Overprotective Sist... Friend

by Jhoira

Dinner (May 9th, Thursday evening.)

Flitter finished setting up the table with Rainbow Dash's dishes, if one could call them such things. Flitter shook her head, half of them were mismatched and the other half were cracked, not bad enough to leak but still, it was not something you should still be using. She had chosen the cleanest and least cracked plates and glasses, shaking her head as she deposited the fourth plate into the sink, these were in the cupboards like they were clean, they most certainly were not clean!

She had gotten distracted by sorting all the dirty dishes from the clean when an impatient Rainbow Dash came back down the stairs. "Hey Flitter it's been fifty minu... Woah." Rainbow Dash had to stare at the table for a moment. Or more so what was on the table. Some cheesy looking dish was in the middle and some of her plates were set out, and they all matched. Huh, she hadn't realized she had a full set of anything. "Not gonna lie I wasn't expecting... This."

Flitter glanced over her shoulder and giggled gently. "What did you expect me to just chop up some carrots and put them in water to call it soup?"

"Nah, when you kicked me out I assumed you had something planned but this looks fancy, how'd you make it in 40 minutes?"

Flitter snickered, smacking the small black cloud over the sink to turn off the water filling it and letting the dirty dishes soak as she walked over to the table "Its just Baked Ziti Rainbow Dash it's pretty simple."

Rainbow Dash had crafted herself a chair while Flitter had been in the kitchen. But at least she waited for Flitter to walk to the table before starting to help herself, even if Flitter hadn't sat down yet. With only a mild eye roll she set herself up a chair looking up to see that Rainbow Dash was already digging into the food. "Hey this is great!" The compliment somewhat lessened by the fact it was said through a mouth full of said food.

"Well, I appreciate the thought, if not the delivery." Flitter took her time, she wasn't trying to be dainty or proper but she did hate making a mess.


"Nevermind, thanks for the compliment."

"You're welcome. Man you made a lot, I don't think I can eat it all!" Rainbow Dash was already almost full and she'd only had a third of the food. Flitter had only taken a quarter leaving almost half to eat later.

"I know how big of appetites you fast flyers have, I do cook for Cloudy you know." Rainbow Dash nodded and paused for a moment before noticing.

"Hey, she's gonna be ok you know that right?"

"Yeah... That's what they said isn't it?"

Rainbow Dash blinked did that have some other meaning...? She nodded hesitantly "Uh... Yeah, and we wonderbolts have the best docs around. So you got nothing to worry about." Not knowing what to do to fill the silence as it stretched on Rainbow Dash just finished eating, easily cleaning her plate and smiling, fluttering her wings slightly. "Hey, thanks again that was great."

"You're welcome." Flitter got up and picked up both their plates. Rainbow Dash didn't see the sadness from earlier but there did seem to be a bit of melancholy hanging about her. Before Rainbow Dash hopped out of her chair.

"Hey let me help!"

"Oh sure, put away the leftovers? It'll save me making you lunch tomorrow."

"I'm gonna be at the wonderbolts academy tomorrow." Rainbow Dash frowned as she looked around for another bowl or something to put the leftovers in but then shrugged and just deposited the entire serving tray in her refrigerator.

"Yeah so?"

"Uh... Just we won't be eating together then... or here." Rainbow Dash thought the answer was very obvious but the Flitter just giggled, cutting off after a few moments to frown.

"Well I always sent lunch with Cloudy but if you're more partial to cafeteria food..."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened and she shook her head. "Oh! No! I'll take the lunch!" Flitter giggled and shook her head slightly as she started to wash the dishes, walking up behind her Rainbow Dash leaned against the counter. "Anything else?"

"Drying." Flitter poked a wing at the pile of dishes sitting next to the sink and Rainbow Dash nodded, picking them up and taking them over to a rack to put them in and let them air dry, Flitter frowned for a moment but then shrugged, it got the job done either way, before snickering to herself. "You got that just so you couldn't have to manually dry them didn't you?"

Rainbow Dash grinned as she came back to get the second pile of dishes that Flitter had finished with. "Well I'm a busy mare ya know." Flitter laughed as she put the third and final load up onto the and Rainbow Dash blinked, shaking her head. "Wow, I didn't realize how many dishes we used!"

Flitter scoffed causing Rainbow Dash to rear back slightly at the active annoyance in the sound. "Rainbow Dash, we didn't use all those, those were in your cabinets -pretending- to be clean."

Rainbow Dash flushed a bit at the rebuke. "Well... Uh... I'm a busy mare."

Flitter's gaze softened and she giggled, shaking her head at the other pony. "No, you're just as bad as Cloudy." She hummed slightly to herself as she started to put away the leftover ingredients to the meal she'd prepared, apparently done with Rainbow Dash for the time being.

Rainbow Dash was again a bit non-plussed by the act. Flitter seemed to not need to conclude conversations in any formal way, when she considered them over she simply left them. Rainbow Dash suddenly remembered something from the conversation. "Hey, so, you cook and everything for Cloud Chaser?" Flitter nodded, glancing back at Rainbow Dash. "So that's why you two live together?"

Flitter sighed as she waved Rainbow Dash off with a wing. "Not now Rainbow Dash. Maybe later." Rainbow Dash frowned but nodded, waving to Flitter as she went back to her room. Flitter seemed mostly friendly but at times a bit standoffish, Rainbow Dash wasn't great at complex characters like that, but she was sure she could deal with it, she was Rainbow Dash after all! Though she couldn't help but feel her original assessment of Flitter's life might have been inaccurate, Rainbow Dash might have to reconsider just how much awesome she could add to Flitter's life without Flitter just leaving.