The Mechanical Angel of Equestria

by Sacred Sky Heart

When Lightning Strikes; A New World and a Promise

Why is is pitch black? Last I knew, it was nice and sunny with only few clouds!

Stasis program disengaged. Booting up optical sensor program.

Where was that voice from? And why did it remind me of Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed? Though I'm not complaining, I don't understand what is going on.

However, my vision soon becomes similar to a TV screen of static, dark green in color before becoming clear and more colors are added. Trying to move, I find I can't.

Beginning joint diagnostics. All systems optimal at 98%.

A kind of of unlocking sound is heard, and I begin to look around.
"Why do I feel a bit chubby?" I ask, but pause as I hear my voice not being my own. It was like that that of Riku Mikami from Gundam Build Divers, but more robotic sounding.

I lift a hand, unsure of what I'd find. However, I see apparently a rectangular arm, followed by a joint. I stare in shock, but then look around me. It seems I'm in some forest, yet I was by a street earlier.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!?" I yell, scaring several critters from nests and burrows as I panic. However, I soon feel myself feeling tired.

Mental wavelengths destabilizing. Initiating temporary stasis.

"Oh nuts..."

And with that, my world goes dark once again.


(Before that panic moment)

"Welp, seems I got it finished well enough."

I look at a small chibi-like model I had final completed. While it would usually only take maybe half a day, I did additional detailing to this little model. The SD Cross Silhouette (SDCS) series Wing Gundam Zero Custom rest in my palm, a gleam from freshly dried coating spray making it shine in the sunlight. I smile, placing the twin buster rifle in it's separated form in both it's hands.

"This looks better than I imagined with how I'd finish it." I exclaim, lifting it up to encompass the sunlight. However, some clouds seemed to drift by that looked a little too dark for a sunny day.

"Huh? Didn't the weatherman say it was supposed to not be too-" I start before a lightning bolt flies towards my location, striking the light pole I was leaning against. I didn't even have time to say 'Oh no'.

My world goes dark then and there, not even letting me hear anything besides the crash of the bolt on me.

Back to the present

My eyes soon become a green static again, though I didn't hear the voice of Lacus alerting me to this. Not that it bothered me, but this was still odd. I recalled the freak bolt of lightning, and now putting the pieces of this rhetorical puzzle together says I died. But this is clearly no afterlife. I can feel all this nature, even the moistness of the dirt I stood on.

As soon as I could move, I hear something rustle the bush next to me. Gently and slowly I look to it, not sure if it was a threat or not. Soon, a small white coated creature tackled me, pink clinging to its head and rear.

"Halt, odd being!" Shouted this odd creature. The hit disorienting me, I soon refocus and see this is a pony holding me down. With a horn on her head. I couldn't help but chuckle. I noticed also it was night, and I slowly get up. This forced the little pony off my chest, which shocked her.

"I mean no harm, young filly. I am.....Zero. I have no idea how I came to this area, nor do I have a clue as to where I am." I explain, also using a new name as my old life is gone.

Though this filly clearly was still on the defensive, a small whisper catches my attention from the bush.

"T-Tia....? Wh-what if this creature is a diplomat?" Said the shy voice. I could see seafoam green eyes looking out shyly, but they also had a bit of understanding and also curiosity in them. The white filly suddenly balked and got up quickly at this possibility.

I chuckle and look to the bush, slowly approaching it before kneeling (which I will admit felt odd as a chibi based robot).

"I am nothing of the sort, but I don't mean any harm to such adorable children." I attempt to smile, tilting my head. Though I clearly had no moth, my eyes seemed to relay it. The pair of eyes slowly begin to come out of the shrubbery. A dark blue coated pony with a lighter blue mane slowly crawls out. I notice this filly has a horn and wings opposed to the white filly having only a horn.

"And what is your name, young one?" I reach a hand out, petting her ears which she backs away from at first until she feels the amazement of ear scratches.

"Mmm... I-I'm Luna. Y-you met my sister, Celestia."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both."
I smile and stop scratching Luna's ears. She groans in complaint, which makes Celestia curious apparently.

"How did you make my sister seem to melt from just a scratch?" She asked. Though I would return the favor, the sound of hurried clops approaching echo around.

"Princess Luna! Step away from that creature!" Yelled an elderly voice. I stand and get back, but also am blasted by a greyish white beam.

"Ack!" I yell, my vision becoming static. Luckily, whatever blasted me only did light damage. But I notice also I was suddenly hovering against my will. As I looked up, I see a grey coated stallion with a white, swirling beard (that reminded me of what I figured Merlin would look like if such a fictional character existed) and a dark blue robe with several bells apparently. He wore a hat as well similar to what Gandolf wore in Lord of the Rings, though it was a matching color to his robe.

"What did you do, foul demon!" Growled the clearly elderly stallion, his age seen in his eyes as wisdom besides the wrinkles. However, he jumped to calling me something I wouldn't affiliate myself with.

"Demon? I think you should not jump to conclusions, my dear magician." I utter, my stare being directed at the unicorn who held me in his white aura. I noticed here and now I was apparently in some sort of cloak.

"Have you heard of something demons fear?" I ask, making the unicorn raise an eyebrow in wary confusion.

"They fear the light of Harmony, but what does that have to do with here?" He asked, though I could tell I caught his attention.

"I actually am something they fear, and it's an embodiment of something similar to that 'light of Harmony', as you put it." I state, the back of my cloak soon shredding as I unveil pearl-white wings, similar to those of a bird. The unicorn is surprised, releasing his grip. However, I don't fall as I activate my propulsion system at a low percentage. I hover for a good three minutes before slowly landing.

I take a knee, lowering my head as I realize I should show respect still. This unicorn, though disrespectful at one glance at me, was indeed a good individual and was clearly looking out for the two here.

"I am sorry if I made you worry on the possibility of if I were to hurt these two fillies. I am simply known as Zero, a Wing Gundam with many understandings of honoring others, expert in many combat techniques in different situations, and a warrior wishing to keep the peace."

The grey unicorn clearly realized I wasn't a demon now, so he cleared his throat.

"Forgive me, young one. I am Starswirl, arcane master of the land of Equestria."

I extend my hand, the motion slow as to not make him think I was hostile. Not that I was intending to betray them anyway. I have no way home, and I don't believe I'd be in my old body if I went back. So why not accept my new start in life here?

"Shall we begin this as a partnership in a way?" I suggest. Starswirl was a bit hesitant, but then a tug on his robe brought him to look at the young dark blue pony I met. Her eyes clearly were pleading him to accept, and I will admit I'd have a hard time saying no to those.

Starswirl tried to reign in his willpower to say no, but Luna's puppy stare won over as he finally sighed in defeat before smiling and nodding in acceptance to the young filly. She smiled and jumped happily, yelling 'Huzzah' in such a cute voice. Starswirl looks back to me, extending his right forehoof to accept my handshake. As we shook, I could sense a long and arduous journey laid ahead, but I would face it. These two fillies are my first true friends here, so I'll do all I can to ensure the future of this world is protected.

That is my promise. The Zero Promise.