//------------------------------// // Chapter Twenty-Five: During the Intermission // Story: Shut Up And Dance // by TheVClaw //------------------------------// The thundering applause that roared through the crowds sounded like something from Rainbow Blitz’s most electrifying Wonderbolt shows, and it was far from diminishing long after those tens were given by the judges. Due to how emotional and satisfying their routine was, the two stallions wanted to feel absolutely ecstatic for the stellar scores that guaranteed them a spot in the Canterlot Finals. However, despite the praises and cheers they heard while walking to the backstage area, neither of the two were able to really bask in the moment of their first major victory. For Rainbow Blitz, the internal strain he experienced from performing something so personal left him feeling just as raw as the soreness under his hooves; and as for Elusive, he was still reeling over the chilling realization he had out on that dance floor with the pegasus. However, while their performance was absolutely stellar, the mood of the crowds soon turned to disappointment when they realized what else those stallions left behind: the massive mess of broken glass on the dance-floor that temporarily halted the competition. Even though Bubble Berry’s sugar-made glass wasn’t nearly as dangerous to step on as the real thing, it would still take at least fifteen minutes to clean up completely before allowing the next dancers to use it. Most of the audience groaned after hearing the announcer explain the situation, but the acts that were supposed to follow were honestly a little relieved to get some extra time for practice. While custodial staff went to work, and the ENDC representatives tried to search the stadium for those dancers and chew them out for that unplanned safety hazard, the two silently went their separate ways without even looking at each other. Elusive wanted to say something to Blitz the instant they got backstage, but the two were given a standing ovation from the competition before he could get the chance. Since most of the fellow dancers were able to see their contemporary routine through the aid of a magic feed, they were just as touched as the audience outside; in fact, Apple Buck had to leave and collect himself elsewhere due to the song choice they used. The unicorn decided to go the polite route and give his thanks to the ponies who came to congratulate them; however, Rainbow couldn’t even last a minute before excusing himself from the area. His sunglasses may have still been on, but Elusive could see the trails of tears streaming down the pegasus’ cheeks as he speed-walked out of the room to be alone. The unicorn hated to admit it, especially after knowing so much about his friend, but he was slightly grateful that Rainbow left so soon. With each hoof he shook, and every nod of his head while thanking the other dancers for their kind words, Elusive’s mind became more clouded by that blunt truth which was plaguing his mind. He tried to keep appearances with his natural-looking smile, but the white stallion’s composure lasted only a little longer than his partner had before leaving as well. Elusive had no idea where Blitz went, but he hoped it was the opposite direction he went as he rushed towards the sky boxes. Oh god, thought the unicorn with his bottom lip being bitten down hard between his teeth. Why in Tartatus did this have to happen to me?! Why NOW?! Ugh… I need to find Butterscotch. More than anything else, I need to talk to him... Elusive reached the stairway that lead to the higher floors, but had to pause while leaning against one of the railings. He clenched his eyes shut as his hooves tensed up against the metal bars. Even though his muzzle was wrinkled in a strong grimace, the unicorn took multiple deep breaths through his nostrils to keep from sobbing in fear. While his body shook involuntarily in his frozen state, all that Elusive could focus on were the six words running through his head. He wanted more than anything to forget what he was thinking, or to merely pretend it wasn’t true, but tears were just barely being held back at the corners of his strained eyes as they rang clear as day in his troubled mind: I’m… I’m in love… with Rainbow Blitz… Elusive felt the slightest bit of gratitude for being alone as those first couple of sobs escaped his muzzle. Unfortunately, the way that they echoed so audibly within the stairwell just made him feel worse while trying to overcome his anguish. He wasn’t sure how long it took for him to finally come down from his panic-induced moment, but he could only hope that Rainbow wasn’t going through anything similarly traumatic after that dance. However, as soon as that blasted stallion reemerged in his frazzled mind, it took everything in Elusive not to groan in frustration before storming up the stairs. Up in the crowded sky box, things were going in full-swing after seeing the stallions get perfect tens. While the Wonderbolts began to drink heavily in celebration, and Barb went elsewhere to try and re-apply her ruined makeup, Dusk and the others had a pre-emptive toast in celebration of their friends’ performance. However, despite enjoying his glass of champagne, Butterscotch was trying his hardest not to appear too overwhelmed after seeing such a sincere and moving performance from Blitz and Elusive. Regardless of how red his eyes became from his tears earlier, Butterscotch looked rather content after witnessing such a beautiful moment that transpired before everyone down on the dance-floor. After enjoying his glass, he went to sit down in one of the plush chairs to take a few breaths; even though he wanted to rush down to the backstage area and find those two for some much-needed congratulations, he wanted to wait until the fur on his face had dried up first. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen soon enough when he heard the door open, and a round of applause erupted in the sky box. Elusive, who wasn’t expecting to see his friends and the Wonderbolts in the same confined area, jolted quite a bit when he walked into the room. If any of the other Elements besides Butterscotch were to take notice of the unicorn’s reddened eyes or his lip-bitten expression, they might’ve been able to see how forcefully his smile spread across his muzzle. However, since both sky boxes had their minibars promptly raided (mostly to keep Bubble Berry from violating his probation and getting any more booze) the ivory stallion was greeted to a large group of overly excited, and blissfully unaware ponies who wanted to celebrate his win. “Congratulations!” shouted Dusk Shine as he hugged the blushing unicorn first, making sure to give him an especially tight squeeze before pulling back to add, “I mean, that was an amazing routine! If you keep that up, you and Blitz are a sure bet to win!” “Darn tootin!” piped Applejack while holding a bottle of hard ale in celebration. Most of his family (as well as Twinkle Toes’) were down in the audience, but the orange stallion was clearly taking advantage of the Sky Box’s amenities during the forced intermission. He tried to keep his smile warm and carefree for Elusive’s sake, but it wrinkled a little as he looked away and added shakily, “It was… really well-done.” Elusive already knew of Applejack’s past, and how eerily similar certain elements were to Rainbow Blitz’s, so he didn’t need to say anything in clarification to how emotional the farmer looked in that moment. Starshine, who was standing beside AJ, gave him a couple warm pats on the back in assurance. “Well, thank you, Applejack,” said Elusive with a more natural smile on his face. “Although, I think Rainbow Blitz should be the one to give thanks to. He’s the one who chooses the music, remember?” “Oh yeah…” AJ pursed his lips briefly while recalling that as part of Blitz and Elusive’s agreement. After exhaling with a small nod, he smiled back at his ivory friend and said, “Well, Ah guess Ah will then.” After pulling his hoof away from Applejack’s back, Starshine noticed that only one dancer came through the door. One of his brows raised as he asked, “So, uhhh… where is Blitz? Shouldn’t he be up here too?” “Did he get hurt from that broken glass?” asked Dusk Shine with a cautious look on his face. “I mean, there were a lot of shards out there, right?” “Don’t worry!” chirped Bubble Berry while hopping up and down in one of the lush chairs like a caffeinated kid. “That glass is made of sugar, and suuuuuuper hard to cut yourself on!” “Precisely,” stated Elusive as he tried to divert the discussion away from the dance itself. Although, achieving that goal successfully would probably be more difficult than getting a mucus stain out of freshly-pressed suede. Alas, the stallion still took a breath and answered the main question with, “Also, I think Rainbow just needed some time to cool down. It was a… very emotional performance for the both of us.” All of the ponies nodded silently in understanding (especially Applejack, who took off his Stetson for a moment to hold against his chest and sigh), with none of them wanting to ask too much about the details of how that routine came to be. Fortunately, most of the ponies kept fairly positive attitudes and chipper smiles regardless. By that point, it was clear that the Wonderbolts wanted to chime in as the Captain handed Elusive a glass of champagne in celebration “Well,” said Flamethrower while holding a miniature bottle of schnapps in the air with his other hoof, “if you happen to see him before me, let him know that we’re all really proud of him.” “Hear hear!” said Soaring in agreement while holding a miniature shot of her own. After the two tapped their drinks together, they shouted “To Ditz!” in unison before downing their shots. Elusive may have disliked how the Wonderbolts held on to that nickname for his dancing partner, but he still smiled warmly when he saw how much those fliers cared about him. The feeling of contentment began to make his heart swell a little, but the action also triggered the unicorn’s reminder of how he felt about Rainbow himself. His smile became much harder to keep shown on his muzzle, and he had to look down at the floor while breathing heavily through his flared nostrils. Elusive also turned away from his friends while he downed his glass rather quickly. That look caught Butterscotch’s attention more than anything else, and he quickly wiped his cheeks dry and got out of his seat. Meanwhile, Bubble Berry jumped out of his chair as well while saying optimistically, “You know where I think Blitzy is? I bet he’s looking for a place to get a hoof massage as a reward for kicking so much contemporary butt!” “Wait, does he REALLY do that?!” gawked Flamethrower in a surprised and slightly slurred tone. After downing one too many of those travel-sized bottles of liquor, the orange-maned pegasus looked rather tipsy while pointing at Berry and laughing. “I KNEW it! There’s no WAY a pony like him could have such soft little hooves~” A couple members of the Wonderbolt team glanced over at their Captain with weirded out looks. Fortunately, it was Applejack who was the first to ask with narrowed eyes, “Uhhh… why were ya starin’ at his hooves long enough ta know that?” “Uh… ummm… shut up!” While the commotion in the sky box began to deviate away from Elusive temporarily, Butterscotch moved around all the ponies with silent ease to get close to the unicorn. He could tell that Elusive seemed flustered or upset about something, despite how convincing his faux-smile may have looked to ponies who would only pay attention for three seconds or less. But since Butterscotch saw that look for much longer, he was able to look around for a moment before whispering close to the unicorn’s ear, “Ummm… Elusive? Are you and Rainbow Blitz alright?” Elusive whipped his head back from Butterscotch’s in surprise, with his fretful expression being enough of an answer for the meek pegasus. While conversations began to diverge towards other ponies in the background (mostly towards Flamethrower), Elusive blinked a couple times with a withheld wince before looking away from his friend. Meanwhile, Applejack seemed to be the only pony to catch notice of the two talking privately, and raised a brow in suspicion while overhearing them speak. “Elusive… what happened?” “Nothing! Nothing happened,” snapped the unicorn far too quickly in a discrete tone. “You better not lie to me. You promised me you wouldn’t--” “It’s not like that, Butterscotch! I just… I was…” “... You were what?” “I don’t know! I… I…” After rubbing his temple with a hoof and clenching his eyes shut briefly, Elusive huffed and pouted in frustrated apprehension. “Listen, I… I really needed to talk to you about something. Could we… go somewhere more private?” Seeing how distraught Elusive looked in that brief moment, Butterscotch widened his eyes before looking around again. “Oh, ummm… a-absolutely,” he whispered back to his friend. “You still know your spell, right?” “The soundproofing one? Yes.” “Okay, ummm… let’s go to the corner of the hall.” As the two quickly left the room with utmost discretion, Applejack was the only pony who seemed to have noticed them. Everypony else were either enjoying their amenities in the sky box, or questioning Flamethrower about his unfortunate choice of words. Even though the farmer wanted to follow them and see what was going on, he had a feeling it wasn’t any of his business. So instead, AJ sighed with a shrug, and hoped nothing too big occurred while turning his attention back to the Wonderbolt Captain. “Guys, I swear to Solaris!” shouted Flamethrower quite angrily, “I don’t have a bucking hoof fetish!” Fortunately for the ponies inside the sky box, Barb had just finished powdering herself up in the restroom down the hall. As she stepped out of the ladies’ room with a freshly-painted face, she grunted for a second while pulling the tight skirt of her dress down her thighs fully. She wasn’t going to say a word about her discomfort to Dusk Shine, but she secretly wished she picked something less provocative to impress Elusive with. However, the instant she stepped out into the hallway to go back to the sky box, she paused when she saw her crush and Butterscotch at a nearby corner. Neither of the stallions seemed to notice the curious drake, and Elusive sighed before making a sound-bubble over himself and Butterscotch. The yellow pegasus bit his lip in response to how hesitant his friend looked, but kept his composure in check for the unicorn’s sake. “So… Elusive?” he asked in a faint and cautious tone of voice. “Ummm… what were you wanting to tell me?” Barb wasn’t able to read lips, nor was she able to get a good look at either of the ponies’ faces behind the shaded magic of that sound-bubble. However she was able to notice how low Elusive’s head sank before his friend, like he was looking guilty about something big. She also saw Butterscotch reach out with a hoof and place it on top of the stallion’s shoulder, before leaning his muzzle in to say something. And judging by the way Elusive nodded his head so timidly, it seemed like whatever his friend said was something that he needed to hear. About a minute passed before Barb saw any other movement within that sound-bubble. She wasn’t sure what Elusive was so worried about saying, but he remained in that hunched-down position for way longer than expected. After seeing Butterscotch move his head a little while saying something else, the unicorn’s back arched up slightly like he was taking a breath. As soon as his back settled back down, he finally said something. The dragon had no idea what it was, but it was apparently enough to make Butterscotch gasp and jolt back against the sound-bubble rather strongly. The last thing Rainbow Blitz wanted to do was break down again, especially after performing such a difficult act to literal perfection. Of course, considering how raw and personal that routine was, and the fact that he did it in front of thousands of ponies (as well as all his friends), he was mostly happy to keep himself in control in the backstage area. Unfortunately, by the time he finally broke free from everypony to get some personal space, he was struggling not to start sobbing uncontrollably when he was halfway to the men’s room. Rainbow had no idea how long he locked himself in that bathroom, but he honestly couldn’t care after finishing his routine and getting everything out of his system. Instead of worrying about Elusive or anypony else, all the pegasus could do was cover his face while sitting in the corner of the porcelain-tiled room and bawling his head off. After all the time he spent ignoring how he felt about his loss, it felt like a miracle that he was able to actually pull off his performance, while also feeling some form of closure from everything that transpired. Instead of worrying about his past mistakes, or those venomous words that triggered him since Las Pegasus, he just let himself cry out all his frustration in what felt like a final purge of emotion. He wasn’t sure if anypony could hear him from outside, but the room’s tiny size certainly echoed every sob to make it louder than it probably was. By the time he was finally finished, Blitz used the sink to thoroughly wash his face. His eyes were still red after drying his fur, but his sunglasses were dark enough to easily conceal that after putting them on. He took a few deep breaths while looking at himself, hoping that any natural-looking smile which stared back at him would be an adequate-enough mask for today. The Wonderbolt ran his hoof through his spiky mane a couple times, which honestly helped bring his heartrate down and feel more relaxed. Unfortunately, his heart shot right back up after hearing several frantic knocks at the bathroom door. “Uhhhh, hello?! I… I really need to use the bathroom!” “Oh! Shit…” Rainbow quickly went to make his leave, almost forgetting he was in a public restroom instead of a private one. As soon as he unlocked the door and opened it, Derek Hoofington rushed inside in an instant. Blitz could tell that he probably didn’t wanna stay for long, and left the restroom just before the tan unicorn slammed the door behind him. Of course, before he could ponder whether or not the dancer was waiting outside the bathroom for too long (or if he overheard anything), Rainbow was greeted to the sight of Julianne Hoofington leaned against the wall opposite the doorway. “Oh hey, Blitz!” chirped the mare quite happily as she pulled herself from the wall. “We were wondering where you went off to! Derek and I were worried the competition representatives got a hold of you.” “Huh?” He tilted his head in confusion, clearly not registering that he or Elusive could’ve gotten in trouble for the broken glass still being cleaned out in the stadium. However, before he could realize what she was referring to, Rainbow looked away from her and rubbed the back of his mane while saying, “N-No, ummm… I was just freshening up a bit…” Julianne didn’t say anything for a moment, but it was clear from her skewed muzzle that she knew he wasn’t being totally honest. Of course, considering what she and her brother saw, she knew better than to pick at whatever open wound the pegasus was tending to. So instead, the mare shrugged and said assuredly, “Well, just so you know, we didn’t hear anything from out here. And this hallway isn’t used much anyway, so I doubt any other ponies could've either.” “Wait, I never said any…” Before he could finish his defensive statement, Rainbow’s words trailed off when he realized he’d only be hinting that something was up. Plus, even if he did try to retort, he doubted that Julianne would be gullible enough to buy it. She seemed like a pretty chill competitor, and he doubted she would try to lie or mess around with him. So instead, the stallion sighed before glancing back at her to say “Well, ummm… thanks for letting me know that.” “No problem,” she replied with a tender smile, which Blitz had to admit was pretty damn cute. Her pearly-whites then shone to their full potential when she smiled even wider and added, “Oh! And congratulations on your contemporary routine! Derek and I were watching backstage, and it was amazing! I know you said before that you had no dance training before all this, but you would’ve fooled me! I hope you treat Elusive to dinner or something.” “Oh come on,” replied Rainbow while scratching the back of his neck with a small blush on his cheeks. With the way he looked away from the chipper mare in a bashful manner, it almost seemed like he was channeling his inner Butterscotch. After chuckling a little in embarrassment, Blitz replied with a shrug, “Well, I usually do anyway. But uhh… thanks, Julianne. I kinda wish I saw your dance.” “Oh, it’s fine,” she said assuredly with a wave of her hoof. “Not many ponies backstage pay much attention to the first dance anyway. It’s way too stressful to really focus, you know? Plus, I’m sure you’ll find a recording somewhere after the show is over.” “Oh, definitely,” replied Blitz with a nod. “I’m pretty sure Dusk or Starshine might have one. But still, I… I’m really happy you and your brother got tens too. Especially after last week.” That reminder made Julianne sigh with her smile temporarily dropped. Fortunately, that only lasted a second before she shrugged and replied optimistically, “Well, sometimes unicorn magic kinda acts instinctually. I mean, I was mad, but it wasn’t like I was gonna stay mad at Derek forever.” “Well that’s good to know,” said Blitz before motioning to the bathroom door, “although it kinda seemed different when you had him dress as a butler.” “Hey, It could’ve gone a loooot worse!” Julianne giggled cheekily, clearly thinking about some of the mischievous ideas she originally wanted to try on her brother. But instead of listing any of those, she decided to say with a shrug, “But seriously though, that tango was definitely the best choice, regardless of costume. And honestly, I… kinda feel like I should thank you guys for that.” “Really?” asked Blitz with a tilt of his head in confusion. “Uhhh… how’s that?” “Well, you two did technically get the highest scores last week with that glam-rock routine,” she noted with a cheeky smile. “Plus, Derek and I aren’t squares or anything! We were considering adding a little rock to our routine, but we were always unsure how it would be received out on the dance-floor. But after you guys did it and got a ten, well… I kinda figured ‘Why not?’ and convinced him to try that track.” “Wait, seriously?” he asked with an impressed smirk. “That’s… actually really awesome! Thanks!” He made sure to give her a hoof-bump for that, not expecting the mare to say something so unexpected. “Hey, I should be thanking you,” said Julianne after reciprocating that bump proudly. “It’s not often that stallions like you agree to do these things, and I always respect ponies for breaking gender norms. You’re actually a lot like my brother in that way.” “Well, hopefully not too much like him,” replied Blitz in a more playful tone, even though it didn’t seem like he realized how that could’ve came out from Julianne’s perspective. After a second or two, the mare giggled a little as a small blush grew on her cheeks. “Wellllll, I suppose not, Mister Blitz. I just mean that you’re about as brave as Derek was when he started. He was actually the one who wanted to try dancing when we were kids, and I ended up joining him so he wouldn’t get bullied so hard. After a while, you tend to stick up for the little guys out there. Kinda like how you and Elusive are doing that here.” Blitz smiled a lot more naturally, almost feeling confident enough to take off his sunglasses and talk with her normally. However, at knowing his eyes were still probably redder than Butterscotch’s after a “therapy session” with Day-Tripper, he instead just shrugged and replied, “Well, it’s not like Elusive and I don’t deal with crap for performing together. I mean, it is pretty cool we have so many fans who are inspired by us and stuff, but it’s not like the two of us are like, a couple or anything. It’s kinda frustrating when ponies don’t realize we’re more like…” The stunt-pony wasn’t sure what to say, but his words froze for a while as he stood in slight puzzlement. Even with this charming and stunning mare smiling back at him, Rainbow wasn’t sure how to properly word how his relationship with Elusive could be defined. He could’ve easily just said they were friends and be done with it, but that felt a bit too cheap considering all they went through. He wasn’t sure how to define himself and Elusive at that moment, but just saying he was a ‘friend’ didn’t feel right; especially considering how hard his heart thumped in his chest at thinking about him. Of course, that was probably just because of how much the unicorn helped him recently. All of his Element and Wonderbolt friends were irreplaceable, but Elusive was really going above and beyond since they began dancing together. And after all that occured since the previous night, and during the week before that, it wasn’t long before he bit his lip and glanced down at the floor. “Ummm… we’re like…” After another moment of pregnant silence, Julianne raised a brow and tried to finish his statement with, “... like a team?” “Yeah!” spouted Blitz with his brows raised. That word didn’t feel exactly right, but it felt better than just a 'friend'. Plus, given how they’ve been doing so much physical stuff, a teammate felt way more appropriate. He quickly looked back up at Julianne and nodded with a grateful smile. “Exactly, like a team! Thanks, J!” She raised a brow while smirking at that nickname, but then giggled with a small wave of her hoof in dismissal. “Oh, it’s fine. I gotta say though, I never pegged you two as being a ‘couple’ anyway.” “Yeah, thanks…” Blitz began to blush a little deeper as his head craned away from her briefly. “Honestly, I… I can’t say I regret being Elusive’s dancing partner, but… it’s kinda hard to have ponies believe we’re not gay or anything.” “Well, I can believe it,” she noted with a growing smirk, her blue eyes peering quite obviously at Blitz’s glasses. Even though her friendly smile remained, her tone of voice started to border between friendliness and flirtation when she added, “I mean… I’m honestly surprised you don’t have mares lining up at every Wonderbolts show for a chance to ask you out.” “Hey, I could say the same about you,” retorted Blitz with a smirk of his own, as well as a couple perks from his brows that popped-out above his shades. “Well, I am in the dancing industry, remember? Not many guys who are fans of Derek and I consider me their type, if you catch my drift.” “Ah, good point,” he said with a shrug, not wanting to contest that detail with her. Instead, their smiles became warmer while glancing at each other so kindly. After thinking it over for a second, Rainbow bit the bullet and decided to answer her earlier comment. “Well, as for me, I… I guess it’s just kinda hard to find someone worth the time, you know? After all the Wonderbolt performances, and also my Element work for the crown, I guess I… kinda don’t have a lot of free time.” “I can see that,” answered the mare with an understanding nod. “If you don’t mind me asking though… do you and Elusive have anything planned tonight?” “Ummm… I don’t know if we do right now, but… I’m sure either Elusive or Dusk will plan something to celebrate those tens we got.” “And you should,” she replied with a smirk before poking his chest playfully. “Buuuuuttt, how about this? Derek and I were planning to go out to this new club in the upper-side called Electro. It’s supposed to be like, the biggest hot-spot in the city right now! There’s also a lot of great restaurants up there, and I’m sure either of us could get a table or two without needing a reservation. If you and Elusive are up for it, we’d be honored to have you two join us. You know, as a shared celebration of our 'awesomeness,' as you'd word it.” “Wow, really?” he asked with a surprised, but still thankful smile on his face. Even though he and any of the Elements could easily get those things on their own due to their statuses, it still felt special to have someone like Julianne offer him and Elusive that chance anyway. Plus, with the way she was smiling at him while giving those half-lidded eyes, Blitz had a good feeling what she else was interested in. His blush deepened a little more, even though his heart wasn’t beating as hard as it did earlier. After a couple seconds of silence, the stunt-pony quickly put his hoof out in acceptance. “You know what? I'll gladly accept that! Thank you.” “Hey, it’s not a problem.” She then shook his hoof in agreement, and shot him a wink as she added, “I’m just glad to get a chance to know you better.” “As do I,” said Blitz in return, keeping a smile similar to hers. He may have felt the slightest twinge of something uncomfortable, but it was easy to ignore that after all that dancing. As soon as their hooves pulled away, the bathroom door finally opened with Derek walking out with a heavy breath. “Don’t… Don’t go in there for a while,” he groaned tiredly as he walked away from them, clearly too tired to notice their possible chemistry. Of course, his interruption did make the two pause for a second with skewed muzzles. “Well… that killed the moment,” said Blitz with a chuckle. Julianne giggled as well, but shrugged as she went to check on her brother, “Well, we’ll just have to bring it back tonight, won’t we?~” Rainbow laughed and shot a smile back at her with a nod. “Absolutely. I’ll see you tonight!” As he waved her goodbye, that twinge came back a little stronger at seeing her return the gesture. Of course, despite the notable discomfort he felt, Blitz still felt pretty alright by the time she disappeared, and he went to find his own dancing partner. After taking off his shades and hanging them from the collar of his shirt, the pegasus hopped into a nearby elevator to head up to the sky boxes. “Ooooh baby~” he purred with an antsy shudder while alone in the elevator. “Looks like Ditz got himself a date tonight~”