//------------------------------// // Chaotic Alliance // Story: The Chaos Authority // by CartoonNerd12 //------------------------------// Four glasses clanged together in celebration as Aku exclaimed, "Well done my comrades! Another world taken within a matter of seconds! Those fools didn't stand a chance!" Bill cheekily replied, "Thanks, Aku baby! After all without my abilities to enter into the mindscape those meatsacks didn't stand a chance!" Discord rolled his eyes, "As usual you're humble as always, Cipher." HIM floated around the draconequus, "Really Dissy, what has made you so grumpy after all these years? You used to be so much fun." "I'm grumpy because you all get to have your worlds, while I was only able to bring part of my world here." a blatant lie to be sure since he purposely made a replica of the Everfree Forest but luckily his 'pals' didn't know that. Thankfully throughout the years they've known each other never they had once set foot into each other's realms given they wanted to rule their own worlds for themselves and would have considered each other a threat had they did step in. Discord had known these chaotic beings due to his traveling days to other dimensions, they all came across the other at a crossroad of sorts and were impressed by each other and ended up becoming acquaintances. And thus, they had fun causing trouble wherever they went. So fortunately for Discord this made them none the wiser and had the high ground of manipulating these powerful beings. All they knew was that he came from a magical land and that he was defeated twice by the heroes that lived there. Aku stated, "And I told you that it would have to wait since we cannot yet attack the realms that are full of magic that have a chance to bring us down." Discord exasperatedly said, "So you said, so you said…" the spirit couldn't help but feel proud of himself for acting so well that he should get an academy award. That made him wish a certain pegasus was here to see him but it was just as well she wasn't because he didn't want Fluttershy anywhere near these dangerous demons let alone them discovering that she held a great influence over him now. He changed his champagne glass into a regular glass full of chocolate milk and drank the glass before throwing away the milk and it exploded. Bill inquired, "Cliché much, Jigsaw?" Discord shrugged, "What? It's a classic." HIM giggled. Bill asked, "So Flame Eyes what's the next world we're going to conquer?" The large embodiment of evil sighed as he sat on a throne, "Patience my friend, we must first rest and let the pathetic fools get used to their new surroundings as they will be here for quite some time." Discord suggested, "Want me to give them the usual orientation of how things are run here and tell them who their new masters are?" "If you wish." Aku waved his hand dismissively. HIM questioned, "Dissy, aren't you getting bored of doing the guided tour for these newcomers?" Discord merely replied, "Not at all! I get to see what kind of mortals we brought this time and the looks on their faces are always priceless to see when they see me! I am quite the specimen to look at." "No kidding! You're like totally a patchwork freak of nature! Why do you think I always call you, Jigsaw?" "Thanks for the compliment, Bill, you always say the nicest things and no wonder given how refined you can be." "Naturally! Why else would the meatsacks make deals with me!" "Still… I've been thinking how you seem to keep your end of the deal but when I looked into your past dealings with that Pines family you keep complaining about. You honored your deals to Sixer and Shooting Star even that Gideon Gleeful got what he wanted during your Weirdmageddon, but when you made a deal with Pine Tree you totally took advantage of the situation by making him your puppet and didn't give him what you promised. Why was that? I'm very curious to know." "The boy was on the verge to discovering my weakness I had to make sure he couldn't have that." "Interesting…" Discord stroked his beard in intrigue, "So you were willing to cheat the boy out of his desires…" making him think, Reminds me of when I had to cheat by spelling Fluttershy during our meeting in the labyrinth… Bill continued, "Look I'll admit out of all his meddling family, I like him the most. He doesn't get tricked that easily like his stupid uncle did and his smarts make him impressive given how he was able to solve mysteries at a fast rate. He's not over annoying like his sister. And on top of that he figured out the secret of the mindscape that I consider him a bigger threat then old Fordsy ever was." He looked at his associates to see that they were giving him strange looks. "What?" Discord cleared his throat, "So if you thought the boy was such a large threat to you, why didn't you just directly kill him?" "Because I thought once I burned his journals that would the end of it, but of course it wasn't since he managed to resist that temptation bubble I trapped his sister in, which makes him even more impressive," he started glowing red and flamed up, "AND THAT INFURIATES ME TO NO END!" Suddenly cold water was dumped onto him making him return to his usual form, he looked up to see the floating bucket above him as HIM spoke, "Now Billy stop being such a drama queen, so the little brat got the best of you again and again." his voice deepen and got into the triangle's face, "So what! I had three superpowered brats besting me all the time! Your brat was just a mortal and that's just sad." "What?! Are you implying that my Pine Tree is nothing compared to those Power cream puffs you faced?!" HIM stuck his nose up to the air, "That would be correct." Bill's one eye narrowed and his hand flamed up, "Why you…" The two looked like they were about to fight when Aku stood up to loom over them and shouted, "ENOUGGGHHHH! I shall not have you fighting among yourselves like spoiled children when we are this close to victory!" They accusingly pointed at each other, "He started it/He started it!" "I do not care who started it! Now behave or I'll be force to put the both of you in limbo!" Discord looked like he was going to gloat but when HIM and Bill glared dangerously at him he kept his mouth shut. Aku stated, "Our enemies shall meet their demise when we have what we want and that is complete universal control! Until then, we conquer more worlds but we need every single one of us to do it! So no more squabbles, got that?!" Bill and HIM begrudgingly agreed. "Good… Now I shall retire for the evening while the rest of you do whatever you want," he slit his eyes, "Except for fighting." HIM said, "But of course Aku." Bill exclaimed, "You got it!" Discord smirked, "I'll be keeping a watchful eye on them so you have nothing to worry about." Aku scowled, "I better not." and on that note he left the room. Bill asked Discord, "Since when did you like playing babysitter?" The draconequus kept smirking, "I don't. I only said that so he doesn't think there would be any more fights between you two. I could care less if you two get into a squabble, if anything its rather entertaining watching the two of you pit against each other." "Oh, Dissy you just love having fun at the expense of others." The creature chuckled, "Why else would I team up with all of you?" "That's our Jigsaw all right, all he cares about is the fun." "If you excuse me, I need to prepare my orientation speech for tomorrow since after all one can only say the same thing over and over again. Gotta liven it up somehow." "You do that Dissy. In the meantime, I'm going over to Townsville to make sure those second-rate villains are still imprisoned. Tah-tah!" he swirled around making his usual trademark smoke and disappeared. "As for me, I'm going to prepare to visit old Sixer's dreams tonight just to make sure he doesn't have any new ideas that can bring us down." and in his own fashion, he teleported away. Discord uttered under his breath, "Finally!" with a snap of his fingers he popped out and reappeared in the duplicate Everfree Forest that was close to a new version of the Castle of Two Sisters. He summoned a paper airplane and threw it to the building. The plane went straight inside an open window where Fluttershy was reading a book to some mice when it landed on top of the page and she unfurled it to see the words: Come Outside. Knowing who it was, her heart thumped happily and told her mice friends, "Please excuse me but I'm needed somewhere else, but please come back tomorrow so we can finish the story." The mice obeyed her and went. Fluttershy went to her window and flew out there she saw a draconequus waving her over. She out stretched her hooves as he did the same with his arms and the two embraced tightly making Discord land back in a clearing. "Oh Discord! I was getting so worried!" she told him. "Fret not, my dear, there's no force that can keep me apart from you long. Not even those dastardly beings I once called friends." "Still you had been gone longer than you usually were before." "My apologies, for every world we try to conquer, it gets harder and harder given there are heroes that put up a good fight. Luckily we're still a ways from entering the more magical worlds and that includes Equestria. I have been trying to slow the process as much as I can but I can't show that if it means certain doom for me." "I understand that, Discord…" the pegasus looked at him sympathetically. "But do the others understand that? As I recall they urged to use all my power against them thinking I could beat them so easily and as flattering as that was I knew that wasn't going to work." *One Month Ago* Discord was sleeping soundly in his home of Chaosville when his magical twitch suddenly went off startling him awake and making him fell off his upside down bed. He was still twitching to the point where it looked like he was having a seizure but when it suddenly stopped he slowly rose up in alarm, uttering, "Oh no…" Knowing full well it was nighttime in Equestria but he didn't care this was an emergency he had to let the Elements know. Though he won't lie it was funny seeing how the five mares reacted to each of the wake up calls he gave them. Whether it was giant alarm clocks or with Pinkie's case, a miniature bell tower or using a bucket of water on them. With the exception of Fluttershy who he simply nudged awake and gently telling her. "Fluttershy… Fluttershy…" "Hmm?" she said in her sleep before waking up and saw her friend, "Discord? Why are you…?" "There's no time to explain, I have to get you to the castle with the others. Hold on to me." She did as she said and he teleported them to the map room where the girls plus Spike and Starlight were waiting. The girls glared at him with Twilight saying, "This had better be important, Discord." Rarity added, "Quite so, I need my beauty sleep in order to prepare for my upcoming trips to Canterlot and Manehatten." Applejack pointed, "And do you know how important it is for me to get enough rest to wake up early on the farm?" Rainbow Dash gestured, "I gotta meet with the Wonderbolts tomorrow to go over our new routine!" Discord floated around them, "Yes, yes, I know you all have insignificant things to do with your lives but you won't be able to have that if three powerful overlords get their way!" "HUH?!" they voiced in confusion. Spike inquired, "What are you talking about, Discord?" "My chaos senses have been going off like crazy all night. Three old business associates of mine have decided to team up and no doubt they will come to me next to gain my help in taking over worlds." Twilight narrowed her eyes, "But you will refuse them, won't you?" Discord stood silent for a moment until he said, "Honestly, I think it would be unwise to do so." Everyone gapped at him in shock. Fluttershy softly asked in concern, "Discord…?" "I know these beings all too well my friends. And if I'm right about them teaming up then they will most likely will not stop until they have what they want and that is to conquer everything and everyone in the universe. So even if I refuse to help they'll just take over no matter what." Dash expressed, "Well if you're just as powerful as them, why can't you just defeat them yourself?!" The others minus Fluttershy voiced in agreement. Discord rubbed his temple in frustration, "It's not that easy, Rainbow Dash. We're talking about three majorly chaotic deities that are bent on world domination. Remember how I managed to reign over Equestria twice?" The group exchanged uncomfortable looks with Twilight speaking on their behalf, "Something we rather forget, but what's your point?" "Well compared to how my powers took over this world, that was just child's play." Their mouths dropped in shock with Starlight uttering in disbelief, "Are… are you serious?" He dismally replied, "Very… Because truth be told, I'm actually tame compared to them." Their mouths stayed wide open not believing the words Discord said about him being a tame chaos spirit. Looking back, he truly was a cunning villain when trying to sever their friendship so they couldn't use the Elements of Harmony against him. If what he said was true about these other chaos gods then they were in grave danger of their world being taken over. They needed a plan and fast. Suddenly a strange square shaped device popped next to Discord and it was ringing. The group looked at the device curiously. Twilight told the others, "I recognize that thing from Canterlot High, they're used to receive communications." Starlight's eyes widen in realization, "Oh yeah that's right!" Discord shushed her and answered the phone, "Hello? Ah! Bill, my old chaos chum! How've you been you one-eyed triangle of mischief?" Rainbow whispered to Applejack, "Triangle?" AJ shrugged in uncertainty. "Really? You don't say! You actually turned into stone after trying to conquer your world!" The draconequus had to stifle his laughter while listening then his face turned serious, "I see… HIM heard your distress call and was able to revive you with Aku's help, gotcha. You know, I'm a bit hurt you didn't call me sooner, I could have helped too you know." he shook his head toward the group telling them that no he wouldn't. Then he heard another voice and exclaimed, "HIM! Say what's the big idea for not asking me to help you revive Bill? What?! Waste time?! I would never waste time! You wound me, HIM!" He paused hearing the response, "Goofball?! Okay sure, maybe I am but I can be just as powerful as all of you! So let me join in on your little alliance and I can prove it!" paused to hear the answer, "Excellent, good to know I was going to be on your list anyway, I shall join you all at HIM's place where I'll have conquered my world, sound good? Great see you then. Bye-bye." hangs up and faces the group. "Joke's on them, they thought they could sucker me in when really it's them who are the suckers." Twilight looked on in suspicion, "If you ask me, you sounded a little too convincing there." The draconequus said in defense, "Well I had to! Or else they would have caught on to me reforming!" Starlight stated, "He does have a point, Twilight. If he's going to act as our double agent then he needs to act the part no matter what." "Exactly. Thank you Starlight." Twilight sighed and muttered, "I can't believe I'm about to do this…" and addressed the chaotic spirit, "Discord, we're counting on you to save our world from complete world domination. Can you do this?" He smiled, "Do pigs fly?" with a snap of his fingers a drove or flock of winged pigs appeared and flew around them before they disappeared. Twilight shook her head, "Alright, you made your point." Applejack questioned, "What exactly did you mean by conquering your world?" Discord explained, "The plan is to combine our worlds together so we as the chaos masters rule over everyone that's a threat to us. Bill, HIM, and Aku have already combined their worlds and that's why I was twitching so badly. Magical imbalances like that are so huge that you know it's a bad thing. So here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to make a copy of the Everfree Forest to be put in place with the rest of the worlds and I'm going to tell them I made a miscalculation of trying to bring a magical world together that the only thing I could bring over was the Everfree Forest given how strange it is to the rest of this land. That should slow them down from over taking this world and any other magical world." Starlight commented, "That's really impressive!" "Of course, I thought of it, didn't I?" They rolled their eyes. He continued, "But I will need your help to make this work. The Elements of Harmony can overcome chaos and darkness, your presence alone will be able to weaken that combined world giving me the chance to break it apart." Pinkie gestured, "Except won't that be kind of a problem if we all have responsibilities and things to do?" The mares voiced out concerns and agreed with Pinkie. Discord held a finger up, "Not if I cast a time spell on all of you. From the moment you enter the other world it will seem time has never moved, that when you come back it'll be like you never left. Sound good?" The group exchanged looks and slowly nodded. Twilight spoke, "If that's how it must be then so be it." "Wonderful!" he clapped his hands together and floated up, "I'll send for you when everything is in place!" he was about to take his leave when Fluttershy stopped him as she uttered. "Discord… please be careful." A small smile grew upon his lips as he leaned closer for her only to hear, "I will… I promise…" and teleported away. "And I haven't broken my promise yet, have I?" he inquired to the buttercream mare. Fluttershy sighed, "So you haven't but that doesn't stop me from worrying." "I'm more worried about you, Fluttershy. I forced you into this dangerous place and if you get hurt, I can't be there to help you…" "And that's okay; because I want you help everyone else more. They're the ones suffering the most since their worlds have been taken over while our world is still intact." "Still… I hate being apart from you. I miss our get-togethers and our Tuesday tea. I miss getting letters from you and you laughing at my jokes. I miss everything about you, Fluttershy." giving her sad eyes. The pegasus was stunned by his confession before smiling and embraced him, "I miss everything about you too, Discord." He hugged her back before he said, "Oh, I just remembered, there's another orientation I need to do after getting these latest worlds." Fluttershy said, "Leave that to me, I'll tell Rarity and Pinkie and we'll make sure these new people are settled in until this finally gets fixed." "Thank you, my dear. I knew giving you girls those orientation tours would help lift people's spirits and further spread harmony in this bleak world. I swear it's like none of them knows how to properly decorate. Bill just likes triangles and weird colors, HIM likes things disorderly but it's not disorderly enough for my tastes, and all Aku cares about is things in black and red and sometimes orange. You would think that three chaos gods would be a little more creative than that." She assured him, "Well it just goes to show that you're more special and unique to them." He grinned at her words, "You know what Fluttershy? I think you're right."