The Mane 6 And Lee Everett

by Can-dees_Murder_Weapon

No Time Left: Despair

Twilight stood in the lot. Staring down at the bite on her leg, teeth marks deeply embedded into her flesh. Thick crimson liquid trickled out of the deathly wound, down her leg and onto the concrete of where she stood.

She felt the cool breeze flew past her mane, her eyes and muzzle. Small specs of her fur fluttered at the soft pressure of the wind. This couldn't be happening, it couldn't be. Not after everything she'd been through, from the villains they've faced. The battles she had endured. Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, only to be taken out by a threat that never even existed in her world.

She would have to face her friends. Tell them what had happened. She couldn't do that, she couldn't do it. They would be devastated! She could picture them in her mind. Fluttershy sobbing uncontrollably, Rainbow and Applejack holding her tightly while they all cried and Pinkie... She would blame herself for what happened to her. Twilight remembered exactly how she belittled her but once she realizes what's going to happen...

As cruel as Pinkie'd been to her, she didn't want her to feel that type of guilt, that type of pain. To leave her behind to deal with her grief all on her own. She'd be crushed. She wouldn't be able to handle it, she'd blame herself for everything that would go wrong. Merely thinking about it, broke her heart.

What about Rarity? She was still gone and Twilight was bit. It was only a matter of time now, what if Rarity was still missing by the time she... passes? What if she didn't get to say-

No! That can't be! The unicorn's heart began to race as she looked away from her wound. Her breathing became erratic, her body begun to shake as she started pacing. This couldn't be happening-this can't be happening! Please! Not like this! She still needed to find her. She had to! Who knew how long it took for someone to turn!? Duck only lasted a day before he lost his strength. No-no-no-no-no. This can't be happening!

The mare was now wheezing, her shaking was out of control. Pressure had built up in her chest so much to the point of where it was too much to bare. She began to lose her balance. She held out her hooves as she slowly tumbled to the concrete ground. This was all becoming to overwhelming for her to deal with. Getting bitten. Now she was going to have to tell her friends and she knew how it would go. The possibility of Pinkie being guilt-ridden for as she lived and no Rarity.

Twilight felt her chest erupt and she screamed. A loud emotional outcry, she wailed and sobbed letting out all of her pain. She had endured a weeks worth of internal pain and guilt. Guilt for sending all of her friends to this wretched place, grief for not being able to track down Rarity in time. She wished for all this to be some nightmare. Just a sick twisted nightmare.

"So, the boat's fixed?" Applejack asked standing beside Kenny. She noticed his oily hands, presumably from repairing the boat. The rest of the ponies stood outside with rest of the group. Pinkie was one of the last one's to come out along with Fluttershy, the pegasus being the one to get her. She and Pinkie stood further away from Rainbow Dash and Applejack understandably so.

"Yeah! All we gotta do now is actually getting this fucker out to the docks." Kenny replied, a look of thought on his face.

The backyard door opened and Christa walked out. "I couldn't find Lee," She said.

"Not even Clementine?" Fluttershy walked up to the dark-skinned woman.

"No." She shook her head before walking over to her boyfriend, Omid.

"Well, ah'm sure they're around here somewhere," Applejack assured. The mare turned to the woman. "You sure you checked every room?"

The woman slightly frowned for a second. "Yeah, I did and I checked the attic too and still nothing. Not even Vernon was in the house."

"I wonder where they could be." Fluttershy furrowed, glancing at Pinkie beside her who looked disinterested.

Suddenly, they all heard a strained voice coming from over the fence. It was Lee, everyone was quick to assume but something felt wrong. He voice sounded distressed, worried. Everyone was cautious and an idea manifested in Fluttershy's head to fly over. To see what was going on, and more specifically where Lee was.

Without a thought, the pegasus flew off the ground and over the fence. She heard Rainbow calling out her name. She stopped just above the black rusted sharp spears of the gate and to her right was Lee. He was hunched over, he seemed to be grasping his left arm. She gasped, sensing that he was in pain. "He's here!" She called before flying over to the man.

The pegasus landed just a few feet away from him, he was already facing her. A sorrow look on his face, like something dreadful had just happened to him. She saw Clementine's signature hat in one of his hands. "Are you okay, Lee?" She noticed a small blood splatter on the hat and her heart suddenly stopped. "I-Is... I-Is she?"

Lee shook his head. "No." A moment's relief fell upon her but it soon ended when he held out his left palm, exposing his wrist. The pegasus practically felt her heart being ripped from it's veins and blood vessels as her eyes landed on his wrist or more specifically the bite. Small teeth marks from where the blood leaked.

"O-oh, oh no." She slowly brought her hooves to her face in disbelief. She stared at the bite on the man's wrist for a moment longer. Thoughts came flooding back to her in an instant. The pegasus hoped to never deal with this situation again. After what happened to Duck, the ordeal was heartbreaking to go through especially when he was still a child. Now, she was going to have to deal with the same situation and this time it was Lee.

"What are you crazy!? What're you doin' out here? It ain't safe!" Kenny called out. Fluttershy threw a quick glance at them, her eyes landing on Applejack and her friends before looking back at Lee.

"Lee, where's Clementine-"

Lee looked at his wrist for a second as the others came closer.

"Vernon ain't in the house either. What the hell's goin' on!?"

"Who's blood is that?" Christa asked, looking at the splatter on the hat.

"It's mine." Lee held out his wrist, exposing the bite mark to them.

The guilt went silent for a moment as they all looked at the bite in disbelief. Their expressions conveying disbelief and sympathy for the man. Someone who had been with them since the beginning of the outbreak.

"You're... you're bitten?" Applejack furrowed, her eyes expressing deep emotional empathy.

"Does that mean..." Rainbow trailed off beside her, equally as emotional.

Lee nodded, wordlessly.

"You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me!" Kenny exclaimed.

"There's no time to worry about me, Clementine's gone." Lee replied with a stern look.

"Wait, we thought she was with you!" Rainbow gestured at him.

"No, she wasn't. Vernon came to me and offered to take her with him. Said she'd be better off."

"That sonuvabitch! Ah knew we couldn't trust that fucker!" Kenny cursed.

"Wherever she is, I have to find her. Clem may not have that much time. We'll have a better change at finding her if we all go together, who's with me?" Lee glanced toward one another. After a moment's discussion between Omid and Christa, they both agreed on helping him look for Clementine.

Pinkie frowned, her head slightly dangling. Now, Clementine was missing. It seemed like at every given opportunity, someone or somepony ended up missing. Rarity, gone entirely; Twilight said that she wasn't able to found her.

Rainbow glanced at Pinkie who had a conflicting look on her face. "I'm going with you," The pink mare suddenly said.

Rainbow turned to look at her friends, discovering that they all had the same surprised look on their faces. "Whoa, wait-wait-wait. You are going?"

"Yeah, I am." Pinkie looked back at her.

"And what's with this sudden change of heart?"

"I figure that maybe if I go with him, I'll Rarity... or maybe even Twilight; who knows?" Pinkie shrugged.

It was a strange occurrence. The fact that Pinkie was going with Lee to try and find Clementine and Twilight. The three ponies couldn't help but wonder, why she was doing this? They all threw unsure glances at one another.

Fluttershy gave a small smile. "Well, try to be careful."

That was a promise, she couldn't keep. This world was hiding threats around every corner. A herd could box them in or they could vanish like Rarity's group did. Either way, Pinkie Pie found herself simply nodding at the pegasus.

Kenny wasn't very pleasant about finding Clementine. He had gone off at the man for not being by his side when he needed him. Complaining about scores and such. Need I remind you, Lee had taken care of his son when he couldn't. He had taken care of him when his wife offed herself in front of her. Applejack and Rainbow could only scoff in annoyance at the man's pettiness.

And lastly was Ben. The teen was apprehensive, unsure if he wanted to go or not and leaving it up to Lee to make a choice. Fluttershy furrowed at him, understanding his dilemma. Almost everything he did or tried to do, it would always end up putting the group in jeopardy. He had gotten almost an entire family killed for a lie. Despite that, he was still a good person and Fluttershy welcomed him for it. He felt awfully guilty about what he did and that was more than enough for her to forgive him.

Lee convinced Ben to go with him. Clementine had stood up for him when Kenny and Christa wanted him gone. It would've added to the list of cowardly things he had done.

"We'll get the boat out to the docks, then we'll..." Kenny casted a quick glance at Lee's wrist, at the bite before looking back up at him. "Well, we'll figure out what to do from there."

Lee took one last look at everyone. "All right, let's go." The man turned and began walking away with Pinkie, Ben, Omid and Christa following behind. The others watched from a distance as the five figures disappeared beyond the street in search of Clementine.

Fluttershy felt the urge to go with them. When Rarity volunteered to go with Lilly in search of medical supplies, it was the last thing her and her friend had heard from her. It still scared her to wonder where she might be, after all this time. A day had passed, nothing from Rarity. She had dreaded the thought of her being alone in the city, especially at night. What if she was? Where did she sleep and what about Twilight?

She had practically ran off in search of her. Twilight needed comforting, she had been pushing herself too hard. Ever since the incident, being transported here, she had been blaming herself and had been doing whatever she can to make up for it. Fluttershy felt a gnawing guilt for not being there when her friend needed her the most. Maybe if she had just spent more time with the unicorn, it might've taken some of the guilt off her. When Pinkie brings her back, Fluttershy promised herself to do whatever she could to help.