Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Unicorn & Decade: Shocker Resurgence

by Michael_Ravencroft

Day 5 (part 2): RIDERS ATTACK!

Ambassador Hell stood upon the command deck, looking down at the vast colorful pony world below. It sickened him, such abundant power sleeping beneath the land, and it was squandered by these simple creatures whose only use for it was for trivial matters. The power of the Miracle Magic, once shifted, could make anything happen. Years of planning and scheming had brought this to fruition, Ambassador Hell knew that striking the Riders in their home worlds would draw their attention quickly, it was the fatal flaw of their plans. One way or another, a Kamen Rider would sniff out their actions and instead of one, many would come to stop them.

Yet again, history repeats itself before Ambassador Hell’s eyes, as each of the three locations for the towers was now showing resistance in the form of Kamen Riders. Decade, he was supposed to be Shocker’s greatest weapon against them, a Rider to beat all Riders, but somehow that backfired in the most terrible way imaginable, and now he leads the other Kamen Riders in a crusade to defeat Shocker and the evils that spring up for other new Riders.

Even in another universe, a Kamen Rider appeared, but her arrival was not going to deter this plan. The Miracle Magic would grant Nega-Shocker’s greatest wish, and finally bring all heroes to their knees before them, and its leader, Ambassador Hell. The doors to the command deck opened and Shadow Moon entered, prompting the reptilian leader to turn around. “How goes the placement of the towers?”

The Riders are slowing the progress, but the towers are almost in position, said Shadow Moon.

“Then it is time, have Carbuncle begin the ritual, and…tell Tirek to feast.” Shadow Moon bowed and sent the orders to the Combatmen. On the main monitor, Ambassador Hell watched as all three fillies were placed in cages, an arcane circle formed beneath the cages and the screen shifted to a dense forest down below, showing Carbuncle and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who were rising up on pillars of stone growing from the ground itself. “Decade, you, and the Riders, die here.”

***___________<U> X [D] ___________***

Canterlot’s siege was still ongoing, but with the addition of Kamen Riders Beast and Meteor, ensured the tide was turning in the Equestrian’s favor. However, the towers were still getting further in. Luna, Beast, and Meteor didn’t know what to make of them, they tried assaulting the tower, but the Combatmen, Zodiarts, and Phantoms made sure to defend the tower to the death, going so far as to target civilians to distract the heroes. And even in getting past them, the tower still had a shield protect it and the transport it was on.

“There’s something not quite right about that tower, we must keep it at bay!” Luna stated.

Beast used his Dice Saber to slash down several Combatmen, and two Phantoms before answering, “They’re definitely gung ho about getting that thing here! Let’s try another attack!”

Meteor balanced on his forelegs and performed a windmill kick that sent several Zoidarts flying off, he then pushed off with his forelegs and came down with an ax kick to the head of a Phantom making it reel back before he delivered an double forehoof strike to its chest, making sparks fly and the Phantom fly at the same time. “We tried that, they won’t let us damage it!”

“Perhaps we are thinking too big, destroying can come after. Hindering however…” Luna left that open, and it seemed that Beast and Meteor caught her hint.

The tower was being carried in on a tank-like contraption, with metal treads that made the ground shudder and crushed anything that dared to get in its path. Around the carrier were four shield generators, positioned at each point of the transport, and of course, the shield even protected the generators. However, the treads were unguarded, either Shocker believed the metal unbreakable or they did not account for Riders to attack them, or they just simply believed they’d focus more on the tower than the thing carrying it.

“Can you two take out its wheels?” Luna asked. Meteor and Beast stood on either side of the Moon Princess, and after a moment to analyze the transport, they grinned under their helmets and nodded a “yes”. “On three then…one…two…THREE!”

Luna shot into the sky, her horn flared with her lunar magical power, causing a storm cloud to form overhead. Lightning flashed in the skies above Canterlot, the arcs surging right to her horn as she gathered magical energy.

“Can’t fall behind that Princess, right?” Beast asked.

“Indeed we cannot!” Meteor answered.

Beast reached for the loop of rings on his left hip, taking one ring that was blue, with a golden lion face on it. Beast placed the ring on his right hand and fitted it into the slot, making the Beast Driver shine.

[**] Hyper, Go: Hy-Hy-Hy-Hyper! [**]

From the Driver a large monster made of gold and red sparkling energy sprang forth, and at the same time, a golden magic circle appeared behind Beast. The large monster ran around Beast, until it ran into the circle, releasing the particles and merging them with that of Beast himself. Azure flames erupted around the bipedal feline’s armor, and after a couple of seconds the flames burst away revealing a new transformation.

Beast’s armor had changed to bright blue, with golden boots and bracers, a golden chest plate covered his upper torso, looping over to cover his shoulders and back, on the chest piece were two red eyes, and below that a red line of armor, making it appear as if a lion’s face was on his chest. Beast’s helmet changed as well, the eyes now red, with two golden horns and a gold face plate, the helmet itself was now the same bright blue. A magic circle appeared around Beast’s right hand, and from it he pulled out a blaster, blue in color, with the picture of a lion on either side. This was the Mirage Magnum, the weapon of Beast Hyper.

Meteor took out the Meteor Switch in his belt and replaced it with a new Switch. It was colored a sapphire blue, with golden fan blades, it almost resembled that of a child’s pinwheel toy. Meteor placed the Switch into the slot where the previous switch was and pressed the button on top of it.

}M{ Meteor Storm! Meteor On, Ready? }M{

Meteor spun the pinwheel and swirling energy gathered to it, his body became blurry as the energy morphed his body, achieving a new form of power much like that of Beast Hyper. Once the wheel stopped, Meteor’s outfit was a completely different color. The armor was all blue, as if a nebula had become his armor. The armor plate that covered his right side had turned golden, and looped around to cover his left shoulder and chest. The top half of the helmet was golden, and had another set of horns coming out of the left right side, and had a silver mouth plate. This was Meteor’s final form of power, Meteor Storm.

To his right hoof, Meteor Storm summoned his weapon. It was a bow staff, with a silver ball at the top, wrapped in silver-white for a couple of feet, and transitioned into blue until it met with a device at the end. This was the Meteor Storm Shaft.

Luna, while still gathering power, had watched the transformation of her allies and became even more impressed by their increase in power, for some reason she found herself staring at Meteor more than Beast. But that was a question for after the battle was over, now she had to act. Luna finished her charging and fired a colossal beam of midnight blue magic and white lightning straight at the tower. As predicted, the shield activated and protected the tower of the onslaught of the alicorn’s power.

However, Luna’s second object with her attack was made known. Thanks to the beam, the shield showed exactly how much of the transport was protected, allowing Beast and Meteor to see the weak points. The shield covered all but the a few inches near the treads, narrow, but not too narrow that a well-placed attack couldn’t penetrate.

“I’ll take care of this,” said Meteor.

Meteor took out the Meteor Storm Switch and inserted it at the blue end of the bow staff. The pegasus stallion pulled out a yellow ripcord and inserted it into the Switch.

}M{ Limit Break! }M{

Meteor placed the bow staff into position and pulled on the ripcord, causing the pinwheel to spin at an incredible speed, and then released it from the Meteor Storm Shaft and fly towards the transport.

}M{ Meteor Storm Punisher! }M{

The spinning blade cut a path of destruction towards the transport, striking at the gap in the shielding. The Meteor Strom Punisher glowed red as it sliced through the treads, tearing them apart as if they were wet paper. Once it was done with the right side, the left side was next, and it too was shredded into nothing. Both sides of the treads exploded, grounding the transport.

“Alright, my turn!” Beast shouted.

Kamen Rider Beast pressed a button on his ring and the lion mouth opened on the ring. Beast inserted it into the ring slot on the Mirage Magnum, and immediately after the blaster weapon began to charge up, gathering magical energy to the barrel of the blaster.

[**] Hyper, Magnum Strike! [**]

Beast Hyper pulled the trigger and from the barrel the inner Phantom of the Driver, known as Chimera, flew out of the Mirage Magnum in the form of pure energy. The great beast roared as it slammed against the barrier and transformed into a ball of pure magical might. The dual attacks of Beast Hyper, and Princess Luna, started to make the shield show cracks, as well as the shield generators showings signs of sparking. Meteor’s Strom Topper returned to the staff, but just as quickly, he re-released the top, using the Meteor Storm Punisher again to strike at the shield.

The combined cosmic and magical forces proved to be too much for the barrier, and made it shatter like brittle glass, with the generators exploding as they shorted out. Luna lowered her altitude to where she was in earshot of the two Kamen Riders and exclaimed, “We have crippled that carrier, and brought down its defenses! Let us hit it with everything we’ve got!”

The Phantoms, Zodiarts, and Combatmen formed a protective perimeter around the tower, ready to defend it to the last. It was almost admirable, if they weren’t all monsters. However, their agitation for the current situation faded as they relaxed a bit. The Riders and Princess were confused by this change in demeanor, but the reason made itself clear as beam of black and orange light blasted through one of the residency buildings, and struck against the Royal Guards that were coming to assist.

The heroes turned around and watched as a large centaur stomped his way towards the Guards, opening his maw, and inhaling. Magical energy rose from the Royal Guard ponies, making his body glow and increasing his height and muscles along with it. Once he was done feasting on the Guards, he turned his sights onto Luna and the Riders.

“TIREK!” Luna shouted with spite.

“Heh, heh, good to see you again, Princess Luna. This time you won’t deny me the pleasure of taking your magic!” Tirek threatened.

Meteor and Beast glanced to each other and nodded. Meteor Storm flew up and twirled his staff around, taking a defensive stance. Meanwhile, Beast Hyper chuckled and dashed towards Tirek. The Ancient Wizard fired several shots from the Mirage Magnum, each bolt of mystic energy exploded against Tirek’s hulking form. With his feline body, Beast was easily able to leap from one building to the next. Tirek tried to swipe at Beast, but thanks to his new increased reflexes and agility, he was nimble enough to dodge the centaur. Beast landed on a roof top, and gave a shout of excitement.

“This world may be filled with pastel colored ponies, but I’m loving what this body is doing for my powers!” Beast exclaimed.

Tirek roared in anger as he fired a magic beam of energy towards Beast, the Kamen Rider jumped up again, and prepared to deliver another volley to Tirek, but the dark centaur merely smirked. What Beast hadn’t realized was that same beam had collected into a sphere of energy, and homed in on the Kamen Rider. Before he knew it, Beast was struck from behind by a powerful explosion, sending him straight for Tirek. The dark centaur dashed forward, holding out his right arm, and clothes lined Beast, sending him straight to the ground in a heap.

“Nitoh-san!” Meteor shouted. Tirek turned his sights on Meteor and Luna, the pegasus stallion twirled his staff around, preparing to attack. “Princess please retreat, this creature is after you, and I’d rather not see you hurt!”

Luna’s brow furrowed. “I will not flee from this vile being, he has hurt my subjects and threatens our home, for that I will see him returned to the depths! Together we can defeat him, Meteor!”

Meteor glanced over his shoulder to Luna, and then back to Tirek who was moving in closer. With little options, and with Beast knocked out on the ground, Meteor had to no choice. “You remind me a certain friend I know, Princess. I assume you have a plan?”

“I do, and please, it’s Luna.” The Moon Princess winked at the Rider before her expression grew serious. “We combine our power. Yours and mine, I have command over the moon and stars, and your power is cosmic in origin, I can feel it. If I use my magic to boost one of your attacks, we can at the very least wound Tirek enough that he may retreat.”


“I hold no illusions that we can defeat him easily, we will need the Elements of Harmony to finish him, and they are in Ponyville,” said Luna. “Our best option is to make him retreat, and if we are able to do so, maybe it will damage the morale of the monsters.”

Meteor glanced back at the Shocker Kaijin, sure enough they looked to be in high spirits due to Tireks arrival. If he was their big gun then it made sense to take him out first. The duo took to the skies, flying up in a helix spiral formation. While they were doing this, Meteor replaced the Storm Switch with his Meteor Switch, and pressed the button.

}M{ Limit Break! }M{

Meteor spun the globe on the center of his driver and gathered his cosmic energy. At the same time, Luna’s horn glowed as she summoned the power of the stars. Meteor broke away from their formation and began his descent for Tirek, flipping around so his right hind hoof was pointed at the center, blazing with blue flames. For a moment the stars that where hidden in the noon blue sky made themselves known, and by her command, Luna summoned them to fire straight for Meteor. A circle of white light formed a few feet ahead of him, and the starry blasts merged with the tail of his flames, turning him into a true flaming meteor.

The Kamen Rider shattered through the makeshift moon, and dragging the shards of energy with him, creating a sparkling radiance of power and magic that was hurdling towards Tirek, a sight that even made the centaur take a cautious step back.


Tirek quickly fired another power beam straight for Meteor, but the combined cosmic and magical power cut through his beam, and in the end the meteor landed. Kamen Rider Meteor Storm struck Tirek, resulting in a massive explosion that shook Canterlot. Meteor flew out of the explosion, eyes glowing red as the last vestiges of the power up ended. The pegasus stallion panted from the effort of handling his own power and Luna’s, but the result was well worth it.

Luna descended from her position in the sky and hovered next to Meteor. “You did it!”

Meteor shook his head. “No we did it.”

The Princess of the Night once again felt the odd warmth in her muzzle again, and this time in her chest. However, the pleasant, victorious feeling, was snuffed out like a candle in a harsh wind. Tirek emerged from the flames, his giant hand reached out and grabbed Meteor, bringing the Kamen Rider to meet his eyes as he snorted in anger, “Okay, that actually hurt.”

Tirek raised Meteor into the air and slammed him down into the road, the impact created a body sized crater, upon which Tirek fired a beam of magic straight down for good measure, setting off an explosion. Luna’s eyes widened and then narrowed in anger. But before she could act, Tirek trapped her in his telekinetic magic, his eyes glowed as he smiled at the alicorn mare.

“I’ve been waiting to do this for centuries,” said Tirek.

“Do it you monster!” Luna dared.

The dark centaur smirked as he opened his maw, Luna tried to fight it, tried to hang onto her magic to the last bit. But Tirek managed to absorb all of her alicorn magic, leaving the Moon Princess weakened, and pushed further into exhaustion from the constant fighting. Tirek’s body began to enlarge even more, he was about three stories tall to begin with, now he stood almost five. “I made the mistake of choosing irony over destruction when I came back from Tartarus the first time, I will not make that same mistake twice. Goodnight, Princess Luna!”

The horns of Tirek gathered his magical energy as he prepared to end Luna’s life. But at the last second, a series of explosions struck Tirek in the back, forcing him to release Luna as he turned around and spotted Beast Hyper on his feet. As Luna fell from his grasp, Meteor shot out from the crater and caught the Princess of the Night in his hooves. Meteor Storm flew her over to where Beast Hyper was, and tried to wake her.

“Princess, can you hear me?! Princess?! LUNA?!” Meteor shouted.

Luna’s eyes groggily opened, she gave a weak smile, seeing that Meteor and Beast were okay. “I’m sorry, I tried to hold onto my magic…”

“Don’t worry, at least we stopped that tower from getting anywhere,” said Beast.

That silver lining was soon denied as Tirek made his way towards the tower and transport. The dark centaur used his newfound magical strength to left the tower off the transport. The contraption hovered in the air for a few feet before Tirek slammed it down upon the ground, creating a mini earthquake throughout the city. Once planted, the tower came to life, the jagged metal opened outwards, as if a flower of pure evil was blossoming before their eyes. The jagged petals of the tower raised a pole and at the tip was a scarlet stone. The stone flared up, and fired a pillar of red light straight into the sky.

Tirek smiled at this development. “Well, one down, two to go. I’ll be seeing Princess Twilight and Celestia soon.”

With those words, Tirek enveloped himself in his black and orange magical energy, and teleported away. The remaining Phantoms, Zodiarts, and Combatmen swarmed the tower, holding a defensive position around it. The good and part about this meant that they weren’t going to initiate anymore attacks while the tower was active and doing, well, whatever it was doing.

“Ryusei-kun, we should fall back for now, and get the Princess out of here. We also need to warn Haruto and the others,” said Beast.

Meteor looked back at the tower, and then to Luna. Although reluctant, Luna agreed with Beast’s plan. This is going to get worse before it gets better.

***___________<U> X [D] ___________***

“I’m sorry, Sister…we allowed them to get their machine up and running,” said Luna.

Back at Ponyville, Luna had contacted them via a scraying spell, and relayed the details of the battle. All in attendance were understandably worried, especially since they did not yet know what the towers’ purpose was. Gentaro stepped forward from the group and nodded to the two Riders standing beside Luna.

“Ryusei, Nitoh-san, don’t give up, we’ll figure out something,” said Gentaro.

“Or we’ll just fly by luck as we normally do,” said Meteor.

With that the spell cut out, and others were left to ponder. “We need to find Shocker’s base, the longer we let this continue the more danger the Crusaders are in,” said Sunset.

“But we still don’t know where they took ‘em.” Applejack stated.

“Um, everypony…?”

“They’ve gotta be in this triangle they’re setting up, I can get the Wonberbolts to switch their search within the area, with all of us it’ll be a lot faster,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Um, excuse me, but, there’s something –”

“I could use my magic to create a locater spell, if this is truly magic related, then no doubt Phantoms are going to be at the forefront of this, I’ll be able to search for them easily,” said Haruto.

Fluttershy began tapping at the shoulders of a few ponies, trying to get their attention. “There’s, um, something on the map, it’s flying and –”

“That can work, if Starlight and I assist, and of course, if you’re willing to as well, Princess, we can double our range and –!”

“EVERYPONY!!!” Fluttershy shouted. All ponies and dragons in attendance turned to face the normally shy pegasus mare, who was huffing and had a most irritated look on her face. After a moment to calm herself, Fluttershy pointed to the Cutie Map. “There’s something floating in the skies, just above the Everfree Forest.”

Everypony gathered around the map, and indeed there was a ship hovering there. It looked like the skeleton of a monstrous creature had been mechanized, with rips and a head with glowing eyes.

“That’s them alright,” said Tsukasa.

“That horrid, gaudy thing is their ship?” Rarity asked.

“I’ll admit, as far as ships go, it could be better,” said Eiji.

But then, if they’re there, then where are the girls? Dammit, can we get a break here, thought Sunset.

Suddenly, the Cutie Map glowed, and at the same time, all eyes shifted to Sunset Shimmer. The unicorn mare looked to everypony, wondering why they were staring at her. It was eventually Starlight who spoke, “Oh my Celestia, Sunset, your cutie mark!”

Sunset Shimmer turned her head, and immediately gasped at how it was glowing and flashing. “Gah! W-W-What’s happening?! Why is my cutie mark glowing?!”

“It can’t be…” Twilight whispered.

“I think it is,” said Pinkie in a singsong-y voice.

A copy of Sunset’s cutie mark flew off and towards the Map, settling just below the ship, it then took on another symbol, that of the Unicorn “U” symbol that was on her Gaia Memory.

“The Map, it’s calling you there, then that must mean that the girls are there too!” Twilight shouted in excitement.

Tsukasa nodded at this revelation. “Well, now we know where to go. Better we hurry now before Shocker gets its way.”

The Elements of Harmony stepped forward, along with the parents.

“We’re coming too, you’ll need our help,” said Twilight.

“Honestly, Princesses, this is best handled by us,” said Tsukasa. “With Tirek around, you’ll be easy targets out in the open. Besides, we don’t know if that’s also Shocker’s objective, to get rid of the other power that might be able to stop them.”

Twilight had a pensive look on her face, she understood Tsukasa’s logic, but still, thinking about the Crusaders at the mercy of those monsters filled her with dread, and because, she feared for somepony else in the group. “I…I…understand.”

Tsukasa nodded, and with a wave of his hoof another Silver Veil appeared. The Kamen Riders stood ready, prepared to cross the divide and into battle, but before they did, Sunset found herself getting hugged from behind, a familiar warmth that she was not opposed to feeling.

“I’m scared for you,” said Twilight.

“I know, I am too,” said Sunset.

“But…I know you have to go, the map chose you, and the girls need you.”

“It’s part of my duty as a Rider, as a hero.”

Sunset turned around and looked into the watery eyes of Twilight Sparkle, her mind briefly flashed and overlaid the likeness of the Twilight from the other world, an image that made Sunset’s heart hurt more.

“We’ll come back, all of us,” said Sunset with affirmation.

The veteran Riders nodded in agreement and soon she joined them, crossing the Veil and leaving the safety of the castle.

“Good luck…” Twilight whispered.

***___________<U> X [D] ___________***

The Silver Veil appeared around the Ghastly Gorge, and deposited the six Riders. As expected, Shocker had prepared for any intervention and had several Combatmen standing by to take them down. Tsukasa chuckled at the throngs of henchmen before them.

“I don’t know whether to feel insulted, or sorry for them,” said Tsukasa.

“Venturing on both,” said Sunset.

“Alright, let’s rumble,” said Gentaro.

Eiji, Haruto, Kouta, Gentaro, Tsukasa, and Sunset all summoned their Drivers and placed them at their waists.

Haruto placed a ring with a ruby on his left claw. Kouta took out a lock that was in the shape of an orange. Gentaro flipped all four switches on his belt, and Eiji placed three medals, colored red, yellow, and green, into the three slots on the belt.

[**] Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! [**]

}F{  3… }F{

\| Lock On! |/

}F{  2… }F{


}F{  1… !}F{


-) Taka, Tora, Batta: Ta-To-Ba! Tatoba, Ta-To-Ba! (-

[**] Flame, Please: Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi! [**]

\| Soiya! Orange Arms: Hanamichi on Stage! |/


[Kamen Ride: Decade!]

The gathered Combatmen brought out their weapons and magic, firing a barrage of laser and explosive rounds towards the assembled Riders. A powerful explosion erupted around the heroes, shaking the Ghastly Gorge down its core, even the Quarray Eels stayed in their holes for fear of what was to come. Several more explosions and laser fire from the Combatmen went off as they continued their onslaught.


The Combatmen halted the attack, as the multiple explosions caused a large dust cloud to be kicked up and obscured their view of their targets. Several seconds past, with nothing but the howling of the wind as it blew through the winding chasms of the Gorge. Suddenly, a figure walked out of the dust cloud, clad in turquoise armor and sporting a crystal horn, and second was a red armor clad unicorn stallion, Kamen Riders Unicorn and Decade.

Emerging on Unicorn’s right was another, an Armored Rider. Upon his shoulders and chest was orange colored, samurai-like armor, with circular studs on it. The under armor was a navy blue, around his forelegs were plated bracers, and on his hind legs were boots with gold plates running up the front. Kouta’s helmet had gold panels coming out the side, upon his head was a crest that resembled a crescent moon, and the visor was in the shape of an orange slice and colored orange as well. This was Kamen Rider Gaim.

On Decade’s right, a white armored pegasus stallion appeared. His helmet looked similar to a rocket, with two gray wings poking out the sides. A black oval was at the center of the face, along with two orange eyes and two silver antenna that gave the warrior a narrowed eye look. His suit was mostly all white, with silver shoulder pads, the upper torso had an armor plate, with orange lines that ran down the chest and continued towards the hind  legs. On his front forehooves were gauntlets, the right had a red circle, and the left had a black square. The right hind leg had a blue “X” and the left had a yellow triangle. This was the space hero, Kamen Rider Fourze.

To Gaim’s left, the fifth Rider made his presence known. He stood upright, with a black coat, and three ruby jewels on both sides of the coat, with silver trimming, and red lining inside of it. The chest was ruby plated, and the helmet looked like a ruby had been affixed to it, with square lines on either side that acted as the outline for eyes. Around his wrists the cuffs of the coat were red, along with the boots, which also sported the same red lining around the ankle. The sorcerer of hope, Kamen Rider Wizard.

Lastly, from Fourze’s right, the final team member fell in line. Eiji’s helmet was red and black, with wing fins coming out of the side, and eyes colored green. The arms and shoulder pauldrons were a yellow-gold, with the gauntlets sporting three razor sharp claws. The lower half of the suit was black and green, with Eiji’s hind legs covered in green armor. Upon the chest was a large circle, and upon it where three pictures of a hawk, tiger, and grasshopper. The self-less warrior, Kamen Rider OOOs.

“They look scared,” said Sunset.

“Yeah, they know what’s coming,” said Kouta.

“Alright guys, it’s FIGHT TIIIIIIIIIIIIME!” Gentaro shouted as he thrust his forelegs into the air.

Eiji nodded. Everyone let’s go!”

The six heroes shouted in unison as they charged for the horde of Combatmen. The Combatmen, whether out of fear, or compulsion of their programing, charged for the Kamen Riders, continuously firing in hopes of either slowing them down or damaging them. But despite the numerous explosions that went off around them, nothing would deter the heroes from their goal, bellowing a loud battle cry as they entered the fray.

Unicorn made the first move, summoning several spheres of mana and firing them into the oncoming army. Several Combatmen were sent flying into the air as explosion after explosion went off around them, Unicorn followed up by jumping into the air, and diving down for a flying kick to one Combatman Earth pony, spring boarding off him, and punching a pegasus Combatman out of the sky before landing back on the ground.

OOOs entered next, extending the claws on his gauntlets. Combatmen Earth stallion’s encroached on him, but numbers and muscle would not prevent their demise. The self-less Rider, slashed at the first stallion, causing sparks to erupt from the impact. The second and third tried to bum rush him, but the jumping power of the TaToBa combo allowed him to leap over them, spin once, and deliver a donkey kick to the back of their heads, toppling them in an instant. Before OOOs hit the ground, the fifth tried to close in, but OOOs extended his forelegs out and windmill slashed the fifth Combatman and sent it reeling back from the multiple blows.

Fourze flew through the air, aided by his wings and jet back, he was practically flying circles around the pegasi Combatmen. Many of them tried to fire their quills and hit Fourze, but their exploding quills missed every time. Despite all of them being pegasi, Fourze’s space configuration allowed him to fly faster in the air, and pegasi already have an instinctual ability to maneuver in the air, so overall Fourze has vast air superiority. Fourze brought out two switches. He placed one on the left side that was connected to his right hind leg, and on another slot that was connected to his left foreleg.

}F{ Radar On! }F{

}F{ Launcher On! }F{

Fourze’s left foreleg gained a device with a radar dish on it, and on his right hind leg a missile pod appeared. The space hero shot straight up into the air, keeping the pegasi Combatmen staring up right at him. Fourze pointed the radar dish at the Combatmen, the screen showed all eight targets were locked on, and in the next moment the pod on his left leg released eight missiles. The Combatmen flew like mad to try and escape the missiles, but it was no use, the missiles had their targets and would dog them until they were taken down. And find them they did as all eight of the Combatmen pegasi were obliterated in eight different explosions.

Gaim calmly walked into the horde of henchmen, he stopped and stood on his hind legs as he drew the Musou Saber, which appeared as a half-sword, half-gun, and the Daidaimaru, a sword with a blade that looked like an orange slice. The Combatmen unicorns fired multiple spells at the Armored Rider, but Gaim merely deflected their attacks with his blades, several more fired as well, trying to barrage the warrior from all sides. Gaim however was not about to be overwhelmed so easily. The Armored Rider took aim and fired four energy rounds into the crowd.

Four Combatmen fell, and another four after second volley. Gaim jumped out up out of the barrage and tossed the Daidaimaru into the horde, the blade spun around as it cut down one Combatman after the other. When Gaim landed, it continuously fired from the Musou Saber, cocking back to reload, and firing again. Their numbers lessened and Gaim was gaining breathing room. When the other saber returned, Gaim focused his energy into the blades and slashed, spinning in place and sending waves of cutting energy outwards towards all the Combatmen, exploding them on the spot.

Wizard was getting surrounded as well, but he wasn’t without options. The sorcerer took up one of the rings and placed it on his left claw, and switched on the driver.

[**] Lupachi Magic Touch Go! Lupachi Magic Touch Go! [**]

[**] Defend, Please! [**]

A dome of fire formed around Wizard as the Combatmen fired magic bolts, lasers, and exploding quills all over the shield. But none of them were able to get through the barrier. But after a minute the barrier disappeared.

[**] Big, Please! [**]

Suddenly, the ground rumbled beneath the henchmen, and a giant arm thrusted forth from the ground.

[**] Copy, Please! [**]

[**] Copy, Please! [**]

Two more giant arms rose up from the ground, clutching at several Combatmen and throwing them towards the stone walls of the Gorge. Three Wizards sprang out of the ground, the crystals on the suit were now a yellow topaz, signifying the Land Style change. The three Wizards pulled out their WizarSwordGuns and began firing at the remaining Combatmen.

The six Kamen Riders continued to fight through several more of the Combatmen, their numbers dwindling at a rapid rate. Before they knew it, the Riders were almost halfway towards the middle of the Ghastly Gorge, further ahead they could see the glow of magic, something was happening, and whether it was due to their experience as Kamen Riders or because they were ponies and a dragon, they could feel negative energy being gathered to that spot.

Let’s keep moving!Tsukasa ordered.

The Riders continued on, but were blocked once again, this time Fangire, Mirror, Monsters, Inves, Yummies, and Phantoms blocked their path.

“Ugh, we don’t have time for this!” Sunset shouted in aggravation. “At this rate whatever they’re doing will be done before we get there!”

“Then I guess we’d better pull out all the stops, right guys?”  Fourze asked.

There was a collective nod amongst them, making Sunset wonder what they were talking about. OOOs brought up three purple medals as he stood and prepared himself. Tsukasa placed a hoof on Eiji’s shoulder as if to stop him. You know what happens when you use those, right?

Don’t worry, Tsukasa-san, I don’t know why, but here, I think I can control them better,” said OOOs.

Decade sighed, but nodded.

OOOs took out the TaToBa combo medals, and replaced them with three matching purple medals. The Rider took up a circular device on his right hip and swiped it over the three medals.

-) Ptera, Tricera, Tyranno: Pu-To-Tyrannosaurus! (-

Three energy manifestations of the medals appeared before OOOs, one had a Pterosaur. The second had the image of a Triceratops, and the last a Tyrannosaurus. The three medals overlaid atop each other and merged to OOOs, changing his armor completely. The black coloring of the suit was changed to white, the color predominately purple. Upon both forelegs where gauntlets that had triceratops heads on them, the shoulder pauldrons were enlarged and had gold, talon like protrusions coming from them. On his back were two glider wings, and the boots had a three clawed, reptilian look. OOOs’ helmet still had the green eyes, but it also had the head of pterosaur, with wings coming out of either side.

GrrrrrraAAAAAARRRRAAHHHH!!!”  OOOs shouted as a wave of frost covered the ground before shattering to pieces.

Sunset could feel a great amount of power coming from Eiji. It was savage, primal, and destructive. “What…What happened to Eiji?!”

Eiji growled as he slowly turned his head to Sunset and nodded to her. It’s alright, Sunset-san, I am in control, I can help clear the path for you all to continue, I’ll be fine! GRRRAAAAAAAAGGHH!”

The wings of PuToTrya rose up and in the next second, OOOs was flying off into the horde of monsters and Combatmen. OOOs caught a Fangire with a hook punch to the gut, took one step forward, and followed through to send the monster spiraling into its comrades. Two Mirror Monsters tried to attack him from behind, but the External Fins rose up and unleashed a blizzard attack that froze the two creatures mid-attack. The thigh armor – or flank in this case – moved back to form a tyrannosaurus tail, the now Tail Divider swiped behind OOOs and shattered the Mirror Monsters like glass. OOOs summoned his most powerful weapon, the Medagabryu.

The weapon was black, purple, and gray, with a t-rex head at the top which was open and had an ax blade. OOOs closed the mouth and converted the weapon into its terrifying Bazooka Mode. The primal warrior took aim, and fired a massive ball of destructive energy right down the line, several Mirror Monsters, Fangire, and Combatmen were caught in the path of destruction, until the ball finally exploded and obliterated a good majority of their forces. But the added bonus was the now cleared path.

GO! NOW!” OOOs ordered.

Fourze, Gaim, Decade, and Wizard began running down the path that OOOs created, but Unicorn was hesitant, she didn’t want to leave a comrade alone to fight so many foes. “Eiji…”

Sunset-san, you have to save them, they’re waiting for you, and so are their parents! No more children will suffer and be made to cry, I won’t let it happen – YOU don’t let happen!”

Unicorn understood his words and dashed down the line to join the team. OOOs smiled under his helmet before jumping up into the air and flying to where his friends were, putting himself between them and the monster horde.


***___________<U> X [D] ___________***

The Kamen Riders continued on, now having reached the center of the Ghastly Gorege. The whole time though, Sunset couldn’t help but worry for Eiji, his power was incredible, but it changed his demeanor, made him somewhat primal. With every distant explosion she was afraid it was their friend, until she saw the purple glow and it eased her worries. Sunset just had to remember that all of them were veteran Kamen Riders, having faced most of these creatures more than once in their lifetimes.

“You alright, Sunset?” Gentaro asked as he flew overhead.

“Y-Yeah, just worried about Eiji, a little,” she admitted.

“Don’t be, one thing I know, Eiji’s tough, even tougher when he’s like that! No monsters are going to take him down!”

Sunset smiled at the pegasus stallion, although he couldn’t see it, she had a feeling he knew she was. As they continued their gallop, Gentaro looked up and spotted several arrows of light raining down on them. Sunset and Haruto summoned a barrier spell, one of fire and another of mana, both overlaid and formed a dual protective layer as the bolts rained down and exploded on the shield and the area around it. Sunset and Haruto lowered the shield once the attack had ceased, and watched as two monsters walked towards them.

One was an Inves Overlord, one that Kouta recognized. His armor was black, red, and gold, with two black horns, blue-green eyes, and a large sword in his right hand. This was a Kouta’s, Kamen Rider Gaim’s, friend, rival, and in the end, enemy. His name was Kaito Kumon, but now he was Overlord Baron.

The other was someone Gentaro knew. The creature before them was black, with an orange flame mantle on his left shoulder pauldron. Its right forearm had two blades sticking out, like a bow, and had a helmet with a crest upon it. This was the Zodiart known as Sagittarius.

These guys are bad news, said Tsukasa.

Foruze and Gaim stepped forward, their demeanor growing more serious as they stared down their respective foes.

“Sunset, Tsukasa, Haruto, you all keep going and get to that spot,” said Fourze.

“We’ll handle this.” Kouta added.

Unicorn stood before the two stallions and looked to both of them. “No, there’s only two of them, if we fight together we can win!”

“Sunset,” said Haruto. “Trust me when I say, this is personal as well as necessary. They’re strong opponents, and they know how best to fight them. We’re in the way here.”

“But…” Sunset was still hesitant, she didn’t want to leave more friends behind to fight alone.

Gentaro held out his hoof. “Don’t worry, we’re all heading back together, that’s a promise between friends!”

Kouta held out his hoof as well. “And we keep those promises.”

Sunset felt a warmth in her heart from the comradery of these two Riders, she brought up her hoof and performed a hoof bump with both them. With a reluctant sigh, Sunset stepped away and allowed her newest friends to confront their old foes. During their walk towards their opponents, Sunset watched them take out two devices, one was a large Switch and the other looked like a bigger version of Kouta’s Orange Lockseed.

\| Lock On! Soiya! Kachidoki Arms: Iza Shutsujin! Ei, Ei, Oh! |/

}F{ Cosmic On! }F{

Suddenly, the ghostly images of many Astro Switches flew towards Fourze, and all were then absorbed by Cosmic Switch on his belt. An aurora of lights and energy swirled and shined around Fourze until, in a bright flash, his entire suit changed form. The suit went from white to bright blue, however the gauntlets, and boots remained the same white color, although the shapes were still there, they had all changed to a light-blue color. The upper chest had multiple multicolored squares, each with a number that represented an Astro Switch, and coming out from the sides of the chest plate were two silver rocket wings. The helmet had a more profound rocket shape to it, with silver wing fins coming out of the sides of the helmet. In Fourze’s right hoof was a sword-like weapon, the hilt was the same blue color, but the blade part had a rocket ship attached to it. This was Kamen Rider Fourze’s most powerful form, Cosmic State.

For Gaim, a giant, metal orange fruit descended from a hole in space. The metal fruit released and fitted over Gaim’s armor, and in a flash of light, the Kamen Rider had entered his super form. The orange plating had extended, covering his chest and creating a medallion with the crest symbol from his earlier helmet. The shoulder pauldrons came down to cover most of his forelegs, and around his waist was an armor-plated skirt, with silver studs running up and down each plate. The helmet had changed as well, instead of a crescent crest, the crest had become two horns that rose into a U shape, and around the face plate was a silver blade edge that gave a sort of mustache look, and upon his back were two staffs with flags that bared the Gaim emblem. This shogun style armor and power was Gaim’s super form, Kachidoki Arms.

Sunset stood in awe of both Riders, just like Eiji, she could sense a great amount of power radiating from them. Gentaro was emitting cosmic energy, it was distinctly different from magic, and was overflowing from him. Kouta’s energy was high as well, but tempered and honed like a sharpened blade, but no less intimidating. Each of them was a veteran Kamen Rider, and seeing these six with this kind of power, made Sunset wonder what kind of hardships they faced to have to ascend to such a level in order to protect those they cared about?

Fourze pulled on a lever on his sword, making the rocket ship split apart and reveal an actual sword blade underneath it. Gaim reached behind his back and took up the two flag staffs as weapons, holding them in a fighting stance with his hooves as they glared down their opponents. The wind in the Ghastly Gorge kicked up, howling as it echoed against the cavernous walls, but, after a few seconds, all went silent.

Sagittarius made the first move and fired a volley of laser arrows at Fourze, but Fourze parried the arrows with well-placed sword strikes, knocking the arrows away and against the rock walls. Fourze pressed the number two square on his chest, and into his left hoof an Astro Switch appeared. Fourze placed it into his belt and pressed the button.

}F{ Launcher On! }F{

Fourze pressed the number ten on his chest plate, and fired the missiles. Each missile was laced with lightning energy, appearing as bolts of condensed electrical energy flying through the air. Sagittarius jumped back and fired more arrows at the incoming missiles, trying to shoot them out of the sky. The Zodiart managed to destroy several of them, but missed two. The last two managed to strike him, creating an explosion of electrical fury that tossed the Zodiart into the air. Fourze dismissed the Launcher Switch, ignited his rocket pack, spread his wings, and flew straight for Sagittarius.

Gaim charged for Baron, and Baron obliged by doing the same. Both warriors met at the center, sword clashing with flag staff in a concussive impact of power that rang out through the Gorge. Baron twirled his sword around and charged in, coming down with an overhead slash, but Gaim recovered and caught the attack with the flag staffs, forming an X and catching it between them. The ground began to shake and fissure from the pressure and power of the Overlord and Kamen Rider.

The visor of Gaim’s helmet glowed, at the same time, the banners hanging from the staffs flared up. Gaim pushed Baron off and began swiping at him, a trail of flames followed each stroke as the first blow struck Baron in the chest, and the second tripped him up. In that split second he was still in the air, Gaim drew back on both staffs and thrusted forward, slamming them both into Baron’s midsection and sending him flying away. The attack didn’t stop there, Gaim took a runner’s stance and shot off after Baron. The Overlord corrected himself in midair and immediately went to guard against Gaim’s overhead strike.

Sunset, Haruto, and Tsukasa watched this melee between the Riders and their enemies, and after a minute the spotted their opening and galloped for it. As they ran, for a brief moment, Sunset glanced to Kouta and Gentaro. The two Riders nodded to the rookie Rider for that split second and returned to their battles. Sunset, again, felt apprehension at leaving her friends behind, but she had to press on, had to believe in their strength and the promise to come out of this alive.

***___________<U> X [D] ___________***

The two unicorns and one dragon continued their run until the hit the edge of the Everfree Forest. So far, besides the bigger melee they were in during the start, they had managed to keep their energy reserves high for the fight to come. While they were stopped for a breather, Haruto glanced about the area. The sorcerer of hope sighed and began walking forward, puzzling Sunset.

“Guess it’s my turn now,” said Haruto.

[**] Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! [**]

Tsukasa and Sunset heard the activation jingle of the WizarDriver, but Haruto hadn’t touched it at all. From the shade of the Everfree Forest, a Phantom walked forth. This Kaijin was covered in golden armor from head to toe, but the most striking feature of this Phantom, was the fact that he had a WizarDriver similar to Haruto’s. The Phantom had a ring on his left finger, with a black stone at the center, with his other hand he flipped down the visor on ring.

“Henshin,” said the Phantom as he placed the ring over the Driver.

[**] Change, Now! [**]

A golden magic circle appeared before the Phantom, passing over him, and transforming the monster into a Kamen Rider. He had a yellow-gold vest on, with black shoulder pads that had a black cape attached it. Held in place by his WizarDriver was a plated skirt, colored black and yellow-gold. In his right hand he held his Dis Halberd, a black staff with an ax blade at the top, and at the center was a black magic stone held in place by five claw-like pincers. This was Kamen Rider Sorcerer.

Haruto took another ring from his belt loop, one with a sky-blue crystal at its center, and switched the WizarDriver to the transformation side.

[**] Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! [**]

“Save those fillies, you are their last hope, Sunset-chan,” said Haruto.

[**] Infinity, Please: Hi-Sui-Fu-Do, Bou-Zaba-Byu-Dogon! [**]

A blinding flash of light went off, and from it arose Haruto’s inner Phantom, WizarDragon. The WizarDragon appeared clear as crystal energy, and flew around Haurto before ascending into the air and flying down, passing over Haruto. A magic circle appeared under Wizard’s feet and slowly rose up, coating his body in crystal. After about a few seconds the circle coated him completely, and in the next moment, shattered into many dazzlingly, sparkling shards. And once the transformation was over, Haruto had achieved his final form. His suit had become silver, with a chest plate that covered much of the upper torso and shoulders, and the plate itself was embedded with sky-blue crystal right into the armor. Haruto’s tail had changed as well, gaining sky-blue crystal spines, and a crystal spear tip at the end of the tail. This was true form of Haruto’s magic, Infinity Style.

Sunset was blown away before by the other veterans’ transformations, but this one, she could feel an insane amount of magical energy pouring out of Haruto. A light magic that shined against the equally overwhelming magic of the dark Rider before them.

Kamen Rider Sorcerer stepped to the side and pointed with his Dis Halberd towards the forest. Go.”

Sunset and Tsukasa gave each other a glance, as if not sure if they should trust this dark Rider.

Tsukasa, Sun-chan, hurry before he changes his mind. Haruto urged.

Once again, they left another friend behind as they continued on, Sunset and Tsukasa cautiously ran passed Sorcerer and entered the Everfree Forest. The whole time they had done so, Wizard had his signature weapon, AxCalibur, at the ready in case of foul play.

That was generous of you, surprised you didn’t attack them, said Haruto.

It matters not if they make it to the ritual site. They won’t be able to stop it, this battle was won the moment the first tower went up, said Sorcerer.


Sorcerer slashed his Dis Halberd at Wizard, but Wizard raised his AxCalibur and blocked the cutting energy crescent with the blade of his weapon. Wizard swatted the crescent away, his body began to shimmer and sparkle as he built up energy, and at that same time, Sorcerer did the same. The two mages disappeared in the blink of an eye. The entire area was echoing with the clash of blade against blade, shimmering explosions would go off from time to time around the area, followed by the smashing of a boulder, the slashing of the ground, or shift in the wind from a powerful blow.

After about a few seconds, both Wizard and Sorcerer exited their accelerated states and squared off. The whole time, Haruto couldn’t get what Sorcerer had said earlier out of his head. What do you mean we’ve lost, and what is the meaning of those towers?!

Humph, I guess there’s no harm is saying now…

***___________<U> X [D] ___________***

Sunset and Tsukasa continued through the forest, finally coming upon a clearing. It was here they saw the Phantom, Carbuncle, muttering his spell as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were placed at the top of three columns, each were carved with ancient runic markings, and glowing brightly to match the magic circle beneath them. Out of the three, only two were conscious, Apple Bloom’s cage and pedestal was glowing a dark red, the young Apple filly had fallen to the floor of her cage, completely still, save for the steady rhythm of her rising chest.

Sunset growled in anger as she shouted at Carbuncle, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?!”

The Phantom exited his trance, and ceased his spell to turn around and greet the two Riders. Decade and Unicorn, somehow I figured you’d be the ones to make it here.

“Cut the crap, you’re going to let them go!” Unicorn stated as she rose on her hind legs and assumed an aggressive fighting stance.

Decade did the same, getting up on his hind legs and taking out his Ride Booker, and then shifting it into sword mode. It’s either that or we’re ending you, and then taking them back. Personally, I vote for the latter.

Carbuncle chuckled at the bravado of the two Kamen Riders. Did you not think that this was not part of the plan? Have you not figured out one crucial fact about your fighting to get to these three?

And that is? Tsukasa asked.

“That you have left unguarded those whom you should be defending.”

The new voice caught them off guard, from behind one of the columns, appeared Ambassador Hell, his draconic form had gotten…bigger. He stood on par with the columns, and the columns themselves were already seven feet high. From another column, Shadow Moon appeared, Unicorn glared at the dark Rider, the memories of their fight still fresh in her mind.

“If you are here, who is guarding your Princesses?” Ambassador Hell asked.

Carbuncle snapped his fingers, and before them a portal opened. Sunset recognized this as a scraying spell, and within the portal they were shown the Castle of Friendship, with the front doors blown off. Sunset’s heart began to beat quicker as fear gripped her, the portal shifted and showed the inside of the castle, where several Royal Guards were turned to stone. Tsukasa and Sunset recognized Windy and Bow, Lofty and Holiday, indeed all the parents were turned to stone.

The portal again shifted, and showed all six Elements of Harmony bearers were frozen mid shock, even Princess Celestia was caught. Coming into view now was Medusa and Tirek, the dark centaur took his time as he opened his mouth and feasted upon the magical powers of all the ponies in the room. When the last vestiges of the magic was drained from all in the room, Tirek grew bigger and bigger until his hulking form threatened to break the entire castle.

With a quick spell, Carbuncle created a magic portal, teleporting Medusa and Tirek to the ritual site. Tirek landed a few feet away in the dense forest, but his great size and height made such a thing a trivial matter, within two steps he was now towering over the ritual site, and looking down upon everyone, his horns glowed with dark magic as he smiled menacingly at Kamen Riders Unicorn and Decade.

“No…No it-it can’t be!” Unicorn exclaimed.

“It is, and now, I have all the alicorn magic once again!” Tirek stated.

Let us begin the final stage of the plan, said Carbuncle.

Tsukasa took out a new item, a red and black device that had the words “K-Touch” on it. He quickly removed the buckle of his DecaDriver and placed it on his left hip, leaving the front vacant, and proceeded to touch the nine different symbols.

[Kuga, Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva!]

*Ring, ring, ring!*

[Final Kamen Ride: Decade!]

Decade placed the K-Touch in empty space where his buckle once was, and in a matter of seconds, his body underwent a new transformation. His body glowed as the transformation took hold, his armor had changed to black and silver, with the chest plate sporting a row of cards. It started on the right shoulder pauldron, displaying three cards of with Kamen Riders Hibiki, Kabuto, and Den-O. The chest had Kiva, Kuuga, and Agito. And the left shoulder pauldron had Ryuki, Faiz, and Blade. Decade’s helmet changed as well, also black and silver, with red eyes instead of green, and two red lines going down the helmet and turning into horns which had Decade’s final form card displayed between them. This was Decade’s greatest form, the power of nine Kamen Rider final forms for his to wield, plus his own, this was Decade Complete Form.

Decade opened his Ride Booker with his magic and took out another blank card. The card shined until it became a green and black Gaia Memory. The Destroyer of Worlds tossed the item to Unicorn, which she quickly taken and looked upon, there was a symbol of a black circle with a ring of fire around it, and at the center of the circle were golden letters that were weaved together strangely, Unicorn believed they were “RX”. Unicorn already knew what this was, and quickly pushed the button on the side with her magic.



The moment Sunset placed it into the slot, a fiery energy overtook her, surrounding her in its immense power. When the fires faded, Sunset broke free from the last embers and had once again incorporated the power of another Kamen Rider, thanks to Tsukasa. Her shoulder pauldrons had turned black, along with half of her foreleg and hind leg armor. Dark green armor panels layered atop turquoise, on her upper hind legs and forelegs, and chest. Upon the left side of the chest plate was the same strange “RX” symbol. Her helmet had changed too, the eyes shifting to red, with two antenna sprouting from either side of her horn, giving her a more bug like appearance. This was the power of the legendary Kamen Rider Black RX.

“Unicorn and RX, together as one! Kamen Rider Unicorn Last Sun!” Unicorn shouted.

The time was nigh, the towers were almost up, the bearers of Harmony were turned to stone, and their magic had been siphoned. OOOs, Gaim, Fourze, and Wizard were engaged with their own individual foes, and the rest of the Riders were too busy trying to stop Nega-Shocker’s troops from setting up the towers. And the last hope of the foalnapped fillies, and indeed the multiverse, rested upon Unicorn and Decade. The final battle is now upon us…