get the deed the legal way and all that but seeing how I paid everything and don’t owe money to the bank. He couldn’t just buy it from the bank,” Stan said. “He’s been trying to get me to sign contacts to give him ownership and other stuff. You all been busy with your own stuff.”

“And since I got here, I been just teleporting him away,” Edd adds.

“And you never told us?” Luz asked.

“Not important,” Edd said.

"Besides, morons like him stealing my shack are a dime a dozen. It's in my state of the art safe AND the combination is in the safest spot imaginable: My mind!" Stan said as he taps head for emphasis.


Outside -

Little does he know that right before Gideon is thrown into the mud outside, he hears that last bit. Shivering in rage, he glares at the shack.

“Your mind huh?" he walks into the woods as he begins to pull out his journal. "Your mind ain't as safe as you think, Stan Pines..."


The Shack -

Twilight told Dipper how she had convinced her old friends to attend Stumps sessions, go into a strenuous exercise and combat training program, as well as help them find new jobs. Expect for Rarity who happens to like her thicc body which has gotten lots of stallions to woe her. Twilight had helped Applejack adjust to her new more modernized jobs at the farm as well as further repair her relationship with Applebloom and Human Applejack.

She'd convinced Rarity to swallow her pride and begin to apprentice under her human counterpart to learn how to sew for humans... and to be okay with mass-producing her clothes. Also that custom clothes made to order is something that most people don't do anymore. People are use to walking past endless shops with infinite variety, then finding something you like and searching for the right size. And while there are people who go and are fitted with clothes that only fit them or someone with the same body type. Those people are few and far between, not to mention they usually only buy custom clothes for special events and not everyday wear. As doing that while impressive is just impractical to do. The only reason why Sunset is doing that with human Rarity is because of her wings and she needs clothes made with slits in the shirts or she'll be struck wearing nothing but backless clothes. (4)

Twilight was teaching Pinkie how to restrain herself, understand that not all people like fun the same way. Learn to butt out of peoples private business, respect a persons wishes if they say they don't want to be friends and overall just let things GO. And not make things worse by not reading the mood of the crowd.

Inspired by Twilight's progress and accomplishments, Rainbow Dash decided she wants to form a NEW group known as the Shadowbolt's. Even if it’s illusionary trap or not, Rainbow had always loved their uniforms more. She wanted them to replace the Wonderbolt's as Equestria's new aerial guard and be everything that the Wonderbolt's SHOULD have been. Putting the needs of the ponies before themselves AND actually being USEFUL in a fight.

Fluttershy had first tried to live with her parents... but the pegasus simply couldn't get it into their heads that the world was different now. The fact that unlike the other tribes; they could just fly away from their problems whenever they wanted and (mostly) ignore what's happening on the ground. Probably didn't help. Their attempts to continue manipulating the weather kept falling miserably and just annoyed people below. They also kept trying to rebuild their cloud cities... but although their passive abilities still allowed them to form cloud objects and lie on them. They no longer had magical properties, so would constantly fall apart whenever the wind or weather whipped into it too much. Thus many pegasus found themselves crashing into the ground when their 'bed' is blown apart. Or yelled at by people on the ground who'd been hit by their furniture or fecal matter that was no longer being 'magicked away' by the cloud plumbing.

There is the Ponyhead cloud Kingdom which still works like it did in Mewi. But the clouds aren't real clouds, they're actually floating plant like things. But the whole floating pony heads thing just scared the pegasus. Not to mention they would be under the rule of Princess Pony Head.

After nearly crashing to the ground while sleeping for the fifth time, and her parents refusing to move to the ground. Fluttershy was forced to move in with human Fluttershy. Human Fluttershy was currently taking her in as an assistant veterinarian at her pet shop, but Fluttershy also spent her free time talking with Maud, wondering if there could be a 'non-magical' way to replicate what she did with Earth pony magic, but for Pegasus instead.


Outside -

Luz having gone outside is using her extend powers to extend her arms and grab onto tree branches, pulling herself up as she retract her arms to normal length. She’s been enjoying using her powers to extend her body like that Luffy fellow in that manga. It also helps her to take off how hard it is to track down her mom. She reached a clearing just in time to see a peculiar sight.

That little kid with the huge hair that had sneaked into the Shack earlier... What was his name?... girdle? Decahedron? Paul? He was doing some kind of ritual having made a circle and having items in it. He was chanting something that sounded like he’s talking backwards.

Gideon grunting, clasps his stomach and his eyes glow blue; chanting out the summoning spell. "Egassem sdrawkcab. egassem sdrawkcab. Egassem sdrawkcab! Egassem sdrawkcab! Egassem sdrawkcab!"

The background turns black and white, wildlife pauses in midair and a laughing Bill Cipher appears.


"W-what? H-how do you know my name?" Gideon asked.

"OH, I KNOW LOTS OF THINGS!" Bill said as his body shows pictures of various cryptic locations. In a slow, deep voice. "LOTS OF THINGS..."

Making Luz nearly fall off the branch she’s on but calmed down when Bill's body returns to normal.

"HEY, LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!" Bill said as he gestures toward a deer, the deer's teeth then fly into his hand. And gives the teeth to Gideon. "DEER TEETH! FOR YOU KID!"

Gideon cries out in shock and drops teeth on the ground. "You're insane!"

"SURE, I AM, WHAT'S YOUR POINT?" Bill ask as he puts the teeth back in deer's mouth and the deer runs away.

"Listen to me, demon! I have a job for you. I need you to enter the mind of Stanford Pines and steal the code to his safe," Gideon said.


"Deal!" Gideon said.


"It worked!" Gideon laughs maniacally.

Luz is terrified by what she's seen... but quickly pulls herself back together and swings through the trees heading back to the shack. She had to warn Stan!


Back at the shack -

"So no one knows why I’m having these flash forwards?" asked Dipper over the phone.

Kronika over the phone explains that while that does happen time to time when time travel happens. Him seeing a future timeline of what could had happen to him if the merge had never happened, should be happening to him. She and Clockwork have been trying to figure things out, but the problem is because of the merge the future timeline which the merge never happen has been completely erased. Not to mention how traveling backwards in time only takes the traveler back to the past of Dipper’s world and no other. Her best guess is something he did in that erased timeline affecting him in this one.

“So it could have been something my future self did that changed his past and because of the merge happening has affected me?” Dipper asked before getting an answer back and him saying bye hanging up.

His thoughts were interrupted as Luz runs in and starts yelling about that kid summoning, a demon called Bill Cipher, and a plot to break into Stan's mind.

"Demon?" Eda ask and quickly uses a demon detecting spell and it immediately shatters making her go VERY pale as this indicated a demon of the HIGHEST order.

"That's bad right?" Dipper ask his aunt.

"Really bad. This only happens when someone like Abader and higher are nearby," Eda said.

"Wait Bill Cipher is the one who made a deal with Tyrone," Dipper said remembering.

"And he's after Stan!" Mabel shouted out.

They rush to the living room to find Grunkle Stan. They found him asleep in his easy chair. Just in time for a demonic triangle-shaped shadow posses his body.

"There has to be something here," Dipper said looking through the journal.

"What's that?" Eda ask.

"It's a journal that Dipper found when we first got here. It has all this stuff inside about the things found in Gravity Falls," Mabel answers.

"I see," Eda said remembering what Stan revealed to her when he took her down into the underground lab under the shack.

Dipper reads about Bill in the journal... he also reads a spell that allows people to mentally enter a persons mind to chase after him. And since this spell was made and researched in Gravity Falls by the author, it still worked as it was interwoven with the natural magic of Gravity Falls.

"Unless you have a spell?" Dipper ask Eda.

"Yes but that spell has us physically entering a person's dream. Meaning unlike the spell in the book. If we die in the dream world, we really do die," Eda said.

"I have seen enough of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies to know that's a bad idea," Wendy said.

"Oh yeah," Twilight said remembering those horror movies she watched with the beaver brothers.

"So let's use it and get him! We need to save Grunkle Stan!" Mabel shouted as she tries to grab book, but Dipper pulls it away.

"No Mable, we need to be patient remember what happen last time?" Dipper ask Mabel keeping the book away from her.

“Hey,” Mabel said as Edd lifted her up with her magic.

“This is important, and Stan’s life is on the line remember what happen with Tyrone,” Edd said causing Mabel to stop struggling.

"As I was saying Mable, We need to be patient. We know nothing about this Bill Cipher but he seems very powerful. We need to strategize and get reinforcements," Dipper said.

“Do you really want to risk Stan’s life by just being yourself?” Wendy asked.

“I understand,” Mabel said hanging her head in shame.

“I’ll call Sunset,” Twilight said.


Camp Lakebottom -

"Alright team! Sunset just set an alert of the highest priority! CODE RED! All available hero's are to immediately report to Pine family Shack for further details!" Sasha said.

Lilly rolls her eyes. "Oh, for the love of.... what did Mable break this time?" she asks exasperated. She and the others had to deal with the dinosaurs that came out of the mine, sure they got to mind control dinosaurs but it was still a big mess for them to deal with.

"Now sweetie, we shouldn't jump to conclusions... it might not be about her... this time," Milla said although she tries to sound unbiased... there's not a person there who can't hear doubt in her voice.

"Yeah, I think I'm confident enough to say that's a safe bet...," Raz snarks, but keeps his peace otherwise.

Sasha turns to Harry. "Harry, you go take all the campers down into the bunker. On our way to the shack, let's make sure everyone else in town got the message to go their designated bunkers as well."

Ollienader interrupts. "Actually, maybe I should stay here. If things go sideways, I'll be able to keep the campers safe."

Sasha nods. "Good idea Ollie. Alright team, let's go!"

Ollieander watches as they leave waving after them, then starts to grin evilly. Gideon had called him about the plan he came up with to get the shack. He’s been trying to get ownership of the shack so that he could get his hands on the other journal which has tons of information of the magical world of Gravity Falls. And he knows that the other book is somewhere inside the shack, which is why he’s been trying to take it.

Thanks to Gideon’s resources the Brain Tank has been completed. The tank part anyways to maintain the cover of it being an all-terrain vehicle. Which Ollieander does admit he likes driving around, beats his old jeep.

The brain part was installed into something else even better than a tank. Gideon had that old crazy man who lives in the junkyard build a giant robot modeled after himself. The giant robot has the brain part inside the control room of the robot. Which instead of stealing brains, Gideon just ordered a physic brain cloned and enlarged from the doctor who was in the mine and running that pig farm. Seeing how Dr. Loboto's sneezing powder only makes people sneeze and not sneeze out their brains.

He didn’t like working with the Gideon but with his industrial fabricator in his factory he would had abandoned his plans of world domination. Now he would wait till he got a call from Gideon if his plan didn’t work. Where he would bring in the heavy guns.


At the shack -

"Bad news, Plot Device called that she’s busy sorting out a car accident," explained Blub.

Private Public sighed, but continued to lead the rest of the police inside the Owl House. Plot Device in their old world could do things out of nowhere but here, it’s discovered that all of her plot powers was actually her being programmed with common sense and doing the simple solution instead of a complex one that fails in the end. And while she is still a big help she can’t just appear with what they need at the right time anymore.

Eda had levitated Stan who is still in his easy chair into her house once, where there was already tons of protection spells cast on it. Plus once it became clear how many people would show up there be no way for that many people to get inside the shack at once. The max number of people that could safely be inside the shack is 100 which the number of people that showed up is way over that. And that's the show floor and not the much smaller living room.

Inside the owl house entering the living room which was redesign so that the living room be like the gift shop of the mystery shack. Doors block the way to the other parts of the house. The room that housed the museum is a bigger on the inside then the outside type room, thanks to Eda using a pocket dimension spell. It took alot of resources and magic to do it but it was worth it once the money started coming in.

The museum first room which housed the map of the layout of the museum, some benches and giant stuff owls that came from the Isles. Along with the restrooms that Eda had to add to meet the building standards to be able to open as a museum. And where everyone had gathered.

"What are you guys doing here?" Luz ask seeing her friends from magic school. The Blight kids, Gus and Willow.

"We were visiting Gravity Falls when we saw Eda's sister and some soldiers and we followed them," Willow explains.

Inside they found Sunset already there with her bodyguards the Turks, Luna, the two Phantoms, XJ-9, princess Bubblegum, Marceline, Fin, Jake, and the Psychonauts.

“Alright everyone who could make it is here,” Sunset said she turns to Dipper. “Alright tell them what happen.”

Dipper told everyone what happen and who is inside Stan’s head.

“Bill Cipher, I heard of him. A demon who can only use his powers when he makes a contract with someone,” Lilith said.

“Which is why I called you all,” Sunset said. “Bill is big enough threat that Prismo and his game buddies are worried about him. Bubblegum I need you to inform the other princesses. Marceline get in touch with your dad.”

“Right,” Marceline said grabbing Bubblegum and flying off with her.

“The cops go and search for Gideon and take him in. Danny, Dani, Jenny, Fin and Jake you all help with the search. Raz, Lili, Milla, Sasha, Luna all of you need to help in keeping Bill from completing the deal he made. Bill can’t do much as he’s only here in his astral form, but he can still play mind games like you all can do. Eda you and Lilith know any magic to enter the mind?” Sunset asked.

“The spell in the journal is safer,” Eda said looking at the page with the spell on it.

“Yes, it is safer, you just wake up instead of actually dying,” Lilith said looking at the page.

“So whose going in?” Sunset asked.

“I’m going in,” Dipper said.

“Me too,” Mabel said.

“Count me in,” Wendy said.

“Ditto,” Soos said.

“I’m not missing this,” Luz said.

“Lilith mind helping save my husband?” Eda ask her sister.

“Fine,” Lilith said and turns to the two guards who came with her from the Boiling Isles Embassy. “You two help keep watch.”

“What do we do?” Willow asked with Gus, Amity, Edric and Emira.

“You kids can help me cast healing spells on Luna and the others,” Sunset said.

“Yes fighting a demon like Bill even if it’s just mental will strain us. Healing us will keep our minds strong,” Luna said as she and the Psychonauts began using their powers to enter Stan’s mind.

“I’ll help out as well,” Twilight said as she used her power to astral project herself, entering Stan’s mind. She learned that she could enter others minds when they’re sleeping.

“And the rest of you keep watch of the area,” Sunset said to her bodyguards the Turks.

“Alright let’s do this,” Eda said preparing the spell.

Eda walks through everyone what they need to do to enter Stan’s mind. They all place their hands on Stan’s head and Eda began chanting the spell causing the world to turn white.


Stan's Mind -

"Wow," Dipper said as he and the others stood in front of the Mystery Shack that's black and white in a black and white setting.

"Yeah this is something," Wendy agreed.

"Naw this is pretty normal," Eda said.

“Where are the others?” Lilith ask looking for Luna’s group.

“Over there,” Soos said pointing into the horizon of the mindscrap.

Far from the shack they could make out Luna’s group fighting a yellow triangle. The Psychonauts are using their psychic powers on Bill, while Luna and Twilight casted spells on him. Bill on his part is unleashing nightmares upon them, which Luna is leading the others in how to defeat being a veteran in dealing with nightmares.

“We better hurry while they hold off Bill,” Wendy said.

“Ok we just destroy the memory that has the safe code on it and Bill won’t be able to complete his deal,” Eda said leading the others into the shack.

Inside the shack they found doors lining the walls, floors, and ceiling.

“Ok Dipper what do you know?” Eda ask.

“I wasn’t there when it was found,” Dipper said.

“What?” Lilith asked.

“Dipper has these flashes of a future timeline where the merge never happen,” Eda explains.

“Just open doors,” Dipper said.

"He’s right lets search," Eda said as she opens the first door that she's neared and exposing everyone to that memory.

Which is Stan talking with Eda in his office.

"Eda you can't take all of that stuff for your museum," Stan said.

"Why not it's not like you have room for all of it. I have plenty of room so why not?" Eda ask.

"You're going to be getting more customers then me," Stan said.

"And?" Eda ask.

"You're not going to be sharing any of the loot are you?" Stan ask already knowing the answer.

"And that's the problem why?" Eda ask.

"Give me one good reason why I should give you all of the stuff in storage?" Stan ask.

"How about this?" Eda said as she began taking off her clothes.

The door slammed shut as Lilith red faced slams it shut.

"Really?" Lilith ask Eda.

"What? Now that I'm back with Stan I been having fun unlike you. Do you even go on dates?" Eda ask as she grins at her sister.

“My personal life is none of your business,” Lilith snaps.

“You’re right it’s mom's seeing how you are the only single girl in the family,” Eda said making Lilith glare at her.

“Can we get to saving Stan. The others are fighting those nightmares,” Dipper said opening a door.

Inside the door is a memory of a Colombian prison.

"Jorge, Rico, you're the two best Colombian prison friends a fellah could make," Stan said.

"Espero que muera," Jorge said.

"Sí," Rico said.

"He said he hopes that Stan dies," Luz said.

"Yup that's my Stan," Edd said.

Mabel opens a door with Stan in the bathroom shirtless. The memory has Stan playing with his belly making it like it could talk.

"You can have him," Lilith said slamming the door.

The search for the door with the safe code had the group opening all the doors that they came across. Which Lilith was soon wondering why she ever agreed in coming along or even showing up even with a demon as powerful as Bill appearing in the human world. She had seen things that had her sister and her husband doing things that she wish she could unseen.

"Hey I think I found it," Luz said finding a door hidden underneath a rug. Opening the door he saw Stan inputting the code.

"So what do we do?" Wendy asked.

“This,” Lilith said as she blasted the door destroying it.

“But what happens when Stan needs to get something in the safe?” Mabel asked.

"I know it," Eda said and turns to Lilith. "Want to know how?"


"Because you don't have one?" Eda ask smirking at her.

Lilith simply blasted Eda with a beam of energy. That left a hole in her sister's chest that went right through her back. Which Eda pokes her arm through.

"Really?" Eda ask.

The wall burst apart as Luna came flying through it. Bill as a giant and burning red came through the hole.

“YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU COST ME?” Bill shouted ignoring Raz, Lili, Milla, Sasha and Twilight blasting him with psyche powers and spells from Twilight.

“Everyone this is the mind realm where you can do anything,” Dipper said transforming into an adult wearing high tech power armor.

“Like kittens for hands?” Mabel asked before her hands transformed into pink kitten heads.

“WHAT HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?” Bill shouts out as he focused his mind to read Dipper’s.


Dipper’s Mind -

Bill found himself in Dipper’s mind in front of a screen that’s full of static. The screen cleared every now and then revealing a clear picture of a timeline that would had happen if the merge had never happened. Bill watched the screen seeing scenes of what would had come if the merge hadn’t happened and what would happen to him.

Bill poured his power into the screen to show him more and how did Dipper gain this power. Bill’s eye widen as he watch the future that would had happen to Dipper and what he did to prevent his future from ever happening. Bill gave out a chuckle fully understanding what had happen.



Stan’s mind -

Bill shot up into the sky breaking the mind link with Dipper. All of what he done happening in nanoseconds. Leaving Dipper no idea what had just happen.

“ENOUGH!!” Bill shouts out making everything white. He becomes yellow again “YOU KNOW, I’M IMPRESSED WITH YOU GUYS. YOU’RE A LOT MORE CLEVER THAN YOU LOOK ESPECIALLY THE FAT ONE.”

Soos pokes Mabel and in a whisper. “He's talking about you!”


“Why do I have the feeling that he knows something that we don’t,” Wendy said.

“I’ll still take it as a win,” Eda said as the mind turned white as Stan began to wake up.


Owl House -

“What how did I get here? And Frank stop licking!” Stan voice waking all of them up.

Stan is sitting in his easy chair with Frank the two headed dog licking his face. Dipper and the others all found themselves back in the first room of the museum. Sunset’s group is also there having watched over their bodies. King was there with Hooty who had extended his head to look at what's happening inside the Owl House. There is also Frank who King let out of his cage like he does often and uses him as his mount.

"About time you all woke up," King said.

“What happen?” Stan ask confused.

"Dream demon got into your head," Eda explains.

“How did that happen?” Stan asked.

“That boy Gideon went and summon him making a deal with him for the deed of the shack,” Luz said.

“You don’t have to worry about him. Jenny found him and caught him, handed him over to Blubs,” Sunset said having been informed by Reno about it.

“Good no giant robot Gideon to fight,” Dipper said.

“Fast Forward?” Mabel asked.

“Yeah he was after the shack for the journal,” Dipper said.

“What journal?” Stan asked.

“This one,” Mabel said pointing to the journal in Dipper’s pocket.

“Let me take a look at that,” Stan said.

“Sure,” Dipper said handing him the journal.

“Hey guys something happening outside!” Hooty said having extended his neck to reach them.


Gravity Falls Lake -

A portal opens up above the lake making all to look upwards at it. Bursting out of the portal came giant dragonflies by the hundreds, that filled the air. They spread till they cover not only Gravity Falls but also the lands of Ooo and Equestria. Getting a better look revealed that the dragonflies are robots. The tail ends of the dragonfly bots shifted revealing that they are energy guns and began firing down on the ground below.

The people below panicked as energy bolts rained down on them. Hitting some, those in cars to crash as they were either hit or in their rush to flee ended up crashing or hitting others. Causing many to flee into buildings as the dragonflies rained fire down below.

Out of the portal came hundreds of frog-bots that used jet packs to fly, their arms transformed into laser guns and landed around the area followed by a giant robot frog that towered over the town. The shoulder pads on the robot frog became peppered with holes that fired out smaller robot frogs with its arms turning into laser cannons blasting buildings around it. And from the portal came 2 more giant frog robots that split up one going to Ooo and the other Equestria.


Back at the shack -

“You got to be kidding me,” Dipper said as he and the others stare at the invasion of robot frogs before them.
