//------------------------------// // Argus: Seat of the Pantheon // Story: World of Warcraft: The Ties that Bind // by Blackdrag-rose //------------------------------// With the defeat of the Coven of Shivarra, and every other foe that was on the way to where the rest of the Pantheon was resting, Lyra, Trixie, and the other heroes marched out of the stronghold they found themselves in and followed the path that would allow them to leave the structure they were inside. What they discovered was that there weren't any additional forces for them to fight this time around, allowing them to walk to the back end of the stronghold, though as they did so they found Aggramar standing in front of the World Soul of Argus, the green Titan soul that housed the poor Titan that Sargeras had been tormenting all these years. As they walked towards the darkened Titan, and prepared themselves for a true fight, Aggramar stopped kneeling in front of Argus' soul and turned to face them, where he held his sword at the ready while they stopped in front of the circular area that was his arena. The heroes suspected a trap, especially since there was nothing between the darkened Titan and the Coven they had defeated, but that didn't stop them from drawing their weapons as they approached their target. Lyra and Trixie, on the other hand, could feel the power coming from the Titan and knew that they had been right in their earlier suspicions, as this was going to be a tough fight for all of them and there was no telling how dangerous their foe was going to be. "Mortals. I wasted millennia fighting to spare you from corruption." Aggramar said, his voice firm as he stood his ground, indicating that when he was done talking he was going to start the fight, regardless if they were ready for the fight or not, "Until at last my eyes were opened to the truth. You are the corruption. We will save the universe by wiping all memory of you from existence. Soon comes the awakening of my brother, Argus. Together, our new Pantheon will join the master in breaking your fetid world. But you will not live to see it." "I have heard all the prattling I can bear." Illidan commented, though at the same time the heroes entered Aggramar's arena, as now that they knew that the Titan intended on helping Sargeras destroy Azeroth, and corrupt the sleeping Titan that was inside it, they would fight him with all their might and stop that from happening, "Let us show this lackey of Sargeras that he has no claim to our world!" "You will all burn!" Aggramar shouted, to which his energy started to gather around him, with the appearance of flames, as he readied himself, indicating that he was prepared for a fight and that he wanted to crush them all so that his master's plan succeeded. The heroes spread out as they charged out into the arena that was in front of them, where the tanks charged at Aggramar while the ranged fighters stayed back and loosed spells and arrows at him, though while that happened Lyra stayed at the front lines and fought Aggramar while Trixie stayed back and used the arcane to their advantage. As the battle began Aggramar swung his sword and sent out three pillars of fire out from where he was standing, forcing some of the heroes to dodge the attack before they were hurt, while also swinging his sword to crush them. The darkened Titan also used his weapon and smashed it into the ground in front of him, creating a cone style attack that would have severely hurt everyone if they were standing in front of the attack, but he did it several more times as he chased certain heroes down in an effort to kill them. Lyra, however, quickly discovered that she could use the Light or the Shadows to create a barrier in front of her and the heroes behind her to stop the powerful attack from hitting them, though the barriers she made cracked every time Aggramar struck them. Since Aggramar's entire soul was inside the avatar that they were fighting, unlike the small fragment of Sargeras' soul they had fought inside the Tomb earlier, Lyra could immediately tell that they might be in danger, as they were pretty much fighting an actual Titan at this point, but she and the others would defeat Aggramar and save their world. After the final strike of Aggramar's sword against her barrier, however, Aggramar returned to the middle of his arena and a large circle appeared around him, indicating that he was going to use a powerful attack that could seriously wound them if they weren't careful. As such the heroes charged out of the highlighted area and let the area detonate with a blast of power, though when he found that he didn't hit anyone Aggramar continued towards the closest target and resumed the fight, where he started repeating the attacks he had used when they first started the fight as he charged his power to use the multiple sword strike that Lyra had defended against. It was only a matter of seconds until Aggramar loosed another blast of fire that the heroes had to run from again, after he used the multiple sword strike again, but this time the heroes huffed as they mended their wounds, as their foe was strong and they had to be careful, otherwise they were going to be killed and their world would be doomed. Eventually Aggramar changed tactics and returned to the middle of the arena, though as he did so he summoned a flaming shield that made him invulnerable to damage, but as that happened two types of fire elementals appeared around the area and started attacking the heroes. Some of them just stood there and pulsed with fiery energy, hurting everyone that was around the darkened Titan, while the other type attacked them and, upon their death, they dropped pools of fiery residue that the heroes had to avoid. Fortunately it didn't take them too long to defeat the host of fiery enemies that Aggramar had summoned to battle them, though as the last one fell the darkened Titan stopped channeling his shield and engaged them again. This time when Aggramar attacked them the heroes discovered that, while he seemed to be using the same attacks he had been using earlier, his attacks were that much stronger, indicating that he was using more of his power and that he wanted all of them dead. In response to that both Lyra and Trixie called upon more of their power to combat the increase in their foe's power, though while Trixie called in more of the arcane energy around them Lyra let the shadowy power inside her come back to the surface so she could combat the power they were fighting. In addition to using the powers he had been using earlier, however, Aggramar also used a new one against them, one that targeted several different heroes and caused them to ignite with flames, in addition to dropping a fiery charge that would detonate and harm everyone in the area around the targeted hero, meaning they had to move out of the way to make sure their allies weren't hurt. After a few more minutes of fighting Aggramar retreated back to the middle of the area and summoned the barrier again, empowering himself once more while summoning more fire elementals that wanted the heroes dead, though the heroes repeated the process they had used earlier to decimate these enemies. Once the small army of elementals was defeated, however, an empowered Aggramar, drawing forth the full power his avatar body could use without falling apart, attacked them again with the same types of attacks he has used earlier, just more empowered than they had been prior to him protecting himself a second time. Of course Lyra and Trixie did the same thing, though this time Lyra called both the Light and the Shadow forward as she continued fighting, while Trixie used as much arcane power as she could without changing forms again. Even the heroes pulled out all the power they could muster and fought Aggramar with all of their strength, especially since he wanted to corrupt the Titan soul inside Azeroth and take their home from them, exactly like his foul master wanted to do. Another minute or two later Aggramar, his avatar body cracking under the pressure that he was facing from the attacks that the heroes were sending his way, the power that both Lyra and Trixie commanded, and the strain his power as a Titan was putting on it, finally dropped his sword and howled in pain as the cracks started to shine with a warm and inviting light... one that was different from what they had experienced while they were fighting him. "It may be... too late to stop him..." Aggramar said, though that was the last that the corrupted Aggramar said, as his avatar body shattered into a thousand pieces as his soul, now pure again from his defeat, surged forward and flew into the sky, leaving the heroes to contend with the other Titan soul that was right in front of them. "Ye did it!" Magni shouted, causing the group of heroes to turn around and stare at him as he came to a stop in front of them, though the look on his face meant that something had to be going right for them, "Aggramar's essence is free! He can stand beside his brethren once more." "Our victories mean nothing." Illidan stated, to which he turned and gazed upon Argus' soul, knowing that it was still connected to the demons that they swore to fight and kill in order to save their home, "So long as Sargeras has the soul of Argus to fuel his infinite army, Azeroth remains in grave peril." "The Titans can sever that connection... but not here." Magni replied, to which some of the heroes smiled, as this would be the final key to stopping Sargeras, though at the same time Lyra and Trixie smelled a trap, "They need ta bring the soul o' Argus ta their place o' power... the Seat o' the Pantheon." "The very cradle of creation!" Velen said in awe, as the Seat of the Pantheon was a rumored place even among the many stories and legends that the Titans had left behind in their ordering of the worlds, a place where the Titans had ruled and watched over the universe... until Sargeras betrayed them anyway. "Their final act will harness the last o' Argus' power, to imprison Sargeras... once and for all." Magni explained, to which he turned away from the soul of Argus and faced the heroes, who now knew that the Pantheon understood the danger their brother posed to the universe and wanted to make sure he stayed locked away, "Heroes, I can signal the Titans ta begin. Once they start their ritual... there's no turnin back!" "Then let's get moving!" Lyra stated, to which she looked at the other heroes that were standing with her and Trixie, who were nodding their heads in agreement, as it was time for them to put an end to Sargeras and his foul plans and ensure he never threatened the universe again. "All right, everybody... Hold on!" Magni said, to which he started channeling the powers that the other members of the Pantheon had given him, for this task, and soon all of them were teleporting away from Argus' core as they raced towards their last destination in this war. A few moments later the heroes and Magni appeared on a large floating platform, which rested somewhere in space between Argus and Azeroth, that contained seven thrones, one that was slightly higher than the rest while three rested to it's right and three rested to it's left. "The Seat of the Pantheon." Magni breathed, taking in the vast Titan structure that they were now standing on, as this was at the heart of several Titan stories and many mortals would literally kill to be standing here with them. That was followed by the members of the Pantheon teleporting into the area around them, quickly manifesting in front of their respective thrones, while at the same time wearing the forms they had taken after they had awakened all those millennia ago. Even Aggramar, who had been corrupted by Sargeras, was standing proud in his original form, though to his right sat an empty throne, one that he seemed sad to look at for a few seconds before returning to the matter at hand. The instant all six members of the Pantheon were present, and the soul of Argus rested in the middle of the Seat, the Titans raised one of their hands and begin channeling their energies into the world soul, each of them hoping to sever Argus' connection to Sargeras. That was immediately followed by the world soul turning red as it lashed out, knocking the Titans back and surging dangerously, cutting off their attempts to sever the connection, though that was when the heroes heard a loud boom that came from Azeroth... where they turned and looked upon the planet they were trying to protect, where they found an ominous dark cloud that was covering the majority of Azeroth. The heroes were stunned by that sight, as Sargeras had moved towards his prize the moment the portal had been opened and they had never known, meaning that they were now racing against the clock to save their world... and, as luck would have it, there was one more obstacle for them to face before the war was finally over. "That which you have stolen will be your undoing." a booming voice said, one that Lyra knew could only be Sargeras' voice, though at the same time the world soul of Argus started to take shape before them, transforming into a corrupted Titan warrior that was carrying a sinister looking scythe, "Rise, Argus. Rise, my broken world." "Mortals..." Aman'Thul said, though at the same time the heroes pulled out their weapons and readied themselves, as this time around they were going to have to fight an actual Titan and not an avatar, "The time has come to for you to fight for the fate of the universe." "Death!" Argus said, his voice full of pain, indicating that all he knew was the pain and suffering that Sargeras had inflicted upon him over the many millennia since he claimed the planet for his demonic armies, before he stared at the heroes with a look of hatred in his eyes, "Death and pain!" "I didn't think we'd actually be fighting a Titan," Lyra commented, staring into Argus' hateful eyes for a few seconds, where she wondered what he would have been like if Sargeras hadn't corrupted him, before she sighed and called her own powers back to the surface, "but, since that's what we're doing, I guess it's time to go all out." Before Trixie could say anything, or even stop her, Lyra gathered her power together as she remembered how to take on her 'Havoc' form, though as she did that the heroes charged forward and started the battle, where she propelled herself through the air. Trixie watched as Lyra took on her Havoc form again, where she drew out all of her powers before Xe'ra had taken the fel from her, but this time around her body retained it's natural coloration and her true demonic form looked like a demon hunter that was fully merged with the power of the Light and the power of the Shadows. Lyra landed behind Argus and struck him instantly, causing the tormented Titan to turn around and make her his target, as he started swinging his scythe at her and rarely swung at anyone else, where she used her new warglaives to block the attacks and dealt some damage in the process. That allowed the heroes to attack Argus' back as he focused on her, though Trixie called upon her full power and let a crystalline blue aura appear around her as she started hurling more powerful spells at Argus' back. Argus, on the other hand, struck the ground with his scythe in a fit of rage, hurting everyone with the shadowy energy that was released from the attack, save for Lyra since she was currently infusing herself with both the Light and the Shadow, so that simply added to her power reserves as she continued the fight. After trying to hurt them with his fit of rage, and succeeding in slightly hurting everyone besides Lyra, Argus gathered some energy into his scythe and swung at the heroes, forcing them to dodge before they were in. The result of that attack was an area of the Seat that they couldn't step on least they be severely hurt in the process, if not killed outright, so they stayed away from that area and continued their fight to the best of their abilities. At the same time Golganneth, having regained some of his power from the blast that signaled Argus' transformation, granted the heroes with increased abilities, 'gifts' from both the sea and the sky as he called his blessings... though since they were fighting a Titan none of the heroes were about to complain and eagerly accepted the power they were being bestowed with for this fight. As the fight continued Argus continued to hit the ground in a few more fits of rage and continued to cover up sections of the Seat with his strange sinister looking fog, forcing the heroes even closer together as they started to run low on space to fight in, before Golganneth came to their aid once more... by blowing away the 'Death Fog' and allowing them to spread out once more. Argus, upon seeing that, changed tactics immediately and infused some deadly power into his attacks, as some heroes found that they were the target of a detonation type attack and moved out of the way, allowing them to suffer the explosion and not harm the overall group in the process. One person was unlucky when Argus targeted them with an even stronger bomb type attack, as the unfortunate hunter was nearly killed in the process of receiving the attack, though the healers mended his wounds and got him back into the fight. Argus also manifested scythes, made of dark energy, that traveled in a straight line from where he was looking, as now that he knew the Titans stood against him he couldn't focus on a single enemy and instead tried to kill as many of them as he could, while also spinning in a half circle every now and then to seriously hurt the heroes that he was fighting. Aggramar raised his hand while all this was going on and imbued the heroes with a small measure of his strength, just like Golganneth did earlier, and allowed them to continue fighting with renewed vigor. At one point Aman'Thul, seeing that Argus was getting weak, used his powers and trapped the corrupted Titan in the middle of the Seat, where he used his own powers to shatter Argus' form, which in turn caused beings that looked like they were made from constellations to form around the battlefield. Some of these constructs attacked them with ranged abilities and others attacked them were bladed weapons, indicating that Argus still wanted to kill them despite his current predicament, though the heroes were more than happy to fight back. Lyra, on the other hand, huffed as she continued to fight in her True Havoc form, as taking on her demonic state, molded in the coloration of her original body, and infusing it with both the Light and the Shadow was quite the strain on her body, and she could tell that Trixie was starting to exhaust herself as well. Sure, they may have been granted extraordinary powers, but right now they were burning through their energies and it didn't seem like Argus was anywhere near being defeated... making them wonder if they even stood a chance against a real Titan, especially one that was forced to accept his powers and was rapidly changing tactics when something he didn't like happened. Norgannon aided them this time around, finding elemental weaknesses for each of the constructs that the heroes could use to great effect, but even so it took time for them to fight the six powerful constructs, but as the first fell the group that took it out spread out and assisted the others in mowing down the other foes they faced. As the second one fell Lyra knew that there was something they were missing, as it couldn't be this simple to take out a pure Titan, even a corrupted one like Argus, and soon after that the third fell. The remaining three didn't stand much of a chance either, not with the power backing the heroes, and soon they fell as well, though as they did so the shadowy form of Argus' Titan body appeared in front of the Seat of the Pantheon, and this time Lyra and Trixie knew that his trap had been sprung and it was too late to stop it from happening. The Seat of the Pantheon, the area that they had been fighting in, was engulfed in total darkness before hundreds of swirling death gates opened in the air all around them... and the next thing they knew, before they could even more, was that they had all been impaled several times over by sinister blades that mimicked the look of Argus' scythe. And then that was it, as Argus crashed into the floor in front of them and swung his scythe, killing the entirety of the heroes that stood before him, while at the same time knocking their lifeless bodies to the floor as he roared in triumph, as he had slain the enemies of his master, who would be pleased with his deeds. "End it all!" Argus roared, indicating that he would join his master in destroying the entire universe, regardless of who dared to stand before a Titan that was using all of his power. "No! After all we have endured... it must not end this way!" Aman'Thul said, looking down at the heroes that were laying before them, especially two of them that did not come from Azeroth, rather they came from a planet that was not a Titan and had incredible powers of their own. "Hope is not lost, Highfather. The spark of life still flickers within these mortals."Eonar stated, to which her power flowed into the area in front of the Titans, where the bodies of the heroes glowed with the power of life once more, "Arise, champions! Fight to save your world!" Lyra, Trixie, and the other heroes found themselves called back from the brink and their spirits returned to their bodies, though as they were all resurrected Lyra immediately drew in her full power, allowing the Light and the Shadow to come back in full force, and stood up as the other heroes joined her in the final attack. Argus, seeing the heroes come back to life all of a sudden, grew annoyed with them and started attacking them again, with the first set of skills he used in the very beginning, as Eonar and Khaz'goroth used their powers to strengthen the heroes once more. However, they quickly discovered that this was a diversion for Argus' true attack, one that Lyra, Trixie, all the heroes, and even the Pantheon realized could instantly cause the complete destruction of the entire universe, ending all of creation in a single attack. As such Trixie called upon her full power and used the arcane to forge pure mana cuffs that wrapped around both of Argus' legs and hands, which she stretched out so he wouldn't be able to fight back or charge his creation ending attack... which Lyra followed up by using the combination of the Light and the Shadow to knock the scythe out of Argus' hand, allowing it to float off into the distance as it left the Seat of the Pantheon behind. Once that happened Lyra gathered the power of the Light and the Shadow and pulled them into another Netherlight Blast, one that she sent flying into Argus' chest with all her might, where she was backed by the power of every hero that came to save Azeroth from the Legion. A few moments later Argus fell to the ground, where Trixie released his arms and legs, and his body shattered into a thousand pieces before reverting back to the light green world soul that the heroes had seen when they bested Aggramar, though at the same time Aman'Thul turned to address the heroes... after extending a hand towards Lyra to allow her a speedy recovery, as he knew that wielding the power she did, twice like that, had put an incredible strain on her body, even if she wasn't channeling the powers of Light and Shadow at the moment. "You have done well, mortals." Aman'Thul said, though while some of the heroes were happy to hear that, especially after what they had been through, they all knew that he was serious, especially since he and the other Titans were about to do something important. "It is time." Eonar stated, causing the leader of the Pantheon to look up for a moment, knowing that she was right, before he glanced at the heroes again, who understood that they were likely going to be sent home now. "We must gather our strength." Aman'Thul said, to which he waved his hand in a dismissive manner, before starting to turn back towards his throne, which the other Titans were starting to return to, "Return home, children of Azeroth." As the Vindicaar, which had been brought to this area by the Titans themselves, started to teleport the heroes away from the Seat of the Pantheon, so they could head back home, Velen, Lyra, and Trixie stayed behind for a moment, as they noticed that Illidan hadn't moved yet... to which Velen decided to speak to him. "Illidan... we've done all we can." Velen spoke up, though at the same time Lyra and Trixie realized that Illidan was looking at something very specific, something that he was really interested in at the moment. "Every choice, every sacrifice has led me to THIS moment." Illidan replied, to which he stared at the empty throne, the one that belonged to Sargeras, and remembered why he had made all those sacrifices, especially when he knew what his ultimate fate was supposed to be, "To face HIM once again." "Lord Illidan," Lyra said, though that was before she realized what her mentor was talking about, as she recalled the events that had lead to his eyes becoming what they were, "You're not coming with us?" "The hunter is nothing without the hunt." Illidan stated, to which he turned and faced Velen, though that was when a smile appeared on his face, indicating that he knew something that none of the others did at the moment, "Did you not see this fate, Prophet?" "Fate?" Velen inquired, though his tone was one that told the trio that he found that word funny now, especially after having been exposed to several truths during this venture, before he looked Illidan straight in the eyes, as he was seeing him for who he was and not what everyone else saw him as, "Our survival was never in fate's hands." "Lyra Heartstrings, I am proud of what you have done," Illidan said, taking a moment to stand in front of her for a moment, where Lyra smiled as some tears fell from her eyes, which she wiped away as they looked at each other, "there is so much more I want to say, but let that suffice for now. Protect Azeroth... and Equus, if you make it home." "We will," Lyra replied, bringing Trixie over to her, as they both planned on finding a way home now that their war against the mighty Legion was finally over. Illidan kept the smile on his face as he turned around and headed towards Sargeras' throne, leaving Lyra, Trixie, and Velen behind as he focused on what he was planning on doing. "Light be with you," Velen said, though at the same time the Light formed around the three of them as they watched the greatest demon hunter walk towards his destination, "Illidan Stormrage." As the three of them teleported aboard the Vindicaar, and moved towards the navigation console, the dimensional ship broke off from the Seat of the Pantheon and traveled back through the rift so they could reach Azeroth, while at the same time Romuul opened a viewer so they could see what happened next. The Pantheon took their their places on their thrones and channeled their powers into the world soul of Argus for a few seconds, before firing a great astral beam that flew by the Vindicaar, where it struck the dark cloud that was enveloping Azeroth. "Brother!" Aman'Thul intoned, his voice echoing through the space between the Seat of the Pantheon, Argus, and Azeroth, while at the same time he focused on the task at hand, "Your crusade. IS. OVER!" Lyra, Trixie, the commanders of the Army of the Light, and everyone else aboard the Vindicaar watched as the Titans' astral beam started to pull itself back towards their Seat, though at the same time Lyra glared at the large molten like body that appeared from the dark cloud that was covering most of Azeroth. Everyone watched as Sargeras was pulled from the cloud, surprise written on his face, before he straightened himself and turned back so he could stare right at the Vindicaar and the heroes that had thwarted his plans. That was when his look turned to one of pure anger as he realized that all of his plans had been brought to ruin, but instead of surrendering or giving up he turned back towards Azeroth and held his right hand out, to which Lyra and the others watched as he summoned a large flaming sword that Lyra immediately recognized... it was the one that she had seen in the vision Xe'ra had given her, the one where Sargeras used the same sword to cleave Azeroth, and Equus, in half. "Nooooo!" Sargeras said, his voice echoing through the space around him as he braced himself for what he was going to do next, which was him starting the blade's descent towards the planet below him. Everyone stared at what was happening in shock, worried that their efforts to stop Sargeras had allowed him to destroy Azeroth before their very eyes, though to their confusion the blade stopped way before it could even breach the planet's atmosphere. Clearly something was preventing the large sword from harming the planet, though Lyra was quick to amend that thought when she noticed that someone was floating in the atmosphere, under the tip of the blade no less, and had stopped the Dark Titan's blade in the process. Romuul, knowing that everyone wanted to see what was going on, switched the viewer so they could see what was going on, though that was when Lyra and Trixie's eyes widened when they saw a new pony girl standing under the tip of the blade, which was resting against the palm of her left hand. The two of them took in the new arrivals amber colored skin, the vivid crimson and brilliant yellow colored hair and tail, and the strange godly like attire that she seemed to be wearing... which showed off her midriff, something that she didn't seem bothered by as she held Sargeras' blade back. The funny thing was that both Lyra and Trixie could have sworn that they recognized who the girl was, but they were more interested in the fact that she was holding Sargeras' blade... and, despite the fact that he was a Titan, she didn't seen to be tiring at all, as if she was a creature of equal standing or even greater than him. "So, you're the being known as Sargeras," the godly pony girl said, her voice revealing that she had power to back her strong tone, while at the same time nothing happened as Sargeras tried to press the blade further down through the atmosphere, "I can see why you're called the Destroyer, as your power is incredible, but now it's time for you to retire, because there's a new being of destruction that's in charge of this universe." "I... Will... DESTROY YOU!" Sargeras growled out, where he used all of his force to try and crush her under the weight of his large sword, but at the same time the heroes aboard the Vindicaar realized that his power didn't matter, as the new arrival wasn't moving at all. "Destroy me?! Now that's a funny thing to say... especially when you have no idea who you're messing with." the new pony girl said, though that was followed by her lifting her right hand as she rested it against the side of Sargeras' blade, before a sinister dark purple aura appeared around her body, "Hakai!" Sargeras' blade glowed a faint purple color for a moment as the tip started to unravel before the eyes on the heroes of Azeroth, though that was followed as the entire blade seemed to unravel and fall apart, as if it's very existence was being erased or something. Sargeras seemed surprised by what was going on and let go of the blade, which only caused the glow to erupt from the entirety of the blade before it was gone, but he used that opportunity to throw his right fist towards the pony girl that was preoccupied with what she was doing. What really shocked Lyra, Trixie, and the heroes of Azeroth was the fact that the massive fist was stopped in it's tracks, by her hand no less, though that was followed by the pony girl raising her right hand for a moment. Sargeras staggered backwards as the pony girl swung at him, the force of her blow traveling through the space between them and striking the Dark Titan in his chest, before a few more punches flew through the air and slammed into his chest... before the pony girl stopped attacking and stared at him. "What... are you?" Sargeras inquired, though at the same time the heroes of Azeroth could hear that he was shocked by what was happening, especially since he wasn't used to fighting creatures that not only fought on his level, but were also stronger than he was. "Me? I'm Sunset Shimmer," the pony girl said, where she raised her right hand up until it was level with Sargeras' chest once more, where her aura flickered once more as she started at the Dark Titan, "and I'm the God of Destruction for the universe you seek to destroy." With that said the pony girl, who Lyra and Trixie now knew was Sunset Shimmer, loosed a powerful blast that knocked Sargeras backwards, though that was when the power of the Pantheon finally ensnared the Dark Titan and tore him away from Azeroth's atomsphere. Sargeras and his dark cloud flew back towards the Seat of the Pantheon, where he growled at the same time and even attempted to crush the Vindicaar as he was pulled by where it was, but Romuul moved them out of harm's way so they could watch what was happening. Seconds later Sargeras turned into bits of astral energy and his large frame was gone, brought back to his throne with the rest of the Pantheon, though as he disappeared the rift between Argus and Azeroth was sealed at long last... and Illidan, who had stayed behind with the Pantheon, effectively became the jailer for the Dark Titan. As the heroes of Azeroth cheered over their victory, as Sargeras and the Burning Legion had been stopped, two people looked to the right of the Vindicaar as they descended towards Azeroth, as Lyra and Trixie noticed that Sunset was following them... making them wonder what was going to happen next, especially since they had no reason to stay on Azeroth since their main enemy had been defeated.