//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 // Story: PBB: A Pirate's Life // by AntiBronyBenSwolo //------------------------------// Well, I probably just screwed up big time at this point. Basically, me and a couple of my crew mates have just destroyed the siren gem of a fourth siren. Although I did keep calm while singing to destroy the gem, I was shocked to even see a fourth siren. And all the places to even find a siren, one just had be be in Camp Everfree. We could only assume that she was the one who gave us the map and what the map was leading to. The question is: Why did the map's indicated locations form another siren gem? That was for me to find out. My crewmates confronted the girl with their cutlasses, but were quickly overpowered by her willpower and rage. I was the only one who could stop her now.  To be honest, before the fight started and I pulled out my cutlass, I was a tiny bit worried. Not that I might lose the fight, but I was worried about what would happen if I were to lose. I thought about how much Adagio needs me. I then thought about what sort of chaos the Multiverse would be in if I were to fall to the siren's hand. I then thought about what I was told of Sonata Dusk and her army of droids. If they could take over 2 different versions of Earth and manipulate both Earth's protectors to fight each other to the death, then one could only imagine the power she could have to take over an entire universe, or worse. As the images and daydreams of my failure danced in my head, I saw my opponent get so mad that she literally burned herself. "I hate this curse!" I heard her mutter, which clicked things in my head on how to defeat her. I finally knew what to do in order to defeat her. I readied my cutlass to fight her. The girl then recovered enough strength from her pain to start the duel. Our moves were as fluent as the seas and stronger than any storm that I've ever sailed through. I even fell over due to the sheer strength of her swings. I decided it was time for me to retreat into the woods to execute my plan. We fenced for what seemed like hours. Dueling across the trees of the forests of the camp we were. Just the siren and the pirate! As we made it to each indicated location, I found what looked like glowing berries and roots and such. As I found them, I picked them up and continued dueling. Each swing from her was worse than the next, and each parry was even harder to muster. I think I even fell over a few times trying to block her strikes. I finally gained the advantage though as I jumped off of a rock and caught the girl by surprise during the duel. We fenced and dueled for a few more hours, with all the strange ingredients in my pouch, but I was too tired to duel her anymore. It almost looked like she won at this point. But then again, I forgot about Adagio and not only how much she needs me, but how much she can help me. It almost looked like out of nowhere, but Adagio creeped up behind the siren girl and punched her unconscious! I forgot that she was stuck in a wooden cage, and now that my crew freed her, she came to help me by punching her in the face. I was so proud of her. But first, Adagio told me of the girl's name, and her potions. It turns out that the ingridients I've been collecting have been for those 3 potions, and I've collected enough to make two more potions. We hauled the siren girl into the brig of the Cursed Shell and hauled off. Then again, we talked to her about her past. I felt sorry for her and promised her that once we're done with this mission, we will have this curse of her's lifted and she can join my crew. The girl, still stuck in the brig, agreed and even told me to give the potions to the sirens. I gave the orange bottle to Adagio, who drank it. The potions effects restored her singing voice, and after discovering this, Adagio and I opened a portal to give the purple bottle to Aria, who was still in Middle Earth with the other 3. I wondered how they were doing, so I sent a letter as well.