//------------------------------// // Chapter four: Building Hope. // Story: Dragon's Rest // by Megaskullmon //------------------------------// It's the middle of the same day. I spent most of it going around the town placing the recordings. But on my way back It was very calm and unknowing. The two that went off came back soon after. They stopped beside me. Wanda leaned her head out of the window. " Well, we didn't find anyone else. But we did get everything. How is Savannah doing with the power." I shrugged. " I don't know when will be done. It's going to be hard to know." I said sighing. The two nodded and they drove off back to the store ahead. me. I just walked around looking at the banks as well as some of the stores here. I had a feeling of trying to break into them. Then I looked at the Big boys. I haven't seen that in years. Maybe we could make all these places Dragon's rest. But for a time it will be where we are now. Walking calmly along the road. Of course, it started to rain and made me feel upset at the fact. I could feel it cleaning my blood again fulfilling me. I just stood there closing my eyes. But seed's looked like they got on me when I walked through that group of flowers. They started growing on my head and wings and legs. Blinking Looking at a mirror I brought out of the store when I got closer. I had long grass hair now and I oddly started to pose laughing. Saying to myself. " Now the beauty of the dragon with the grass hair would be.." Savannah spoke. " What are you doing?" I turned quickly face bright red. " Oh just looking at my new hair?" Savannah smirked rolling her eyes. " Oh geez, we got a glamor dragon. Now Malla we are going to need to find more fuel to get the power going. So I am going to need to take our new friends to go hunt for a fuel truck. Could you do me a big favor and find all the seeds? Place them in the Greenhouse?" Giving a nod my face turned back to normal slowly. I thought while my three friends drove off to find a fuel truck. A sigh softly came from my mouth. Going back inside looking to Toby who was on the floor resting inside. I just smiled I would miss him when he passes away. But I needed to find the seeds. " Come on Toby." He followed me while I went to the seeds. Finding all the seed lifting the basket and sighed softly. Placing them there. Heading to the greenhouse. Looking around it was pretty warm in here for it not working. But a deep sigh filled me again. I wanted to help. But I don't have the skills to help. But I do have the skills to lead. Putting all the seed's in the area and went back outside to lay in the rain.
Laying in the way I just watched the clouds go by. The rain slowly grew more grass on me along with flowers. But the feeling of the cleaning of my blood. I had no idea why it feels so wonderful. Slowly standing looking around feeling more of the grass growing on me. Pulling it out of my head. Looking close to the roots. Tilting my head at it. I didn’t see any of the blood but I found the root. It's strong and healthy. Looking at the Mirror I brought out here and started to grab the grass to remove parts from my head. trying to see what I could do. But I gave myself a long hair look. I didn't care what to think of that. But I just removed the rest of it. I would have to get used to it. Looking at my body. Sighing I feel like I need to be mowed. it hurt a bit as well removing it all. I growled deeply smashing the mirror with my claws. Tossing it away. My anger grew. I roared loudly in anger it sounded through the town. I am sure my friends could hear it. The roar sounded sad and angry. I miss Lyra I hope she is okay out there... I miss my family. The despair started to take over me again. But the Iron Giant toy made a sound after Toby pulled on a cord. " What do you wish to be?" The voice said. Looking at the toy. " Superman..." The iron giant spoke. Looking at the toy lifting it holding it close to my chest. Tear's streamed down my face. It hit me again depression filled me. The mental state I always had when I was a human hit me hard. I knew It would take a long time to remove that. Looking at the toy I stole from that car. Sighing went inside placing it into the glass case. Inside the store next to my journal. Looking to both I sighed deeply. Did I felt alone why? Did I feel alone? Going through the isles of Mirrors. Staring at myself I felt anger filling me. Smashing them maybe I thought I was going to accept this fact easily. This happens for an hour I smashed every mirror. I felt my anger growing I am happy Toby stayed outside. Because I took out every single mirror. I lie in the glass sobbing softly. I didn't know they came back. I heard hooves on the glass seeing Savannah look down at me. " Do you wish to talk about it?" She turned to the other two shaking her head. " Go get it set up and then we will have power. But I feel Malla needs me right now." Wanda and George left to do just what she asked. " Come get out of the glass Malla." Giving a nod tear's streaming down my face. She sat there I put my head in her hooves she stroked along my head. As I listened to her heart. " I can understand this pain Malla. I can tell this didn't fully fix your mental problems. I'm not good at this but It seems you need someone to talk to." A deep sigh came from me. " I grew up as always in pain. Knowing the pain kept me alive. But now I am fully healed. I don't know how to act. I don't..." Blinking feeling my eyes look into hers. " But not in my brain. I still feel the depression." " Do you need a friend that will help you through this? I may be new to this new life but you seem to need someone. To just listen to you when you need it." Giving a nod. " Come then we will go farther in the back while our two friends get the fuel ready for me." Nodded I followed my new Zebra friend to the very back of the store. Into the stock room that normally has trucks come in. " Now you sit here and we will talk." Nodding calmly sitting down lifting my long neck to look at her. " Now explain to me everything." A deep sigh came from my mouth. "I wasn't born a healthy person. I had an accident when I was very young... I had bad depression and I was always alone. I was kind of a lone wolf. This change affected me more then I thought. I thought with the Help of Lyra a pony from another world apparently. Who helped me to get here. Was my only friend." Savannah leaned in me. " Just I thought I could handle it more. But it seems I can't I want to..but my brain chemistry is not helping." Blinking a moment feeling the mare lean in me. Why is she so close to me? " Uh, Savannah?" She looked up to me and chuckled. " I take it not used to friend's being close to you either?" I shook my head. " I may have had a girlfriend in the past that...wanted pleasure in bed a lot. But other than that never had a friend be close. Lyra did the same. Never understood why." Savannah chuckled and nuzzled my side. " You need a friend Malla. Someone to confide to. I am willing to do that for you. I will do the same as well for you. But our secret's stay with each other understand?" Nodding with a smile. But then one of the issues was the smell that came from me again. Savannah sniffed the air looking towards me and blinks. " Oh...dear." She said laughing softly " Talking about that girlfriend of yours seems to have triggered something has this been a long thing for you?" My face turned bright red nodding. Savannah chuckled again. " I can understand that feeling Malla. But you need to learn to fight it." Giving a nod my face still bright red. " Now I will explain a bit about myself. I'm a former Marine like I said. But I fought in the Iraq war." She sighed looking away from me. I could tell she had problems of her own. Placing my claws on her back. " It's alright I will listen to everything." Savannah smiled softly " Well, I was 15 years old 2001 9/11. I was in new york at the park near the towers. " Blinking my eyes went wide. Looking down at her. "It was early morning and I was with my family playing in the park. We heard something coming for the tower and boom...That happens." Staying silent. I remember that day. Gently I stroked my claw along her back to let her know it's alright to go on. "I wanted to fight for my country. So when we got home after renting a car. I went to the local recruitment office and lied about my age. I doubt they cared who was who. They knew so many people would be ready to fight for the country." She sighed deeply. "It’s okay go on," I said softly. " Well I went to training and I got lucky. I never got to go to the first little war. But then Iraq happen. I was shipped there and I went there close to five to ten years. I saw so much...that sometime's...I remember it. I kept waking up in cold flashes crying at what I saw. I couldn't handle it down the line. So I overdosed that’s why you met me in the back of the Ambulance.” Nods. I could tell she skipped most of her life. But I'm not going to push it. " I'm here for you Savannah. Maybe it might be wise if we sleep in the same area. I plan on having homes made for us here. Till everything is ready." Savannah gave a nod to me with a smirk. "Just remember if you keep having that issue. You need to find a cold cold river and jump in." I sighed softly. " Yes, I will do that. Just Lyra always teased me about it. She had it on the mind. She told me that it's oddly normal to overly well teased in her world." Slowly I stood up but Savannah pushed me back down smiling at me. " Just remember all this is between us. If you even tell a secret of mine. Then I will beat you within the inch of your life." She chuckled leaning into what I think was my ear. " Trust me Id rather not do that to you Malla." She pulled away and then we both stood up. "let’s go check on the other two. I need to make sure they set it up correctly so I can fill the generator's."
We went outside to check if they got the fuel and getting it ready. The tube normally is used to fill the gas tanks in gas stations. It was being used to fill up large generators. " Now this Meijer’s has its own heating. They learned from their mistakes with the other stores. So during the winter, it will be very helpful. But I advise to not put the cold air on and keep the door's open. Maybe even keep one generator in the Subway to make bread." Savannah was laying the law witch impressed. " Now" She went on. " This will be until we find another way to bring power here. But till then we need to conserve our fuel. But we shall see. Now I put all the generators here and connected them out here. Later we will build on it. Now next thing. Malla did you get the seed's like I asked?" I gave a nod. "Yes." " Alright, you two keep working." " Of course." Wanda stayed silent and Savannah calmly walked over to her whispering in her ear. I didn't know what she said. But she whispered back. Wanda seems happy now nodding. She hugged Savannah. She walks over to George and they start talking. We walk inside looking down at Savannah. " What did you say to her?" " I told her that we are all here for her. So if she needs someone to speak to...Then we can." She said smiling up at me. Giving a nod.
In the greenhouse, Savannah looked at the soil and then looked back to me. " Malla what kind of dragon are you?" Blinking a moment thinking a moment. " I don't know but as you can tell..I have grass growing out of my scales. So I could be one with nature." Looking at the large boxes filled with soil. Dipping the claw in the soil then taste it coughing. " Oh...that's soil is toxic..." Coughing more " Freshwater please rain water...Get the rainwater!!" Savannah quickly ran outside a few minutes later she came back. With a bucket full of rainwater. I lifted it up and drank it down. Allowing the pure water to clean me out coughing a bit. " Remove that soil... in that one." Coughing more. Savannah stroked my back with her hoof. " Will you be okay?" Nodding setting the bucket down. " That... Soil is toxic. Remove it toss it somewhere. We need to find better soil." Savannah nodded she had a list with her. I went to the other plant box taking a taste groaning a bit. " This one is not much better. How about we stop this.Before I get sick just replace them all with new soil." Taking the bucket drinking more of the freshwater. " Alright, I will send George with a shovel. Maybe he could find us some great soil." Nodding coughing a bit more. " Malla?" Turning to her blinking. " Yes?" " What was it like showing up the day it happens?" My crest drooped looking down. " I felt alone...I didn't know how to act. It got to the point all I had was a mare. That tried her best to help me. But I treated her so badly. But she stayed with me asked me to be gentle and kind to all those around me. But I don't know if I can." I felt a hoof on my left-wing looking down to Savannah again. " I can help you Malla.. I may have been a marine. But even so. I am willing to train you to fight also to teach you to stay gentle." A smile forms on my face. I have never had such a friend willing to care about me as she did. " Excuse me." The two of us turned seeing Wanda. "I had a very nice garden at my home. I could do all the planting for you." Savannah nodded. " Will you go with George then and help him? We need to be ready just in case. Also if you could try to find a good place to put cows. I think it's wise for Malla to stay here and not do anything. I think her mental state is not good at the moment. I will be working. She will be following me like she is on a leash." Blinking my eyes went wide trying to hide my blushing face by placing my head in the dirt. I heard laughing from the two. " Oops, I think I went too far there," Savannah said laughing. I could still hear them. Why could I still hear them? " Heh take care of her.. Can't allow our leader to stay so red in the face." Wanda laughed leaving. Blinking pulling my head out of the dirt. " Hey, I never....said.I was..." Savannah stared at me. " Malla you have been here longer. You know what is going on. So yes you're the leader. Deal with it." She said with a smirk. "A weak and easy to make blush leader of course." She said with a wing. This time I covered my face with my wings whining. " darn it..not you too." Savannah laughed loudly. " Malla relax. I like you,. I feel it will put up your spirits." She said with a smile. I sighed nodding.
After that most embarrassing conversation, Savannah demanded that I follow her outside while she took care of the generators. The rain was getting all over her. But I lifted a wing to cover her. It just absorbed into my wing. I felt the rain clean my blood. But what made me happy is she turned to smile at me. But after a while, she filled all of them. Some are giant some are small ones. We had no idea what to do with the smaller ones. But we wanted to use them later. But right now it's best to wait till later to start using them. She didn't want to turn them on yet. Till we got everything set up. So we could do this correctly. Savannah turned to me with a smirk. " Well now thank you for being a life savior. Now I am oddly going to try grazing since. Well, I am a Zebra now. I'm sure it's not bad." I followed Savannah over to the grass it looked crisp and green. She slowly started to graze while I watched the area around us. " This city is normally one of the busiest next to Kalamazoo it's strange." I calmly said. Savannah lifted her head and smiled up at me. " I think you're over-worried Malla. You need to just relax and let the rest of us take care of all this for you." Turning my eyes to look at Savannah's. I felt safe around her. That I could be myself. But for the moment I still felt empty and closed. I miss Lyra she did so much for me. She went back down to eat. I didn't know where the other two were at the moment. But I found it odd that I haven't seen many wild dogs lately. Michigan really did some odd things to bring nature near the stores. In fact half of the airport not far from us. It has pure grass itself. So If needed we could go there to get some. Savannah lifted her head again. She looked into my eyes. She could tell I had so much on my mind. " Malla.." Looking down at her. " Lower." I lowered my head to her. She wrapped it in her hooves staring into my eyes. " Again relax Malla. I see that you need to get inside. I have a fear you will lose it again." Blinking sighing. She could read me easily. I was about to lose it again. My brain chemistry was in depression mode. " Alright, Later Savannah." 00000000000 I went inside feeling an odd sensation of needing to hoard. Taking everything I brought from the trip here. Not the car of course. Everything I took I dumped all the jewels on the floor. The clothing my dad’s. Even the empty gas cans. Placing the Iron giant not far from me. Grabbing all kinds of more jewels and the money from the registers and the safe's. Placing the coins all over. Then I lay on it purring softly I started to feel more at home. I don't know why but I felt like I need more. This was the stock area I am sure there is so much more here. I started to pry open some of the boxes finding some nice clothing placing it in the pile along with more DVDs after an hour. I had a large pile of goodies. Of course, I made sure I took all the stuff that we wouldn't be using. Savannah and the other two came back her blinking. I was purring staring at them with soft gentle eyes. " Hmm hello there," I said with a smile. " Huh... she's hoarding," George said. Wanda laughed. " No Duh George." Savannah smirked. " Go get the dirt in. I need to talk to her to see if I can see any difference." " George do you have a feeling that these two might kiss someday?" She said with a tease. George laughed. " Oh, I have seen stranger things. Look at me for example." The two laughed loudly walking off. When I heard that I got out of my stooper. " Wh What..we barely know each other!!" Savannah smirked laying beside me. " Do you feel better Malla?" Giving a nod. " Yes, I do. But I would like to help." Savannah smiled. " Alright I will agree to it but if you start feeling odd You come back here got it?" Nodding. I slowly stood up spreading my wings yawning a bit. " Hmm much better." I followed Savannah to the greenhouse. 0000000 When we got to the Greenhouse. Wanda and George have brought in the soil they found. " We had to go to the park. So we got the best we could find. Knowing how they take care of the park. Now we just need to make sure the water still works in here. But first." Wanda had emptied all the bad soil. Lifting my claw in the new soil. I took a taste. " Hmm in Between. I doubt we would find rich soil. Unless we find some cows. But I think we got enough water for a while. Since I noticed all the buckets full of rainwater." Savannah nodded. " Well for now till we get the power going. But I don't see the point of doing that till the time is right. " I gave a nod while Wanda took the seeds of various veggies. Like Corn so on planting them all in various places. She lifted the bucket in her mouth gently spreading the water around. George did the same. I stayed back and just watched as Savannah asked me to. " Now we might need to power up the freezer. So George and I can have some fresh meat. Because I plan on finding a farm and get some." Savannah turned to me. "There is enough MRE's around this town Malla. We can use those until we are ready. That will be my call here you all understand that?" George and Wanda nodded. She looked up at me with the eyes of a leader. " Do you agree with that Malla?" Giving a nod. Savannah smirked " Good Dragon." The sun finally went down it was taking a while to get things up and running. But of course, that happens when you only start working the first day. Walking out of the Greenhouse. I noticed Savannah with a list. Listing things off with George. "Let’s see. We have enough water for the moment. We can even drink noncold water. Soda as well we have enough MRE's." George kept listing off. " I would say we should hunt for batteries and more fuel. You do know this would be easy with a Kindle. I could go take a few." Savannah thought a moment. " I agree, Come on let’s go switch the list to those. We could use the battery charger that Malla brought with her. Since it has outlets in it." I heard a voice sound that sounded like Lyra. Of course, she sounded a bit worried. "Malla?" She called out. Another voice sounded out. " Oh hello miss," George said. "Ahhh a Diamond Dog." "Huh?" I sighed walking to the entrance seeing Lyra in fear. Hiding beside Wanda. "She seems to be scared of you George." George laughed and Lyra ran to me hiding behind me. "Malla who are these ponies creatures." "Lyra these are survivors. After you left to look for a leader. These two showed up." Lyra blinks looking up to me. "You mean survivor's like you?" Then of course Savannah pulled Lyra away from me and they stared at each other. "Now tell me who you are before I break your leg's." The Zebra said with a harsh look in her eyes. Lyra looked like she wasn't sure what to say. "Um. I am Lyra..." "Oh, the one that helped Malla get here? Good, I didn't want to have to kill you. Come on George I need your hands." She turned to me. "You stay here Malla no need for you to break down again and smash more stuff." Lyra groaned. " Really? You said you were out of it..." " I thought I was as well Lyra. But this is Wanda." Lyra turned to Wanda smiling. "I'm Lyra Heartstrings nice to meet you, Wanda." Wanda smiled she looked a bit sad as well. "Forgive me if I'm not happy to meet you miss Lyra. Just to this is still new to me. The fact I lost so much time..and my family." Lyra blinks looking over to me I gave a nod. The unicorn mare calmly nuzzled Wanda. "I can understand. Maybe I could play some music for you hmm? It is my talent after all." Wanda looks back at me. I simply nodded " I will go back to my hoard since.." "Hey, Malla get y our butt over here." I Blinked looking over to Savannah who stood there. Wanda Whispered in Lyra's ear. Lyra blinked giggling. I walked over to the Zebra standing over her tilting my head. " Yes?" She spoke in a soft gentle voice. "Do you wish to help me Malla? A little weak thing like me?" She said with a soft smirk. George’s face pawed. "I..." Blinking not sure what to think at all. Finally, I was able to say the words. "What do you need?" "I need a strong Dragon to help George and I get some of the stuff off the shelves so we can take them apart and the makeshift home's in here...Can you do this for me?" She said smiling. I felt like I was getting an ego from how kind she was, being to me. I don't know why my crest popped out like I was expecting something for this. I could hear Lyra speak. "Heh, she tamed her as I did.." Wanda giggles. "Then come with me Malla," Savannah said smirking. Why did I feel like this what is with them playing with my dragon side like this? Why does it affect me so? 0000 August 10th A few days had passed we have been working hard on many things. It's been a weird couple of days. Savannah is still working on getting our power ready. We have planted seeds Lyra has been extremely helpful she has kept Wanda from sobbing and crying. Something is worrying me though when will Lyra tell us what is going on? Anyway, there haven’t been any new souls yet. I have set up a radio to broadcast but the issue is I have no idea how to do that. I have asked George to do it and while listening to him is odd. He played some weird music. I had another radio on while he did this. Now thanks to Savannah this won't take up to much power. She gave the radio its own generator. "That was the Who's Now to all you young ones out there if there are any. I'm sorry for sounding so boring. Now enough with the music. To all survivors or ones that are hiding from the various new threats of our world. I want you to know that we are out there waiting for you. You aren’t alone my friends. I have changed as well an old man that should have died years ago during the time of drugs and happiness." He chuckled I didn't know why he went into that. But I am starting to wonder about myself. It's been a trial for all of us. Wanda wants her family. George is doing all he can to help her. As for me, I don't know what is wrong I have a feeling of fear in my heart. Are there souls out there so alone? Are there children dying? I don't know the fear of all this is worrying. We have talkies now and we keep in touch the best way we can. Savannah stays around to try to find a way to get the entire store to light up. She said this will take longer then she thought. She said that we will be fine during the winter unless something bad happens. We have been using our ahem droppings for growing. Now the crops have slowly been coming. We went to a few of the farms not far from here Made a pen for the cows we even got some goats. I grew up on goats milk we even have chickens. I can't be to take care of it. With how I look I would scare everything. So I have to stay out of the way of the creatures. I looked up the journal a moment everything looked so calm. It was raining outside I was sitting under the gas station just hearing the rain come down. Lyra has been very helpful with all the beast. We used the freezer to keep it all good Savannah kind of found a way to power it without powering the entire building. She feels it's not time to do that yet. Lucky for us we have a lot of fuel but I am not sure what to do. I don't eat like they do something I fear is coming. We haven't heard from anyone else. But we might Savannah is going to go to a radio station with George and grab a few towers if we can get them. But we do know that some stations have extra. It's an issue I have been on my hoard a lot lately. "Thinking?" I closed my journal looking over to Lyra with a soft smile forming on my face. "Yes Lyra, to think of it I would have been very lost without you, my friend." Lyra smiled wide it's rare that I even thank her or be this kind to her. "You're going soft Malla ever since that zebra showed up." I rolled my eyes. "Me soft?! Nooo, perish the thought Lyra." The rain came down harder I watched as our rain barrels filled up with water. We have found a few cars to use even a large trailer just in case we need to go somewhere in Michigan. Savannah has been doing a lot. Lyra sat beside me holding her Lyre playing the music. I haven't slept in days I have been working so hard. I have been.. I felt the music slowly making me tired. "No Lyra not again please..." Lyra stared at me while she played music. "Malla you haven't slept at all from what I have been told. You need to rest." I felt dizzy the music George was playing added to the music of Lyra's. I couldn't fight it. No Lyra please I begged with my eyes not to do this to me again. The music kept playing I felt myself slowly starting to pass out I reached for Lyra I had tears falling from eyes. "No, please... Lyra...n...n...o.." My vision went dark falling asleep.