The Hunter Guardian of Equestria

by Kitsune_Kenshi

Prologue: Escape

Classified Research Base, somewhere in USA
Subject 0967
Status: Alive
Gender: Male

Apex opened his eyes, all he could see were the serious faces of the US officers and the agents, not to mention some scientists. The Experimental subject tried to stretch his arms, but it was tied to the titanium chains. Apex glanced and searched his areas, it was a white room, with tons of security cameras all over the room. Everyone that enters the room wore a suit that separated them completely from the air in the lab. Why? Because this subject is a man-made Yautja.

Yes, the alien species, but it's man-made. Over time, many original Yautjas came onto Earth for a hunting party, humans would capture them, or kill them. Their gears would be brought to this lab. The US Governments and the Military decided to create a war machine that can replace the soldiers, to decrease causalities. While they create this thing, they also have to be very careful. Because Apex is literally a living killing machine. Once he learned how to use the weapons, then it'd be hell let loose.

To prevent Apex from betraying them, the agents placed him in this titanium room to be watched, recorded, and to controlled. Meanwhile, they would try to brainwash him to be absolutely loyal to USA, which can be a tough challenge. Everyday, two or three agents would get badly wounded by this wild beast, and the others would have to knock Apex out. It's really hard to teach a rampaging killing machine about loyalty.

Jackson McArthur, just a normal scientist, had a different idea. Instead of training Apex to become a cold-blooded, merciless killer, how about turning him into... Something else? Like a guardian? Jackson joined this project only wanted to make the world a better place, not to put it more into chaos by creating some highly intelligent killing machine. So when Apex is created, Jackson secretly placed a Positive emotion DNA into Apex's spinal cord. this Positive DNA contains positive emotions like Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty to those who makes right chooses, Honesty, Encouraging, happiness, and protective. Little does Jackson know, all these emotions mixed together is similar to the Elements of Harmony in another world...

This secret DNA is programmed by Jackson himself to stay hidden so the other Agents won't find out. And this DNA can only be activated when it is necessary.

The only human Apex ever talked to was a young man name Jackson. Unlike the others, Jackson was the exact opposite of Violence, he is a kindred man and always positive. At first, Apex was very aggressive, but after spending times a lot with Jackson, this killing machine started to learn humanity from this young man.

Overtime, Jackson taught Apex how to read, write, and talk in English. Of course these were done in secret. Jackson also shared his personal information with the reformed Apex, about his family, his story, and many hilarious jokes. Slowly, Apex began to question his origin, the reason why he's created. But Jackson would always change subject or to ignore it.

Soon, the agent also found out that Jackson is the only human who can talk to Apex without losing a arm or a leg. So they forced Jackson to do awful experiment to Apex, if he denies it, then Jackson's family would be at risk. Through these painful days, Apex began to grow hatred and anger in humans, especially that night. The night they killed Jackson in front of him.

It was 6:30 PM, another turn for an experiment. This time, the agents want to test Apex for his humanity. To be a killing machine, you must have no emotions, no mercy, and no humanity. Apex was in his testing room, with Jackson in front of him.

"What?! I can't kill you!" Apex argued.

"Apex, this isn't a choice..." Jackson said, "You must survive."

Yup, the experiment is to let Apex kill his only friend: Jackson McArthur. There's two reasons: the first reason is to test Apex's sense in humanity, the second is to kill Jackson so he won't interrupt the tests in the future. Because the Government noticed that Apex's attitude has changed, from aggressive to... somewhat friendly? War Machine don't have God damn emotions!!!

"Subject 0967, we order you to take down your prey." An agent said in a blank tone, "Or we'll make you."

"Go fuck yourselves!" Apex roared, Jackson taught him not only humanity, but also a few defensive words and cusses.

"Agent 001 and 002, go for takedown." the agent who commanded Apex suddenly said to his walkie. Suddenly, two blank faced agents entered the room with an assault rifle in their hands. They pointed at Jackson.

"Your final warning, Subject 0967. Take down or be taken down." He said in a cold voice.

"I. Said. Go. Fuck. Yourselves."


Two bullet holes formed on Jackson's chest as he slowly collapsed onto the floor. Apex's brain had stopped spinning, he doesn't really remembered what happened after Jackson's death. But he did remember breaking arms and bones. The agents were killed instantly as Apex went rampaging. The entire base was in a lock down situation.

After killing the agents, Apex grabbed their rifles and rammed the door opened. A bunch of armed guards lined up their guns on him. But they're slow to react, Apex has the reaction 10 times faster than a human being. Which means he can dodge bullets. Just a few seconds later, the armed squadron were completely wiped out. This isn't even a fair fight!

The door opened as another column of soldiers came in, they fired mercilessly at Apex. But as a test subject mixed with every single Yautja that ever came to Earth, its skin were hard as diamonds. Bullets ricocheted off him, grenade shards... well just wasted on him. Apex fired the rifles he snatched, as a highly intelligent creature, he learned how to use human weapons in just 1 minute. Immediately five soldiers were shot and killed. While the others turned and ran in horror. But unfortunately, Apex dashed up to them in incredible speed and broke their necks in a single snap.

Apex kicked the door opened, he found himself in a weaponry research room. He looked to the objects in the glasses and found exactly what he's looking for: The Predator Killer suit.


Outside the main entrance, the entire platoon of guards and armed forces lined up in defensive formation. Five tanks had their guns pointed at the entrance, AH-64s were circling the facility. They have the entire lab cornered. As soon as Apex steps out, rain of bullets, shells, and rockets will greet him.

"Stay Sharp boys," the captain reminded his team, "this bitch is an insane hybrid of all the Predators. One mistake and we'll-----" he never get to finish his sentence, because a bright, hot, blue beam shot him in the face and blow his head into pieces, brains, blood, and bones shattered everywhere. He was shot by the Plasma Cannon.

"SHIT!!!! OPEN FIRE!!!" The commander yelled as soldiers, tanks, and the helicopters fired in union, covering Apex in fire and smoke, showering him with metal shards.

After about 3 minutes, the hell fire stopped as the smoke began to clear. As expected, Apex is still breathing, but what shocked the soldiers is that there's barely any scratch on his skin. Apex's eyes glowed from the mask. Two giant cannons were out stretched from his back, red aiming laser beams locked the tanks. The Plasma Cannons fired.

Two plasma beams reached the tanks before anyone could react. The five M1A2s were shredded like papers. Their turrets flown high up before falling down.

Bullets were ineffective to Apex, it only annoyed and ticked him. Apex got out a Shuriken and activated it. Six sharpened blades snapped out from the core. Apex locked six targets and threw it out. The shuriken flew in a perfect oval path and slashed through the humans, cutting their heads off.

Apex knew he should run, this is just wasting time.

He unwrapped a smoke grenade he got from a dead soldier and pulled the pin, he then threw it between him and the soldiers. A large cloud of smoke formed in the crowds causing them to cough and suffocate. Using this distraction, Apex activated his cloak and hop into the forest.


Apex swing through the trees, running fast as possible from that lab. He had enough with humans. ]

Suddenly, he heard a distant scream coming from above, a F-16 flew by, it vanished into the clouds. The scream got closer and louder, then Apex realized what it is. Napalms.


The entire forest was sat on fire. Another Napalm landed right next to him, the shock wave threw him against a tree. A rock hit his head, Apex crushed on the floor. This is the end. He thought as darkness overwhelmed him.

Little did he knew, a massive storm cloud was forming above him. A blue bright lighting bolt shot down and landed directly on him. Apex blacked out before he could scream. Then, the lighting and the storm cloud disappeared. Apex, too, vanished without a trace...