Avatar the last fire bender, book three Earth

by phantom ghost hunter

The beach

Timber, Gloriosa, Sunset and Night glider were on a boat headed for quartz Island and Night glider said "I can't wait to spend time on quartz island its gonna be great hanging out on the beach and do nothing".
Timber then said "doing nothing is a waste were being sent on a forced vacation I feel like a kid".
Gloriosa then said "lighten up so dad wants to meet with his advisers alone without anyone else around don't take it personally".
Night glider then said "doesn't your family have a house on quartz island?"
Gloriosa then said "we used to come every summer when we were kids".
Timber then said "that was a long time ago".
Later when they arrived at the island they met up with two old women and they said "welcome to quartz island kids" then led them to were they would be staying.
Timber then quietly said "It smells like old lady in here".
Sunset then said "gee I wonder why".
Night glider saw a picture of two women on the wall and said "who are these beautiful women?"
Then one of the old ladies said "can't you tell?"
Then the other one said "its us cheery and orange" as the assumed the position on the poster and Timber almost threw up.
Later in there rooms Night glider said "Wow I love the sea shell bedspread"
Sunset then said "are you kidding It looks like the beach threw up all over the place".
Later Orange said "we know your upset that you were forced to come here".
Cheery then said "but quarts island is a magical place".
Then they both said "it can help you understand yourself and each other"
Cheery then said "the beach has a special way".
Orange then continued "of smoothing out the most ragged of edges".
Later they were headed to the beach when a guy came up to Night glider and said "hey you need some help unpacking?"
Night glider then said "sure" then handed him her bag "thanks" He then pulled out her mat and laid it down for her she laid down on it then said "could you move over a bit to the..." he then used his shadow to shade her "perfect".
Over with Timber he and Sunset were siting side by side when he saw a shell picked it up and said "hu check this out meh" then threw it.
Then a guy saw the shell picked it up then saw Night Glider and ran in front of the guy shading her and handed her the shell and she said "wow thanks" as she excepted "this shell this is so pretty."
The guy then said "not as pretty as you are".
The guy shading her then moved and said "that shells not so great".
Night glider then said "um shade, Shade!"
Back with Timber he had gone to get ice cream he handed one to Sunset and said "you know its really hot here".
Then the ice cream fell of the cone and onto her leg and she said "thank this is refreshing".
Gloriosa then saw volley ball and smiled then said "hey beach bums were playing next" then saw Night glider being fanned by two big guys and shaded by anther "Night glider get over here!" Night glider then walked on her hands over to her Timber then ripped off his shirt which caused some girls to look at him with loving eyes.
They played and won then two guys came up and one said to Night glider "you know I'm having a party tonight you should come by".
Night glider then said "sure I love parties".
The other guy then said "your friends can come to".
Later they were back at the place they were staying and orange asked "why didn't you tell them who you were?"
Gloriosa then said "because I was wondering we always have people worship us".
Then night glider said "and you should".
Gloriosa then said "I know and I love it but just once I want to see how normal people treat us if the don't know who we are".
Cheery then said "like waves washing away the footprints on the sand quartz island gives everyone a clean slate ember island reveals the true you" then they both left.
Later they were at the house and knocked the guy came to the door and said "your a little early no ones here yet".
Gloriosa then said "I heard you would be partying from dusk till dawn its dusk so were here".
The guy the said "but that's just an expression".
Gloriosa then said "we are the perfect party guests we arrive right on time".
He then lead them in and said "listen my dad is an admiral he doesn't know I'm having this party so don't mess anything up".
Later they left the party Timber was walking along the shore then saw his families house and went up to it where he found some old pictures of his family and shed a tear a picture of his mother. Over with Flash they were sleeping when they woke up to a strange noise and looked to see a big looking guy who then threw lava at them they tried to fight back but he was to strong so they just escaped on scale. Back with Timber he was sitting on the steps of his families house when Gloriosa came up and said "I thought I would find you here".
Timber then said "those years we spent here seem so long ago so much has changed".
Gloriosa then said "come down with me this place is the worst".
Timber went down with her and met up with Night glider and Sunset and asked her "are you cold?"
Night glider then said "I'm freezing".
Then Timber said "I'll make a fire there's plenty of things to burn up there".
Later Timber had thrown a picture of his family on a lava pile to make a fire and Night glider asked "what are you doing?"
Timber then said "what does it look like I'm doing?"
Night glider then said "but its a panting of your family".
Timber then said "you think I care".
"I think you do".
Timber then said "you don't know me so why don't you just mind your own business".
Night glider then said "I do".
Then Timber said "no you don't your stuck in your little Night glider world were everything is great all the time".
Sunset then said "Timber leave her alone".
Then Timber mocked her and said "circus freak".
Gloriosa laughed for a minute then Night glider said "yes I'm a circus freak go ahead and laugh all you want but you want to know why I joined the circus?"
Gloriosa then said "here we go".
Night glider then said "do you have any idea what my home life was like growing up with six sisters who all look like me it was like I didn't even have my own name I joined the circus because I was scared of spending the rest of my life as part of a matched set at least I'm different now circus freak is a complement".
Sunset then said "guess that explains why you nee ten boyfriends to".
Night glider then said "I'm sorry what?"
Sunset then said "you never had a boyfriend growing up I guess now your trying to make up for it".
Night glider then said "wow Sunset what's your excuse you were an only child for fifteen years and with even all that attention even your aura is just as dark as ever".
Sunset then said "I don't believe in auras".
Timber then said "ya you don't believe in any thing".
Sunset then said "well I'm sorry I can't be as crazy as the rest of you".
Timber then said "I'm sorry too I wish you would be crazy for once instead of keeping your feeling bottled up all the time".
Sunset then said "what do you want a heart felt speech about how hard my child hood was well it wasn't my family was rich I got what I wanted as long as I behaved mother always said to do so with my dad career on the line".
Night glider then said "can we stop all this negativity is bad for your skin you'll break out".
Timber then said "break out worry about bad skin I am not that lucky my father decided to teach me a permanent lesson on my face for so long I thought that if my dad excepted me I'd be happy I'm back home now my dad talks to me he even thinks I'm a hero everything should be perfect right I should be happy not but I'm not I'm angrier than ever and I don't know why".
Gloriosa then said "then there's just one simple question you need to ask yourself who are you angry at".
Timber then said "no one I'm just angry".
Sunset then said "ya who are you angry at Timber?"
Timber then said "I don't know".
Gloriosa then asked "is it dad?"
Then Timber said "no".
Night glider then asked "your uncle?"
Then Gloriosa asked "me?"
Timber then said "no".
Sunset then said "Then who are you angry at?"
Gloriosa then said "answer the question Timber".
Timber then yield "I'm angry at myself" then rocks went flying in the air.
Gloriosa then asked "why?"
Then Timber said "because I'm confused because I'm not sure I know the difference between right and wrong anymore".
Gloriosa then said "your pathetic".
Then Sunset said "I know one thing I care about I care about you" then they kissed.