Friendship Beyond

by TheClownPrinceofCrime

Batman vs The Storm King

Once Storm King was finished damaging the buildings and the roads with his staff, he lowered the ship down to the ground. Tempest stood next to him as he did so. “And now... for my grand entrance!” he exclaimed.

Once the people ceased their screaming and looked at the ship, the doors opened slowly, smoke coming out thereof. The villain then revealed himself to the terrified Gothamites, slowly stepping down from the stairs. He evilly chuckled as he beheld the shocked, scared looks on their faces.

“WHAT IS THAT THING?!” one of them screamed.

“WHO ARE YOU?!” another person fearfully demanded.

“Hahahahaha, I love it when creatures cower before me. That’s when I know I am punching it! You may call me... THE STORM KING! You will all tremble before my ba-ba-ba-ba-boom, baby!” he proclaimed. He shot his magical beam right at several police cruisers , destroying them all on impact. The people once more screamed and ran for their lives.

Tempest landed next to him with her broken horn sparkling. “Shall I initiate the invasion of this city, Your Excellency?”

“Do it. These bipedal lifeforms will learn to recognize their new master,” he replied, wickedly grinning.

“As you wish,” she nodded. As the troops assembled themselves together, the unicorn commander stood before them while fastening her sight on the terrified citizens. “ATTACK! MAKE SURE NONE OF THEM ESCAPE!”

The storm army uttered war cries as they pursued their victims. The Gotham City Police Officers fired on the alien guards, but the laser blasts deflected off their armor. Thus, Tempest sucker-punched two officers with her bare hooves, and body-slammed another one, breaking his spine. She blasted three more officers, sending them flying to a skyscraper. Before another officer could land a hit on her, she bit his hand, stomped his feet, and then landed a blow on his right leg. His leg bones broke on impact, forcing him to scream in agony.

The Storm King levitated a piece of the road with his staff and then threw it right at a couple of police vehicles, severely damaging them. Then he spotted a random citizen bleeding from his wounds. He walked toward him with feigned compassion. “Awwww, is the little fellow hurt? How so sad...”

“Please, leave me alone! Don’t hurt me!”

“Oh, don’t worry! Your new ruler will be of assistance!” Storm King smiled.

“R-really?” he asked.

Then the villain glared at him. “Not yet. Tell me where your treasure is, and I will let you live. I will heal your injuries if you comply.”

“I... I don’t know what you’re talking about! What are you anyway?!”

“Oh, you wanna play dumb, eh? Very well then. Now I will demonstrate to you how I deal with dumb creatures.” He brought the Staff of Sacannas right towards the victim’s face, sizzling with energy.

“No, stop! I don’t know what ‘treasure’ you’re talking about! I swear!” he begged.

“Don’t lie to me; I know you have it somewhere in this... Gother City.”

“Uh... it’s Gotham,” he corrected.

“Oh, right, I forgot about that. How do you spell it anyway?” Storm King asked.


“Gotcha! Now, where were we? Oh yes!” Storm King ignited his staff with more power.

Suddenly, a batarang flew in the air which knocked his entire crown off. “WHAT THE?!”

“Step away from the citizen!” a dark figure ordered. As the tyrant put his fallen crown back on, he looked up to see the same bat-winged hero land before him with a menacing glare. He stood in complete surprise at the unexpected newcomer.

“Who in the name of Equestria are you? I’ve never seen the likes of you before!” The Storm King said.

“I am Batman, and if you want to take over my city, you will have to get through me first,” he said.

“Batman, huh? That’s quite an intimidating designation. Well, I am the Storm King! Regardless of who you are or what you are, no one will stand in my way! Although I have been eager to fight someone in combat for a while; heh, I’ve always allowed Tempest to do all the work for me. Still, it feels great to—!”

“Is this monkey dude always this chattery? And Bruce thinks I’m the one who needs to keep my mouth in check,” Batman thought, looking puzzled at his monologuing enemy.

“... will start to appreciate my newfound glory! Soon, I will create a storm so big that it will bend every world in the multiverse to my rulership! Furthermore, I will—huh? Where did you go?” Storm King looked around to see Batman gone.

Suddenly, he received a drop kick to the face. Batman then landed on top of an overturned car with a grin on his face. “You talk too much, bozo.”

The Storm King wiped off the dirt from his face before glaring at the winged rodent. “So... that’s how you wanna party? Fine then, let’s get nuts!!” He sent another lightning beam at him. Batman jumped off from the car before it was destroyed. He looked behind him to see the wounded citizen being taken away by the medics for medical treatment.

The ruthless satyr blasted more beams at him which Batman effortlessly dodged. He threw more batarangs at him while flying in the air. The Storm King blasted those batarangs with ease before smugly grinning. “Ha! You think those little toys will stop me?! Pathetic!”

“How about this?” Batman activated his invisibility mode, confusing his villainous opponent even more.

“What is this?! You can turn invisible?! I had no clue a bipedal had such a magical capacity. No matter! I will still find you, Batman!” Storm King cried.

He desperately looked around the damaged city while trying to listen carefully for any foot steps. Then he heard a whistle right close by him. As he turned, he saw a smirking Batman punching him in the face.

“Ahhhhh!! You will pay for that!” he glared.

“Sure, but I’m gonna first buy the world’s smallest violin to sooth your tears,” Batman smirked.

Seething in rage, the villain lifted his staff and blasted him on the chest. The hero winced slightly in pain from the hit, but he saw how little effect it had on him or on his advanced suit. Seeing this made the Storm King gasp in shock. “Looks like you’re gonna need a much more useful weapon.”

“IMPOSSIBLE! No one can withstand my Staff of Sca-Scaner-S-Scanane? Ugh, whatever this is called!” he groaned.

“You don’t even know what your own staff is called?” Batman asked.

“Well, I’m sure Tempest will remind me again,” he replied.

“Who’s Tempest?”

“Doesn’t matter! I’ll just crush you with my own bare claws!” Storm King yelled.

Batman ducked underneath his grasp and tripped him over. Unwilling to give up, he dropped his staff and sought to assault him. Batman dodged his swipes, punched his face twice, his stomach, and his chest. The tyrant groaned in pain from the heavy blows and saw his nose was bleeding. Then within an instant, he scratched Batman’s arm with his claws. The hero winced from the wound as it slowly started to bleed as well.

The Storm King again retaliated by punching him in the face and grabbing his leg to smash him against the concrete repeatedly. Then he threw him against a window of a shopping mall. He grunted as he struggled to get up; then he saw the satyr land on his body and deliver multiple punches on his back. He picked him up and threw him against a wall.

Batman launched himself into the air before he flew right toward Storm King, carrying him into the sky. Then each combatant delivered blows to the other until they crashed through an apartment building. They crashed into a living room where a guy was watching the news on TV. Then they smashed through a wall where they both saw a lady bathing in her shower.

She screamed in terror at the sight of two brawlers in her bathroom. She threw bars of soap at them before closing the shower curtain. They jumped right out of the window, falling from a great height.

Batman punched him yet again before Storm King returned the favor. The latter tried to bite him, but the former raised his bat-claws and scratched the satyr across his body armor. As he grunted in pain, Batman kicked him toward the ground. The villain landed hard on the pavement, creating a huge crater thereon.

Both of them sighed heavily as they were exhausted from fiercely fighting each other. “It’s over for you, stormy freak. You lost.” The villain however was evilly chuckling after he coughed up some blood.

“Have I?” The Storm King asked, getting up from the ground.

At that moment, a giant truck landed on top of Batman, injuring him greatly. He groaned from the massive hit before he fell on his face unconscious.

Tempest lifted the truck off him with her magic as she evilly smirked. “So brave... yet so foolish to challenge us.”

“Excellent work, Tempest. I must admit he actually put up a good challenge unlike other creatures I faced in our world. Hmmm, oh! Maybe I should do something special to him! Something... noteworthy,” Storm King said.

“Guards, put him in chains! His Excellency will have a word with him later,” she commanded. They did so and took Batman away.

“Terry, what’s your status? I tried contacting you, but the signal was jammed. Terry? TERRY!” Bruce called through Batman’s com link.