//------------------------------// // Battle Aftermath // Story: Canterlot Bakugan Brawlers // by luckyboys121 //------------------------------// "Well Canterlot, it looks like our fair city has received quite the new the development, but with these little protectors around I'm confident that these Bakugan creatures will soon become welcome members of our town, this is Rarity Belle signing off," said Rarity as she gave a smile to the camera. "And... we're clear," said Micro Chips as he lowered the camera. Rarity then began hopping in excitement as she said, "YES YES YES!! I finally got that big story I've been looking for my whole career!" She then scooped up the three girls and their Bakugan into a large hug as she said, "OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU GIRL!" The three struggled against the hug as Scootaloo said, "N-no problem." "J-just doing what we do best," said Hydranoid as apparently he also had trouble breathing under this pressure. Sweetie was used to this as she barely felt the hug saying, "Gee, I'm honestly surprised you're not mad we where in danger." Rarity suddenly blinked at that before releasing the hug as she cleared her throat saying, "Yes well... I admit this is certainly not something I expected and yes it was very dangerous." The three tensed up at hearing this before Rarity raised her finger saying, "However... these Bakugan creatures seem friendly enough and the way you interact with them seems to be a good example for others, which if there really more of them out there we certainly need, so... I'm not going to put a stop to any of this." "Really!?" asked Sweetie excitedly. "Well of course darling, after all my career field isn't actually the safest either," said Rarity before looking over at Apple Bloom and Scootaloo as she said, "Though of course I can't speak your families." As if on cue Scootaloo's fan buzzed as she quickly looked at it and saw a simple text from Holiday that said, "ARE YOU OK!? GET HOME NOW!!" Rarity sighed as she said, "I'll take you home," she then looked over to Apple Bloom as she said, "You should probable go find Applejack, she may not have seen the newscast since I'm sure she's working in the barn or something but you still need to tell her about all this and let the pieces fall where they may." Apple Bloom simply nodded as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle followed towards the news van and got in. The ride should have taken a long time, between just the sheer distance and the amount of traffic around it should have been one of the longest trips home she'd ever had, but from the simple fact she was dreading getting home it felt like it only took a second. As Scootaloo walked up the driveway and opened the door she instantly found herself wrapped up in a hug as Holiday called out, "Are you alright!? What on Earth where you doing!?" Scootaloo pushed herself out of it as she said, "I'm fine, and well.. I was just battling with this guy." Hydranoid unfolded in Scootaloo's hand and looked at the two before him saying, "Greetings." "What the heck is that thing!?" asked Holiday as she backed behind Lofty in fear. Hydranoid scowled at that as he said, "I am not a THING!" "Easy buddy," said Scootaloo as she nervously tried to calm him down. "Mom Holiday, Mom Lofty I'd like you both to meet my new friend Hydranoid." Hydranoid grumbled a bit before saying, "It's nice to meet you both," with a forced smiles on his faces. Holiday continued to cower from the small creature as Lofty decided to speak up saying, "So um... how did you two meet?" Scootaloo sighed as she looked down saying, "I found him last night, when I snuck out to Pinpoint Park." "You what!?" said Holiday as she moved from out of her hiding spot in concern. "Geeze kid, that's where you went," said Lofty. Holiday then turned to her saying, "You knew about this!?" "Well I mean.. I knew she snuck out I just figured it was to do some dangerous scooter stunts or maybe she was dating someone," said Lofty nervously. "And you didn't feel the need to tell me about this!?" said Holiday as her concern turned towards anger. "Well I-," stammered Lofty not sure what to say. Holiday humphed before turning to Scootaloo and saying, "Why don't you and Hydranoid go to your room for now while we talk about this." "Oh-ok," stammered Scootaloo as she walked away nervously. Once they heard the door shut Holiday turned to Lofty saying, "So what else do you know about that you haven't told me?" "Well certainly not anything about this!" said Lofty as she plopped on the couch exasperated. Holiday pouted at that saying, "No, you just knew she was sneaking out and doing something!" Lofty sighed at that as she said, "What do you want from me, I was doing that kind of stuff when I was her age." "Yes, but I wasn't," said Holiday with a tone of superiority. "Yeah I know, you where little miss perfect doing her homework on time, always being home before dark, and volunteering at the school nurses office where you met a dumb girl who hurt herself after 'borrowing' her brothers motorcycle," said Lofty. "Ye-" began Holiday as she stopped before saying, "I suppose that's true," before joining her wife on the couch. "Look, some kids need to get that rebellious stuff out of their systems before they can really grow up," said Lofty. Holiday chuckled as she said, "Are you sure you're that grown up?" Lofty grimaced at that as she said, "Never the less, I think I've proved my point about good things coming out of youthful rebellion." "I suppose you have," said Holiday as she smiled for a moment before saying, "But this isn't youthful rebellion, this is monster fighting... which I can not believe is a sentence I have to say!" "Yeah... this is a whole other can of worms," said Lofty as she slumped down in thought. "So what should we do then?" asked Holiday. "It's a tough call, I mean yes this definitely seems dangerous, but you saw how much her face lit up in the news cast and how happy she was this morning," said Lofty. "I know, plus she found this 'Hydranoid' in Pinpoint Park.. after all these years she may have actually found something that can lead to what she's wanted her whole life and I'm not sure if we have the right to take that away from her," said Holiday. Lofty sighed as she put her feet up on the table saying, "Yeah, that makes it extra tough. Because if we do take this away from her as much as we tell ourselves it's for her safety, in the back of our minds we'll know that we might have done it so she doesn't find out where she came from and go back there." Holiday nervously rubbed her head saying, "I always knew this day would come... I just didn't imagine it would be anything like this!" As Scootaloo sat up in her bed she simple looked over at Hydranoid as she said, "You know you can go if you want." "What?" asked Hydranoid confused. "I'm not sure if they'll let you stick around here anyway, and even if they do I sincerely doubt they'll let me battle with you... so you might just want to go and find a new user," said Scootaloo as she hugged her legs sadly. Hydranoid simple looked at her as he thought, "That would be the best thing to do, after all battling is my main concern...but" as he stared at Scootaloo he swore he saw a flash of something, he couldn't tell what it was but it felt like something he couldn't quite remember was tickling the sides of his mind. "I don't think I can do that," said Hydranoid. "Why not?" asked Scootaloo. Hydranoid slowly approached and hopped atop her shoulder saying, "Because while I'm sure I can find another fine user... I wouldn't be able to find a partner like you." Scootaloo smiled at that and prepared to say something, before hearing a knock at her door as she said, "Come in." Her moms soon entered as Holiday spoke up saying, "We've thought about this as much as we can and... I'm sorry sweetie but we just don't have an answer for you yet." "We called Rarity and Applejack and they should be over tomorrow to help us all figure this stuff out," said Lofty as she scratched her head. "For now... Hydranoid, I need to know that my daughters safety is as important to you as it is to me," said Holiday as she bent down to look him in the eyes. He thought on this for a moment before saying, "I promise you that I will use all the power at my disposal to keep her safe, no matter what you decide." Holiday nodded as she said, "OK... if that's the case then you two can at least stay together.... just promise me no more of this battling stuff until we've figured it all out." "I promise," said Scootaloo as let out a slight smile at all this. "Well then... I know it's kind of early but I think we've all had a long day, we're going to be turning in for now," said Holiday. "Yeah.. me too," said Scootaloo as she grabbed the covers that was already around her. "Well... goodnight honey, and we promise to have an answer for you tomorrow," said Holiday as she made her way out. "See you in the morning kiddo," said Lofty before turning to Hydranoid as she said, "And I still got my eye on you, I don't care what you are if your spending the night in my daughters bedroom you gotta be on your best behavior." Scootaloo chuckled at that as Hydranoid looked around confused saying, "What does that mean?" Lofty simple chuckled herself as the two parents left their room leaving Scootaloo and Hydranoid to simple sit on this and rest. The next morning. As the bus pulled up to Canterlot Station a young boy who couldn't have been more then fifteen stepped out. Though you wouldn't have known he was so young at fist glance as he wore an expensive black suit and black rimmed glasses that perfectly complemented his purple complexion and spiked green hair. Both complementing the ascetic and making it look out of place the boy also sported a metallic black device on his wrist and a pouch containing a black Bakugan ball on his waist. The boy simple walked away from the bus stop as he moved a black gloved hand to his glasses and pushed a button on the side of them saying, "I have arrived to Canterlot on schedule and am proceeding to the targets house." A feminine voice eminated into his ears saying, "Excellent work agent Spike. Proceed with the plan, battle the one known as Scootaloo and send the data back to me so I can determine if she is right for the program." "Yes mistress I..." said Spike before pausing as he caught sight of two girls ahead of him as he began saying, "Mistress, I have caught sight of the two who where with her Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle." "Hmm," came the reply over his headset. "Well I suppose battling them would be viable as well, at the very least it might lure Scootaloo to you." "Yes mistress," said Spike as he began to move closer. "So Applejack is cool with you battling?" asked Sweetie Belle in surprise. "Yeah... she was a little freaked out at first but as soon she saw how I was doing it to defend my friends she couldn't really say no," said Apple Bloom. "I hope she and Rarity can convince Scootaloo's parents," said Sweetie as they mopely walked along. Apple Bloom prepared to reply but was quickly interrupted as they heard a voice from behind them yell, "HEY!" They turned to see the young boy now holding his Bakugan as the device on his arm began to glow purple as he yelled out, "DROME UP!"