//------------------------------// // ³𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖 𝕊𝕠 𝕍𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕋𝕠 𝕄𝕖 (Part 1) // Story: Take Me All The Way // by 0PinkamenaDianePie0 //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash smiled as she looked down at the boy sleeping peacefully. She quietly laughed to herself as she watched his legs kick in a jagged manner. A small and content smile upon his face as he peacefully roamed Luna's dream realm. There was a purity to the way she gazed at him, the love given and received. He was hers, and she wasn't sure how much more of her heart he had left to take, not that she was complaining, of course. She remembered the day he came into her life, clear as a summer's day. ≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾ "SWEET CELESTIA!!" Rainbow Dash screamed out in agony as the pain overtook her body. With each contraction followed pain which overtook Dash's entire being. When the pain passed it was only for a short moment or so and she breathed with closed eyes, unwilling to re-engage with life outside of her own body. She lay still as the epidural was administered, waiting for the agony to subside. She originally wasn't going to have it but good lord the pain, not to mention her delivery lasted longer than normal. To her right was her husband, Soarin. She squeezed the absolute living daylights out his poor hand, Soarin didn't mind though. She needed relief and he was there to provide her with it. He was the pegasus she swore to love until she took her very last breath on this planet, but right now she wanted to do nothing more than to rip his head off. "SOARIN...UGH!" She yelled out, "YOU DID THIS TO ME...I'M GONNA-AGGHHH...I'M GONNA FUCKING MURDER YOU!" She bellowed. Soarin looked at her in concern. She wasn't really....right? He glanced at the doctor as she looked at Dash's vitals who smiled at her and slightly shook her head. "Don't worry, that's just the pain talking." She slightly smiled, as she and her nurses got ready to help Rainbow Dash deliver her baby. Soarin breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at Dash again and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Almost done Dashie. You're almost there." He whispered as she rested her head on his shoulder and panted. Initially, he had been worried. Earlier the labour wasn't progressing and the contraction seemed to significantly weaken. Rainbow Dash gave one last final push, granting the request the doctor had given her. "Its a boy!" The doctor smiled, as he handed the newborn to the nurse. "A boy?" Rainbow Dash weakly asked, her eyes glazed over. The doctor chuckled and nodded. Rainbow Dash slowly turned her head towards the direction of her baby, not soarin, her other baby. He was being cleaned up and getting dressed by the nurses and Soarin walked over to them to look at his child. "I did it?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "You did it," Soarin said as he patted her forehead with a towel to clean up the sweat dripping down from her face. "Okay, goodnight I sleep now." She said, rather quickly and passed out on the hospital bed. ≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾ Rainbow Dash stroked the infant cheek tenderly, a content smile on her face as she watched him open his bright emerald eyes to look at his mother and let out a happy squeal of delight. Rainbow Dash laughed as she reached into the baby crib and picked him up in her arms, his head lay on her arm as she cradled her two-month-old in her arms and nuzzled his forehead. The infant responding by giggling. He wasn't a very demanding child and didn't seem to cry unless he was hungry or needed a diaper change; something both Soarin and Rainbow Dash were grateful for. It made nights a whole less stressful. That was love though right? Her everything belonged in this tiny form of a being. He wore a very stylish and snazzy winter outfit, courtesy of auntie Rarity. "Hey," Soarin said in a low voice as he smiled at his wife, who turned her head to the direction of him and smiled lovingly at him. "Hey, we were just coming up to the stadium tunnel." She responded as Soarin approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her, his head bent down and resting on the crook of her neck, both Wonderbolts gazing lovingly at their child. "Remember how scared we were about being parents when he was born," Dash said. "Yeah, I'd like to say we did a good job," Soarin smirked and kissed Dash's cheek, she shook her head and chuckled to herself. ≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾ Rainbow Dash smiled as she slowly turned to lay on her side and watched Soarin hold the baby. His tiny head lay upon Soarin's hand, while his tiny fingers curled around Soarin's index finger with immense grip. The baby cooed, let out a small yawn making Soarin and Dash both d'aww at the sight. His grip tightened on Soarin's finger as she slowly opening his eyes and gazed into his father's eyes lovingly and squealed while curling his fingers up, his eyes slowly moved to his right and fell upon his mother's, giving the same reaction. "He has your eyes." Rainbow Dash whispered, "they're exactly the same, that's insane." "His hair two shades from yours too," Soarin commented. He was born at 2:57 am. 3.2 kilograms, a healthy weight for a newborn. No health issues were found by the doctors and everything about him was perfect. His tiny, fluttering wings were a shade darker than Soarin's, his eyes were of a deep emerald pool, resembling his fathers. In fact, their eyes were exactly identical. His hair had three stripes: green, navy then dark purple. "Are we gonna be okay at this?" Rainbow Dash asked. Soarin looked up to examine Dash. That was her "i'm scared I'm gonna screw up" face. Scrunched eyebrows, a slight frown, nervously biting her bottom lip, fidgeting with her fingers; yep he knew that look too well. He leaned forward and placed a brief kiss on her lips. "We'll be fine at this, I promise." "What if I mess up? What if I can't be a good mother to him. I don't wanna end up like my par-" Soarin placed his finger on Dash's lips. "You will not mess up, you're gonna be the coolest mum any child could ever have." He winked, using Dash's signature quote as she rolled her eyes and quietly chuckled at the statement, "And I promise you, never in a million moons will you ever end up like your parents." Soarin reassured, "I'm gonna be with you throughout all of this. It's me and you forever, remember?" Rainbow Dash smiled at him, planted a kiss on his cheek and lay her head to rest on Soarin's shoulder. "Me and you, forever." She weakly said, the fatigue clear in her voice. She spoke quietly, her voice a whisper but just loud enough for Soarin to hear. Her head snuggled against Soarin's shoulder, one hand stroking the baby's cheek as she fell asleep in her husband's embrace. The baby reached his hand up, one hand resting on Soarin's lips, resulting in Soarin kissing the palm of his son's hand. The baby clearly found this entertaining as he laughed at the gesture. The door to the hospital room opened, revealing the Wonderbolts and the Mane Six. He ushered them inside, signalling them to be quiet as Dash was sleeping. "The favourite aunties have arrived." High Winds and Fleetfoot quietly said in a cheerful tone, approaching Soarin who carefully handed the baby to Fleetfoot and High Winds. Fire Streak and Misty Fly arrived straight after with eyebrows raised, "favourite aunties?" Misty Fly repeated. "Meet Spectrum Zorion Skies." "He's beautiful." Rarity said as she rested her hand on Fleetfoot's shoulder to look at Spectrum. "I'm so proud of you, Soar." High Winds said as she hugged Soarin. " "Awww, thank you, Windy." He replied as she hugged his little sister back. "where are mom and dad? I thought they were coming with you." "Got held up in Canterlot, they'll be in Cloudsdale in a few hours." Soarin got up to greet the rest of his friends, everyone bringing presents, congratulating the new parents and taking turns to greet the baby. 4 Hours Later... All of the Wonderolts and Mane Six had left (except for High Winds) and promised they'd be back in the morning tomorrow. About half an hour after they had left Soarin's parents had arrived. Soft Breeze and Typhoon Skies. He and High Winds greeted their parents, Soarin's mum immediately bursting into tears and exclaiming how proud she was of her baby boy. "Mama, I'm twenty-five," Soarin whined, as he failed to remove himself from his mother's grasp. "You're still my baby boy." She replied, Soarin just rolled his eyes and complied. Once he was finally free from his mother's death grip, he went to greet his father. "Oooh, let me see the precious angel." Soarin's mum exclaimed as she approached the now awake Rainbow Dash, who smiled weakly at her mother in law and handed the baby over to her. "Now, we just have to wait for this one to give us a grandchild." Soarin's father playfully nudged High Winds, who comically stuck her tongue out at him and rolled her eyes. "Daddy, I am literally gay. I dig vaginas, not dicks." She said as her dad and Soarin burst out laughing. "High Winds! Language." her mum scolded. "You can adopt!" Typhoon defended and shrugged. "Fair enough, maybe in a few years." Windy sighed. She wasn't gonna win this with her dad. High Winds and Blaze were recently engaged, it hadn't even been a month since High Winds proposed. It wasn't that the two didn't want to have children, they just weren't ready for that commitment yet. Windy's father, of course, knew this, he just loved teasing her for the sake of his own entrainment. "Oh my, Rainbow." Soarin's mum, Soft Breeze exclaimed. "He's absolutely gorgeous." She said as she looked upon the smiling baby with tenderness and affection. Rainbow Dash smiled tiredly as she lay her head on her pillow and quietly yawned. Soft Breeze had made Rainbow Dash promise her on her wedding day that from that day on she wouldn't know as "Mrs Skies." To Dash, but rather she knows as "mum." To her. "You are going to be my daughter in a few minutes, after all." In Rainbow Dash's personal, and probably biased, opinion; she definitely had the best in-laws. Heck, Soarin's dad even vowed to walk her down the aisle when he learned she didn't have a dad of her own to do it. High Winds was really welcoming, and was practically the female version of Soarin but minus the Pie kink and way more childish. That was something her and Fleetfoot shared, the two got along really well because of that. "You did a great job, Rainbow." She smiled and hugged her. "He's absolutely gorgeous." "Hey!" Soarin interrupted, "I helped too. Give me some credit" He sat on the sofa and crossed his arms like a child, pouting. High Winds smirked and jumped on top of him, resulting in Soarin falling onto the sofa on his stomach and Windy laying down on top with her head resting on the back of his. "Windy, the fuck? get off me." Soarin complained. "Nuh-uh." She chuckled and continued to annoy Soarin. "My kids are clowns." Typhoon rubbed his forehead. "They get it from your side of the family." Soft Breeze smugly replied. "I'm going, to be honest here, I am the human form of the clown emoji in this family." High Winds shrugged. "I embrace that title with great honour." "I'm the human form of the one hundred emoji, get on my level windy." Rainbow Dash smirked. "Nah I beat both of you, I'm the human form of the pie emoji." Soarin smugly smiled as he pushed High Winds off him. Everyone in the room burst out laughing. Spectrum glanced between the occupants in the room, utterly confused as to what they found so amusing. ≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾ "Human form of the pie emoji, you're such a dumbass." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and chuckled slightly as she handed Spectrum to Soarin. "I'm your dumbass though." Soarin shot back. "That you are." She kissed his cheek. "Come on, it's almost time for the show to start." Soarin smiled, as he grabbed a binder from the room and made his way out towards the stadium behind Dash after he had placed Spectrum in his baby carrier seat. The Wonderbolts had a huge sold-out show today in Cloudsdale. For obvious maternity reasons, Rainbow Dash couldn't perform up until her maternity time was done. Spitfire had organised the show in honour of Spectrum's arrival, and it was more of a surprise for Rainbow Dash. The couple walked out of the locker room in the stadium and through the hallway into the stadium tunnel that leads out into the main arena where the show would take place. Soarin took the baby carrier from Dash and placed it on a bench inside the tunnel while Dash greeted Blaze and Surprise who were warming up for the show. "It feels weird not preparing for the show," Dash said, as she peeked out the curtain to examine the crowd in the sold-out open dome stadium. "Yeah, I'm so used to you being on my right instead of Misty Fly." Blaze laughed as she put her hair in her ponytail. "Alright Wonderbolts, everyone in position. Show starts in a minute and a half." Spitfire spoke up as she tapped her clipboard and spoke with the event staff to make sure everything backstage was set up and ready to go. "You ready to witness the best show of your life?" Spitfire smirked as she placed her arm around Rainbow Dash's shoulder. "Oh, confident are we?" Rainbow Dash smugly replied. "You two are radiating such intense sexual tension and I am honestly here for it." Surprise teased. "Surprise, fuck off." Wave rolled his eyes and playfully glared at Dash, "tryna steal my girl?" Rainbow Dash laughed and punched his arm. "Can't steal something that's already mine." She back talked and walked over to where Spectrum was. "I'm getting you back for that!" He called back. "I'm counting on it!" Rainbow Dash picked Spectrum from his baby carrier and placed a blanket on him to cover his face and hide him from the paparazzi and reporters which were obviously present at the show. She walked towards the exit of the tunnel leading into the open field in the dome. She stood close the right wall carrying Spectrum with his head resting on her chest and one of her hand cradling him while the other rested on top of the blanket on the back of his head, the crowd erupted in a bunch of cheers as they caught a glimpse of Rainbow Dash in the tunnel, she smiled and waved before slowly moving back to hide from the crowd and not risk Spectrum having his face plastered on every newspaper in Equestria and beyond. Keeping Spectrum hidden from the public eye was, in Rainbow Dash and Soarin's opinion, the most challenging task to do. Doctor appointments and just casual walks were hard as the pram had to be covered with a blanket so paps wouldn't catch a glimpse of him. Soarin and Rainbow Dash, as well as the rest of the Wonderbolts, had made sure to keep Spectrum out of the public eye so he could enjoy a childhood without having camera's following him around 24/7. That is until he was old enough to endure that in his later childhood. The two watched with Wonderbolts fly out one by one after the announcer had signalled their arrival and the beginning of the show. The crowd clapped and stomped and cheered as loud as they could as the Wonderbolts took their position and flew in various directions. Rainbow Dash slightly turned Spectrum's head so he was facing the arena. "Look buddy, that's your dad." She whispered as she grabbed his tiny hand and waved at Soarin who in return blew her a kiss before Spitfire signalled them to begin. The show consisted of many aerial dives, barrel rolls, climbing up and falling with style, everyone playing a small individual role of different acends and decendes. However, the show was still a team routine. The clouds were manipulated, as well as the weather. Many reserves were stationed above on clouds, working on cloud and weather control to ensure the routine went smoothly. Spectrum watched them, his eyes wide saucers, analysing everything they did. "bah-baahh" he squealed out of delight and focused his concentration upon his non biological aunties and uncles, mainly his father; of course. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, watched the show with her mouth agape and eyes wide. This was...by far the most elaborate and complicated routine she had ever seen. "God fucking dammit Spitfire, this is the best show of my life." She gaped. The arena suddenly became dark as the reserves on cloud control clumped the clouds together, with a small ball in the lower-middle of the arena. Rainbow Dash tilted her head in confusion as she examined the routine. The Wonderbolts all flew up and disappeared in the thin sheet of cloud above the stadium except for Soarin. "Huh?" He flew around the cloud at an immense speed, until he became a blue blur. He suddenly outstretched his wings and came to a sudden halt. The crowd gasped. "No way...." Rainbow Dash put a hand over her mouth, her eyes glazed. The cloud was a replica of Spectrum's face, smiling. Soarin then accelerated up like a bullet into the thin sheet of cloud. All was quiet for a moment as everyone in the stadium looked upon the field. The silent and eerily quiet stadium, some murmurs in the crowd when suddenly a few Wonderbolts shot down and descended back into the stadium, a hole in the cloud sheet where a ray of the sunshine illuminated the cloud Soarin had crafted while the area outside the area of the circle rained. The contrast of the rain and sunshine in a small area eventually created a rainbow. The Wonderbolts then all manipulated another vacant ball of cloud into Rainbow Dash's Element of Harmony. Before depending, and shooting up in a spearhead formation as the two manipulated clouds exploded. The crowd erupted in roars and cheers as clapping and fans cheering took over the stadium, the Wonderbolts landed and bowed before flying in two single-file lines back into the tunnel. Fleetfoot ran up to Rainbow Dash and took Spectrum from her and nuzzled him as she held him up. His two hand placed on both sides of her face. "Did little Zorry like the performance?" Fleetfoot coddled him, resulting in Spectrum laughing. "Well Crash, did I or did I not blow your mind?" Spitfire smirked as she grabbed her water bottle. Rainbow Dash just stared at her with her mouth still agape. Spitfire took a swig of water and nodded, "yep! I blew her mind." "I think you broke her captain." Lighting Streak laughed as Fire waved a hand in front of Dash's unresponsive face. Rainbow Dash blinked and shook her head. "That.....was.....AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, with possibly the biggest smile on her face as she ran up to Soarin and embraced him. The Wonderbolts all laughed at Dash's excitement. ≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾ "I'm going to go give this Spitfire this." Soarin waved a blue folder, "be right back." He said as he gave Dash a brief kiss on her lips before he went to Spitfire's office. "Alright." The Wonderbolts had just returned back to Wonderbolts HQ after the show, the sun was just a mere few minutes away from setting. "Phew! Someone needs a nappy change." Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she placed Spectrum on the changing table. "This is still the worst part of parenthood." She gagged as she finished changing him. Rainbow Dash disposed of the dirty contents into the relevant bin and went to wash her hands after she placed Spectrum in his crib. She flinched as she heard a rustle outside and slowly approached the window and peeked outside. Nothing? She shrugged and closed the tall window. "Probably the wind." She was about to go to the bathroom and brush her teeth when she suddenly felt a presence in the room. Pegasi sense. She scrunched her eyebrows, Spectrum was already fast asleep in his crib. She walked towards the door leading to the illuminated hallway in the Compound. "Soarin?" She called out as she stepped outside her room. No one was there. Rainbow Dash sighed. She was being paranoid for no reason. Right? "Hello, Rainbow Dash." A very familiar feminine voice spoke. Rainbow gulped as she slowly turned around. Her eyes widened as she stood there, a sinister grin on her face. "Been a while, hasn't it?" "Lightning Dust?" Rainbow Dash said, "what are you doing here? Why are you in a Shadowbolt uniform?" She asked. "Dashie please, I had to go somewhere before you ruined my chance at getting my dream job." She glared. "I'm just here to get my revenge." She chuckled as she moved a little too close to the sleeping and unaware Spectrum fir Rainbow Dash's liking. "Such a cutie. Who would've thought you out of all people would become a mother?" She laughed. "Lightning Dust. Stay the fuck away from him." Dash growled as she moved towards her baby. Her motherly instincts kicked in and all she wanted to do right now was defend her baby at all costs. "Dash, how evil do you think I am? He's not going to die....Well atleast not by my hands." She smirked as she reached in a picked Spectrum up. Rainbow Dash readied her wings and was ready to pounce on Lighting Dust. No way was she going to let her child be put in harms way. "But so help me Celestia, if you make one more move towards me...." Spectrum suddenly awoke from the sudden noise, his eyes landing on the unfamiliar face of Lightning Dust instead of his parents and he immediately started crying. She had to get Spectrum away from her without risking his life. "Lightning Dust please, he's scared. Give him to me and we can talk this out." Rainbow Dash pleaded. "Talk this out!? TALK THIS OUT? You ungrateful, spoilt bitch. Why do you get everything? What's so fucking special about you!? WHY DID YOU TAKE EVERYTHING FROM ME!?" Lightning Dust lashed out, out of pure rage and anger. She was driven by revenge, clearly. "Lightning Dust I-" "SHUT UP!" Lightning Dust suddenly opened her wings, Spectrum still in her arms, wailing loudly. In a second she was gone out the corridor. Rainbow Dash screamed out of pure terror as she chased after. She was definitely faster than Lightning Dust but Lightning Dust was definitely more sneaky. She quickly made a sharp turn right after she decended down the stairs. Rainbow Dash was flying so fast her eyes started stinging as she didn't have her flight goggled on. Her vision blurred because of the tears and she could barely see clearly, but she knew where Lightning Dust was. All she had to was follow the sound every mother dreaded; the sound of her baby crying. Rainbow Dash was suddenly in the entrance lobby of the main building, she zipped behind the counter and pressed the emergency alarm that rang throughout the building before she followed in pursuit of Lightning Dust. She was on the runway, handing her baby to unknown man also wearing a Shadowbolt uniform. Rainbow Dash fell to her knees as she covered her mouth with her hand. There were too many Shadowbolts for her to fight. Rainbow Dash slightly flinched as she heard the sound of feet running and familiar voices calling her name, but she was too focused on her endangered baby to realise. "LIGHTNING DUST!?" Spitfire exclaimed. Soarin stood protectively in front of Rainbow Dash, shielding her from the approaching Shadowbolts who clearly had evil intentions with his wife. "Spitfire, it's been such a long time. I would love to sit and chat but I have someplace to be. Toodles." She waved her fingers in a dramatic fashion. The male shadowbolts, who's face was covered with a mask grabbed a magical sphere which had a magenta and dark purple gradient hue. The Wonderbolts attacked but it was too late, he dropped the sphere on the ground and just like that. The Shadowbolts were gone. Spectrum was gone. Rainbow Dash started to hyperventilate as the tears gushed out of her eyes without anything in their way. Soarin hugged her as she cried, her cheek rested on Soarin's chest as Soarin held her close. "SPECTRUUUUUUMM!"