My Date with Queen Novo's Daughter

by BrawnyBold

How It All Started

It was around the evening time in Mount Aris as the sun was setting. Feather Bangs was sitting by the seaside while wearing a pink bow tie and his mane was nicely combed. He looked around to see if any creature is nearby. Feather was doing this as he was waiting for his date for the evening. He couldn't believe that he was able to score a date because of him getting into an accident.

Earlier Today

Feather and a few other ponies were on a hiking trail in the Harmonizing Heights. Ever since the Storm King's defeat, the hippogriffs no longer felt fear and came out of hiding. Ponies started to visit Mount Aris to see what the hippogriff kingdom was like. Feather would definitely agree that it was breathtaking when he first saw it. It was taller than any building that was in Equestria. Feather also couldn't help but admire the ocean view that came with the large kingdom. As he was about to continue with the trail, he accidentally tripped and he fell down from the cliff. Feather watched helplessly as the other ponies reacted to him falling into the water. It took about a few seconds before Feather splashed into the water. Feather tried to swim back up to the surface for air, but he was pushed around by the large ocean waves. What made things worse was that he was also running out of breath and he felt like his whole face was about to turn purple from lack of oxygen. Feather felt terrified as this could be the end of his life. As Feather felt like he was about to faint, a shadowy figure swam towards Feather and grabbed him by the hooves. Feather couldn't see what the figure was as his vision was extremely blurry in the water. The figure hoisted Feather up towards the surface until his head was finally splashed out from the water. Feather quickly took in some deep breaths from holding his breath for too long.
"Thank goodness you're alive!" A female voice said to Feather. He looked up to see what was the shadowy figure he saw in the ocean. It was a yellow fishlike creature with light blue fins and red, wing-like fins on its back. The creature also had light blue eyes that were similar to those of ponies. Feather thought the creature looked majestic as it led him towards the sandy shores. Feather sat down on the wet sand to allow himself to catch his breath while the creature sat next to him.
"You were lucky that I was just nearby when you fell into the water. What made you want to jump in the first place?" The creature asked.
"I accidentally fell down here while following a nature trail. I was caught up on watching the ocean that I tripped." Feather replied.
"Well, all that matters is that you're safe." The creature said as she smiled. Feather once again felt enchanted by the creature's appearance, especially her smile. "I'm Skystar, if you were wondering."
"I'm Feather Bangs. A-are you some kind of fish?" Feather asked as he took a good look at his rescuer.
"Actually....I'm a seapony. You can say that I'm half fish." Skystar replied.
"S-Seapony?" Feather said in confusion.
"Yeah, I'm a seapony. And sometimes, I'm a hippogriff." Skystar said.
"Wait, a hippogriff?" Feather said in more confusion. Skystar reached towards her neck that had a necklace with a small, pink shard at the center. She touched it and it caused her entire body to glow. Feather watched as Skystar changed her shape until she became more birdlike.
"Ta-da!" Skystar announced as if she was showing off a magic trick.
"Whoa!" Feather said in shock.
"Surprised, huh? All of the hippogriffs could do this." Skystar said as she flew up and flapped her wings. Feather remembered that these hippogriffs have the ability to change into seaponies and that was how they were able to hide from the Storm King. Feather felt like he was more attracted to this hippogriff. He quickly turned his head to show off his stylish mane.
"I never seen such a beautiful hippogriff before." Feather said with lidded eyes and a smile. Skystar suddenly blushed from hearing Feather's comment.
"I wouldn't say that I'm that beautiful." Skystar said as she rubbed her arm in modesty.
"Oh please, you're like a shining pearl in the ocean. You shine even in the water's darkness." Feather said.
"Oh, you're too nice!" Skystar cooed.
"Say, how about you and I spend some time together. Consider it as a token for you saving me back there." Feather offered. Skystar gasped.
"You a date! I never been on one of those, especially with a pony! I have to get ready! I got to wear something pretty! I need to get a seaweed wrap! When and where do you want meet?" Skystar said all at once. Feather thought about a good response.
"How about at sunset on this same spot?" Feather suggested.
"That's perfect! I could show you more of Mount Aris and we can get to know each other more!" Skystar said as she transformed back into a seapony and splashed into the water. "See you soon!" Skystar said as she dived into the ocean, leaving a confused and yet satisfied Feather on the beach.


Feather continued to wait until he noticed something bubbling in the ocean. It emerged to reveal Skystar landing slowly on the beachside while wearing a pink silk-like dress.
"Hey! I'm so glad you made it!" Feather said as he made his way to Skystar.
"Same here!" Skystar said back. Feather pulled out a bouquet of pink flowers.
"I got these for you for our first date." Feather said as he gave the flowers to Skystar.
"Why thank you, Feather!" Skystar said as she sniffed the bouquet. "My mom can bring these back home when she gets here." Feather lifted a brow from hearing what Skystar just said.
"Your mom?" Feather said.
"Oh yeah! My mom is coming to meet you to see what you're like. I hope you don't mind." Skystar said sheepishly. Feather thought about the situation for a moment.
"It's no problem, it would be nice to meet your mom." Feather said before he noticed more bubbles coming from the ocean floor. Three figures emerged from the water and they landed near the couple. Feather felt surprised when he saw a pearly white female hippogriff with pinkish hair and tail. On the female hippogriff's head was a gold headpiece with some blue feathers on top. Surrounding the female hippogriff were two male hippogriffs who wore armor. Feather was stunned when he saw the three hippogriffs approaching him and Skystar.
"Hey Mom!" Skystar said. "I want you to meet Feather Bangs."
"Uh...Hello." Feather said nervously.
"Greetings, I am Queen Novo, ruler of the hippogriffs." Feather's blood went cold from what he heard.
"Q-Queen Novo." Feather blurted before he turned to Skystar. "T-then that would make you a-"
"A princess? Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Skystar said in embarrassment.
"I-it's fine," Feather said with a nervous grin. "I was sort of shocked to actually meet a princess and then a queen."
"First time for everything, Mr. Feather Bangs." Queen Novo said as she got closer to Feather. "All I ask from you is to make sure that Skystar gets the best treatment from this date and bring her back here when the date is done. Don't forget this is my daughter you're dating and I will do anything to those who do her wrong." Queen Novo said with a serious look that almost made Feather wet himself.
"Mom!" Skystar groaned. "Don't worry! Feather looks like the kind of pony who treats his dates right." Queen Novo just looked at her daughter before she turned back to Feather.
"Alright, you two take care during your date." Queen Novo said as she took Skystar's bouquet and returned to the ocean along with her guards. Feather stayed silent as he tried to process what happened to him.
"So, shall we get started?" Skystar said as she took Feather's hoof and led him towards Mount Aris. Feather felt uncertainty as this could be the most important date of his life.