//------------------------------// // 18 Payoff // Story: The Line Between Fire and Light // by Stolenalicorn //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash lounged on James's couch as they spent the morning talking. James sat drinking his coffee in a reading chair he picked up weeks earlier to replace the one he had moved to his lab. “Honestly I don't think we should put this off any longer.” She said. “Your research time here is almost up and frankly I think we've been dragging this on too long as it is. How can you deal with it taking so long?” She kicked her hooves in the air as she complained. James smiled at her as he thought back on everything that's lead up to this point. “I enjoy the ride. Everything that's lead up to this moment has been worth it. But yeah, too much longer and it will spoil the whole thing.” “Right. So let's work on the invitation list.” She said as she saw James's omnitool light up. James chewed his lip as he considered. “We need to keep it small, we don't need to drag in anyone who's not already involved.” “That's a pretty big list. It's kind of news all over Ponyville.” Rainbow Dash countered as she crossed her legs and turned her head to him. “Let me rephrase it then: Let's keep it close. There's the two obvious invites.” James began as he tapped out the first part of the list. Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah, without them the thing kind of falls apart right at the end.” “Exactly. After them, there's the girls.” He added to the list, nothing unexpected so far. “Of course, they're the reason this is even happening. We should invite the CMCs. Scootaloo's been looking forward to this, though I think she'll be as surprised as the rest.” She said with a grin. “Yeah, no reason to not invite Big Mac then. If Apple Bloom and Applejack both show up he could feel left out.” He reasoned as he continued to add to the list. Rainbow Dash nodded again.“Alright; Big Mac too. What about Starlight?” “Of course. She's played a much bigger role in this than I ever expected.” He said with a laugh. “Yeah, she has. Maybe she should get a seat of honor or something.” Rainbow Dash jokingly suggested. As much as James thought it would be funny he had to disagree. “Might single her out a bit too much.” “That should handle the guests. So what else do we need to do?” Rainbow Dash asked. “We need the trappings. We can't sell it without them.” He said as he tried to think about all that would need. “Really? Maybe we shouldn't put too much into this.” She suggested. “Nah, if we're doing this let's really commit. I can handle most of the trappings. But to really get this going I'll need Pinkie Pie.” James said as he looked over the plan. “Wouldn't that spoil the surprise if she plans it for us?” James looked over to her and grinned as he focused his ki and pulled the blanket on the back of the couch down over her. “Fortunately for us, there is more than one Pinkie Pie. And I'm sure she'll absolutely love to come by for this.” He said as his grin turned wicked. Rainbow Dash chuckled as she uncovered her head. “Yeah, it'll be perfect.” “I'll get Mayor Mare.” James said as he added her name to the list. “Uhm, are you sure about that?” She asked nervously. He shook his head as he continued. “It's either Mayor Mare or Celestia. The Mayor's less obvious. Don't worry about it.” Rainbow Dash was a bit uncomfortable with the latest addition but she could deal with it. “Okay, what about when?” “When works best for you?” He asked as a calender popped up. “I've got Wonderbolt training through the weekend, so how about after?” Her schedule was pretty much clear after that, though something may come up at any time. James made a note as he sent a message to the Pinkie Pie living in Truce. “I should know in just a couple minutes.” Even as he spoke he received a message from Pinkie Pie. As he opened it his omnitool showered him in multicolored sparks with the sound effect of a party favor. James stared blankly at the message, not even reading it as he thought. Rainbow Dash laughed at the scene, knowing full well only one pony who would do that. “So what did Pinkie say?” “I don't know, I'm still trying to figure out how she did that.” James said as he finally began to read her response. “Okay, either she's in or she's just screaming random things into her omnitool's transcription module.” “Sounds like she's in to me.” Rainbow Dash said happily. “It'll be great to see her again.” “Monday evening work for you?” He offered. “Yeah. Should we get the invitations out now?” She asked staring back up at the ceiling. James scratched his chin, this part was a delicate balance to get the right amount of surprise. “Alright, but we can't say what it's for. We don't need them getting too worked up before hand and telling all of Ponyville. Plus the surprise on their faces when they realize will be awesome.” “So I guess that's it then.” She said as it finally began to sink in that this was actually happening. James smiled as he thought about the plan as it was. “Well, there are little touches we can do that will make things a bit more amusing. Though asking Rarity for a simple but flattering dress in six days could be a bit much.” Rainbow Dash couldn't resist the joke as it presented itself. “I'm sure she could make you one that would be just perfect.” He burst out laughing at the unexpected joke. “Okay, maybe you have been hanging around me too much.” Rainbow Dash laughed a bit herself before speaking again. “I could just get one from one of her boutiques. If I tell her I need it in just six days I'm sure she won't insist on making me one.” “Alright. Maybe just ask for a simple white dress. That way there's not much she can do with it if she decides to make a fuss and won't stress out in that time.” He suggested casually. “And what should I say if she asks why? I don't know if you noticed but I don't wear dresses often.” She said with a grin. “Maybe something like you have an event to attend that requested you wear a white dress.” James suggested. “Alright.” She said. “Wake me when it's time for me to leave, I want a nap before going out.” With that she rolled over and closed her eyes moments before she started snoring. – – – – – – – – – – – – – Rainbow Dash was having trouble keeping herself from smiling in anticipation. In fact none of the Wonderbolts could help but notice how happy she seemed to be. “I'm guessing you've got a good week planned, huh Crash.” Spitfire said as they were toweling off before going their separate ways until the beginning of their next training session. “Yeah, James and I have something amazing planned. This week's going to be awesome.” Rainbow Dash said, unable to keep the excitement from her voice. “Awesome huh?” Spitfire asked suggestively. “I'd hate to think there was some big event for you two coming up you didn't invite us to.” “Oh, no. Nothing like that, it's just a great week that's all. See you girls later.” Rainbow Dash rushed out of Headquarters before she could spill any information. “Sounds like something to me.” Misty Fly said as she watched Rainbow Dash leave. Fleetfoot smiled, completely confident in her assessment. “They're going to elope.” Misty Fly brought her wing around to rub her chin as she thought. “My bet's tomorrow.” Fleetfoot shook her head. “I don't know. Tonight gives them the whole week to themselves.” “Well girls, I think she needs the support of her team beside her.” Spitfire said with an evil grin. “Who's up for a road trip to Ponyville?” *** Mayor Mare had been kind enough to keep City Hall empty for the day as Mirror Pinkie set up the event. She had specific instructions and was going to do her best to follow them and that meant taking as much time as she could get. She was really grateful James had given her access to a special account for everything she'd need. She had ordered most of what she would need from Ponyville, careful to avoid Sugar Cube Corner as that would alert Pinkie Pie that something was happening. She had opted to make the cake herself just to ensure it met her needs and was kept quiet. She was having a lot of fun and though there was a lot more work left to do she could easily handle it. Rainbow Dash was spending most of her day at the spa, they were the ones who would be getting her ready for this evening after all. She never saw her teammates flying into town. Spitfire looked to her team as they came to a landing near Town Hall. “Okay Misty Fly, you check Crash's house. Fleetfoot, find the groom. Everypony else, find Crash. I'll find out when and where this is happening.” Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were already in Town Hall having come secretly to add another surprise to the event. Celestia sat and spoke with Mayor Mare as Luna read a book, looking up occasionally to check on the progress. James was as ready as he was getting. He had brought the outfit Rarity had given him for the ceremony he was part of over a year earlier. He had been planning this for a while and had this be one of the outfits Rarity altered when he had first lost the weight. He was surprised to find that it was once again tight around his chest and legs yet the waist was a little loose. With a shrug he hung it up, it would be hours before the event that evening. He didn't notice the pegasus watching him as he left his cottage. Misty Fly was the first to report back having found nothing at Rainbow Dash's home. Fleetfoot smiled as she reported James's location. “Great job. I've got the venue, Sorin' got the time. Now remember, we hassle him but no matter what he makes it there on time.” Spitfire said as she brought out her brand new, even louder whistle. As James walked through the forest he began to hear noises in front of him. Misty Fly and Fleetfoot had a whole bag of small stones to throw to keep James distracted as Spitfire flew up behind him. Each time he would start to look too far back they would scrape the ground to redirect his attention. James had been training too long to be fooled by a trick like this. He knew that he was being distracted. He slowed his pace and focused for a second, feeling all the energy in his immediate area. He felt two powers to either side of him, and one closing in behind him. This was an ambush. On a whim he decided to cause another scrape and he turned to the left to look behind him. Sure enough there was a scrape on his right, he whipped his head around and caught a glimpse of powder blue and light gray hair slip behind a tree. The hair looked familiar, but that was no way to tell who it was. Without warning he turned his whole body to the left. The one that had been on that side rose into the air while the others moved seamlessly to keep in position around him. Whoever they were they were well coordinated. And also at least one was clearly a pegasus. No sooner had he made the deduction then he heard a loud whistle behind him. It's volume caught him off guard and had him jump several feet forward and land in a roll spinning towards the direction he just came from. He felt the energy now in front of him had risen up into the canopy. Two Pegasi. He heard a faint giggle as he looked around. This was well intentioned apparently. With a deep breath he focused and vanished, leaving a Ki afterimage as he appeared behind the closest power. Immediately he recognized that it was a Wonderbolt, though he couldn't remember which one. He vanished and appeared behind the one who was behind him moments earlier. Spitfire. She was moving to get behind his after image, possibly intending to startle him again. Once again he vanished and appeared behind the third Wonderbolt. For some reason three of the fillies, including the commander, had come out to harass him. Not that he minded, and a little turn about wasn't uncalled for. He returned to the point of his after image and looked directly towards the three through their hiding places as he came up with a quick and dirty plan. He turned back to Ponyville and began to walk, focusing on an illusion spell as he went. He stopped to look at some flowers as he finished the spell and an exact copy of him appeared where he stood. Another spell and he was invisible. His illusion turned to look towards his three stalkers before walking back towards his cottage. It was on a predetermined route so except to make it perform a specific action he didn't have to even think about it. He lifted off the ground as he silently moved towards Misty Fly on his right. She followed a short ways behind his illusion, completely oblivious to his presence. “I think he's about to look this way.” As he whispered his illusion turned to look directly at them. The pegasus froze before looking around. She knew that someone had just whispered to her and he looked right at her as she heard whoever it was. James watched as Spitfire carefully approached behind his illusion. He flew behind her and got close as he whispered. “Go on. You want to do it.” Spitfire stopped abruptly as she looked around. Someone was there, she knew it. James was out of ideas for Fleetfoot as he approached her, so without thinking he whispered. “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.” His illusion began to move again, back to the cottage and the three confused pegasi continued to follow, much more cautiously. James circled back around to Misty Fly and followed her as she got ready to distract his illusion again. James watched as she got a pebble from her bag. “Dare you to hit him with that stone.” He whispered. She dropped the pebble as she looked around again, there was no mistaking that she was being followed. James instead circled to Fleetfoot and began whispering again. “Bet you could trip him and he'd never find out who.” He went back up to Spitfire as she kept a look out for the others, seeing them all react to something that wasn't there. “He's not that tough. You could take him.” James whispered. “Alright!” Spitfire shouted. “Everypony stop!” James whispered to her again as she flew down. “Well, you're no fun.” James silently commanded his illusion to stop along with them, but it didn't turn to look their way. James was struck with a beautiful idea as he watched them come towards his illusion. He went a little higher and directly over his image and dropped his invisibility. As they got closer he dropped from the air right onto his illusion with a victorious holler. They jumped back as he landed and destroyed his illusion. “Got ya!” He said laughing down at the ground he just stomped. “Wait! Where'd I go?” He turned to Spitefire quickly with a look of frustration on his face. “Spitfire, did you see where I went? I need to find myself.” Spitfire stared blankly for a moment as she tried to understand what she just saw. “Where? How? Who? What?!” Her face twisted up in confusion as she processed the sudden change in events. James let loose with a quick wicked laugh. “Gotcha … and you, and you.” He said as he looked to each in turn. Misty Fly approached him. “Were you onto us the whole time?” James shook his head. “Only from about the time you started making noise. Once you were distracted I replaced myself with an illusion and started messing with you.” “Like saying I could take you in a fight?” Spitfire asked. “Well, you could certainly take that illusion in a fight.” James snickered. “Just between you and me, he was a total wimp.” “I guess that spoils the hazing.” Fleetfoot said as she came to a land near James. James had known something was going on, but wasn't expecting hazing. “Hazing? I thought you were just trying to mess with me for fun. So what's this hazing about?” “You marrying Rainbow Dash.” Misty Fly said plainly. “She was way to excited for this week with you for it to be anything else.” “And I already saw the decorations going up in Town Hall.” Spitfire added. “Rainbow Dash is one of the team, so we're not letting her take the plunge without backup.” James nodded. “Good team.” While he appeared calm and collected he was worried about this newest development. And how Rainbow Dash would react to seeing them. “Well, Rainbow Dash is a bit busy right now so I can certainly try to entertain you ladies while you wait for this evening's event. Though I'd also like to know what all you had planned for me. Unless it was just making me paranoid.” “No, we had a few things planned. And the whole team's here, they're already getting ready.” Misty Fly said with a grin. “Cool.” James's eye twitched at the news. “If you like I've got stories of other culture's wedding jokes that you might like to hear about as well.” James offered. “We can't really pull them off now that you know.” Spitfire said. “I'd still like to hear about them, I think these things are funny.” James said with a shrug. “Unless you plan on taking the Scottish rout and tying me to a lamp post somewhere. I think that would put a damper on things.” Spitfire put her hoof under her chin as she contemplated the idea. *** “I wonder what this party's all about.” Applejack said as she walked up to Twilight that evening. Big Mac walked a ways behind her with Apple Bloom. “Yeah, but whatever it is I bet it's going to be super fun!” Pinkie said excitedly as she bounced around. “Wait, you don't know Pinkie?” Twilight asked, looking to her already over excited friend. “No idea. That's what makes it so exciting!” “But I thought you were planning the event.” Rarity said. “It certainly looked as thought you made the invitations.” Any questions they had about the event were answered the moment the entered city hall. There was no mistaking the décor, this was a wedding. The girls conversation halted as they looked around, Rarity genuinely slack jawed. Princess Celestia had taken her seat as Princess Luna paced, obviously frustrated about something. The Wonderbolts had taken an entire row of seating and Scootaloo stood by the alter wearing a pink dress with a basket of flowers and smiling wide. “Princess Celestia.” Twilight said hurrying over to her. “What brings you here?” “If James and Rainbow Dash are to be married, there are political matters that we must promptly attend to.” Celestia spoke calmly but evenly as she explained before her voice turned much lighter. “Also, we were invited.” “Why is Princess Luna so … irritated?” Rarity couldn't help but whisper. Celestia looked to them as she explained the situation. “The event came as a surprise to us all, and it's no secret that Luna and James are good friends as he is the only other one we know that can enter the dream realm as readily as she does. I believe she's irritated that James had not told her about this sooner.” “Aren't we all.” Twilight nervously said as she looked around. “Hi everypony.” Rainbow Dash said as she approached, wearing the dress she had gotten from Rarity days before. “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity chastised. “You should have told me you needed a wedding gown! I would have gladly made you a gorgeous one!” “Well, there's still the official political ceremony in New Guardia we need to plan. We just wanted the real one to be a small gathering with our close friends.” “Why not invite your parents too?” Applejack asked as she shook her head. “Do you want to explain to them that I'm marrying a king from another world who already has four wives?” Rainbow Dash asked with a grin as James approached her from behind, wearing the clothes Rarity had made for him. “It's better that they find out after all's said and done. Besides, they'll be there for the big one.” James put his foreleg over her shoulder and brought her in close as he whispered something in her ear. As he whispered she began to laugh before composing herself. Mayor Mare spoke up as she looked around. “I believe everypony's here, and then some. If you'll take your seats we can start.” She smiled wide as she looked around the room. The question of who planned everything was soon answered as Pinkie Pie approached herself and gave herself a big hug. James stood at the altar as Rainbow Dash stood across from him. She smiled wide and James gave her a quick hug as things began. Mayor Mare looked to the two of them and nodded. “It has been my great pleasure to participate in many weddings in my time here in Ponyville. And more than a few elopements. Looking at the two of you I find myself asking … Do either of you know what eloping even is?” James smiled as Rainbow Dash burst out laughing, she caught herself after a moment and once composed she nodded to Mayor Mare. “But in any event, I see clearly the friendship of these two. The commitment they share, and the ability to always see the humor in things.” James shook his head slightly as Rainbow Dash stifled another laugh. Mayor Mare continued. “Even in this small gathering of close friends, it is clear that only something great can happen here this evening.” Rainbow Dash once again stifled a laugh as James gave her a serious look. She nodded as she once again regained her composure. “With that being said, I ask if there is anypony present that would object to this union.” She finished. The expected silence was shattered as Princess Luna stood and spoke out. “I object!” Luna announced in her royal Canterlot voice. “I cannot allow this marriage to continue! If anypony's to marry that stallion today, it's me!” Her voice turned threatening as she spoke. As everyone began to panic Rainbow Dash buried her face in James's shoulder. He wrapped his foreleg around her as she seemed as surprised as everyone else. Celestia stood and turned to face Luna who approached the alter with her head held high and face fixed with burning rage. “Sister! What are you doing?” Celestia shouted as Luna got closer and closer to Rainbow Dash. Unheeding of her sister's concern Luna loomed over the pony cowering into James's shoulder before turning to the audience, her voice resolute as she spoke. “He deserves somepony more beautiful! More intelligent! More powerful! MORE ...” Suddenly her face softened and she smiled wide at the two. Her tone perfectly matched her amused expression as she spoke. “Able to keep a straight face when playing a prank. He has had to tell you to stop laughing four times already. I was worried we would not even get to my part.” The room fell so silent that even buried in James's shoulder Rainbow Dash's hysterical laughter could clearly be heard in back. Twilight was the first to break the relative silence. “What?!” She shouted. “This was all a prank?!” “Yeah, it was a good one, huh.” Mirror Pinkie said through her own fits of laughter. “We got all of you!” Applejack turned her attention on Pinkie. “You were in on it?” Pinkie shook her head as she started laughing herself. “Not me, her.” Mirror Pinkie pulled a cord on the wall and the ribbons unraveled into banners reading “Gotcha!” Rarity sighed briefly. “I don't know about anypony else but I'm glad to know this was all a joke. When the real wedding comes up I'll be sure to make you a lovely gown.” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “There won't be a real one. There was never going to be.” Starlight stared blankly at them for a moment. “What do you mean?” James smiled as he reveled in the confusion. “The whole relationship was the prank. This was just the finale.” After James finished the Wonderbolts began to laugh at the scene realizing that they had been as taken in by the ruse as the others. “He came out here … for nothing!” High Winds laughed as she shook her head. “Didn't either of you think it was a bit too far at any point of this … far too long prank?!” Twilight demanded. “Yeah, that's why we cut it short.” Rainbow Dash said. “Tenyo's plan originally called for a year.” “And Airie wanted me to fake my death at least once.” James added. “Here I thought Kiyone was the one who liked joking like that.” “That's horrible.” Twilight insisted. “Which is why I didn't carry it that far.” James agreed. “No! That you faked your whole relationship!” Twilight clarified. “You'd rather I fake my death than a relationship?” James asked through even more laughter. Quietly, even Fluttershy began to laugh. “It's not that bad Twilight.” She said. Twilight turned to her astonished. “How can you say that?” Fluttershy recoiled slightly. “Well, it's just that all they did was confuse us. True Princess Luna was a bit scary but it was just like in those stories where somepony's true love comes to them at the alter.” James smiled as he looked back to Twilight. “This was an involved prank so there had to be some payoff for those caught in it. Speaking of, I think both Pinkie Pies have started partying without us.” “But it wasn't funny!” Twilight insisted. “Most pranks are about scaring, and embarrassment. If not everyone, at least more than myself and Rainbow Dash could enjoy this prank.” “I'm furious!” Twilight insisted. “What do you remember most about this?” James calmly asked. “First I didn't believe it, then I couldn't believe it. Then I thought Rainbow Dash was going to leave us … and then I finally accepted it.” James needed to nudge her a little more to get it out of her. “What happened when you accepted it?” He insisted. “I felt happy for her.” Twilight admitted with a sigh. “Happy that she found somepony who made her happy.” “That's when you started having fun with this, isn't it?” James quietly asked her. “Well, yeah.” Twilight admitted, deflated. “But it was all for nothing.” “Really, it couldn't have been so we all had fun? I did everything in my power to make sure that everyone had fun when they finally let go of what was holding them back and started to relax. And look at everyone here, all smiles. And you just admitted that once you accepted it you were happy for her. A prank that makes it's victims happy doesn't sound so bad to me.” “I … I guess it wasn't so bad.” Twilight said as she started to giggle. “And it was funny seeing Rainbow Dash act like a lovestruck filly.” “That was just acting!” Rainbow Dash was quick to add. James held his hoof to his heart and gasped. He forced his face into a frown and turned away. “All of it?” He asked melodramatically, trying his hardest to sound hurt. He dropped his head before laughing again. “Enough talking!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “It's time to par-tay.” James shook his head as he looked up. “Told you they started without us.” As things started to pick up they all walked towards where Pinkie Pie had started partying with herself. James walked the slowest, enjoying the atmosphere now that it had lightened up. But not everyone was in a good mood now that the truth was out as Scootaloo ran up to James, followed by Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. “Wait James!” Scootaloo didn't sound as eager as the rest at the start of a party. “What's up kiddo?” James calmly asked as he smiled down at her. “Well, you said that since you were Rainbow Dash's special somepony that meant you'd be like my brother.” She said, not looking at James directly. She had only been spending time with him as her brother for a few weeks and had come to really like the idea. The thought that it was all part of a joke was disheartening. “I never said that.” He said as he crouched to get closer to the small pegasus. Scootaloo's face dropped at James's statement. She was crushed that James would tell her that and then just lie about it when there was someone around. Everything about this party just served to make her feel worse. “I said I would be if that's what you wanted.” He gently added clearly seeing how hurt she seemed at his statement. “If that's what you still want I'd be happy to be your brother. I meant it when I said you were great to have around.” Scootaloo laughed for a moment as she realized that James had said it was her choice. True, things hadn't turned out the way she was expecting. But it seemed everyone gained something from it too. “I've got a big brother!” She shouted happily. Hearing the commotion Rainbow Dash flew over to the group. “What's going on here?” She said with a smirk as she landed near Scootaloo. “Scootaloo just asked James if he'll still be her brother even though you're not getting married.” Apple Bloom happily explained as she jumped around with Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash smiled as she heard the announcement. She knew James would happily accept her into his family however she wanted to fit. “Congrats Scoot. He's a good guy.” “Won't it be weird that he has daughters about our age?” Sweetie Belle asked, genuinely confused. James chuckled, thinking about many of the jokes he had heard about his home growing up and even the truth of families in other universes. “Not as weird as you might think Sweetie Belle.” Evening eventually turned to night as the small gathering enjoyed the party painstakingly crafted by Mirror Pinkie. She had realized that this was her first real party and had gone all out as her best friends partied with her. As all parties inevitably do, this party began to wind down. Luna excused herself to attend to her duties that night, Big Mac had taken the fillies home and the Wonderbolts left to get some rest and get back to their own plans. Around the table James explained just how much work had gone into crafting the joke, just to emphasize he really was thinking about those who would be the targets. “How in Equestria did you hide months of training for this joke?” Twilight asked as she heard about the planning and preparation for the prank. “By not being in Equestria.” Rainbow Dash explained. “I was going to New Guardia every week, and not just for movie night. And one of those months … only took two hours.” “And Rainbow Dash wasn't even involved in the planning stage. She just came by to train for her part.” James laughed as he recalled how difficult the training had been for her. Rarity shook her head as she recalled everything she saw in the months that the joke taken place over. “And the kissing. Rainbow Dash, darling, I would have thought you would draw the line at kissing. Or at least Lucca or Tali would have.” “Oh we all did, even James.” Rainbow Dash said. “I mean, did you ever see our lips meet? It's what James called a stage kiss. Yeah he hit my cheek, but there was no real kissing.” She explained. “That was probably the hardest part of the training.” “Gee, thanks.” James deadpanned before his voice picked right back up. “Then again, I think Tenyo would agree with you on that.” “No, I'm positive I saw lip to lip kissing a few times.” Rarity insisted, a wicked smile on her face as she was convinced she caught them in a trap. “Yeah, I walked in on you two a couple times with no room to argue a stage kiss.” Starlight agreed with a coy smile. “How do you not know by now that I'm no idle hand at illusion magic?” James said as behind him an illusion of them all playing cards began to fade out except for Mirror Pinkie who had been winning until that point. “You were so caught up in the scene that you didn't even investigate it.” “So if Rainbow Dash's part was so minimal, did you just go with her by chance.” Starlight asked. “No, our first thought was Applejack.” He said offhanded. “Come again?” Applejack interrupted. James knew he had to clarify and would for each role that was considered. “Because she's more likely to look past the superficial aspects that make me being in any relationship so unbelievable. But she'd also spoil the joke the moment someone asked her. So she was out. Rarity would over act it and spoil it that way. Pinkie would be too out of character for me, though this whole thing would have been much easier to plan with a much more interesting climax. I couldn't put Fluttershy through the scrutiny she'd be under. Celestia and Luna are too busy and way too public of figures to pull this off, though that would have been even more interesting. And you, Twilight, were actually a close second to Rainbow Dash. Ultimately it was her experience with pranks that got us to decide on having her help. If you want I can show you all the scripts. Tenyo, Airie, and I planned out every scenario. Tenyo has her mothers knack for nonsense. Though it could be Airie who gave it to Kiyone, who in turn gave it to Tenyo.” “So Airie is…” Rarity started to say before James hurriedly interrupted. “Don't say it, she will smack us both to Yakyakistan from New Guardia.” James said, resisting the urge to laugh, even though the possibility was quite real. “She's not here.” Rarity laughed. James couldn't help but snicker as he thought about it. “Little details like that don't matter to her. Just don't say it.” Celestia put her punch down as her horn glowed briefly while she levitated a small envelope over to the table from where it had been tucked away. “Well, I pulled a few strings and got you both this.” She said with her ever present smile. James's face twisted in confusion as he took the envelope. Centuries of politics had made Celestia's expression unreadable if she didn't want it to be. “You were in on the prank before Rainbow Dash. What on earth could you be doing with this?” James asked as the flap lifted. After a short examination of the contents James let out a hearty laugh. “What is it?” Rainbow Dash asked as she looked for what had made James laugh so hard. Her face fell as she saw the contents and she looked to Celestia. Celestia continued her unchanging smile as she spoke. “I assure you, it's all taken care of. And it is for the both of you, not one or the other.” James wiped a tear from his eye as his laughter began to subside. “Well this isn't a gift that can be refused. Rainbow Dash, our flight is in the morning.” “Wait, we can't do this.” Rainbow Dash insisted, genuine panic in her voice as she backed away from James. James smiled as he looked to his partner in crime. “Come on, it’ll be fun. It also gives us a great chance to get the co-authors a taste of the prank. I've already got the idea ready and it’s nice and quick.” Applejack was tired of hearing what they'd be doing and not what the darn thing was. “Would you both care to let the rest of us in on this joke?” Celestia looked to Applejack. “It's a week long stay in Las Pegasus. In the Hilltrot Royal Honeymoon Suite.” Tenyo's fair complexion went even more pale as she read the message that came to her computer several days later. “Tenyo, thanks for planning out the joke. We've realized that we both greatly enjoyed our time together and decided what's the harm in actually getting married. Everyone already signed off on it anyway. Took a trip to (Vegas) and went for it. I know this is hard to believe, but I guess it was inevitable. Having a great time. Thanks again.” Accompanied with the message were a series of photos. The first was the entrance to Las Pegasus, followed by pictures of the sights and locations. The pictures that really caught her attention were one of James and Rainbow Dash standing in front of an Elvis impersonator, several shots of what was obviously a honeymoon suite complete with heart shaped bed. A couple more in the suite with either one or the other in the shot, Rainbow Dash usually looking embarrassed or just blushing. It was the last two that effected her the most. First was James and Rainbow Dash sitting in a hot tub. James was in his normal form and at least shirtless with Rainbow Dash resting her head on his shoulder. The second was in the same tub but they both held up a sign that just read “Gotcha!”