As the Apple Blooms

by The FraudulentBrit

A Day at the Museum

As the Apple Blooms

Part 24;A Day at the Museum

Lying on the floor of her room, Apple Bloom was pouring over all the schematics and blue prints she could find. Wanting to be of more help to her uncle, she figured the first step would be to familiarize herself with the basics of engines and other parts of the many, many automobiles she would encounter in the near future. However, as her eyes strained, Apple Bloom could only come to one, painful conclusion.

She could barely make out what any of the blueprints meant.

“Ugh!” Apple Bloom groaned as she fell backwards onto the floor in defeat. “And Ah thought stereo instructions were hard to read.” To the former farm girl, it just didn’t make sense. After all, they were just simple diagrams, so why were they so difficult to understand?

Her brief moment of self pity was interrupted when she heard someone knocking on her door, followed by the unmistakable sound of her Uncle’s voice asking, “Everything alright in there?”

“Ah’m fine Uncle Ironhide.” Apple Bloom answered. “Just tryin’ to make sense of all this.”

Entering his niece’s room, Ironhide began to look at all the blueprints laid around her floor. Letting out a gentle chuckle, he asked, “I take it this is where all the spare blueprints went?”

Rising back to her feet, Apple Bloom explained, “Yeah, Ah was hopin’ Ah could get mahself familiarized with engine parts and everythin’, but all Ah’ve found is a headache.”

Making his way to his niece, Ironhide rested a hand on her shoulder and reassured her, “Don’t beat yourself up kid. Scrapping is something that you just learn best from doing it yourself.” As Apple Bloom wrapped him in a warm embrace, he couldn’t help but quip, “Though it does also take a fair bit of book smarts.” Apple Bloom giggled as she replied, “Thanks Uncle Ironhide.”

“No sweat kid.” Ironhide replied. “Just make sure you pick all these up, ok? These things aren’t exactly easy to replace.” Releasing her uncle, Apple Bloom nodded and, with a playful salute, answered, “Yes sir.”

As Apple Bloom bent down to pick up one of the blueprints, she and Ironhide heard the sound of Ratchet call out, “Hey, we’ve got a customer! Young girl in a leather jacket and she looks like she’s terrified of something!”

“Marble!” Apple Bloom exclaimed with joy. She tried to leave her room, but Ironhide blocked her as he asked, “Forgetting something?” Remembering what he was referring to, she sighed as she resumed picking up all of the blueprints, hoping she could finish the task quick enough.

The Shop Front

Entering the front of the shop, Apple Bloom was greeted by the familiar face of Marble Pie, clad in her signature black leather jacket. “Howdy Marble!” She greeted her friend. “What brings you out here?”

Approaching the former farm girl, Marble replied, “I, uh, I need some help.” As she said this, the young geologist began to tremble nervously and her breath shortened as she tried to keep herself calm. Concerned, Apple Bloom asked, “What’s goin’ on Marble?”

Managing to calm herself down, Marble explained, “Well, we’re having volunteers over at the museum, mostly for simple maintenance. And, well….” As she began to hyperventilate, she finished with, “There’s gonna be a lot of people.”

“Oh mah.” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Ah take it this isn’t just some small group of people?” Marble shook her head and replied, “No. Mr. Beachcomber said there’s gonna be, like thirty people.” She then took a deep breath and said, “I’m scared I’ll get overwhelmed.”

It was then that Apple Bloom had an idea. “Hey, why don’t Ah help you tomorrow?” As Marble gave a hopeful look, she continued, “What do you think? Think Ah’d be useful at the museum?”

Marble Pie didn’t speak, but the bone crushing hug she gave Apple Bloom could only be interpreted as a yes.

From behind them, the two girls heard the sound of Ironhide asking, “Ok, so what’s going on here?” Apple Bloom turned to her uncle and asked, “Uncle Ironhide, is it alright if Ah help Marble out at the museum?” Ironhide paused for a moment before replying, “You know, we’ve been pretty slow lately, and you’ve been working hard. Why not?”

“Thank you Uncle Ironhide!” Apple Bloom thanked her uncle. Turning back to Marble, she asked, “So when do you need me over?” Marble, giving a small smile, replied, “Tomorrow morning, and you might want to pack a lunch.”

Ironhide then said, “Now then, I think it’s starting to get late, so you better head home before Beachcomber gets worried.” Marble nodded and said, “So, guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“See you tomorrow Marble.” Apple Bloom said to her friend. As Marble left, the former farm girl called out, “And don’t stress yourself out. You’re no fun all round up.” Marble could only smile and giggle as she waved goodbye and departed from the Chop Shop.

Once Marble was gone, Ironhide playfully quipped, “As for you, I think someone here is starting to smell, and it’s not Wheeljack.” Apple Bloom, pausing for a moment, replied, “Yeah. Ah think you need to start scrubbin’ behind your ears.”

Both Apple Bloom and Ironhide burst out laughing, and soon both departed to perform their nightly routines.

Allspark Wells Geology Museum, Early the Next Morning…

Peddling up to the museum, Apple Bloom was surprised by how many vehicles there were. Indeed, just as Marble had warned, there were roughly fifteen to twenty other cars parked in the museum’s parking lot. While it was hardly the largest crowd she’d ever seen, it was still implying there would be a decently sized group of volunteers today. “Ah hope Marble’s doin’ alright.” Apple Bloom said to herself as she pulled up to the large stone building.

Parking and dismounting her bike, Apple Bloom took a lunchbox from the bike’s basket and began to make her way to the museum’s entrance. As she approached the door, it opened from the inside, revealing Beachcomber.

“Well, hey there little lady.” The older geologist greeted. “I take it you’re here for Marble?” Apple Bloom nodded as she answered, “Yeah. Ah hope you don’t mind me bein’ here today.”

Smiling, Beachcomber replied, “Not at all. Honestly I’m just happy she’s interacting with people.” He then extended his hand and said, “Come on in. Don’t want you getting a cold out here.”

The Museum Atrium

As Beachcomber and Apple Bloom entered the atrium, the latter noticed several people gathered around the triceratops skeleton. “Got a lot of plans for today?” Apple Bloom asked as they approached the crowd.

Nodding, Beachcomber answered, “Yup. We have volunteer days like this every few months. It helps bring people together with their love of geology.” Apple Bloom couldn’t help but reply, “Wow. That’s pretty awesome.”

From her right, Apple Bloom heard someone call out, “There you are!” Turning, she found Marble nervously making her way to her. The gray girl was dressed in a light gray turtleneck sweater, skirt, her black leather jacket, and a pair of black riding boots.

“Howdy Marble.” Apple Bloom greeted her nervous friend. “Ah gotta say you look nice.” Blushing, Marble answered, “Thanks. Thought I’d at least dress for the occasion.”

Beachcomber then spoke up, “Hey, now that you’re here, I need to address everyone.” Both girls nodded as the older geologist made his way to the group of volunteers.

“Alright everybody! May I please have your attention?” Beachcomber called out. As everyone focused their attention on him, he continued, “Now then, if everyone could line up, I’ll begin giving everyone their assignments.”

Soon everyone had lined up, with Apple Bloom and Marble Pie in the very back of the line. As the two girls waited, Apple Bloom noticed that Marble was struggling to keep herself calm. Resting a hand on her shoulder, Apple Bloom reassured her, “Hey, relax. It’ll be fine.”

“I hope so.” Marble replied. “I’ve never done this before. Ever since I first arrived, Mr. Beachcomber has let me either sit these things out or do things on my own.” She then clutched her arm as she asked, “I mean, there’s nothing wrong with me not really liking crowds, right?”

Apple Bloom would have replied, but she was interrupted when Beachcomber called out for her and Marble. When the two girls approached him, he said, “Now, I think I know what to do with you two. I need you to help dust and clean the fossil hall. Think you two can handle it?”

Both girls enthusiastically nodded. Beachcomber gave a gentle smile as he continued, “Very good. Marble, I believe you know where the dusters are.” Marble turned to Apple Bloom and said, “Follow me Apple Bloom.” She then took her by the hand and guided (or rather dragged) her to the Fossil hall.

At least she did until Beachcomber added, “Oh, I’ll be sending some of the others to give you girls a hand in a bit.” Marble froze in her tracks and began to take deep breaths again. Apple Bloom then reassured her, “Hey, it’s alright. Just stay close to me, alright?”

Marble simply nodded as she continued to guide Apple Bloom to the fossil hall, this time far more gently.

The Fossil Hall

As the two girls approached a “hidden” closet in the back of the grand hall, Apple Bloom began to eye the many fossils mounted all around them. Just like she remembered, all around them were many skeletal beings, most of them being dinosaurs. Passing two massive Theropods, Apple Bloom remarked, “Ah still can’t believe you get to live here.”

Marble simply shrugged as she replied, “I guess I never really thought too much about it. I mean you lived on a farm and now live in a garage.” Apple Bloom could only gulp and shamefully look away, something that caught Marble’s attention. “Oh, I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t….”

“It’s alright.” Apple Bloom interrupted. “Besides, you’re right. Ah can’t tell you how many times Wheeljack woke me up in the middle of the night with some weird project of his.” Marble began to giggle as she added, “Yeah. Luckily thing are usually pretty calm over here.”

As Marble opened the closet door, Apple Bloom asked, “So, what do you need me to do first?” The young geologist handed her a feather duster and replied, “You mind dusting off some of the fossils?” Taking the duster, Apple Bloom gave a warm smile and replied, “Ah’d be happy to oblige.”

Soon Apple Bloom was making her way through the fossilized remnants of a lost world. Marble had instructed her not to worry about the largest animals (anything that she couldn’t reach with her extendable feather duster), and so she began to go through many of the relatively smaller animals.

As Apple Bloom began to dust one creature, an odd creature that vaguely resembled a cross between a dinosaur and a crocodile, she thought to herself, ‘Huh. Wonder what this thing is called.’ Making her way to the animal’s display, she began to read what it said.


These creatures were ancient Archosaurs whose names mean “Crocodile from Post.” Though they may superficially look like dinosaurs, they are more closely related to modern crocodiles, though even then they are hardly close relatives.

Postosuchus lived in the mid to late Triassic period, around 237 to 200 million years ago. During this time, they were one of, if not the most formidable predators of their day. Their favorite prey would have been dicynodonts.

Though formidable animals, Postosuchus eventually went extinct, outcompeted by more adaptable creatures, the Dinosaurs.

“Ooh.” Apple Bloom said to herself. “These fellas sound like trouble.” She would have continued to read the panel, but she realized she’d stopped dusting and departed to resume her duties.

As she began to dust another animal, a small dinosaur called Ceolophysis, she heard Marble ask, “How’s it going over there?” Turning to face her, Apple Bloom replied, “Ah’m doin’ alright. Not too much dust.” Walking up to her friend, Marble replied, “Yeah, I kinda like to keep this place looking presentable.”

The gray girl then asked, “Uh, can I ask you a question?” When Apple Bloom gave a confirming nod, Marble continued, “I was wondering if, uh, you could see if I could ask Tender Taps for another dance lesson?”

“Ah’d love to!” Apple Bloom enthusiastically exclaimed, practically forcing Marble to cover her ears. “Sorry.” The former farm girl apologized. “Ah mean that Ah’d be happy.”

Marble smiled as she replied, “Thanks. Mr. Beachcomber says I need a new hobby, and was really fun, aside from, you know…” As she began to look away in shame, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but remember the particular event she was referring to.

Resting her hand on Marble’s shoulder, Apple Bloom reassured her, “Hey, we all get a little frustrated sometimes.” Marble blushed as she replied, “Thanks.” When Apple Bloom released her hand, the gray girl said, “Oh, watch this.”

Marble began to try and perform a few time steps, though she still clearly had some trouble keeping her balance. But this time, she managed to finish the steps, hardly perfect but still clearly audible.

“Nice job Marble.” Apple Bloom complimented. “You’ve been practicin’?” Marble nodded and gave a simple, “Yeah.”

Both girls were distracted when they heard the sound of the hall’s doors opening. Apple Bloom turned to see that there was a small group of people approaching, mostly other teens roughly her and Marble’s age. “Well now…” She began. “Looks like we got….” She turned to Marble, only to see that her fried had turned slightly but noticeably paler, and could only meekly continue, “Company?”

Indeed, two other teenagers emerged from the hall’s two great doors. One was a boy with blue skin and black hair, whilst the other was a yellow girl with scarlet hair in a ponytail who wore a blue sweatshirt and brown pants. In truth, they looked like two perfectly normal kids.

As the two strangers approached, Marble, now very clearly pale, looked away in fear. Apple Bloom began to say something to her, but the approaching boy asked, “Hey, you two Apple Bloom and Marble Pie?”

“Yup.” Apple Bloom replied. As she extended her hand, she replied, “Ah’m Apple Bloom.” The boy shook her hand and introduced himself.

“Name’s Rotoscope.” The boy said. The girl then stepped forward and said, “And I’m Dream Wave.” Apple Bloom extended her hand to Dream Wave, who reciprocated the gesture.

“So…” Apple Bloom began. “What brings you two here?” Dream Wave explained, “Mr. Beachcomber said you two might need a little help.” The former farm girl began to look around at all the fossils as she remarked, “Ah guess a little help wouldn’t hurt.”

Rotoscope then asked, “Speaking of help, your friend there alright? ‘Cause she looks like she’s gonna pass out.” Apple Bloom turned to see that, indeed, Marble was taking deep breaths and trying to calm herself down. Turning back to the other two, she said, “Uh, excuse us for a moment.”

Taking Marble Pie away for a moment, Apple Bloom asked, “Marble, you alright?” Struggling to keep herself calm, the young geologist answered, “Sorry, it’s just… I…. There’s strangers here and I….” She struggled to keep herself calm as the color left her face.

Resting a hand on her shoulder, Apple Bloom reassured her, “Don’t worry. Ah mean, you were willin’ to talk with me, right?” Once she’d said that, Marble’s face began to regain its natural light gray color. Taking a deep breath, the young geologist replied, “I guess you’re right.” She then began to make her way back to the other two teens, much to Apple Bloom’s delight.

Once the two girls returned to the others, Dream Wave asked, “Everything alright?” Marble replied, “Yup. Just needed a moment to breathe.” Apple Bloom smiled as it seemed her friend had managed to emerge from her shell.

Rotoscope then asked, “So, what do you need us to do?” Marble replied, “Could you guys start mopping the floors?” The blue boy simply groaned as he answered, “Fine.” He then proceeded to stomp off towards the closet, leaving Apple Bloom and Marble confused.

Dream Wave spoke up, “Don’t mind him. I think that guy is just a little bit of a drama queen.” She then followed Rotoscope, leaving the two girls confused.

Not Long Later….

As Apple Bloom and Marble Pie continued to dust the many fossils, one thing that caught the former’s attention was Marble’s silence. Whenever they passed either Rotoscope or Dream Wave, the young geologist would look the other way, and if she was talking then Marble would silence herself. And while Apple Bloom knew that her friend was hardly the most social person, seeing her so nervous around other people was just unsettling.

“Marble, you doin’ alright?” Apple Bloom asked. Marble simply nodded yes as she continued to dust the dimetrodon in front of them. She’d have continued but the sound of the doors opening caught their attention, leaving Apple Bloom to ask, “Who’s that?”

The answer came when Beachcomber approached and said, “Well now, I think how’s everything going in here?” Apple Bloom cheerily replied, “Everythin’s goin’ great.” She then turned to Marble and continued, “At least Ah think.”

“Marble still being reclusive?” Beachcomber asked. Sighing, Apple Bloom could only nudge her head towards her friend, showing Marble trying to avoid the other two teens in the hall. “I should have figured.” The older geologist solemnly remarked. “At least you’ve made some progress.”

“Ah know.” Apple Bloom replied. “Ah just wish Ah could do more. Ah mean, there’s a difference between bein’ shy and a borderline recluse.” As she said this, Dream Wave approached and asked, “Something wrong sir?”

Beachcomber replied, “Oh no. I just came to tell you all that it’s about time for lunch break.” Letting out a sigh of relief, Dream Wave remarked, “Finally. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.” She then turned to face the others and called out, “Hey Rotoscope! Marble! It’s lunch time!” As the blue boy dropped his mop and dashed out of the hall, Marble sighed and made her way to the discarded mop, picking it up and setting it up against the wall.

Once Marble made her way to her mentor and friend, Apple Bloom asked, “So Marble, you hungry?” The shy girl simply nodded yes. Beachcomber then spoke up with, “Well now, let’s get something to eat.”

The Museum Cafeteria

Much like almost every kind of museum she’d ever been to (not that that was a long list to begin with), the Allspark Wells geology museum had a cafeteria for people to grab a quick bite to eat, and it was here that all the volunteers were enjoying a nice lunch, either provided by the museum or something they brought from home like Apple Bloom. However, she wasn’t seated at any of the tables or booths, but rather against the wall with Marble in an isolated corner. As she took a bite from her sandwich, the former farm girl asked, “You sure you don’t wanna eat with everyone else?”

“I’m fine.” Marble simply replied. Indeed, she was once again looking pale, and as she took a bite from her macaroni and cheese, Apple Bloom noticed her hand was starting to shake.

“Marble, Ah’m just worried about you.” Apple Bloom said. “Can Ah ask you a question?” When Marble nodded yes, the former farm girl asked, “Was Ah your first friend here?”

The young geologist could only sigh and nod yes. Apple Bloom then asked, “Then, what sets me apart from other people?” Marble sighed and, looking away in shame, answered, “Because Mr. Beachcomber said I had to. He wants me to interact with people, but I just….” She struggled to come up with an answer before giving up, slinking back against the wall.

It was then that something else caught Apple Bloom’s attention. Sitting at one of the tables right in front of them were Rotoscope and Dream Wave. An idea entering her mind, she spoke up, “Alright, how about we go have a chat with Dream Wave and Rotoscope.”

Marble gulped as she focused her eyes on the other two teens, just as Dream Wave noticed them and waived while smiling. Instead, the young geologist simply began to stare awkwardly as a few beads of sweat dripped from her forehead.

“How about we go give ‘em some company?” Apple Bloom asked. When Marble turned to her with a surprised face, the former farm girl continued, “Ah think it’s time to get you out of your comfort zone a little bit.” Marble wanted to protest, but Apple Bloom gave her a reassuring smile and said, “Trust me. It’ll be fine.”

Soon the two girls gathered their things and made their way over to the table. Once they’d sat down, Dream Wave spoke up. “I was wondering why you two were over there.” Marble didn’t say anything, leaving Apple Bloom to reply, “We just needed a little quiet time, that’s all.”

Rotoscope then asked, “Wait a minute, aren’t you the Anon-A-Miss person?” Apple Bloom simply sighed and replied, “Guilty as charged.” The blue boy groaned as he remarked, “Of course. What’s next, you gonna start spying on us?”

Dream Wave immediately spoke up with, “Rotoscope, back off.” The blue boy huffed as he took his lunch and stood up, proclaiming, “Fine, just don’t blame me when people start teasing you.” He then stormed off, leaving everyone stunned.

Turning to the others, Dream Wave apologized, “Sorry about him. I think he’s just got an insecticon up his ass.” Apple Bloom and Marble couldn’t help but giggle at her remark. The former farm girl then replied, “Thanks, but isn’t he your friend or somethin’?”

“Not really.” Dream Wave answered. “We go to school together and we get along, but I’d hardly call him a friend.” She then noticed Marble had hardly said anything and asked, “You ok?”

Marble managed to squeak out, “Yeah.” Apple Bloom then added, “Forgive her, she’s a little shy.” Dream Wave smiled and replied, “I know the feeling. I used to be kinda shy when I was younger.”

Dream Wave then said, “Oh, hold on a moment!” She then proceeded reach for a backpack under her seat and pulled out a sketchbook. “I’ve been working on a few drawings, and I’d like your opinions.” Opening the sketchbook, Dream Wave passed it to the other two girls.

Both Marble Pie and Apple Bloom were amazed by the skill of her drawings. Dream Wave had images of giant robotic beings fighting each other, namely a red and blue robot fighting a green and purple robot with devil horns.

“That’s amazin’!” Apple Bloom remarked. Marble herself said, “Wow. They look so smooth and shiny.” Dream Wave smiled and replied, “Thanks. Not many people seem to like my work.”

Marble then added, “I like it. I think it’s really cool.” She then asked, “Uh, you have a pen or pencil I can borrow?” Dream Wave nodded and pulled out a pen from her sweatshirt and handed it to the young geologist. Once she had the pen, Marble turned to a blank page and began to sketch something.

Dream Wave asked, “Marble, what are you doing?” Apple Bloom, however, noticed what Marble was drawing. It was a nearly perfect sketch of a dinosaur’s skull, specifically something that looked like a triceratops but with a massive bump on its nose rather than any horns.

“It’s a pachyrhinosaurus.” Marble answered. “Sorry, you had your sketchbook and I wanted to show you what I know.”

Dream Wave inspected the image before replying, “It’s pretty good. Very realistic.” Marble began to light up as she asked, “Really?” The yellow girl nodded and replied, “Yeah. Maybe I can show you a few tricks I know.”

Apple Bloom then joined in, “Ah’d add somethin’, but Ah’m not that good an artist.” They’d have continued, but the small group noticed everyone was starting to leave. “Ah guess lunch is over.” With that, the three girls packed up their uneaten lunch and prepared to return to their duties.

The Fossil Hall, Later That Day…

As Beachcomber entered the fossil hall, he was amazed by how clean it was. All the fossils were free of dust, the floors had been mopped to a mirror sheen, and all in all it looked like a lot of care and attention had been given to the old wing.

But what really caught his attention was Marble talking with not only Apple Bloom, but also Dream Wave. Seeing his young ward interacting with more people without any worry or anxiety filled him with blissful joy.

“Hey there…” The old geologist said as he approached the three teenagers. “I gotta say I’m impressed. This place looks cleaner than the rest of the museum put together.”

Apple Bloom replied, “No problem Mr. Beachcomber.” Marble then added, “Yeah, it’s nice to have some help every now and then.” The older man then joked, “Funny, because I know SOMEONE here who like to keep to herself.”

Marble began to blush with embarrassment, but Dream Wave spoke up with, “Either way, Marble here is a genius. She knows every one of these animals here by name.” She then leant closer to her and remarked, “And if I may say, that is a lovely jacket.” Marble blushed as she replied, “Thanks. It was a gift from my sister.”

Beachcomber then said, “That’s great. However, I think it’s time you two start heading home.” Apple Bloom and Dream Wave sighed as the former turned to Marble and said, “Well, guess Ah’ll see ya later?”

Marble wrapped her in a warm embrace and replied, “Thanks Apple Bloom. I’m not too sure I’d have been willing to talk to Dream Wave without you.” Returning the gesture, Apple Bloom added, “It’s what friends do.”

The former farm girl turned to Dream Wave and said, “Thanks. Ah hope we meet again.” Dream Wave smiled as she replied, “I think we will. Just stay out of trouble.” She then winked, making Apple Bloom giggle.

With that, Apple Bloom left the fossil hall, with her next stop being home.

The Chop Shop…

“Uncle Ironhide, Ah’m Home!” Apple Bloom called out as she entered the Chop Shop. Ironhide and Chromia approached her, a worried look on the former’s face. Concerned, Apple Bloom asked, “Uncle Ironhide, somethin’ wrong?”

“Oh no, nothing’s wrong.” Ironhide replied. Chromia then added, “Well, not exactly. You see, turns out we got a letter today and….” Ironhide immediately interrupted as he said, “I’m so stupid. I’m so sorry I forgot to tell you Apple Bloom.” Confused, the former farm girl asked, “You forgot what?”

Immediately, Wheeljack entered the shop front as he asked, “You hear the good news Apple Bloom? Torque Wrench is stopping by!” Ironhide turned to face his co-worker and friend and sternly ordered, “Wheeljack, go help Ratchet with something, ok?” Sighing, the mechanic simply replied, “Yes sir.”

Now entirely confused, Apple Bloom asked, “Uh, who’s Torque Wrench?” Taking a nervous breath, Ironhide said something that absolutely stunned Apple Bloom.

“She’s our daughter.”