//------------------------------// // Episode 6 // Story: My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic - The Friendship Chronicles // by Hotspot the 626th //------------------------------// Strike Back! Go and Rescue Fairy Tail, Everyone! In the tower, the orcs were dragging the Fairy Tail group into a large room. This chamber was exceptionally spacious but had half of the room blocked off by a large red curtain. The ponies and Exceed had not much to look around as the orcs hurried them forward. Once at the wall, the pig monsters took their chains and connected them to the wall. They also added another cuff, this one placed around their necks. Some tried to fight at this point, but with their magic sealed the orcs had the numbers to restrain them. The rebelling ponies were locked up, and finally, the Exceed placed in a cage. The Earth pony Elfman began to shout, “This ain’t Man!” Charles glanced at the pony deadpan. “What does that even mean?” Makarov let out a shout, “What is the meaning of this?! What are we doing here?!” No orc answered, and it greatly frustrated Fairy Tail. While they all glared at their captors, the sound of the doors opening drew their attention. They immediately saw Zard enter with his two companions behind him. A few of the orcs swiftly went over to the scholar-like orc, and they spoke quietly in a group. All of Fairy Tail quickly grew suspicious of what their orcish caretakers were conversing over. Moments later, the orcs finished, and Zard approached the group. “Welcome, gentle stallions and mares,” Zard greeted gentlemanly. “Our master is quite impressed by the magic you possess, so he has requested that we immediately begin with the extraction.” “E-Extraction?!” shouted Levy in horror. “Yes.” Zard then added, “And its as painful as it sounds too.” All of Fairy Tail frowned with many of them putting on a brave face. They would not cower before pain; many of them knew of such already. The orc was impressed with the group, but it did little to deter him from his objective. He walked away from the group to a table and picked up a crystal orb. Zard then asked the ponies, “Do you think any of you would be kind enough to tell us what your magic is so we can get straight to the extracting?” No pony or Exceed spoke. The orc leader sighed. “Worth a shot,” he said. He then walked back to the group carrying the orb he picked up off the table. As the pig monster walked, he crushed a crystal in one hand over the orb in his other. The resulting powder fell upon the sphere. It then instantly activated first glowing with magic before erupting into a flamelike eye; very similar to one that stood atop the tower. “I guess we’ll just have to identify them the intrusive way.” Meanwhile, outside, a group of ponies was rushing through Magnolia City. The ball of magenta light, which Twilight Sparkle had created, was flying fast in front of them; leading their way. Somehow conscious of its environment, the orb made turns along the roads laid throughout the town. It made it easy for the group ponies, baby dragon, and reindeer to follow. None paid any mind to their surroundings as they already knew how dreadful the town appeared. They would deal with the cause for this dilapidation once they found their friends. “How much closer, Twi?” asked Nami, galloping behind said unicorn. Twilight Sparkle did not answer immediately. She stared at the flying magic ball she created as if waiting for something to happen. Then, the sphere of magic glowed brighter than before making Twilight smile. “We’re getting close,” she finally said. “Yay,” cheered Fluttershy softly, also galloping behind Twilight. Riding on Chopper’s back, as he was in Walk point, Spike too cheered, “Let’s go!” “Yeah!” cheered Chopper. The group picked up their speed and chased after the orb. They would travel through the city quickly before finally realizing where the magic ball was taking them. For after a few minutes of galloping, the group was surprised to find themselves at the city limits; on the other side of the area. Now, everyone was looking at another forest and looking baffled. “Are you telling me that idiot somehow wound up on the other side of the city?!” Nami nearly shouted irritably. As the purple sphere was still moving, and now also glowing brighter, Twilight urged her friends to continue. “Come on, they’re this way,” she then went after the orb. No one hesitated to follow. The forest was dark, but the glowing of purple magic from the floating orb shined through like a beacon. The group traveled fast between trees, around the brush, and through the grass with urgency. Each step taken the ball of purple magic seem to glow brighter. It was becoming clear they were nearing their friends. Then, just as the magic looked to be at its most brilliant, it went out. Everyone gasped with shock and despair; yet, when they entered the clearing in which the magic had vanished in, they immediately found themselves even more shocked. Standing before the group was the ones they had been searching for; Erza Scarlet and Roronoa Zoro. While the scarlet mare stood in the middle of the small field looking a the black stallion at the edge of the area, looking around confused. But, when they heard the noise, they both looked over to the group. “Oh! First-Mate Twilight and crew,” Erza said surprised. “We finally found you!” cried out Chopper with joy. Twilight breathed out in relief. “That’s good,” she said, “I didn’t think I used enough magic to make the Find-Me spell work.” “Way to go, Twi!” Spike congratulated including a thumb up. Nami commented towards the mare, “Anything is possible with this crew.” Zoro soon joined with Erza, looking annoyed. “About time you guys showed yourself. Been looking for you for most of the day now.” Immediately, Nami and Chopper – switching into Heavy Point – bashed the top of stallion’s head with their hoof-fist combo. They both then yelled together, “You’re The Ones Lost, Idiot!” “You were lost!” shouted Erza madly. Stubbornly, Zoro refused to admit he was or had gotten them lost. Once Zoro had been appropriately punished, the group began to explain what had happened in their absence. About how a horde of orcs ambushed them, took the Fairy Tail mages, and the state of the city of Magnolia. Twilight also added that the orcs seemed particularly interested in the mages for something; unfortunately, she did not know. Erza was shocked to hear it all at first. Twilight then immediately told her that they were going to help rescue her guild and that they had already sent Rainbow Dash to inform her other guild members and their crew of the situation. Erza smiled after hearing everything. “Thank you, friends,” she told the group. “It’s no problem,” Twilight said confidently. “We never leave our friends behind.” “Well said,” Erza said, nodding with approval. “Our guild would never as well, which should mean that we can call upon their aid as well to rescue everyone.” “Um, no offense,” spoke Spike concernedly. “Those guys from Twilight Orc made it sound like that the Fairy Tail here isn’t…well…any good.” Glaring viciously, Erza asked, “What are you insinuating?” Instantly, Spike ran behind Twilight to hide. The others except Zoro were also taken by shocked by the malicious intent the unicorn was giving off. They all followed Spike’s lead and began to hide behind Twilight, who was only barely keeping calm. “I don’t know what has happened in the last 7 years,” Erza told everyone even but anger, “but Fairy Tail isn’t a guild to trifle with.” Zoro calmly spoke, “Let’s just go find them then.” His words quickly defused the tension in the area, even calming Erza down. Now, with everyone’s direct attention, the stallion continued with his suggestion. “Until our crew and your friends arrive, we should gather our strength and numbers, and plan our attack. If we wait, it may be too late.” “I agree,” said Twilight. Before anyone else could make a statement, they all soon heard a call. “Hey! Guys!” Everyone looked up, and swiftly flying into view was none other than Rainbow Dash. The pirates hollered and waved to the Pegasus as she spotted and then joined the group on the ground. She then told them the good news. “Looks like back at the port they had a run-in with some more of those guys from Twilight Orc, but they easily thrashed them. They’re coming up as we speak to help!” Everyone let out a cheer; everything was starting to come together. Now, the group only had to find Fairy Tail to begin the rescue. With Rainbow Dash joining them, they set out to head back into town. As they did, Erza quickly apologized to the group, Spike in particular, for her earlier behavior. She understood it was not them speaking ill of her guild, but no pony from her guild would let an insult to their guild slide so lightly. The group followed, more or less. They all then traveled from the clearing, following Nami’s direction, to head back to town. Erza mentioned that their guild hall was located just west of their location, once she was adequately informed. Quickly, the group rushed through the forest so that they may gather their forces and strike back at Twilight Orc. But then, only a moment later, the group found themselves in another clearing. They were all confused as they had not noticed this area before. It was a stark difference as it also had within the open space was a small building. Erza was shocked that neither she nor Zoro had come across it during their wandering. And lucky for them, there was a path in front of the building to lead them to the city. As they were about to take it, one of their group noticed something on the building. “Um, isn’t that the Fairy Tail symbol?” questioned Fluttershy curiously. The ponies and reindeer stopped. Everyone looked up, and Erza let out a gasp in surprise. The pink mane Pegasus had been correct in her assumption. The building was indeed waving a flag with the same symbol as on Erza’s left foreleg. “What?” Erza said confused. “Hey,” Nami said optimistically. “We found your guild.” “But this isn’t our building.” Curious now, Erza turned entirely around and approached the swing doors. She carefully and slowly pushed forward through. The inside of the building appeared spacious though small, and it looked a mess. There did not seem to be any pony around, but the battle mage’s sixth sense told her otherwise. Before she could call out, she instantly spotted some Earth pony peeking out from behind the backdoor. The pony looked fairly middle-aged with a slicked back dark blue mane, a white coat, and a blue mustache. But despite all these discerning features, Erza could still recognize the stallion. “Macao…” The stallion also recognized the mare. “Erza?” he questioned at first. As he stepped out from behind the wall, he could see the unicorn in full, and his jaw near physically hit the ground at her sight. He then cried out in sheer joy, “Erza Scarlet!” As the others of Erza’s group entered, with Chopper changing to Brain Point, they were surprised when they saw a crowd of ponies rush out of the backroom of the building. They watched as they all gathered around Erza expressing a wide range of happy emotions mixed with tears. Unfortunately, there were not as many as they had initially expected. They also noticed that many of the ponies looked slightly undernourished and pale. It was concerning. “Everyone, it’s wonderful to see you all again,” Erza said to her guild happily. She then became concerned as she asked them, “But where is everyone else?” The Fairy Tail guildmates fell silent. Their happiness changed into sadness and depression. Macao began to explain to Erza what had happened to Fairy Tail during their absence. While some good had happened – the marriage of two of their own as well as the subsequent birth of their child – a lot of bad had also befallen their guild. Money had gotten tough, many of their members left, and worst of all, Twilight Orc had taken over the area a short time ago. “…and we tried to repeal them, but they were just too strong for us,” Macao stated ashamedly, a feeling shared among the others of the guild. Erza frowned pityingly. “Macao…” “And worst, they started rounding everypony up for experiments,” Macao added scornfully. Now, Erza and her search group were surprised. They all, after Erza quickly introduced them, asked the pony what he had meant by “experiment.” The answer Macao gave them was not a pleasant one, for him or the group. “The master of that evil tower has been using a machine to take the magic from a pony and make lacrima out of it.” “Lacrima?” asked Twilight. Erza quickly explained, “Lacrima are magic crystals found here that can be imbued with magic.” “Oh, fascinating,” Twilight stated with delight. “Not if it means all our friends lose their magic,” Fluttershy stated worriedly. Macao explained, “You’ll recover your magic, but the process is excoriatingly painful. We should know…” “That explains your appearance,” Chopper commented aloud. “Having magic forcefully taken like that damages the body.” Chopper immediately began to check over the group, much to their surprise. As they did, Erza and Twilight started to explain to the group the situation. One part to inform them and to lift their spirits to help rescue their friends. Firstly, they told the others that the rest of their guild was alive as well, but Twilight Orc had captured most of them. The other three – Natsu, Lucy, and Happy – had been left behind but were probably on their way with the rest of their crew. The news that the others were still alive had brought joy to these Fairy Tail guildmates, but none seemed invigorated to take action. Seeing the group's lack of enthusiasm worriedTwilight's group greatly. Erza was especially concerned. “I’m sorry, Erza,” Macao stated ashamedly. “Fairy Tail hasn’t been the same since all of you disappeared.” Another pony, another Earth pony named Wakaba, also spoke, “Sure, back during that whole Phantom Lord fight, we had the power and the gumption, but nowadays we barely even count as a guild anymore.” Erza was appalled. “And you’re going to just leave your friends to the wolves! Is that what Fairy Tail stands for now!” All of Fairy Tail went silent. Every pony had their head down, ashamed, as they let their guildmate’s words sink. They could never reply to such a statement. Seven years ago, not one of them would hesitate, but things were different now. There was not a thing they could do. They were hopeless. “You know,” Twilight said calmly, “it wasn’t long ago that my friends and I were in a situation like yours.” Seeing that she had every pony’s attention, Twilight continued speaking. “We are from Equestria, so we weren’t used to fighting, especially not against such mighty foes. It nearly scared me so much that I nearly abandoned my brother and his crew, our friends.” “What did you do?” asked the young colt, Romeo. Twilight began to smile. “We returned to their side. To fight against a cruel authority that was hurting our friend.” “We whopped their flanks,” Rainbow Dash stated victoriously. “And we won,” Spike added smugly. After touching her sword’s hilt, Fluttershy too smiled. “And made some new friends too,” she added delightfully. “We are going to help Erza rescue the rest of your friends,” Twilight stated confidently before the group. “Because, as Straw Hat pirates, nothing is more valuable to us than our friends.” Zoro, Nami, and Chopper smiled hearing this. While Chopper was just happy for his fellow crewmate, both Zoro and Nami knew a little more. And both were proud by how their first-mate was coming along. Looking out at the group, they could see too that they as well were feeling far more invigorated than before. Even Erza was looking proud of Twilight’s speech. “So, come on, everypony!” Twilight said upliftingly. “You’re friends are waiting to be reunited with you all!” “Yeah!” shouted Romeo confidently. “Natsu and everyone are finally back! We can’t just abandon them now after waiting so long.” Macao then stamped his hoof as he grinned with nervous determination. “They’re right, everypony,” he said, “Let’s go get our friends back!” A roar of cheers filled the building. All member of this current-Fairy Tail guild had found their will and spirit to fight again, thanks to Twilight Sparkle. Forgetting Chopper’s examination, the group began to march out of the building in arms; armed with magic. Erza, Twilight, and everyone took up the lead heading straight for town. Meanwhile, inside the tower, Zard was finishing with the examination. He was currently at Wendy, who had the orb’s light shining upon her. While not affecting physically, the young mare looked extremely uncomfortable with the rays upon her. It was over soon enough, and the young Pegasus was relieved. Zard then took a moment to look at the crystal. The inside of it began to swirl like a whirlpool and then shape formed a shape. It was a dragon along with a symbol of the sky. “Oh, another one,” Zard said with intrigue. “This time being of the sky! What a collection of dragons we have here.” Immediately, the remaining Dragon Slayers – Gajeel, Laxus, and Wendy – began glaring the orc. Zard paid no mind to their stares. He began to walk over to the large curtain on the other side of the room. As he grabbed the curtain, the orc then began to smirk. “Now, we can start the real fun!” he said enthusiastically before pulling the curtain dramatically. Everyone watched with confusion and then in horror. Behind the curtain was a big machine with a large glass chamber sphere to its side. To its other side, close to the ponies, there was another one that was smaller but big enough to fit even an orc. Both glass cases had tubes attached to them which connected them to the machine. On the front of the device, there was a panel with many buttons and a few levers. And all of it looked sinister. “Let’s start with the little one, with the sky dragon magic,” Zard stated eagerly. The orcs began to move on Wendy, and all the Fairy Tail ponies attempted to stop them to no avail. BOOM! The whole room shook as an explosion occurred. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards the open door and the front gate on the other side. BOOM! Another explosion occurred, and the door shook. Immediately, Zard and many of the orcs moved to see what was going on outside. From atop of scaffold above the gate, Zard and his orcs peered down. “What?!” shouted Zard. Just outside the gates, the whole of the remaining of Fairy Tail was standing before them. Each of its members was showering the door with spells of their specialty. Sand, fire, smoke, wood, cannonballs, and even swords were crashing into the metal gate. And leading the group was, of course, Erza Scarlet, who was currently dressed in her Heaven’s Wheel Armor, floating a foot off the ground, and had swords circling behind her. Looking like a general, she threw her arm out toward the gate and gave out her command. “Fire!” Immediately, all of the mages in Fairy Tail launched their magic attacks. BOOM! Again, all of them hit the gates, damaging them further to the point that the doors were beginning to bend. Zard began to grind his teeth in aggravation. He quickly turned to his kindred, “Hurry! Activate the Anti-Magic crystals!” The orcs quickly got moving. Two orcs pulled two separate levers on both sides of the scaffold. Around the door and under the outcrop of the building, two large crystals began to glow and emit energy out towards the mages. Just as Fairy Tail sent out another wave of attacks, the waves of power hit them, and they disappeared or vanished instantly. Zard smirked as he watched this, feeling as though he and his horde were invincible to these magic-using ponies. “Horn Point!” “Let’s go, Funkfreed.” Zard witnessed as two creatures, one potentially a reindeer with big antlers and the other an elephant, charge towards the gate. Seeing how they were not with the group earlier, he assumed they were magic related transformations and could not wait to see them fail. But it never came; Horn Point Chopper and Funkfreed rushed through the emitting waves of anti-magic like it was nothing. They continued effortlessly forward until both rammed right into the doors, further damaging and bending them. “Wha!?!” screamed Zard and all the orcs in shock. While the orcs were in shock, none of them noticed a storm brewing above them. Thanks to Rainbow Dash’s cloud-gathering and Nami’s weather control via Perfect Clima-Tact, a massive storm cloud formed in mere seconds. Then, just as the pig monsters noticed the dark rain cloud and their crewmates retreating, both Pegasi attacked them. “Thunderbolt Tempo!” Massive amounts of lightning bolts struck down below. The two mares intended targets, the orcs, were instantly caught in the attack, squealing like the pigs there are. Along with them, much of the ground below them received the same electrical shock. It also happened to strike the two crystals emitting the magic-nullifying energy and utterly shattered them. With the magic-nullifying power dissipating, the mages of Fairy Tail cheered out and ready for another attack. However, Zoro stopped them. “We got this,” he stated, all three of his swords drawn. Erza too was joining the stallion. Using her magic, she changed out armors from the steely Heaven’s Wheel armor to the pink and fairylike Armadura Fairy armor. Along with two fairy themed sword, she prepared to attack along with Zoro, who was finishing his own personal shift in clothing by affixing his bandana over his head. As they approached the doors, the lightning strike now over, both swordsponies prepared for their attacks. “One Sword Style Sword Draw,” Zoro's magic aura holds onto the Wado Ichimonji's hilt. As she aimed her sword, her magic began to swell around the blade. “Fairy…” Erza announced determinedly. Zard amazingly recovered fast. As he propped himself along the edge of the scaffold, he looked down to see the two sword-wielding ponies preparing to strike. He immediately gulped nervously before saying, “Uh oh.” “Lion's Song!” “Burst!” Both sword wielders instantly attacked. Both their attacks hit the doors and instantly demolish it. The two doors – one in tack with a sizeable dent and the other in half – hurdle through the room inside the tower and crash into the walls. These attacks had hurt none of the orcs in the room, but all of them were frightened by the strength it took to tear down those doors. Zoro and Erza were now in the doorway, blocking the exit. Both looking as if they had not even gotten warmed up next, and that all of these orcs would be perfect for such a thing. Meanwhile, above them, Zard was beyond shocked. “Ehhhhhhhh!” TO BE CONTINUED…