//------------------------------// // Chapter 24 Meeting the Merfolk. // Story: My Little Pirate. // by Regis Stella //------------------------------// A few days after my birthday party. I found an Amethyst Merfolk Gem on my desk. Curiously, I pick it up, and a magical hologram appeared from the gem and began to play the message. "To the 'Alicorn Pirate King of the Sea of Thieves' William Hunter Singh," A regal looking Mermaid said with a Jamaican Accent to me like a pre-recorded message, "My name is Poseidon, the King of the Merfolk The Greek God of the Sea. Ever since the Flamehearted Devil attacks the realm you and all of your subjects call the 'Sea of Thieves', I always wanted to meet and talk to the current ruler of these Seas, to which it is you, young Pirate King. I want you and your family, friends and allies to talk about the future of these waters and how it may affect both you and us Merfolk. This gem is a special, one-of-a-kind Gem that had the ability to give anyone the properties of breathing underwater forever as long as they wish it. Meet my envoy at the island that one of your Pirates call Merfolk Isle, Meet him there, Pirate King I look forward to meeting you," The message ends with the hologram fading away. "The Leader of the Merfolk whats to meet my Nakama and me?" I ask out loud to myself, "Well, this will be a voyage for the crew," I headed to find my crew, I soon run into My Beloved Twi. "William, I heard a voice coming from your office. Who was it, and what is that gem your holding there?" Twi asked me while looking at the gem that I had in my magic. "It was a message from the King of the Merfolk, and she wants to see all of our friends and us in her kingdom. Under, The, Sea," I told my Pirate Queen. "The King of the Merfolk wants to meet us!?" Twi said, almost screaming in excitement before I put my hoof on her muzzle. "Yes, Twi," I told her. "It's a great opportunity to meet with the Merfolk King and hopefully form an alliance with him. Hopefully," "I trust you, William," Twi said, "We know that you have brought much-needed protection to the Outposts of the Sea of Thieves. And you're showing that you want to make the Sea of Thieves the place where true freedom and fame lies inside the Shroud and not out there," "Have you been looking into my speeches again, Twi?" I ask my Pirate Queen with a sly smirk on my muzzle. "You know that I helped you with some of those speeches," Twi said, "Anyway, we should go tell the others about this," "Let's go and talk to them," I said while leading the way to Libertalia's Council Chambers. "Wait for just a minute. The King of the Merfolk has finally decided to meet us as soon as possible?" Rainbow said, rounding up what I just told my Nakama. "I question. Why now?!" "It doesn't matter why now, Dashie," I told her, "The Merfolk clearly want to expand on the Alliance that this world's version of my Dad started all those years ago. Plus it will be wonderful to see how the Merfolk can strengthen and grow this Alliance," "Meet us at the Santiano in 30 minutes," I told them as I headed to the docks of Libertalia. (Later) "SET SAIL FOR MERFOLK ISLE!" I told the crew as the Santiano left the port city of Libertalia. And then, a song came from the crew. (Cue The Trail We Blaze Movie Version by Elton John from The Road to El Dorado) As the crew sang the song. We came across Outcasts Galleons sailing in groups, as well as a large number of 8 Pirate Man-O-Wars sailing in the open sea. After a while sail to Merfolk Isle, I activated the new Merfolk Gem and all of my crew now had the ability to breathe underwater like a fish. But only without the gills on the necks. We swam down into the depths, deeper and deeper into the dark of the Sea of Thieves as the crew sang more of the song. Until there, it was. The Underwater City of the Merfolk. Many a Pirate wanted to find this city, and now myself and my Nakama were the first to see it without any diving equipment or a diving bell of any kind all thanks to the Merfolk Gem that was given to me by the King of the Merfolk. Poseidon. "It's Beautiful, Captain," A Dragon Guard said out loud as all the other. The beauty of this city was caught my Nakama off guard. "There are the Guests of Honour," A voice came from the castle as we swam into the city square area of the city where the Merfolk looked at us and wondered what we were. The voice was the Merfolk King, Poseidon and his Royal Guards. "I was hoping you all would come here just in time for The Festival of The Pirate King," "You made a festival for my crew and me?" I asked in a surprised voice. "Yes, though we're a few days after the fact, are we, your highness," The Merfolk King bowed before me. I nervously chuckled, "There's no need to bow before me, I may be The Pirate King, by I'm still a normal Pony. So please, just William," "Of course, William," Poseidon agreed with me, "Anyway. I know that you all want to party like mad lads. So let's party!" As he said that, the whole underwater city began to dance and party like my crew and all of the Banished Buccaneers. Then the perfect song came into my mind. (Cue Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid Soundtrack. Yes, I did take inspiration from A Journey Beyond Sanity for this song, but it was so perfect for this chapter. So enjoy lads and lasses) To be Continued. Also happy Fate of the Damned update to Sea of Thieves and to a new generation of gaming consoles.