Kirby: Equus Defender

by QuartzScale

09. Broken Dreams

Twilight couldn't sleep. It had been a week since the threat of no snacks in Equestria and that had been the talk of the town. Even when a unicorn showmare had whisked herself into town the talk was all about the snack heist of the century. Luckily, she wasn't heckled into showing off and humiliating others. Twilight was too lethargic to actually check things out since her muzzle was against the grindstone checking on Kirby.

Every test she put him through was met with failure. No thaumic signatures and no background exothermic radiation to signify earth pony style magic coursing through him. She exhausted all her scientific tests and had to go back to the tried and true method of all researchers. The hit or miss model and just throwing magic at the wall to see what sticks. She felt as though she could be flexible after everything she had been through.

“Okay Kirby, we've established no thaumic signatures and I can't seem to scan your body with these machines. It's as if you have no skeletal structure which I'm starting to believe might be the case. So… we're going to see if you sucking in an object will do something.” Twilight informed her new research project.

“Poyo? Poyo.” Kirby nodded ready to help out his friend. Even then he was still confused about all these tests and wires sticking out of him. He knew what he did was just something he could do and needing to understand the how and why wasn't something he was interested in. Still… she was his friend and who was he to deny her want to learn.

Twilight placed an apple on the stand nearby making certain everything else was bolted down beforehand. Kirby waited for his signal and started to suck the apple in… there was no response from the machine at all.

“Hm…? That means that it's actually all biological with you. As you are you can do these things…” Twilight needed a very long nap. Nothing made sense with Kirby.

The only clue she had was that small throwaway line that Meta Knight had uttered during their first meeting. That was her only lead. Kirby was a Star Warrior but what that detailed was lost on her. She couldn't even figure out if it was a title or a species. All she knew was that he had shown Kirby a modicum of respect even for how childish he had acted. That had to mean something but without input from the knight in question there was little to go by.

“Twi! Everypony wants you to join them for a picnic!” Spike called out from upstairs somewhere waking Twilight from her stupor. She quickly looked in a mirror… only to note the horrible way she looked. It was as if a bird’s nest got into a fight with a ball of yarn and that would describe her mane. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was certain she had lost a little weight. She was tired though so it could have been paranoia.

“Tell them I'll be there with them soon…” Twilight called out. “Just need to get cleaned up.”

She muttered the last thing under her breath and released Kirby. With a happy bound and hug he ran upstairs from the basement research lab. Twilight slowly trotted upstairs before collapsing from exhaustion. Spike sighed as he carried his caretaker up to the shower. Once again he would have to sponge bathe her.

“This shouldn't happen to a dragon.” Spike muttered as he quickly hopped up the steps with the unconscious purple pony currently sucking her hoof.

Meanwhile, back in Dream Land. Things were happening all too fast.

“Are you sure we can handle this, Meta Knight? Meta Knight!?” Dedede called out as his Knight Captain merely looked up towards the shadow of the moon in the sky.

Darkness had been emanating from it. The billowing clouds of darkness were slowly edging their way to Equus. They were on a collision course for the Fountain of Dreams.

“Yes. We shall be fine. I will confront the Nightmare while you prepare whatever contingency plan you have in place.” Meta Knight informed his flustered king.

“I don't have a contingency plan! That's what you are!” Dedede squawked pointing his accusing glove at the diminutive knight.

“Then I suggest you improvise lest we lose everything.” Meta Knight retorted causing the king to place his face in his hands.

“I shall assist you of course.” Celestia trotted in decked out in full battle armor, all golden plated. Though it seemed the color was only for show.

“Fine… let's get this over with. Oh I wish I had taken that nap right at this moment.” King Dedede sighed as he lifted his new and improved hammer. It had a star emblazoned on both faces now which to the king was an improvement to enjoy.

Twilight ambled through the town showing off a smile but she was worried. For some reason she hadn't been able to dream last night. It was a surreal experience overall but it happened time to time whenever she was too wrapped up in research.

“Poyo?” Kirby chimed in getting the mare’s attention.

“Spike? He said he was going to talk with Applebloom for a bit. Why?” Twilight quirked an eyebrow at the pink puff.

“Poyo.” Kirby replied with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.

“No I'm sure he won't miss the picnic. We had Pinkie pack you lunch for today with Applejack since you eat a lot.” Twilight chuckled as the two made their way towards the girls favorite picnic spot.

“Poyo!” Kirby cheered as he rushed circles around Twilight.

“Where is this energy from?” Twilight mused taking her time to reach her friends.

Meta Knight unsheathed his blade, the dreaded Galaxia, and swung a sword beam at the approaching darkness. It immediately switched to two targets with one racing towards the Fountain.

The Star Rod seemed to gleam in the light trying to ward off the darkness. It didn't care.

“It seems I'm needed. King Dedede please come up with a stop gap for this. I shall buy us time.” Celestia informed the king who was flabbergasted at what he was asked.

“We’re screwed aren't we?” Dedede plainly stated as the darkness above facing Meta Knight formed a large figure with a billowing cape of stars and two sharpened horns atop its head.

“Not if I have anything to say about it.” Celestia informed the king and shot forward as the second shadow took a familiar looking pony of dark azure coat and black armor.

Nightmare looked down on the Star Warrior and dismissively raised a finger shooting down a blazing star beam against the knight. Meta Knight wrapped his cape around him disappearing from sight Nightmare adjusted his aim as a sword beam came slicing through where his hand had been.

“Feeble Star Warrior… you cannot stop me from claiming this world for my own. The dreams of this world belong to me. They are my domain and all shall fall into an eternal unrest as nightmares rule the night!” Nightmare announced before swooping for Meta Knight. A clash of blade and stars lit the sky before an explosion erupted from their attack.

Celestia had charged forward using her magic to conjure as many weapons as possible as the second shadow took form.

“Sister! It's been too long. Perhaps it's time to pay you back for your meddling now!” Nightmare Moon cried out summoning her own spears and scythes to counteract Celestia’s own swords and shields.

The two knocked blades and spears out of each other's magical grip eventually forced to fight hoof to hoof. The two rolled through Rainbow Resort tearing apart the ground as a hoof caught Celestia in the gut. Celestia managed to repay the favor with a hoof to Nightmare Moon’s jaw.

Forced back the two charged their horns unleashing the full extent of solar magic and lunar magic until a large light eclipsed the ground itself. King Dedede looked shocked as he tried to figure out the best course of action. Looking at the Fountain he trotted his teeth in from determination before rushing for the Star Rod.

“And so then I was touching the cloud… but my hoof didn't go through it! It was like walking on a sponge… only fluffier.” Twilight announced to her friends who were riveted by the story of daring and adventure.

“No way! That can't be true!” Rainbow Dash dismissively waved off the so called assertion. She secretly thought it was awesome and wanted the clouds for herself to get her friends to enjoy her home without needing a cloudwalking spell.

“Darling, I know you had a long adventure but what you're saying sounds impossible.” Rarity sniffed though a part of her was so curious about Dream Land, even if it was only about the fashion trend, that she was hooked.

“She ain't lying girls. I reckon that the world is a mighty strange place.” Applejack adjusted her hat enamored at the thought of a living apple tree. If only Bloomberg could speak the stories he would say.

“That's so amazing! I wish we could have gone! It would have been so awesome. Especially since I baked a new recipe of cake with marzipan cooked right into the filling though I don't know how I did so. Then again I've managed to get back my pinkiness since the disappearance of the snacks. Though ponies did like my mane straight and said I look more sophisticated. I don't get why they were looking at my Cutie Mark though it was really weird.” Pinkie continued to ramble throughout the talk until Twilight shoved a hoof into her mouth.

“We get it Pinkie.” Twilight resisted the urge to sigh.

“Were they really trying to stop you? The little fishes and birdies?” Fluttershy had been reeling since she heard how territorial all the animals had been… even to the extent of trying to peck Twilight’s eyes out.

“Unfortunately… and that wasn't even the worse part. Then this giant cloud with an eye showed up.” Twilight started ready to regale her friends with more of her story. She also was ready to head up to Canterlot for a weekend. She needed to see an old friend whom she hadn't seen in a long time.

Meta Knight slashed down knocking Nightmare’s hand away from him forcing the dark wizard to warp around the area. Taking stock of his surroundings he held his blade downward ready for the next strike. Nightmare revealed the whirling chaos beneath his coat as a twister of darkness and nightmares billowed around. Meta Knight held strong in the air but it was difficult for his wings to push against him.

Celestia was locked with Nightmare Moon fully made of the darkness she once represented. The similarities to Luna were merely cosmetic and meant to unsettle the Solar Alicorn. The two took to the air weaving around before hoof met hoof. The impact forced the two away. Magic collided as the two created a sun and moon smashed together before the explosion sent them hurtling towards the ground. The shockwave was deafening leaving several of the waddle dee soldier flailing from the impact.

King Dedede held on for dear life as the battle raged. Climbing the Fountain of Dreams was the only way since the clashes made too many typhoon class windstorms torment the area. As he reached the summit an idea finally hit him. He just hoped he had good timing.

“And then he sucked us in. I didn't know what was going on. Then my body got the turnbuckle and I was dazed. Kirby kept on his feet and led the King away.” Twilight continued.

“Oh dear… “ Fluttershy gasped as did a few of the other girls.

“That darn jerk… how'd somepony like that become King.” Applejack groused under his breath.

“From what I was told he became King after beating up the last one. He's one of the strongest beings in Dream Land. Ironically, he legitimized his reign after befriending all the Waddle Dees by giving them food.” Twilight explained causing everypony to become confused.

“I don't get it.” Rainbow Dash muttered. “That's a whole bunch of loyalty even if it's only for food.”

“That's the thing though… while we were in the castle most of the guards were lax and didn't do much when we went for our meeting. He didn't even care that they were goofing around unlike the guards in Canterlot Castle. They're more like friends rather than employees.” Twilight mentioned remembering how many of the Waddle Dee guards had been fooling around only acting when Dedede appeared.

“So he's a good guy then, right?” Pinkie answered innocently tilting her head in confusion.

“But he was a jerk.” Rainbow Dash argued back not getting the disconnect.

“Rainbow, sometimes you're a jerk when you don't mean to be. It's the same thing here.” Applejack sighed while Dash glared at her.

“Am not…” Dash muttered under her breath.

“Anyways, it seems Celestia’s royal friend earned his place. Regardless of how, he made it to his throne on his power alone.” Rarity sniffed as she drank her punch.

“I still don't like how rough he was with you. There could have been better ways.” Fluttershy spoke up frowning at the notion of fighting to make your point.

“I've learned something on my journey Fluttershy. No matter what happens sometimes you gotta fight for your ideals because not everypony will agree with you.” Twilight announced quite proudly. “Also lessons from Princess Celestia are harsh a lot of the time.”

Nopony knew what she was talking about but Twilight continued to speak of her experience off in Dream Land. They all stole glances at the pink puff Kirby and collectively wondered something.

‘Will we go on a journey with Kirby?’

Celestia tore her horn into Nightmare Moon’s shoulder ripping a large gash along her side… but all that came out was darkness. The condensed nightmares that made her being sealed the wounds forcing Celestia back. Nightmare Moon wickedly laughed at the Solar Princess as she charged up her horn and blasted Celestia through several objet d’art tearing the very landscape away.

Nightmare, himself a malevolent creature, laughed cruelly at the sight. Meta Knight, incensed at the callous nature he displayed and the sound of Celestia’s cries made his first crucial mistake, turned around to check on his ally. Nightmare took the opportunity to knock Meta Knight straight down into the ground. The plume from his impact nearly broke his mask chipping away at the sides as the two nightmarish creatures flew above their defeated prey.

“Congratulations Star Warrior you've proven once again. You are no match for me. Once again with this I shall spread Nightmare Enterprises across the cosmos and fill every world with my own brand of Nightmare Creatures. Rejoice Equus Star! You shall be the factory for my rebirth!” Nightmare yelled to all the creatures gathered around as the very sky was torn into darkness and the storm clouds gathered around.

“Sister! Worry not. Our ponies shall be made into the best Nightmare Creatures possible. And once Luna is mine we shall be whole once again!” Nightmare Moon added as the two beings floated towards the Star Rod. The pulses of light could do little without a vessel to wield them. As the two nightmares circled the weapon of pure dreams Dedede waited.

The two coalesced their forms back into dream form as their dark energies began to corrupt the Star Rod. Soon nightmares would become the norm and the idea of a good dream would forever end.

Section by section the star lost its shine and the Fountain of Dreams lost its color. The rainbows it form turned from a bright technicolor dream to a dark black and white nightmare, in this context. Evil had won.

Dedede rushed out with his hammer raised high. The two Nightmare beings could only scream in frustration as his hammer smashed the Star Rod breaking it into seven separate pieces. The Nightmares were left trapped within the pieces of the Star Rod.

“Ugh… my only choice huh? Damn… “ King Dedede gathered up the pieces and jumped off the Fountain. Thanks to a bit of training he gathered air into his body and floated back down to the ground floor.

Meta Knight forced himself off the floor checking his mask. It was thankfully still in tact after all the battle. Celestia stumbled through the wrecked terrain carrying as many Waddle Dees as she could in her magic. Almost all of them were injured in some way and the worry on her face was obvious. Even with the damage to the landscape she was just glad no one had died from that.

“Well… I enacted my brilliant plan. Hopefully we can plan something out before things get worse.” King Dedede boasted but the shards in his hand of the Star Rod were shaking violently. Fear had taken over him.

“Yes… thank you King Dedede. This isn't ideal though. Without dreams everyone in the world will notice their loss. Meta Knight? Do we have any contingencies?” Celestia looked over to the knight who was using his sword as a brace.

“Not at this moment. We need time to recover. For now we just need to come up with a plan before anything.” Meta Knight informed the two monarchs as he forced himself to stand up tall like a true knight.

“Tch… I already got the best plan. I'm handing these things to my six best men and they'll hold on to them while you figure something out. I already did enough to get things to this point but I'll hold onto one.” Dedede stated as he placed one of the shards into his coat pocket.

Celestia was flabbergasted by the sudden change in demeanor. She couldn't tell if he was being a coward or brave. She was about to voice concern when he whistled and five separate waddle dees came waddling over.

“You give this over to Whispy Woods, you hand this over to Paint Roller, you give this over to Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright, you give this over to Kracko and you hand this to Heavy Mole. You all have your orders?” King Dedede ordered as the five saluted. “Then get out there already!”

“What are you doing?” Celestia questioned the monarch as he turned to Meta Knight.

“Making sure my friends are handling these things. We need these safe until you figure something out.” Dedede informed Celestia before handing over the sixth shard to Meta Knight.

“I shall protect it with my life sir.” Meta Knight answered the gesture pocketing the shard away.

“Perhaps I should prepare something as well. Do you mind if I get my ponies to assist?” Celestia wondered aloud though with her mangled mane and bruised body she wasn't in the best shape.

“If you have to.” Dedede waved her off before he fell against one of the wrecked stone monuments. His legs had finally given up on him.

“Don't worry… I know what I have to do.” Celestia answered as Bandana Dee handed a quill and parchment over to her and she started to write her letter.

Luna awoke with a fright. Something had changed entirely and she couldn't put her hoof on it. She focused her magic but nothing. The Realm of Dreams was locked off to her. This hadn't happened since the rise of Nightmare Moon.

“What!? No this cannot be! I… I must find out what happened.” Luna reared up breathing heavily from the sudden loss.

Focusing she tried once more. Off in the distance she could feel one sleeping figure. As she got closer it was a pink portal to this particular realm. She cautiously entered since she didn't want to be in Pinkie Pie’s Dream without being more prepared.

“Poyo?” Kirby looked up noticing his dream was no longer breaking.

“Ah Sir Kirby. Ever since your return from Dream Land, Lady Twilight has held you in high regards for your battle prowess. I wish to have your assistance in these matters. Please would you come to Canterlot, the castle on the mountain? I wish to discuss with you what this entails. Please?” Luna pleaded with the young Star Warrior.

“Poyo!” Kirby nodded and was ready to charge off… only to remember that he was asleep. “Poyo…”

“Of course dear visitor from afar. Come tonight when the moon rises and we shall meet at the front gate.” Luna explained as Kirby agreed and waved goodbye to the Lunar Princess waking up in the process.

“A message from Princess Celestia. It seems she wants to meet with us for a mission of grave importance. Are you girls up for it?” Twilight asked her friends as they all gave her a look of determination.

“You got it!” Rainbow Dash announced.

“Oh boy a new party!” Pinkie

“Oh no… sounds dangerous.” Fluttershy muttered as she started to shiver.

“Reckon I better tell Granny before we head out.” Applejack announced before she trotted off.

“I better pack.” Rarity cheered to the heavens.

“One bag only!” Twilight called out.

“But Twilight!” Rarity whined.

“One bag!” Twilight growled putt

“Oh fine… “ Rarity poured only to get ignored before she could use the look to get her way.

“Spike! Can you watch over Kirby? He's still sleeping.” Twilight called out.

“Yeah Twi. I got this.” Spike answered in kind. What he had done with Applebloom was left unanswered.

The six girls ran off for the train which for some reason was where they needed to go. A Waddle Doo guard was there waiting for them. The letter Twilight had received only made slight mention of Dream Land and a location known only as The Fountain of Dreams.

There was also mention of something called the Star Rod but nothing rang a bell. Twilight felt a little unease since that meant something was wrong in Dream Land and Celestia was heavily involved.