Mario and Kirby: Equestrian Adventures

by FandomPlays1234

Chapter 6: Shocking Encounters

Rarity clapped her hooves out of excitement as everyone gathered around her. After Nurse Redheart allowed Galacta Knight EX her dismissal, Mario and his friends managed to convince her into joining sides with them. And since Mario left for Cloudsdale with Rainbow Dash, Kirby and Tiff, she had some time to designing Galacta Knight EX a new outfit. It didn't take long for her to design human styled clothing since she remembered wearing some back Canterlot High. Now that it was finally finished, she was eager to show everyone her final results.

"Well let's see it Rarity," said Celestia.

"Oh but of course, after so much hard work, I was able to create a new outfit for Galacta Knight EX," said Rarity. "Behold!" Rarity pulled back the curtains as Galacta Knight EX walked in wearing a pink blouse with a white skirt. Several oohs and ahhs arose from the group as they congratulated Rarity on her work and Galacta on her new looks.

"Don't stare at me so much," said Galacta looking away.

"Hey it's not THAT bad," said Yoshi.

"He's right darling, you look absolutely gorgeous!" Rarity beamed.

"I must say you are quite talented with human clothing," said Peach.

"Oh yes, I learned a thing or two back in the day," said Rarity.

"That's great, now as much as I would love to keep admiring Galacta Knight's new look, we need to get back to work, plus I think Galacta Knight EX is getting shy standing out in front of us looking like that," said Fandom.

"Yes please," said Galacta Knight EX.

"Well than I suppose we should train up," said Luigi.

"Agreed," said Meta Knight. The group walked out of the room followed by Rarity and Galacta Knight EX and headed in their own direction.

"So your looking for a certain star you say?" asked the yellow mare.

"Yes, a friend of our detected one around this area," said Mario. Kirby let out a Poyo agreeing with Mario.

"So what do you think Spitfire?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Actually yes, one of our recruits actually found something like that several hours earlier," answered Spitfire. "I don't know if its the one you're looking for though," Spitfire began digging through her drawer and pulled out a clear white star.

"That's it that's the one!" Mario exclaimed.

"I don't really know what it is or where it came from, but if it's yours then well take it," said Spitfire. Mario took the star from Spitfire and passed it over to Tiff.

"Well that was easy," said Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah almost too easy," said Tiff.

"Something wrong Tiff?" asked Mario.

"Something doesn't feel right, there is no way that Bowser or Dedede would just let us take this star," answered Tiff.

"I think your just imagining things," said Rainbow Dash. Just as she said that a pegasi Rainbow Dash knew as Vapour Trail burst in with a terrified look on her face.

"Spitfire you have to come quick, this is really bad!" said Vapour Trail.

"What is it this time?" Spitfire groaned.

"We're under attack!" Vapour Trail screamed.

"What!?" asked Spitfire. "By who?"

"I think I have a clue," said Mario. "Let's go," He ran out the door with Rainbow Dash, Tiff and Kirby following behind.

"Ok look I know your upset that Galacta Knight EX failed but....." Kamek flinched as Bowser got in his face.


"Please your majesty calm yourself, I'm sure that this time will be different," said Galacta Knight.

"I don't wanna hear it from YOU pinky," Bowser growled.

"Galacta Knight EX may have failed but surely this new monster should finish the job," said Dedede.

"I hope you know what you're doing triple D," said Bowser.

"Oh trust me, she knows what they're capable off," said Dedede.

"Sir we've arrived," said a voice.

"Zan Partizanne good work," said Dedede. "See Bowser if she can lead a fleet of your airships into battle then she shouldn't have trouble with Kirby or Mario,"

"I'm going to trust you on this one," said Bowser.

"Zan is the monster ready?" asked Escargoon.

"Ready to unleash it's shocking terror," answered Zan Partizanne.

Mario kicked another Paratroopa off the edge as the pegasi flew off screaming. Rainbow Dash was on one of the airships beating the Koopas that tried to throw her off while Kirby and Tiff were on the clouds beating Paratroopa after Paratroopa.

"Damn Bowser, he just doesn't give up," said Mario.

"There's too many, we can't hold them off," said Tiff.

"We have the star that's all we need, we just have to escape," said Mario. Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the cloud near Tiff causing her to fly into Mario. The star flew out of her hands and landed in one of the clouds.

"Tiff are you alright?" asked Mario.

"Yeah I'm fine, but wait where's the star?!" Tiff gasped.

"Right here!" a voice answered. The three turned around to find an airship hovering above them. Bowser, Dedede, Escargoon, and Galacta Knight stood on the airship clutching the star.

"Bowser!" exclaimed Mario.

"Mario you and your friends may have beaten Guyson and Galacta Knight EX, but this time is different," sneered Bowser.

"Since when did YOU have the star?" Tiff gasped.

"Hmph I would've gotten it myself, by Zan Partizanne here is actually useful compared to Guyson and Galacta Knight EX," said Bowser. He pointed to the figure next to him. She had a black robe with yellow outlines and two purple hearts chained to each other attached on center of her robe. Her hair was dyed yellow and she wore a black hat with a strange logo imprinted on the center.

"Hello Kirby it's been a while," said Zan. Kirby shot Zan a glare obviously not happy to see her. "You know I was hoping that I would never have to hear your name again, but it seems Void Termina nor Hyness was powerful enough to stop you,"

"Hey Mario what's going on?" Rainbow Dash asked flying down next to them.

"Hmph typical you brought along one of those ponies with you?" asked Bowser.

"Hey you're Bowser!" growled Rainbow Dash.

"Ugh how annoying, Zan release the monster and let's get outta here," said Bowser.

"Well Kirby I would've loved it if I could beat you myself, by the lord is not in a good mood right now, so I'll leave one of my toys to play with," said Zan. She pulled out a cloud from behind her and tossed it in front of the four.

"Hey you're not running away are you!?" growled Rainbow.

"Captain, you heard the lord, let's go," said Zan. The captain nodded as he turned the airship around and flew back the direction they first came from. The other airships took notice and followed after the one.

"Hey get back here!" Rainbow ordered. But just as she was about to fly after the airship, a bolt of lightning fell from the clouds and struck Rainbow down.

"Rainbow are you ok!?" Tiff gasped.

"Ugh what hit me?" Rainbow asked. Suddenly the cloud in front of them began to expand and grow until it was almost as big as one of the airships. A single eye appeared in the center and 12 yellow spikes popped out and around the cloud. The cloud looked at the four and let out an angry hiss surprising the four. "What is that!?" Rainbow yelped.

"It's Kracko, one of NME's monsters!" Tiff gasped. Kracko flew around and began firing bolts of lightning at the group. Forcing them to run or dodge.

"Why is it so pissed off?" asked Mario.

"It must be Dark Nightmare," suggested Tiff. "His dark magic must've increased Kracko's aggression," The four continued to run and dodge the lightning bolts as Kracko flew after them in hot pursuit, "We can't beat this on our own, Kirby you know what to do," said Tiff. Kirby nodded and let out a determined Poyo to tell Tiff he was ready. Smiling, Tiff pulled out a small yellow star and held it up. "Go Warp Star!" she threw the star and watched it expand and grow. The Warp Star flew up and picked up Kirby before flying off. Kracko took notice and turned his attention to Kirby. The four stopped and watched as Kirby flew around Kracko dodging lightning bolts.

"Can Kirby really beat that thing?" asked Mario.

"He did it before, he should be able to do it again," answered Tiff. But she watched in horror as Kirby was struck by three bolts of lightning and fell into the clouds. "KIRBY!!!!" Tiff gasped. The three ran over to where Kirby fell to find him sizzling and weak. "Kirby are you ok?" Tiff asked. Kirby gave Tiff a sad look as he let out a weak Poyo. The three turned around to find Kracko hovering above them.

"Hey you'll pay for that!" said Rainbow. She flew up to try and attack Kracko only to be shot down by lightning.

"Rainbow!" said Mario. Kracko turned his attention to the remaining two and prepared to attack when a familiar voice called out.

"KIRBY!!!!" Kirby slowly got up and turned towards the voice. The three found Galacta Knight EX standing hold her lance.

"Galacta!" Mario called out.

"What where?" Rainbow asked joining them.

"Kirby inhale this!" said Galacta throwing her lance at Kirby. Kirby jumped up and ran forward as he sucked up Galacta's lance. He jumped up and began spinning in circles as orange band appeared around his forehead. The band expanded into a green hat as a silver star appeared in the center of the band. Kirby raised his left arm up as a large sword with a blue hilt and a star in the center, appeared. Kirby landed on the cloud as the sword shrank down to it's normal size.

"Whoa did Kirby just transform?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"That's his copy ability," Galacta said as she ran up to them.

"Galacta what are you doing here?" asked Mario.

"And whoa you look great," said Rainbow Dash.

"Um thanks, but I don't have time to explain, right now we need to beat Kracko," said Galacta.

"Fair enough," said Mario.

"Alright now that Kirby is Sword Kirby, he should be able to beat Kracko," said Tiff.

"Actually he's not Sword Kirby," said Galacta.

"Wait he's not?' asked Tiff.

"No this is his Super Ability Ultra Sword," answered Galacta.

"Ultra Sword?" asked Mario.

"I don't know what that is, but it sounds awesome," said Rainbow. Kirby jumped on his Warp Star as he flew towards the monster. Kracko tried to strike down Kirby, but failed as Kirby blocked the attack with his sword. Once he was eye to eye with Kracko, Kirby jumped off his Warp Star and swung his sword around in circles then raised it above his head as it expanded and grew. "Whoa!" yelped Rainbow. Then with one swift strike Kirby swung down and sliced the monster in half. Kirby turned as back on Kracko and raised his sword in the air as Kracko exploded.

"Alright he did it!" cheered Tiff. Kirby flew down and spit out Galacta's lance.

"Kirby that was awesome!" said Rainbow Dash.

"That's what I'd expect from my little buddy," said Mario. Kirby let out a happy Poyo as the three congratulated him on his victory.

"Kirby," Galacta walked up to him and picked him up. "You did good," she said smiling. Kirby let out another happy Poyo as if he was happy to receive a compliment from Galacta.

"Well we managed to beat Kracko but we lost the star," said Tiff.

"Not to mention we didn't get any keys from that battle," said Rainbow.

"Then it means Kracko wasn't a guardian, he was probably just a distraction that Bowser set up for us," said Mario.

"Either way let's just head back to the castle, we have to report everything to the others," said Galacta picking up her lance. Agreeing with Galacta, the five said their goodbyes and flew down into ponyville as they made their way back to Celestia's castle.