Kingdom of the Sphinx

by TheTruckerBrony

Love Is Madness

History records me as a problem solver, Apep the great snake wasn't beaten by my skill with a sword, becuase I don't have any.  I figured out that the snake was steadily growing due to a cursed stone, I used my brain.  I'm a problem solver, I figure things out, I put pieces together.  I just want you all to understand, I never even got the first lesson about fighting, but now here I was in a grand arena, standing shoulder to shoulder with my friends.  The puzzle I was currently trying to solve was the earth pony coming at me with a steel battle axe, an axe he seemed quite determined to bury in my head.  Yes, I couldn't fight, but I looked at it as a puzzle, how do I stop the premature end of my life via axe to my head?

      My mind works pretty quickly, so as that big nasty pony charged me I thought about my assets.  I had my Khat, my linen dress and the contents of my saddlebag.  The bag contained two Pomegranites, half a loaf of bread, a water skin, a quill, a dried flower Jasmine gave me, a mostly empty jar of honey, my toothbrush and a small canvas bag containing my eye makeup.  Nothing in there that would make a weapon, but even if I had the best sword ever forged by a legendary sword smith I'd be in the same situation, the only thing I knew about sword fighting is that I didn't want to do it. The pony with an axe was a surgeon with it no doubt, a professional soldier, fighting him directly would be suicide.

     Okay, I catalogued my other resources, I had my friends. . .but they where occupied.  Apedi had drawn twin daggers and was fighting off the pony with the club, Sedeh was rolling out of the way of the huge lion, Prince Hisan was relieving the trident-wielding pony of his teeth with the top of his shield, Bomani was in a tug-of-war with the chain wielding one and Jasmine was crossing swords with the last of them.  Bomani had already dispatched the pony with the lance, burying his sword in his chest.  None of them could help me in time, so no dice. 

     I did have a few other advantages, this was an earth pony. . .big, clumsy, strong but heavy on his hooves and I could fly!  I was a pretty good flier too!  So just as that big axe started to come down, I few around it.  The axe threw up sparks as it struck stone, so I'd dodged it once but this guy was going to swing it again. . .so step two would be stopping him from doing that again.  He hefted the double-sided axe and swung it at me again, and I dodged out of it's path again, then a third time.  Then, I noticed the axe-pony subtly adjusting the cloth turban he was wearing. . .a loose turban, that was another resource!  I flew down and shoved the turban over his eyes, and watched him swing blindly as I safely hovered overhead.

"Hey!  I think I just fought a guy!" I laughed,

"It's a start!" Bomani shouted as he and Hisan fought the swords pony, who impossibly was skilled enough to keep up with both of them.

Jasmine rolled as the chain swung over her head, "Sombambua, bring him this way!"

I flew toward Jasmine, and called to the Axe-Wielder who was still swinging blindly, "Hey axe guy!  I'm over here!  You're mother drinks corn liquor!" Back then that was a pretty good insult, believe me.

     I regretted jeering at him almost immediately when that axe came dangerously close to my face, but I was still quicker than him.  He Stammered closer as I continued to jeer, and that massive glimmering chain struck him as the pony swung it, wrapping around him several times.  The chain-Wielder tried to untangle his weapon but Jasmine flew close to him, smashing him in the head with the butt of her sword, knocking him out cold.  Her and I grabbed the chain and flew a few more laps around the axe-pony, hopelessly entailing him in it.

"Did I win?" I asked, kissing Jasmine on the nose as the axe-pony fell to the stones.

     Jasmine's eyes grew wide, and she pulled me out of the way as the huge club came smashing down where we where just standing.

"Not yet, my love." She said, holding her sword up defensively, as the club was about to come down again.

     Jasmine had no chance of blocking that club with her short copper sword, lucky Sedeh appeared just in time to absorb the impact with her shield.

"I think I'll handle this one ladies, clubs are my specialty." She said, broad smile on her face.

"Be my guest," I said.

     Sedeh drew her mace, as long as she was with a brass head shaped like a pear, and focussed.  The Gurkha was unimpressed, and lifted his club. . .thinking about it now that club was more like a support beam, like a tree shaved down with a few steel bands to add weight.  Sedeh had no trouble catching it against her Sheild however, only stumbling backwards a few steps before striking back, smashing her mace into the pony's breastplate so hard the armor was dented and deformed.

"Should I like. . .throw something?" I asked, wondering if Sedeh needed help.

"No my dear I think she has things well in hoof." Jasmine replies.

     Then I realized, that blow was NOT absorbed by the armor, the big pony seemed to be struggling to draw a breath.  It seems that despite the armor his entire chest had been crushed.  Undeterred, the pony lifted that club in an attempt to smash Sedeh again, and she bought her own mace up with enough force to shatter that club like glass, splinters and shards of wood flying in every directed like the big beam had exploded.  The club pony drew up a hoof as if he planned to Punch Sedeh. . .for all the good it would do.  Sedeh just swung her mace again agaist his foreleg, and I winced at the sickening crunch of broken bones.

"You wanna see what I can do to your skull?" Sedeh hissed, "Stay down and you'll go home tonight."

    Apedi had unleashed his hawk, Atanen on the trident pony, and the loyal hawk was clawing at his forehead. . .but the trained warrior was unphased, and ignored the blood running into his eyes.  Jasmine and I charged over to help, when we heard a roar and took to flight just in time to avoid the loin's swinging claws.  Bomani saw our plight and rushed to try and attack the Lion's handler, but the lion was to quick and only Bomani's copper shield stopped those jaws from taking a bite out of Bomani's shoulder.

"Somnambula, you have a cat!  Try to negotiate!" Bomani joked as the lion tried to rip the shield from his arm,

"Jepti is a little smaller,"

"But he's just as cranky," Jasmine added.

"Yogesh is the mightiest Lion!" The handler said, cracking a whip over the lion's head, "And you, ender of worlds, are his dinner!"

"I'll warn you, I'm a bit stringy," Bomani roared, barely staying out of the way of the lion's snapping jaws.

     Hisan tried to come and help, but He seemed to be just holding on against the swords pony, until Sedeh joined him, recklessly swinging her mace and making the sword pony back up to avoid being crushed like an egg.  Hisan saw his opportunity and slashed his sword across the sword's ponie's face, and Sedeh finished him with a shattering blow to the ribs that sent the sword pony into a fetal positions, coughing up blood.  He wasn't getting back up.  Hisan and Sedeh Rushed at Bomani to help.

"Yogesh! You Dumb beast, kill the prince!" The handler said, snapping his sword over the lion's head and pulling on the bit in the lion's mouth making the beast Yelp in pain and charge the prince.

    Hisan was  Smart and dove out of the way but Sedeh tried to stand her ground, the Lion swiping at her shield and cutting the soft copper to pieces and shredding Sedeh's foreleg. 

"Sedeh!" Hisan said, eyes wide as he grabbed his vassal and lifted her into the air out of harm's way.

"It's just a scratch, my prince," Sedeh said, wincing as blood dripped off her leg.

"Nonsense, you're hurt.  Jasmine!  See if you can stop the bleeding!" Hisan said setting Sedeh down.

      Apedi was still dealing with the trident wielding pony, swinging his twin daggers and deftly blocking every blow, I shot at him thinking I could help somehow.  I aimed at the trident wielder's back, but he turned so quickly I could barely see the move and the next thing I knew the trident was inches from my face.

"I have no desire to kill a helpless girl," The pony said, "Fly away,"

      Considering that guy seemed to be far far more skilled than the axe pony I backed up, and let him and Apedi continue their duel, with Bomani and Hisan busy with the lion, Sedeh wounded and Jasmine helping her, I was concerned for Apedi's chances.  He was one of the best warriors in the kingdom but this trident guy seemed like one of the best the Baratas had to offer.  If I got involved he could kill me as easy as thinking about it, What to do? Then I heard the lion Yelp again, And that cruel whip crack.  I realized that the lion. . .Yogesh was just like he conscripts, it didn't want to be here either!  I saw the lion's jaws as the snapped at Bomani and noticed how raw and bloody the corners of the lion's mouth was from that terrible bit.  If there's one thing that Apedi hated with a burning hot passion was ponies who where cruel to animals.

"Apedi!  That lion!  He needs your help!" I shouted. 

     Just in time the Lion yelped in pain again from a whip crack, and Apedi's eyes where like fire.   Now, he was going to start kicking ass, but I wasn't quite sure how he'd do it.  How he close to do it, surprised me.  When the trident next tried to stab him instead of deflecting it completely, Apedi just nudged it away from his exposed neck, and allowed the powerful blow strike his bronze breastplate.  Apedi winced as the tips of the trident cut him, but the Gurkha couldn't pull his trident free.  Apedi quickly used his daggers to chop the wooden trident in three peices and sank the dagger into the Gurka's neck. 

     He didn't charge the handler as I thought he would.  Apedi just growled.  I thought it was becuase he was mad, but then I saw the lion turn, and realized he was talking to it.  The Lion turned, slowly and calmly walking toward Apedi who in turn walked to meet it.  The Lion's handler pulled on the bit, and the lion stopped and wined in pain.

"He dousn't like that," Apedi growled at the handler.

"Attack him you Stupid BEAST!" The Handler said, an tried to crack his whip again but Apedi caught it.

"Do you know what a spade bit does to a creature?" Apedi snarled,

"I don't care!" The handler said tugging on his whip.

     Apedi yanked the whip out of the Handler's grip and swing it back at him, and I winced as I saw the rawhide whip had ripped out one the the Hander's eyes, and the Gurkha fell to the ground, roaring in pain and frustration. Apedi dropped the whip and removed the cruel bit from the lion's mouth.

"There you go, you poor thing." Apedia said, "I swear as long as I live, no one will ever do that to you again, you're safe now."

    I thought it was over, but Apedi was pissed off, and he stomped to the whaling Gurkha on the ground, put the bit in his mouth and pulled it so hard I was worried it would cut his head in half.  Blood rand down the Gurkha's neck as he roared in pain.

"You DO NOT use a spade bit!" Apedi roared, "Do you SEE how cruel it is? Do you feel helpless? You bastard, torturing a beloved creature!  You're going to die in pain for what you did!"

    The Lion, Yagesh snuggled up to Apedi, gently purring to try and calm him.  It set one of it's massive paws on Apedi, trying to calm him. Apedi seemed to relax, letting the Halndler go and hugging the great Lion. 

"Good! Very very good!" Zion said As the warriors surrounding him cheered.  "You have survived the trial! Even your nobles have bravely stood against my greatest warriors! Oh the war to come will be spoken of throughout history!"

"You forgot our agreement!" Prince Hisan shouted, "I told you, you're next!"

Zion laughed, "Please, my dear Prince Hisan.  I have no intention of slaughtering you here, much better to do so on a battlefield!"

"Look at your men, Zion.  Look at mine, blood has been shed.  This is a battlefield." Hisan said, "And If we could settle this with two sword instead of thousands."

"No, run back to your kingdom, Prince." Zion said, looking a bit miffed. "Your business here is done.  Run home and enjoy the last days of your life of leisure."

Hisan turned to the crowd, "You see? He sends you to die!  But he's too much of a coward to face the sword himself!"

      Wow, THAT made Zion mad.  The Earth pony leapt high into the air, slamming down into the stones so hard It shook.  One thing I didn't notice from a distance: he was BIG, one of the biggest ponies I've ever seen. 

"If you want a duel, dear prince," Zion said, his voice quivering with anger, "Then you will have it.  You and me, prepare!"

As Zion walked to his Gurkhas to don his chosen weapons, Bomani quickly pulled Prince Hisan aside, using a hushed tone only he could use with royalty,

"Hisan, are you insane? That's the lord of the Gurkhas!  I'm not even sure if I could kill him in a one on one duel!"

"Well, it's what's going to happen." Hisan said, resigned. "Any advice?"

"Fly away, as fast as you can." Bomani said, and I wasn't sure if he was joking.

HIsan smirked, "I don't think that's an option,"

Bomani nodded, "I guess not." He said "Look, Zion is an earth Pony, that means he's strong so don't let him grab you, he'll crush every bone in your body.  He'll tire easier than you, so keep moving.  And. . .my friend, don't die.  Fight dirty if you have to, remember the ways of the Method.  KNow that your kingdom needs you, and I also need my friend."

"And we need you too," Jasmine said, standing to give Hisan a kiss on the cheek.

I kissed him on the lips, tenderly, hoping to give him something to fight for.  "Survive for all of us," I said, and I didn't lie when I said what I said next. "I love you, Hisan."

     Hisan smiled, and I saw that love in his eyes, I had to admit that seeing him willing to put his life on the Line for his kingdom, see him rescue Sedeh instead of protecting himself, made me think I could marry him.  What I time to feel conflicted, am I right?

Bomani looked at Hisan, "Well, I'm not going to kiss you, but good luck."

Hisan handed me a bundle of clanking weapons, "Somnambula, my love, will you hold my weapons?"

"Sure, wait. . .what does that mean?"

"Just toss them to me when I call for them," Hisan said pulling a short spear of solid bronze from the pack and a few javelins that he tucked behind his shield.

     I unrolled the bundle to see dozens of weapons, long ones, short ones, curved ones, Ones that I wasn't even sure how a pony could hold without hurting themselves. 

"Geeze, Hisan how many weapons do you need?" I asked with a laugh,

"Just enough to kill Zion," Hisan said with a wink and he fitted his bronze helmet and went into the circle to join Zion. 

"No mercy," Zion growled, "One of us walks away, the other dies."

"If that's how you want it, Murderer." Hisan said. "Look to the skies, take in their beauty one last time.  You won't see it again."

      I guess Zion was sick of talking, because he drew out his sword and worldlessly stared at Hisan.  This wasn't a normal sword, it was . . .floppy for lack of a better term.  Zion spun it above his head like a rope and when the momentum stopped it curled back up into a tiny circle.  I had no idea how that was a weapon, it looked more like a streamer children ran around with on windy days.  Zion and Hisan circled, that strange metal ribbon making whistling noises as Zion swung it.

     Prince Hisan struck first, taking one of the needle-like javelins and hurling it at Zion who deftly swatted it out of the air with his ribbon-sword.  Another javelin, Zion just swaying out of it's way this time with unexpected grace.  Zion pulled out a metal ring. . .I would later learn these where called Chakram, and spun it around his free hoof, hurling it at Hisan.  My Prince let the sharp metal ring reflect off his shield, spinning into the air. 

"Come closer dear prince," Zion said, now grinning with the thrill of combat. "So I can feel your last breath escape."

     Hisan threw another javelin, More to distract than kill and dove in with his heavy spear, Zion side-stepping the blow with practiced ease.

"A mighty thrust!" Zion complimented, "But a spear in the air never cuts the flesh."

"Will you slay me with words?" Hisan taunted, "That would be a mighty feat."

     I knew Prince Hisan very well, and he wasn't the type to toss around insults.  His taunts where tactical, he wanted to keep Zion mad.  Angry ponies didn't think clearly, and the last thing Hisan wanted was that big bloodthirsty Gurkha carefully planning how to kill him.  Zion took the bait, swinging that ribbon sword at Hisan who blocked it with his shield easily.  I was just wondering what that pointless toy was supposed to do when I saw it curl around Hisan's shield and strike his back, slicing into his flesh, spilling royal blood onto the cement.

"Hisan, no!" I shouted,

"He'll be fine," Bomani said, "Those are shallow cuts, he dousn't even feel them."

"What if it gets around his neck?" I lamented,

"My love, trust Hisan." Jasmine said,

"But. . .he can't-"

"My love, hold on to hope." Jasmine said.

     I calmed, even though after a few more strikes from that ribbon sword Hisan's back looked like ground fish, red and running with blood.  Bomani was right though, Hisan didn't react to the cuts.  They must have hurt like crazy, but Hisan didn't flinch.  He kept blocking, kept taking the blows, I think he was forming a plan. Then, I was proven right.  The next time the metal ribbon came around Hisan slammed his heavy shield down on top of it, trapping it.  Hisan charged, leaping high and brining his spear down and it stuck into Zion's back, but the big pony threw him aside, the spear in his back not seeming to bother him.

"Somnambula! The Kopiss!"

I looked down at the weapons, "Which one is that?"

"The crescent shaped blade!" Hisan shouted.

     I tossed him the blade, and just as Zion charged him Hisan brought the curved blade down on his shoulder, the blade sank into Zion's thick flesh and stuck.  Zion kicked Hisan backwards before he could retrieve his sword.

"The Axe!"

I knew what that was, but there looked to be about five axes so I just picked out a nasty-looking hatchet and Tossed it. Hisan caught it and hacked it into Zion, and again the big pony didn't react, grabbing Hisan in a headlock, trying to choke him.

"The. . .long dagger, the thin one!" Hisan choked, "Then. . .the long sword,"

I was confused as to why Hisan was planning ahead how, but I did as he asked. Hisan caught the thin dagger and stabbed it blindly over his shoulder, the thin blade sliding into Zion's forehead, just below the armor of Zion's helmet. The Big earth pony stumbled back, twitiching and shaking, his eyes vacant. I was so stunned at how quickly he lost, I almost forgot to toss Hisan the long sword. When Hisan caught it, he took one mighty swing, and Zion's head rolled across the stone floor. There was silence for the long moment after that, the cheers and jeers of the Gurkhas stopped immediately, and all that could be heard in the galleria was the hoof steps of Hisan as he picked up Zion's disembodied head and held it to the Gurkhas.

"Baratas! This pony was my enemy, and he was your enemy! He killed your leaders! He starved your people!" HIsan shouted. "You, are my allies. My army outside this city will help any of you in need of aid, we have food, water and doctors. Zion is dead, let that be heard throughout the land! The Baratas are free!"


Later, Jasmine was tending to Hisan's wounds In Dew Drop's palace. He'd insisted he didn't want to stop to rest until he was sure each one of the conscripts where fed and cared for, but the sight of his ripped up back was scaring the children so Jasmine finally convinced him to take a break and let her treat his wounds. I was busy with those poor conscripts, trying to hide my worry about Hisan. I'm ashamed to say I kissed him again before he went to get washed up. He was more handsome to me as a brave warrior prince than he ever was as a womanizing prince. I was honestly conflicted, I loved Jasmine so much, but Hisan. . .I could see him as a husband.

Jasmine poured warm water over Hisan's back to wash his shallow wounds, blood all over the white Quartz floor. Jasmine tenderly wrapped soaked gauze over the clean wounds, the hard medicine making him wince.

"Hisan, how is it you can be sliced across the back like that and not flinch but a little iodine makes you wince?"

Hisan laughed, "I'm not immune to pain, I just don't react to it in combat."

"I understand." Jasmine said, carefully wrapping the bandages. "That was a very brave thing you did, Fighting Zion. You may have saved us from war."

"Thank you Jasmine." Hisan said, smiling shallowly. "You and Somnambula where very brave, you stood by me in combat, you two make a good team."

Jasmine smiled her perfect smile, "I'd like to think so." She said with love.

Hisan was quiet for a while, "Jasmine, I see you bought those pearls, are they for Somnambula?"

Jasmine blushed, "Yes it is, my prince."

Hisan's face seemed to drop, his smile weaken. "Jasmine, what is you intentions with Somnambula?" He asked plainly.

Jasmine stopped working for a brief moment, "Hisan, it's for her, she loves pearls."

"I'll ask you again, Jasmine and I want an honest answer." Hisan said in a commanding voice. "What is your intentions with Somnambula?"

Jasmine looked directly into the Prince's eyes, "I think you know already." She replied. "I intend to ask her to marry me."

"My Marefriend? My special somepony?" Hisan demanded, "Is it the practice of temple wardens to steal a mare out from under their best friend?"

Jasmine never got angry, but I think in that moment she was close as she ever got. "Hisan, Somnambla is not a plot of land or the last slice of honey bread, she is a living, breathing adult woman! She can choose who she wants and I will honor her choice, so should you."

Hisan calmed, but as he sat there was still a scowl on his face, "You speak as if you know who she will chose." He said. "If she chose me, how would you feel?"

Jasmine paused, "I would be . . .happy for her, and for you."

Hisan scoffed, "I know that, but how else would you feel? Be honest with me Jasmine, you owe me that."

Jasmine realized what Hisan was getting at. "I would be heartbroken." She said. "I love her with all my heart, I will never love another, she completes me."

"And. . . I could never forgive myself for doing that." Hisan admitted. "I love your optimism Jasmine, I truly do. However you must realize that some things can have no silver lining. However this turns out, whomever Somnambula chooses one of us will be eternally happy, and one will be heartbroken."

"I understand that my prince," Jasmine said wrapping an outer bandage over Hisan's wounds. "I just. . .don't understand how both of us loving her is a bad thing."

"I don't think it is." Hisan agreed. "But, the method has taught me, that when something you must do cases you pain, don't let the pain control your actions. Do what you must do for the greater good."

"For Somnambula, I'd do anything." Jasmine said, "Even stand beside her, as she marries another. It would be painful, but still there would be happiness."

Hisan nodded, a tear forming in his eye. "I appreciate that Jasine, I really do. So what I'm about to say, might come as a surprise." He said. "Ask her to marry you, and when she says yes, you promise me you'll spend the rest of your life, making her the happiest mare in the kingdom."


"Yes." Hisan said. "I know she feels for me too, but you belong together, and I can't stand the thought of coming between that. It will no be easy, but for her I would do this."

"What if she says no?"

Hisan laughed though his tears, "Well, polygamy is still legal, I could just marry you both of you and you two can have a torrid affair behind my back."

Jasmine laughed heartily, "You know, that wouldn't be so bad," she said, "Even sounds kinda sexy,"

"And maybe I'd have the option to join you two on occasion," Hisan joked.

"Oooh, it just got sexier," Jasmine laughed, "But. . .seriously Hisan. No matter what, you and I will always be friends, and I will always love you."

"I love you too, my friend."


Bomani was quite a pony, I tried my best to keep up with him as he supervised the forces to help the starving conscripts but after eight straight hours of pulling wagons of supplies and carrying cisterns of water from the river, I had to head up to palace to get some sleep. Bomani had fought a battle that included a gigantic lion but he was showing no sign of stopping when I wished him a good night he was supervising the medics, who were treating hundreds of young Baratas who were suffering from dehydration. It must have been late when I got back to the palace, the servants had lit the oil lamps lining the white marble halls. Jasmine told me she'd be treating Hisan in the guest quarters of the palace. This was Dew Drop's palace, and she was dead now, I wondered who would take charge here now, who were all these servants serving? Who was going to lead the city now? What would become of Panampen when we left? Would there be new elections? THe Baratas had almost no leaders left. . .it may be turbulent times for them.

When I got to the quarters, I saw the exhausted Jasmine and the wounded Prince Hisan laying together in the expansive four-post bed. Hisan was awake, and cradling the sleeping Jasmine. He motioned for me to be quiet, and I realized Jasmine hadn't had much sleep on the trip here, she must had been even more exhausted than me. I didn't say a word, I wiggled under the covers and slid up between Hisan and Jasmine, doing my best to snuggle up to them both. I cradled Jasmine, as Hisan held me, and soon found myself asleep in that tender embrace.

I don't remember my dreams very well, I just remember flashes. I remembered being torn in my dream between loving the most lovely mare in the kingdom, and the most handsome stallion I ever knew. I could feel both of them, and I knew as much as I liked being in the middle of this pony sandwich, it was a short term solution. When finally Awoke I was surprised by a very rare sight indeed; a slumbering Bomani in a chair next to the bed. I swear I hadn't seen him sleeping in years. Hisan was already awake, I knew this because he was gone, and Jasmine was sitting quietly by a window, watching the dawn. I trotted to her, giving her a tender kiss.

"Look," Jasmine said pointing, "The southern cross is still visible with the second light of dawn,"

"Really?" I asked groggily, "What does that mean?"

"It means somepony will receive joyous news," Jasmine said, a hint of nervousness in her voice. "Judging by the violet in the dawn, it will regard love."

"Well, that's good." I said with a giggle.

"It can also mean difficult news," Jasmine said, "Not bad news. . .just hard to take. I'm honestly not sure, I've never seen these signs before."

We heard Bomani moan, waving a hoof at us and rolling over so he didn't face us.

"We'd better leave him to his rest," Jasmine said. "Poor Bomani is good at most things, but not getting good sleep."

We puffed up a pillow and stuffed it under Bomani's head, pulling one of the silk blankets up over him and stepped to the dining room where the servants brought us a morning meal. Baratan food was a little spicy, but it was a nice change. The entire time We ate Jasmine and I talked about mundane things, taking a break from the excitement of our quest.

"My love, I think I should assist the medics." Jasmine said as we finished the meal. "I think Hisan is gathering what is left of the tribal governments, to figure out who will be in charge."

I nodded, "I should help."

"That's why the prince brought you." Jasmine admitted. "Somnambula, I have something important to ask you you. . .tonight. If you will meet me near the date palms at the square."

My heart thumped, "Sure," I squeaked as Jasmine gave me a kiss and flew off toward the medical tents.

I must had had the biggest, stupidest smile on my face as I walked down the street. . .the stars was aligned for love and Jasmine needed to "Ask me Something" What else could that possibly mean but her asking me to marry her? I imagined that first kiss of our engagement, telling my father, going to the seamstress for my wedding dress!

Then, amidst my joy I thought of Hisan. I thought of how he would feel when the news came to him, I could almost hear his heart break. Then I wondered how we'd go about breaking off the courtship, every noble in the kingdom had gotten used to seeing the two of us together, what would they think? I had to admit I felt a sense of loss when I thought of not going out with him anymore. No more picnics, or social events. I realized I'd miss the feeling of his kiss. . . Jasmine would understand if I wanted to wait, right?

How in the world could I sort this out? I loved them both! I had no idea of what my next move should be, I was totally lost! Then I realized. . .I really was lost! I hadn't been paying attention to where I was walking as I thought about all the goings on, and currently I was headed down some dark alley. A local child, a short earth pony in a huge white turban held my shoulder.

"Miss, you don't want to go down there," The child said. "A unicorn witch lives there, she turns ponies into frogs!"

"Wha- really?" I asked, the strangeness of the situation snapping me out of my musing.

"Yes, she's a fortune teller, but not many ponies are brave enough to see her for guidance."

Back then, unicorns where somewhere between a rumor and a myth in southern Equestria. They seemed to exist nowhere but in fairy tales. I had things to do, but I'd be no good to Hisan if I came to the meetings as flustered as I was then. Perhaps a little adventure would clear my head, and if this unicorn was a fortune teller maybe she could help out.

Down the alley there as just one door, a crystal ball carved into a wooden sign by the door, and I pushed it open. Behind the door was a simple stone room, shelves all around filled with books, scroll and what I assumed was magical trinkets. There was a few rough wooden stools and tables. Then I spotted the unicorn, a real unicorn! I don't need to tell you, that the white coated unicorn with the tri-colored mane I saw in the shop was the most beautiful unicorn I'd ever seen. She was real, horn and all! The unicorn smiled at me pleasantly, as if she was expecting me.

"Hello," She said breathily,

"Hi, I'm Somnambula," I said quietly.

"Don't be shy, I'm not going to turn you into a frog."


"I mean you cast a transmutation spell on ONE crooked sheriff and you wind up with a reputation!" She said.

"What can I call you?"

"I am the wind, I am the stars, I am the earth. I came to commune with the realm, and learn it's secrets," The unicorn was interrupted by a frog jumping access the floor in front of her. "Don't worry, that's nopony important,"

I wasn't sure if she was joking, but I still laughed. "I heard you're a Fortune teller,"

The unicorn grinned, "Oh yeah! I can do that!" She said, as if she'd just remembered.

The Unicorn set out a seat for me, a small wood end stool and patted it so I would set down. I watched her retrieve an oak box off a shelf, and from it levitating a smooth crystal ball. . . I'd never seen a pony levitate anything before, that alone was worth the detour. She put both forehooves onto the table.

"Now hold my hooves," The unicorn said.

I gently took her hooves, "Is this for. . .psychic energy or something?"

"No," The unicorn said with a smile as she tenderly stroked my forelegs. "Mm, you must take milk baths, your coat is so soft!"

I blushed and pulled my hooves back, "Aren't you a sweet talker."

The unicorn giggled, "Okay, all fun aside readings are one copper,"

"That's pretty reasonable for seeing the future," I said, pushing the coin across the table.

The unicorn bit it, and levitated it into a clay pot on the shelf. "So, what do you wish for me to see when you gaze into the ball? Certainly you aren't in need of Beauty tips."

I giggled, "Well. . . I'm in a bit of a spot. I'm in love with a mare, and In love with a stallion. I don't know how to deal with two ponies wanting me at once."

"Well. . .three now that I've met you," The Unicorn said with a wink.

I blushed again, this unicorn was a flirt.

"It's just. . .If I choose one I break the other's heart," I lamented. "It's a bit of a pickle,"

"Well, it sounds like it." The Unicorn agreed, gazing into the ball, "I can see you clearly love both of them. . . If you have a token of them I can look into them."

I thought, and realized Hisan gave me the broach I was wearing and put it on the table.

The Unicorn waved her hooves over the crystal ball, and I could swear as she did it her eyes change colors for a brief second.

"Ahh, he is of royal blood, an important, brave stallion," She said, distantly. "He loves you, so much, he would spend the rest of his life using all his riches to give you happiness, but there would always be something he could never give you."

"So. . .don't marry him?"

"He would make you happy, he would do his best." The unicorn said, not quite answering my question. "Do you have a token of the other?"

I picked out the dried flower Jasmine gave me and gently set it on the table.

"Oh my," The Unicorn breathed, "By the sun, I've seldom felt a love so pure, so deep as her love,"

"That's Jasmine," I said with a warm smile.

"Yes, the other will make you happy but this one. . . With her is joy eternal. . .for not just you but for all," The Unicorn's eyes turned dark, "But with it is suffering, pain like a scarcely know how to describe,"

"How can it be both?"

The Unicorn shook her head, "I'm not sure, I don't know how this can be, but with her I see so much joy, and so much pain."

"What should I do? Should I marry her?"

The Unicorn looked up at me, tears running down her cheeks, "You love her so much, you have already decided." She said.

At that moment I had no idea why she was crying, but I felt the need to comfort her. I touched shoulder, and she seemed to collect herself.

"Somnambula, I will say this. . .you fret over an abundance most would wish to have, so many ponies love you, and far more will in the future. And while the future is dark, I see great victories, wonderful times ahead among the darkness. You will not just endure Somnambula, you will thrive."

I smiled, "Thank you." I said, "I'm actually on the way to a meeting of elders, I'd better go."

"Of course." The Unicorn said. "I will see you again."

I stepped back into the street, mind far more clear than it was before. I still felt uneasy about how Hisan would feel, but I knew what I had to do. Then, I realized I left the flower and my brooch in the the shop and realized what the unicorn said was right. . . She WOULD see me again! She was good at what she did all right!

I turned back around and pushed open the door. . .but I was stunned at what I saw. . .no more was the room full of books and artifacts, but brick ovens, and ponies kneading dough on wooden benches. The floor was covered with flour and sesame seeds, and the ponies working on their dough gave me curious looks.

"Where's the unicorn?" I asked,

"Just bread here, My lady." One of the bakers replied.

And as I turned to the door, neatly set on the shelf next to a jar of honey, the flower and the broach along with a small parchment note that simply read: "love her, cherish every day." I nodded, and decided I liked that advice, that's just what I would do.


Prince Hisan and Bomani where quite right about the Baratas, they where no fan of Zion. He demanded loyalty from them, and those who didn't train he'd starve. Some of the conscripts where so starved Jasmine and the rest of the medics had to mash rice into a paste and give it to them a spoonful at a time, as solid food could have killed them. Zion had killed all the tribal leaders except for his loyal officers. . .luckily they where the six we where fighting. ALl of them where either dead or so maimed they where no threat.

Hisan and I spend the entire day with the conscripts, many of them no more than teenagers, they where so sick and hungry they didn't even know how they'd get him. The leadership of Panampen soon came out of Hiding when word go out that Zion was dead and while Hisan and I tried our best, they didn't want to allow any of the Kingdom citizens back into Panampen just yet. There where a lot of ponies who agreed with Zion's philosophies and the counsel was reluctant to have a whole bunch of Pegasi come storming back into the city before things calmed down. The Noble's and the merchants wouldn't be happy that their operations here would be on hold, but it was for the best. Things would be shaky with the Baratas for a while but at least there wasn't a war.

We'd just said our good evenings to the counsel and the conscripts, feeling the cold breeze of the dessert night just before the sun dipped low in the sky. We paused at the square, where the date palms where, Hisan just stood by me, taking a brief moment to take in the sky.

"Well, quite a day." Hisan said. "I'm glad you where there, Somnambla."

"Oh, I don't know I did that much."

"Nonsense." Hisan said, dissuasively. "Due to my military history, ponies often find me intimidating. I rarely get anypony to open up, but you have genuine compassion, and caring and ponies see that."

"Aww, you really think so?"

Hisan turned to me and smiled. "It's true Somnambula, it's very true. You are so warm and caring, it's why I love you. For how you seem to light up every room you come into, for how when I'm with you I feel like I can do anything. You are a special Mare, and you've made me very happy."

I gave Hisan a curious look, he was speaking in past tense, did he know about Jasmine coming here?

Then, before I could say a thing Hisan started walking back to the palace, I went to follow and he looked back at me, eyes bearing a kind of sadness.

"I think, It's time to put an end to our-" His voice became weak and distant, interrupted by a sharp breath that was holding back a sob. "Our courtship. I will inform the court when we return, it's been wonderful, I will always love you."

Before I could ask him why he was saying such things. . . I saw Jasmine enter the square, looking at me though soft eyes. Then I realized, Hisan did know, he must have known. Hisan wanted to take the conflict from my mind, get out of Jasmine's way as much has it caused him pain. He really was a sweet guy.

"Somnambula, you came." Jasmine said, breathily.

"Of course I did," I said, giving Jasmine a tender kiss. "How did things go with the medics?"

"Just fine," Jasmine said, "There's some of the conscripts who will need some time to recover but they'll be just fine. How was the summit?"

I nodded, "Good." I admitted. "There's going to be a lot to work out, but the Baratas are our allies again."

"Wonderful." Jasmine said, nodding. "My love, I'm going to be honest with you. . .I'm very nervous."

I giggled, "Don't be nervous, you're with me."

Jasmine smiled, Holding my hoof, "Yes, and being with you is all I want." She said. "You are . . .will be the mare I love. I can imagine no other life, but a life with you."

Jasmine produced a string of glittering pearls and hung then around my neck, now I was nervous to.

"I offer you this, Somnambula Daughter of Zaan, as a promise." Jasmine said, "If you choose to accept it, you and I will be married."

I shivered with excitement, held Jasmine close and kissed her tenderly. "My love, I accept your gift, and I would be honored to marry you."

And, on that cold dessert evening Jasmine and I became engaged, and it was the beginning of the happiest days of my life. From Panampen, we traveled back home and as promised Hisan announced the congenial end of our courtship, and Jasmine and I met with my parents to give them the good news.

I wasn't so worried about Daddy, but I was a little concerned with Mom. Where I thought she'd be a bit crass toward Jasmine for stealing me away from a rich prince, but I shouldn't have underestimated her. My mother cried with joy, holding Jasmine and declaring her excitement at having a new daughter. Then, she started intricately planning what the two of us would WEAR at the wedding. I think Mom was more interested in how beautiful we'd both look than any other aspect of the ceremony.

Of course, this was not easy on Hisan. Though he hid it well, informing his father himself and the Pharaoh sent us wine and dates as an engagement gift, Hisan himself sending fine pottery for our future home. I couldn't help but notice, he didn't come to deliver these himself. He was in a lot of pain, and I later learned how his best friend Bomani helped him through that pain. . .he took Hisan to a brothel.


"The Shining world" was the name of our cities brother, and naturally Hisan had never been there, but when Bomani led him to the unassuming stone building he was surprised at how close it was to the Palace. Of course being a brothel, where ponies came to forget their troubles and enjoy a little harmless pampering it was a place to go alone, and anonymously. So naturally there where no signs. To keep rumors from circling, HIsan was wearing none of his royal vestments, and was wearing a simple hooded robe.

The first thing that struck Hisan was that he didn't see any other customers, it was only him and Bomani as they walked to the beautiful veiled mare next to the narrow door. Immediately the mare bowed when she saw the prince, recognizing him.

"My Prince!" She breathed, "You honor me,"

"Etta, relax!" Bomani said, helping the mare up. "This isn't prince Hisan, It's my good friend Ephram, the grain merchant!"

The Mare looked, "Oh, I see." She said. "Well then Welcome to the Shining world, Ephram, seller of grain. Great Bomani, would you and your friend like to be serviced today?"

"No, just a hot bath and a shampoo." Bomani said. "we need but to relax."

"Of course, follow me."

Entering the building the two where lead through winding corridors, like a maze. Hisan realized that the building must have been constructed to keep customers from seeing one another.

"She believed your lie about me being a merchant pretty easily," Hisan observed.

"That's just the standard fake name ponies use when they want to be treated like a normal, average pony and not a noble, or a prince." Bomani admitted. "I've been Ephram a few times. It's quite refreshing to just being a boring pony."

"I see," Hisan said. "And they won't be offended I don't want. . .service?"

Bomani laughed, "No, this place isn't as salacious as people make it out to be." He said. "Most ponies just come here to relax and soak in a hot bath, or listen to soft music. It's more about luxury than sex."

The two were led into a candlelit room where a sizable raised pool stood over a smoldering fire, warming the water. Several beautiful mares sat at the side of the bath, playing harps and flutes softy, Bomani took the lead, slipping off his armor and clothing and slipping into the hot tub with a relieving sigh. He motioned for Hisan to join him, and the Prince followed suit, finding the warm water carried away quite a bit of tightness in his muscles. Even Prince Hisan rarely had a bath, with water an important commodity in the kingdom almost everyone just scrubbed up with a sponge and a bowl. A hot bath was a decadent luxury indeed.

"Ahh, now isn't this nice?" Bomani asked.

"I can't help but think I'm in a In a gigantic stew pot," Hisan laughed, "but it is very nice."

A mare sat next to the bath with a serving platter of sliced pineapple, "May I serve you?" She asked sweetly.

Hisan's eyes grew wide, "No, Maddame that won't be necessary," He said, blushing.

"She means the fruit," Bomani laughed,

"Oh, I'm sorry," Hisan said, "That would be delightful, thank you."

The Mare just smiled, not seeming to mind the implication as she tenderly fed the fruit to Hisan.

"My friend, you don't need to worry. This place isn't as scandalous as you might think, actually it's all rather innocent."

Just as Bomani finished his proclamation, a sizable earth pony stallion entered the room, twice the size of Bomani with unshorn fetlocks and sizable muscles. He rubbed Bomani's shoulders a bit to rough to be called "gently" and grinned a seductive grin.

"Mmm, my pretty little mare as come back to me," The Stallion said in a deep, commanding voice. "How I've missed the way you satisfy me,"

Bomani blushed as Hisan held back laughter.

"Innocent?" Hisan asked with a chuckle.

"Oh my little mare is anything but Innocent," The Stallion said seductively.

"Not today, Millstone." Bomani said To the big stallion. "I'm entertaining a friend."

"Lucky Friend," The Stallion pouted, as he left. "I guess I must endure another cold night without you. Call me if there is anything you need."

Hisan smiled knowingly at his friend, "Well, quite an interesting choice of companions. . .my little mare."

Bomani chuckled nervously, not responding as he dipped his head under the water.

"This trip was worth it just to learn that little bit of trivia," Hisan teased.

Bomani popped his head back up, claiming some pineapple from the serving mare and sneering.

"It's not as if I judge you, I just never thought you the type."

"Well, I'm usually not." Bomani said, clearly embarrassed. "Understand, my prince that when I am with a mare, she knows I am a warrior, a man of strength, she expects me to- how can I put this politely?"

"Take charge?" Hisan offered.

"Exactly, and usually I don't mind." Bomani said, "But, sometimes it's nice for another pony to be . . . the aggressor. If that makes any sense."

Hisan nodded, "Millstone seems very aggressive."

Bomani chuckled shyly. "He really is." He admitted. "But enough about me, this trip is for you."

Hisan sighed, "Well, I thank you for that my friend. It's good to know you think of me. . .but I honestly don't know if this is going to make me feel better. I doubt I will feel better for quite some time."

"You really do love her,"

"I do."

"I was in love once, My prince." Bomani said, leaning back in the steaming water.

"Who, MIllstone?"

Bomani sneered, "No, I refer to Miriam."

"The one from the vineyard? Hisan asked. "I know we spent time in school together but I didn't know you where aquatinted,"

Bomani nodded, "We where." He said. "All through school, and after school for a few years. Her father wouldn't agree to a courtship, since my family is common born but we still saw one another. Those where the happiest days I can remember. We'd sip the new wine in the cat tails near the river and just. . .lie there until the sun came up. I could talk to Miriam about anything, and I did. She made me feel alive, I loved her so much."

"You never told me about her,"

"Well, it ended badly." Bomani lamented. "She is staunchly against war, and violence. She never even ate fish, she said she couldn't abide taking a life. This when I was just starting to get my reputation, I'd already fought the Black Claws. She tried to deal with it, but I could tell it tore her up inside to know I hurt others. So I told her I'd go back to my family's mines, give up the sword and ask her to marry me."

"You where willing to do that for her?"

"I was willing, but I wasn't able." Bomani admitted. "That was when you asked me to join your personal guard, and I that I could not turn down. I had a futile hope Miriam would understand, that maybe she'd be okay with it because I was protecting instead of attacking. In the end she called it off. We havn't spoken since."

"I'm sorry,"

Bomani shrugged, "Don't be." He said. "It's as it should be, you see Hisan, I was born a warrior, and she was born a pacifist. I couldn't deny who I was, neither could she. Somnambula and Jasmine are in love, can't deny that."

"I realize that, What's the point?"

"I don't know, I just thought it might help to know I'm right there with you, my friend." Bomani said.

"Well, how do you deal with it? How did you get over Miriam?"

Bomani sighed as the mare served him another slice of pineapple, "That's the worst part my Prince, I'm not over her. I'm just used to not being over her." He laughed.

"Again, not helpful."

Just then a veiled white unicorn entered with two tabs of soap and a wash bowl, sitting down near Hisan, gently setting his mane in the bowl of warm water and gently shampooing his mane.

"I'm a mane therapist, and I can tell you carry a lot of stress in here." The unicorn said.

"Matters of love," Bomani explained.

"Ooh, poor thing." The unicorn said, reaching up to wash Hisan's beard with the suds from his mane. "You must have loved her very much."

"I did." Hisan said, relaxing at the Mare's attention. "She was one in a million."

"It must be so sad, to love a mare so much and not have the feeling returned." The Unicorn said rinsing the soap from Hisan's mane and beard.

"Well, she does love him," Bomani offered.

"Oh, I see." The Unicorn said, moving on to Bomani's mane, massaging it gently. "It must be even harder to be in love and never see her again."

"Well, I will see her again, We work together, she's just marrying another."

"Oh, she's being forced to marry some fat, ugly noble or cruel merchant Baron, so sad."

"No, you have it all wrong," Bomani laughed as he relaxed into the mane massage, "Somnambula is marrying Jasmine, His- that is Ephram here, really cares for them both and he stepped aside so they could be happy."

"Oh I see, that's so wonderful!" The Unicorn said happily as she rinsed Bomani's mane, "So Ephram bravely stepped aside becuase he cares so much for his friends and now two ponies who are in love can be together."

"You know, when it's put like that it doesn't seem so bad," Hisan said, reflecting. "I'd much rather be with her, but I think we're in the best of all situations,"

"I suppose we are." Bomani admitted, he turned to the unicorn, squinting. "My dear, I don't recognize you, did you just start working here?"

The Unicorn giggled as she leaned in and kissed Bomani gently on the lips, "I don't work here!" She said, and without further explanation she left the two stallions to their bath.


Neither Jasmine, nor I had any desire for the grand weddings that where so common in the kingdom. The idea of thousands of ponies who barely knew us milling about, using our wedding as some kind of social gathering bothered me. My mother was reluctant, as was Jasmine's but they trusted our wishes and only invited a few to our special day. Since the Pharaoh and the Prince where invited, we practically had to keep the date of the wedding secret so jet-setting nobles didn't crash the party.

We had our wedding three days before offering day, with only a few dozen close freinds and family invited. We bowed and drank from the same wine, spoke the rites of marriage and then I was Jasmine's wife. Even though the wedding was small, the celebration was large. We opened the good barrels, music played, and I danced with Jasmine for the first time as her wife. There was so much joy that day, in that moment that I still feel whenever I think of Jasmine.

I remember every moment of that day, the Pharaoh congratulating us, Hisan hugging us both, Apedi setting Atanen on my shoulder so I could feed him, Sedeh getting far to drunk on the wedding wine and smashing pumpkins with her mace to the delight of all. Bomani, singing along with the musicians. If Bomani never became a warrior, he could have been a singer. He truly had the voice of an angel. The song he chose was a bit sad, as beautiful as it was.

"Love is madness, and Quick to burn, lying in the Embers, is where we are. If if my promise, is unreturned, before the day is over, I will Depart."

I don't think he was singing it for Jasmine and I, I think he was singing it for Hisan.

"If I'd chose, I'd have you stay, but I gave my heart to you and it's yours to break,"

As we danced, I saw Hisan looking at us joyfully, and somehow sorrowful at once. I saw him take a long drink from his goblet, and somewhere during that sad song his mood improved. He walked up to Jasmine and hugged us both at once, without words. In that embrace, I think Hisan finally let me go.

Our wedding was only a few months after Panampen, but my family had just enough time to prepare our dowery. Father gave us twenty acres of the family land, and all our friends had chipped in to build us a house, Jepti had even made himself at home, already claiming a comfortable spot by the window when we arrived. I walked though those doors for the first time with my wife, Which was a feeling beyond joy. We looked upon our comfortable sitting room with a handsome fireplace, the kitchen with it's clay stove, the bedroom with it's large oak bed. We walked to the small pond on our land, and together saw the sun set over the fields of our new home.

"This is so amazing," I said, petting Jepti who had come outside to rest on my lap. "We're going to live here,"

Jasmine nodded, resting her head on my shoulder. "Oh yes, we'll have so many memories here," She said. "You'll come home after a long day on the hives, and I'll have your dinner ready. I'll make fresh bread in our oven, fry fish in the fireplace, and after dinner we'll sit out here and watch the sunset."

"What if I want to cook?" I said with a giggle. "I make good fried eggs,"

"That you do my love, but that's for breakfast." Jasmine said.

"So, I'll handle breakfast, you can do dinner. . .what about lunch?"

"Silly, you don't PREPARE lunch, it's just fruit." Jasmine said, kissing my neck.

"I usually have rice for lunch, or a nice spicy pasta" I said, "You just eat fruit?"

"You didn't know that?"

"Now that I think of it, I've never had lunch with you." I said as I stroked Jasmine's mane tenderly.

"I guess we're going to learn a lot about each other, now that we're married."

I felt my heart beat a little faster when she said that, and I got that big goofy smile of love on my face. "Yeah, married. I'll never get tired of hearing that."

Jasmine kissed my cheek and headed back toward our hose, pausing in the doorway, looking over her shoulder with that perfect smile.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"The sun is set, my love." Jasmine said, "It's officially my wedding night, I was going to our bed."

"Ohh, mind if I join you?" I joked, standing back up.

"It wouldn't be much of a wedding night, without my wife." Jasmine said,

I had tears of joy.


Offering day was different that year, because it was the first year that Jasmine and I would stand before the Sphinx as a married couple. It was her advice that brought the two of us together a year ago, her advice is why I followed my heart. I coulnd't wait to tell her I was Jasmine's wife, there would be such joy on that enormous face. At the Appointed time, the Pharaoh and Hisan awaited in front of the podium, the musicians waiting with instruments poised to play.

The Sphinx, did not come.

In hundreds of years, not once was she late. Not once did she not appear in the early afternoon to begin her meal and teleport her offering to wherever she kept them. No one started the feast before the SPhinx arrived, the food sat around the tables uneaten, growing cold as we all turned to watch the skies, hours past, clouds gathered, a light rain fell.

The Sphinx, still did no come.

The Pharaoh dispatched scouts to the Sphinx's temple, to the lake where she bathed and drank, to palace the ancients built for her, all the places where the Sphinx spent her time. Bomani sent scouts to the nearest caravans in the deserts, to ask the Fremen and other nomads if they'd seen the Sphinx. Apedi sent out his hawk, and loyal Atanen came back, each time reporting she saw no sign of our Goddess. We huddled under the canopies on the great plaza, waiting for word, fear growing that something was terribly wrong.

The Sphinx, still did not come.

As the sun started to set, the food on the tables had been taken away uneaten. No joyous words where shared, no business deals discussed, the children did not play, it all felt wrong without that wonderful Sphinx looking upon our joy. The scouts returned, and found no sign of the Sphinx anywhere, nopony from here to Pandemonium had seen sign of her. Talk started to grow fearful, this had never happened before! Could the Sphinx be hurt? Is it possible for her to be harmed? Was she sick? Would she ever return? What if we were alone now? What did this all mean? Fear was rapidly growing, panic was edging closer and closer. A child cried somewhere in the crowd, none of us knew how to comfort them.

Then, as the sky grew dark, as lighting leaped from cloud to cloud, the Sphinx came.

None of us knowing what to do, why she was so late, we bowed to her and cried. I was so happy to see her, so happy that she hadn't been hurt and we weren't alone! The Sphinx wasn't her normal joyous self as she collected the offerings and teleported them away. Pharaoh stood before her as the thunder cracked, Unconcerned that the rain was pouring down upon him.

"Great Sphinx I-"

"Bring me Bomani." The Sphinx said abruptly.

I couldn't tell if it was sadness or anger in her voice, or both.

"Of course," The Pharaoh said, confused as he motioned for Bomani.

Bomani gave Hisan and I a look, and climbed the pedestal to stand before the Sphinx. "Well, great Sphinx you finally caught me before I opened a barrel." He said, trying his best to be charming.

"General, I have just come from the land of the Baratas. I was surprised at how intact the cities where, considering I blatantly told him to set them aflame."

Bomani bowed, "Great Sphinx, I'm sorry, I know what your orders where but I could not bring myself to do harm to innocents again." He said. "That is the honest truth."

The Sphinx turned her eyes from Bomani, and there may have been tears in here eyes but it was impossible to tell for all the pouring rain. We where silent, our joy of the day turning to fear. I held Jasmine close to me, and she kissed my cheek, and when I looked to her, I saw no fear in her. . .only hope.

"I see your honesty, and I know you could not have done what I asked." The Sphinx said, "Your heart is to big, your mercy more powerful than your blade. The fact still remains, you defied me Bomani. For two score and ten generations I have watched over the lands of southern Equestra and no pony has ever once had the courage to defy me. You are a rare sort, Bomani Ender of worlds."

A peal of thunder, a moment of reflective silence. Then the Sphinx spoke again.

"There will be no blessings this year." The Sphinx said, quietly, sorrowfully. "Your mines will not be made abundant, your fields will not bear a surplus in the harvest, the rivers will not rise to water them. The vermin will not be stopped, and the fish will flee from your nets. If you double your offering on this day next year, I will reconsider giving you my blessings. This decision is final."

None of us knew what to say, could we even survive Without the blessings of the Sphinx? Then just before the Sphinx took flight Bomani rushed to her, and drew his sword, turning it around and pointing it to his chest.

"Great Sphinx!" Bomani shouted, his lower lip quivering, "It was I who defied you, It was I who failed you, I beg of you allow me to end my life in penance! Say the word and I'll drive this sword into my heart, just don't hurt my people, let my life be my final offering."

The Sphinx gave what might be called a smile, if it wasn't tainted by such sadness. With a flick of her paw, the sword was torn away from Bomani's grip.

"You are more charming when you're sober." She said, comforting Bomani with a paw. "And, you did not fail me. I would not want you to end your life, your people will need you now more than ever."

Without another word, and the Sphinx took flight, disappearing back into the dark clouds. Jasmine and I ran to Bomani, Hisan joining us, and the warrior cried into our embrace. The Pharoah stood high on the podium, the wise old ruler trying to find the words to say.

"People of the Sphinx," The Pharoah said, "I don't know how to say this, but it appears the blessings of the Sphinx have been. . .rescinded."

The crowd shouted out questions,

"What does that mean!?"

"How will we survive?!"

"The Fields will wilt without the water of the river!"

"How will we double the offering? What will be left to eat?"

Then, my wonderful, beautiful wife Stood, and spoke.

"People, we are not helpless!" She shouted, "I am but a temple warden but I've seen the strength of our people! The Sphinx has not just blessed us with her magic, she has taught us how to survive! She taught Bomani the lessons he used to free the Baratas and avoid a war. She told me follow my heart, we cannot loose hope! Together we'll survive on our strength alone!"

The Pharaoh smiled, and hugged my wife, turning back to the crowd. "This young temple warden is wise beyond her years, and she is right! The Sphinx has taught us what we need to know. It will not be an easy time, but together we can do it!"

And just like that, there was hope in the eyes of the people, joy in their voices as they shouted and cheered. I kissed my wife, and there was a fragile hope in the kingdom, that we could survive. Even Bomani, in his grief stood tall and proud with his people. IT was not the joy we had last year, but it was deeper than that. It was pride, and tenacity. We were determined to survive at any cost.

Do you see this tear in my eye? We come closer To the darkest days in the Kingdom. . .but what is it Princess Luna always says? Only in Darkness do the stars shine. If only I could tell my younger self that. . .it might have helped that frustrated young mare get through those terrible times. It's what you came for though, right? To hear my darkest secrets?

I've been dancing around this long enough, and you deserve the whole truth. Next time, I promise I'll tell you the part of the story nopony has ever heard before. The best times of my life, and the worst.