Pumpkin and Spike 2: At the Gala

by Silver Butcher

Another indoor Storm

Pumpkin and Pinkie walked into the Garden and Saw Spike yelling angrily at the Toucan, Pound was laughing at his, Fluttershy was trying to calm him down.
"...And you can shove it right up you...Oh, Hi guys" Spike said cutting off mid-insult to greet them. "You...better now Pumpkin?"
"A little." Pumpkin said awkwardly. Pinkie looked up at the Toucan.
"Hey, Joey! wheres my 5 bits!" she called at him, He squawked and flew away, Fluttershy gasp
"Such Language!" She gasped. as she watched him fly away "I have to go, That bird need's a stern talking to!" Fluttershy said as she took to the air after it. Spike watched her fly away and giggled
"How long until we can actually have fun?"
"Now seem's good," Celestia said to him, making the group of four jump, Spike turned on the spot and looked up at her and coughed.
"Please don't tell Twilight."
"I gave her the honor of greeting the guests so the fun could properly start." Celestia said happily as she looked down at Spike "I just came to inform you that you can start the fun now" Celestia turned and smiled "Don't disappoint me!"
"We won't!" Discord called from behind the group, making them jump again and turn back to their original direction
"Hello, sir?" Pumpkin said looking up at Discord who shook her and Pounds hooved.
"Dude...Your Discord!!" Pound said in awe as he looked at the God of Chaos
"I've been told," Discord said as he let go of their hooves and turned to Spike and Pinkie.
"You two have everything properly prepared?" he asked, Spike pulled out a Spellbook, and Pinkie pulled out several bags of Flour. Pinkie gave one of the bags to Pound.
"Come on Pound we have to get ready for this! And we need to move fast." Discord snapped his fingers and Pinkie and Pound disappeared. Spike turned to Pumpkin.
"We need to get to the center of the Gala!"
"What are we gonna do?" She asked as she and Spike booked it
"We're gonna do the same thing we did the first time we met."
"Reshelving day?"
"No the things after that." Pumpkin thought for a second then a glint appeared in her eyes.
"You mean we're gonna make a Strom Indoors!" Spike smiled.
"oh yeah!" Spike cheered running past Celestia and Fancypants.
"What are they going on about?" Fancy asked
"This party is about to become awesome!" Celestia said to him with a smile as she watched the two of them run, she stopped when a letter poped in front of her face.

-Please seal all the exits

"Oh! I get to do something too!" Celestia lit her horn and all the door's and windows snapped shut. Twilight looked around and apologized to who was shaking her hoof.
"I'm sorry, I need to check this," she said as she teleported to Celestia, who had an evil smile on her face.
"What are you so happy about!?" She asked in horror "You hate the gala!" Celestia smiled down at her
"It's about to get awesome!" Celestia turned and looked in the direction where Spike and Pumpkin had run, Twilight looked in the Direction and made her way in the direction in a futile hope to stop the disruption


"Alright," Spike said skidding to a halt "This is the best place!" Spike jumped up on a table and helped Pumpkin up several ponies stopped and started whispering to one another. Spike flipped through the book and found the Rain spell and showed Pumpkin.
"This is gonna be awesome!" Pumpkin said as she lit her horn, but before she could cast the spell Twilight yelled
"STOP!" And Tackled Spike, the two rolled off the table and Spike hit the floor, Twilight looked down at him "You are in so much trouble. Pumpkin looked down at him and Spike just smiled and pointed up. without Hesitation Pumpkin cast the spell. "What are you pointing at?" There was a loud BOOM and Twilight froze. Spike smiled
"you almost got here in time," Spike said as Pumpkin Teleported him onto the Table and the two held onto the side's
"BANZAI!!" The Two yelled in unison as the cloudburst. The Party fell into Chaos immediately. Above the Cloud Pinkie and Pound had set up multiple bags of flour. Pinkie Grabbed Pound and the two jumped, landing right next to Spike and Pumpkin. They Four smiled, waiting for the real fun to begin. Twilight had tried to stop the storm but had slipped and was now trying to see through her soaking wet mane. Meanwhile, Discord appeared with the group and Yelled.
"NOW!" and with a snap of his fingers, the flour bags emptied their contents into the cloud. at the same time Discord added several over things into the water, once the rain had finally stopped a thick layer of Cake mix covered the Party Floor, stopping at the edge of the group's table. Discord snapped once more and the cake was properly decorated with frosting and whip cream. Discord openly laughed when Celestia squealed
"CAKE!" and started eating it. Spike looked at her and shrugged.
"I don't suppose you could fix out outfit's after this?" Spike pleased.
"only because this was awesome" Discord said and with that Spike stood up and gave Pumpkin a Salut.
"Far-Thee well" and still saluting he fell backward's into the cake.
"Cannon Ball" Pinkie yelled as she jumped into the cake. The Twins looked at each other.
"Wait for us!" They both called as they jumped in after them. Discord sat down and had a slice, and pulled Twilight out of the Cake and sat her next to him.
"You...." She steamed at him as she cleaned herself with a spell.
"Before you ask...yes...I made sure Fluttershy was outside during this fiasco."
"DISCORD!!!" Twilight yelled tackling the Draconequus