//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Kingdom of the Sphinx // by TheTruckerBrony //------------------------------// It’s been over a thousand years since those days, since the cool desert nights in my wife’s arms, since the great battles, the epic adventures, both with Hisan and later with my good friends in the Pillars.  Equestra has really changed! Trains, airships, steam engines, hayburgers, and phonograph records! No more hiring musicians every time you want to listen to music with your friends!     Still. . .I really miss the quiet, lazy nights.  Swimming in the river, eating honeyed sweet bread under the stars.  The River in Southern Equestria is dried up, gone with the kingdom I knew, no one makes honeyed bread quite like it used to taste, and city lights are bright enough that the stars are harder to see.  I miss the world I grew up in, but don’t most ponies?     Only a low stone foundation stands where Jasmine and I’s house was, and a few of my hives are now on display in the Manehattan library!  Not everypony can say something they built is in a museum. Since the land still technically belonged to me, I had a house built right on the same spot.  A thousand years since Jasmine passed, and my house still feels a little empty without her.     I spent some time looking up my old friends, sitting in libraries for more time than I thought I ever would, using history and archeology to piece together what happened to my good friends after I came to the future.     After I disappeared, Hisan and Bomani gathered an army of twenty thousand soldiers and marched them to Unicorninia, thinking that Starswirl the Bearded had done something that lead to my death.  He was willing to go to war to avenge me! Hisan always did have a bit of a temper. Fortunately Hisan was given a letter when he reached the border, written by Starswirl himself. I never learned what was in that letter, Swirly never told me about it. . .but I’m betting he told Hisan that I was okay.  I found no record of Hisan holding a funeral for me. I sometimes Worry that he was waiting for me to return the rest of his life. Poor Hisan, it seems I just couldn’t stop breaking his heart.     I am glad to say that Hisan eventually got married.  He found a beautiful mare named Sandy Oasis from the eastern province and made her his queen.  She was a compassionate, beautiful woman, really smart too! She opened a university in southern equestria that still stands today.  They had four children, three girls (one named for Jasmine) and one boy who grew to be the next Pharaoh: Hashi the merciful. I miss Hisan every day, but he  lived a long, happy life of prosperity and peace. Can’t ask for more than that.     Apedi and Sedeh where commoners, and their wasn’t a whole lot of records of their lives but there where a lot of pictures of them in combat.  Sedeh swinging her mighty mace and sending the enemy flying like sand in a storm. Apedi flying alongside his beloved hawk, and in one relief riding the massive Lion he rescued from a cruel trainer in Panampen.     Bomani Died in battle, as he would have wanted it.  Of course before that he lived a pretty good life too.  He eventually married, though his spouse’s name wasn’t recorded.  She was a real knockout if the statues are to be believed. Some historians theorize his spouse was a Stallion but just a fairly feminine one.  I know better, Bomani was bisexual but he liked big guys, not petitie ones. I think he had kids too, but like the others Bomani was a commoner and records of his life was focussed on his military exploits, which are to many to recount here.  Though I think you’d like to know how he died:     At the age of 50 Bomani went to the village in need of help, where thousands of raiders where going to ride into the kingdom and take all they could.  Bomani stood on the only bridge across the river, and with a sword in each forehoof he continued to fight after every other soldier under his command fled for their lives.     The invaders crashed against him like ocean waves crashed against rocks, thousands of the enemy falling to his swords.  Bomani was so tired at the end of the second night two children from the village had to hold him upright as he continued to fight.  Bomani knew that if a single marauder passed him they would harm the kingdom he loved, so no pony passed. The blood of the slain warriors stained the bridge, but only the half Bomani didn’t protect, so for as long as that bridge was there it was called “Half-Red Bridge”.     The Marauders sent their greatest warriors against Bomani for three days and three nights, but he killed each of them without setting a single hoof backwards.  After the third night, when the last of the enemy toppled into the bloody river, Bomani’s heart gave out from exhaustion. It is said that his died on his hooves, not even willing to fall in death.  In fact, he was mummified standing. “So he can look the Gods in the eyes, and let them know he is not afraid.” Hisan said at his friend’s funeral.     In his entire life, Bomani’s skin never once was broken by an enemy’s blade, and he never shed a single drop of his own blood on the battlefield.  He’s remembered as one of the greatest warriors of all time. Bomani the Bald, Bomani the Unbeatable, the Sphinx Slayer, the Ender of Worlds. Funny,  I was there for some of his greatest battles, and his friendship is what I remember the most.      It brings me peace to know they both lived so well.  In a better world, I would have been there with them through all the ups and downs of their lives.  But just like Jasmine, I’ll see them again. Until then, I have more adventures to go on, more exciting days ahead.  Hisan, Bomani and my Beloved Jasmine would want me to live like they did, and have a life of joy and fullness.     So, this whole story is a way of explaining why I’m an optimist.  Why I always see the best in things. Jasmine made me promise her I’d never lose hope, and when I see her again and kiss the tears from her cheek. . .I’ll tell her I fulfilled that promise.